MIT OpenCourseWare 11.479J / 1.851J Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries Spring 2007 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Supply and Demand Management of Greater Boston’s Water System (1600s – the present) Joshua Das Project Manager, Public Health, MWRA April 3, 2007 1 Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) • • MWRA created in 1984 Currently serves 2.5 million people in 61 communities 2 Metro Boston Water Supply History In Brief • A Journey Westward • Begin in Boston, then • Move West Seeking: – Larger Quantities of – Purer Water, at a – Higher Elevation 3 Water System History - A Journey Westward Early Boston 4 Early Boston Water System • Early Bostonians relied on local wells, rain barrels and a spring on Boston Common for their water • In 1795 wooden pipes made from tree trunks delivered water from Jamaica Pond to Boston • By the 1840s, Jamaica Pond was too small and too polluted to provide water to Boston’s 50,000 residents • A purer and larger source had to be found 5 Water System History - A Journey Westward Early Boston Cochituate 6 The Cochituate System • • • After 20 years of study, the Cochituate System was chosen, and construction began in 1845 The Sudbury River was impounded and Lake Cochituate was formed 14.5 miles from Boston. It provided 2 billion gallons of storage and 10 million gallons per day Water flowed into the Frog Pond on Boston Common in 1848 at a dedication ceremony that drew 100,000 7 The Mystic Lakes System • By 1870, Boston’s population soared to 200,000 • In 1870 the Mystic Lakes System in Winchester, Medford and Arlington was added to the Boston System • But engineers soon looked west for a larger source Mystic Reservoir at Tufts College 8 Water System History - A Journey Westward Early Boston Cochituate Sudbury 9 The Sudbury System • In 1878, the Sudbury River, 18 miles from Boston, was diverted through the Sudbury Aqueduct to the Chestnut Hill Reservoir • By 1898, the Fayville Dam and the Sudbury Reservoir were completed 10 Soon - A Regional Solution Was Needed • Boston continued to grow rapidly in the 1880s and 1890s • And planners had not foreseen the advent of indoor plumbing • In 1895 the Metropolitan Water District was formed to serve 11 cities and towns with a population of 750,000 and a water demand of 70 million gallons per day • New water sources were considered: the Nashua River, the Merrimack River, Lake Winnipesaukee and Sebago Lake 11 Water System History - A Journey Westward Early Boston Wachusett Cochituate Sudbury 12 The Wachusett Reservoir • Chief Engineer Frederick Stearns planned a water source that would be gravity-operated and not require filtration • In 1897, the site was chosen - the Nashua River was impounded by the Wachusett Dam, 38 miles from Boston 6.5 square miles were flooded in the towns of Boylston, West Boylston, Clinton and Sterling • 13 The Wachusett Reservoir • At the time it was constructed, the Wachusett Reservoir was the largest man-made water supply reservoir in the world • Its 65 billion gallons supplied 118 million gallons per day • Work was completed in 1905 and the reservoir filled in May 1908 14 But Even In 1895, Engineers Set Their Sites Further West 15 And Planning Was Soon Underway • In 1919, the Metropolitan District Commission was created consolidating responsibility for water, sewage and parks • The MDC and the Department of Public Health were appointed to a Joint Board by the legislature to study water supply needs • The Joint Board made projections to1970 and determined current water supply would be inadequate by 1930 • In 1922, the Joint Board recommended the addition of the Ware River and the Quabbin Reservoir to the MDC water supply system • The Quabbin Reservoir, 60 miles from Boston, could be gravity-operated and not require filtration 16 Water System History - A Journey Westward Early Boston Wachusett Quabbin Cochituate Sudbury 17 The Quabbin Reservoir • Construction of the Wachusett-Colebrook Tunnel (now the Quabbin Tunnel) began in 1926, carrying flow from the Ware River to the Wachusett Reservoir. • In the 1930s, the Tunnel was extended to the Swift River. • This two-way tunnel carries flows east and west. • In 