JOURNALOF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 98,NO. D10,PAGES18,589-18,595, OCTOBER20, 1993 ChaoticAdvectionin the StratosphereImplicationsfor the Dispersal of Chemically Perturbed Air From the Polar Vortex R. BRADLEY PIERCE Atmospheric Sciences Division,NASALangleyResearchCenter,Hampton,Virginia T. DUNC^N A. FAi}•LIE Scienceand Technology Corporation, Hampton,Virginia The Lagrangianevolutionof materiallines within the northernhemispherewinter stratospheric vortex is determinedusing isentropicwinds and diabaticheatingrates obtainedfrom the NASA LangleyResearchCenter(LaRC) atmospheric circulationmodel.Transient,subtropical anticyclones lead to deformationof the materiallinesnear the edgeof the polar vortexwhich then rapidly evolve into elongatedfilamentsas material is drawn aroundthe anticyclones.The rate of stretchingof the materiallinesis shownto be exponential,with typicale-foldingtimesof the orderof 4 to 8 days. These resultsprovideevidencefor "chaoticadvection"nearthe edgeof the stratospheric polarvortex which leads to rapid mixing of vortex air with tropical and midlatitudeair. The characteristictimescalesof thesemixingprocessesand the extentto whichthe mixingpenetratesthe polar vortex have important implications for the dispersal of chemically perturbed air from the polar vortex throughout the northern hemisphereand attendant ozone depletion. INTRODUCTION al., 1987]. The stratosphericwinds and heating rates axe representedusingsphericalharmonic expansionin the horThe observed 2-6% reductions in middle- and high- izontal (triangular truncation to wave number 16) and a latitudetotal ozone in the northern hemisphere stratosphere vertical resolution of 3 km. The use of realistic large-scale windsandradiativeheatingdistributionsin this overthe last 10 years [Stolarskiet al., 1991]have been linked stratospheric toprocessing of stratosphericair within the polarvortex. An investigationallows us to assessthe impact of large-scale on the dispersalof polar air in the lower understanding of the processesthat are responsiblefor the transportprocesses transportof processedair out of the vortex and subsequent stratosphere. Plate 1 shows streamlines of the circulation on the 425 K mixingwith midlatitudeand subtropicalair is fundamentalto a completeunderstandingof the ozonedepletionproblem.A surface for December ! of the LaRC model simulation. The numberof outstandingissuesremain. What are the charac- map shows a large circumpolarcyclonic vortex with a teristictimescalesfor the dispersalof air from the polar counterclockwise circulation and smaller transient anticyvortex? How far into the polar vortex does the mixing cloneswhich are locatedin subtropicallatitudes.This patof the large-scaleflow during processextend?To what extent doeslow-latitude air pene- tern is fairly representative midwinter in the lower stratosphereof the northern hemitrate the vortex? larger In this paper we addresstheseissuesby investigatingthe sphere,althoughthe simulatedvortex is considerably in Plate behaviorof material lines located within the polar vortex in than is typicallyobserved.The coloredstreamlines thelowerstratosphere. We considerthe behaviorof material ! reflectstreamlinesalongwhichair parcelsorbit within and linesthat are initially located on the 425 K surface of around the edge of the polar vortex. During the model potentialtemperature(0). Within the isentropicframework, simulationthe anticyclonesmove eastwardaroundthe polar 0isusedas a vertical coordinate.Quasi-horizontaldistortion vortex and the closed streamlines within the vortex deform, regionsof increased curvaturebetweenthe antiof material lines which are initially located on isentropic developing surfaces is causedby transientadiabaticdisturbances,while cyclones.Rossbywave breaking[Mcintyre and Palmer, diabatic heatingandcoolingleadsto verticaldisplacement of the materiallines. The 425 K isentropic surface, which lies near70 mbar in the lower stratosphere,correspondsto the regionwherethe potentialfor chemicalprocessing of stratosphericair and the attendant ozone losses are likely to be 1983]mayoccurnearsuchregionsresultingin theejectionof filamentsof vortex materialinto subtropicallatitudes[Polvani and Plumb, 1992].In this paper we will investigatethe evolutionand morphology of materiallineswhich are ini- tially coincident