INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU X.694 (01/2004) SERIES X: DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS OSI networking and system aspects – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 ITU-T Recommendation X.694 ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC DATA NETWORKS Services and facilities Interfaces Transmission, signalling and switching Network aspects Maintenance Administrative arrangements OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION Model and notation Service definitions Connection-mode protocol specifications Connectionless-mode protocol specifications PICS proformas Protocol Identification Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects Conformance testing INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS General Satellite data transmission systems IP-based networks MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY OSI NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS Networking Efficiency Quality of service Naming, Addressing and Registration Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) OSI MANAGEMENT Systems Management framework and architecture Management Communication Service and Protocol Structure of Management Information Management functions and ODMA functions SECURITY OSI APPLICATIONS Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction processing Remote operations OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations. X.1–X.19 X.20–X.49 X.50–X.89 X.90–X.149 X.150–X.179 X.180–X.199 X.200–X.209 X.210–X.219 X.220–X.229 X.230–X.239 X.240–X.259 X.260–X.269 X.270–X.279 X.280–X.289 X.290–X.299 X.300–X.349 X.350–X.369 X.370–X.399 X.400–X.499 X.500–X.599 X.600–X.629 X.630–X.639 X.640–X.649 X.650–X.679 X.680–X.699 X.700–X.709 X.710–X.719 X.720–X.729 X.730–X.799 X.800–X.849 X.850–X.859 X.860–X.879 X.880–X.899 X.900–X.999 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 8825-5 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION X.694 Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 Summary This Recommendation | International Standard defines rules for mapping an XSD Schema (a schema conforming to the W3C XML Schema specification) to an ASN.1 schema in order to use ASN.1 encoding rules such as the Basic Encoding Rules (BER), the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), the Packed Encoding Rules (PER) or the XML Encoding Rules (XER) for the transfer of information defined by the XSD Schema. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard with the ASN.1 Extended XML Encoding Rules (EXTENDED-XER) provides the same XML representation of values as that defined by the original XSD Schema. Source ITU-T Recommendation X.694 was approved on 13 January 2004 by ITU-T Study Group 17 (2001-2004) under the ITU-T Recommendation A.8 procedure. An identical text is also published as ISO/IEC 8825-5. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) i FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g. interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. ITU 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU. ii ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) CONTENTS Page 1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards ........................................................................ 2.2 Additional references .......................................................................................................................... 1 1 2 3 Definitions...................................................................................................................................................... 3.1 Imported definitions ............................................................................................................................ 3.2 Additional definitions.......................................................................................................................... 2 2 3 4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................. 3 5 Notation.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 6 Purpose and extent of standardization ............................................................................................................ 3 7 Mapping XSD Schemas ................................................................................................................................. 4 8 Ignored schema components and properties................................................................................................... 5 9 The ASN.1 module and namespaces .............................................................................................................. 6 10 Name conversion............................................................................................................................................ 10.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 10.2 Generating ASN.1 type definitions that are references to ASN.1 type assignments ........................... 10.3 Generating identifiers and type reference names ................................................................................ 10.4 Order of the mapping .......................................................................................................................... 6 6 7 7 9 11 Mapping uses of XSD built-in datatypes........................................................................................................ 10 12 Mapping facets ............................................................................................................................................... 12.1 The length, minLength, and maxLength facets .................................................................................... 12.2 The pattern facet .................................................................................................................................. 12.3 The whiteSpace facet........................................................................................................................... 12.4 The enumeration facet ......................................................................................................................... 12.5 Other facets ......................................................................................................................................... 11 11 11 11 12 14 13 Mapping simple type definitions ..................................................................................................................... 14 14 Mapping element declarations ........................................................................................................................ 16 15 Mapping attribute declarations........................................................................................................................ 17 16 Mapping values of simple type definitions...................................................................................................... 17 17 Mapping model group definitions ................................................................................................................... 17 18 Mapping model groups ................................................................................................................................... 17 19 Mapping particles ........................................................................................................................................... 17 20 Mapping complex type definitions.................................................................................................................. 19 21 Mapping wildcards ......................................................................................................................................... 20 22 Mapping attribute uses .................................................................................................................................... 