– NH Community Resource Mapping Process Assessment


Community Resource Mapping

– NH

Process Assessment

Crane, Mann and Muscott (2007)

Collaborative: _________________________________________________ Date :___________



Step 1: Pre-



Getting Started

1. The community / regional collaborative has received an overview of the Community Resource

Mapping process

2. The collaborative has affirmed that completing a

CRM process is a top priority

3. A lead facilitator(s) of the CRM process has been identified, trained and has committed to this role

Stating Your Vision

Vision: what the community system looks like if it is working effectively

4. The collaborative has developed a broad ‘vision’ statement

(e.g. “Our community will have an effective, seamless and collaborative system of supports accessible to all children with intensive needs and their families”)

Data Gathering: Planning

5. Scanning Resources : The Collaborative has broad-scanned the various domains of support provided by collaborative partners

6. The Collaborative has determined an area/areas for priority focus for data gathering and mapping

7. The Collaborative has developed a specific goal(s) pertaining to the priority area(s)


In Place

Partially in


Not in Place

Priority for







Step 2:




Analyzing the Data

Step 3:

Implementing the Map /




8. The Collaborative has gathered and reviewed data pertaining to current (existing) resources/assets that pertain to the priority area(s)

9. The Collaborative has gathered and reviewed data that reveal the current level of need pertaining to the priority area(s)

10. After reviewing data, the Collaborative has determined what (if any) further information must be gathered to assure that available resources and current need are accurately assessed (so that an informed action plan can be developed)

11. A plan to gather the information needed has been developed

12. The data collection plan has addressed gathering information from various populations

13. The data collection plan has addressed various methods for collecting data such as interviews, focus groups, surveys, observation


14. The plan to gather the information has been completed

15. The Collaborative has summarized and reviewed the data and has identified:

a. Community Assets (including informal resources) pertaining to the focus area(s)

b. Community Needs pertaining to the focus area(s)

c. Gaps in supports and /or services (if applicable)

d. Overlaps and redundancies in supports and services (if applicable)

16. The Collaborative has developed a document that clearly identifies the components in #15 above

Implementing the map through action planning

17. The collaborative has offered an invitation to other community members or stakeholders who would have a practical (stakeholder) interest in participation in the action planning process

18. The collaborative has developed an action plan to address how the mapping mission / goals pertaining to the identified priority area(s) will be achieved.


Action Item

Step 4:

Maintaining and Sustaining the Mapping


19. The action plan includes:

1) a clear statement of measurable outcomes

2) the specific tasks to be accomplished

3) the time frame in which tasks will be accomplished

4) who will be responsible for accomplishing the tasks

5) a schedule for monitoring and assessing the implementation of the plan

Maintaining and Sustaining

20. The collaborative has developed a plan for the dissemination of the findings and action plan to all who participated in the data gathering process and all other stakeholders

21. The action plan is implemented as designed

22. Collaborative has a plan for periodic assessment of whether a new (perhaps more targeted) map needs to be developed

What needs to be done Who will do what When to be done by