with the instantaneous streamlines within largestdue to cold temperatureswhich favor the formation the polarvortexon DecemberI of the modelsimulation. of polarstratospheric clouds(PSCs). We have conductednumerical computationsusing full LAGRANG!AN EVOLUTIONOF VORTEXMATERIALLINES three-dimensional distributions of horizontal winds and ra- The differentialadvectionof material elementsby a three- diativeheatingrates from the NASA Langley Research dimensional,time-dependent circulationcanbe investigated Center(LaRC)atmospheric circulationmodel[Blackshear et by computing the Lagrangian evolutionof a matehalline Copyright1993by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. which is composedof an ensembleof parcels.The LagranPapernumber93JD01619. 0148-0227/93/93 JD-01619505.00 gian representation of three-dimensional advectionof a materialline composed of (n) parcelsin isentropiccoordi!8,589 180 Northern Hemisphere i 90W 90E 425K StreamlinesDay 0 GM Plate 1. Polar stereographicplot of streamlinesshowingthe northern hemisphere stratosphericcirculation on the 425 K isentropic surfacefor December 1 of the LaRC model simulation. Arrows indicate the direction of the circulation. The closedlines within the interior of the circumpolarcyclonicvortex indicatethe initial locationof material lines which are coincident with the vortex D__ Day0 streamlines. E•Day10 F '".,•'""',,•'",.,•.' •-' ' '.,. ' '":,, x ( , GM Day20 •'••---.m-•.,--.--? ',, , GM GM Plate 2. Polarstereographic plotsof thehorizontalprojectionof the materiallinesduringthe Lagrangianintegration for (a) day 0, (b) day 10, and (c) day 20. Colors indicatethe flow regimeof the material lines; red denotesinterior material lines, white the separatingmaterialline, and yellow the edge material lines. The 425 K potential vorticity distributions are shownin thebottompanels for (d) day0, (e) day 10,and(f) day20. Contourintervalsare I x 10-6 Km 2 s -1 kg . PIERCEAND FAIRLIE:CHAOTICADVECTION IN THE STRATOSPHERE 18,59! nates is equivalent to the simultaneous solutionof 3n ordi- thepolar vortexandotherpartsof the materiallinesstretch into longfilamentsleadingto the dispersalof air throughout narydifferential equations tropicaland subtropicallatitudes.The developmentof filaJJi'- U(Xi, Yi, 0i, t), i = 1, n (la) mentary structuresnear the edge of the polar vortex by large-scaleadvective processesis likely to enhancethe (lb) •i-' V(Xi, Yi, Oi, t), i-- 1, I• efficiencyof small-scalemixing of vortex edge air with tropical and midlatitudeair by increasingthe interfacial (lc) bi = Q(xi, yi, Oi, t), i= 1, n surfacearea of the boundarybetweentheseair masses.The whereu and v are the x and y componentsof the velocity large-scalefeaturesof the material lines are evident in the fieldevaluatedon an isentropicsurface 0 and Q is the computedpotentialvorticity distributions(Plates2d-2f). diabatic heatingrate associated with departuresof the strato- The white materialline, whichseparatesthe two regionsin spheric temperatures fromradiative equilibrium values. The the Lagrangiansimulation,lies nearthe largestmeridional numerical calculationsof the Lagrangianevolutionof vortex gradientsin PV. The PV distributionshowsevidenceof the materiallines involve quasi-isentropictrajectory computa- foldingbehaviorfound for the interior materiallines near tionsperformed in an off-linemode[MahlmanandMoxim, 225ø on day 20. There is no evidenceof the longfilaments 1978].Winds and diabaticheatingrates from the LaRC which characterize the material lines at the edge of the atmospheric circulationmodelare storedat 3-hourincre- vortex. Plates3a-3c showmefidionalprojectionsof the material mentsfor the trajectory calculations.An implicit integration scheme[Austin and Tuck, 1985] was used to integrate linesfor days0, 10,and20 of the Lagrangiansimulation.The equations (1a)-(1 c), withwindsandheatingrateswhichare material lines are initialized on the 425 K surface. However, asthe Lagrangiansimulationproceeds,the materiallinesare linearlyinterpolatedin time. which Differenttechniqueshave been developedfor Lagrangian displacedin the verticaldue to diabaticprocesses materialline simulations. A "contour surgery" technique result in cross isentropicmovement of air parcels. The of the materiallines duringthe simuwasdeveloped by Dritschel[1988]for usein contourdynam- verticaldisplacement ics. Contour