Writing Internship Kent State University English Department Application Form for Fall ’16 Complete all sections and submit application and materials by April 4, 2016, to: Professor Sara Cutting, Director | scutting@kent.edu | SFH 206D PART I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Last 4 digits of student ID number: Local Address: Dates you will live at this address? Local Phone Number: ( ) - From / /20 to Cell Phone Number: ( ) - Permanent Address: Email address you check regularly: Do you have a car or other means of transportation (please circle)? Yes / /20 No PART II. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Major: Minor: Semester Standing: Expected Date of Graduation: Are you an Honor’s Student (please circle)? Yes No Semester you’d like to be considered for the internship: Overall GPA: Course of Study GPA: PART III. WRITING COURSEWORK HISTORY (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEEDED) PLEASE LIST ALL ENGLISH COURSES YOU’VE TAKEN AS WELL AS ANY OTHER RELEVANT WRITING COURSES: Course Instructor Semester Grade WIP APPLICATION | PAGE 1 PART IV. RECOMMENDATIONS PLEASE NAME AT LEAST THREE KSU FACULTY MEMBERS* WHO HAVE AGREED TO RECOMMEND YOU. INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. *NOTE: AT LEAST ONE FACULTY MEMBER MUST BE FROM THE KSU ENGLISH DEPT. Faculty Name Department E-mail Address Phone 1 2 3 PART V. PLACEMENTS & PREFERENCES THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE DESIGNED TO GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER AS A CANDIDATE AND TO HELP DETERMINE THE MOST IDEAL INTERNSHIP SITE PLACEMENT. PLEASE ANSWER THEM TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. 1. Describe your preference for an internship site. For what kind of organization would you like to work? 2. Describe your preference for internship writing tasks. What kinds of writing assignments would you like to work on at your internship? WIP APPLICATION | PAGE 2 3. Describe your career goals and objectives: 4. Write a paragraph or two about why you want to participate in an internship and what you hope to learn from the experience. _____ PART VI. APPLICATION CHECKLIST HAVE YOU SUBMITTED (PLEASE CHECK): Completed Application Form Two (2) copies of a current resume Two (2) copies each of two (2) different writing samples You are strongly encouraged to submit essays or other compositions from previous English Department coursework OR other writing-intensive courses related to your field of study. Please label each sample with its title and in what course you composed it By signing below, I confirm that this completed application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all materials submitted in support of this application are my own original work. I also give the Kent State University Writing Internship Program permission to use (with verbal or email permission only) my picture, documentation of my experiences, or personal quotes to further the success of the program. _________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________ Date Submit application and materials by April 4, 2016, to: Professor Sara Cutting, Director, Writing Internship Program scutting@kent.edu | SFH 206D WIP APPLICATION | PAGE 3