MIT OpenCourseWare 11.307 Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2008 . For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Re-integrating Industry Design Concept Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala civic layering Zhai Wensi Li Ye Beijing, thus preserving certain existing spaces, structures and skills in a dynamic and meaningful way; relocation of the steel mill, many workers and their families will remain within the district and will require housing and employment opportunities. In response to the dynamism of the location of the site at a real and conceptual urban periphery our design concept revolves around: • • Examining the city as a dynamic socio-spatial, economic and political network rather than a static conception of built form. • Questioning the determinism of large scale master-planning and exploring how urban design can become an adaptable process that responds to a rapidly changing urban context. The new housing developments outside the Shougang factory site do not adequately address the social demands within the area, nor do they address the cultural and environmental value of the district as an historic industrial district and as a green urban edge. In focusing on developing a public framework within the site that strongly responds to the civic logic of Beijing – rethreading the Shougang site back into the city – new opportunities for access to dynamic urban networks would be provided. This would increase: • Developing a new conception of value in real estate development through iterative planning. • Re-imaging industrial processes and providing a dynamic program structure that supports this. Our Approach The area around the Shougang factory site shows evidence of rapid development, particularly in the creation of high-rise housing estates. At the same time, many recently-urbanized families occupy low-rise, dense housing pockets interspersed within this new fabric, and have little access to public space, public transport and employment opportunities. With the • Economic value, through developing in a series of iterative layers or stages and through the remediation of certain areas of the site; • Social value, through prioritizing the development of a dignified public-space network, which would remain and be reinforced through iterative development layerings of the site, thus creating community centers and urban connections; • Cultural value, through