Optional Additional Reading I. EVALUATION AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Journal of Policy

Optional Additional Reading
Bardach, Eugene (1994). “Comment: The Problem of Best Practice Research.” Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, 13(2):260-268.
Bardach, Eugene (2000). A Practical Guide to Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More
Effective Problem Solving. Washington, DC: CQ Press. ISBN: 1568029233.
Bardach, Eugene (2004). “Presidential Address – The Extrapolation Problem: How Can we
Learn from Experience of Others.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23 (2):205-220.
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams (1995). The Craft of Research.
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0226065685.
*Burawoy, Michael (1991). “The Extended Case Method.” Ethnography Unbound: Power and
Resistance in the Modern Metropolis. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN:
Chelimsky, Eleanor, and Willima R. Shadish (1997). Evaluation for the 21st Century.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 0761906118.
Chetkovich Carol and David Kirp (2001). “Cases and Controversies: How Novitiates are
Trained to be Masters of the Public Policy Universe.” Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 20 (2):283-314.
*Collier, David (1991). “The Comparative Method: Two Decades of Change.” Rustow, A. and
Erickson, K. eds, Comparative Political Dynamics. New York, NY: Harper Collins. ISBN:
0060456736. Pp 7-31.
Creswell, John W (2002). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 0761924426.
Daft, Richard L (1983). “Learning the Craft of Organizational Research." Academy of
Management Review 8(4):539-546.
Davis, Kathy (2005). “Transnational knowledges, transnational politics: the making of our
bodies, ourselves”. Talk given at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, April 6, 2005
Devereux, Stephen, and John Hoddinott, eds (1992). Fieldwork in Developing Countries.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. ISBN: 1555873928.
*Feagin, Joe R., Anthony M. Orum, and Gideon Sjoberg (eds.) (1991). A Case for the Case
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.
Study. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN: 0807843210.
*George, A. and Bennett, A. (2005). Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social
Sciences. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. ISBN: 0262572222.
Howes, Mick (1992). “Linking paradigms and practice: Key issues in the appraisal, monitoring
and evaluation of British NGO projects." Journal of International Development 4(4):375-396.
March, James G., Lee S. Sproull, and Michael Tamuz (1991). “Learning from Samples of One
or Fewer." Organization Science 2(1):1-13.
Patton, Michael Quinn (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. London, UK:
Sage Publications. ISBN: 0761919716.
Marcus, George (1998). Ethnography through Thick and Thin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. ISBN: 0691002533.
Marx, Gary (1997). “Of Methods and Manners for Aspiring Sociologists: 37 Moral
Imperatives." American Sociologist, pp. 102-125.
Piore, Michael J (1979). “Qualitative Research Techniques in Economics." Administrative
Science Quarterly 24 (December):560-569.
Salamon, Lester M (1979). “The Time Dimension in Policy Evaluation: The Case of the New
Deal Land-Reform Experiments." Public Policy 27 (Spring):129-182.
Stone, Deborah A (1989). “Causal Stories and the Formation of Policy Agendas.” Political
Science Quarterly 104(2):281-300.
Stone, L., and Campbell, J.G (1984). “The Use and Misuse of Surveys in International
Development: an Experiment from Nepal." Human Organization 43 (1):27-37.
Tendler, Judith (1982). Turning Private Voluntary Organizations Into Development Agencies:
Questions for Evaluation. A.I.D. Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 12. Washington
D.C.: U.S. Agency for International Development.
Weiss, Carol H. (1998). “Have We Learned Anything New About the Use of Evaluation?"
American Journal of Evaluation 19 (1):21-33.
Weiss, Carol and Fuller, Theodore (1983). “On Evaluating Development Assistance Projects:
Some Innovations." Evaluation Review 7 (2).
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.
Okely, Judith and Helen Calloway (eds.). Anthropology of Autobiography, ASA Monographs
Payne, Stanley (1951). The art of asking questions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New
Jersey. ISBN: 0691028214. Pp. 16-58,114-128, 138-141, 177-202.
Pelto, P. J (1991). “Interviewing Key Informants." Qualitative Research Methods Newsletter 2,
Tendler, Judith (1982). “Evaluation: Additional Questions and Suggestions." Turning Private
Voluntary Organizations Into Development Agencies: Questions for Evaluation. A.I.D.
Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 12. Washington D.C.: U.S. Agency for International
Development. Chapter 6 and Appendix B, pp. 127-151, A-1/A-10.
Thomas, Robert J (1993). “Interviewing Important People in Big Companies." Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography 22 (1):80-96.
Van Maanen, John (1988). Tales from the Field. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Weiner, Myron (1964). “Political Interviewing." In Ward, Robert, and Frank Bonilla editors.
Studying Politics Abroad. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company. No ISBN. Chapter 6.
Altshuler, Alan A., and Marc Zegans (1990). “Innovation and Creativity: Comparisons between
public management and private enterprise." Cities, February 1990.
Chisholm, D.W (1989). Coordination Without Hierarchy: Informal Structures in
Multiorganizational Systems. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN:
0520080378 . Pp. 1-19, 188-202 (Chapters 1, 9 and 10).
Davis, Jennifer (2004). “Scaling Up Urban Upgrading – Where are the Bottlenecks?”
International Development Planning Review, 26 (3):301-319.
