MIT OpenCourseWare Haus, Hermann A., and James R. Melcher. Solutions Manual for Electromagnetic Fields and Energy. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare). (accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike. Also available from Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990. ISBN: 9780132489805. For more information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER 10 10.0 INTRODUCTION 10.0.1 (a) The line integral of the electric field along 0 1 is from Faraday's law: (1) because no flux is linked (see Fig. Therefore -t/+iR = a because the voltage drop across the resistor is iR. Hence t/ = iR (2) R v v c + F1sure,h The line integral along O2 is 4iR = d.A dt (3) which leads to (4) 1 Solutions to Chapter 10 10-2 Therefore, we find for the voltage across the voltmeter 1 dw.\ v=--- (5) 4 dt (b) With the voltmeter connected to 2, (1) becomes v = 2iR Using (2), and similarly for the other modes . = 3 [1-dW.\] v(3) = 3[IR] ­ 4 dt v(4) = 4iR = 4[! dW.\] = dw.\ 4 dt dt For a transformer with a one turn secondary (see Fig., v= 10.0.2 1 E· dl = !.... at fa ! B . da = !!.w.\ dt Given the following one-turn inductor (Figs. S10.0.2a and S10.0.2b), we want to find (a) tI2 and (b) VI. The current per unit length (surface current) flowing along the sheet is K = i/d. The tangential component of the magnetic field has to have the discontinuity K. A magnetic field (the gradient of a Laplacian potential) HIlS = i d = 0 inside (1) outside has the proper discontinuity. This is the field in a single turn "coil" of infinite width d and finite K = i / d. It serves here as an approximation. (a) tI2 can be found by applying Faraday's law to the contour O2 , Using (I), and the constitutive relation B = PoD, l (B) (A)a2 E·ds+ l(A) d E·ds=-(B)a2 dt 1 82 i(t) Po-dxdy d (2) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-3 Since the inductor waDs are perfectly conducting, E on the left in (2). Therefore, = 0 for the second integral or, slJjo diet) d dt ~U2=---­ one-turn inductor K = i(t)/d ~ d ~;""------'--.----"?I - /;/-__ y __ -- 8 surface current, K, flows through. inductor walls P,o~ I'"-----......'--+:z: - - - o f " I flows through this surface ----_ .. .. - ~ -~:::.=;.=---- Flsure 810.0.3 (b) Now, tl1 can be found by a similar method. Writing Faraday's law on 0 1 , (3) Since 0 1 does not link any flux, (3) can be written -til d = --(0) =0 dt Solutions to Chapter 10 10-4 10.1 MAGNETOQUASISTATIC ELECTRIC FIELDS IN SYSTEMS OF PERFECT CONDUCTORS 10.1.1 The magnetic field intensity from Problem 8.4.1 is i1fR2 [ 1I( 1 1). B = 4;2 cos 11 ,.s - b3 I r . 1I( 1 + sm ,.s + b23 ).16 ] 11 The E-field induced by Faraday's law has lines that link the dipole field and uniform field. By symmetry they are tP-directed. Using the integral law of Faraday's law using a spherical cap bounded by the contour r = constant, 9 = constant, we have f . E· ds = 21frsin9E~ = - :t 1 6 J.'o B r 21frsin9rd9 di 1fR216 1 1 = -J.'o-21f~2sin9cos9d9(-- -3) dt 41f 0 ,.s b di 1f R2 dt 4,.. ( 1 1). 2 ,.s - -b3 2sm 9 = -J.' ---1fr-2 o Thus: 10.1.2 (a) The H-field is similar to that of Prob. 10.0.2 with K specified. It is z-directed and uniform = inside (1) o outside H. {K Indeed, it is the gradient of a Laplacian potential and has the proper discon­ tinuity at the sheet. (b) The particular solution does not need to satisfy all the boundary conditions. Suppose we look for one that satisfies the boundary conditions at 11 = 0, Z = 0, and 11 = a. IT we set (2) with Ezp(O, t) = 0 we have satisfied all three boundary conditions. Now, from Faraday's law, (3) Integration gives (4) 10-5 Solutions to Chapter 10 x=a x=o x=a x=o (b) (a) Figure SlO.l.