the retaining and reinterpretation of the industrial role of the site within • Environmental value, through the linking of Shougang’s vast riverfront, mountain areas and green spaces back into the public structure of Beijing. Thus our design approach is strongly linked to the notion of civic layering, where a series of urban design “moves” happen to maximize on the economic, social, cultural and environmental value of the site, each being influenced by the layers that came before and after. In concentrating on securing the main civic “moves”, a certain amount of freedom and responsiveness is allowed, where the development of the site may be taken up by multiple parties over time without compromising civic structural and access to public spaces. In determining a “first move” catalyst layer, the highly-imageable notion of an exposition was drawn upon. A new type of industrial exposition is proposed for the site as an instrument for re-examining the potential role of industry in Beijing and solidifying the identity of the site as a space of both industrial innovation and tradition. ϔ㠀ᓔথᓣüü䗑∖⦄ϪӋؐ ៥Ӏⱘᗕᑺüüࡼᗕ䖛Ёᅲ⦄㓐ড়߽Ⲟ᳔࣪ $WWLWXGH RI &RPPRQ 'HYHORSPHQW3XUVXLW P\RSLD YDOXH conomic Value Issue Economic 㒣⌢䯂乬 㒣⌢Ӌؐ •᱃ቅऎথሩᅮԡ Economic Development of SJS District •ᬊ˄ѻϮ䕀ൟ˅ Tax income (Commercial & Services) •ϔᗻᓔথ ߽Ⲟ⪰ߚ One-night Development Divided interest Blueprint Plan Poor Adaptation •㓐ড়߽Ⲟ᳔࣪ Maximize the Profits •䗤ℹ݈ Regeneration Developers benefit most Unemployment Social Problem Despair •ᦤ催ഄऎⱘ⼒Ӯሖ enhance the society level •㓈ᡸ䘫⬭㗙ⱘሙԣᇞϹ maintain the dignity of workers Simple maintain & preservation •ֱᣕഄऎⱘ᭛࣪⡍䋼 Maintain the culture identity •᭛࣪ક⠠࣪ Culture Brand •㒜ᵕއᅮ䆎 䗖ᑨᏂ •ϟቫ㘠ᎹݡህϮϢᅝ㕂 Reemployment & Resettlement of the Unemployed Workers Social Social Value Issue ⼒ӮӋؐ ⼒Ӯ䯂乬 ⦄⢊ Status quo •ᴹҎষህϮϢᅝ㕂 Employment & Settlement of the Migrants •݀݅⌏ࡼぎ䯈ᬍ Improvement of Public Space •ᓔথଚ㦋Ⲟ •ᎹҎ༅Ϯ ༅㨑ᛳ ⼒Ӯ䯂乬 Culture Culture Value Issue ᭛࣪Ӌؐ ᭛࣪䯂乬 •ᎹϮ䘫ѻ߽⫼ Preserving and Utility of Historical Industry Environment Environment Value Issue ⦃๗Ӌؐ ⦃๗䯂乬 •ẩഄ⦃๗⊏⧚ Remediation and Utility of Brown Land •ऩ㒃ⱘֱᡸ • 㓈ᡸ៤Ў䋳ᢙ Financial Burden •㹿ࡼ⦃๗㾘ߦ •ֱᡸ㓓༈吁ⱘ䖕ᕭഎ᠔ Preserving the Habitation of the migrating wild birds Passive Environment Planning Ꮦ⇥ৃҹՓ⫼ⱘ㞾✊⦃๗ Natural as recreational place ∌ᅮ⊇݈ Regeneration of YDH River 㪉ェ㏎㛏 㬚⭹Ⱟ䈌⧨㬱㑋Ⱀⳃ䍚⭥⥀㔵ᷛ 㸋㑬⿹䇇⭹Ⱟ䊻䄜䎇㬖ⱙⶦ㛏⿐⭥⧨㬱㈔䐱⢎㻷⨗ 㤙ㅸⰯ⭹㋋ⳃ⹌⹓㋶ヅ㶙㕈᷍㬚㡅䊻⭹Ⱟ⭥ㅸⰯ㾵ⳃ 䍚䐱⭤䄵䁴㿙⼮ゴ㣠᷍⤃䇪⪬ㅉ㑃㪈㤙䐱㾥䄵ゑ⧨㬱⭥ㆂ⹚ ㅌ⧨㬱㬴䔘䄜Ⱀ㲍⭥㈎イ᱃䎟䐯䈌㪈。