KENT STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING January 8, 2014 Rockwell Hall Atrium Board Members Present Virginia C. Albanese Stephen Colecchi Ralph Della Ratta Dennis Eckart Alex Evans Richard Marsh Monique C. Menefee Lawrence Pollock Jane Murphy Timken, Chair KSU President’s Cabinet President Lester A. Lefton Alfreda Brown Eugene Finn Gregg Floyd Iris Harvey Greg Jarvie Edward Mahon Joel Nielsen Charlene Reed, University Secretary Joseph Vitale Willis Walker Guest Beverly J. Warren CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Board Chair Jane Timken called the special meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the atrium of Rockwell Hall. Trustee Stephen Colecchi called the roll, and a quorum was present. PROOF OF NOTICE Chair Timken stated that public notification was given pursuant to state law and university policy. EXECUTIVE SESSION In accordance with Chapter 121.22, section G of the Ohio Revised Code, Chair Timken announced the Board had a need to meet in Executive Session for the purpose of: (i) considering the employment and compensation of a public employee or official [121.22(G) (1)]. Trustee Eckart moved, seconded by Trustee Della Ratta, that the Board retire into Executive Session. By virtue of a unanimous roll call vote, the Board adjourned into Executive Session. The session concluded at 10:10 a.m. Kent State University Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, 2014 Page 2 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The Board reconvened for the business portion of the meeting at 10:12 a.m. in the atrium of Rockwell Hall. Chair Timken asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda, hearing none, the agenda was approved by general consent. CONSIDERATION OF PERSONNEL MATTER APPOINTMENT OF BEVERLY J. WARREN AS PRESIDENT OF KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Chair Timken remarked that Kent State has reached a very proud and important moment in university history with the Trustees’ unanimous nomination of Dr. Beverly J. Warren as Kent State University’s 12th president. She stated she is confident that the board found the perfect fit to continue the university’s remarkable momentum and progress. On behalf of the Board, she thanked members of the Presidential Search Committee for their dedicated service, and asked any search committee member in attendance to stand and be recognized. Noting that the search process was very thorough and rigorous, she thanked Trustees Richard Marsh and Dennis Eckart for their leadership. Chair Timken also thanked members of the university community and the public who took the time to share their thoughts and dreams for Kent State. She remarked it was truly gratifying to see the deep commitment to and belief in the future of this great university. Chair Timken then called on Trustee and Search Committee Chair Richard Marsh to present the nomination of Dr. Beverly J. Warren as the 12th president of Kent State University. Trustee Marsh opened by remarking what a happy and historic day it is for Kent State University. He thanked President Lefton for his dynamic leadership over the past eight years, noting the lengthy list of accomplishments he is leaving behind. Trustee Marsh stated that since late summer 2013, the university has conducted a nationwide search for President Lefton’s successor. A 17-member search committee was formed and included representation from the university’s major constituencies including faculty, staff, student, and members of the greater Kent community. Trustee Marsh remarked on the hard work and dedication of the committee, and noted his personal gratitude for each member’s service. He then thanked Trustees Jane Timken and Dennis Eckart for their involvement in and support of the search. Trustee Marsh thanked Dr. Charlene Reed and Mr. James Hardy for their support of the search process. He then remarked that the search committee was given a clear and direct charge from the Board of Trustees, and that was to produce the best possible result for Kent State University and to settle for nothing less than excellence. Trustee Marsh stated that the search committee has achieved this objective, and proudly offered the unanimous recommendation of Beverly J. Warren as the 12th president of Kent State University. Dr. Warren is the right leader for Kent State, he said, and she possesses an impressive background of experience in higher education. Trustee Marsh then listed a number of Dr. Warren’s professional accomplishments. He noted that Dr. Warren stood out in a competitive field, and is the sole nominee with the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. Further, he stated she is ideally suited to lead Kent State and execute the vision set by the board. In addition to her open and inclusive style, Trustee Marsh Kent State University Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, 2014 Page 3 remarked that Dr. Warren’s warm and inviting personality would be received well by faculty, students and staff alike. With that, Trustee Marsh stated it is his privilege to nominate Beverly J. Warren as Kent State’s 12th president. Resolution 2014-01 APPOINTMENT OF BEVERLY J. WARREN AS PRESIDENT OF KENT STATE UNIVERSITY WHEREAS, on April 17, 2013, Dr. Lester A. Lefton announced his intention to retire as President of Kent State University on July 1, 2014, after eight years of distinguished leadership; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees launched a national search for Dr. Lefton’s successor, who would become the 12th president of the University; and WHEREAS, the Board created a 17-member Presidential Search Committee that, with the assistance of the search firm Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, was charged with the recruitment of highly qualified and diverse individuals who best embody the preferred characteristics of Kent State’s president at this time and for its future; and WHEREAS, as a result of this process and its own due diligence and deliberations, the Board of Trustees came to the unanimous nomination of Dr. Beverly J. Warren, who has more than 25 years of higher education leadership experience and currently serves as provost and senior vice president of Virginia Commonwealth University; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kent State University Board of Trustees hereby approves the appointment of Dr. Beverly J. Warren as the 12th president of the University, effective July 1, 2014, at a base salary of $450,000, and other agreedupon terms and conditions of employment to be specified in an employment contract. Chair Timken then invited Board Vice-Chair and Search Committee Vice-Chair Dennis Eckart to second the nomination. Trustee Eckart began his comments by recalling the first search committee meeting, when Trustee Marsh walked the committee through a lengthy exposition of what the group was facing. A competitive marketplace in which many, high-quality institutions were seeking new presidents, in a transformational time for public higher education in regards to the changing financial and academic models. He then remarked on the collegial nature of the search committee process at Kent State, and how that stands in stark contrast to how other institutions are conducting searches. Trustee Eckart then commented on the search timeline presented at that initial search committee