MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Of CROSS-LAMINATED ANC, COMPOSITE GLASS-FABRIC-BASE PLASTIC LAMINATES Information Reviewed and Reaffirmed July 1961 LOAN COPY Please return to: No. 1821 Wood Engineering Research borato Forest Products Lary Madison, Wisconsin 53705 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY MADISON 5, WISCONSIN FOREST SERVICE In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CROSS-LAMINATED AND COMPOSITE GLASS-FABRIC-BASE PLASTIC LAMINATES' By ALAN D. FREAS, Engineer and FRED WERREN, Engineer 2 Forest Products Laboratory, - Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Abstract The properties of glass-fabric laminates may be varied by varying the orientation of the laminations or by combining laminations of differing properties. Reported herein are the results of tests of cross laminates of three fabrics varying in strength parallel and perpendicular to their warp. Also tested was a parallel laminate combining two of these fabrics in alternate laminations. Methods are given for predicting the properties of the laminates tested, based on properties of parallel laminates. Introduction One of the advantages of laminates lies in the fact that the strength properties may be varied by varying the orientation of the laminations, or by combining laminations of differing properties in the same laminated panel. This report presents the results of tests on three cross-laminated panels, each made of a different fabric, and one composite panel, parallel-laminated, with alternate laminations of two different fabrics. -This progress report is one of a series prepared and distributed by the Forest Products Laboratory under U.S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics Order No. NAer 01044 and U.S. Air Force No. USAF-(33-038) 51-4066-E. Results here reported are preliminary and may be revised as'additional data become available. Original report published in February 1951. 2 -Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Report No. 1821 The fabrics tested are typical of the range used in aircraft. Relationships developed from this study, therefore, should be applicable to other glass fabrics now being used for airo1aft latinateb, MAteti41 One panel of each of four laminates was tested in this study. Three of the panels were cross - laminated (warp direction of adjacent plies at right angles) of 112-114, 116 - 114, or 145 - 114 fabric. The fourth panel was parallel-laminated with alternate plies of 112-114 and 143-114 fabric. All panels were laminated with resin 2, a high-temperaturesetting, low-viscosity laminating resin of the polyester (styrene-alkyd) type conforming with the requirements for Types I, II, and III of U. S. Air Force Specification 12049. For all panels, the resin was catalyzed with 0.8 percent of benzoyl peroxide by weight. The fabric and resin were laid up between cellophane-covered cauls. Immediately after impregnation and lay-up, the panel was cured at a pressure of 14 pounds per square inch for 1 hour and 40 minutes in a press at a temperature gradually increasing from 220° to 250° F. Pressure was controlled by means of an oil-filled steel bladder located on the bottom plate of the press. Information on the make-up and physical properties of the various panels is given in table 1. Testing All specimens were, prior to test, conditioned to approximately constant weight at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity. The tests were conducted under uncontrolled conditions of temperature and relative humidity, but the specimens were exposed to these conditions for as short a time as possible. Six specimens of each material were tested in tension, compression, and bending, and two or three of each material in shear. Tension Tests The tensile specimens used were 16 inches long and of the thickness of the laminate. The maximum sections at the ends were 1-1/2 inches wide and 2-7/8 inches long. The minimum section at the center was 0.8 inch wide and 2-1/2 inches long. The maximum and minimum sections were connected by circular arcs of 20-inch radius tangent to the minimum section. Specimens were cut parallel to and at 45 degrees to the two warp directions of the cross laminates and parallel, perpendicular, and at 45 degrees to the warp direction of the parallel laminate. Report No. 1821 -2- The specimens were held in Templin-type grips, and load was applied at a head speed of 0.035 inch per minute. Strains were measured across a 2-inch gage length with a pair of Marten's mirrors reading to 0.00001 inch; load-deformation readings were taken to failure. Compression Tests Compression test specimens were 1 inch wide, 4 inches long, and of the thickness of the laminate. They were cut parallel to the two warp directions of the cross laminates. The parallel laminate was cut parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction. The specimens were loaded on their ends and were restrained from buckling by an apparatus similar to that shown in figure 2 of A.S,T.M. Standard Designation