W~rmeund StolfObertragung W~irme- und Stofftibertragung 22, 45-54 (1988) 9 Springer-Verlag 1988 Second-order boundary-layer effects for the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-point flow M. Kumari, Bangalore, India Abstract. All the second-order boundary-layer effects on the unsteady laminar incompressible flow at the stagnation-point of a three-dimensional body for both nodal and saddle point regions have been studied. It has been assumed that the freestream velocity, wall temperature and mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time. The effect of the Prandtl number has been taken into account. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been derived for the first time and then solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the unsteady free-stream velocity distributions, the nature of the stagnation point and the mass transfer strongly affect the skin friction and heat transfer whereas the effects of the Prandtl number and the variation of the wall temperature with time are only on the heat transfer. The skin friction due to the combined effects of first- and second-order boundary layers is less than the skin friction due to, the first-order boundary layers whereas the heat transfer has the opposite behaviour. Suction increases the skin friction and heat transfer but injection does the opposite. Grenzschichteffekte zweiter Ordnung t'dr laminare inkompressible dreidimensionale Staupunktstr~mung Zusammenfassung. Es wurden Grenzschichteffekte zweiter Ordnung bei instation~irer laminarer inkompressibler Str6mung am Staupunkt eines dreidimensionalen K6rpers, sowohl ftir knotenartige als auch ffir sattelf6rmige Bereiche studiert. Dabei wurde angenommen, dab die Freistrahlgeschwindigkeit, d i e Wandtemperatur und der Stofffibergang beliebig mit der Zeit variieren. Der Einflul3 Prandtlzahl wurde mit in Betracht gezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen welche die Str6mung beschreiben, wurden zum ersten Mal abgeleitet und dann numerisch gel6st, wobei ein implizites finites Differenzverfahren verwendet wurde. Es wurde gefunden, dab die Verteilung der instation~iren Freistrahlgeschwindigkeit die Natur des Staupunktes und der Stofftransport die Wandreibung und den W~irmeiibergang stark beeinflussen, w~ihrend die Prandtl-Zahl und zeitlich ver~inderliche Wandtemperaturen sich nur auf den W~irmetibergang auswirken. Die Wandreibung infolge der kombinierten Einflfisse von Grenzschichten erster und zweiter Ordnung ist kleiner als diejenige infolge der Grenzschichten erster Ordnung, w~ihrend der W~irmetransport umgekehrtes Verhalten zeigt. Eine Absaugung erh6ht die Wandreibung und den W~irmeiibergang Zublasen hat umgekehrte Wirkung. 1 Introduction Prandtl's boundary-layer theory provides a relatively accurate description of simple flow situations. However, many flows that occur in modern technology possess characteristics that cannot be treated within the simple framework of the Prandtl approximation. It is necessary for these more complicated flows, to seek approximate solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations that are of higher accuracy than the classical or Prandtl approximation. This extension of classical boundary-layer theory is called higher-order boundary-layer theory. Prandtl's theory represents only the first approximation to the Navier-Stokes equations. The second-order correction to the Prandtl approximation can be formulated by taking into account the curvature effect due to the longitudinal and transverse curvatures of the body surface, displacement