meeting, noting how intimidating it all seemed. The search committee Kent State University Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, 2014 Page 4 achieved that timeline, he said, as the Board of Trustees welcomes Dr. Warren to northeast Ohio. Trustee Eckart stated that when one examines Dr. Warren’s professional resume, one sees an incredible commitment to academic excellence. When one meets Dr. Warren, one immediate respects her, he said. He noted that her life’s work has been to enrich the lives of young people, as well as those with whom she has worked. Beyond that, when one engages with Dr. Warren one finds a personality that is steeped in the deepest respect for the worth of each of us as individuals. While serving on the search committee was an awesome task, Trustee Eckart noted his sincere enjoyment of the process and how much he has learned about the institution. With that, he seconded the motion made by Trustee Marsh nominating Dr. Warren as the 12th president of Kent State University. Chair Timken then asked if any other trustees wished to comment. Trustee Della Ratta remarked that as a board member who was not on the committee, he wanted to thank all who served on the search committee and offered his appreciation for such an inclusive process. The thing that struck him most about Dr. Warren, he said, are the intangibles she brings to the position. He found her to be a true advocate for students, who at the end of the day is who the university exists to serve. Trustee Della Ratta felt Dr. Warren would be a tremendous partner with the faculty, who are the backbone of the institution. He remarked that she would continue the momentum President Lefton has created, noting what a privilege it has been to serve during President Lefton’s leadership. He concluded his comments by stating how excited he is to work with Dr. Warren in the coming years. ACTION: Trustee Marsh moved, seconded by Trustee Eckart, that the resolution be approved. There were no objections. The motion passed. Chair Timken then invited President-elect Warren to make remarks. President-elect Warren began her remarks by noting what an exciting moment this is for her personally, and thanked the community for their welcome. She stated that a university is really formed by its people, and she has been so impressed with the people of Kent State University. Remarking that while she has much more to learn, President-elect Warren is energized by the amount of people who are excited about the future of the institution. She thanked the Board of Trustees for their confidence in her, and the trust they’ve invested. President-elect Warren pledged a 24/7, high-energy commitment to Kent State, and to the values and ideals articulated to her by the trustees. She thanked Board Chair Timken, noting that she has never seen a chair so energetic and passionate about their university. She thanked Trustee Eckart for the countless conversations she had with him and his commitment to the institution. Noting his gracious and inclusive style of leadership, President-elect Warren thanked Trustee Marsh for presiding over an excellent search process. She then thanked the search committee for their time, effort and deliberation. She then stated that the university owes a deep sense of gratitude to President Lefton. Presidentelect Warren remarked that her attraction to Kent State was due in large part to what President Lefton had built during the last eight years. Coming from a similar institution with similar Kent State University Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, 2014 Page 5 aspirations, she stated that Kent State is on the rise nationally. His work, his legacy and his commitment to excellence were major signs that Kent State is the place to be, she said. President-elect Warren remarked that this is only the beginning of the moment, stating she has so much more to learn about Kent State University. Everyone in the room, as well as 42,000 students, all has a point of view about this institution, she said. Her goal is to learn and understand what the hope; the promise; the dream is for Kent State University. To her, she said, what a president does is to articulate to the world your desires for your university. The people of Kent State University have an energy and a commitment to this institution that makes her pleased to join as president. Chair Timken then formally recognized President-elect Dr. Beverly J. Warren with a few Kent State mementos. She then remarked that one of the reasons for the success of the search has been the exemplary leadership of President Lefton. The momentum Kent State enjoys today is due, in large part, to his vision and leadership, she said. She then invited President Lefton to make a few remarks. Proclaiming another great day at Kent State, President Lefton noted his delight in having an opportunity to say a few words on such a historic day for the university. He reminded those in attendance of his remarks to Faculty Senate earlier in the fall where he predicted that Kent State’s outstanding programs and deeply held values would attract a very high caliber leader to the position of president. He asserted he has been proven right with the selection of Presidentelect Warren. President Lefton stated that President-elect Warren is a superb choice for Kent State, bringing a wealth of experience gained at several great universities. She is a widely respected scholar and leader alike, he said. President Lefton remarked that as provost of Virginia Commonwealth University, President-elect Warren has demonstrated the pursuit of excellence at every level of the institution, making a distinctive mark on academic programs, research and scholarly productivity, and community engagement. He felt her experience, energy, optimism, and enthusiasm are a fitting match for the Kent community. He then thanked and acknowledged those whose efforts brought the university to this important day including Trustee and Search Chair Richard Marsh; Trustees Dennis Eckart and Jane Timken who served crucial roles in the search process; Dr. Charlene Reed and James Hardy; and ultimately the entire search committee and many members of the community who participated in the process. President Lefton remarked that with the university on such solid footing, he is passing the leadership torch with confidence in the future of this magnificent institution. He remarked on his own memories of being introduced as Kent State’s 11th president. He then stated that Presidentelect Warren is only beginning to feel the excitement and adrenaline-charged sense of “Kent State pride” that he feels everyday. Leading an institution like Kent State is a task worthy of people who have maturity, values, and experience that challenge them to new levels, he said. President Lefton stated that President-elect Warren is ready, willing, and more than able. With that, he welcomed President-elect Warren to the Kent State family. Kent State University Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, 2014 Page 6 ADJOURNMENT Chair Timken announced that the next regular business meeting of the Board of Trustees would occur March 12, 2014, at the Kent Campus, and invited members of the media and general public to stay for a press conference immediately following the meeting. On motion duly made and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.