D805-47. Load was applied at a head spee6 of 0.012 inch per minute. Bending Tests Bending specimens were 1/2 inch wide, 6 inches long, and of the thickness of the laminate. They were cut parallel to the two warp directions of the cross laminates. The parallel laminate was cut parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction. Specimens were tested under center loading over a 4-inch span. Load was applied at a head speed of 0.078 inch per minute. Deflections were measured by means of a dial gage supported in such a manner that the spindle touched the bottom of the specimen at the center of the length. Load-deflection readings were taken to failure. The directional orientation of bending specimens is determined by the direction of the top ply when the specimen is in the test apparatus. For the 0° specimen, the top ply is parallel to the span. Panel Shear Tests Shear specimens were cut somewhat to the shape of a formee cross, the outline of which is that of figure 1. The part of the specimen common to the four arms of the cross was 3 inches square. The specimens were cut so that the edges of the 3-inch square were parallel to the two warp directions in the cross-laminated material. For the parallel laminate, the edges were parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction. Four pairs of machined steel plates (fig. 2) having the shape of the arms of the cross, excluding the 3-inch square at the center, were bonded to the arms, with one plate on each side of each arm. Each plate was alined to its mate, during the bonding process, by two pins. Upon completion of bonding, machine bolts were added. Thus, when the bolts were tightened, the specimen was clamped between two plates. A specimen to which the plates have been cemented and bolted is shown in figure 1, with the rollers and roller pins in place. Report NO, 1821 -3- The load was applied to the rollers through triangular steel pieces that direct the load along the edges of the 3-inch-square central section of the specimen. Thus, a condition of approximately pure shear stress was obtained in this section., The apparatus is shown, set up ready for test in figure 3. The load wale applied At a head speed of approximately 0.01 inch per minute. Load and compressive strain readings were taken at regular intervals of load. Compressive strains were measured by Tuckerman strain gages of 1-inch gage length mounted on the two faces of the specimen. Metalectric strain gages, as used in other tests ) are shown on figure 3 rather than the Tuckerman gages used in this study. Presentation and Discussion of Results Average test results are given in tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. The control data shown are from parallel-laminated panels tested in other similar research. Comparisons of test results with computed results are shown in tables 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Tension and Compression Modulus of elasticity.--In studying the elastic properties of plywood, it has been found that the modulus of elasticity of plywood was equal to the average, weighted according to the volume occupied, of the moduli of elasticity of the individual plies in the appropriate direction. It is reasonable to assume that laminates of the types tested have similar relations. For the laminates, this would be expressed as follows: 1 i= n E — Ea A > EiA. (1) • = Where: Ea = modulus of elasticity of the cross-laminated or composite panel. A = cross-sectional area of the laminate. Ei = modulus of elasticity of the ith ply in the direction of stress. Ai = cross-sectional area of ith ply. In computing values of modulus of elasticity for comparison with test results, values of Ei were taken from the data for parallel laminates, tables 2 and 3. A comparison of the values of modulus of elasticity computed by equation (1) with those from test is shown in tables 6 and 7. In general, the values agree within 10 percent. 2"Msohanical Properties of Plastic Laminates" by Fred Werren. FEL Report No. 1820, February 1951. Report No. 1821 Strength properties.--The total load which can be carried by a composite material equals the sum of the loads carried by the parts. That is, P = P1 + P2 = S1A1 + S2A2 . Also, S 1 = Elea. and S2 = E2e2 . Since the strains (e l and e2) must be equal, Si/El = S2/E2 and S1/S2 = El/E2. Therefore, P S 2A1E1/E2 + S2A2 SiAl + S1A2E2 /E1l and the over-all stress in the laminate may be calculated from: - S1 A 1 +E2 A2 El or (2) (3) where: Sa = strength property of cross laminate or composite laminate. S1 = strength property of type 1 layers parallel to direction of stress. S2 = strength property of type 2 layers parallel to direction of stress. El = modulus of elasticity of type 1 layers parallel to direction of stress. E2 = modulus of elasticity of type 2 layers parallel to direction of stress. A l = total cross-sectional area of type 1 layers. A2 = total cross-sectional area of type 2 layers. A = total cross-sectional area. Strictly, the relations of equations (2) and (3) apply only within