and vorticity effects due to the interaction of the boundary-layer with external flow. The excellent reviews of the second-order boundary layers for steady two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies have been given by Van Dyke [1] and Gersten and Gross [2]. The self-similar solution of the unsteady secondorder two-dimensional and axisymmetric boundary layers for incompressible and compressible fluids has been obtained by Afzal and Rizvi [3], Arunachalam and Rajappa [4], Vasantha [5] and Vasantha and Nath [6]. The steady laminar incompressible and compressible three-dimensional stagnation-point second-order boundary-layer flows with or without mass transfer for nodal point of attachment have been investigated by Papenfuss [7-11], Gersten et al. [12] and Dwoyer et al. [13]. The steady three-dimensional stagnation-point second-order boundary layers for incompressible and compressible fluids for large mass transfer rates for both nodal and saddle points of attachments have been investigated by Vasantha [5], Krishnaswamy [14] and Krishnaswamy and Nath [15]. Recently, Kumari [16] has obtained the self-similar solution of the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-po(nt second-order boundary layers 46 W~irme- und Stofftibertragung 22 (1988) for both nodal and saddle points of attachments. It m a y be remarked that the unsteady three-dimensional stagnationpoint second-order boundary-layer flow when the freestream varies arbitrarily with time has not been studied so far. We have studied the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional second-order boundary-layer flow for nodal and saddle point regions when the free-stream velocity, mass transfer and wall temperature vary arbitrarily with time. The effect of the Prandtl number has also been taken into account. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been obtained for the first time and subsequently were solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The steady-state results have been compared with those obtained by Vasantha [5] and Papenfuss [7]. The boundary conditions are .f=J~,'f'=g=g'=O, f'-*l, g'--+l, 0=l-~(t*) 0--+1, as ,=0} at 1,/--*oo for t* >_- O. (2) Second-order equations (i) Longitudinal curvature (3 a) DI (Fr, Gr) = - r/if" + (0 (1 - c) r/+ c y (1 - f i g ' ) dtI + ~ + c f l - c x 0 + (p-I ~0t. [ r / - c~- f + r/if] + cq + r/ft~ , f t . , D 2 ( F L , GL) = -- rlff"' + [g" + ~9( f + cg) g' - ~o2c rl] + ~o- 1 ~ot, I,/[g' - 2] + r/g',,, 2 Governing equations D3(HL)=O'{~oPr[rl(f+cg)-(FL+cGL)]--I We consider the unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow in the stagnation region of a three-dimensional body when the velocity of the free-stream varies arbitrarily with time. It is assumed that the body has two planes of symmetry and the principal axes of the flow at the stagnation-point coincide with the directions of the principal curvature of the body (Fig. 1). The first- and second-order boundary-layer equations for three-dimensional flows can be obtained from the Navier-Stokes equations by using the method of matched asymptotic expansion. The detailed derivations of the first- and second-order boundary-layer equations are given in [5, 7, 8], we omit the details here and present the governing equations with boundary conditions in final form as: }. (3c) Boundary conditions FL=F'L=GL=G'L=HL=O F),~-r/oo, G~--*r/oo, at r/=0 HL~0, as q--*oo for ] t*_-->0. (4) (ii) Transverse curvature D1 (Ft, G,) = - rlf'" + [ f " + ~o(f + cg) f ' - ~o2 q] + ~0-1 (0,. r / I f ' - 2] + rlf;*, (5 a) D 2 (F,, Gt) = - rlg'" + (o (5 b) [ (c-1)'+i(1-f'g')dtl+a+cfl-X]o + q~-~ ~,.