~a,b The total field has to satisfy the boundary condition at y = -l. There, the field has to vanish for almost all 0 ~ x ~ a, except for the short gap at the center of the interval. Thus the E",-field must consist of a large field : E",p, over the gap 9, and zero field elsewhere. The homogeneous solution must have an E",-field that looks as shown in Fig. SlO.1.2a, or a potential that looks as shown in Fig. SlO.1.2b. The homogeneous solution is derivable from a Laplacian potential cI>h (5) which obeys all the boundary conditions, except at y cI>h at y = -l by cI>h(y = -l) = aE",pf(x) = -l. Denote the potential (6) so that the jump of /(x) at x = a/2 is normalized to unity. Using the orthogonality properties of the sine function, we have - sinh ( m1l" l) ~ Am a 2 = aE",p fa }",=o / (x) sin (m1l" x) dx a (7) It is clear that all odd orders integrate to zero, only even order terms remain. For an even order, except m = 0, l a ",=0 m1l" /(x) sin (-x) = 2 a l a 2 / x m1l" - sin (-x)dx ",=0 a a mfr 2 / 2a = -()2 usinudu l mll' = u=o (~;)2 [ - ucosul;;'fr/2 + l (8) mfr 2 / COSUdU] = ~(_l)-'f+l mll' Therefore m-even m-odd (9) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-6 The total field is dK { ~ 2(-1)m / 2 sinh!M m1l"] E = lJoi x[Y -I L.J . h'::''/I' yI cos (-z) dt m sma a • -1)'1 m/2cosh ~'/I'y • (m1l" )]} L.J 2(-1) . h !Ml sm - z m sIn 2 a ~ 10.1.3 (10) ~ ... ~n (a) The magnetic field is uniform and z-directed B = i.K(t) (b) The electric field is best analyzed in terms of a particular solution that satisfies the boundary conditions at tP = 0 and tP = a, and a homogeneous solution that obeys the last boundary condition at r = a,. The particular solution is tP­ directed and is identical with the field encircling an axially symmetric uniform H-field (1) and thus r dK E~ = -"2 IJ0 dt (2) The homogeneous solution is composed of the gradients of solutions to Laplace's equation (3) At r = a, these solutions must cancel the field along the boundary, except at and around tP = a/2. Because 8 < a, we approximate the field E</>h at r = a as composed of a unit impulse function at tP = a/2 of content a dK aE</>p = -"2alJ0dt and a constant field E</>h (4) dK a = "21J0dt over the rest of the interval as shown in Fig. S10.1.3. Feom (3) 1 aCbh 1 E</>h r_G _ = -a-atP - = -a I L (n1l"/a) An cos (n1l"tP -) a n l_ T-E~p Figure SI0.1.8 (5) 10-7 Solutions to Chapter 10 Here we take an alternative approach to that of 10.1.2. We do not have to worry about the part of the field over 0 < ~ < a, excluding the unit impulse function, because the line integral of E~ from ~ = 0 to ~ = a is assured to be zero (conser­ vative field). Thus we need solely to expand the unit impulse at ~ = a/2 in a series of cos (~tr ~). By integrating 1 a --(m7f/a)Am - = cos(m7f/2)aE<flp a 2 (6) where the right hand side is the integral through the unit impulse function. Thus, (7) Therefore (8) and E= - 10.1.4. ~o d: i{~ + f: 2(_1)m/2(r/a)~-1 m_3 m-eYeD. (9) (a) The coil current produces an equivalent surface current K = Ni/d and hence, because the coil is long (1) (b) The (semi-) conductor is cylindrical and uniform. Thus E must be axisym­ metric and, by symmet~, ~-directed. From Faraday's law applied to a circular contour of radius r inside the coil dB. 2 27fr E~ = - --7fr dt and r Ndi E~ = -2~od dt (c) The induced H-field is due to the circulating current density: where we have set i(t) = I coswt Solutions to Chapter 10 10-8 The H field will be axial, z- and ~independent, by symmetry. (The z- "inde­ pendence" follows from the fact that d::> b.) From Ampere's law VxH=J we have dHz --=J., dr and thus Hz induced r2 N = -wC1'4IL0"dlsinwt For Hz induced <: Hz imposed for r ~ b 10.1.5 (a) From Faraday's law a at and thus VxEp=--B (1) aElIP N di --=-IL -­ (2) az ° ddt Therefore, (3) (b) We must maintain E·n = 0 inside the material. Thus, adding the homogeneous solution, a gradient of a scalar potential., we must leave E z = 0 at z = 0 and z = b. Further, we must eliminate E lI at y = 0 and y = a. We need an infinite series = An cos (~'Ir z) sinh (nb'lr y) (4) .h L n with the electric field At y = ±a/2 (6) 10-9 Solutions to Chapter 10 f(x) =x- ~ -b/2 (a) y E" E Eta Set - P. ~ ~ = p<lIIitive number (b) Flpre S10.1.1 We must expand the function shown in Fig. S10.1.5a into a cosine series. Thus, multiplying (6) by cos ":,tI' z and integrating from z = 0 to z = b, we obtain m1l" b Ndi --A cosh (m1l" -·-a) = I/o b 2 m 2b 0 d dt = { l b ( 0 m,.. z - -b) cos -zdz 2 b N IJi 2 ( b )2 -1/007 dt m;r (7) m - odd Om-even Solving for Am m - even m- odd The E-field is E - _ N di 1/00 d dt - {(z _~)i 2 _ ~ '11 4bj(m'll")2 LJ cosh (m'll"aj2b) n-odd [sin (~,.. z) sinh (~'Il" y)lx _ cos (c) See Fig. SlO.1.5b. (8) (n;z) cosh (~'Il" Y)ly]} (9) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-10 10.2 NATURE OF FIELDS INDUCED IN FINITE CONDUCTORS 10.2.1 The approximate resistance of the disk is R= !211"a~ (J 2 at. where we have taken half of the circumference as the length. The fiux through the disk is [compare (10.2.15)1 A = J.' o i 2 a 2 This is caused by the current i 2 so the inductance of the disk L 22 is (using N = 1): The time constant is This is roughly the same as (10.2.17). 10.2.2 Live bone is fairly "wet" and hence conducting like the surrounding fiesh. Current lines have to close on themselves. Thus, if one mounts a coil with its axis perpendicular to the arm and centered with the arm as shown in Fig. 810.2.2, circu­ lating currents are set up. IT perfect symmetry prevailed and the bone were precisely at center, then no current would fiow along its axis. However, such symmetry does not exist and thus longitudinal currents are set up with the bone off center. Flsure 810.2.2 10-11 Solutions to Chapter 10 10.2.3 The field of coil (1) is, according to (10.2.8) (1) The net field is with Hind = K~ where K~ is the ¢J directed current in the shell. The E-field is from Faraday's law, using symmetry (2) But (3) and thus, for r = a 2Hind d - + -Hind = /Aou!i.a dt d --Ho dt (4) In the sinusoidal steady state, using complex notation (5) and (6) where /Aou!i.a 1"m= - ­ 2 At small values of W1"m (7) 10.3 DIFFUSION OF AXIAL MAGNETIC FIELDS THROUGH THIN CONDUCTORS 10-12 'J Solutions to Chapter 10 The circulating current K(t) produces an approximately uniform axial field 10.3.1 (1) H. = K(t) As the field varies with time, there is an induced E-field obeying Faraday's law r (2) K= AuE (3) 1 E.ds=-~ 10 dt 18 #Lo B . da The E-field drives the surface current that must be constant along the circumference. Hence E must be constant. From (1), (2), and (3) K d 2 4aE = 4a- = - _ I L Ka (4) Au dt""o and thus d 4 -K+--K=O dt (5) lJoUAa Thus (6) with 1"m= 10.3.2 p-ouAa -4- (7) (a) This problem is completely analogous to 10.3.1. One has (1) H. = K(t) and, because K be constant = AuE must be constant along the surface, so that (2d + V2d)E Therefore ~ d d2 d dt d 2 = --dt #LoK(t)2 K Au (2 + v2)- = --(lJoK)or dK K -+-=0 dt 1"m with #Lo uAd 1"m = 2(2 + V2) E must (2) (3) (4) (5) 10-13 Solutions to Chapter 10 The solution for J = K/ li. is (6) (b) Since 1 10 E.ds=O (7) 1 and the line integral along the surface is V2dE, we have (8) (9) (c) Again from Faraday's law (10) 10.3.3 (a) We set up the boundary conditions for the three uniform axial fields, in the regions r < b, b < r < a, r > a (see Fig. S10.3.3). Ho(t) - H1 (t) = -Kout(t) = -Joutli. = -uEoutli. H 1 (t) - H 2 (t) = -KID(t) = -JIDli. = -uEiDli. 1 positive direction ~ of K Fleure SI0.S.S (1) (2) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-14 From the integral form of Faraday's law: 21l"aEout = -11-0 dtd [H1(t))1l"(a 2 - b2) + H2(t)d 2] 2 (3) (4) 21l" bEin = -11-0 :t [H2(t)d ] We can solve for E out and E in and substitute into (1) and (2) (1/:1 [a 2 - b2 dHdt) b2 dH2(t)] _ Ho () t - H 1 (t ) - 11-0""2 a dt + -;----;;u- (5) _ (1/:1b dH2 (t) H 1 () t - H 2 (t ) - 1I-0------;;u2 (6) We obtain from (6) (7) where Tm lI-o(1/:1b ==-­ 2 From (5), after some rearrangement, we obtain: => ~ m 2 + ~ (~-~) dHdt) + H (t) = H (t) ~ dH 1 mba dt a dt 0 (8) (b) We introduce complex notation Ho = Hm coswt = Re {Hme;wt} (9) Similarly