the elastic range of the material; experience with other materials, however, has indicated that they may be expected to give reasonable approximations even beyond this range. Computations based on the relations shown in equations (2) and (3) have been made, and comparisons between computed and test results are shown in tables 6 and 7. The computed stress is based on the control values from the parallel laminate, tables 2 and 3. For the cross-laminated material, the 90° values are used for method 1, and the 0° values are used for method 2. For the composite material, the appropriate stress of the 143-114 laminate is used in method 1 and the stress of the 112-114 laminate is used in method 2. In the majority of instances, agreement between computed and test values is reasonable. In some of the parallel laminates, strain at failure was , different for the 0° and 90° directions. It was considered possible that better accuracy could be obtained by basing computations on the strength corresponding to the smaller failure strain or by averaging the stresses at the smaller failure strain. A check of these procedures indicated no improvement over the methods of equations (2) and (3). Report No. 1821 -5- It is possible that the layers which fail at the smaller strain when parallel-laminated are supported, in the cross-laminated or composite form, by the other layers to the extent that they support their stress at failure (as determined from tests of parallel-laminated material) even for additional strain. If this be true, the strength of the cross laminates or the composite laminates would be represented by the average strength of the component layers (as determined from tests of parallel laminates) weighted according to the area occupied. That is: Sa =n A > i = 1 SiAi (4) Where: Sa = property of the cross laminate or composite laminate. A = cross-sectional area of the laminate. Si = property of the ith ply parallel to stress, Ai = cross-sectional area of the ith ply. Computations on this basis have been made and ratios of computed to test values are shown in tables 6 and 7 as method 3. On the whole, agreement between computed and test values is better by this method than by the other two. Agreement between computed and test values for stress at proportional limit is poor for a number of cases, regardless of method. At least in part, this may be attributed to the difficulty of accurately locating the proportional limit. The Properties for the cross laminates tested in the two directions are, for all except a few cases, essentially the same. This is to be expected, since the same proportions of material are loaded parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction regardless of direction of test. It is not clear why the test results at 0.2 percent offset and ultimate in compression for the 143-114 cross laminate are so different in the two directions. The large differences in proportional limit for the 112-114 and 116-114 cross laminates in the two directions are probably due in part to difficulty in accurately locating the proportional limit. Properties in tension at 42_Segrees.--Previous reporta— have developed relations between properties of parallel laminates at different angles to the warp direction. Similar relationships would be expected to hold for the cross-laminated or composite materials tested for this report, since these materials are also considered to be orthotropic. The check, however, will be limited because values are available only at 45 degrees in tension. —Herren, Fred and Norris, C. B. Directional Properties of Glass-fabric- base Plastic Laminate Panels of Sizes that do not Buckle. Forest Products Laboratory Report 1803, 1949, and Report 1803-A, 1950, Supplement to Report 18030 Report No. 1821 I -6- The formulas given on pages 11 and 12 of Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1803 4 were used for calculation based on the values derived from tests of cross laminates and the composite laminate at 0° and 90°. Values of Poisson's ratio for use in the equation for modulus of elasticity were not available. Approximate values based on those given in Reports 1803 and 1803-A. were used. In any event, the term involving this property does not enter importantly into the calculations, so that small errors will not seriously affect the results. A comparison of computed with test results based on these calculations is shown in table 10 as method 1. Computed and test values for modulus of elasticity agree within 10 percent, but agreement for other properties is not so good. In each case, the properties derived from shear tests are important factors in the calculations, but shear values are based on only two or three tests and are thus somewhat less reliable than the other values. Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1816 2 proposes relations between ultimate strength along the orthotropic axes and ultimate strength at various angles to these axes. The report shows good agreement between computed and test results for parallel-laminated glass-fabric laminates. For tension, the relation between properties and test direction is slightly modified from that given in Reports Nos. 1803 and 1803-A. The modified relation (equation 13, Report No. 1816) gives no better agreement than does that of Report No. 1803. At least for the fabrics whose parallel-laminate properties are about the same both parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction, it would seem that the 45-degree properties should be the same as for the parallel laminates, since each layer is being stressed in the same manner as in the parallel laminate. Some interaction between layers because of differing properties may be expected, but it should be small. For a laminate made of the 143-114 fabric, however, such agreement would not be expected because of the difference in properties in the two directions. A comparison on this basis is shown in table 10 as method 2. For the composite laminate, the 45-degree values from the 112-114 and the 143-114 parallel laminates are weighted according to their areas. In general, the computed and test values agree within 10 percent except for the 143-114 cross laminate at ultimate. Agreement is better than for the computations based on the equations of Report No. 1803.4 Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1803 discusses the difficulty of making satisfactory shear tests and suggests that shear properties can be better determined by computations based on tensile and compressive properties. This would indicate the improbability of being able satisfactorily to predict tensile properties at an angle to the warp direction when it is necessary to base the computations on shear properties derived from test. N orris, C. B. Strength of Orthotropic Materials Subjected to Combined Stresses. Forest Products Laboratory Report 1816, July 1950. Report No. 1821 -7- Static Bending Modulus of elasticity.--In plywood, it has'been found that modulus of elasticity in bending was equal to the average, weighted in accordance with the moment of inertia, of the moduli of elasticity ok the individual plies parallel to the span. A similar relation, for the laminates studied, would be: Ea . 1 > EiIi n (5) 1 Where: Ea = the modulus of elasticity panel. Ei = modulus of elasticity of I i = moment of inertia of the the laminate. I = moment of inertia of the of the cross-laminated or composite the ith ply parallel to span. ith ply about the neutral plane of laminate about its neutral plane. Computations based on this equation were made using, as values Of, Ei , values from the parallel-laminate data of table 4. Good agreement between computed and test values is shown in table 8. Strength properties.--Theoretical considerations indicate that the resisting moment of a laminate consisting of layers differing in modulus of elasticity may be computed from: M = f1 (6) c or -r M = f2 -7 1 r 2 (7) Where: M = resisting moment of the laminate. I/c = section modulus based on the over-all dimensions of the laminate. I = moment of inertia of the laminate about the neutral plane. I l = sum of the moments of inertia of the layers of type 1. 12 . sum of the moments of inertia of the layers of type 2; type 2 layers assumed to be on surface of laminate. fl strength, in the parallel-to-span direction, of the type 1 layers. f2 = strength, in the parallel-to-span direction, of the type 2 layers. r = E1/E2. El modulus of elasticity of type 1 layers in the parallel-to-span direction. E2 = modulus of elasticity of type 2 layers in the parallel-to-span direction. tf/d = ratio of thickness of surface layer to total thickness of laminate. Report No. 1821 -8- From this it may be seen that: a or f a 2 4. T [--1 1 12 [1 =f 1 t T.- 7. f 2 [I 1 r (8) 2 (9) where f is the strength of the laminate as computedfrom the usual equaa tion a = Mc/I. These equations are based on the assumption of elastic behavior and thus are not strictly applicable beyond the proportional limit. In studies of plywood, however, similar relations have been found to be applicable even to modulus of rupture. Equation (9) is applicable when it is assumed that the strength of the outer layers controls the strength of the laminate; and equation (8), when it is assumed that the layer adjacent to the outer layer controls. In the case of the cross laminates, which had an even number of plies, the warp directions of the surface layers on the two surfaces were opposed. In calculating strength, therefore, it was necessary to use equation (9), assuming, in one case, that the outer layer having the warp direction at 90° to the span controlled and in the other case, that the outer layer having the warp direction at 0° to the span controlled. For the composite laminate, made with an even number of plies and parallel-laminated, both equations applied. For the cases studied and for most cases involving more than a few plies, the factor (1 - 2ff) will be nearly unity and can thus be d generally disregarded. For the composite laminate tested, for example, the factor had a value of 