FLOW OF AN ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTING NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID BETWEEN TWO ROTATING COAXIAL CONES IN THE PRESENCE OF EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO AN AXIAL CURRENT BY D. K. MOHAN RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR, F.A.Sc. (Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-12) Rer October 24, 1963 ABSTRACT Bhatnagar and Rathna (Quar. Journ. Mech. Appl. Maths., 1963, 16, 329) investigated the flows of Newtonian, Reiner-Rivlin and RivlinEricksen fluids between two rotating coaxial cones. In case of the last two types of fluids, they predicted the breaking of secondary flow ¡ in any meridian plane. We find that such breaking is avoided by the application of a sufficiently strong azimuthal magnetic field arising from a line current along the axis of the cones. ~OTATION$ B = magnetic induction vector E = electric intensity H = magnetic field D = displacement vector J = current density rector pe = excess charge density = electrical conductivity e = j Al = dielectric constant axial current V = velocity vector T = stress tensor 269 270 D . K . MOHAN RAO ~ P. L. BHATNA~AR e = rate of strain tensor D = aeceleration gradient temor I idem tensor = P = pressure p = '7 = density eoeffieient of viseosity ~Te = coetª ~v = coetficient of viscoelasticity 12 = characteristic angular velocity of eross-viscosity 1. INTRODUCTION THE flOWS of Newtonian, Reiner-Rivlin and Rivlin-Ericksen fluids between two rotating coaxial cones having the same vertex have been recently investigated by Bhatnagar and Rathna. tlj They have predicted the breaking of secondary flow in case of the last two categories of fluids. In the present note we include the effect of external magnetic field produced by current along the axis of the cortes to examine its effect on the secondary flows. The flow is characterized by the tire non-dimensional parameters. R- PL~~2, the Reynolds number ,/ S = ,je~, the cross-viscosity parameter ,/ K = ,7,~~, the viscoelasticity parameter ,/ M = oLaf2, j'N = ,7L~~2, where and L is a standard length. We find that a large axial current suppresses the breaking of the seeonda~y flow in case of non-Newtonian fluid. The axial current necessary for this purpose is more when the angular gap between the cones is small. Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-Newtonian Fluid 2. 271 BASIC F_~UATION,~ The equations governing the steady flow of an electrically conducting liquid aro: MaxwelI's equations V • H = J (neglecting displacement eurrent), (2.1) V • E=0, (2.2) V . D = pe, T .B=0, (2.3) D = 27E, B = H (taking magnetic permeability to be unity), (2.4) Current equation J = o lE + V • 13) (neglecting convection current), (2.5) Continuity equation V . V----0, (2.6) Momentum equation pWV)V= V. T+(V • H) • H, (2.7) and the rheological equation of state: T = - - p i + Te + ~ee 9 e + ~vD, (2.8) where {Tij}, {eo} and {Dij } denote the stress tensor, the rate of strain tensor and the aeeeleration gradient trensor. 