H 1 and H2 are replaced by H 1,2 = Re IH1,2e;wtj. We obtain two equations for the two unknowns III and II2 : -Ill + (1 + iWTm)II2 = 0 b. . (a b)] [1 + 1WTm b - ~ H1 + ~1WTmH2 = Hm A A They can be solved in the usual way fI 0 1 = IHm 1+iwTm ~iWTm I = _ (1 + iWTm)Hm LJet lJet H 2= 11 + WT,:t~LJet-~) J I= _ LJet II m m where LJet is the determinant. LJet == -{ [1 + iWTm(i - ~)](l + iWTm) + iWTm~} 10-15 Solutions to Chapter 10 10.3.4 (a) To the left of the sheet (see Fig. 810.3.4), B = Koi-. (1) B=Ki. (2) To the right of the sheet Along the contour Gl , use Faraday's law 1 10 E. ds = _!!. II K-K o It, I !J,. rB· da (3) dt Js 1 (T / = (To ----..:----,= 1 + a cos !'f 1;1 I Figure SI0.a.4 Along the three perfectly conducting sides of the conductor E = O. In the sheet the current K - K o is constant so that V·J=O~V·(uE)=O i E· ds = (K Ii. - K o ) dy = -I-'oabdK 1/=0 01 K - Ko li.u l b o (4) dt 00 r (1 + a cos bY ) dy = -I-'oab""dt dK 1f JI/=o (5) (6) The integral yields b and thus (7) From (7) we can find K as a function of time for a given Ko(t). (b) The y-component of the electric field at :t: = -a has a uniform part and a y-dependent part according to (5). The y-dependent part integrates to sero and hence is part of a conservative field. The uniform part is Ewb = - K-Ko Ii. 000 dK b = I-'oabdt (8) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-16 This is the particular solution of Faraday's law (9) with the integral dK E yp = -I-'ozdi" (10) and indeed, at z = -a, we obtain (8). There remains Ellh = - K - Ko !:iu o acos ('lrY) b (11) It is clear that this field can be found from the gradient of the Laplacian potential (12) ~ = A sin sinh (~z) <'7) that satisfies the boundary conditions on the perfect conductors. At z = -a 8~ -- 8y I 'lrY. 'Ir :1:=-4 <'Ira = -Acos-smh - ) b b b - K o acos'lry =- K!:iu b (13) o and thus (14) 10.4 DIFFUSION OF TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC FIELDS THROUGH TmN CONDUCTORS 10.4.1 (a) Let us consider an expanded view of the conductor (Fig. 810.4.1). At y = !:i, the boundary condition on the normal component of B gives (1) 11 (a) (e) ~ (IT,lL) (b) F1sure 910.4.1 10-17 Solutions to Chapter 10 Therefore (2) At y= 0 (3) Since the thickness, 11, of the sheet is very small, we can assume that B is uniform across the sheet so that, (4) Using (3) and (4) in (2), BG-Bb=O 11 11 (5) From the continuity condition associated with Ampere's law Since K = K.I., n _HG+Hb III III = I,., =K • (6) The current density J in the sheet is J _ K. •- (7) 11 And so, from Ohm's law E _ K. • - l1a (8) Finally from Faraday's law BD VxE=-­ Bt (9) Since only B II matters (only time rate of change of flux normal to the sheet will induce circulating E-fields) and E only has a z-component, BE. - Bz BBII =-lit From (8) therefore, and finally, from (6), (10) (b) At t = 0 we are given K sheet, we have J = 0 = I.Kosinpz. Everywhere except within the current => B = -V\If Solutions to Chapter 10 10-18 So from V . ,",oH = 0, we have Boundary conditions are given by (5) and (10) and by the requirement that the potential mut decay as y -+ ±oo. Since Hz will match the sinfJz dependence of the current, pick solutions with cos fJz dependence w(a) = A(t) cos fJze- fJ1I (l1a) web) = O(t) cos fJze fJ1I H(a) (l1b) = fJA(t) sin fJze- fJ1I i x + fJA(t) cos fJze- fJ1I i y fJO(t) sin fJze fJ1I i x H(b) = - fJO(t) cos fJzefJ1Iiy (12a) (12b) From (5), Therefore, A(t) = -O(t) (13) From (10), :z [fJA(t) sin fJze-1J1I11I=0 - fJO(t) sin fJ ze {J1I1 1I=0] dA(t) = -dO',",ofJ cos fJze- fJ1I 111=0 dt" Using (13) 2fJ2 A(t) cos fJz dA(t) = -dO',",ofJ cos fJzdt" The cosines cancel and dA(t) dt + ~A(t) = dO',",o 0 (14) The solution is A(t) = A(O)e- t / r (15) So the surface current, proportional to Hz according to (6), decays simila.rly as 10-19 Solutions to Chapter 10 10.4.2 (a) IT the sheet acts like a perfect conductor (see Fig. S10.4.2), the component of B perpendicular to the sheet must be sero. y y=d )--~-c~~-{i()------z IL K(t) --+ 00 Figure At y = 0 the magnetic field = i.K(t) cos{jz SlO.4.