0.975. Computations based on equations (8) and (9) were made. A comparison of computed with test results is shown in table 8. For the cross laminates, all computations were made using equation (9) in the manner indicated earlier. Method 1 designates values based on the strength properties of the parallel laminates at 90°. Method 2 designates values based on the strength properties of the parallel laminates at 0°. For the composite laminate, method 1 designates values computed from equation (9) and thus based on the properties of,the 112-114 parallel laminate. Method 2 designates values computed from equation (8) and thus based on the properties of the 143-114 parallel laminate. For the 112-114 and 116-114 laminates whose properties are similar in the two directions, agreement between computed and test values is good. For the other two laminates, agreement is poor in many instances. In each case of poor agreement, it may be noted that the computed value is lower than the test value when the computation is based on the property of the weaker laminations. In general, the reverse is true for computations based on the stronger laminations. Report No. 1821 -9- This is probably explainable on the following basis. Take, for example, the case of the 143-114 cross laminate. The strength properties of the 143-114 parallel laminate at 90° to the warp direction are from about 1/5 to 1/16 those at 0°. The 90° layer on the outer surface would, therefore, be expected to fail at a relatively low load. The adjoining layer, however, is relatively strong and the remaining portion of the laminate, after failure of the weak outer layer, might be strong enough to carry additional load. The actual strength, therefore, would be higher than that predicted on the basis of the strength of the outer layer at 90°. Calculations based on the assumption that the outer 90° layer is ineffective and that the laminate is one lamination thinner than it actually is give reasonable checks with test values Computations for the same cross laminate based on the strength of the outer 0° layer are considerably higher than the test values because the early failure of the opposite surface is not taken into account. For cross laminates of this type, therefore, better predictions of strength can be made if the weaker of the two outer layers is assumed to be ineffective and the strength computed as if the laminate were one lamination thinner. It appears, therefore, that the procedures outlined above can be expected to give reasonable estimates of strength properties when the component plies have properties not differing greatly. When the properties are significantly different, the procedures are not adequate. The data are not sufficient to define the limiting ratio of properties at which the procedures fail. Since, for tension and compression, a weighted average of properties of the two types of layers had proved a reasonable basis for calculation, a similar method was considered for the bending properties. The weighting, however, was in accordance with the moments of inertia of the two sets of layers. That is: Fa1 I i=n Fi (10) i =1 Where: Fa = strength property I = moment of inertia Fi = strength property direction. I i = moment of inertia the laminate. of the laminate. of the laminate about its neutral plane. of the ith ply in the parallel-to-span of the ith ply about the neutral plane of Computations on this basis have been made, and a comparison of computed with test values is shown in table 8 as method 3. In general, the agreement is better than for the other two methods. Report No. 1821 -10- Shear Panel shear tests of plywood, where the stresses were applied along two of the orthotropic axes, have indicated that the direction of the plies (either parallel or crops plies) does not affect the properties so long as the plies are the same._ This is to be expected since shear forces are applied both parallel and perpendicular to the grain and each ply is stressed in the same manner regardless of its grain orientation with respect to its . neighbors. Similar relations are to be expected with glass-fabric laminates. Where layers differing in properties are combined, their effects would be in proportion to the area occupied. That is: Fa = —A-- 1 n > FiAl i Where: Fa = property of cross laminate or composite laminate. A = area of cross laminate or composite laminate. Fi = property of ith ply. Ai = area of ith ply. Computations based on this equation have been made, using the properties determined from tests of parallel laminates for Fi. For the cross laminates, of course, the properties would be the same as for the parallel laminates. Table . 