3. THE PmMAgY MOTION We have taken the primary motion to be that of a Newtonian fluid with the neglect of inertial terms. The stream lines and the lines of magnetic induction are circles in planes perpendicular to the axis of the cenes, with their centres lying on it. We shall work in spherical polar co-ordinates r, 0, ,~ with the origin at the cerumen vertex of the cenes, £ being measured from the axis of the cenes and 4' from a convenient meridian plano. The variables ate rendered dimensionless by means of a length L, a velocity L ~2 with Q = I~21[ + [~21, ~21 and ~22 being the angular velocities of the inner and outer cenes respectively a n d a magnetic field j/L, w~ere j is the applied axial current. In our sc•eme, hydrostatic pressure will be given by p,~S2. 272 D . K . MOHAU RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR Denoting the quantities of the primary motion by the suffix zero, we have 2 R o - (O, O, ~i¡ ' Yo = (0, 0, r sin 0Ojo), O~o = Al ((log tan 0 -- eot 0 cosec 0) + A2, 01 -- 92 Al = - - - ~ - - - , 1 [Ql(cot02cosec02--1ogtan~) A2 = D-K ( )] o~ + f22 log tan ~ -- eot 01 eosee 01 , 01 0~. K = log tan ~ -- log tan ~ + cot 02 cosec 02 -- cot 0x coso: 01, where 0~ and 02 ate the semi-vertical angles of the inner and outer cones respectively. 4. SECONDAgYF t o w Wo now consider the effect of inclusion of the inertial terms in Oseen's approximation and the first-order effect of cross-viscosity and viscodasticity retaining only the first powers of S and K. Denoting the perturbation velocity by (u, v, w) and the induced magnetic field by (/h-, h0, he), the linearized equations determining tho porturbod magnetic field and velocity aro E4x = 0 , (4.1) 1 ax hr = -- r~ s--f~-0 ~ , 1 ~x h0 = r s i n 0 ~r ' E4 = Ahr [~2 sinO0( ~ ~t]s ~/~ + - T r - k ~ / J, hr 2M [" ~ v ra s i n r0 = --~ L ~ Csi~0) + ~0 Crs---sin 0 ) ] ' (4.2) Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-NewtOnian Fluid - - Rw~ _ r A u - - 2 u - - 2 c o t 0v ~P + br ~ rz 2 ~v r ~ ~0 --r2__aN . s i 1¡ 1 7 6 sin'O 2K [Ojo'+ (dO,o3"l. r 273 (4.3) kdO] J' - - Rwo = c o t 0 = -- r•0 v 2 bu r 2 sinO0 + r ~ ~0 -k A v 2N 1 r 8 s~ &~176 ~0 (r sin Ohm) -- 4S -r- sin 0 cos 0 (k-d0-) 6 K s i n 0 c o s 0/'dc~176 r \-d0] R[vbw o ] i. ~ -t- 2uwo + VWo cOt O = A W - r 2 s i n 2 ~u ~ ~v 3z 2 ~ (4.4) ' w 0, v cot 0 _ 0, (4.5) (4.6) where A =~-2 + i~ cot 0 ~ + -W 1 b~ ~0 + ~ ~ 0 ' ' Equations (4.1)-(4.6) have to be solved under the boundary conditions : when 0 = 01, 0~ hr = h 0 = he = 0 (continuity of the magnetie field), (4.7) u = v = w = 0 (no slip eondition). (4.8) With the help of equation (4.1) a.nd boundary conditions (4.7) we can easily show that hr = h o = O. The induced magnetic ¡ in the azimuthal direction is given by (4.2), * The details of these equatiom ro.ay be sr162in [1]. 274 D.K. MOHAN RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR As in [1], wo assome solutions of the form 1 ~~ r ~ sin 0 ~0 ' u= 1 ~~b r sin 0 ~r ' r = Rr~F ( 0 + Sr~~ (0 + Kr~P (0, h i = Rr3V (0) + Sr 9 (0) + Kr9 (0). It is evident that the successive terms in the above cxperessions for ~b and h~ denote the contributions of inertial terms, cross-viscosity and viscoelasticity respectively. Equations (4.3)-(4.5) then give the following set of simultaneous equations for the determination of the functions F, F, P, ~', 9 and 9: (D z - c o t 0 D + 6 ) ( D e-cot0D++20) F(0) + 4 N (D -- 3 cot O) ~, (0) = 4 AlOjO, (4.9) 1 sine0 ( D e + cot 0 D + 1 2 - - sm-~-~) ~, (0) = 4M (D -- 5 clot 0) F (O), (4.9 a) (D e -- t o t 0 D + 6) (D e -- tot 0) 1~(0) + 4 N ( D -- tot 0) 9(0) = 32A12 cot 0 coseca0, sine0 (%D ~ + tot 0 D + 2 - - - - (4.10) = 4M (D -- 3 tot 0) F (0), (4.10 a) (D ~ -- cot OD)(D ~ -- tot 0 D + 6) F(8) + 4 N ( D -- tot 0) 9(0 ) = 2 sinO0 [4 cos 0 Do~aZ - - sin e~oaDeo0 -- cos 0O~o~], (4.11) and [-----4M (D -- 3 t o t 0) F (0), (4.11 a) Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-Newtonian Fluid 275 whcrr d D ~ ~r0-. 