[q - f l - g + vlg'] + 9(2 q" i']gt, * --gt*, First-order equations f'"+ (3 b) ~o(f+ c g ) f " + ~o(1 _ f , 2) + (a-l r (1 - f ' ) - f [ = O, (1 a) D3(H,)=O'{~oPr[rl(f+cg)-(Ft+c@) ] - 1}. (5c) Boundary conditions g " ' 4:- ~9( f q- Cg) g " q- (tic (1 -- g , 2 ) + (p-1 qh. (1 - g ' ) - g't. = 0, (1 b) Ft 0" + ~oP r ( f + cg) 0 ' - PRO,. = 0. (1 c) F~r/oo, = F't = Gt = G~ = Ht = 0 G't~-r/~, at r/= 0 Hi--+0 as r/~oo for l t*_-> 0. (6) (iii) Boundary-layer displacement (terms ,-~ U21) D 1 (Fd, Gd) = -- 2 ~o-- (0-1 (pt., (7 a) D: (Fd, Gd) = 0, (7 b) D3 (Hd) = -- ~oO' Pr (Fd + cGd) . (7 c) Boundary conditions Fd=F'd=Gd=G'd=Hd=O Fig. 1. Three-dimensional geometry and coordinate system F~I, Gh-*0, Hd~0 at as r/=0, r/~oo, for ! t* >-- 0. (8) M. Kumari: Second-order boundary-layer effects for the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-point flow iv) Boundary-layer displacement (terms ~ wlU00 = WII kxO Z (p {9' + 6UIlI/2[GrL -- rlO'+ kG't] W21 ) D 1 (FD, GD) = O, (9 a) D2 (FD, GD) = -- 2 ~0-- ~-~ q~t*/C, (9 b) D 3 (HD) = -- (o O' Pr ( F D + c GD) . (9 c) Boundary conditions at FD=F'D=GD=G'D=HD=O F'~ ~ O, G'~ o 1/c , HD ~ O as ! r/~, for + e U711 [U2I G'a+ W21G'D] + e U~13/2[f2~l G;,+ (2xl G'v]}, (15d) (T- Tw)/(ToD - Tw) = O' + e UTll/Z[HL + kilt] + e Uu 1 [U21Hd+ W21HD] + e U~l3/2 [(2= I H,. + f2xi Hv], (15e) fw=A/q(t*), r/=0, = ~ (11 a) D 2 (F,,, G,,) = 0, (11 b) D3 (H,.) = - ~oO' Pr (F,, + c G,,). (11 c) at F,,=F;=G~.=G;.=H,,=O q=0, } as H,~O G~, ~ O, D3(H) G'-G~,, =H'+(oPr(f+cg)H'-PrHt,, (16b) (16c) D2 (Fv, Gv) = q) (c~ + c fl) , (13b) D3 (Hv) = - (13 c) (oO' P r ( F v + cGv) . Boundary conditions G'v ~ - q00/~o c , at r/= 0 , as Hv~O for q--*o~, I (14) t* >- 0. The initial conditions for both first and second order boundary layer equations are given by the steady-state equations (t* = 0) obtained by putting t* = 0, ~p= (01 = 1, (),, = 0 in Eqs. (1)-(14). Here rl = kxoY UI~2 R e 1/2 , t* = U00kxo Ull t , k = kzo/kxo, (17a) fl = lira ( q - g ) , (lYb) X = ~ ( l - f r O ' ) drl, (17 c) 0 (13 a) F v = F'v = G v = G'v = H v = 0 7 = lira ( q - f ) , (12) t*=0. D~ (Fv, Gv) = O, c = WIT~U11, (15a) u/U00 = UII kxo x q) { f ' + e UT11/2[F'L + k (F't - q f ' ) ] + e U711 [U21 F'a + W21 Fb] + e UTl3/2 [f2z iF,'. + Qx i F'v]}, (15b) o 'r;l/2 G ~II (/){[f+ 2(ocg'G' +~og'(F+cG)-~o-J~ot, q --+ 00 (vi) Vorticity interaction (terms ~ f2xl) v/U00 = - (151) (16 a) F~,, Dz(F, G) = G " + ~o(f + c g ) G ' - r/~00 r/--,~, for Re = (U000)/(kxo,U), 1/2. and the functions 7, fl, Z, ~1 and c~2 are defined as Boundary conditions F'v ~ O , e=Re D j (F, G) = F " + ~0( f + co) F" - 2 o f ' F' + q)f" (F + c G) - ~o- I ~ot, F ' - (~. + c f l ) , F~ -~ - r100/~o, 000=U00q~(t*), The operators D1, D2 and D3 are given by (10) t*_>--O. (v) Vorticity interaction (terms ~ f2: ~) D 1 (F,., G ) 47 CO] + C U~ll/2 9 [FL + cGL -- r l ( f + co) + k (Ft + c Gt - r / ( f + co))] + e U711 [U21 (Fd + c Ga) + W21 (FD + CGD)] + e U713/2 "[f2~l(F,,+cG~.)+f2xl(Fv+cGv)]}. (15c) 7 1 = lim J~,, (17 d) r/~o0 72 : lira gt*. (17e) r/~oO Here x, y and z are the principal, normal and transverse directions, respectively; u, v and w are the dimensional velocity components in the x, y and z directions, respectively; T is the temperature; f and 9 are the first-order dimensionless stream functions in the x and z directions, respectively; f ' and g ' are the first-order dimensionless velocity components in the x and z directions, respectively; 0 is the first-order dimensionless temperature; F and G are the second-order