TRENGTII OF tAIPRE G SOME STRENGTH PROPERTIES AT ELEVATE D AND SUDNORMAL TEMPERATURE S formation 'eviewed and Reaffirmed LOAN COPY Please return to : Wood Engineering Researc h Forest Products Laborator y Madison, Wisconsin 53705 2 FACTORS AFFECTING THE STRENGTH OF PAPREG11 - Some Strength Properties at Elevated an d Subnormal Temperatures3 By :6 H. R . MEYER, Enginee r and E . C . O . ERICKSON, Engineer a Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Servic e U . S . Department of Agricultur e This report presents the results of tension, compression, bending, and impac t strength tests on papreg conducted at temperatures of -69°, 75°, 158°, an d 200° F . The study was undertaken to provide data on the effect of extreme temperature s applied for a relatively short period of time (24 hours or less) on the strengt h properties of papreg at the range of temperatures that might be encountered b y aircraft under service conditions . Although 158° F . is the upper limit recommended by government specification, tests were also conducted at 200° F . a t the request of the Army Air Forces . Temperature strength relations were determined for both parallel-laminated an d cross-laminated papreg, 1/8 and 1/2 inch in thickness . These strength relation s were obtained in the two principal directions, lengthwise and crosswise, tha t is, parallel and perpendicular to the machine direction of the paper when par allel laminated, and parallel and perpendicular to the edges of the panel whe n cross laminated . 1 This is one of a series of progress reports prepared by the Forest Product s Laboratory relating to the use of wood in aircraft issued in cooperatio n with the Army-Navy-Civil Committee on Aircraft Design Criteria . Origina l report issued Jan . 1945 . laminated paper plastic made by the Forest Products Laboratory (Improve d Standard -- June 1943) . 2This report is the first of a series of reports presenting the effect of Air craft Service Conditions on certain strength properties of papreg . 4 -Maintained at Madison, Wis ., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin . Rept . No . 1521 -1- It was found that, in general, the strength properties of papreg tend to in crease at subnormal temperatures and to decrease at elevated temperatures . Test Materia l The paper used was made on the Laboratory paper machine from a commercia l unbleached black spruce, Mitscherlich type, sulfite pulp . This paper wa s impregnated with a Bakelite phenolic type, thermosetting resin identified b y number as BV 16526 . The resin content was 36 .3 percent, based on the weigh t of the treated paper, and the volatile content 4 .5 percent . The impregnated paper was molded to form parallel-laminated and cross-laminate d flat panels, approximately 12 inches square, and 1/16, 1/8, and 1/2 inch i n thickness . In making the parallel-laminated panels, the machine direction (fiber grain) of each lamination was placed parallel to that of adjacent lami nations . The cross-laminated material was assembled so that the machin e direction (fiber grain) of each lamination lay at right angles to that of th e adjacent laminations . Each of the 1/16 and 1/8 inch thick panels was made fro m approximately 35 and 70 sheets of treated paper, respectively, and pressed fo r 12 minutes at 250 pounds per square inch . Each of the 1/2 inch thick panels wa s made from approximately 280 sheets of treated paper and pressed for 25 minute s at 250 pounds per square inch . The temperature of the hot press platens wa s 325° F . The panels were removed from the press immediately after pressing an d allowed to cool in air at room temperature . The specific gravity of the papreg , , based on equilibrium weight and volume at 75° F . and 50 percent relative humidity, was 1 .40 . The material is identified as " Improved Standard -- Jun e 1943 . a A number of panels were manufactured for service condition tests and store d under normal room temperatures and humidities . These panels were divided int o six groups as follows : Group Group Group Group Group Group I - Parallel laminated - 1/8 inch thic k II - Cross