㋶ヅ㶙㕈᷍ⱙ ⳨䄜ㅉ⧪㾯㲍⭥㈓䐚ⶦ㛏ᷜ 㾵㑋㻖ᷜ ⡄㒕⤃䐹㾣䜚㬮⭹Ⱟ䊻⧨㬱䐱⭥⹅䄖ㅨ㩌᷍䄵䄜䐷Ⱀ㲍ⱙ 䐫䄪䄵⫔⨀Ⱙ⧨㬱⺇⿏⭥䐶れⳞ➙㉗Ⰹ㔼᷍⤃㲞㰘⧨㬱 㪉ェ䋖䂚⤦㚽⿹䇇䁙㯺⢅⿐⭥⧨㬱㸥㕗᷍⧪㸋䄜䐷㉀䇱㬫䇇 LAYER 0 LAYER 1 䰊↉ϪमӮ /$<(5 (;32 (;32 䰊↉ᗻⳂᷛ 3+$6(7$5*(7 LAYER 2 a “dynamo” to initialize the reaction feedback from the urban 䰊↉ 㘠Ϯᡔᴃ䆁Ёᖗ /$<(5 6.,//(0%$66,(6 (0%$66,(6 LAYER 3 䰊↉ ⏋ড়⼒ऎ /$<(5 – 0,;&20081,7< ᓩ⊼ᛣᡩ䌘 DWWUDFWDWWHQWLRQDQGLQYHVWPHQW ᓩЁ催ッҎᠡ DWWUDFWHGXFDWHGSHRSOH ˛ ᦤछഄऎଚϮሖ HQKDQFHWKHFRPPHUFLDO FRPVXPLQJOHYHO ᦤछഄऎ᭛࣪ሖ HQKDQFHWWK KH HFXOWXUDOOHYHO ҎষህϮㄝ䖯ܹ〇ᅮথሩ䰊↉ 㾷އ䗔Ѡ䖯ϝᏺᴹⱘህϮϢ⦃๗䯂乬 GHDOZLWKXQHPSOR\PHQWDQGHQYLURPHQWLVVXH ZLWKXQHPSOR\PHQWDQGHQYLURPHQW LVVXH ऎඳࡳ㛑 ',675,&7)81&7,21 (;32ᦤկЈᯊᎹቫԡ Ꮉᯊ䯈ϢЈ䗔ӥᎹҎ࠽ԭᎹᯊ䯈Ⳍ䖥 7HPSRUDU\MR MREEVXLWDEOHIR IRUUWWKKHHVKRXJDQJZRUNHUV VKRXJDQJ ZRUNHUV Ё催ッ㘠Ϯ䆁Ёᖗ VNLOOHPEDVVLHVFRPSDQLHV VWUDLQQLQJ HPEDVVLHVFRPSDQLHV VWUDLQQLQJFHQWUH FHQWUH ࡳ㛑唤ܼⱘ⼒ऎᔶ៤ ଚϮ &200(5&,$/ &200(5&,$/ ਼䖍Ё催ッଚϮ PLGGOHHQGFRPPHUFLDOHQYLURQPHQW ਼䖍Ё催ッଚϮ VHPLKLJKHQGFRPPHUFLDOHQYLURQPHQW ଚϮ⦃๗ϮᏆ៤❳ UHODWLYHO\PDWXUHFRPPHUFLDOHQYLURQPHQW ሙԣ 5(6,'(1&( 5(6,'(1&( ᭛࣪ᬭ㚆䆒ᮑ &8/785$/('8&$7,21 &8/785$/('8&$7,21 ਼䖍݀ᆧЁḷଚક᠓ ਼䖍݀ᆧ Ёḷଚક᠓ DSDUWPHQWPHGLXP KRXVH DSDUWPHQWPHGLXPKRXVH ᮄᓎ᭛࣪䆒ᮑ QHZ QH ZFXOWXUDOIDFLOLWLHV IDFLOLWLHV 䐹㾣ㅉ㑃㬸⭹㤙㋋⳦㋶ヅ䈌⡒㈊⧨㬱ㆂ⹚⭥㑋㻖᷍㬚⼴ 㵉⺞ㅸⰯ㾵⺇⿏᷍㳂⨗Ⳡ⭹⥛㋋ⳃゼ䐖㠡⭥㾣ⶦ㛏᱄ ݀ುϢ㓓ഄ SDUNVRSHQVSDFHV ݀݅⦃๗Ӭ㕢 EHDXWLIXOHQYLURQPHQW ሩ佚ᬍ䗴Ў䆁Ёᖗ݀݅㡎ᴃम⠽佚 UHXVHWKH UHXVHWKHSDYLOOLRQV SDYLOOLRQV DVSXEOLFPXVHXPDQGVNLOOHPEDVVLHV ݀݅᭛࣪㡎ᴃ⇯ೈ㡃ད ݀݅᭛࣪ 㡎ᴃ⇯ೈ㡃ད DJRRGSXEOLFFXOWXUDODQGDUWHQYLURQPHQW ϔ㑻ೳഄᓔথଚㅵ⧚ Ѡ㑻ᓔথଚ䖯ܹ ϔ㑻ೳഄᓔথଚ䗔ߎ ೳഄߎଂ /$1'6$/('(/,9(5< 乘ଂೳഄ 乘ଂ ߚᡍ ߚᡍথᬒᏆଂೳഄ ೳഄଂߎথᬒᅠ↩ ೳഄൺ ODQGUHPHGLDWLRQ UHPHGLDWLRQ ೳഄൺ ODQGUHPHGLDWLRQ UHPHGLDWLRQ ẩഄ⊏⧚ 5(0 5( 0(',$7,21 (',$7,21 ਼䖍ഄӋ 6855281',1*/$1'35,&( ⸔䆒ᮑᬍ䗴 EXLOGDQGLPSURYHLQIUDVWUXFWXUH 㪉ェ㬷Ⱟ 䓼㩰㰚㭗᷍㸳㗨⭥㪉ェ㏎㛏㋪䓽ㆂ㸋䈌⧨㬱䁾㆙⿆Ⱀ⭥ㅸ 㬸⭹Ⱟ䐽⢀⭹㤙⭥ⳃ䍚㲹⢑㬨ⷀ⥄䓂䍍Ⳡ⭹⥛㼏 Ⱟ㾵㋋ⳃᷜ䊻䁾㆙⺞⧭䐱᷍㗠䄜ㅸⰯⰝㅌ㬽⭞㣑⽔ㅸⰯ⭥䇑 㚠⭥㋋ⳃ᷍䎇㬖⭹ⳕ䇔㑬䁙㗮⭥⧨㬱䁾㆙⺞⧭᱄䈌⪬㵍㬒᷍ 㼍ᷜ⤃㣳᷍㵉⺞㬖㬊㩰㭗䄜㻖㑱⥀㔵᷍㸳㗨ㅌ㬖㻷⧨㬱㵢⭹ 㿎ⱁⶶⶶ㆙㧌⧨㬱⭥䄧㘒コ㵆㦕㸰㈴䊻㩃㕅䇻㾣⧨㬱も㏎䐱 ㋋ⳃゼ䐖⭥䔏⫔⿐᱄㒎䄜Ⳟ㘇᷍㸋㑬㦘⡄䑘䄋⧨㬱᱑⥀㔵᱒ ⭥᷍⭮➌ⱙ䇖⭥⧨䐱⫆㏐᷍㆗䇱䇱㻿⭥㈮䄖䁂䋒䄵ゑ㬚䇤 ⭥䇱㾈㬖㬊᷍㸳㗨䊫㿎䄜Ⰹ⧭Ⱙ⭥䓵ⳃ㾵ⳕ㎂䊻⤜㰑⼇ ⹌⹓㋶ヅ䈌⹌⹓ㅜ㵉⭥〛。᱄㒎䄜Ⳟ㘇᷍㬸⟂㣉䐏⽔᷍㿎 ݀ӫ߽Ⲟ PUBLIC ᓔথଚ߽ⲞDEVELOPER ऎඳഄӋᭈԧᦤछ district land premium ϔ㑻ᓔথଚϔǃѠ䰊↉ 㦋ᕫ䕗催ⱘೳഄ⑶Ӌ 䗮䖛乘ଂೳഄ㦋ᕫਃࡼ䌘䞥 Ѡǃϝ䰊↉Ꮖ䕗ད ⱘ㞾✊ଚϮ⦃๗ 䗮䖛ߚᡍথᬒǃ䫔ଂೳഄ㦋ᕫᭈ⊏⦃๗ⱘᯊ䯈ˈࠊ᠓ഄѻ ᓔথ ᠓ഄѻछؐˈ߽Ⲟഛ⊒ property premium ⧨㬱ㆂ⹚䈌⹌⹓㋶ヅ㋪⫐㾵⭥㤊㌗㻣᷍⭹Ⱟㅌ䇪ⱁゐ㵦㆙ ⱁ⹅㦬⼮㰜㗨⭥コ㵆ㅌキ㿙㪛』䊻䎃䄜⭹㤙᷍䎃㈮⥛㪛㑬 㾱㋋ⳃ᱄ ㈴䓂䈌㈮䄖㑞Ⳟ㘇⭥㿉㤔᱄ 㸳㗨㳂⨗䄵᱑⪕㾣⹅䄖㬡⤊。᱒䔘㸋⨖㬝⥀㔵᷍⪺㬚䎜 㚠㣑᷍⭹Ⱟ䐽⢀⭥䓂䍍㋋ⳃ㼏㚠ォ㗜䇱⨅⭹ㆃ㉗䎃䄜 䁾㆙⺞⧭⭥㋋䍚᱄䎃䄜⥀㔵㉀䇱⼽㣠⭥㋪㾱㾵᷍⤃ㅌⳃ⿴⪆ ⭹㤙⭥㪈。㿉㤔᷍䄓㗜䇱㳆㻷⨗ⶤ⭹Ⱟ䔘㸋㏛㬘⹅䄖㤙⭥㸥 㗞䔘䇤⫙Ⱀ䎜⭹㤙⭥ⳃ䍚᱄㵍㬒᷍䎃䄜⹅䄖㬡⤊。⭥㾣㾯 ⿐ゼ䐖䄵ゑ䔘㸋⧨㬱⢀䊖㔭⫙⭥㈔ゼ䐖᱄ 㬞ㅌ㬚⹅䄖䊻⧨㬱䐱⭥㣒䊻ゼ䐖⭤⭞䐹㾣㪔㬴᷍⤃ゴ㣠⭹Ⱟ 㸋㑬ㅌ㬸⭹㤙䐹㾣⢁䐐⭞⧨㬱㶙㕈䐱᷍⤃ㅉ㑃䄜䐷㚽 㰚㉀䇱⭥⪌㵔䈌⪕㾣⹅䄖⭥㯌䐹㲹㾵᱄ ⹜㣠㑳⿹䇇⧨㬱ⳃ䍚⭥⹌⹓㶙㕈᷍㸳㗨㳂⨗㑬䄵㻣䄜㻖㑱⪺ ㄪ⬹ VWUDWHJLHV 䕂ൺᓣߚℹᓔথ ࠊഄഫᓔথᯊᑣ “Rotational farming” Development phasing control 㾺ၦᬜⲞ—▔থഄऎ⌏/থሩ 䗤ℹᦤկᎹᴎӮ˖ 1.ࠊҎষⱘ䖕ܹ˗ 2.ҢᎹϮ䖛⏵ࠄଚϮ&᳡ࡵϮ 3.