dimensionless stream functions in the x and z directions, respectively; F ' and G' are the second-order dimensionless velocity components in the x and z directions, respectively; H is the second-order dimensionless temperature; r/is the independent variable; t and t* are the dimensional and dimensionless times, respectively; Re is the Reynolds number; kxO and k~o are the normal curvatures of the coordinate lines, measured in the x and z directions, respectively; U~I and W~I are the first-order potential flow velocity gradients in the x and z directions, respectively; U21 and W21 are the secondorder potential flow velocity gradients in the x and z directions, respectively; U00, 0, ~t and T00 are the freestream velocity at t* = 0, density, coefficient of viscosity and free-stream temperature, respectively; c is the ratio of the velocity gradients in the z and x directions (c >-0 (0=<c=<l) for nodal point of attachment and c < 0 48 W/irme- und Stofflibertragung 22 (1988) ( - 1 -< c < 0) for saddle point of attachment); Pr is the Prandtl number; A is the surface mass transfer parameter (A < 0 for injection and A > 0 for suction); ~0 is an arbitrary function representing the nature of the unsteadiness in the external stream and has a continuous derivative and ~01 represents the variation of the wall temperature with time. The subscripts L, t, d, D, v and V denote the longitudinal curvature effect, transverse curvature effect, displacement effect (terms ~ U21), displacement effect (terms ~ W20, vorticity interaction effect (terms ~f2~1) and vorticity interaction effect (terms ~ t2xl), respectively. The subscript w denotes conditions at the wall, the subscript t* denotes derivatives with respect to t* and prime denotes derivatives with respect to t/. We assume that the flow is initially steady and then becomes unsteady for t * > 0. As mentioned earlier, the steady-state equations are obtained by putting ~0(t*)=l.0, ~o~(t*)=l.0, ~ot,=0, ()t,=0 (18) in Eqs. (1)-(14) and they are the same as those obtained by Vasantha [5] and Papenfuss [7-8]. The first-order skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions and the heat-transfer coefficient, in the form of Stanton number St, can be expressed as 3 Results and discussion The set of nonlinear Eq. (1) representing the first-order boundary layer together with boundary conditions (2) for nodal-point flows (0 _-<c _-< 1) has been solved by the method of quasilinearization with implicit finite-difference scheme. Then the second-order boundary-layer equations represented by the set of linear Eqs. (3), (5), (7), (9), (11), (13) with boundary conditions (4), (6), (8), (10), (12), (14) have been solved by the method of implicit finitedifference scheme. Due to the reverse nature of the flow in the saddle-point region ( - 1 < c < 0) we have used the method of parametric differentiation in combination with the implicit finite-difference scheme. Since the detailed description of the methods has been given in [14, 17-22], it is not presented here. The step sizes A~/ and At* were optimized and At/=0.01 and At* =0.1 were used throughout the computation 9 Further reduction in the step sizes At/and At* changes the results only in the fourth decimal place. The computations have been carried out for various values of the mass transfer parameter A, the parameter characterizing the nature of the stagnation point c and the Prandtl number Pr. The unsteady freestream velocity distributions and the wall temperature distribution considered are given by C f x I = "gwxllO U 2 = • trT3/2 J l l kxo x ~of" (0) (19 