surgeryinvolves the continualadjustmentof lation is small since the 425 K isentropic surface is well the number of parcels used to define the material line. below the level of maximum radiative heatingin the middle WaughandPlumb[1993]haveshownthat contoursurgery accuratelypredictsthe evolutionof material lines for a varietyof modeledand observedstratospheric flows.This technique has alsobeenusedby Norton [1993]in shallow stratosphere. However, there is a systematiclatitudinal differencebetweenthe verticaldisplacement of the material lines.Radiativecoolingdueto CO2 emissionleadsto a slow descent of the material lines within the interior of the vortex. The largestdiabaticdescentoccursnear 45øNdue to enhancedradiativecoolingof adiabaticallywarmedair parcels parcels to accuratelypredictthe evolutionof the material in the regionbetweenthe vortex and the transientanticymateriallinelieswithinthisregionof linesoverthe periodwe are simulating.For theseexperi- clones.The separating watersimulations.Here, we chosea differentapproach.We initializethe material lines with a sufficientlylargenumberof diabaticdescent.Subtropical latitudesare sunlit ments,over 150,000individualparcel trajectorieswere com- strongest Ultravioletabsorption by putedfor a periodof 20 days.The initial densityof the duringearly andmid-December. ozone leads to weak radiative heating in these latitudes ensemble of parcelsalongthe instantaneous streamline determines the lengthof time that the deformationof the whichresultsin the very slowascentof the vortexfilaments Radiativecoolingrates material line canbe accuratelycomputed.This techniqueis astheyextendintotropicallatitudes. simulation notascomputationally efficient ascontoursurgery, although neartheedgeofthevortexduringtheLagrangian largerlocal it doesprovidea meansof accuratelyresolvingthe initial rangefrom 1ø to 2øK per day. Significantly with high,cold development of vortexfilaments, whichbeginassmall-scalecoolingrates(5-!0 K per day) associated folds in the material lines. cirrus clouds have been found near the edge of the polar vortex [Tuck et al., 1992].In the real atmosphere,local during the 20-dayintegration.Plates2a-2c depictthe hori- diabatic descent associated with these cloud decks may affectthe Lagrangianbehaviorof the vortex zontaldistributionof the materiallinesfor days0, 10, and 20 significantly oftheLagrangian simulation. Plates2d-2f showthe distri- filaments. Plate 2 shows the evolution of the vortex material lines bution of potential vorticity(PV) onthe 425K surface for thesedays.By day !0, materiallinesnearthe edgeof the polarvortex(yellowmateriallines)have developed long filaments extending from the vortexedgeintothe tropics. CHARACTERISTIC TIMESCALES OF THE MATERIALLINE DEFORMATION (la)-(lc) is formally Materiallinesin theinteriorof thepolarvortex(redmaterial The systemdefinedby equations to a nonautonomous dynamical system andlends lines) havea verydifferent morphology. Thesemateriallines equivalent typically developintrusions whichextendpoleward, then itselfnaturallyto the applicationof the conceptsof dynamsimilaritybetween fold onto themselves.The white material line deformsin a ical systemstheory.The mathematical evolutionequations andthenonautonomous quasi-periodic mannerwithverylitfienetchange throughout theLagrangian introduces the possibility of chaotic the 20-day simulation.This material line separatestwo dynamicalsystems parcel trajectories. Aref [!984] investigated the Lagrangian regions of distinctlydifferentLagrangian behavior.This (Q materialline will be referredto as the separatingmaterial evolutionof an ensembleof parcelsin a two-dimensional = 0), incompressible, laminar flow.He foundthattheparcel Withinthe vortex, materiallines characteristically de- motionwas stochasticandtermed this stochasticresponseto line. velop multiple foldswithminimal stretching. Nearthevor- deterministicflow "chaotic advection." Khakhar eta!. thatthepresence of chaotic advection is texedge,partsofthematerial linesremain associated with [1986]haveshown A 450 Day 0 B 440 E 430. Day10 C 450 ............ 450 440 440 430 Day 20 E 430 ..,.., '-o •' • 420 420. 420 410 4!0 410 400 90 60 30 0 Latitude 400 90 60 30 0 Latitude 400 90 60 30 Latitude , • , 0 Plate3. Meridional projections ofthematerial lines during theLagrangian integration for(a)day0,(b)day10,and (c) day 20. color scale 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 PV units 180 90W '"--,.... •' Northern Hemisphere & ' r .