DiIulio, Jr., John (1994). “Principled Agents: The Cultural Bases of Behavior in a Federal
Government Bureaucracy.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 4(3):277318 (read pp. 278-284, 314-316; rest optional).
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.
Graham T. Allison (1992). “Public and Private Management: Are They Fundamentally Alike in
All Unimportant Respects?" in Richard J. Stillman, III, ed., Public Administration: Concepts
and Cases, Fifth Edition (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992) ISBN: 0395906067,
chapter 10, pp. 282-288.
Grindle, Merilee (2004). "Good Enough Governance: Poverty Reduction and Reform in
Developing Countries." Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and
Institutions 17(4): 525-548.
Handler, Joel (1996). Down from Bureaucracy: the Ambiguity of Privatization and
Empowerment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 0691044619.
Johnson, R. and Libecap, G (1994). The federal civil service and the problem of bureaucracy:
the economics and politics of institutional change. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
ISBN: 0226401715.
Kettl, Donald F. and John J. Dilulio, Jr. (1995). “Learning from Public and Private Reform?"
In: Donald F. Kettl and John J. DiIulio, Jr. Cutting Government. A Report of the Brookings
Institution's Center for Public Management. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.
ISBN: 0815749139. Chapter 2, pp. 27-41. May 22. (Especially pp. 27-36, 40-41).
LaPorte, Todd and Paula Consolini (1991). “Working in Practice but Not in Theory: Theoretical
Challenges of High-Reliability Organizations.” Journal of Public Administration Research and
Theory, 1(1):19-48.
March, James (1972). “Model Bias in Social Action." Review of Educational Research 42
Pierson, Paul (2000). Increasing Returns, Path Dependence, and the Study of Politics. American
Political Science Review 94(2).
Rochlin, Gene, Todd R. La Porte and Karlene Roberts (1987). “The Self-Designing HighReliability Organization: Aircraft Carrier Flight Operations at Sea.” Naval War College Review
Schick, Allen (1998). “Why Most Development Countries should not try New Zealand
Reforms.” World Bank Research Observer 13(1):123-131.
Smith, Steven Rathgeb and Michael Lipsky. “Contracting for Services in the Welfare State" and
“Services and Clients under Contracting." In: Steven R. Smith and Michael Lipsky. Nonprofits
for Hire: The Welfare State in the Age of Contracting. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press, 1995. ISBN: 0674626397. Chapters 1 and 6.
Starr, Paul (1988). “The Meaning of Privatization." Yale Law and Policy Review 6:6-41.
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.
Tendler, Judith (1982). “Monitoring and Evaluation from Without." Rural Projects Through
Urban Eyes: An Interpretation of the World Bank's New-style Rural Development Projects.
World Bank Staff Working Papers, Number 532. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. ISBN:
0821300288. Pp. 69-75.
Weick, Karl. Making Sense of Organization. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Press, 2000. ISBN:
Bianchi, Tito (2000). “The origins of regional policy in Italy: The role of theory and practice.”
First Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Bianchi, Tito (1997). “Supply-Led Technology Adoption in Maranhão, Brazil: a Case of
Developmental Trade in the Small-scale Furniture Sector." Master’s Thesis, Department of
Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
Criscuolo, Alberto (2002). “Artisan Associations and Small Business Development in the
‘Third’ Italy." Master Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning,MIT
Coslovsky, Salo (2005). “The Ascension and Decline of the Amazonian Rubber Shoe Industry A tale of technology, international trade, and industrialization in the early 19th century.” First
Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
**Cummings, Betsy (2005). “Tiny Loans Stimulate the Appetite for More." New York Times,
January 27.
Damiani, Octavio (1994). “Collective Responses to Crisis: Agricultural Cooperatives and
Intermediaries in the Post-Sandinista Nicaragua.” Master’s Thesis, Department of Urban Studies
and Planning, MIT.
Dohnert, Sylvia (1998). “Collective Services, Large Firms, and Clustering Pulling Together the
Threads of the Cearense and Pernambucan Garment Industries.” Department of Urban Studies
and Planning, MIT.
Fisman, Lianne (2004). “Local Learning: An Empirical Study of Shifts in Children's
Environmental Awareness." First Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
Goelman, Ari (2002). “A Planner's Atlas: Finding Our Way Around New Mapping
Technologies." First year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.
McCarney, Patricia (1987). “The Life of an Idea: the Rise and Fall of Sites and Services at the
World Bank.” Phd Dissertation. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
Moss, Daniel (2000). “Why aren't we looking at lessons about producers-buyers relationship and
niche markets in non-export cases? - Farmers and wholesalers in El Salvador's Central wholesale
market”. Master’s Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
Pillai, Poonam (2000). “The State and Collective Action: Successful Adjustment by the Tamil
Nadu Leather Cluster to German Environmental Standards.” Master’s Thesis, Department of
Urban Studies and Planning
Serrano, Rodrigo (1996). “Who knows what’s best for the poor? - Demand-driven and rural
poverty programs in Northeast Brazil.” Master’s Thesis. Department of Urban Studies and
Planning, MIT.
Stock, Elizabeth (1995). “Why Labor-based Programs Have Had Limited Success and What to
Do About It: Evidence from Ghana.” Master’s Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and
Zhang, Hongliang (2004). “Self-Selection and Wage Differentials in Urban China: A
Polychotomous Model with Selectivity.” First Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and
*=Methodology of single or small-n case studies.
**= Newspaper articles that implicitly reveal good research questions.