20 23 Mapping uses of simple and complex type definitions (general case)............................................................. 21 24 Mapping special uses of simple and complex type definitions (substitutable) ................................................ 22 25 Mapping special uses of simple and complex type definitions (substitutable, nillable) .................................. 23 26 Mapping special uses of simple type definitions (nillable) ............................................................................. 24 27 Mapping special uses of complex type definitions (nillable) .......................................................................... 24 28 Mapping special uses of element declarations (head of element substitution group)...................................... 25 29 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for element declarations ........................................................... 26 30 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for type definitions ................................................................... 27 31 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for element substitution groups................................................ 27 Annex A – ASN.1 type definitions corresponding to XSD built-in datatypes........................................................... 28 Annex B – Assignment of object identifier values .................................................................................................... 33 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) iii Page Annex C – Examples of mappings ............................................................................................................................ C.1 A Schema using simple type definitions .............................................................................................. C.2 The corresponding ASN.1 definitions................................................................................................. C.3 Further examples................................................................................................................................. C.3.1 Schema documents with import and include element information items .............................. C.3.2 Mapping simple type definitions............................................................................................ C.3.3 Mapping facets ...................................................................................................................... C.3.4 Mapping element declarations ............................................................................................... C.3.5 Mapping attribute uses and attribute declarations .................................................................. C.3.6 Mapping model group definitions.......................................................................................... C.3.7 Mapping particles .................................................................................................................. C.3.8 Mapping complex type definitions......................................................................................... C.3.9 Mapping wildcards ................................................................................................................ 34 34 35 36 36 37 38 41 46 47 48 49 54 Annex D – Use of the mapping to provide binary encodings for W3C XML Schema.............................................. D.1 Encoding XSD Schemas ..................................................................................................................... D.2 Transfer without using the XSD Schema for Schemas ....................................................................... D.3 Transfer using the XSD Schema for Schemas .................................................................................... 57 57 57 57 iv ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) Introduction This Recommendation | International Standard specifies a mapping from a W3C XML Schema definition (an XSD Schema) into an ASN.1 schema. The mapping can be applied to any XSD Schema. It specifies the generation of one or more ASN.1 modules containing type definitions, together with ASN.1 XER encoding instructions. These are jointly described as an ASN.1 schema for XML documents. This ASN.1 schema, when used with the ASN.1 Extended XML Encoding Rules (EXTENDED-XER), can be used to generate and to validate the same set of W3C XML 1.0 documents as the original XSD Schema. The resulting ASN.1 types and encodings support the same semantic content as the XSD Schema. Thus ASN.1 tools can be used interchangeably with XSD tools for the generation and processing of the specified XML documents. Other standardized ASN.1 encoding rules, such as the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or the Packed Encoding Rules (PER), can be used in conjunction with this standardized mapping. The combination of this Recommendation | International Standard with ASN.1 Encoding Rules provides fullystandardized and vendor-independent compact and canonical binary encodings for data defined using an XSD Schema. The ASN.1 schema provides a clear separation between the specification of the information content of messages (their abstract syntax) and the precise form of the XML document (for example, use of attributes instead of elements). This results in both a clearer and generally a less verbose schema than the original XSD Schema. Annex A forms an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard, and is an ASN.1 module containing a set of ASN.1 type assignments that correspond to each of the XSD built-in datatypes. Mappings of XSD Schemas into ASN.1 schemas either import the type reference names of those type assignments or include the type definitions in-line. Annex B does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard, and summarizes the object identifier values assigned in this Recommendation | International Standard. Annex C does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard, and gives examples of the mapping of XSD Schemas into ASN.1 schemas. Annex D does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard, and describes the use of the mapping defined in this Recommendation | International Standard, in conjunction with standardized ASN.1 Encoding Rules, to provide compact and canonical encodings for data defined using an XSD Schema. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) v ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard specifies a mapping from any XSD Schema into an ASN.1 schema. The ASN.1 schema supports the same semantics and validates the same set of XML documents. This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the final XER encoding instructions that are to be applied as part of the defined mapping to ASN.1 types, but does not specify which syntactic form is to be used for the specification of those final XER encoding instructions, or the order or manner of their assignment. NOTE – Implementers of tools generating these mappings may choose any syntactic form or order of assignment that results in the specified final XER encoding instructions being applied. Examples in this Recommendation | International Standard generally use the type prefix form, but use of an XER Encoding Control Section may be preferred for the mapping of a complete XSD Schema, as a matter of style. There are different ways (syntactically) of assigning XER encoding instructions for use in EXTENDED-XER encodings (for example, use of ASN.1 type prefix encoding instructions or use of an XER encoding control section). The choice of these syntactic forms is a matter of style and is outside the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. 