-- ,• -,-,'i ..... : ....... • 90E Plate 4. Polar stereographic plotofisentropic potential vorticity forDecember 24,1988, onthe425K isentropic surface. Potential vorticity datawere provided byTerryDavies andwere obtained fi'om European Centre forMedium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) operational analyses. Potential vorticity greater than16isentropic potential vorticity (IPV)units isconsidered "vortex debris" andisshaded. Potential vorticity lessthan16IPVunits iscontoured with an intervalof threepotentialvorticity(,PV)units. PIERCEANDFAIRLIE:CHAOTICADVECTION IN THESTRATOSPHERE related to theefficiency of mixingprocesses. In theirsimulations, simpletime-dependent flowswere ableto deform material linesto scaleswhichweremuchsmallerthanthe length scaleof theflowitself,therebyleading to efficient mixing.The materiallineswere foundto stretchat an exponential ratein theregions of theflowwherechaotic advection was occurring.Liapunovexponents providean invariant measureof the characteristic timescales of a dynamical system.For chaoticadvectionthe Liapunovexponentis directlyrelatedto the long-timeaverageof the "specific stretching rate"of matehal lines[Khakhar et al., 18,593 Characteristic exponent andzonalmeanPV gradient 1.0000 • .1.0 ..... -0.8 o.1ooo• ß : • '•, :0.6 = o.0oo 0.0010 • '0.2>• 0.0001 60 ' 0.0 50 40 3O 20 Latitude 1986]. If materiallinesdeformat an exponential rate,then therateconstantof the deformationis equalto the specific stretching rate of the materiallines. We monitoredthe lengthof the vortex materiallinesover the20-daysimulationto determinewhetherchaoticadvectionwasoccurring in theLagrangian simulation of thevortex materialline deformation.Figure 1 showsthe computed Fig. 2. Thecharacteristic timescales for thematerial linedeformationduringtheLagrangian simulation (solidline)computed from the e-foldingtimesof the least squaresexponential fits of the materialline deformationshownin Plate 3. The meridionalgradient of the initialzonalmeanpotentialvorticityis alsoshown(dashed line).Characteristic timescales arerelatedto latitudeby the injtia. l mean location of the material lines. The zonal mean pote.ntial is computed at theGaussian latitudepointsof theLaRC length ofthematerial linesnormalized bytheirinitiallengths vorticity model. as a function of time. Material lines are designatedby numbers which increasewith the distancefrom the vortex center.Linear and exponentialbest fits to the computed curvesare also shown. Material lines 1-4 (red in Plate 2) initial locationof the material line. An additionalsimulation toexamine thissensitivity. Sixmaterial lines, stretch by 2 to 4 timestheir initiallengthover the 20-day wasperformed simulation. Matehallines6 and7 (yellowin Figure2) stretch three on each side of the separatingmaterialline at 1ø from1 and2 ordersof magnitudeduringthe simulation.The latitudinalincrements,were initialized to investigatethe separating materiallineis number 5 anddoesnotshowany characteristicsof the transitionzone betweenlinear and stretching rateregimes. Thethreematerial lines net stretchingduring the 20-day simulation.Root-mean- exponential of theseparating materiallineshowed square (rms)errorsfor linearandexponential leastsquares whichwerepoleward initiallybutthenbeganstretching nearday fitsto the curvesindicatethat the stretchingrate of the two nonetstretching The materiallinesclosestto the edgeof the vortex(materiallines 15asthe materiallinesbeganfoldingin on themselves. 6 and7) are best characterized as exponential.The rms errorsin linear and exponentialleast squaresfits for the interiormateriallines (matehallines 1-4) are so closethat bothprovidea goodfit, although the exponential rateconstant isquitesmall.Theseparating materiallineliesbetween thelinearandthe exponentialstretchingrate regions. threematerial lineswhichwereequatorward of thesepa,[a•7 ingmateriallineshowedmorestretching, extending equatorwardwithintheenvelope formedby material lines5 •r!'