laminated - 1/8 inch thic k III - Parallel laminated - 1/2 inch thic k IV - Cross laminated - 1/2 inch thic k V - Parallel laminated - 1/16 inch thic k VI - Cross laminated - 1/16 inch thic k Preparation of Test Specimen s Panels were selected from the first four groups for the experimental wor k . covered in this study . Twenty-two panels were taken from group I, 13 from group II, 4 from group III, and 2 from group IV . Test specimens, exclusive of tensile and bending specimens tested at 200 0 F . , were cut from the selected panels as indicated in the cutting diagrams an d selection tables of figures 1 and 2 . Specimens not shown in the selectio n table (fig . 1) were used in tests of other service conditions . Rept . No . 1521 -2 - The selection and matching of tensile and bending specimens for tests at 200° F . are not shown, since the request for tests at 200° F . was received after the other temperature tests had been completed . Specimens for these tests wer e selected as follows : Five tensile specimens were taken in the lengthwise an d crosswise directions from two uncut panels of group I, and five from one pane l of group II ; one lengthwise and one crosswise static bending specimen wa s taken from the unused central portion of each of five group I panels allocate d to another series5 of strength tests, and five cross-laminated static bendin g specimens were obtained from three group II panels of the same series . The type and dimensions of specimens conformed to Federal Specification fo r Plastics, Organic ; General Specifications (Methods of Tests) L-P-406, Decembe r 9, 1942 . Conditioning of Specimen s The specimens for test at -69° F . were exposed to that temperature for a t least 4 hours prior to test . Specimens tested at normal temperature (75° F .) were conditioned at 75° F . an d 50 percent relative humidity for approximately 2-1/2 weeks prior to test . All specimens tested at 158° F . were conditioned prior to test for 24 hours i n a large chamber automatically maintained at 158° F . and 20 percent relativ e humidity . Those specimens tested at 200° F . were conditioned prior to test for 24 hour s in an electric oven thermostatically maintained at 200° F . and essentiall y zero humidity . Description of Test s Tension, compression, static bending, and impact (Izod) tests were conducte d according to the procedures described in Federal Specification L-P-406 . Tests at Subzero Temperature s The subzero tests were conducted in a room maintained at -69° + 3° F . at th e Army Air Forces Materiel Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, by the personne l of the Materials Laboratory and on specimens supplied by the Forest Product s Laboratory from the same material as was used for tests at other temperatures . `"Factors Affecting the Strength of Papreg . The Effect of Accelerated Weather ing on Certain Strength Properties of Papreg . Forest Products Laborator y Rept . No . 1521-A . Rept . No . 1521 -3- These tests were conducted as follows : Standard (dumbbell type) tension speci mens, were tested in self-aligning Templin grips in a 20,000-pound capacit y universal testing machine, using the 5,000-pound load range . The machine wa s hand-operated to obtain an average rate of grip movement of approximately 0 .01 ' inch per minute . Deformation data were obtained by means of a 2-inch gag e length knife edge averaging type extensometer, equipped with a spiral staf f type 0 .0001-inch dial gage . Compression tests were conducted in the previously described testing machin e on specimens placed lengthwise in a special compression jig described an d pictured in the Army Air Forces Technical Report No . 4648 . Deformation wa s measured with a 0 .0001- or 0 .001-inch dial gage mounted on the base of th e jig and actuated by the travel of the vertical plunger of the jig . The averag e rate of head travel of the plunger was approximately 0 .01 inch per minute . Flexure tests were made on a bending jig described and pictured in Report No . 