2 Normative references The following Recommendations | International Standards and W3C specifications contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations, International Standards and W3C specifications are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations, International Standards and W3C specifications listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations. The W3C maintains a list of currently valid W3C specifications. The reference to a document within this Recommendation | International Standard does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation or International Standard. 2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards NOTE – The complete set of ASN.1 Recommendations | International Standards are listed below, as they can all be applicable in particular uses of this Recommendation | International Standard. Where these are not directly referenced in the body of this Recommendation | International Standard, a † symbol is added to the reference. – ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002, Information technology – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation. – ITU-T Recommendation X.681 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-2:2002, Information technology – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification. – ITU-T Recommendation X.682 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-3:2002, Information technology – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification. – ITU-T Recommendation X.683 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-4:2002, Information technology – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications. – ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002, Information technology – ASN.1 encoding Rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). – ITU-T Recommendation X.691 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8825-2:2002, Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER). ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 1 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 2.2 – ITU-T Recommendation X.692 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8825-3:2002, Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Encoding Control Notation (ECN). – ITU-T Recommendation X.693 (2001) | ISO/IEC 8825-4:2002, Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: XML Encoding Rules (XER). – ITU-T Recommendation X.693 (2001)/Amd.1 (2003) | ISO/IEC 8825-4:2002/Amd.1:2004, Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: XML Encoding Rules (XER) – Amendment 1: XER Encoding Instructions and EXTENDED-XER. Additional references – ISO 8601:2000, Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times. – ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Information technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) – Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane. – W3C XML 1.0:2000, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition), W3C Recommendation, Copyright © [6 October 2000] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University), – W3C XML Namespaces:1999, Namespaces in XML, W3C Recommendation, Copyright © [14 January 1999] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University), – W3C XML Information Set:2001, XML Information Set, W3C Recommendation, Copyright © [24 October 2001] World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University), – W3C XML Schema:2001, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, W3C Recommendation, Copyright © [2 May 2001] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University), – W3C XML Schema:2001, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation, Copyright © [2 May 2001] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University), NOTE – When the reference "W3C XML Schema" is used in this Recommendation | International Standard, it refers to W3C XML Schema Part 1 and W3C XML Schema Part 2. – IETF RFC 2396 (1998), Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. – IETF RFC 1766 (1995), Tags for the Identification of Languages. 3 Definitions 3.1 Imported definitions 3.1.1 This Recommendation | International Standard uses the terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 and in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4. NOTE – In particular, the terms "final XER encoding instructions", "type prefix" and "XER encoding control section" are defined in the above-mentioned Recommendations | International Standards. 3.1.2 This Recommendation | International Standard also uses the terms defined in W3C XML Schema and W3C XML Information Set. NOTE 1 – It is believed that these terms do not conflict with the terms referenced in 3.1.1. If such a conflict occurs, the definition of the term in 3.1.1 applies. NOTE 2 – In particular, the terms "schema component" and "property (of a schema component)" are defined in W3C XML Schema, and the term "element information item" is defined in W3C XML Information Set. 2 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 3.2 Additional definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following additional definitions apply: 3.2.1 XSD namespace: A namespace with a URI of "". 3.2.2 XSI namespace: A namespace with a URI of "". 3.2.3 XML namespace: A namespace with a URI of "". 4 Abbreviations For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following abbreviations apply: 5 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One BER (ASN.1) Basic Encoding Rules DER (ASN.1) Distinguished Encoding Rules PER (ASN.1) Packed Encoding Rules URI (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier XER (ASN.1) XML Encoding Rules XML (W3C) Extensible Markup Language XSD (W3C) XML Schema Notation 5.1 This Recommendation | International Standard references the notation defined by ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3, W3C XML 1.0 and W3C XML Schema. 5.2 When it is necessary in the body of this Recommendation | International Standard to specify, either formally or in examples, the assignment of XER encoding instructions, the type prefix notation is generally used (but see 6.3 and 6.4). In Annex A, an XER encoding control section is used. 5.3 In this Recommendation | International Standard, bold Courier is used for ASN.1 notation and bold Arial is used for XSD notation and for XSD terms and concepts. 5.4 The XSD Schemas used in the examples in this Recommendation | International Standard use the prefix to identify the XSD namespace. 6 Purpose and extent of standardization 6.1 The mapping to ASN.1 that is specified in this Recommendation | International Standard ensures that: xsd: a) any resulting ASN.1 modules generated by tools conforming to this Recommendation | International Standard (from the same XSD Schema) define the same (structured) abstract values; b) all BASIC-XER, CXER, EXTENDED-XER, and binary encodings of that resulting ASN.1 specification will produce the same encodings (subject to encoder's options); and c) all XML documents that conform to the source XSD Schema are valid EXTENDED-XER encodings of abstract values of that ASN.1 specification. 6.2 There are many aspects of an ASN.1 definition (such as the use of white-space, or of encoding control sections or type prefixes) that affect neither the abstract values being defined nor the XER or binary encodings of those values. Such aspects of the ASN.1 definition are generally not standardized in this Recommendation | International Standard. 6.3 There are many different ways in ASN.1 of assigning an XER encoding instruction to a type, including: a) use of a type prefix for every encoding instruction to be assigned; or b) use of an encoding control section, with a separate encoding instruction for each required assignment; or c) use of an encoding control section, with a single encoding instruction making a global assignment, possibly supplemented by use of a negating encoding instruction for specific types. 