~ experiences a jump of the tangential component (1) with n II i)' and B 2 = 0, Hz = -K(t)cospz (2) The field in the space 0 < y < d is the gradient of a Laplacian potential 'ilf = A sin pz cosh P(y - d) (3) The cosh is chosen so that HIJ is sero at y = d: B = -AP[cospzcoshP(y - d)i x + sin pz sinh P(y - d)i)'] (4) Satisfying the boundary. condition at y = 0 -ApcospzcoshPd = -K(t) cospz Therefore A= K(t) pcoshPd 'ilf = K(t) sinpzcoshP(y - d) pcoshPd (5) (6) (7) (b) For K(t) slowly varying, the magnetic field diffuses straight through 80 the sheet acts as if it were not there. The field "sees- IJ - 00 material and, therefore, has no tangential H 'ilf = A sin pz sinh f3(y - d) (8) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-20 which satisfies the condition Hz = 0 at y = d. Indeed, B = -AP[cosp:r:sinhp(y - d)i x + sinpzcoshP(y - d)l~1 Matching the boundary condition at y = 0, we obtain A= _ K(t) P sinh Pd q; = _ K(t) sin pzsinh Ply - d) P sinh Pd (9) (10) (c) Now solving for the general time dependence, we can use the previous results as a clue. Initially, the sheet acts like a perfect conductor and the solution (7) must apply. As t - 00, the sheet does not conduct, and the solution (10) must apply. In between, we must have a transition between these two solutions. Thus, postulate that the current 1.K, (t) cos pz is flowing in the top sheet. We have . K,(t)cospz = ut::..E. (11) Postulate the potential .q; = O(t) sin pz cosh P(y - d) _ D(t) sinp:r:sinh P(y - d) pcoshPd psinhpd (12) The boundary condition at y = 0 is 8q; - 8z 11/=0 = Hz 11/=0 = -K(t)cospz (13) = -O(t) cos pz - D(t) cos pz Therefore O+D=K (14) 8q; 1 I cospz - 8z lI=d = Hz lI=d = K, (t) cos pz = -O(t) cosh Pd (15) At y= d The current in the sheet is driven by the E-field induced by Faraday's law and is z-directed by symmetry 8E. __ 8y - !... 8t IJo H _ z - lJo cospzcoshP(y - d) dO cosh Pd dt cos p:r:sinh Ply - d) dD - lJo sinh Pd dt (16) Therefore, E _ lJo cos p:r:sinhp(y - d) dO • - pcoshPd dt -lJo cos pz cosh P(y - d) dD psinhPd dt (17) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-21 At y= d Ez = dD 1 -1-'0 [3 sinh [3d cos [3xdI = K. cos [3x u!J. (18) Hence, combining (14), (15), and (18) cosh [3dK. I-'ou!:::& dD = -C(t) = -K + D = --[3coth[3ddI (19) resulting in the differential equation dD D I-'ou!:::& Rd -+ - c o th l' = K [3 dt (20) With K a step function (21) where 1"m I-'ou!:::& = - - coth [3d [3 and C At t = 0, D = 0 and at t obtained solutions. 10.4.3 = (22) = Koe-tlrm 00, C = O. This checks with the previously (a) If the shell (Fig. 810.4.3) is thin enough it acts as a surface of discontinuity at which the usual boundary conditions are obeyed. From the continuity of the normal component of B, B ra 1If (T - B rb = 0 t o ~ (1) Ho (a) (b) Figure 810.4.3 Solutions to Chapter 10 10-22 the continuity condition associated with Ampere's law (2) use of Ohm's law J K E=-=- U !1u (3) H: - Hg = Kif> = !1uEIf> (4) results in The electric field obeys Faraday's law aB (5) VxE=-­ at Only flux normal to the shell induces E in the sheet. By symmetry, E is <p-directed 1 a( .) ( v x E )r = -'-0 ao Elf> Sin 0 = rSIn aBr --a t (6) And thus, at the boundary 1 RsinO aoa [.Sin O[H9 G - H b] 9 A aHr = -J.&ouu---;jt (7) (b) Set Ho(t) = Re {Hoeiwt}[cosOi.. - sinOi9 ] (8) The H-field outside and inside the shell must be the gradient of a scalar potential .9. Acos 0 Wa = -HorcosO + -2 ­ r Wb = GrcosO o ii = -HosinO + ~ sinO r iig = GsinO ii: = HocosO ii~ 2A + 3'" cosO r (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) = -GcosO (14) '" = Brb ~ H o + 2A R3 = -0 (15) From (1) a Br Introducing (11), (12), and (13) into (7) we find 1 RsinO . 2 0( -Ho+ R3 1 -0"')} = aoa { Sin . {HocosO+ 21R3 cos 0 } -JWJ.