THE EMI$SION BROMIDE SPECTRUM OF BISMUTH (BiBr)--"A" SYSTEM BY S. SANKARANARAYANAN, M. M. PATEL* AND P. S. NARAYANAN (From the Department of Physics, lndian Institute of Science, Bangalore. 12) Roceived Septr 21, 1962 (Communicated by Prof. R. S. Krishnan, l*,) INTRODUCTION As part of their extensive study of the emission spectra of the halides of the elements of groups IV and V of the periodic table, Howell and Rochester (1934) obtained the molecular spectrum of BiBr using high frequency discharge. Morgan (1936), in his detailed investigation of the absorption spectra of Bismuth halides, obtained two systems in absorption, one in the region Ah4595-5438, and the other in the region Ah 3862-4129, both attributable to the molecule BiBr. On the other hand Sur and Maiumdar (1954) obtained three systems in absorption for BiBr in the regions Ah2709-2968, Ah 2336-2450 and hA 2200-2350. They designated these systems as C, D and E respectively, naming the other two long wavelength systems as A and B. No detailed vibrational analysis of the A-system has been made in emission. Our knowledge of the band spectra of the other bismuth halides is far more extensive [Howell (1936), Saper (1931), Rochester (1937), P. T. Rao (1949), Sur (1950), Ray (1942), P. Venkateswarlu and B. N. Khanna (1960), B. N. Khanna (1961), K. C. Joshi (1961), G. D. Rochester (1961), Prasada Rao and Rao, P. T. (1962)]. Consequently, a study of the A-system of BiBr in emission was undertaken. In this, a transformer discharge may be expected to yield a more complete spectrum and enable us improve our knowledge of the vibrational constants of the states involved and also the isotope effect in the band spectrum of bismuth monobromide. EXPERIMENTAL Extra pure anhydrous bismuth tribromide was taken in a smaU eavity at the centre of a conventional type of discharge tube (fused silica) 30 era. long and of about 1.1 cm. in diameter. Hollow nickel electrodes were fitted coaxially inside the silica tube with their nearer ends separated by a * Present Addross: profossor of Physics, J. & J. CoIlcge of Science, Nadiad, Gujarat State. 171 172 S. SANKARANARAYANANAND OTHERS distance of about 6 cm. and placed symmetrically on either side of the cavity containing the salt. Pyrex adopters through which aluminium rods of diameter 2 mm. could be introduced were fitted to the ends of the discharge tube. The nickel electrodes were connected to these aluminium rods by means of a short piece of nichrome wire. To one end of the discharge tube was attached a glass window through which the discharge could be observed end on. The other end was provided with a side tube through which the tube can be evacuated. Standard precautions were taken to avoid contami. nation of the discharge and also to protect the pumping system from vapours. Uncondensed transformer discharge (15,000 V, 30 mA) was used for excitation and the voltage applied to the discharge tube could be varied by altering the input voltage of the transformer by means of a variac. The substance was vapourised by a careful and controlled heating of the substance and the discharge was deep green in colour. Fuess and El glass Littrow spectrographs were employed to photograph the spectra. An exposure of about hall an hour was found to be adequate to record the spectrum with Ilford special rapid panchromatic plate in the case of the lower dispersion instrument while an exposure of one hour was found necessary with the Littrow spectrograph and Ilford rapid process panchromatic plates. The band heads were measured against iron arc standards and the wave number values of the band heads reported here ate accurate to ___2 cm. -a in general while on the long wavelength side it may be a little less on account of lower dispersion. RESULTS The band spectrum