6.4 This Recommendation | International Standard specifies when a final XER encoding instruction shall be present, and uses the syntax of 6.3 a) in most of its examples. However, the use of the different options in 6.3 is not ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 3 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) standardized, and conforming implementations of the mapping may choose any syntactic form (or a mixture of syntactic forms) for the assignment of final XER encoding instructions. NOTE – The choice among these options does not affect the final binary or XML encodings. 6.5 A formal specification of the required mapping is not provided. 6.6 This Recommendation | International Standard is concerned only with the mapping of XSD Schemas that conform to W3C XML Schema. NOTE – Such conformance can be either by the provision of one or more W3C XSD schema documents or by other means as specified in W3C XML Schema. 7 Mapping XSD Schemas 7.1 A mapping is based on a source XSD Schema, which is a set of schema components (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 2.2). No particular representation of schema components or sets of schema components is required or assumed for the mapping, although it is expected that the source XSD Schema will usually be provided as one or more XML schema documents (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 3.15.2). NOTE 1 – Since the mapping is defined in terms of schema components (and not in terms of their XML representation), it is not affected by details of the XML representation, such as the use of multiple schema documents linked by xsd:include and xsd:redefine element information items, the placement of element information items in one or another schema documents, the order of xsd:attribute element information items within a xsd:complexType element information item, and so on. NOTE 2 – Two sets of schema documents that differ in many aspects but represent the same set of schema components generate the same set of ASN.1 type assignments, with the same final encoding instructions assigned to them and to their components to any depth. 7.2 The source XSD Schema shall meet all the constraints imposed by the XSD specification. If the source XSD Schema is represented (in part or all) as a set of XML schema documents, each schema document shall be valid according to the XSD Schema for Schemas (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, Appendix A). 7.3 At least one ASN.1 module (see 7.4) shall be generated for each different target namespace (whether a namespace name or the keyword absent) that is the target namespace of one or more schema components in the source XSD Schema. Each ASN.1 module shall contain one or more type assignments corresponding to top-level schema components (see 7.9) that have the same target namespace. Each ASN.1 module can also contain one or more special ASN.1 type assignments whose associated ASN.1 type assignments are in the same ASN.1 module (see 7.6). NOTE –The schema components represented in the multiple schema documents become part of the same XSD Schema through the use of the xsd:include, xsd:redefine, and xsd:import element information items. 7.4 The number of ASN.1 modules generated for each target namespace (including the keyword absent) may be more than one, but each ASN.1 module shall not contain type assignments corresponding to top-level schema components with different target namespaces (including the keyword absent). 7.5 When multiple ASN.1 modules are generated for a given target namespace (including the keyword absent), all the type assignments present in them shall be generated as if they were being added to a single ASN.1 module for the purpose of generating distinct type reference names (see 10.3). The type reference names generated from the names of the top-level schema components with a given target namespace shall be the same type reference names regardless of the number of ASN.1 modules generated for that target namespace and regardless of the way type assignments are divided among the various ASN.1 modules. NOTE – This is designed to provide flexibility without compromising interoperability. 7.6 Each special ASN.1 type assignment (see clauses 29, 30, and 31) shall be inserted in the same ASN.1 module as its associated ASN.1 type assignment (see 29.4, 31.4, and 30.4, respectively). 7.7 All ASN.1 modules generated by the mapping shall contain (in the XER encoding control section) a GLOBALDEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS encoding instruction and a GLOBAL-DEFAULTS CONTROL-NAMESPACE encoding instruction specifying the XSI namespace. 7.8 4 A source XSD Schema shall be processed as follows: a) for each top-level element declaration, an ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated by applying clause 14 to the element declaration; b) for each top-level attribute declaration, an ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated by applying clause 15 to the attribute declaration; c) for each user-defined top-level simple type definition, an ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated by applying clause 13 to the simple type definition; d) for each top-level complex type definition, an ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated by applying clause 20 to the complex type definition; ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) e) for each model group definition whose model group has a compositor of sequence or choice, an ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated by applying clause 17 to the model group definition. NOTE 1 – The remaining schema components of the source XSD schema will be processed as a result of mapping these schema components. NOTE 2 – The order in which schema components are to be mapped is specified in 10.4. The order of the items of the list above has no significance for the mapping. 7.9 Column 1 of Table 1 lists schema components. Column 2 gives the reference to the clause in W3C XML Schema that defines the schema component. Column 3 lists the clause that defines the mapping of those schema components into ASN.1. Table 1 – Mapping of XSD schema components XSD schema component W3C XML Schema reference Mapping defined by attribute declaration Part 1, 3.2 Clause 15 element declaration Part 1, 3.3 Clause 14 complex type definition Part 1, 3.4 Clause 20 attribute use Part 1, 3.5 Clause 22 attribute group definition Part 1, 3.6 not mapped as such model group definition Part 1, 3.7 Clause 17 model group Part 1, 3.8 Clause 18 particle Part 1, 3.9 Clause 19 wildcard Part 1, 3.10 Clause 21 identity-constraint definition Part 1, 3.11 ignored by the mapping notation declaration Part 1, 3.12 ignored by the mapping annotation Part 1, 3.13 ignored by the mapping simple type definition Part 1, 3.14 Clauses 11, 13 schema Part 1, 3.15 Clause 9 ordered Part 2, ignored by the mapping bounded Part 2, ignored by the mapping cardinality Part 2, ignored by the mapping numeric Part 2, ignored by the mapping length Part 2, Clause 12 minLength Part 2, Clause 12 maxLength Part 2, Clause 12 pattern Part 2, Clause 12 enumeration Part 2, Clause 12 whiteSpace Part 2, Clause 12 maxInclusive Part 2, Clause 12 maxExclusive Part 2, Clause 12 minExclusive Part 2, Clause 12 minInclusive Part 2, Clause 12 totalDigits Part 2, Clause 12 fractionDigits Part 2, Clause 12 8 Ignored schema components and properties 8.1 The mapping shall ignore the schema components and properties that are listed in this clause. 8.2 All annotations (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 3.13) shall be ignored. NOTE – All attribute information items in a schema document with names qualified with namespaces other than the XSD namespace (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 3.13.1) are a property of annotations, and are ignored. 8.3 All identity-constraint definitions (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 3.11) shall be ignored. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 5 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) NOTE – The identity-constraint definition provides mechanisms for specifying referential constraints that can be required in a valid instance. ASN.1 currently has no concept of such constraints, and such constraints cannot be mapped into a formal ASN.1 specification, but they may be included as normative comments that are binding on an application implementation. 8.4 All notation declarations (see W3C XML Schema Part 1, 3.12) shall be ignored. 8.5 All schema components that are the fundamental facets (ordered, (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 4.2) shall be ignored. definitions bounded, cardinality, numeric) of simple type The properties identity-constraint definitions, substitution group exclusions and disallowed substitutions of element shall be ignored. 8.6 declarations 8.7 The properties final, abstract, and prohibited substitutions of complex type definitions shall be ignored. 8.8 The property process contents of wildcards shall be ignored. NOTE – There is no support in ASN.1 for any action other than skip. 8.9 The properties fundamental facets and final of simple type definitions shall be ignored. 8.10 All value constraints that are present on any element declarations or attribute declarations whose type definition is either xsd:QName or a simple type definition derived from xsd:QName or xsd:NOTATION shall be ignored. 8.11 All attribute group definitions shall be ignored. NOTE – The attribute uses in an attribute group definition become part of the attribute uses of the complex type definitions whose XML representation contains a reference to the attribute group definition. 9 The ASN.1 module and namespaces NOTE – A full description of the relationship between the namespace concept of W3C XML Namespaces and naming in ASN.1 is provided in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 16. Type reference names and identifiers defined in an ASN.1 module are assigned a namespace by means of a NAMESPACE encoding instruction, and otherwise do not have a namespace. The mapping generates NAMESPACE encoding instructions as appropriate. 9.1 The mapping generates one or more ASN.1 modules corresponding to all schema components in the Schema that have the same target namespace. 9.2 The ASN.1 "ModuleIdentifier" (see ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 12) to be generated by the mapping is not standardized. Where IMPORTS statements are used, the ASN.1 module names and module identifiers in the IMPORTS statements shall be those generated for the ASN.1 modules generated by the mapping. NOTE – The choice of "ModuleIdentifier" does not affect the encodings in any of the standard encoding rules. 9.3 The ASN.1 modules shall have a "TagDefault" of AUTOMATIC TAGS. 9.4 In each ASN.1 module, there shall be an ASN.1 IMPORTS statement importing the ASN.1 type reference names in the module named XSD specified in Annex A that are referenced in the ASN.1 module. 9.5 The IMPORTS statement shall also import the ASN.1 type reference names of type assignments that have been placed (as a result of the mapping) in other ASN.1 modules but are referenced in this ASN.1 module. 9.6 There shall be no EXPORTS statement. NOTE – This means that all ASN.1 type reference names in the ASN.1 module can be imported into other modules. 10 Name conversion 10.1 General 10.1.1 This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the generation of: a) ASN.1 type reference names corresponding to the names of model group definitions, top-level element top-level complex type definitions, and user-defined top-level declarations, top-level attribute declarations, simple type definitions; 6 b) ASN.1 identifiers corresponding to the names of top-level element declarations, local element declarations, and local attribute declarations; c) ASN.1 identifiers for the mapping of certain and 12.4.2); ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) simple type definitions declarations, with an top-level enumeration attribute facet (see 12.4.1 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) d) ASN.1 type reference names of special type assignments (see clauses 29, 30, and 31); and e) ASN.1 identifiers of certain sequence components introduced by the mapping (see clause 20). 10.1.2 All of these ASN.1 names are generated by applying 10.3 either to the name of the corresponding schema component, or to a member of the value of an enumeration facet, or to a specified character string, as specified in the relevant clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard. 10.2 Generating ASN.1 type definitions that are references to ASN.1 type assignments 10.2.1 This subclause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition that is a reference (a "DefinedType") to an ASN.1 type assignment. 10.2.2 If an ASN.1 type definition (R, say) that is a "DefinedType" is to be inserted in an ASN.1 module (M, say) other than the ASN.1 module where the referenced ASN.1 type assignment (TA, say) is being inserted, and the type reference name of TA is identical to either the type reference name of another ASN.1 type assignment being inserted in module M or to another type reference name being imported into module M, then R shall be an "ExternalTypeReference" (constructed as appropriate for module M) for TA; otherwise it shall be a "typereference" for TA. 10.3 Generating identifiers and type reference names 10.3.1 This subclause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type reference name or identifier. 10.3.2 Names of attribute declarations, element declarations, model group definitions, user-defined top-level simple type definitions, and top-level complex type definitions can be identical to ASN.1 reserved words or can contain characters not allowed in ASN.1 identifiers or in ASN.1 type reference names. In addition, there are cases in which ASN.1 names are required to be distinct where the names of the corresponding XSD schema components (from which the ASN.1 names are mapped) are allowed to be identical. 10.3.3 The following transformations shall be applied, in order, to each character string being mapped to an ASN.1 name, where each transformation (except the first) is applied to the result of the previous transformation: 10.3.4 – the characters " " (SPACE), "." (FULL STOP), and "_" (LOW LINE) shall all be replaced by a "-" (HYPHEN-MINUS); and – any character except "A" to "Z" (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A to LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z), "a" to "z" (LATIN SMALL LETTER A to LATIN SMALL LETTER Z), "0" to "9" (DIGIT ZERO to DIGIT NINE), and "-" (HYPHEN-MINUS) shall be removed; and – a sequence of two or more HYPHEN-MINUS characters shall be replaced with a single HYPHEN-MINUS; and – HYPHEN-MINUS characters occurring at the beginning or at the end of the name shall be removed; and – if a character string that is to be used as a type reference name starts with a lower-case letter, the first letter shall be capitalized (converted to upper-case); if it starts with a digit (DIGIT ZERO to DIGIT NINE), it shall be prefixed with an "X" (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X) character; and – if a character string that is to be used as an identifier starts with an upper-case letter, the first letter shall be uncapitalized (converted to lower-case); if it starts with a digit (DIGIT ZERO to DIGIT NINE), it shall be prefixed with an "x" (LATIN SMALL LETTER X) character; and – if a character string that is to be used as a type reference name is empty, it shall be replaced by "X" (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X); and – if a character string that is to be used as an identifier is empty, it shall be replaced by "x" (LATIN SMALL LETTER X). Depending on the kind of name being generated, one of the three following subclauses applies. If the name being generated is the type reference name of an ASN.1 type assignment and the character string generated by 10.3.3 is identical to the type reference name of another ASN.1 type assignment previously generated in the same ASN.1 module or in another ASN.1 module with the same namespace (including absence of a namespace), or is one of the reserved words specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 11.27, then a suffix shall be appended to the character string generated by 10.3.3. The suffix shall consist of a HYPHEN-MINUS followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of an integer. This integer shall be the least positive integer such that the new name is different from the type reference name of any other ASN.1 type assignment previously generated in any of those ASN.1 modules. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 7 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) If the name being generated is the identifier of a component of a sequence, set, or choice type, and the character string generated by 10.3.3 is identical to the identifier of a previously generated component of the same sequence, set, or choice type, then a suffix shall be appended to the character string generated by 10.3.3. The suffix shall consist of a HYPHEN-MINUS followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of an integer. This integer shall be the least positive integer such that the new identifier is different from the identifier of any previously generated component of that sequence, set, or choice type. If the name being generated is the "identifier" in an "EnumerationItem" of an enumerated type, and the character string generated by 10.3.3 is identical to the "identifier" in another "EnumerationItem" previously generated in the same enumerated type, then a suffix shall be appended to the character string generated by 10.3.3. The suffix shall consist of a HYPHEN-MINUS followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of an integer. This integer shall be the least positive integer such that the new identifier is different from the "identifier" in any other "EnumerationItem" already present in that ASN.1 enumerated type. 10.3.5 For an ASN.1 type reference name (or identifier) that is generated by applying this subclause 10.3 to the name of an element declaration, attribute declaration, top-level complex type definition or user-defined top-level simple type definition, if the type reference name (or identifier) generated is different from the name, a final NAME encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type assignment with that type reference name (or to the component with that identifier) as specified in the three following subclauses. If the only difference is the case of the first letter (which is upper case in the type reference name and lower case in the name), then the "Keyword" in the NAME encoding instruction shall be UNCAPITALIZED. If the only difference is the case of the first letter (which is lower case in the identifier and upper case in the then the "Keyword" in the NAME encoding instruction shall be CAPITALIZED. name), Otherwise, the "NewName" in the NAME encoding instruction shall be the name. EXAMPLE – The top-level complex type definition: <xsd:complexType name="COMPONENTS"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Elem" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="elem" type="xsd:integer"/> <xsd:element name="Elem-1" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="elem-1" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: COMPONENTS-1 ::= [NAME AS "COMPONENTS"] SEQUENCE { elem [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] BOOLEAN, elem-1 [NAME AS "elem"] INTEGER, elem-1-1 [NAME AS "Elem-1"] BOOLEAN, elem-1-2 [NAME AS "elem-1"] INTEGER } 10.3.6 For an ASN.1 type reference name (or identifier) that is generated by applying this subclause 10.3 to the name of an element declaration, attribute declaration, top-level complex type definition or user-defined top-level simple type definition, if the target namespace of the schema component is not absent, then a final NAMESPACE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type assignment with that type reference name (or to the named type with that identifier) and shall specify the target namespace of the schema component. 10.3.7 For an ASN.1 identifier that is generated by this subclause 10.3 for the mapping of a simple type definition with an enumeration facet where the identifier generated is different from the corresponding member of the value of the enumeration facet, a final TEXT encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 enumerated type, with qualifying information specifying the "identifier" in the "EnumerationItem" of the enumerated type. One of the two following subclauses applies. If the only difference is the case of the first letter (which is lower case in the identifier and upper case in the member of the value of the enumeration facet), then the "Keyword" in the TEXT encoding instruction shall be CAPITALIZED. Otherwise, the "NewName" in the TEXT encoding instruction shall be the member of the enumeration facet. 8 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) value of the ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 10.4 Order of the mapping 10.4.1 An order is imposed on the top-level schema components of the source XSD Schema on which the mapping is performed. This applies to model group definitions, top-level complex type definitions, user-defined top-level simple type definitions, top-level attribute declarations, and top-level element declarations. NOTE – Other top-level schema components are not mapped to ASN.1, and XSD built-in datatypes are mapped in a special way. 10.4.2 The order is specified in the three following subclauses. Top-level schema components shall first be ordered by their preceding all namespace names in ascending lexicographical order. target namespace, with the absent namespace Within each target namespace, top-level schema components shall be divided into four sets ordered as follows: a) element declarations; b) attribute declarations; c) complex type definitions d) model group definitions. and simple type definitions; Within each set (see, schema components shall be ordered by order. name in ascending lexicographical 10.4.3 The mapping generates some ASN.1 type assignments that do not correspond directly to any XSD schema component. These are: a) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy; the type reference names of these types have a "-derivations" suffix (see clause 29); b) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction on the type and a final USE-NIL encoding instruction on each alternative) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy where the user-defined toplevel simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are nillable; the type reference names of these types have a "-deriv-nillable" suffix (see clause 29); c) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction on the type and a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction on each alternative) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy where the userdefined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are not nillable and have a value constraint that is a default value; the type reference names of these types have a "-deriv-default-" suffix (see clause 29); d) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction on the type and a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction on each alternative) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy where the userdefined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are not nillable and have a value constraint that is a fixed value; the type reference names of these types have a "-deriv-fixed-" suffix (see clause 29); e) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction on the type and final USE-NIL and DEFAULTFOR-EMPTY encoding instructions on each alternative) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy where the user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are nillable and have a value constraint that is a default value; the type reference names of these types have a "-deriv-nillable-default-" suffix (see clause 29); f) choice types (with a final USE-TYPE encoding instruction on the type and final USE-NIL and DEFAULTFOR-EMPTY encoding instructions on each alternative) corresponding to a type derivation hierarchy where the user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are nillable and have a value constraint that is a fixed value; the type reference names of these types have a "-deriv-nillable-fixed-" suffix (see clause 29); ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 9 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) g) choice types (with a final UNTAGGED encoding instruction) corresponding to an element substitution group; the type reference names of these types have a "-group" suffix (see clause 31); h) sequence types (with a final USE-NIL encoding instruction) corresponding to the use of a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition as the type definition of one or more element declarations that are nillable; the type reference names of these types have a "-nillable" suffix (see clause 30). 