&o!1u (16) 10-23 Solutions to Chapter 10 from which we find A, using (15) to eliminate O. .A = _ iWIJot::..uR4 H o 2(iwIJot::..uR + 3) (17) .A provides the dipole term m =.A = 411" -iwIJot::..uR4Ho 2(iwIJ ot::..uR + 3) (18) and thus (19) with IJout::..R 1'= :.....:...._­ 3 (c) In the limit WT -+ 00, we find as in Example 8.4.4. 10.4.4 (a) The field is that of a dipole of dipole moment m = ia ia W= --cosO 2 411"r (1) (b) The normal component has to vanish on the shell. We add a uniform field sa W= Ar cos 0 + - - 2 cosO 411"r (2) The normal component of Hat r = R is -aWl - ar r=R =0= - ( Ai -a 2 - - ) cosO 411"R3 and thus (3) and (see Fig. SI0.4.4). Solutions to Chapter 10 10-24 Flpre 810.4.4 (c) There is now also an outside field. For r < R ia qr = 411T2 cos 8 + A(t)r cos 8 (5) qr = O(t) cos 8 (6) For r > R, r 2 The 8-components of B are H(J = 4~:S sin(J + A sin (Jj r<R (7a) and r>R (7b) 2ia ) H r = ( -Rs - A cos(J (8a) H(J = 0 sin (Jj ,.s The normal component at r = R is 41f and Hr = 20 RS cosO (8b) With the boundary condition (7) of Prob. 10.4.3, we have 1 RsinO a [ . 2 (0 ao Sin 0 RS - ia )] 2p. o l1u dO 41fRs - A = ---w-cos 0 d; (9) From the continuity of the normal component of B, we find (10) 10-25 Solutions to Chapter 10 The equation for 0 becomes 1 R4 sine a [ . 2 e(o _ ae sm ia 411" or T: m with 'Tm + 20 _ 2ia)] = _ 2po li.u edO 411" R3 cos dt dO ia -+0=- dt 411" (11) (12) = Po uIi.R/3. IT we consider the steady state, then [Cei"'tj 0= Re C= A= (13) ia 1 (14) (1 + iw'Tm ) 411" = 2ia _ 20 411"R3 R3 2ia iW'Tm 411"R3 1 + ;W'Tm (15) Jointly with (5) and (6), this determines \li. (d) When W'Tm -+ 00, we have C -+ 0, no outside field and A = 2ia/411"R3 which checks with (3). When W'Tm -+ 0, we have no shield and A -+ O. The shell behaves as if it were infinitely conducting in the limit W'Tm -+ 00. 10.4.5 (a) IT the current density varies so rapidly that the sheet is a perfect conductor, then it imposes the boundary condition (see Fig. 810.4.5), r=b D'PoB=O at . " ., : .... . .: .": . .. . . -.. ..... . .", . .. :,' ·· .... 0.·· " ·' K = K(t) sin 2,pi• .--:-.-'"7',- .~ ' • 0••• ..... ." 0" ':" . . . .. " • '0' ",: . • f '.:' • : ' . ' .' .~ . " .' ~.' .: : I .. "'- - Figure 810.4.5 " ' :." ";. p. -+ 00 : .. Solutions to Chapter 10 10-26 Inside the high Il. material H = 0 to keep B finite. So at r = a, nxH=K Therefore -i.H~ = K(t) sin 24>i. Thus, the potential has to obey the boundary conditions 8'iJ1 8r -=0 at _!8'iJ1 =-K(t)sin24> r 84> (1) r=b at r=a (2) In order to satisfy (2), we must pick a cos 24> dependence for 'iJI. To satisfy (1), one picks a [(r/b)2 + (b/r)2] cos 24> type solution. Guess Indeed, 8'iJ1 = a;: A [2r b2 ~: 2 - 2b ] cos 24> = 0 at r = b -;:3 = -A[(r/b)2 + (b/r)2J2sin24> From (2), ~[(a/b)2 + (b/a)2J2sin 24> = -K(t) sin 24> a Therefore, 'iJI _ K(t)a [(r/b)2 + (b/r)2J 24> + (b/a)2] cos (3) - - - 2 - [(a/b)2 (b) Now the current induced in the sheet is negligible, so all the field diffuses straight through. The sheet behaves as if it were not there at all. But at r = b we have J.' - co material, so H = 0 inside. Also, since now there is no K at r = b, we must have H~ = 0 at r = b It is dear that the following potential obeys the boundary condition at r = b 'iJI = A[(r/b)2 - (b/r)2J cos 24> H~ = _! 8'iJ1 r 84> = ~[(r/b)2 r (b/r)2]2sin24> = 0 at Again, applying (2) A [(a/b)2 _ (b/a)2J2 sin 24> = -K(t) sin 24> a r= b 10-27 Solutions to Chapter 10 Thus, \11 = K(t)a l(r/b)2 - (b/r)2] 2~ --2-I(a/b)2 - (b/a)2] cos (4) (c) At the sheet, the normal B is continuous assuming that l::.. is small Also, from Faraday's law I dB VxE=-­ (5) dt Since only a time varying field normal to the sheet will induce currents, we are only interested in (V X E)r By symmetry there is only a z-component of E 1 aE -;a~ _ aBr (6) • --at: One should note, however, that there are some subtleties involve in the deter­ mination of the E-field. We do not attempt to match the boundary conditions on the coil surface. Such matching would require the addition of the gradient of a solution of Laplace's equation to E p = i.E•. Such a field would induce surface charges in the conducting sheet, but otherwise not affect its current distribution. Remember that in MQS Eo BE is ignored which means that the charging currents responsible for the bUfCI-up of charge are negligible com­ pared to the MQS currents flowing in the systems. Feom Ohm's law, J = uE. But, J = K/l::... 