4648, adjusted to a 3-inch span . The load was applied at the center of th e span by dead weights . Deflections at the center of the span was measured wit h a 0 .001-inch dial gage . Izod impact specimens were tested in a pendulum type impact testing machin e using a'50-inch-pound capacity hammer for specimens notched flatwise and a 25-inch-pound capacity hammer for specimens notched edgewise . Tests at Normal and Elevated Temperature s Normal- and elevated-temperature tests were conducted at the Forest Product s Laboratory . The procedures of tests conducted at normal room temperatures and humiditie s (76° F . and 23 percent relative humidity) were as follows : Tension specimens, identical to those described in the subzero test, were test ed in self-aligning Templin grips in a motor driven, 10,000-pound capacit y universal testing machine . The rate of cross arm motion under no load wa s 0 .042 inch per minute, while load-elongation data were taken to approximatel y 75 percent of ultimate load ; it was then increased to 0 .157 inch per minute and maintained until failure . A 2-inch gage length separable nonaveraging typ e extensometer equipped with a spiral staff type 0 .0001-inch dial gage was use d to measure elongation . Compression tests were conducted on specimens placed lengthwise between on e fixed and one spherically seated plate centered in a 120,000-pound capacit y hydraulic testing machine, using the 6,000-pound load range . The rate'of hea d travel under load was 0 .012 inch per minute . _Deformations were measured wit h . a 1-inch gage length Martens Mirrors compressometer attached to the machine d faces of the specimen . Flexure specimens weretested flatwise over a 2-1/2-inch span . Center loading was applied by means of a universal testing machine, equipped with a hydrauli c capsule and load indicator . A rate of cross-head motion (under no load ) Rept . No . 1521 -4- of 0 .0+9 inch per minute was maintained to approximately 50 percent ;'of the maximum load and then increased to a rate of 0 . 1)+ 6 inch per minute and main - , tained until failure . Deflections,at the center of the span were measure d ,with a'0 .001-inch dial gage . Izod impact specimens were tested in a 16-foot-pound capacity pendulum-typ e ' impact testing machine using the 8-foot-pound hammer capacity on specimen s notched flatwise and the 4-foot-pound hammer capacity on those notched edge wise . - The testing procedures, .of tests conducted at 158° + 5° F . and 200° + 5° F . conformed to those made at normal room temperature, except as noted in th e following descriptions . The high temperature tests were conducted in a ply wood box (12 by 24 inches) housing the specimen and necessary apparatus an d equipped with the following : a door with a double'glazed window (to permi t deformation observations), a 60-watt light bulb for illumination, a thermome ter, two heating coils, and a thermostat . The box-with a tensile specime n in test position is shown in figure 3 . .For the tension tests, the box was placed on the table of a-100,000-poun d capacity, hydraulic testing machine in a manner which permitted normal axia l alignment of the Templin grips through small openings in the top and bottom of the box . Compression tests were conducted on specimens placed lengthwise in a compressio n jig similar to that used in the subzero tests . The jig was placed in the ply wood box on the table of the hydraulic testing machine in such a manner as t o permit normal axial alignment of the plunger of the jig through the small open ing in the top of the box, with the spherical seat attached to the center o f the movable head of the testing machine . .r In conducting static, bending tests, the bending jig was likewise placed i n the plywood box centered on the table of the hydraulic testing machine . Load was applied through the medium of a loading block attached to the movable hea d of the testing machine by means of a .pipe sleeve and bolt extending through the small opening in the top of the box . Izod impact specimens were tested in the Laboratory-at ordinary roomtempera tures and as soon as possible after removal from the conditioning mediums . In the tension, compression, and static bending tests at 158° F . and 200° F . , several minutes were usually required to attach and adjust the deformatio n indicators and place the specimen in the testing machine . In order to com pensate for any change in specimen temperature during these operations, . tes t loads (except for a small initial load) were not applied until several minute s after the temperature within the box had reached the proper level . Rept . No . 