a) q)(t*) = l + e t Clz, = rwzl/~ u 2 = e u3~Z kxo z ~oc 9 " (0), (19 b) = 1+ St1 = - qwl/[OCp Uoo (Tw - Too)] = e UV12Pr -l 0' (0). (19c) The skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions and the heat-transfer coefficient, in the form of Stanton number St due to the combined effects of first- and second-order can be expressed as C[.x = 75wx/Q U 2 = e UI1 3/2 kxox 9 {~0f" (0) + e U]-I1/2 (]7[F~ (0) + k F ' / ( 0 ) ] q- ~3U I I 1 ~ 9 [ U 2 1 F " d (0) + W21F~ (0)] + e U]-I3/2 q) 9[(2z 1F'; (0) + (2x I F'{~(0)1}, ~z (20 a) i;3/2 ]Cx0 Z C : r w '. / O U 2 : e ~'~11 9 {~o g" (0) + e Ufl 1/2 ~o[G~ (0) + k G'; (0)] + e U l l 1 q) " [U21G~ (O) + W21G~(0)] + e U~13/2 ~9[~2zl -}- ~"2xI G'~(0)I}, St G'J (O) (20 b) = - qw/[OCp Uoo (Tw - Too)] = ~. 1r r1l / 2 D ~ ,~ - I {0'(0) + e UH1/2[H~(O) + kH't(O)] + e U711[U21HS(0) + W21 HA (0)1 -b ,~ U~I 3/2 [~'~z 1 H;. (0) + (2xl H~(0)]}. (20 c) Here Cfx and Cfz are the skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions, respectively; St is the Stanton number representing the heat transfer; rwx and Zw~ are the wall shear stresses in the x and z directions, respectively; qw is the rate of heat transfer and Cp is the specific heat at a constant pressure9 The subscripts 1 and 2 denote the firstand second-order boundary-layer effects, respectively. .2, e1 (o(t*)=l-et .2, ~o(t*) sin 2 (co* t*), qh (t*) = 1 - e2t*, where e, el and e2 are constants and co* is the frequency parameter. In order to assess the accuracy of our method, we have compared steady-state results with those of Vasantha [5] and Papenfuss [7] and found them in good agreement (Fig. 2). We assume that the (2zl, f2xl and U21 are negative and 0-<f2zl, f2xl--<0.6 for - l _ - < c - 1 [23], U 2 1 = - 0 . 6 1 [24-25]. The value of e is taken to be 0.1. Figures 3 - 9 show the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients due to the first-order boundary layers and due to the combined effect of first- and second-order boundary layers for the case of an accelerating stream (~0(t*)= l + e t * 2 ) . The results for the decelerating ( ~ ( t * ) = 1 - e t *z) and oscillating (~0(t*)= 1 + el sin2(co * t*)) streams are given in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. Figures 12-17 depict the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients due to the longitudinal and transverse curvatures (Figs. 12, 13), boundary-layer displacement (Figs. 14, 15) and vorticity interaction (Figs. 16, 17) for the case ~0(t*)= 1 + e t .2. We have not discussed here the results due to the firstorder boundary layers as they are available elsewhere in the literature [26-27]. It has been observed from Figs. 3-11 that the skinfriction coefficients in the x and z directions Cfx(Cfx = [e U3~2 kxO x]-I Cfx) and Cfz (Cfz = [e U3~2 kxo z]- 1 Cfz ) due to the first- and second-order boundary layers are less than M. Kumari: Second-order boundary-layer effects for the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-point flow 49 4.C 0.3 3.0 3.2"~ -'- I~ =: I ~ 2.0 0.1 ] 1.0 0.75 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 LO0 r Fig. 2. Skin-friction parameters in the x-direction F)~ (0) and F~' (0), skin-friction parameters in the z-direction GZ (0) and G[' (0) and heat-transfer parameters H~ (0) and H~(0) for t* = 0, ~o(t*) = 1.0 and ~o1(t*)= 1.0. - - , present solution; 9 Vasantha; A, Papenfuss I i / / 10. 7.! Io 5.1 2.! 0 o 1.o 2.0 3.o Fig. 3. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction ~/x and (~fxl for f0(t*_)= l + e t .2, (&(t*)= 1.0, c=0.5, Pr=0.7 and e=0.25. ,c:x; ..... ,Csx, o o 1.o 2.0 3.0 t~ Fig. 4. Skin-friction coefficients in the z-direction Cfz and Cf;l for e(t*)= l + e t .2, ~01(t*)= 1.0, c=0.5, Pr=0.7 and e=0.25. the skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions Cfxl and Cfzl due to the first-order boundary layers, respectively. This is true for all values of time t*, the mass transfer parameter A and the parameter characterizing the nature of the stagnation point c. It has also been observed that the second-order effects become more pronounced on Cfx and CU~ as t* or A or Pr increases or c decreases. For all values of t*, A, c and Pr, the heat-transfer coefficient St (St = [e,~ll'rJl2pr-1]-I St) due to the combined effects of first- and second-order is more than the firstorder heat-transfer coefficient Stl. The coefficient ST increases less than S t I a s t * , A and Pr increase or c decreases. The variations of skin friction and heat transfer with time t* are significant for large times. Figures 3 - 5 depict the effect of the mass transfer parameter (A) on the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients (~lx, ~rz, S~) with t*. It is evident from these figures that for all values of the mass transfer parameter A, the skin-friction coefficient in the x-direction Cfx, skinfriction coefficient__ in the z-direction (~fz and heat-transfer coefficient St increase as t* increases. Injection (A < 0) decreases the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients and suction (A > 0) does the reverse. This is due to thickening of both velocity and thermal boundary layers with injection which causes deceleration in the fluid with the result that both skin friction and heat transfer decrease 50 W~rme- und Stofft~bertragung 22 (1988) i It l I 2"01 1.5 //// 3.4 C=-I iC ~2.4 I~ ~.o // J/ / / 0.5 // / J 1,4 / -1-/1 0 0 2 . ~ / l 2.0 1,0 3.0 0.4 / I 0 I 1.0 2.0 t~ t~ Fig. 5. Heat-transfer coefficients S t and S t ] for fp~_*) = 1 +_et .2, ql (t*) = 1.0, c = 0.5, P r = 0.7 and e = 0.25. , St; ..... , Stl I 3.0 Cf~ coefficients in t h e z - d i r e c t i o n and C f z l f o r ~o ( t * ) = 1 + e t .2, ~oI (t*) = 1 - e2t*, A = 0.0, P r = 0 . 7 , e = 0 . 2 5 and 62 = 0.1. , C f z , ~ol ( t * ) = 1.0; . . . . . , C f z i , ~ol ( t * ) = 1.0 Fig. 7. Skin-•ction I 9.0 f / I 1.5 I j jJ /// 7.0 / ,,5.0 / / /~ J 1.3 J J / / / / J J / J 7 [ ~ 1.1 0,s c =-0.5// 3.0 0.7 0.5 1.o ~- 0 1.0 t ~- 2.0 3.0 Fig. 6. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction Cfx and Cjxl for ~ ( t * ) = 1 + et .2, ~01(t*) ~ 1 - e2t*, A = 0.0, Pr = 0.7, e = 0.25 and e2 = 0.1. - - . , C f x , r ( t * ) = 1.0; . . . . . , C / x 1 , ~~ ( t * ) = 1.0 0.5 t 0 ~.0 2.0 3.0 t~ Fig. 8. Heat-transfer coefficients St and Sq for ( o ( t * ) = 1 + et .2, ~ ( t * ) = 1 - e 2 t * , A=O.O, P r = 0 . 7 , e = 0 . 2 5 and e 2 = O . 1 . - - , St, qh ( t * ) = 1.0; - - - - - , S q , (Pl ( t * ) = 1.0; , St, (01 (t*)= 1 - e2 t * ; - - - - - , Stl, (Pl (t*) = 1 - e2t* M. Kumari: Second-order boundary-layer effects for the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-point flow with injection. For suction, the opposite trend is observed. It has also been observed from these figures that the effect of the parameter A on CU~, Cj~ and St increases with t*. The effect of suction is more pronounced on CU;, Cf~ and St than the effect of injection. The skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients Cfx, Cj= and St for different values of the parameter c characterizing the nature of the stagnation point are shown in Figs. 6 - 8 . Figure 9 depicts the effect of the Prandtl number Pr on the heat-transfer coefficient St. These figures show that the coefficients Cj~, and S~ increase at t* increases. This is true for all values of the parameter c. It is also clear from these figures that the coefficients CU~, Cj.