5. SOLUTION FOR SMALL ANGULAR GAP BETWEEN THE CONES When the angular gap between the eones is small, say ac, we obtain solutions of the pairs of equations (4.9)-(4.11) in the form F= Z an~n, F = S an~n, F = Z, ~n~n, 9 0 oo oo v = s b,~r '~, ~ = 2: b,~~", 9 = O 0 0 oo ~ b,~~ '~, Q where ~----- 0s-- 0. In view of the boundary conditions (4.7) and (4,8) we have ao=a~=ao=a~=~o=~~=bo=bo=bo=O. Equating the coefficients of various powers of ff in equations (4.9)-(4.11), we get (b2, b~, ~~) = 89tot 0~ (bx, b~, bx), (5.1) 6 sin~0z b3 = -- 8Ma2 + (3 cos20s + 1 -- 12 sin20~) b•, (5.2) 12 sin~0z b6 = -- 12Ma3 -- 20Ma2 tot 09. -- hi [1 -- 12 sin 20~ -- 5 cosa02 + ~ ~ot 0~(3 co:O, + 1 - 12 ~in~0~], (S.3) 6 sin~0~ (bs, b3) = -- 8Ma= + (3 cosZ0~ + 1 -- 2 sin~0z) (bx, bl), (5.4) 12 sin*0,. (b4, B4) = -- 12Ma3 -- 12Ma~ cot 0z) -- [I -- 12 sinO02 -- 5 cos20~ + 2 cot 0~ (3 cos20s + I -- 2 sin~Oa) (bl, bl) , , 1 (5.5) 276 D.K. MOHAN RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR for Newtonian liquid: 24a4 + 12 cot Ozaa + (28 + 3 cot20z) 2az = 4At~o~, + 4Nbx, (5.6) 120a 5 + 48 cot 02a4 + 30 (6 + cotS0z) aa + 2a2 t o t 0 s (35 + 9 cotS0s) = -- 8A12 cosecZ02 + 4N (2bs + 3 t o t 02bx), (5.7) with the boundary conditions oo oo ah ~ n = S han c-n-l= z~ bn c : = 0; 2 2 (5.8) 1 for Reiner-Rivlin fluid: 24a4 + 12 cot Osa3 + 2 (8 + 3 cotS0z) a2 = 4Nbx + 32A1 s cot 02 cosec30s, (5.9) 120a 5 + 48 t o t Osa4 + 30a a (2 + cotS0z) + 6a2 t o t 0~ (5 + 3 cot*0~) = 4N (2b~ + c o t Ozbl) + 32A1 z cosec302 (4 cosec*02 -- 3), (5.10) the boundary conditions being the same as in (5.8). The corresponding equations for Rivlin-Ericksen fluid are obtained by including - - 4A~oJs -- 2 sinSO~ cos0soJs ~ and 8A12 cosec30s + 2 (2 sin 0s -- 3 sin30z) w2~ + 8Alws cot 0s respectively in R.H.S.'s of (5.9) and (5.10). It was found difficult to get general information about the flows from these equations and consequently we have studied numerically the following cases : 77" 0s = ~ , 7/" a =45" Case (i) = 20, Ha = l, 100, 1000, 2000 Case (ii) 12z = O, Ha-----1, 100, 1000, 2000. the method of determining the coeffieients being the same as in [1]. values of the constants a's are recorded in Table I. The upper values correspond to 12~q The = 20 and the lowr cones to 0 3 = 0, Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-Newtonian Fluid 277 TABLE I H~=I H~ = 1 0 0 H, =1000 Ho=2000 -- 0.000217029 -- 0"00022202 - - 0"01269267 0"01573677 -- 0.00023403 -- 0.00019757 -- 0.0148364 0.018944 0.00785146 0.00793821 0.00631353 0"00593 0.00930075 0.0094035 0.00747894 0.007 0.0100069 -- 0.009929 0"007912 0.00735 0-011626 -- 0.01157112 0.0078441 0.461 0.00643617 0.00654667 0.3475 -- 0-555 0.0050927 0.00426336 0.405482 -- 0.11347 aa -- 0.168513 -- 0.171786 -- 0"1246 -- 0.1344 -- 0.199618 -- 0.202555 -- 0.147554 -- 0.14163 -- 0.216569 -- 0.214352 -- 0.1567 -- 0.16807 -- 0.249523 -- 0.247112 -- 0.15476 3.5212 0.050796 -- 0.051993 -- 2"1422 4.2457 0.00054595 -- 0 - 0 0 0 5 2 4 1 2 -- 0.0351338 -- 0.3177 -- 0-47059 0.006202 0.0146767 -- 08"3764 -- 0.4881 0.0447197 0-0291716 tia -- a4 -- 0.0045355 2 " 4 8 4 -- 0"39726 ti4 -- --0381 -- 0.595306 --0.3947 -- 0.461032 --3.309 -- 2-0942 a4 -- 0.0077524 -- 0"0249 0.0448826 0.0487536 -- 0.3478678 -- 0.2865747 11.57494 11.41298 11.553 11.554 13.80023 13.71302 13.6855 13-687 a• ~5 ~5 4.0112 -- 2.80634 14.38455 14.3814 14.3546 14.347 17.13943 16.406 14"3536 17"099 278 D . K . MOHAN RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR 6. STREAMFUNCTION The stream lines to our approximation are #ven by ~b ~ Rr 5 F (0) + Sr 3 F (0) + Kr 3 l~ (8) = constant. In the cone-plate arrangement considered above, F (0) is negative for Ha = 1 and 100 but is positive for Ha ~ 1000, whereas l~ (0) and l~ (0) are positive for all values of Ha. Figures 3 and 4 show the stream lines for H a = 100 and H a = 1000 respectively. / ~t'Q. 0 91 ; i~) ;= 1- - m2u ,(3.5.7. ~5, 2~, 35 ) R .0-1. S . K . O . H;I00 Fin. l. /. Stream Lines in the Cone-P]ate .kznmgement. w Ha,100, R,S ,K,O.I -~o=~,..r =, s, v, ,s, ==,.3 Fzo, 2, Str)am Lines in the Cone-Plate Arran8ement, Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-Newtonian Fluid 279 n 2 4 ~lO0 Fzo. 3. 6 8 10 12 14 9 R.S.K,O-I, ~7~ 9 t-(3,5.7) Stream IAnce in the Cone-Plate Arrangement. 90 1 ,o%. [z.~.7..~5.2~.35] " ' ~ , 0 0 0 ~ Rm$=X~ 0 " FIG. 4. Stream Lince in the Cone-Plate Arrangement. It is interesting to note that in the case of flow separation (Fig. 3)in the presence of magnetic field, the dividing stream line is circular as was the case in [1]. 7. LARGE AXIAL CURRENT In this section we shall assume the axial current and hence the Hartmann number Ha is large for any angular gap between the cones. Writing F (0) = sinSO~ (O), P (o) = sin'e,~ (e), 1~ (8) = sinSO~ (0), 280 D.K. MOHAN RAO AND P. L. BHATNAGAR and eliminating D~(0), (4.9)-(4.11), wc havc D~(0), D~(0) betwcen the pairs of equations ---Ax (D -- cot 0) coo N -- 1 -- 1-6-H~a~ [sinS0 D 4 + 22 sin46 cos 0 D 3 + (147 sinS0 - - 167 sin50) D 2 + ( 3 3 3 sin20 - - 506 sin40) cos 0 D + 192 sin 0 - - 672 sin3O + 504 sinS0] + (D -- t o t 0) (D -- 3 t o t 0) v (O), (7.1) 8A~~ ( D + t o t 0) t o t 0 cosec30 'lq'- -1 [sin30 D ~ + 14 sinO0 cos 0 D s -- l~-H~-a~ - - sin 0 (20 -- 71 cos~0) D ~ -- cos • (48 -- 154 cos20) D + 24 sin 0 (1 -- 5 cos20)] • [ s i n ~ ( D * + eot 0 D + 2 silo0)~(0)] + (D + t o t 8) (D -- t o t 0) ~ (0), (7.2) 1 (D + eot 0) [sinO0 {4 cos 0 (DoJ0) 2 -- sin 0o~oD~oo -- cos 0oJ0z}] -1 [sin30 D 4 q- 14 sin20 cos 0 D a -- 1--6-H~-az - - sin 0 (20 - 71 cos20) D ~ -- cos 0 (48 -- 154 cos~0) D + 24 sin 0 (1 -- 5 cos20)] -]- (D q- t o t O) (S -- cot 0) ~ (0). (7.3) Flow of an Electrically Condueting Non-Newtonian Fluid 281 For large Ha we consider solutions of the above equations of the form 1 ,~ 7 (0) -- N 7i(0) Ht) 2(i-1)' (7.4) Fi(O) ~ ) , F(O = (7.5) with similar expressions for ~ (0), F (0), ~ (0) and 1~ (0). The equations giving the leading terms 71 (O), ~a (0) and ~a (0) namely, (D -- cot 0) [(D -- 3 tot 0) Yx (O) -- A~oJo] ----0, (7.6) (D + tot 0) [(D -- tot 0) 91 (0) -- 8A1 a tot 0 cosec30] = 0, (7.7) and (D + c o t 0) [(D -- cot 0) 9~ (0) -- 2 sina0 {4 cos 0 (DO~o)z -- sin 0too Dcoo -- cos 0Woa}] = 0, (7.8) admit the solutions ~'a (0) = sina0 [b# tot 0 + b21 -~- 89 tOoa], (7.9) [ _ 2A1 a ] 9a (0) = sin 0 ~~1 cot 0 + b~1 -- si-¡ (7.10) and I _ ~a (0) -----sin 0 ha1 tot 0 + b21 2Al sin4 02 ~ a ] . (7.11) Similarly, the equations giving Fx (0), Fa (0) and ~'x (0) are (D~ -- cot OD + 6) (Da _ c o t 0 D + 20) Fa (0) = 4bl x sin 0, (7.12) 4bll0 ' (D ~ -- eot 0 D ) (Da _ tot 0 D + 6) -Fa (O) = sin (7.13) (D a -- eot 0 D ) ( D a -- r (7.14) attd 0 D + 6) f~l (0) = sin 0 ' 282 D . K . MOH~d~ RAO ~ P. L. BHATNAG~d~ which admit the solutions Fa (0) = a 91(7 cos 6 0 -- 10 cosS0 -t- 3 cos 0) 2a -t- a=1 I7 cos'0 -- 3 c~ 16 q- 13 -t- (7 cos60 -- 10 cosS0 + ~oos 0)lo~~o~ § o~~~oo~,0_ oo~ o, q-a~ [(cosSO-- cos O)logtan2 q-cos=O--2 ] 4b91 + -45- sinO0, 1~1 (o) = a~ cos o + a=1 + a31 (cosS0 - cos o) q- a 9 1[cos=0 -t- (cosS0 -- cos 0) log tan 0 -- 4 sin30b 91 3 and 1~~(0) = ~ 91cos 0 + ~d + ~~~ (co ssO - cos O) § ~,~ [oo~,o § ~oos~o-oos O~,o,,an~]-'~-~-91 sln" , ~ u. For i > 1, we have Fi (0) ----a 91(7 cosS0 -- 10 cosa0 + 3 cos 0) -t- a=t9 I 7 cos'0 - - 23 ~- cos=0 + ~16 + (7 cosS0 - - I0 cosS0 + 3 cos 0) log tan ~ -t- as s (cosS0 -- cos 0) ~1 9 0 + a: [~cos~0 -- co~ 0) iog ~ ~ 2 + oo~'0 -- ~] 4b 91 -t- - ~ - sinS0 -/- sinS0 L i (0), ~,i (0) = sinS0 [b 91c o t o + b~.i - {1~ sin=0 Ds + 16 sin 0 cos 0 D i + (77 -- 63 sin=0) D + 147 tot 0} L i (0) 9--12 s-~~dO , Flow of an Electrically Conducting Non-Newtonian Fluid 283 F i (0) = a~i cos O + a=i + a3 =(cos~0 -- cos 0) _ 4 sin30bxi + sin80E i (0), 3 9i (0) = sin 0 [ ~xi cot 0 + b, i -- 1 {sinO0 D a + 8 sin 0 cos 0 E 2 + (15 cos20 -- 2) D + cot 0} L • (0) - ] , Fi (0) = ~ i cos 0 + ~~~ + a3i (cosS0 -- cos 0) +d.i[cos'0+ (cosS0 -- cos 0) log tan 0] _ 4 sinS0b i + sinSOi~i (0), 3 and 9i (0) = sin 0 [ hi i cot 0 + bzi -- 1 {sin'e D ~ + 8 sin O cos OD ~ + (15 cos=0 -- 2) D + t o t 0} ~i ( 0 ) ] , where lE DL i (0) -- sin80 D z + cot 0 D + 12 -- s ~ 1] -. 1[ ~] -. 1[ ~] 7i-x (0), DL ~ (0) = s--~-0 D2 + tot 0 D + 2 -- s-~mT0 ~i-~ DL z (0) = s-~--0 D~ + cot 0D + 2 -- s-~f0 ~i-i (0). The constants a's, b's ate detcrmined from the boundary conditions (4.7) and (4.8). Figuras 1 and 2 gire the strr Case (a): R=0"I, linr S=K=0. and Case(b): R = S = K = 0 " I . in the following two cases: 284 D . K . MOl-tAN RAO Am~ P. L. BrIATNAGAR 8. CONCLU$ION$ We find that for small axial eurrent the nature of the seeondary flow is similar to the one predicted in [1], but ir we have large axial current that is high azimut¡ magnetic field, this breaking is avoided. It is interesting to note that (i) the effects of cross-viscosity and viscoelasticity ate similar inasmuch as they flatten the velocity profile in any meridian plane (Figs. 1, 2). (ª for large angular gap, the flow separation is suppressed at smaller values of Hartmann number (Figs. 1, 3, 4). (ª there is no secondary flow separation in case of Newtonian fluids and for small values of Hartmann number the flow is similar to the one described in [1] but for large values of Hartmann number the sense of flow is reversed. ReFeIt~CE 1. Bhatnagar, P. L. and Rathna, S.L. Quar. Journ. Mech. Appl. Maths., 1963, 16, 329.