䗤ℹᓎゟϢජᏖⱘⳌѦձᄬ㘨㋏ Catalyst Provide opportunities gradually˖ 1.Control migrants˗ 2.Transmition from 2nd industrial to 3rd with peri-urban থሩ催ッѻϮ䭓⚍ˈ ᓩ催ッҎ㕸ˈ催ッ䖛⏵ Hot spots of high industrial Attract upper class, raise the site ẩഄ㗩⾡—ᬍೳຸ remediation &LYLF /D\HULQJ ݀݅ぎ䯈㸡⫳ Closed System / Open Network Until now, the Shougang site has been a closed system whose boundaries divide it from the complex network that surrounds it. We are interested in how we can strategically re-thread the Shougang site back into its surrounding dynamic network over a number of years. LAYER 2 LAYER 2 ऎඳGDPϢᬊࡴ GDP & tax enhanced ਼䖍ഄӋϞ⍼ VXUURXQGLQJODQGSULFHULVH VXUURXQGLQJODQGSULFHULVH ⫳⌏߽֓ᑺᦤ催 ⸔䆒ᮑᕫࠄᬍ ݀݅᳡ࡵ䆒ᮑࡴ খϢᬃᣕೳഄൺϢ⦃๗ᬍˈ ሹ㸠ӕϮ⼒Ӯ䋷ӏ 㾷އ佪䩶ᎹҎⱘህϮ䯂乬 ᢹ᳝㡃དⱘ݀݅᭛࣪Ϣ㡎ᴃ⦃๗ ऎඳ᭛࣪ሖᕫࠄᦤछ ᕫࠄ㡃ད᭛࣪⇯ೈᏺᴹⱘ䚼ᬜⲞ ᢹ᳝㡃དⱘ⫳⌏⦃๗ 䗮䖛ߚᡍথᬒǃ䫔ଂೳഄ㦋ᕫᭈ⊏⦃๗ⱘᯊ䯈 ᕫࠄ㡃ད⦃๗ᏺᴹⱘ䚼ᬜⲞ ᢹ᳝ৃ҆䖥ⱘⒼ∈ぎ䯈 ᇍⒼ∈ऎඳ䖯㸠㒳ϔ㾘ߦˈ䙓ܡ催ḷὐⲬ乍Ⳃ⣀ѿ㞾✊⦃๗ LAYER 1 LAYER 1 LAYER 1 ೳഄ䋼䞣ܼ䚼ᕫࠄᬍ ⫳ഄব❳ഄ ೳഄ⑶Ӌ߱ᰒ ਼䖍ഄӋϞ⍼ VXUURXQGLQJODQGSULFHUL ULVH VH ᬓᑰ߽Ⲟ GOVERNMENT ᠓ѻछؐˈ⾳䞥ᦤ催 property premium 䎃㾊⥀㔵ㅌ⢑㳂㪞㈎イ᱃㪈。᱃㸥⿐䈌㈔㯥Ⳟ㘇⭥ ゼ䐖᷍㬖㻷⧨㬱㵢⭹㋋ⳃゼ䐖⭥䔏⫔⿐᱄ We must instead develop the area in a number of layers where each layer is overlaid only once the impact of the previous layers and their relationship with the surrounding urban networks is understood. This can be seen as a ‘dynamo’ system where each stage sets off the next part of the project. ህϮቫԡ more job opportunities Ё催ḷଚક᠓Ԣᆚᑺԣᅙ Ё催ḷଚક᠓ Ԣᆚᑺԣᅙ KLJKTXDOLW\ORZ TXDOLW\ORZ GHQVLW\KRXVH KRXVH ⊇ኌϢⒼᭈ⊏ ULYHUEDQNODNHEDQNVSDFH ॖ᠓ᬍ䗴߽⫼Ўሩ佚 UHXVHWKHLQGXVWULDOEXLOGLQJVDVSDYLOOLRQ SDYLOOLRQ ᓔথЏԧ '(9(/23(5 ೳഄ⑶Ӌ /$1'35(0,80 n dynamic balance ➗᱃㩞⭹䈌㔭㩌㋶ヅ⿹⺊⧨㬱ᷜ 䐹㭗⹅䄖㆙⧭᷍⤃㳂⹊䄜䐷Ⱀ㲍⭥⧭㿓ㆂ⹚䔘㸋䐈⧷᱄ ᮄᓎᬭ㚆䆒ᮑ HGXFDWLRQDOIDFLOLWLHV ⦃๗ (19,520(17 (19,520(17 ॖ᠓߽⫼ ,1'8675,$/%8,/',1* ,1'8675,$/%8,/',1* ⸔䆒ᮑ ,1)5$6758&785( ,1)5$6758&785( Layer 1 | World Innovation Expo ЁḷЁ催ḷଚક᠓Ԣᆚᑺԣᅙ Ёḷ Ё催ḷଚક᠓ Ԣᆚᑺԣᅙ PHGLXPKLJK TXDOLW\ORZ PHGLXPKLJK TXDOLW\ORZ GHQVLW\KRXVH LAYER continuous feedback loops and interlocking reaction 䇱䅃䅆⭥Ⳟ㬞᷍⡄⿅㲹Ⰹ⭥㻷䓕㋶ヅ᱃ㆂ⹚䄵ゑゝ㭖ᷜ 㾵⭥⺞⧭ᷜ Time in Urban Design and Dynamic Staging new blank sites between green belt and urban ㅸⰯ㾵㋋ⳃ㚄㬞㵢⭹ⶕ㋲ᷜ᷍ ㎕⭥Ⱀ㲍〛䐧᷍㸳㗨⭥㪉ェ㏎㛏㋝㔨㑬䄵㻣䅓㯹ᷛ ೳഄ⑶Ӌᯢᰒ VLJQLILFDQWODQGSUHPLXP ऎඳഄӋᭈԧϞ⍼ GLVWULFWODQGSULFH ULVH Layer 2 | Skills Embassies LAYER 3 Layer 3 | Community Connections 250 0 100 1000 500 N Civic Structure Growth Existing buildings that form part of new civic structure Water Bodies Primary Civic Structure Secondary Civic Structure pedestrian focus Layer 1 | World Innovation Expo Layer 2 | Skills Embassies Layer 3 | Community