1521 -5 - Results of Test s Maximum, minimum, and average values for a specified number of tension, com pression, static bending, and impact strength tests at four temperatures, ar e given in table 1 . All values reported are based on dimensions taken a t normal temperature . The results indicate that certain properties of papreg tend to increase a t subnormal temperatures and to decrease at high temperatures . Impact strengths , however, did not follow this general behavior, but indicated instead a sligh t decrease in strength, with respect to strength at normal temperature, at both temperature extremes . The data obtained from these tests serve to confirm the results of simila r tests of papreg made from Mitscherlich base-papers impregnated with Bakelite 6 resin 16303 and with Resinpx 465, conducted by the Monsanto Chemical Company .Temperature-strength relationships of parallel-laminated (lengthwise) an d cross-laminated papreg are shown graphically in figure 4 . It may be noted that the relationship for some properties is almost linear between -69° and 158° F . and that the trend lines for the elastic modulus and yield strength in tension and compression are almost parallel . The data show the greatest departur e from a uniform trend at the two extremes of the temperature range explore d (-69° and 200° F .) . Variations in strength properties at the extreme temperatures with respect t o corresponding properties at normal or room temperature, expressed as a percent age, is of interest . Such a comparison, giving the range of differences amon g the direction of load-to-grain relationships for the majority of the strengt h properties, is presented in table 2 . This comparison shows that the greates t increase in strength properties occurred in the compressive yield strength a t 0 .2 percent strain offset, and the greatest decrease occurred in ultimate ten sion . Typical tensile and compressive stress-strain curves at each of the severa l temperatures are shown in figures 5 and 6 . The end points of the compressiv e curves terminate at approximately 80 percent of the ultimate stresses . Typica l load-deflection curves for flatwise static bending tests up to maximum load a t fracture are shown in figure 7 . All curves are based on actual load-deformatio n data for individual specimens, having properties in close agreement with th e average of the group . It may be noted that the general shape of the curves i s similar for all temperatures . The fact that the length of the initial straigh t line or elastic portion, however, becomes less as the temperature increases , indicates that the material has probably become more plastic . 6 Forest Products Laboratory Rept . No . 1321, and " Special Report on the Influenc e of Temperature on the Physical Properties of High Strength Paper Laminates . " By D . Telfair and R . H . Haslanger, Research Department, Plastics Division , Monsanto Chemical Company, dated April 9, 194 3 . Rept . No . 1521 -6- Conclusion s The results of these tests indicate that the tensile, edgewise compression , ' and static bending properties of papreg are adversely affected at elevated tempera tures but'tend to improve at subnormal temperatures . 7 i Rept . No . 1521 -7- .2-17 il l -,.= 'OS Ci&IT 'vi i r En 'A'':'=..,,, N.," r4Nm tuNN fuHM -.[:N www ww .. ww .a W ,54 R: f4e44 U 2 V4, 'W 441 'Mr @s. ZAA AZT 47 w 1'wNN .U w .ar ww n '2 H ''g2 P3 y 4 t '014 0 .~ & 9..n,-m w MFR .H$ o~o ~o44s N Ai . ,- ~~ ass GMs e%v .a .nr.,.] w .., in.u .n x -as ~] ~~ g ••.-7 2''. 2 ° ti "~e222 °r o ° m8 .8 mam R O ti N .w..zn g3R °R& .O mp. ti w t-r-m rnpm r•]~n lf1 NNN ,y .a m , . i-m m .