1 a K. aBr -; a~ l::..u =-at (7) Applying the boundary conditions from Ampere's law, n X IHgaplr=b - H,.._oo] = K.i. So at r = b (8) Now guess a solution for \11 in the gap. Since we have two current sources (the windings at r = a and the sheet at r = b) and we do not necessarily know that they are in phase, we need to use superposition. This involves setting up the field due to each of the two sources individually Solutions to Chapter 10 10-28 Here, A represents the field due to the current at r = b, and G is produced by the current at r = a. Apply the boundary condition (2), at r = a. We find from the tangential H-field 2G(t) [(a/b)2 _ (b/a)2] a = -K(t) Thus, G(t) -aK(t) (b/a)2] = 2[(a/b)2 - (10) The normal and tangential components of H at r = b are Hr 2b 2a2 4 = -{A(t)[a2 + 63] + G(t),)COS2¢ H", = {A~t) [(b/a)2 - (a/b)2]}2sin2¢ (11) (12) From (8) lSo~Ub :¢ [A~t) [(b/a)2-(a/b)2]2sin 2¢] = {(:: + 2;2) a~~t) +~ ~~} cos2¢ Using (10), dA(t) A 2 [«(1/6)2 - (6/a)21 ---;j,t + (t) lSobAu [(a/b)2 + (b/a)2] a dK(t) = [(a/b)2 + (b/a)2][(a/b)2 - (b/a)2] dt Simplifying, aA(t) + A(t) at r r = DdK(t) at lJobAu [(a/b)2 + (b/a)2] [(a/b)2 _ (b/a)2] = - 2- a D = [(a/b)2 + (b/a)211(a/b)2 _ (b/a)2] (13) (14) (15) dK/dt is a unit impulse function in time. The homogeneous solution for A is A(t) ex e- t / r (16) and the solution that has the proper discontinuity at t = 0 is A=DKo (17) 10-29 Solutions to Chapter 10 'If _ - -aKa [(r/b)2 + (b/r)2] 2. 2 (a/b)2 + (b/a)2 cos ~ It is the same as if the surface currents spontaneously arose to buck out the field. At t -+ 00, e- t /.,. -+ 0 'If -aKa [(r/b)2 - (b/r)2] (a/b)2 _ (b/a)2 cos 2~ = - 2- This is when the field has enough time to diffuse through the shell if no surface currents were present. 10.4.6 80 it is as (a) When w is very high, the sheet behaves as a perfect conductor, and (see Fig. 810.4.6) ,T. _ bK[(r/a) + (a/r)J A. (1) '.I!' [b a] cos." ii+;; a ar = 0 at r = a, and - Then, indeed, 'If/ K. t ~ accounts for the surface current K{t) = KD{t) sin 41 i " . , " '.p-+oo ... ... ' .• I , ' ., : ' . 0.. '. : .' . ... " . • : '. :' .~ .: : • :.:: ', .. Figure 810.4.6 0_ . Solutions to Chapter 10 10-30 (b) When w is very low, then a'JI/at/J = ,T. _ 0 at r = a and bK!(rla) - (aIr)] [~_~} 'J!'- A. cos¥' (2) (c) As before in Prob. 10.4.5, we superimpose the field caused by the two current distributions 'JI = {A(t)[ ~ - ~} + O(t)[!: - ~J} cos ~ a r b r The r- and ~-components of H r (3) the field are: = -{ A(t)[~ + ~] + O(t)[~ + :2]} cos~ H4> = {A(t) [!: _~] + O(t) [!: _ ~]}sin~ r a r r b r (4) (5) At r = b, (6) and thus A(t) = ~o(t~ (7) ii-b At r = a, -H<t>lr=a = K. where K. is the current in the sheet. From (7) of the preceding problem solution, we have at r = a 1 a H", aHr - - - - - = -}Jo- a a~ Au at (8) Thus, using (4) and (5) in (8): O(t) [~ _ !} = -}JoAua{ ~ dA(t) + dOlt) [! + ~)} a b a a dt dt b a2 (9) Replacing A through (7) we obtain dO + [~- ~}O(t) dt l-'oAua[~ +~] = 2b dKo(t) (a/b)2 - (6/a)2 dt (10) Thus (11) with (12) 10-31 Solutions to Chapter 10 D= 2b (alb)2 - (bla)2 The solution for a step of Ko(t) is = DKoe-t/f' C (13) o -t/f' C( t ) -- DKoe -t/f' -_ (alb)22bK _ (bla)2 e Combining all the expressions gives the final answer: 'Ii = ;C0b -a - -ab For very short times {[!: -~] - [! +-] - ~] 2 a r [-b e-t/f'}cos tP a tiT <: 1, one has which is the same as (1). For very long times exp -tiT = 0 and one obtains (2). 