10.4.4 All ASN.1 type assignments that correspond directly to the XSD schema components in the source XSD Schema shall be generated before all ASN.1 type assignments listed in 10.4.3 (if any). 10.4.5 ASN.1 type assignments that correspond directly to the XSD schema components shall be generated in the order of the corresponding XSD schema components (see 10.4.1). ASN.1 type assignments listed in 10.4.3 (if any) shall be generated in the order of the XSD schema components (see 10.4.1) corresponding to the "associated type assignment" (see clauses 29, 30, and 31). 10.4.6 For 10.4.3 c) to f), if the simple type definition or complex type definition that is the root of the derivation hierarchy is used as the type definition of multiple element declarations that have different values in the value constraint, the ASN.1 type assignments shall be generated in ascending lexicographical order of the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the value in the value constraint. 11 Mapping uses of XSD built-in datatypes 11.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to the use of an XSD built-in datatype. 11.2 A use of an XSD built-in datatype shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type definition in accordance with Table 2. The table gives the ASN.1 type definition to be used. The notation "XSD.Name" indicates that the ASN.1 type definition shall be the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the corresponding ASN.1 type assignment present in the XSD module. Table 2 – ASN.1 type definitions corresponding to uses of XSD built-in datatypes XSD built-in datatype 10 ASN.1 type definition XSD built-in datatype ASN.1 type definition anyURI XSD.AnyURI int XSD.Int anySimpleType XSD.AnySimpleType integer INTEGER anyType XSD.AnyType language XSD.Language base64Binary [BASE64] OCTET STRING long XSD.Long boolean BOOLEAN Name XSD.Name byte INTEGER (-128..127) NCName XSD.NCName date XSD.Date negativeInteger INTEGER (MIN..-1) dateTime XSD.DateTime NMTOKEN XSD.NMTOKEN decimal XSD.Decimal NMTOKENS XSD.NMTOKENS double XSD.Double nonNegativeInteger INTEGER (0..MAX) duration XSD.Duration nonPositiveInteger INTEGER (MIN..0) ENTITIES XSD.ENTITIES normalizedString XSD.NormalizedString ENTITY XSD.ENTITY NOTATION XSD.NOTATION float XSD.Float positiveInteger INTEGER (1..MAX) gDay XSD.GDay QName XSD.QName gMonth XSD.GMonth short XSD.Short gMonthDay XSD.GMonthDay string XSD.String gYear XSD.GYear time XSD.Time gYearMonth XSD.GYearMonth token XSD.Token hexBinary OCTET STRING unsignedByte INTEGER (0..255) ID XSD.ID unsignedInt XSD.UnsignedInt IDREF XSD.IDREF unsignedLong XSD.UnsignedLong IDREFS XSD.IDREFS unsignedShort XSD.UnsignedShort ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 12 Mapping facets This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to map a facet of a simple type definition. A facet of a simple type definition STD is mapped to an ASN.1 constraint applied to the ASN.1 type definition corresponding to the STD, unless the STD has an enumeration facet that is being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2). In this case, no ASN.1 constraint is generated from the facet (see 12.1.2, 12.2.1, 12.3.1, and 12.5.1). 12.1 The length, minLength, and maxLength facets 12.1.1 The xsd:NOTATION length, minLength, and maxLength facets shall be ignored for the XSD built-in datatypes and for any simple type definition derived from these by restriction. xsd:QName and 12.1.2 If a length, minLength, or maxLength facet belongs to a simple type definition that has also an enumeration facet being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then no "EnumerationItem"s shall be included in the "Enumeration" for the members (if any) of the value of the enumeration facet that do not satisfy the length, minLength, or maxLength facet. 12.1.3 Otherwise, the length, minLength, and ASN.1 size constraint according to Table 3. maxLength facets of the simple type definition shall be mapped to an Table 3 – ASN.1 size constraints corresponding to the length, minLength, and maxLength facets XSD facet length=value (SIZE(value)) minLength=min (SIZE(min .. MAX)) maxLength=max minLength=min 12.2 ASN.1 size constraint maxLength=max (SIZE(0 .. max)) (SIZE(min .. max)) The pattern facet 12.2.1 If a pattern facet belongs to a simple type definition that has also an enumeration facet being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then no "EnumerationItem"s shall be included in the "Enumeration" for the members (if any) of the value of the enumeration facet that do not satisfy the pattern facet. 12.2.2 Otherwise, the pattern facet shall be mapped to a user-defined constraint. One of the two following subclauses applies. If the value of the pattern facet is a single regular expression, the user-defined constraint shall be: (CONSTRAINED BY {/* XML representation of the XSD pattern "xyz" */}) where "xyz" is the XML representation of the value of the pattern facet, except that if the substring "*/" appears in the value of the pattern facet, it shall be replaced by the character string "*&#x2F;". If the value of the pattern facet is a conjunction of unions of regular expressions (the general case), the userdefined constraint is not specified (but see 12.5.4). 12.3 The whiteSpace facet 12.3.1 If a whiteSpace facet with a value of replace or collapse belongs to a simple type definition that has also an enumeration facet being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then no "EnumerationItem"s shall be included in the "Enumeration" for the members (if any) of the value of the enumeration facet that contain any of the characters HORIZONTAL TABULATION, NEWLINE or CARRIAGE RETURN, or (in the case of collapse) contain leading, trailing, or multiple consecutive SPACE characters. 12.3.2 Otherwise, at most one of the three following subclauses applies: If the value of the whiteSpace facet is preserve, then the whiteSpace facet shall be ignored. If the value of the whiteSpace facet is replace and the ASN.1 type definition corresponding to the simple type definition is an ASN.1 restricted character string type, then a permitted alphabet constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 type definition to remove HORIZONTAL TABULATION, NEWLINE, and CARRIAGE RETURN characters. A final ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 11 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) WHITESPACE REPLACE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type definition. The following or an equivalent permitted alphabet constraint shall be used: (FROM ({0, 0, 0, 32} .. {0, 16, 255, 255})) If the value of the whiteSpace facet is collapse and the ASN.1 type definition corresponding to the simple type is an ASN.1 restricted character string type, then both a permitted alphabet constraint as specified in and a pattern constraint that forbids leading, trailing, and multiple consecutive SPACE characters shall be added to the ASN.1 type definition. A final WHITESPACE COLLAPSE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type definition. The following or an equivalent pattern constraint shall be used: definition (PATTERN "([^ ]([^ ]| [^ ])*)?") 