1936, construction of the reservoir began. • Construction of the Quabbin required the impoundment of the Swift River and the takings of four towns. Moving a house from Greenwich 18 The Quabbin Reservoir • The reservoir was filled with water from the Swift River and the Ware River • Filling began in 1939 and was completed in 1946 • At the time, the 412 billion gallon reservoir was the largest man-made reservoir in the world Road still visible beneath surface of water 19 Current Reservoir Capacity Quabbin Reservoir Storage: 412 billion gallons Depth: 150 feet Length: 17.9 miles Width: 3 miles Wachusett Reservoir Storage: 65 billion gallons Depth: 129 feet Length: 8.5 miles Width: 1 mile 20 Cumulative Water Supply Capacity Billion Gallons 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1848 ke La C 1870 e at u t hi oc M t ic ys s ke a L y ur b d Su 1872 m te s Sy h ac W R tt e us 1908 r oi v er es i bb a u Q n 1946 R ir vo r e es 21 Population Growth & Water Usage Kept Growing 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Population 1980 1960 1940 1920 1900 1880 1860 0.0 1840 Population (mil.) 3.0 Demand (mgd) MWRA System Water Demand vs. Population MGD 22 Demand Exceeded Safe Yield 350 MGD 300 250 200 150 100 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Demand Safe Yield Figure by MIT OCW. 1987 23 Northeast Drought • Just 20 years after Quabbin was completed, the drought of the 1960s led some to believe that the source might not be sufficient to serve water needs in the decades to come • Capacity of the Quabbin Reservoir reached a historic low of 44% in May 1967 Jan 73 Jan-68 Jan-63 Jan-58 Jan-53 Jan-48 100 80 60 40 20 0 24 Studies For Northfield Mountain Project • • • The Northfield Project was a proposal for skimming Connecticut River spring flood flows and diverting them into the Quabbin Reservoir, using a pumped-storage facility The measure was authorized by the legislature in both 1967 and 1970 The storage was built into the Northfield Mountain power reservoir. 25 Water Management Era Begins • Earth Day and the rise of the environmental movement • Citizen awareness and participation increased • Founded as the Northfield Citizens Advisory Committee in 1977, the Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee continues today • MEPA established to open up decision-making • Coalition forms against Connecticut River diversion and exploits Western Massachusetts resentment toward Boston • State of Connecticut fights plan and threatens lawsuit 26 Nine Alternatives To Be Considered • • • • • • • • • Demand Management No Action Connecticut River Watershed Management Millers/Tully Rivers Merrimack River Upper Sudbury User Sources Plymouth Aquifer 27 MWRA Formed • MWRA began operations in 1985 • MDC retains watershed and reservoir management • MWRA reviews Long Range Water Supply Study begun by MDC that included diversion options of Connecticut, Merrimack and Sudbury Rivers • Extensive briefing and consultation process • In November 1986, the Board of Directors voted to try water conservation for a 3-year period to curb demand 28 25 Separate Short and Long Term Policies • Leak Detection, Repair and Metering • Conservation and Demand Management • Improved Use of Sources • Water Supply Protection • Management and Planning for the Future • Outreach and Reporting 29 Demand Management Strategy WATER USE Problem Response Residential Toilet Shower Laundry Kitchen Tub & Sink Outdoor Industrial Commercial Institutional Process Cooling Sanitary Inefficient Fixtures Poor Water Habits Retrofit Fixtures Public Education School Education Efficient Technology Inefficient Fixtures Once Through Cooling Inefficient Process Use Technical Assistance Water Audits Technology Transfer Training & Education Leakage Meter Errors Leak Survey & Repair Test/Replace Meters Unaccounted For Water Leakage Meter Errors Public Use Other 30 Multimedia Approach Purpose Technique Distribution Make consumers Aware Bill Stuffers Messages on Water Bills Brochures Displays Public Service Announcements Press Releases Fact Sheets FAQ's Newsletters Speakers Bureau Resources Network Customer Service Training Personal contact Independent, credible sources Partnerships Newsletters