10.5 MAGNETIC DIFFUSION LAWS 10.5.1 (a) We first list the five equations (10.5.1)-(10.5.5) VxB=J (10.5.1) J =O'E (10.5.2) a (10.5.3) V·p.B=O (10.5.4) V·J=O (10.5.5) vxE= - atp.B Take the curl of (10.5.3) and use the identity (1) also note that because 0' v .J = V . O'E = o'V . E = 0 (2) is uniform. Therefore, 2 a -V E=--Vxp.B at (3) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-32 or -V 2 (Jju) = -IJ~J at (4) (b) Since J = i.J., equation (b) follows immediately from (4). We now use (10.5.S) a v x (Jju) = - atlJH But v x (J ju) = !uv x (i.J.(z, y)) = !u (i x a8y J. - and thus aH a (J.). at = - 8y UIJ Ix 8 i,. a J.) z 8 (J.). + 8z UIJ I,. 10.6 MAGNETIC DIFFUSION TRANSIENT RESPONSE 10.6.1 10.6.2 The expressions for H. and JfJ obey the diffusion equation, no matter what signs are assigned to the coefficients. The summations cancel the field -K"zjb and current density K"jb respectively, at t = a and eventually decay. IT one turns off a drive from a steady state, the current density is initially uniform, equal to K"jb and the field is equal to -K"zjb and then decays. But, the symmations with reversed signs have precisely that behavior. (a) The magnetic field is (1) H=i.H. = K" and there is no E-field, nor J within the block. (b) When the current-source is suddenly turned off, the H-field cannot disappear instantaneously; the current returns through the conducting block, but still circulates in the perfect conductor around the block. For this boundary value problem we must change the eigenfunctions. At z = 0, the field remains finite, because there is a circulation current terminating it. Thus we have, instead of (10.6.15), 00 H.= I: OnCOS(~:z)e-t/T" (2) n-odd with the decay times 4IJub2 Tn (S) = (ml")2 Initially, H. is uniform, and thus, using orthogonality m1l" 2b • m1l" H. cos -zdz = K,,- sm -b 2b m1l" 2 1 0 b 2 = -Om (4) 10-33 Solutions to Chapter 10 and thus m-I( C". = (-1)"- - 4: ) K p ; m", . -I 4: L: (-1)-'---K R'" H. = cos (R"') - : r ; e- tl r .. p n-odd (5) mood 26 The current density is J1I aHa = -1::(-1) 2 ~ . (R"') tl = --, Kpsm - : r ; e- r .. a:r; b 2b H we pick a new origin at . (R"') sm -:r; 2b :r;' = :r; + b, then . (R"', R'" , sm . (R"') = sm -:r; - -R"') = - cos -:r; ­ 2b 2 2b 2 = -(-1) ~ :I cos (R"') -:r;' 2b for R odd Interestingly, we find At t = 0 this is the expansion of a unit impulse function at :r:' = 0 of content -2Kp • All the current now :Hows through a thin sheet at the end of the block. The factor of 2 comes in because the problem has been solved as a SYMmetric problem at :r:' = 0, and thus half of the current ":Hows· in the "imagined· other half. 10.1 SKIN EFFECT 10.1.1 (a) In order to find the impedance, we need to know the voltage current being k •. The voltage is (see Fig. 10.7.2) . tI, the complex (1) and, from Faraday's law (2) From (2) and (10.7.10) (3) Solutions to Chapter 10 10-34 and thus the impedance is at :t = -b (4) But the factor in front is iawp.o _ a(l + i) d(1 + j) - duo (5) (b) When b <: 0, we can expand the exponentials and obtain Z = a(1 + i) 1 + (1 + iH + 1 - (1 + iH duo 1 + (1 + iH - 1 + (1 + iH a(1 + i) 1 a = duo (1 + iH = dub (6) (c) When b ,. 0, then we need retain only the exponential exp[(1 the result: z= + i)b/ol a(l + j) duo so that with (7) a Re(Z) = ­ duo This looks like (6) with b replaced by 10.7'.2 o. (a) When the block is shorted, we have to add the two solutions exp±(1 so that they add at the termination. Indeed, if we set + i)f (1) then the E-:6.eld is, from (2) and thus through integration (3) and is indeed zero at z A so that = o. In order to obtain Hz = k. at z = -b we adjust (4) Solutions to Chapter 10 10·35 (b) The high frequency distribution is governed by the exp -(1 + i) i(:I: < 0) and thus II "'" k e-(1+" f = k -(1+i) £j! (5) II - • e(l+i) k .e 6 This is the same expression as the one obtained from (10.7.10) by neglecting exp -(1 + i)i and exp(1 + i)b/o. (c) The impedance is obtained from (3) and (4) aE 11 dK. Iz=-b -- a(1 + i) duo e(1+i)b/6 - e-(1+i)b/6 -'-:-~. ~~-;:------;-::~= e(1+i)b/6 + e-(1+i)b/6