University Requirements Curriculum Committee Agenda

University Requirements Curriculum Committee
Meeting Friday, May 11, 2012, 2:30-4:00, Room 62 Johnson
Call to Order
Minutes of the April meeting
Attachment 1
Curricular Proposals*
Kent Core
BSCI 10001, Human Biology, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 2
BSCI 10002, Life on Planet Earth, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 3
BSCI 10003, Laboratory Experience in Biology, 1 cr
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 4
BSCI 20020, Structure and Function, 5 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 5
PHIL 11001, Introduction to Philosophy, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 6
PHIL 11009, Principles of Thinking, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 7
PHIL 21001, Introduction to Ethics, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 8
PHIL 21002, Introduction to Formal Logic, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 9
PHIL 21020, Comparative Religious Thought, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 10
PHIL 21021 Comparative Religious Thought II, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 11
PSYC 11762, General Psychology, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 12
PSYC 20651, Child Psychology, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 13
PSYC 21211, Psychology of Adjustment, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 14
PSYC 22221, Multicultural Psychology, 3 cr.
Kent Core Assessment Plan
Attachment 15
Basic Science Requirements -- Course Combinations (Haley)
Attachment 16
Writing Intensive Course Requirement
EXSC 45080, Physiology of Exercise, 3 cr.
Requesting WIC status
Attachment 17
Diversity Requirement
Experiential Learning Requirement
Experiential Learning for Medical Technology program
Attachment 18
Subcommittee reports
a. ELR –
b. WIC –
c. DIV –
d. Kent Core –
Other items
a. Faculty Members completing terms:
Jill Folk
Deborah Knapp
Natalie Caine-Bish
Vic Perera
Ken Burhanna
Next meeting: tba
*Note: the co-chairs have approved proposed changes for the following previously approved
Kent Core, Diversity and Writing Intensive courses (see Course Catalog Update workflow for
ARTE 41003, Art Education: Field Experiences, 3 cr. (WIC)
Change in prerequisite
CACM 11001, Introduction to Conflict Management, 3 cr. (DIV-D, CORE)
Revision to course description
CACM 21010, Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution, 3 cr. (DIV-G)
Revision to course description
CACM 22020, International Conflict Resolution, 3 cr. (DIV-G)
Revision to course description
CACM 42020, Qualitative Research in Conflict Management, 3 cr. (WIC)
Revision to course description
HIST 11050, World History: Ancient and Medieval, 3 cr. (DIV-G, CORE)
Revision to course title
HIST 11051, World History: Modern, 3 cr. (DIV-G, CORE)
Revision to course title and description
HIST 31143, The African-Brazilian Experience in Culture and Literature, (DIV-G)
PEP 25059, Sport in Society, 3 cr. (DIV-D)
Change subject and course number, to SPAD 25000
RPTM 36092, Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation, 3 cr. (DIV-D)
Committee members may request that any of these changes be reviewed by the URCC under
agenda item 3.