of BiBr obtained has been reproduced in Plate V. Figure 1 represents the spectrogram obtained with Fuess while Fig. 2 shows that re` with the Littrow instrument. The wavelengths of the bands, the corresponding wave numbers in vacuum, their visually estimated relative intensities and the assignment of the vibrational quantum numbers llave been given in Table I. The A-system is found to extend from A 4595-6063, while some bands could be observed even slightly beyond 6063 A. All the bands are red-degraded and are of the progression type. This system has been previously observed only up to 5438 ,/~. In all, about 286 bands were recorded in emission in the present study while Morgan reported only 61 in absorpfion. The B-system of BiBr observed by Morgan was also obtained now in emission in the same region (see Fig. l, Plate V). In this system, the first three members of the (0, 0) sequence are red-degraded while the sequence itself is violetdegraded. The other bands are line-like. This system is notas fully developed as in absorption. It is worth pointing out that this B-system bears some resemblance to the corresponding system of BiI obtained by Rao (loc. cit.) Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A " System 173 and an analogous system was not observed by Venkateswarlu and Khanna in BICI. TABLE I BiBr bands lnt. Observed in A v irl c m . -1 6062"2 6051.9 6045"2 6041.8 6031.2 16491 16519 16537 16546 16575 6029.0 6021.6 6020.2 6016.8 6009-2 6006.2 16581 16602 16606 16615 16636 16644 6001.1 5998"8 5987.9 5980.8 5978-7 5974.8 5971.5 3 16661 16665 16695 16715 16721 16732 16741 5970"1 5966.6 5964.3 5953-2 5949.6 5940-1 3 3 1 3 3 3 16745 16755 16761 16793 16803 16830 5937.8 5930.6 5915-7 5908.4 5873.6 5871.1 5867.0 5863.2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 16836 16857 16899 16920 17020 17027 17039 17050 5843,7 2 17107 Assignment v', ~Y' 4, 23 (81) 3, 22 (79) 12, 27 (79) 8, 25 (79) 12, 27 (81) 2, 21 (79) 5, 23 (79) 17, 28 (79) 13, 27 (79) 16, 28 (81) 1, 20 (79) 13, 27 (81) 4, 22 (79) 11, 26 (79) 7, 24 (81) 14, 27 (79) 6, 23 (79) 15, 27 (79) 12, 26 (79) 8, 24 (79) 10, 25 (79) 3, 21 (81) 7, 23 (81) 15, 27 (81) 12, 26 (81) 13, 26 (79) 18, 27 (79) 13,26(81) 11, 25 (79) 4, 21 (79) l, 19 (81) 3, 20 (79) 8, 23 (79) 1, 18 (79) 4, 20 (79) 14, 25 (79) 1, 18 (81) 10, 23 (81) 8, 22 (79) 0, 17 (81) Calculated v 16492 16519 16537 16546 16575 16577 16580 16603 16607 16616 16635 16645 16645 16643 16659 16668 16698 16718 16722 16732 16742 16741 16745 16758 16758 16792 16803 16828 16828 16835 16858 16898 16919 17018 17025 17037 17048 17047 17107 17106 Morgan's value 174 S. SANKARANARAYANAN AND OTI-t~RS TABLE I (Contd.) I A in A lnt. Observed v in cm. -1 5840.6 5821.9 17116 17171 5816.3 5811.9 5810"2 5808.3 5798-7 17185 17201 17206 17211 17240 5793.7 5790.9 5786,3 5777"0 5767.8 5764-7 5759.3 5756.9 5748.4 5745.7 5739-7 5736.9 5725.6 5723.0 17255 17263 17277 17305 17332 17342 17358 17365 17391 17399 17417 17426 17460 17468 5716.1 5713.6 5711.4 5703.6 5701.4 5696;6 5693"7 5690"2 5681.4 17489 17497 17503 17527 17534 17549 17558 17569 17596 5673-1 5662.1 5659.8 5651.7 2 3 3 3 17622 17656 17663 17688 5646.5 5642.9 5638.9 5633-8 5631"4 1 1 3 3 2 17705 17716 17729 17745 17752 I Assignment t ~ tt 10, 23 (79) 18, 25 (79) 14,25(81) 7, 21 (79) 11, 23 (79) 9, 22 (79) 1, 17 (79) 9, 22 (81) 1, 17 (81) 14,24(81) 16,25(81) 3, 18 (79) 10, 22 (79) 10, 22 (81) 2, 17 (79) 18, 24 (79) 5, 19 (81) 11, 22 (79) 9, 21 (79) 11, 22 (81) 9, 21 (81) 6, 19 (79) 12, 22 (89) 17, 23 (81) 19, 23 (81) 12,22(81) 16, 23 (79) 17, 23 (79) 2, 16 (79) 19, 23 (79) 5, 18 (81) 7, 19 (79) 7, 19 (81) 1, 15 (79) 1, 15 (81) 12, 21 (79) 0, 14 (79) 12, 21 (81) 16, 22 (79) 8, 19 (81) 17, 22 (79) 2, 15 (79) 5, 17 (81) 17, 22 (81) Calculated v 17115 17172 17173 17189 17202 