Connections 250 0 100 1000 500 N Site integration over time Existing buildings New Buildings Change in use from previous stage Existing open space New open space TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala Zhai Wensi Li Ye 250 0 1000 100 N 500 Civic Layer 1 Industry Innovation Expo Existing and Proposed Open Space Civic/Institution/ Office Green view corridor extended across the river Commercial Programmed Open Space - sport fields etc Mixed Use Water Bodies High Density Residential Re-purposed Industrial Buildings Low Density Residential 1 7. World Innovation Expo • Civic Layer 1: World Innovation Industrial Exposition A layering of themed thresholds leading up to the termination point of the East-West Axis, which is centered on a new “drum tower” – an industrial relic reinterpreted and adapted to reveal the development of the site in a public forum. The Expo program gives us the ability to not only create access and mobility connections across the site but also to improve public amenity and make a bold statement at the end of the East-West Axis. In relation to our organizing principles this has resulted in: • A new gateway in the north of the site that directs traffic past furnace no.1 (the most prominent furnace) • • An internal center at Furnace No. 4, which is adapted in order to accommodate an industrial archive and digital data bank for new processes on the site. The conceptual finishing of the east-west axis at our site and diverting the axis in line with the existing factory grid to the south of the site • New subway and rail stations, as well as internal light-rail and bus systems. • Initial remediation of the site so that the land. This will also increase the value of the land when it comes time for it to be developed. • Revealing the water links between the two lake areas and leading water from the lakes into the remediation areas in order to irrigate the remediation. 6. Reed run-off filtration beds 5. 7. 8. 1. 2. 7. 9. Civic Centre 7. 1. Street Level Commercial 9. 7. 2. Office/hotel above street 7. 1. 3. Welcome/orientation Centre 10. 2. 10. 8. 4. Auditorium 5. 5. Station 6. Parking/administrative 3 7. Chinese exhibition/pavilions 8. Re-purposed steel lattice screening 9. Reed run-off filtration beds 4. 6. 1. 3 2. 10. Digital Drum Tower/information node 1. Civic Centre Plan 2. 