9 presents a comparison of computed with test results. Agreement is generally good, with a few exceptions. Better agreement can probably not be expected in view of the small number of tests. Conclusions Glass-fabric laminates may be made with various combinations of fabrics or fabric orientation. The laminates tested for this report include three cross-laminated panels made from each of three fabrics, and a parallellaminated composite panel made from two fabrics. Based on the limited number of combinations tested, reasonable estimates of their properties may be found. The properties of cross laminates or composite laminates stressed in tension or compression parallel or perpendicular to the warp direction may be taken as the average of the properties of the component layers, parallel to stress, weighted according to the proportion of the area they occupy. Norris, C. B., Werren, Fred, and McKinnen, P. F. The Effect of Yeteer Thickness and Grain Direction on the Shear Strength of Plywood. Forest Products Laboratory Report 1801, July 1948. Report No. 1821 -11- The properties of cross laminates or composite laminates stressed in bending parallel or perpendicular to the warp direction may be taken as the average of the properties of the component layers, parallel to span, weighted according to the proportion they contribute to the moment of inertia of the laminate. The properties of cross laminates or composite laminates stressed in shear with the shear loads applied parallel and perpendicular to the warp direction may be taken as the average of the properties of the component plies when loaded in the same way, weighted according to the proportion of the area they occupy. For cross laminates, the properties are the same as for the parallel laminates. The properties of cross laminates or composite laminates stressed in tension at 45 degrees to the warp direction may be taken as the average of the properties of the component layers, parallel to stress, weighted according to the proportion of the area they occupy. For cross laminates, the properties are the same as for the parallel laminates. Since the laminates tested involve fabrics having a range of relative strength parallel and perpendicular to warp typical of the range used in aircraft applications, the relations developed should be applicable to any other glass fabrics now being used for aircraft laminates. Report No. 1821 -12- .4-28 Table 1.--Miscellaneous data relative to laminates made with resin 21 • : Barcol Panel : Fabric :Direction : Total : Specific : Resin : number : gravity : content : hardness of No. : : . : of : plies : plies?: Percent : 10 : 112-114; : Parallel : 41 : 143-114 : : 1.84 34.6 : 72 26 : 143-114 : Cross : 26 : 1.85 : 31.3 : 70 29 : 112-114 : Cross : 84 : 1.70 : 44.9 : 69 62 : 116-114 : Cross : 70 : 1.83 36.0 : 71 =Resin 2 is a high-temperature-setting, low-viscosity, laminating resin of the polyester (styrene-alkyd) type. ?Panel 10 was parallel-laminated with alternate plies of 112-114 (21 plies) and 143-114 (20 plies) fabric. All other panels were cross-laminated (adjacent plies at right angles). Report No. 1821 Table 2.--Results of tension tests of glass-fabric cross laminates and a composite lsnInate _ .•.. : Fabric :Direc- : Modulus of Stress at : tion : e1astioity t: Proportional licit : Ultimate : of : : test : Initial Second- : ary : Initial :Secondary : :Degrees: I. ! 1 1,000 f p.s.i. : P.s.i. : P.s.i. : P.s.i. Contrp1S Parallel-laminated 112-114 : 0 : 45 : go : 2,690 : 2,390 : 11,800 : 29,500 : 42,700 3,76o : 20,60o• • • 1,540 • 9,800 : 27,000 : 38,700 : 2,640 : 2,240 : 116-114 : 0 : 45 : 90 : 3,570 : 3,010 : :......-.: 1,830 : 2,950 : 2,640 : 6,820 : 29,300 : 47,000 3,740 : 22,800 8,200 : 33,100 : 46,700 143-114 : :.........: 5,690 .... 1,66o : 1,690 : 44o • 61,700 : 89,850 .... 3 1 890 : 14,000 8,46o : 10,750 2,650 : 0 45 : 90 Cross-laminated 112-114 : 0 : 45 : 90 : 2,450 : 2,120 : 10,700 : 23,700 : 39,150 • 3,250 : 21,050 • 1,460 9,500 : 25,050 : 39,50o : 2,66o : 2,25o : 116-114 3,060 : 2,76o : :.........: 1 1 690 • : 3,170 : 2,780 : 91 860 : 29,250 : 45,30o 3,560 : 22,350 • 9,35o : 29,400 : 44,750 : 3,100 : 2,820 : 7,110 : 30,200 : 51,200 3,850 : 18,800 ..... 7,250 : 27,350 : 51,050 o : 45 : 90 143-114 : o : 45 : 90 1,700 : 3,000 : 2,750 : :...,.....: 112-114, 143-114 Fabric Alternated; Parallel-laminated 112-114;: Report 1821 5,070 :...... .... : 59,600 : 79,950 1,680 :,....,....: 3,560 : 16,500 2,190 : 990 : 3,130 : 14,350 : 18,650 • 0 143-114 : 45 : 90 Table 3.--Results of compression tests of glass-fabric cross laminates and a composite laminate Stress at -Fabric : Direc- : Modulus of : : tion of : elasticity : : Proportional : 0.2 percent : Ultimate test : : : offset limit : : P.s.i. : Degrees :1,000 p,s.i.: P.s.i. Controls Parallel-laminated 112-114 : 116-114 : 143-114 : 36,850 32,900 : 36,850 : 32,900 28,900 26,450 • 28,900 26,450 52,000 20,650 52,000 21,900 23,350 38,600 18,250 37,050 38,600 37,050 28,900 29,200 28,900 : 28,900 0 2,820 23,250 90 2,630 21,600 0 90 3,200 3,120 : : 17,950 17,650 : 0 90 5,180 : 36,700 : 1,590 : 11,450 : Cross-laminated 112-114 : 116-114 : 143-114 : 0 2,830 90 2,890 0 3,370 14,550 : 90 3,220 : 19,300 : 3,330 t 19,500 33,250 : 34,050 3,480 : 21,800 40,850 : 41,050 0 • 90 : 112-114, 143-114 Fabric Alternated; Parallel-laminated 112-114;: 143-114 : 0 90 Report No. 1821 : : 4,630 1,960 39,000 14,300 50,100 24,200 : 50,100 • 24,450 Table 4.