17208 17210 17239 17240 17257 17265 17280 17303 17333 17343 17358 17366 17390 17398 17419 17426 17458 17468 17466 17490 17498 17501 17529 17536 17550 17556 17571 17596 17599 17624 17657 17660 17686 17689 17703 17717 17731 17747 17752 Morgan's value Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A " System 175 TAnLE I (Contd.) A in A Int. 5627"7 5624"6 5621-9 5618-6 5614"4 5611"1 5604"8 5602"0 5593"8 5585"1 5581"4 5577.1 5570"0 5563"0 5560-1 5557"1 5549"7 5545"2 5538"0 5535-1 5530"9 5528"4 5516"6 5510-1 5503"6 5499"0 5496"6 5492"6 5490"5 5484"2 5479"4 5477-4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 5471"2 5462"7 5457"0 5451"6 5440"2 5437"3 5431-5 5429"4 5427"3 5419"9 5418"2 91 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 0 3 2 3 3 Observed v in cm. 1 17764 17774 17782 17793 17806 17816 17836 17845 17871 17899 17911 17925 17948 17970 17980 17990 18014 18028 18052 18061 18075 18083 18122 18143 18164 18180 18188 18201 18208 18229 18245 18251 18272 18300 18320 18338 18376 18386 18406 18413 18420 18445 18451 Assignment V~ V~ 7, 18 (79) 19, 22 (81) 9, 19 (79) 4, 16 (79) 9, 19 (81) 4, 16 (81) 15, 21 (79) 12, 20 (79) 15, 21 (81) 10, 19 (81) 16, 21 (81) 2, 14 (79) 2, 14 (81) 9, 18 (79) 14, 20 (79) 1, 13 (79) 1, 13 (81) 15, 20 (79) O, 12 (79) 8, 17 (79) O, 12 (81) 8, 17 (81) 2, 13 (79) 2, 13 (81) 9, 17 (79) 4, 14 (79) 1, 12 (79) 4, 14 (81) 1, 12 (81) 6, 15 (79) 15, 19 (81) 6, 15 (81) O, 11 (79) O, 11 (81) 13, 18 (79) 2, 12 (79) 2, 12 (81) 9, 16 (81) 1, 11 (79) l, ll (81) 15, 18 (79) 12, 17 (79) 12, 17 (81) O, 10 (79) Calculated v 17762 17777 17780 17794 17804 17817 17838 17847 17869 17898 17910 17927 17949 17970 17977 17991 18013 18028 18054 18062 18075 18084 18124 18144 18163 18183 18188 18204 18208 18229 18246 18250 18252 18272 18300 18321 18340 18377 18387 18406 18411 18423 18445 18451 Morgan's value 18385.6 18404.6 18450.8 176 S. S A N K A R A N A R A Y A N A N AND OTHERS TABLE I (Contd.) [ ~t in A lnt. 5412.8 5405.6 5403.9 5400.2 5397.1 5393.1 5387.6 5381.7 5 2 3 3 5 3 3 3 Observed t vin cm. 1 18469 18494 18500 18512 18523 18537 18555 18576 18586 18594 18605 18614 18619 18639 18651 18667 18685 18691 18696 18708 18718 18723 18730 18735 18764 18769 18786 18802 18842 18852 18860 18868 18882 5378.9 5376.5 5373.4 5370.9 5369.3 5363.4 5360-1 5355.3 5350.4 5348.4 5347.0 5343-7 5340.7 5339.4 5337.5 5336.1 5327.6 5326"2 5321.5 5317-1 5305.8 5303.0 5300.7 5298"5 5294"4 5291.5 5285.1 3 4 18892 18915 5281"2 5280"2 5275.6 5267.7 5265.7 5263"2 3 1 3 5 5 2 18929 18933 18949 18978 18985 18991 ssignment y t Vv Calculated v 0, 10 (81) 13, 17 (79) 19, 18 (79) 13, 17 (81) 5, 3 (81) 11, 16 (79) 14, 17 (79) 14, 17 (81) 4, 12 (79) 1, 10 (79) 4, 12 (81) 1, 10 (81) 12, 16 (79) 6, 13 (79) 6, 13 (81) 0, 9 (79) 0, 9 (81) 13, 16 (79) 19, 17 (79) 17, 17 (8t) 13, 16 (81) 2, 10 (79) 19, 17 (81) 11, 15 (79) 2, I0 (81) 9, 14 (81) 14, 16 (81) 1, 9 (79) 1,9 (81) 8, 13 (79) 0, 8 (79) 8, 13 (81) 0, 8 (81) 13, 15 (79) 18, 16 (79) 17, 16 (81) 19, 16 (81) 5, 11 (81) 11, 14 (79) 2, 9 (81) 7, 12 (81) 4, 10 (79) 1, 8 (79) 15, 15 (79) 18469 18493 18499 18515 18521 18538 18553 18576 18577 18586 18595 18603 18616 18621 18639 18652 18668 18686 18692 18699 18707 18718 18723 18732 18734 18764 18769 18786 18802 18842 18853 18858 18868 18881 18882 18891 18915 18913 18928 18933 18947 18975 18987 18991 I Morgan's value 18469.2 I 18585.0 18603.4 18652.2 18668.1 18786.8 I 18802.2 18852.6 [ 18867.5 Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A" System TABeE I A in A Int. 19001 19016 19024 19030 5261.3 5257.2 5255.0 5253.4 5246.7 5242.8 5240.3 5235.8 5232.8 5230"9 5229"2 5226.9 5225.2 5213-7 5205.3 5204.4 5201.7 5198-6 5197-1 5191"1 5188"1 5187"2 5185"6 5179'7 Observed vincm. 