.d 6. The materiallinewhichwasinitialized3øequatorward qt[ theseparating material linestretched 5 timesitsinitiallength and extendedwell into the tropicsby day 20. The accuracy of our stretching rate calculations in the region which is characterized by exponential stretching rates separating material lineis likelyto be quitesensitive to the was also investigated with a high-resolution Lagrangian The evolutionof material lines in the neighborhoodof the simulation.We initializeda high-resolution materialline on materialline 7 which had the largeststretchingrate in the Streamline1 Streamline2 Streamline 3 Streamline4 4, 4 4 4' i • e,21 el2 '• I 0• ' I 0 ...... • " • ; -- ' 2 1 0t ' original simulation. The initialparceldensity of thisnew materialline was 10 times greater than in the original simulation.The deformationrate of the high-resolution materialline wasvirtuallyidenticalto the originalmaterial line.Thecomputed e-folding timesdiffered bylessthan1% 0 5 101520 0 5 101520 0 5 101520 0 5 101520 whichindicatesthat we haveinitializeda sufficientnumber Time(days) Time(days) Time(days) Time(days) ofparcels toadequately describe thematerial linedeforma- Streamline5 2.0i ' ' i Streamline6 15• Streamline7 • 150; ........ tion duringthis period. Figure 2 shows thecharacteristic exponents oftheoriginal sevenmateriallines(stars),materiallinesin the neighbor- 3 0.5• 0.0. i el 5 , 0 •, 50 0 5 101'52'0 0 5 101520 0 0 5 101520 hoodof the separating materialline (triangles), andhighresolution material line(square) plottedasa function of the initial mean latitudeof the materiallines. The exponents characterize thedeformation rate of the materiallinesand aredetermined fromthe leastsquaresexponential fit to the Fig.1. Computed length ofthematerial linesversus timeduring materialline deformation (cf. Figure1). The characteristic theLagrangian integration. Streamlines arenumbered fromthe Time(days) Time(days) Time(days) is equal to thetime-averaged specific stretching interior ofthevortexoutward. Squares indicate thecomputed length exponent ofthematerial line.Thesolidlinesindicatetheleastsquares bestfit rate of the materiallinesand thereforeprovidesa crude tothedataassuming an exponential stretching rate.Thedashed estimate of theLiapunov exponent whichcharacterizes the lines indicate theleastsquares bestfit tothedataassuming a linear Lagrangian behavior of the material lines. The zonal mean stretching rate.Thelengths arenormalized bytheinitiallength of the material lines. potential vorticity gradient onthe425K surface is also !8,594 PIERCE AND FAIRLIE: CHAOTICADVECTION IN THE STRATOSPHERE shown.The maximumgradientin potentialvorticity, which is generallycoincidentwith the zonal jet maximumand is often usedto define the edgeof the polar vortex, is located near 40øN. The maximum PV gradient is typically observed near 60øNat this level in the Arctic stratosphere[Tuck eta!., 1992]. The difference reflectsan inability of the LaRC model to adequately represent the polar night jet in the lower stratosphere. The characteristic timescale of the material lines outside the vortex is of the order of 4 to 8 days. Within the vortex (north of 40øN) the characteristic timescale is of the order of 15 to 30 days. Between these regimes lies a narrow zone approximately 5ø wide with much longer characteristictimescales.This zone acts as an effective barrier to large-scale horizontal transport of material from within the vortex during the simulation. Similar zones have been found in idealized models of chaotic mixing [Khakar et al., 1986; Behringer et al., 1991]. In two-dimensional flows they are composed of "KAM curves" [Guckenheimer and Holmes, 1983] which enclose an "island" of fluid with regular, quasi-periodic behavior that does not mix with the surrounding fluid. The length of time that an island of fluid remains isolated is determined by the survival of the outermost KAM curves. In the stratosphere the survival of the separating material line is sensitive to the amplitude of the transient waves and to the frequency of rotation of the trajectories about the polar vortex. It is likely that the separating material line would eventually succumb to changes in the shear deformation and begin stretching.The evolution of the material lines in the neighborhoodof the separatingmaterial line supportsthis hypothesis. These calculationsestablishthat positive Liapunov exponents exist for the stratosphericcirculation. Unfortunately, a robust quantitative estimate of the Liapunov exponent cannot be obtained using these techniques due to the relatively short period of