4. Axis Termination at the Civic Plaza TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala Zhai Wensi Li Ye Furnace No. 4 1. Auditorium 2. Turf Roof 3. Central Courtyard 4. Chinese Industrial Archive No.1 6. 5. Responsive Digital Archive 6. Furnace No.4 2. 5. 6. 1. 5. 3. 4. 4. World Innovation Expo 3. 2. 1. The Industrial Exposition is focused around the larger lake, with Chinese pavilions to the south, international pavilions within the lake itself, and a new research centre made up of research institutions and corporations to the north. Many pavilions are to be constructed of repurposed steel in a way that will make them easily adaptable and dismountable. Lisbon Shougang Scale Comparison: Expo Sites World Innovation Expo Digital Drum Tower Approaching the New Civic Plaza and Digital Drum Tower TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala Zhai Wensi Li Ye 250 0 100 N 1000 500 Civic Layer 2 Skills Embassies Existing and Proposed Open Space Civic/Institution/ Office Green view corridor extended across the river Commercial Programmed Open Space - sport fields etc Mixed Use Water Bodies High Density Residential Re-purposed Industrial Buildings Low Density Residential 2 Skills Embassies The functions and pavilions associated with the Exposition become the skeleton of the future program and civic structure on the site. The new layer thus consolidates and extends the functions of the Exposition on the site: • The different sections of the Expo create three distinct districts around the big lake area: an industrial innovation “think tank”, a series of recreational platform areas within the lake, and the creation of “skills embassies” to the south of the lake. These become new points in China’s 21st Century industrial network. • • This is supplemented by the creation of several new “hard skills” training and lecturing facilities within the retained industrial structures throughout the site. These structures are supplemented with new symbiotic buildings, each including the creation of a defined green forecourt and other civic facilities, thus forming the skeleton for the civic structure of these urban quarters in later development layers. The housing areas for the Expo are densified and housing is used to infill other areas in the site. • The north-west edge of the large lake is eroded to increase access to the water. Several new water channels are lead into the surrounding fabric. The green park area along the river is further developed. • The area to the south of the east-west