1 10 10 1 1 5 2 8 3 9 7 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 19054 19068 19077 19093 19104 19111 19118 19126 19132 19174 19205 19209 19215 19230 19236 19258 19269 19272 19278 19300 5177.6 5174"1 5170"9 5166.9 5159.6 5158"0 5157-1 5154"7 5153"1 5149"1 5147"0 5142-0 5138.7 5137.0 19308 19321 19333 19348 19375 19381 19385 19394 19400 19415 19423 19442 19454 19461 5134"0 5130.3 5127.0 19472 19486 19499 177 (Contd.) Assignment I~', V" Calculated v 1, 8 (81) 19001 19017 19024 19031 19031 19055 19068 19076 19094 19102 19111 19120 19124 19132 19175 19203 19207 19216 19228 19235 19258 19269 19272 19276 19298 19302 19309 19322 19333 19350 19376 19383 19387 19392 19402 19416 19423 19442 19452 19461 19462 19471 19485 19499 6, 11 (79) 12, 14 (81) 6, 11 (81) 16, 15 (79) 0, 7 (79) 0, 7 (81) 13, 14 (79) 13, 14 (81) 18, 15 (81) 5, 10 (81) 2, 8 (79) 11, 13 (79) 2, 8 (81) 4, 9 (79) 12, 13 (79) 15, 14 (81) 6, 10 (79) 6, 10(81) 10, 12 (79) 0, 6 (79) 0, 6 (81) 18, 14 (79) 19, 14 (79) 5, 9 (79) 19, 14 (81) 5, 9 (81) 2, 7 (79) 2, 7 (81) 14, 13 (81) 4, 8 (79) 15, 13 (79) 4, 8 (81) 1, 6 (79) 1, 6 (81) 6, 9 (79) 16, 13 (79) 16, 13 (81) 3, 7 (79) 3, 7 (81) 0, 5 (79) o, 5 (81) 13, 12(81) 5, 8 (79) Morgan's value 19054.6 19067.9 19257.6 19268.6 19320.9 19330-5 19461-4 19470"5 178 S. SANKARANARAYANAN AND OTHER$ TABLE I (Contd.) in A Observed v in cm.-1 Assignment V', ~2" Calculated v 5125.2 5121-8 5119.7 5117.6 19506 19518 19526 19534 5114"5 5101-7 5099"4 5096"0 5093.7 5091.1 19546 19595 19604 19617 19626 19636 5088"2 5086"5 5084.3 5083.2 5081"3 5078.6 5075.2 5069"8 5067"4 19647 19654 19662 19667 19674 19684 19698 19719 19728 5, 8 (81) 11, 11 (79) 2, 6 (79) 2, 6 (81) 11, 11 (81) 14, 12 (81) 1, 5 (79) 1, 5 (81) 6, 8 (79) 6, 8 (81) 16, 12 (81) 10, 10 (79) 8, 9 (79) 8, 9 (81) 3, 6 (79) 3, 6 (81) 0, 4 (79) 0, 4 (81) 13, l l (81) 5, 7 (79) 1 l, 10 (79) 11, lO (81) 2, 5 (79) 2, 5 (81) 14, 11 (81) l, 4 (79) l, 4 (81) 6, 7 (79) 10, 9 (79) 10, 9 (81) 3, 5 (79) 3, 5 (81) O, 3 (81) 11,9 (79) 2, 4 (79) 2, 4 (81) 9, 8 (81) 15, 10 (79) 4, 5 (79) 12, 9 (79) 12, 9 (81) 1, 3 (79) 1, 3 (81) 16,9 (79) 19509 19520 19525 19534 19532 19545 19596 19605 19618 19626 19638 19633 19637 19647 19655 19663 19666 19674 19681 19701 19719 19730 19729 19736 19742 19801 19808 19819 19833 19842 19859 19865 19878 19920 19933 19939 19947 19978 19985 19998 20007 20006 20012 20018 Int. 5065.6 5063.2 5048"5 5046"8 5044.8 5040.7 5037.9 5033.9 5032"0 5029"4 5018.6 5016"0 5014"4 5012.3 5005.0 5002"2 4999"2 4996-9 4996" 1 4994" 8 8 4 4 2 5 2 5 3 2 5 5 2 2 1 3 2 6 7 5 6 7 3 7 19735 19744 19802 19809 19816 19833 19844 19859 19867 19877 19920 19930 19937 19945 19974 19985 19998 20006 20010 20015 Morgan's value 19596.3 19604.6 19666.8 19674.5 19801.3 19807.8 19932.7 19937.6 20007.6 20012.6 Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A '~ System 179 TABLE I (Contd.) A in A Int. Observed vin cm. 1 Assignment ly', lfl' Calculated v 6, 6 (81) 8, 7 (79) 17, 10 (79) 17, 10 (81) 19, 10 (79) 13,9 (79) O, 2 (81) 5, 5 (79) 20028 20040 20047 20062 20067 20068 20083 20108 20112 20121 20128 20136 20139 20143 20179 20190 20199 20213 20236 20241 20243 20263 20269 20313 20323 20328 20339 20346 20380 20422 20476 20519 20545 20554 20603 20637 20660 20684 20753 20810 20848 20938 4991.1 4988.6 4987.1 4983"5 4981.9 1 2 2 2 2 20030 20040 20046 20060 20067 4977.7 4972.2 4970"5 4968.2 4966.6 4965.1 4964"0 4962.9 4954.0 4951.8 4950.0 4946.6 4940.9 4939.3 4938"5 4933"2 4931"8 4922.0 4918.9 4917.9 4916.0 4912.9 4905.9 *4894"8 4882"5 4872"8 4866-7 4864"5 4852.7 4844.1 4839"2 4833.6 4816"8 4804.3 4794.7 4774"2 3 2 2 3 4 5 20084 20106 20113 20122 20128 20134 20139 20143 20180 20189 20196 20214 20233 20240 20243 20265 20270 20311 20324 20328 20336 20348 20377 20424 20475 20516 20542 20551 20601 20637 20658 20682 20754 20809 20850 20940 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 7 6 4 