time over which the averaging occurs. Long-term Lagrangian simulations are not feasible because of numerical errors in the computation of the individual parcel trajectories which also grow at an exponential rate in the regions of chaotic advection [Franjione and Ottino, 1987]. However, the existence of positive Liapunov exponents indicates that chaotic advection is occum'ng near the edge of the polar vortex in this model simulation of the northern hemispherelower stratosphere.The chaotic advection is characterized by the development of filaments of vortex material which extend well into the tropics on timescales of 4 to 8 days. DISCUSSION Our simulations indicate that a significant amount of the air near the edge of the polar vortex may be drawn into thin filaments through chaotic advective processes.The development of filamentary structures in constituent distributions can drastically increase the efficiencyof mixing by increasing the interfacialsurfacearea betweendifferentair masses. Prather and Jaffe [1990] investigatedthe impact of stretching, moleculardiffusion, and photochemistryon chemically perturbed air parcels embeddedin a homogeneouslyturbulent circulation. They found that the evolution of chemically perturbed air parcels in the lower stratosphere was controlled by stretching until scales became small enough for molecular diffusion to become important. They predicted that chemicallyperturbedair parcelswouldremainisolated for 7-20 days assuminga random strain rate of 10-s s-• They notedthatthe primaryuncertaintyin their calculations is the strain rate used in their model. For homogeneous turbulencethe specificstretchingrate of a materiallineis equal to the Lagrangian-averagedstrain rate of the flow [Batchelor, 1952]. The computed specificstretchingrates due to chaotic advection suggestthat the actual strainrate near the outer edge of the vortex is of the order of 2 x 10-6 s-1, whichwouldresultin evenlongerisolationtimes.The dominanceof stretching over diffusive and photochemical processes in determining the evolution of exvortex air massesindicatesthat chaoticadvectioncouldhave a significant impact on the distribution of trace constituentsin the lower stratosphere. Our simulations also suggestthat the large-scale horizon- tal exchangeof vortex material is restricted by a zone near the edge of the vortex which acts as an effective barrierto large-scalemixing.We are left with an apparentdichotomy. Material slightly poleward of the separating material line is highly isolatedfrom the surroundingcirculation, yet material slightly equatorward of the separating material line mixes very effectively with the middle latitude and tropical air masses.High-resolution assimilated stratosphericdata sets may provide insight into the effectiveness of this barrier in the real atmosphere. Plate 4 showsa map of isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) on the 425 K isentropic surface for December 24, 1988,just prior to the first Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition (AASE). The IPV map was provided by Terry Davies of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) and was produced at a triangular 63 spectral resolution. High values of IPV, which are typical of vortex air, are dispersed throughout middle and subtropical latitudes. Large amounts of such "vortex debris" were foundin ECMWF IPV analysis throughout the AASE mission [Tuck et al., 1992]. The interpretation of these small-scale features in stratospheric IPV analyses is admittedly plagued with uncertainties. If one assumes that the vortex debris reflects the signatureof the vortex filaments, then clearly there is a significantpotential for aliasingof these narrow features.In a spectral model this aliasing could result in the bloblike appearanceand lack of continuitywhich is often associated with the small-scale features in the IPV distribution. Alter- natively, the small-scalefeatures may reflect the impactof noisegeneratedduringthe assimilationprocess.In spiteof theseuncertaintiesthe assimilatedIPV distributionsprovide us with a dynamicallyconsistentdepiction of the quasihorizontaltransportin the lower stratosphere.The relatively highpotentialvorticity valuesof someof the debrisindicates that this air came from well within the polar vortex. 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