IOD Bookstore Creating eBooks for iPads in the Classroom

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Creating eBooks for
iPads in the Classroom
Books, manuals, free downloads,
multimedia, gifts, and more
603.862.4320 | 800.378.0386
9am – 3pm
Crotched Mountain ATECH Services
57 Regional Drive, Suite 7, Concord, NH
Stay Connected:
To receive a full refund, cancellations
must be made in writing seven (7) days
prior to the event. Cancellations received
within six (6) days of the event are not
eligible for a refund.
If an event is cancelled or postponed,
registrants will be given the option of
cancelling their registration, receiving
a full refund, applying their registration
payment to another event, or attending
the event if the event is rescheduled.
56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Advance registration is required and
accepted in the order received. Payment
or a copy of a purchase order is due on
the day of or prior to the event.
E v e n t Policies
March 26, 2013
Registration Fee: $129
Workshop Instructor:
Dan Herlihy
Available in alternative formats upon request
Creating eBooks
for iPads in the
Registration Information:
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Time: 9am – 3pm, registration begins at 8:30
Location: Crotched Mountain ATECH Services
57 Regional Dr., Ste. 7, Concord, NH
Registration Fee: $129*
*Includes continental breakfast, lunch, & materials.
About the Presenter:
Dan Herlihy has been in the education field for
over 24 years working in wilderness programs for
at-risk students, in special education classrooms,
and as a private consultant providing training and
professional development to school systems. His
expertise is in taking diverse technologies and
connecting them together to provide solutions for
access to the curriculum. He presents nationally on
creating access on the fly, working with high and
low incidence disabilities, creating accessible test,
quiz and alternate assessment activities, and more.
Who Should Attend:
General and special educators, paraeducators,
speech pathologists, assistive technology
specialists, related service providers, parents, and
others are encouraged to attend.
phone/tty: 603.228.2084 | relay: 711
With the introduction of iPads into school and
classroom settings, educators are able to provide
better access to academic content electronically.
However, finding high-quality, curriculumappropriate digital materials that are ready for
classroom use can be challenging.
During this workshop, participants will learn how
to use computer programs and apps to create
customized eBooks for the purpose of classroom
instruction. Participants will learn how to
incorporate recorded sounds and images, as well as
tips for creating a polished finished product.
Other topics will include:
• A discussion of the differences among various
eReader apps and programs
• How to download and import free eBooks
from the web
• How to create eBooks from websites for
offline use
• Moving files from a computer to eReader apps
on an iPad
• Switch access options for students with
physical disabilities
Participants are required to bring an iPad and
a laptop (Mac or PC) with Mozilla Firefox web
browser installed. Participants must also have
administrative rights to install add-ons to Firefox.
Sponsored by Assistive Technology in New Hampshire (ATinNH)
Regist er Onl i ne at www. io d .u n h .ed u
fax: 603.228.3270
56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Re g i str ati o n Fo r m
Creating eBooks for
iPads in the Classroom
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 | 9am – 3pm | $129
Name: _________________________________
Employer / Organization: ____________________
Title / Position: ___________________________
Street Address: __________________________
City: _______________ State: ____ ZIP:________
This Address is my:
Daytime Phone: __________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________
An e-mail confirmation will be sent prior to the event
Please Select Method of Payment:
Check #: _______
Checks can be made payable to the University of NH
Purchase Order #: _______
Billing Name: _________________________
Billing Phone: _________________________
Billing E-mail: _________________________
Visa/MC#: ___________________________
Exp. Date: _______ CVV Code: _______
Total Amount: $________________________
I understand and agree to the event policies on
the reverse (Signature Required)
Signature: ______________________________
Please note any dietary or accessibility accommodations:
*Payment must be received prior to participation.