4 4 6 6 2 6 7 4 7 5 7 6 5 6 I6 4 5 5, 5 (81) 11, 8 11, 8 7, 6 2, 3 (79) (81) (79) (79) 2, 3 (81) 15,9 15, 9 12,8 1, 2 10, 7 10, 7 8, 6 18,9 3, 3 5, 4, 11, 7 I1, 7 7, 5 2, 2 15,8 (79) (81) (79) (79) (79) (81) (79) (79) (79) (79) (79) (81) (79) (79) (79) 1, 1 (81) 3, 2 5, 3 7, 4 2, 1 4, 2 6, 3 17, 7 3, 1 9, 4 4, 1 10, 4 14, 5 (79) (79) (79) (79) (79) (79) (81) (79) (79) (79) (79) (79) *The following bands were moasured on Fuoss Spectrogram. t Maskod by Br lino 4816.7. Morgan's value 20079" 1 20140'0 20143"4 20268"8 20347"8 20476"7 20555"3 20600"9 20683"3 20809"9 180 S. SANKARANARAYANAN AND OTHERS TABL~ I Int. in A 4757.5 4749.8 4729.9 4703.5 4702.3 4678.5 4655.3 4633.6 4612.1 4595.1 Observed vin cm. 3 2~ 6 4~ 2 0 21013 21047 21136 21254 21260 21368 21474 21575 21676 21756 1 (Cont£ Assignment Vt~ V ~ 4, 0 6, 1 5, 0 6, 0 6, 0 7, 0 8, 0 9, 0 10,0 li,0 (81) (81) (81) (81) (79) (81) (81) (81) (79) (81) Calculated v Morgan's value 21015 21047 21137 21254 21260 21367 21474 21575 21676 21756 21015.9 21047.6 21135.6 21254-1 21258.O 21365.7 21473-1 21574.2 21678.1 21756.0 VIBRATIONAL ANALYS1S As the two isotopes of bromine (Br 7~ and Br 81) occur in the ratio of 50"57: 49.43, one may expect the intensities of the corresponding bands to be nearly the same. In fact, in BiBr two band systems have been observed even earlier for each of the two isotopes o f bromine (Morgan). In the shorter wavelength region of the spectrum, this isotope effect gives the bands a double headed appearance. An anatysis by the usual procedure (Herzberg, G., 1950) shows that all the band heads observed could be fairly well represented within 3 cm. -1 by means of the foUowing formul~e: Bi 2~ Br 79 vL,e,a = 20532 + [135"91 (v' + 89 -- 0"534 (v' § 89 __ 0"103 (v' § 89 __ [209"50 (v" § 89 -- 0"466 (v" "-k 89 Bi 209 Br 81Vhead = 20532 § [134"69 (V' q- 89 -- 0"524 ( V ' + 89 __ 0"1002 (V' + 89 __ [207"61 (V" -t- 89 -- 0"458 (V" + 89 It is interesting to note that these formul~e are exactly identical with those given by Morgan and no need was necessary to alter the vibrational constants for explaining in a satisfactory manner all the observed bands. As has been pointed out by Morgan earlier, the coefficient of the cubic term is large for the upper level and this is necessary to explain the rapid convergence o f the band heads. The isotope effect was observed in about 87 bands, and their vibrational quantum numbers, observed shift and the theoretically expected shift on the basis of the band head formul~e given earlier are listed in Table II. The expression for BiBr 81 is related to that of BiBr 79 by means of the known formula (Herzberg, G., 1950). Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)~"A" System TABLE II Vibrational isotope effect in BiBr bands Assignment 'O', 'O" 12, 27 13, 27 15, 27 12, 26 13, 26 1, 18 10, 23 14, 15 9, 22 1, 17 10, 22 11, 22 9, 21 12, 22 17, 23 19, 23 7, 19 1, 15 12, 21 17, 22 9, 19 4, 16 15, 21 2, 14 1, 13 0, 12 8, 17 2, 13 4, 14 1, 12 6, 15 0,11 2, 12 1, 11 12, 17 0,10 13, 17 14, 17 4, 12 1, 10 6, 13 0,9 A2 Observed Shift in cm.-~ 38 38 4O 40 37 30 66 132 34 29 27 28 27 29 57 60 27 26 32 36 24 23 35 23 24 23 22 21 21 2O 22 21 18 2O 25 18 18 21 18 19 2O 16 Theoretical Shift in cm.-a 38 38 4O 36 36 30 68 136 31 30 3O 29 28 30 63 60 25 25 29 35 24 23 31 22 22 21 22 20 21 20 21 20 19 19 22 18 22 23 18 17 18 16 181 182 S. SANKARANARAYANAN AND OTHER$ TABLE II Assignment V'~ V '~ 13, 16 19, 17 2, 10 1,9 8,13 0, 8 1,8 6, 11 0,7 13, 14 2, 8 6, 10 0,6 19, 14 5,9 2, 7 4, 8 1,6 16, 13 3,7 0, 5 5,8 11, 11 2, 6 1,5 6,8 8,9 3,6 0, 4 I1, 10 2, 5 1,4 10,9 3, 5 2,4 12, 9 1,3 17, 10 5, 5 11,8 2,3 15, 9 10, 7 11,7 6,0 (Contd.) Observed Shift in cm.-1 Theoretical Shift in cm.