~ and S~ decrease as c decreases until at some negative c then Cj~ is reversed and Cf~ and S-~ begin to increase as c decreases. Similar trend has also been observed in the case of first-order boundary layers [26-27]. The effect of the parameter c on Cj~, Cfz and St increases as t* increases. It has also been observed that the variation of the wall temperature with time has its effect only on the heat-transfer coefficient St. The coefficient St increases with t* as the wall temperature decreases with t* and the effect of the variation of the wall temperature with time decreases as t* increases. The heat-transfer coefficient St increases as t* or Prandtl number Pr increases. St increases more with t* for small value of the Prandtl number Pr and increases less for large value of Pr (Fig. 9). 2.0 [ ~1.o ~ x 0.5 0.4 o I 0.5 , I 1.0 0.3 1.5 t ~ Fig. 10. Skin-friction coefficients in t h e x-direction Cfx and Cfxl, skin-friction coefficients in t h e z - d i r e c t i o n Cj.z a n d Cjz i a n d heattransfer coefficients St a n d St t for ~0(t*) = 1 - et .2, qh (t*) = 1.0, A = 0.0, c = 0.5, Pr = 0.7 a n d e = 0.25 1.6 , 13.7 I It) Cfz 2.5 51 I Cfxl I // // 1.2 t#, 2.0 [#, Cfx 0.9_ w- I~ 0.6, st 2 Io I~ 1.5 ~o. L,Y II f,Y 0.48 / 0.5 I 1,0 I 2.0 3.0 0,38 0 1.0 2.0 3.0" t~ Fig. 9. H e a t - t r a n s f e r coefficients S t and S q f o r ~o(t*) = ] + ~t .2, el ( t * ) = 1.0, A = 0.0, c = 0.5 and e = 0 . 2 5 . - - , S t ; . . . . , St1 Fig. 11. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction C_fx and CU~I, skin-friction coefficients in the z-direction Cfz and C)..l and beattransfer coefficients St and Sil for ~o(t*)= 1 + e] s(n2 (co* t*), ~01(t*) = 1.0,A = 0.0, c = 0.5, Pr = 0.7, el = 0.1 and co* = 5.6 W~rme- und Stoffiibertragung 22 (1988) 52 2.0 I I I .4O"/* z~ Cfz2t -2.01- ~ E f h.5 X2 L 7. 5 0.34 Cfx2O~ N • -4.oF- /~ -la.O It9 ~ 5.0 I~ -0.241o~ CfzzO Cfx2t -6.oF___--------~ do.s 2.s~- "'.>V" /// / -~o.14 Cfz~ -8 0 I [ 1.0 0 2.0 3.0 t~ I i ~t2t 0.2 r7 S 2L -0.2 -0.4 I 1.0 I t* 2.0 3.0 St2L and St2t for r l + e t .2, (Pl(t*)=l.0, A=0.0, c=0.5 and e=0.25. Pr=0.7; , Pr= 1.0; . . . . . , Pr=7.0 (longitudinal and Fig. 13. Heat-transfer coefficients transverse curvatures) I 1.0 I 2.0 10.04 3.0 t~ Fig. 12. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction ~x2L and Cjx2t and skin-friction coefficients in the z-direction CT:2L and Cfz2t for ~o(t*)= 1 + e t .2, ~01(t*) = 1.0, A = 0.0, c = 0.5, P r = 0.7 and e = 0.25 (longitudinal and transverse curvatures) 0.4 0t 0 Fig. 14. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction Cfx2a, C_fx2D and skin-friction coefficients in the z-direction (~fz2d and Cf~2D for ~0(t*)= 1 + e t .2, (pl(t*) = 1.0, A=0.0, c=0.5, Pr=0.7 and e = 0.25 (displacement ~ U21 and W2]) Figures 10 and 11 show the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients for the decelerating (~0(t*)= 1 - e t .2) and oscillating (~0 (t*) = 1 + el sin 2 (co* t*)) free stream. It has been observed from Fig. 10 that the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients Cfx, Cfz and St decrease with t* when the free-stream decelerates with time ( r 1 - e t*2). This behaviour is true for all values of the parameters A, c and Pr. In the case of oscillating free stream (p (t*) = 1 + e I sin 2 (co* t*), the coefficients Cfx, Cjz and St oscillate with t*. It has also been observed that Cfx oscillates more with