--Results of static bending tests of glass-fabric cross laminates and a composite laminate • • Fabric : Direc: tion of : test : : Modulus of : Stress at -- : elasticity : : : Proportional : 0.2 percent : : limit : offset : Degrees :1,000 p.s.i.: : Modulus : of : rupture : P.s.i. : 31,000 26,450 58,250 : 58,250 48,35o : 48,350 . P.s.i. P.s.i. Controls Parallel-laminated 112-114 : : 0 90 : 116-114 : 2,590 2,400 : : 0 : 2,860 28,650 43,800 : 43,800 : 90 . 2,690 : 26,300 38,55o : 38,800 143-114 : : 0 90 4,75o 1,44o : 83,300 93,550 10,30o : 93,550 : 18,10o 29,950 27,300 51,450 51,450 : 51,450 : 51,500 5,62o Cross-laminated 112-114 : : 0 90 : : 2,510 2,530 116-114 : : o : 90 : 2,86o 2,86o 31,10o 27,65o 43,20o 41,150 : 43,200 : 41,150 143-114 : 0 : 2,910 32,450 : go : 3,160 34,000 51,400 60,400 : 54,650 : 61,100 : 112-114, 143-114 Fabric Alternated; Parallel-laminated 112-114;: 0 : 4,320 75,200 143-114 : 90 : 1,760 8,340 Report 1821 86,400 17,150 : 86,400 : 28,000 Table 5.--Results of panel shear tests of glass-fabric cross laminates and a composite laminate : . Fabric : Modulus : Stress at -. of : : rigidity: Proportional : 0.2 percent : : : limit offset : • : 1z 000 •p.s.i. : P.s.i. : : P.s.i. Ultimate P.s.i. Controls Parallel-laminated 112-114 : 116-114 : 143-114 : 660 570 760 : : : 1,920 1,660 : 2,520 4,070 3,420 4,600 13,600 11,450 12,150 Cross-laminated 112-114 : 116-114 : 570 620 143-114 : 630 : 2,380 : 4,520 14,450 1,640 2,570 : : 3,550 4,900 11,300 14,100 112-114, 143-114 Fabrics Alternated; Parallel-laminated 112-114;: 143-114 : 670 Report No. 1821 : 2,380 4,740 11,700 r8 t PrN -P 00 o• oo •• D• 00 OD 00 0 00 rCi 43 H 00 00 oo •• he o• oo 0e o• 4) 4-3 X 00 o• •0 00 a) Z 0 •rq 4-3 100 0 0 00 Do 00 CO r-, H ,-1 eri 1- 1 00 00 CO -4 rZI 12 O 00 $.1 CJ • r-f .--T o 0. r4, ..-i Po -.1 ,0 cd r.4 4-,l'e\ (I) 4-, crl 00 H c -4 +) •r-i 0 H •. ...... rci .0 0 4-) al 0 X 00 00 A d• •• 4i 'rya O 4-) (1) ci) O 4-4 H H O oo rc:l OH (1) oo o• 00 00 • 00 OD C 8) LIN ON ON 0 • •• 00 • 4Z H •o ON H N- n.0 0 0 n1:7 CO HN i-I H H 0-1 -P cd pi H •• Co •• oe 0 \c) 5 rd •• 8 bo 00 ee ln 5 -4. res 0\ Or oo P• 4-) Cd 0 ..ri -I:, Cd Z .,-1 co .-I 0 0.1 al tot-1H co O 1.4 r—{ F f-IL • • ''' '. 0 H 0% Cr, • • 04. YO 00 •• o• •• •ri +) ad 0 k oo CD +3 • ID • 0 I-1 °IAD 0 t.) t-- CO .1 • . • • •0 n-I 0 • 0• 0 • • • • ••t CV N- ON ON ao O• uo .(J nci a.) Jo 00 0n 0 0 0 CES 0 al 0 0 H r-I k H • ,.. H ON 1-1 i coHal oa 0 1.4 Ha) 0 +.0 H cd 0 N 0 fc) Oti tel H• alo a) e-i H rd fzi .• --I 1 03t4-• ••1 ...1H r4-S 0 N H • ; al H H' H H H 00 0 cu rci 0H 0 0 P4 o co U Hi 00 r—i re\ -4ON . 00 0 .0 -P F-4 00 • HH r-I .4- rd 0 .0 Pi 0 0N H oo .4:-.1 N H 11) H ri +) o:1 0 O 00 •• 0 r•r rid co 1.1a). CD P• oo rid 0 .0 4-) al I) X 00 00 0a oo •• t-- ON ON ON ON tel HH . • HH -P rc1 a) H • co O r1 0a ON 0 rd MI rd 0 0 (1) CD 06 al H H t" 00 0 000 O• CO OD 0 •ON0 H nO If\ 0 0. 1-1 .0 al 4-) 0.) 00 tr1 ifN 0et 00 OWN r-i Nat 00 H 00 00 n.1) trN 00 H I.; .0 GS .*-• °- 0 O .4 . H • • 1-!0 0• rc•n -4H • • •. • • • •0 Oh ,--I 0 CO CO • 4 00 00 00 00 al •• C) ...A F-i •H c,0d •. 41 _..- . • H 4, • H g • •0 . K.\ . H • • H i-I N H H 1 c0 OH 00 00 ON reN H H •• 00 CC) • op H CO H 0 •• OD O• O• co a) a) b0, a) A PO 60 .. 00 C• 00 4-) 0 0 ON 0 0 0 0 ON 0 0 ON 0 0 tr1 4-, a) o• nC) ON ON 0 ON ON • \-0 1-1 ON 0 ON 0 0 0\ 0 0 • 0 • 6• on 0 60 II 0 oo •• oo 11.1 •• r-I 0 4-) of W a) $-1 4-) 00 06 •0 c0 al CO 0\ . 0 00 •• •• •e •• o• rel 0 4-) rg KN g a) 4-, o a) Pi Z a) •• 4 al 0 o3 •• co a) P4 -I-) c0 4-) cri co OD 00 co bo rid 0 •• .I 00 4-3 00 00 cO N-1 0 co 0 co 0 11) +.1 0 ON 041 \ 0 If\ 01 0 • 90 •0 •443 • 95 CV IA ON 0. o c0 • • 00 00 ern al c:0\ cl) 4' nC) cC:) On 0 0 • CV re\ 0 CO 5. al a) r.r\ 0 HH 0 f•-n rrN N HH 00 •4--, N H 00 D• •51 00 I oo ". ON 0 CO o 0\ ON • 34• al 06 t-- --l• 1!1 H . 0 HH 0\ ON ,N H • •• 141 KN 0 a) 4-,P4 0\ 0 o• 043 ON. ON. 0 CO N cO c7A . PcN c• 00 'Cr 11.) 4-1 a) ♦ Cr\ In CV • '14 o A n-1 4-) a) Z oo . n.0 0\ 0\ A al +a a) Z 4-3 44 0 00 ri8 4-8 co 00 •0 00 4) P 0 0 CO a 0 0 dr:1 •-1 CV -• +5 a) 0 co On • One O\ Q1 -0 4) _1vs, al al N K1 • 00 CN 0 0 • H —1 • is• cn 0 0 •• 00 nD 041 On OH • Pi 43 • 06 430 00 43, 06 KN reN Cv ON • ri •• 041 o;)0 1-1 al I—I H" 04') 0 it 00 4-1 0 -P W 4-1 r-I 0 red 0 H to (C1 H DO •• C3\ ON 0 0 -* CO ON ON 0 • O t-- 0 ON LC-N ON ON ON 0 • H c0 0 0 D• •• a) g F-1 0 • ri A 4-, 049 044 DO 00 00 oa al a) F-1 a) •44 50 0 0 0 ON • 0 ON D 00 c44 13.40 00 4) F-1 0 Pd a) 124 O Ci 0 A K1 $4 +, 4 P -I .4. 0o 0• I-1 i-4 a) C-- in ON N H 0 ON *0 80 0 H I-1 0\ 0 0 0 Z 00 0• 00 0• 00 00 00 0• 00, 00 as 0s 0 0 co tes H ca am TrI rd cH O A CU 4-) a) 0 Z 4-)c0 (1) 4-) ICI 1rel O reo a) rd 0 ,O 2-4 4-)0 a) Z +) 0 ON 00 • H O HH 1 0 0 00 CIO -c ce 00 00 00 00 0:1 ON ON ON0 0 a\0 ON0 ti t-- \O \O 00 00 •0 00 00 00 8 • H 8a • H 00 00 co I-I 00 Cl• 80 CO 00 c• 00 00 be 00 00 00 • De Nn 0 • 0 PCN t-- 0\ C-- 0 -8 .0 r41 0 o 3 H H a) Z 4-2 00 00 00 80 0 rd 0 FI .0 al +3 a) O rl 4-) a) r co O 4-I I ce I:4 4-) a, ch ON 03 0 F.I 4-) tf) -P •ri ,II H H r0 a) 1-) d a) al Z co co 0 oo 0o .50 0 1 co co 0 ;•I 0 00 00 00 •• 00 00 0 n' 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a, l-i -P O +-I 0 0) 4-1 O 4-) H tO riO d i•-i03 OW Z e oo 00 N0 0\o t.'"