-x 23 32 17 16 18 16 16 14 14 16 14 15 11 22 8 12 10 6 19 7 11 7 16 8 9 9 11 8 7 9 7 7 11 8 7 8 4 14 7 6 4 9 7 4 6 21 31 16 16 16 15 14 14 13 18 12 12 11 26 11 11 I1 10 19 9 9 10 12 9 9 8 I0 8 8 11 7 7 9 6 6 9 6 15 4 7 4 11 5 5 6 Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A" System 183 G (v) = pw e (v -~ 89 -- p2w e Xe (v @ 89 + p3eoe Ye (v -+- 89 where p2 is the ratio of the reduced rnasses of Bi~~ ~9 and Bi2~ si. But, some of the bands attributed to Bie~ 79 may easily well be due to Bi2~ si of different v' and v" values and both possibilities have been indicated in Table I. This view is further supported by the fact that the intensities of such bands are slightly higher than the isotopic counterpart of each of them separ~.tely. The intensity distribution observed in emission is in agreement with what is to be expected from the absorption spectrum reported by Morgan and the most intense bands lŸ on a wide open Condon parabola. Thus the close agreement of the observed and calculated isotopic displacements on the one hand and the coincidence of the absorption bands found by Morgan for BiBr with the corresponding emission bands on the other convince us that the band system observed now is the A---~X system of BiBr. Also the fact that the B--->X system, though feebly developed, occurs in the same region ~s recorded by Morgan in absorption shows that the present system can be safely attributed to the BiBr molecule. DISSOCIATION ENERGY AND DISSOCIATION PRCDUCTS A spectroscopic determinafion of the heat of dissociation of a molecule obviously requires a precise knowledge of the energy of the dissociation limit above the ground state as weU as the products of dissociatior~ at this limit. Often the systems do not converge rapidly enough for an accurate determination of the dissociation limit and extrapolation methods have to be resorted to. Fortunately, the convergence of the excited levels of the A-system of BiBr is sufficiently rapid and Morgan calculated from band head formula the l i m i t a s about 4520 A. In view of the larger number of bands observed in emission now, the dissociation energy for the upper state was evaluated more accurately by plotting a graph between /kG and v and the irnproved value came out as 0.19 ev. Ir we add to this, the electronic excitaª energycorresponding to 20495 cm.-I (voo), viz., 2.54 e.v. we find the dissociaª energy of the upper state D'e to be 2.74 ev. (including zero-point energy) and the corresponding convergence l i m i t a t ,~4513-6 is close to the value estimated by Morgan. On the other hartd, the dissociation energy of the excited state of the B-system of BiBr (Morgan, loc. cit.) when corrected by using the current conversion factor (1 ev. = 8068.3 cm-a ; Herzberg, 1950) comes out to be 4.12 ev. Since the convergence is rapid here also this value can be taken to be close to the true value. Thus the difference between the dissociation energies of the excited states of the A and B systems is 1.38 ev. Since both these systems have the same lower state, namely the ground state 184 S. S A N K A R A N A R A Y A N A N A N D OTHERS X, this difference in energy most probably corresponds to the difference in the excitation energies of the dissociation products of both these states. In Table III the probable products and the corresponding energies referred to the ground levels of Bi and Br atoms have been given. A scrutiny suggests that in the excited state A, BiBr possibly dissociates into the normal atoms, viz., Bi (4Sz/2) and Br (~P3/2) and in the state B with Bi in the excited state TABLE I I I Atomic excitation Component atoms and levels Energy in ev.* Bi (2D~/2~ + Br (~Pa,2~ .. . 1" 4 Bi (4Sz/2~ q- Br (~Pv2~ .. .i 0.45 Bi (4S3/z ~ + Br (~Pa/~ ~ .. 