t* and compared to Cfz and St (Fig. 11). The skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients due to longitudinal and transverse curvatures are depicted in Figs. 12-13. Figures 1 4 - 1 5 show displacement effects (terms ~ U21 and W21) on the skin-friction and heattransfer coefficients. The effects of vorticity interaction (terms ~ 2 z l and ;2x]) on the skin-friction and heattransfer is displayed in Figs. 16-17. It has been observed that the skin-friction coefficient in the x direction due to longitudinal curvature (CfxzL) and skin-friction coefficient in the z direction due to transverse curvature (Cfz2t) decrease as t* increases whereas the skin-friction coefficient in the z direction due to longitudinal curvature (~fzZL) and skin-friction coefficient in the x direction due M. Kumari: Second-order boundary-layer effects for the unsteady laminar incompressible three-dimensional stagnation-point flow 1.00 I I 53 m -0.12 // / // 0.75 ,/ /- I~,e~ o.so ,/ s~/~ / / / / / -0.22 / // /;/ // / / / / -0.32 "~2v I / / / ./ / /- / 0.25 -0.42 / / / I 1.o 0 o / / / / / /" I 2.0 3.0 t* -0.52 --~-- 0 I / I 1.0 2.0 3.0 t~ Fig. 15. Heat-transfer coefficients St2d a n d St2D for ~o(t*)= l + 6 t .2, ( 0 1 ( t * ) = l . 0 , A=0.0, c=0.5 and 6=0.25. Pr = 0.7; , Pr = 1.0; . . . . . , Pr = 7.0 (displacement ~ U21 and W21) -1.2 I I C"f X 2v C'fz 2V -0.05 C'fz 2v L2 -0.10 I(J~ > -2.2 ~'f x 2V -0.15 -2.7 - 3.2 ~ Fig. 17. Heat-transfer coefficients St2,. and St2v for ~0(t*)= l + 6 t .2, (ot(t*)=l.0, A=0.0, c=0.5 and 6=0.25. Pr = 0.7; , Pr = 1.0; . . . . . , Pr = 7.0 (vorticity interaction O~1 and g2~l) to transverse curvature (Cfx2t) increase with t* (Fig. 12). The skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions due to displacement Cfx2a, (terms ~ U21), (terms ~ W21) increase as t* increases (Fig. 14). As t* increases, the skin-friction coefficients in the x and z directions due to vorticity interaction Cj~;~,, CU~2~., Cj~2v and Cfz2 v (terms ~ f2~ 1 and s l) decrease. It has been observed from Figs. 13, 15 and 17 that for all values of the Prandtl n u m b e r Pr, the heat-transfer coefficients due to longitudinal and transverse curvatures (St2L and St2t) first decrease and then increase as t* increases whereas the heat-transfer coefficients due to displacement (terms ~ U21 and W20 (Stza and St2D) and vorticity interaction (terms ~ ~z~ and ~2xl) (Stzv and St2v) increase with t*. It has also been observed from these figures that the heat-transfer coefficients St2L, Stzt, Stzv and Stzv decrease as Pr increases but St2a and St2D increase with it. This b e h a v i o u r is true for all values o f t*. As t* increases, the effect o f Pr is more pronounced on St2L, St2t, St2a and St2D whereas its effect becomes less o n Stzv and St2 v. CfzZd -1.7 ~< L - - 0 . 1.0 2 2.0 0 ~--'fx2D,CfzZD 3.0 t~ Fig. 16. Skin-friction coefficients in the x-direction Cf_x2~. and Cjx2 v and skin-friction coefficients in the z-direction Cjz2L, and Clz2 v for q~(t*) = 1 + 6 t . 2 , (Pl (t*) = 1.0, A = 0.0, c = 0.5, Pr = 0.7 and e = 0.25 (vorticity interaction ~ Dzl and s 4 Conclusions The partial differential equations governing the secondorder b o u n d a r y layers for the unsteady three-dimensional 54 W~trme- und Stofffibertragung 22 (1988) stagnation point flow have been derived for the first time. The results indicate that the skin friction and heat transfer are strongly affected by the unsteady free-stream velocity distributions, the nature o f the stagnation point and the mass transfer parameter. 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