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . R&8 a 2R2 2p mo R.R gR g Rm8. .82 RR ° °8 N NH° ,RRIR Aii $A9 mR RNA . .°R RRN g ao o$ w m.. tN]i wN .~i .Ni M1Y . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. 3@ g R R R R8R Nmx iJ 1 v) +) ri I " F. I I .~ 0 O I U I 1 +~ >1 w +' 1 I Fa w II] I -\0 H If \ "0 ON K.\ O\ r-I -1- r-♦ H N r-1 1 + 1 1 + I I + 1 N r-I w LsO I \ r IN NNN N + I I + I I + NN I 1 ;I N _ iLs i .: .o. ON CO t- 1-1 N 0 ~~N IO NN '! _iii• a . .. El r4 \ Lam- E-l N ON ON .4' N- rt tO •6 1 1-- . 0 . 60 •6 •6 •1 N U\ lf1 \+OH N '1- 'iii . -4:r: •1* HHH + 1 1 P R-4 N In '0N N 0 U -*A cO U~ ■O co • 6s r-Ir I H -1N + 11 H + 0 r-1 if. U\ O r-I + HI K1 O\ + r-1I N1 + 1 I .y. r a ■O ON 1 ONE H M 11 CO+ N rt\ 1 1 O\coO O\coO O\cO O 1 1 . a) rI P w H Rept . Fi w rI I.C\ + r-11 r1-l r \I H .+ N1 rH-II 0 r-1 1 Ag - A ---------------- .V. N M . V . N 000 O . g a4 a '4 ; ---------------- N .. .---- 00.00 .0gg g - - U u a . -I - - - I- , !V II I I-- 4 n r - - J 1 ti I : b/L/1S 771SN3111 in _Q O "~ W o - r 1 T 1 N,1, I"I I I d-l L. I- -r 1 r = z =_ "err r q F o W Z h WZ 1- 1 I •• I .Km1ml o III I 0 v rs) bt) 9-1 b.O Cm. tIL) II MACHINE DIRECTION OF LAMINATION S l L i /a12ai3ai4a 1/C _J_I_1_I I 1 I T Sa I i / b_ 2b 2C 1 3Cr-3b I / I 2 T b 7 I / ) -1--T-I--,-- _ 91/0i//14alsaIkah-ja--I- 3 -} /2 _ I t - 7 - -I - - I i a : 1 /a r' 2a I _1a-L-1 I I I L I r 1J_J 1 5~ - 4- J --- - -- - I 16a1704 I I I _L_1J 1-- -- ,2 6 /1 - f : -- L_ /Ba_ -I I 16tH/7aI/8al/9a 20ai-- _L i I 76---I - --~~ --19C~l0C11/C1(2c!/3t1/4CL _. _ I II I 5h ^ T I __-/h 1 I I I I I L - --- irb c17cj&c1 1 /5 I I ! /a b 1 I I I r1 1I 1 l_ .11J- g b -I 1`oh I_ I 4C I sC1 - I t r ~ ,----~ 4 -_ I L - - I I I I I- - 7z a I _LL1_1_I_1/a_ _ I 11 I I _I - - ib6 --_ I 1 v 10A -9 Q ---121q II,edAlI3~2~aI ISb~ - 14b 135 _ _ - -1 - Ba _ l -1 E I 1 -- 7a GROUPDI PANELS NUMBERED /, 2, 3 AND 4 1 aY5 = 2BA 2 I " T ~29C~ J J /3 ~ _27 a 26 J T L/4 1 GROUP IP PANELS NUMBERED /AND 2 LAYOUT OF EDGE WISE COMPRESSION AND IZOD /MPACT .SPEC/HENS NOMINAL INCH THICK MATER/A L COMPRE55/ON SPEC/ME/VS - /NCH WIDE BY 2 INCHES LON G /ZOO SPEC/ME/VS i /NCH WIDE BY 2Z /NCHES LON G Selection andGroupingofGpecimen e ka ;hios direction f knmiaatioas rolstiee to In.gth of specimen o (1) I :cd impact epecioe ._ . Peal No . -690 Y . . . (2) : Location • . 2000 F . : . ... . . . ._ . : of notch otth renpmct to faces s~ sdaee of original materiel 75a Y . Pace . Sdge (3) () : Compression specimens I ._ . . 158° P . Secs Edge Tare >:dge Pros 14ge (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) . -690 P, (11) 750 P . ° 158°T. 2000 P (12) . (13) (14 ) Parallel-laminated panel .(GroupIII ) Lengthwis e a Crosswis e 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 lb : 2b, 3b : lb, 2b : 3b 2b, 3b lb lb, 2b 3b lc lc, 2c 1c lc, 2c 4 : 4b, 5b, 6 b : 6b, 7b, 8 b : 7b, 8b, 9b 96, 10b, ll b : 9b, 10b, llb : lOb, lib, 124 4b, 5b, 12b : 5b, 6b, 7b : : 7b, 8b : 124 4t, 55 96 106, lib 3 613, 131 : : 8b : 45 . . . . . . . . : 1+6, 16b 3 155, 175 : 135, 154 : 124, lob : 14c 9c, 10c, lie : 7c, 8c : 12c, 13c . 2c, 3c : 4c, 5e, 6c 40 , 5e : :6c, 7c, 8c, 13c: 1Oc, lie, 12e : 9c : 3c llc ve : 13c, 15e : 4c, 5c, 12c 10c, : 2c, 3c : 7c, 8c, 9c 4c i 80 12o 9c, 100 5c, 6c, 7c : 3c 1, 4 2, 5 3 1 la, 4e 3. 140 14c 13c 3 1, 4 2, 5 3 . in, 4 9 3e 2a la, 4a 3a 2, 5 . 7 134 2 : 67 : 6, 7 7 2a : 5a, 6 a : la, 4a : 6a, 7a : 3a 7a 2a 5a Crone-laminated panels(Group IV ) Lengthwise Crosswise 1 2 1 2 • 4a : 4a, 5a : Figure and 2 K 57695 F 12s, 13a, 14a 12a, 13a, 14a 10a, 11a : lla . 15m . 7a, 15a 5a, 6a : 16a, 17a, 18a : 21a, 22., 23a : 17a, 18a, 19a 21a, 22a, 23a 6a 19a, 20a : 20a 24a : 16a, 24a : : 2a, 3a : 7a, 8a, 9a is. 2a, 3a la . 8a, 9a, 10a . 2 .--Cutting Izod impact : . diagram and specimens . selection 26n, 28a : 27a, 29a : 1, 4, 7 : 3, 6 2, 5 1, 4, 7 27a, 299 : 26a, 28a table : : for e : edgewise : 8 9 : 2, 5 3, 6 : 13, 14 . 12, 13 8 9 : 10, 11 : compressio n Figure 3 .--Front view of plywood box-used for conducting tension, com pression, and static bending tests of papreg at 158° and 200° F . showing tensile specimen in test position . 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