0 * Values calculated from data on Atomic Energy States, Bacher, R. F. and Goudsmit, •., McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1932. Thus the situation appears to be very similar to what has been observed in the case of the upper state of the well-known visible iodine absorption bands and analogous bands of bromine. The low value of the dissociation energy in the upper state of the A--+X system, namely 0.19 ev., indicates that the influence of the electric field along the axis on the electron orbitals is not large enough to break the coupling between L and S of the component atoms and it appears therefore quite likely that the appropriate coupling is of Hund's case (c) type. This is supported also by a calculation of the ratio of the re values in the two states using the relation due to Birge and Mecke, Le., r2e coe = constant. From the known oae' and oae" values one may expect the re' value to be about 25~ more than the ground state. In BiCI where Hund's case (c) coupling has been established (K_hanna, loc. cit.), the observed increase in the upper state is only about 7~. The fact that the (0, 0) band is not excited in the A-system of BiBr, both in emission and in absorption and that the bands themselves ate aU red-degraded, show that the re value in the upper state is much larger than in the ground state and that the coupling is in all probability of Hund's case (c) type. In the light of the Franck-Condon principle, the observation of the extension of the band system in emission only can be understood. Emission Spectrum of Bismath Bromide (BiBr)--"A" System 185 Another interesting feature to which attention may be drawn is the faet that the linear extrapolation method yields a value of 2.91 ev. as the dissociation energy o f the lower state, which is also the ground state of the molecule. It is true that such an extrapolatio• is justified only for non-poplar molecules and may also lead to wrong values in the case o f the excited states of molecules containing an atom with high electron affinity such a s a halogen (Gaydon, A. G., 1947). But in the ground state, the linear extrapolation may probably give a value 25% larger than the true value (Herzberg, G.) and so the value of 2.91 ev. should be regarded as an upper limit. The lower limit naturally may be taken to be the energy of the highest vibrational level observed in that state; in this case it is 0.68 ev. (v" : 28). Ir, however, the value of 2.91 ev, turns out to be close to the true dissociation energy of the ground state, then one is forced to conclude that the excess for the state X over A, in view of the energy difference of 0.45 ev. between the 2P1/2 and 2P3/2 levels of bromine, may be due to the molecule dissociating in the lower state into Bi (4S3/2) and Br (2P1/2) atoms. ELECTRONIC TRANSITION INVOLVED In considering the molecular states that can arise from a combination of the atoms, it is often adequate to consider the outermost electrons of the constituent atoms. The ground state electronie configuration of the two atoms in the present case are Bi (KLMNOspa) 6s 2 6p 3 (~$3/2) Br (KLM) 4s 2 4p 5 (~P3/2) where Ospa represents the O shell in which only the s, p, and d sub-shells are filled. The electronic terms that can be derived from the ~S and the ~P states are 3 27-, aH, 5 l - and 5/-/. But to decide as to which of these are low lying, one may, as has been done by Khanna, B. N. (loc. cit.), consider the levels of the molecule NF. N and F belong to the same groups in the periodic tableas Bi and Br respectively and so their electronic terms will be similar. In the 'united a t o m ' model, sulphur with its 16 electrons corresponds to the " u n i t e d atom " for the NF molecule and the states derivable from a sulphur atom in its low lying states ~P2,1, o are 327-and 3/7. Hence these two states may be expected to lie lowest for BiBr molecule and we may therefore leave