MIT OpenCourseWare 11.307 Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2008 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: a new family in the environmental workshop long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond demographics - the new family + Family unit = Shougang family Migrant New “family” group provides mutual support Age ranges: Under 15 50-80 Age range: 15-39 Shougang family provides migrants with low rent Migrant provides family with labor Both provide emotional support + Distribution long narrow strip + = Age Age Age Shougang family Migrant New family group keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond migrant demographics - where do they live Where do they live currently? 40,000,000 long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond Downtown 372,000 91% Suburban 2,208,000 55.9% Surrounding Villages 1,431,000 35% migrant demographics - how old are they How old are they? Space Requirements Housing Implications: Facility needs change as individuals form families long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond Single Couple Family 20 sq m 40 sq m 60 sq m migrant demographics Where do they typically live? Implications: Rent and upkeep must be inexpensive to allow for migrant population How long do they usually stay in Beijing? Implications: Training process should be half a year or less Community should facilitate frequent turn-over: Furniture exhange market, Temporary furniture Site should have convenient transportation to major transport hubs Emotional support, networking, and mentoring for new arrivals long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond migrant demographics What is their education level? Where do they typically work? Implications: Government sponsored education to finish middle school Retired workers could act as teachers in standard and vocational training centers Implications: The Shougang community contains work in all sectors, allowing residents to build off of their own skills and learn from their peers long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond new city village old city city village traditional village housing new city village family zone experior plot migrant zone long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond site long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phasing of transportation 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phasing of transportation 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phasing of transportation 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phasing of transportation 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phasing of transportation 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond transportation central rail secondary rail pedestrian road rail stop 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond station system long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond major buildings to keep long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond densities low density middle density high density 0 km 1 km .5 km long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond land use long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond open space long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond precedent program band Entry to Forbidden City - 120m Building Heights - 1 Story Low rise/medium density Street trees Main Quad, Notre Dame - 60m Building Heights - 4 stories Med rise/Low density Trees and grass Main Quad, Vanderbilt - 60m Building Heights - 4 stories Med rise/low density Mature trees and grass Current Entry to Shougang - 90m Building Height - N/A Low rise/Low density Low vegetation Main Quad, University of Virginia - 60m Building Heights - 1 story Low rise/High density Grassy vegetation Tsinghua Main Axis - 60m Building Heights - 5 stories Medium rise/Low density low vegetation, saplings Champs Elysees - 70m Building Heights - 7 stories High rise/High density Lush street vegetation Northrup Street, Portland, OR - 20m Building Heights - 5 stories Low rise/High Density Little street vegetation Church Street, Burlington VT - 17m Building Heights - 3 Stories Low rise/High Density Street vegetation, mostly paved 0 10m 20 m long narrow strip 50m keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond Ringstrasse, Vienna - 50m Building Heights 6 stories Medium Rise/High Density Lush street vegetation prototype section Industrial and Recreation District Residential District Supportive Commercial District Central Business District .75km 3 - 4 City Blocks 100 - 200m 1.5 km > 4 Stories 3 Story 2 Story 1 Story Building Height long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond typical city view long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond typical city view long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond typical city view long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond land use education social commercial high density housing schools (primary and secondary) employment services vocationaly education steel worker re-education central buisness district medical facilities environmental research long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond land use housing environmentally conscious housing retired worker housing villager housing migrant housing new “family” housing long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond land use environmental soil remediation wastewater treatment recreation exhibition zone environmental industry greenhouses gardening plots design build school farmers market recreation long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond site contaminants Possible Contaminants Methods of cleaning Excavation and landfill Heavy Metals Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Mercury Capping Solification Soil flushing Soil washing Solvents Petroleum based Paint thinners Metal degreasers Gasoline Diesel Motor Oil Vitrification Soil incineration Thermal desorption Bioremediation Phytoremediation long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond phytoremediation technologies X X X X X X X X X Rhizofiltration long narrow strip X X X Phytostabilization X X X Phytovolatization X X Phytoextraction Mechanics Hydroponically raised plants placed in contaminated water concentrate the metals in their roots and shoots Contaminant migration via wind, rain, and grounwater prevented through planting Plants absorb elemental metals from the soil and biologically convert them to gaseous metals and release them into the atmosphere Roots absorb contaminants and store them in above ground shoots Pros Cost effective for large volumes; applicability to many metals; less need for chemicals; reduced volume of secondary waste; possibility of recycling; appealing to regulators and public Less expensive; less invasive; easy to implement; aesthetic value; allows for the postponement of action Minimal site disturbance; less erosion; no need to dispose of contaminated plants; require little maintainence Cost effective for large areas; reduce in contaminant mass; metals may be extracted from plant material; metal enriched plants may be sold Cons Small, slow growing root systems; the need to specilized facilities and expertise Not appropriate for highly contaminated sites; does not remove pollution; requires soil additives Less control over path of Slow process; cannot contaminants; may reach deep contaminacontaminate air tion; must dispose of plants Affected Contaminants Chromium, lead, zinc, petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes Lead, zinc, copper, selenium, trichloroethelene, mercury, arsenic Arsenic, Mercury, Selenium Variety of solvents, Zinc, nickel, cadmium, lead, titanium, chromium Plants Water hyacinth, duckweed, pennywort Grasses Cattails, tabacco Sunflower, indian mustard, Chinese brake fern Alternative Rhizodegradation keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond Phytodegredation Zq%hjg\m[lkj`argÚdljYlagfYf\h`qlg]pljY[lagf $ Sale for agriculture $ Sale for consumption Composting X X Agricultural reuse onsite X X Extraction $ Sale for decoration Incineration $ Sale of metal ore long narrow strip Contaminated Plant Material keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond typical street view long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond land use long narrow strip keith case - zhang ruoxi - ma xiaoying - kristina katich - marissa grace desmond