axis enters another cycle of remediation, and the axial road edge is lined with commercial structures. • Administrative structures are developed along the east-west axis. Skills Embassy Parasite Layer 1 - Remediation Area with parasite building attached to the remaining industrial fabric TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala Zhai Wensi Li Ye 250 0 100 N 1000 500 Civic Layer 3 Community Connections Existing and Proposed Open Space Civic/Institution/ Office Green view corridor extended across the river Commercial Programmed Open Space - sport fields etc Mixed Use Water Bodies High Density Residential Re-purposed Industrial Buildings Low Density Residential 3 Community Connections This layering sees a more liberal response to market pressures to the north-east of the site, given that the public and civic structure has already been underpinned here through previous layering. This phase sees the attraction of more commercial, institutional and business functions to the site as a result of the development of an industrial skills and innovation district here, with an associated community who support these new processes. The southern section of the site is developed during this layering as a community-centered quarter. • Housing is further developed in the north-east and southern portions of the site in order to house the developing community within the area. This development begins to formalize the connections across the site and into the neighboring movement/grid structures. However, a central swath of green remediation space remains at this stage as green public space. • The large warehouses/steel-rolling plants to the south of the site are removed and their footprints become programmed green spaces – soccer fields, swimming pools and so forth. These are Layer 1 | World Innovation Expo Layer 2 | Skills Embassies Layer 3 | Community Connections Layer 1 | World Innovation Expo Layer 2 | Skills Embassies Layer 3 | Community Connections surrounded by retained industrial structures, which are similarly re-used to accommodated required civic and community functions, such as schools and health centers. These, along with relocated international pavilions from the lake area within the exposition form the civic structuring of these new urban quarters. TsinghuaMIT Beijing Urban Design Studio Claire Abrahamse Christine Outram Josh Fiala Zhai Wensi Li Ye Civic Structure created at the Expo stage