-o rd l H H -i-D C3 00 00 00 et. 1 K t- c0 0 ... 0 co co • 0 .--IN H H H C.-ON0teN • H Jo 00 00 •.- N-0 0 0 -1- 0 -4 --I HOHHONOHNOVD, .-I H HI H I H H a ur:1 r-I CV rs\ H H -4H H ea ev , o . —I -CC) ON r0 0 7-1 r0 03 UN 00 00 OD ON h i -, a) p 0 H 01 4-4 7-1 0 F-t C.-) V -r-I F-. ra st cc) a/ 00 N4 r*-1 ON corn co N- li1 PCN0 '4'10 00 00 00 00 0 0ON• H ON ON0 t*-- t-- NO CO 0• ON0 H :a 00 00 00 co 00 0 ON 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 O• Oc p t- H 50 00 CV 0 01 0 00 0 H H H th0rel0 0 -e-1 Z C.-- CV ON . N• CO. 00 A r41 4-)a) 00 0• 00 00 C.) ,0 4-) _a) 50 . a as ;-4 rig 7t31 'g O ..0 al HO 4-) a) fl, l CE) -P -r-i g giN tr:;N . H A O 'd F-I •"4 It/ 1-1 I a rd •--1 0r • 4:::I1 0o . •• •C 4H 00 00 H I-I ON ri rH CO eel g 4.) 0. o• 00 0 I C0 do o• h 00 00 00 co a) 0 •CU0 +D 'CI a) 8 aH OD PeN 00 00 •0 R 0 CV 00 00 %& ON a o -1--1 La 0a R 00 0001 ON ON 001 Table 9.--Ratios of computed shear properties to properties obtained from test Laminates Ratios Modulus Stress at -of : : rigidity : Proportional : 0.2 percent : Ultimate limit : offset : 112-114 fabric, cross-laminated 1.16 116-114 fabric, cross-laminated : : ,92 143-114 fabric, cross-laminated : : 1.21 112-114, 143-114 : fabrics alternated, : parallel-laminated : 1.10 Report No. 1821 : 0.80 0.90 : 0.94 1.02 .96 : 1.01 .98 .94 : .86 .99 .94 : 1.07 : : : Table 10.--Ratios of computed tensile properties at 45 degrees to warp direction to properties obtained in test Laminate . . ModUlus of elasticity patio ! stress at -- : Proportional : Ultimate limit : Method : Method :---• : 1 : 2 : Method : Method : Method : Method • 1 • : 2 : 1 : 2 • ▪ • • cross-laminated: 1.08 : 1.06 : 1.46 : 1.16 : 1.22 : 0.98 112-114 fabric,: fabric,: • cross-laminated: 1.07 : 1.08 ; 116-114 143-114 fabric,: • cross-laminated: 1.09 : 112-114, 143-114 fabrics: alternated, : parallellaminated • Report No. 1821 • • .92 : 1.05 : • • .98 : 1.34 : 1.01 : 1.40 : : -. .• .• - : : •. .- • : •. .• •. • .91 : 1.02 • .95 : .97 : 1.34 : 1.08 : 1.19 : .74 .95 Figure 1. --Panel shear apparatus used in testing glass-fabriclaminate specimen. ZM 80082 F Report No. 1821 Figure 3 . -- Method of testing panel shear specimens of glass-fabriclaminate. Strain measurements can be made with metalectric gages (shown) or with mechanical gages. ZM 80083 F Report No. 1821 SUBJECT LISTS OF PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY The following are obtainable free on request from the Director, Forest Products laboratory, Madison 5, Wisconsin: List of publications on Box and Crate Construction and Packaging Data List of publications on Chemistry of Wood and Derived Products List of publications on Fungus Defects in Forest Products and Decay in Trees List of publications on Glue, Glued Products and Veneer List of publications on Growth., Structure, and Identification of Wood List of publications on Mechanical Properties and Structural Uses of Wood and Wood Products Partial list of publications for Architects, Builders, Engineers, and Retail Lumbermen List of publications on Fire Protection List of publications on Logging, Milling, and Utilization of Timber Products List of publications on Pulp and Paper List of publications on Seasoning of Wood List of publications on Structural Sandwich, Plastic Laminates, and Wood-Base Aircraft Components List of publications on Wood Finishing List of publications on Wood Preservation Partial list of publications for Furniture Manufacturers, Woodworkers and Teachers of Woodshop Practice Note: Since Forest Products Laboratory publications are so varied in subject no single list is issued. Instead a list is made up for each Laboratory division. Twice , a year, December 31 and June 30, a list is made up showing new reports for the previous six months. This is the only item sent regularly to the Laboratory's mailing list. Anyone who has asked for and received the proper subject lists and who has had his name placed on the mailing list can keep up to date on Forest Products Laboratory publications. Each subject list carries descriptions of all other subject lists. U) • O ta 1C 0 4) -P 4-1 SA 0 1.-i 0 0.) 4- ,-0 -PC 0 Ca q ,--, Ea 0 0 r1:3 4A M C H 0 rf H 4-) 0W 0.1 W 0 • .1-1 a) 4) i-I H 0 m 4-) 9-1 ,--1 0j rd (24 GO 0 0 0 r.I H ;-.1 0 F-1 -P ):10 r-I r4 $-.1 4-) Cd 0) -1-) 0 F-4 C SA ci-i 0 0, 0 -,1 I Pi pi E0 ta 0 0 al 4-1 C 0 C:24 tn u) 4) rcj $..t 0 1:11 • H +I SA 0 O Li C 0 rd 0 0.1 $-A 0 fA eJ 0 fr_i• al M pi 0 .-I a) 0 ,0 4-) ,4 P-I 4i .0 a) 4-) In • ck 0 cd U) N q 4-3 W -P .0 •H O 9-/ 0) • 4-) • La 0 0 ti) N k 4-1 4-) SA 0 0 0 ta 4=1 p • w cd •• V) .3--1 0 -,-1 0 rd ..p .r-f Ii.-1 • • nk O 4-) a3 • -P p-p I 1=1 La +3 CI) 0 't:1 0 O FA ta H 171 rti 0 -i-i a) &Ag .--- 4-10 SA ."0 Q rf) O C1 4:1 (1) WI 0) @ 0 ri H ... P-1 F-4 4-5 S.-1 ,C1 -1-3 SA ho < 0 n0 • m 0 pi a3 o 15 2.,.59 1 ril. 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