Utilities direct mail Community centers Town halls, Libraries Special events Radio, TV, Cable Local Media Respond to Questions Facilitate Decisions On Request Workshops Community Meetings WEB site Employee Workshops Community Meetings Customer hotline Water Savings at Home • MWRA's Operation WaterSense in 1990s installed 1.3 million water saving fixtures in approximately 350,000 households. • Public Education Outreach • School Education program promotes water conservation awareness • Code Changes Locally and Nationally 32 Promote Water Efficient Technologies • Ultra Low Flow Toilets • Energy Efficient Appliances 33 Water Savings In Businesses and Institutions • Identify Possible Efficiency Improvements with Audits • Demonstrate Their Effectiveness through Implementation • Reach Out and Publicize Success • Increasing Cost of Water and Sewer Service No Small Incentive • Market Forces and Private Firms Keep it going 34 Source Protection and Development • 1970’s Saw Many Sources Lost Due to Newly Identified Contaminants • MWRA Concern: – MWRA Partially Supplied Communities Will Lose Their Sources – Adjacent Communities will Need MWRA Water • MWRA Program: – 40 Local Community Source Protection Studies • Potential New or Rehabilitated Sources Identified 35 Management and Planning for the Future • Drought Preparedness Planning • Redundancy Studies • Conservation Policies For Contract Users and New Communities • Routine Review of Leading Indicators on Demand • Better Source Performance Indicators to Evaluate New Users – Not Just Safe Yield, but a Whole Suite of Tools 36 Conservation Worked! MWRA Annual Average System Demand 350 Total System Demand was reduced from 336 in 1987 to 256 mgd in 1997 300 MGD • 250 200 150 100 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 City of Boston Water Dem and 1910 - 2002 Boston’s Demand is the Lowest Since 1915 160 140 MGD • 120 100 80 60 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 37 What Happened to Demand? Real Versus Projected Demand Shows the Dramatic Change MWRA Demand 450 400 Demand (mgd) 350 300 250 200 Historical Use 150 W FA Projection 100 Actual Use 50 0 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Ye ar 38 MWRA Current Demand 350 DEP & Standard Practice Safe Yield 340 330 320 310 WMA Registration – 312 mgd 300 MWRA Conservative Safe Yield – 300 mgd 290 280 270 260 Water Available to Non-MWRA Communities with Deficits Communities With Active Interest Cushion for Partial Communities 250 Projected Growth to 2030 240 230 MWRA 5-Year Average Demand 220 MWRA Current Demand 39 Conservatively, We Have 36 MGD Available DEP & Standard Practice Safe Yield 350 340 50 mgd 330 320 310 300 290 36 mgd 280 270 260 WMA Registration 12 mgd MWRA Conservative Safe Yield Estimate Water Available to Non-MWRA Communities with Deficits Communities With Active Interest Cushion for Partial Communities 250 Projected Growth to 2030 240 230 MWRA 5-Year Average Demand 220 MWRA Current Demand 40 “Safe Yield” • DEP Safe Yield & Standard Engineering 355 mgd • All Time Highest Usage 1980 342 mgd • WSCAC 1984 318 mgd • WMA Registration 312 mgd • MWRA Conservative Estimate 300 mgd Net of 31 million gallons of required releases 41 Conservative Estimate Available Safe Yield • MWRA Uses the 1960’s Drought: – a One in 300+ Year Event 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 1 in 20 years drought 40.0% 1 in 300 years drought 20.0% 0.0% Jan-50 Jan-60 Jan-70 Jan-80 Jan-90 Jan-00 42 MWRA Current Demand • Current 5-Year Running Average – 225 mgd MWRA Water Demand vs. System Safe Yield Million Gallons Per Day 350 325 300 275 System's Long-Term Safe Yield of 300 MGD * 250 225 200 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 * Includes temporary supply to Cambridge during construction of local w ater treatment plant 43 Summary of Demand Assumptions Build-Out Analysis High Estimate Medium Estimate Low Estimate Indeterminate Timeframe 2030 MAPC Population and Employment 2030 MAPC Population and Employment 2030 MAPC Population and Employment Every Lot in Region is Developed No Demand Reductions by Current Users Continued Efficiency Changes More Aggressive conservation Small Decrease in Local Source Availability 44