out of further consideration the higher multiplicity terms. By analogy with the molecule BiCI and in view of the much larger re' value in the excited state, here also the reasonable coupling appears to be of Hund's case (c). The appropriate O values for Bi (4S3/2) § Br (2P3/2) are therefore = 3, 2 (2), 1 (3) and 0 (4), where the numbers in parenthesis indicate the 186 S. SANKARANARAYANANAND OTHERS number of states of the type given. For .Q = 0 the different states are 0+, 0 +, 0-, 0-. On the other hand, the higher dissociation energy for the lower state would seem to indicate in that state either Hund's case (a) or case (b) or any intermediate coupling. A correlation of the states by standard methods (Herzberg, loc. cito shows that 0 + state corresponds to a l - state. Similarly the atoms Bi (483/2) and Br (2p) can give rise to an upper 3/-/(0 +) state. In molecular orbital notation, the transition involved in the A--~ X system under study may therefore be represented by (zo) 2 (ya) 2 (xa) ~ (orrr)' (vzr) (uo) : 8H (0+)--+(za) 2 (ya) e (xo) 2 (o~~')' (wr)e: 81where the symbols have their usual significance (Mulliken, R.S., 1932; Coulson, C.A., 1959). vzr represents an antibonding orbital of the type (6p~'~3,- 4p'rBr) and ua an antibonding orbital of the type (6paBl--4apBl). The reasons for not considering other possible states and allowed transitions have been discussed in detail by B. N. Khanna (loc. eit.) for BiCI and wiU not be given here as those arguments can equally well be used for BiBr. The bond order is seen to be 2 in both states of BiBr (A-system) and so they may be expected to have dissociation energies of the same order of magnitude. But our knowledge of the ordering of the energies of molecular orbitals arising from high quantum atomic orbitals is still meagre; if one assumes that ua is above wr as in the molecular orbitals arising from atomic 2 quantum orbitals then there is some rough theoretical justification for the linear extrapolated value of higher dissociation energy for the, ground state of BiBr. This simple argument will then fail to account for the converse observation in BiC1. However, both facts can be reconciled ir we suppose, as suggested earlier, that in BiBr in the ground state dissociation takes place with Br in the higher multiplet level 2P1/2. Since in the correlation of the atomic and the molecular states, multiplet splittings are ignored, i t i s not possible to establish unambiguously if that is so. A more precise experimental determination of the dissociation energy in the ground state of BiBr wiU therefore be of interest. Ir is with great pleasure that we acknowledge and thank Professor R. S. Krishnan for his kind interest in our work and valuable support and encouragement he gave throughout the investigation. SUMMARY The emission spectrum of bismuth monobromide has been investigated and a vibrational analysis of the A--+X system has been made. About 286 bands were recorded in the region ~A 4595-6063 and the isotope cffect due to Br ~9 and Br 8~ was observed in about 87 bands. A value of 2.74 ev. for the Emission Spectrum of Bismuth Bromide (BiBr)--"A" System 187 dissociation energy of the excited state has been obtained artd arguments have been given to show that the dissociation products in the excited state are Bi (4S8/2)and Br (~P3/z) and that those of the grourtd state are most probably Bi(4S8/2) and Br(~Pt/2) atoms. REFERENCES Vatence, Oxford at the C b i e n d o n PIe~s, 1959. (2oulson, C. A. Gaydon, A. G. o . 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FIG. 2 FIG. 1 (b) B Su (a) o.o 4,115 0,14 2,16 9 , 2 1 I O , 2 2 0,7 0 , 8 FxG. 2. Ej Glass Littrow Spectrogram F]G. 1. (a, b) Fuess Spectrogram =J -',lq. Z,3 1,4 2,3 (BiBr emission bands) o,a 13, 2 7 SYSTEM fSTEM iYSTEM r P