12.4 The enumeration facet 12.4.1 An enumeration facet belonging to a simple type definition with a variety of atomic that is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from xsd:string shall not be mapped to an ASN.1 constraint. Instead, the facet shall be mapped to the "Enumeration" of the ASN.1 enumerated type corresponding to the simple type definition (see 13.5) as specified in the three following subclauses. For each member of the value of the enumeration facet, an "EnumerationItem" that is an "identifier" shall be added to the "Enumeration" (subject to 12.1.2, 12.2.1, 12.3.1, and 12.5.1). Each "identifier" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the corresponding member of the enumeration facet. The members of the value of the any duplicate members shall be discarded. enumeration value of the facet shall be mapped in ascending lexicographical order and 12.4.2 An enumeration facet belonging to a simple type definition with a variety of atomic that is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from xsd:integer shall not be mapped to an ASN.1 constraint. Instead, the facet shall be mapped to the "Enumeration" of the ASN.1 enumerated type corresponding to the simple type definition (see 13.6) as specified in the three following subclauses. For each member of the value of the enumeration facet, an "EnumerationItem" that is a "NamedNumber" shall be added to the "Enumeration" (subject to 12.1.2, 12.2.1, 12.3.1, and 12.5.1). The "identifier" in each "NamedNumber" shall be generated by concatenating the character string "int" with the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the corresponding member of the value of the enumeration facet. The "SignedNumber" in the "NamedNumber" shall be the ASN.1 value notation for the member (an integer number). The members of the value of the duplicate members shall be discarded. enumeration facet shall be mapped in ascending numerical order and any 12.4.3 Any other enumeration facet shall be mapped to an ASN.1 constraint that is either a single value or a union of single values corresponding to the members of the value of the enumeration. NOTE – The enumeration facet applies to the value space of the base type definition. Therefore, for an enumeration of the XSD builtin datatypes xsd:QName or xsd:NOTATION, the value of the uri component of the [USE-QNAME] SEQUENCE produced as a single value ASN.1 constraint is determined, in the XML representation of an XSD Schema, by the namespace declarations whose scope includes the xsd:QName or xsd:NOTATION, and by the prefix (if any) of the xsd:QName or xsd:NOTATION. EXAMPLE 1 – The following represents a user-defined top-level with an enumeration facet: <xsd:simpleType name="state"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="off"/> <xsd:enumeration value="on"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> 12 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) simple type definition that is a restriction of xsd:string ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: State ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED {off, on} EXAMPLE 2 – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definition that is a restriction of xsd:integer with an enumeration facet: <xsd:simpleType name="integer-0-5-10"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:enumeration value="0"/> <xsd:enumeration value="5"/> <xsd:enumeration value="10"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: Integer-0-5-10 ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED {int0(0), int5(5), int10(10)} EXAMPLE 3 – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definition that is a restriction of xsd:integer with a minInclusive and a maxInclusive facet: <xsd:simpleType name="integer-1-10"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/> <xsd:maxInclusive value="10"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: Integer-1-10 ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER(1..10) EXAMPLE 4 – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definition that is a restriction (with a minExclusive facet) of another simple type definition, derived by restriction from xsd:integer with the addition of a minInclusive and a maxInclusive facet: <xsd:simpleType name="multiple-of-4"> <xsd:restriction> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/> <xsd:maxInclusive value="10"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:minExclusive value="5"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: Multiple-of-4 ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER(5<..10) EXAMPLE 5 – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definition that is a restriction (with a minLength and a maxLength facet) of another simple type definition, derived by restriction from xsd:string with the addition of an enumeration facet: <xsd:simpleType name="color"> <xsd:restriction> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="white"/> <xsd:enumeration value="black"/> <xsd:enumeration value="red"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:minLength value="2"/> <xsd:maxLength value="4"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: Color ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED {red} ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 13 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 12.5 Other facets 12.5.1 If a totalDigits, fractionDigits, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, or minInclusive facet belongs to a simple type definition that has also an enumeration facet being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then no "EnumerationItem"s shall be included in the "Enumeration" for the members (if any) of the value of the enumeration facet that do not satisfy the totalDigits, fractionDigits, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, or minInclusive facet. 12.5.2 If a maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, or minInclusive facet belongs to a simple type definition without an facet or with an enumeration facet which is not being mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then one of the two following subclauses applies: enumeration If the simple type definition is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from an XSD built-in date or time datatype (xsd:date, xsd:dateTime, xsd:duration, xsd:gDay, xsd:gMonth, xsd:gYear, xsd:gYearMonth, xsd:gMonthDay, or xsd:time), then the maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, and minInclusive facets of the simple type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 user-defined constraint (see 12.5.4). Otherwise, the maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive and minInclusive facets of the shall be mapped to an ASN.1 value range or single value constraint in accordance with Table 4. simple type definition Table 4 – ASN.1 constraints corresponding to the maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, and minInclusive facets XSD facet ASN.1 constraint maxInclusive=ub (MIN .. ub) maxExclusive=ub (MIN .. < ub) minExclusive=lb (lb <.. MAX) minInclusive=lb (lb .. MAX) minInclusive=ub maxInclusive=lb (lb .. ub) minInclusive=v maxInclusive=v (v) minInclusive=ub maxExclusive=lb (lb ..< ub) minExclusive=ub maxInclusive=lb (lb <.. ub) minExclusive=ub maxExclusive=lb (lb <..< ub) 12.5.3 If a totalDigits or fractionDigits facet belongs to a simple type definition without an enumeration facet or with an enumeration facet which is not mapped to an ASN.1 "Enumeration" (see 12.4.1 and 12.4.2), then the totalDigits and fractionDigits facets of the simple type definition shall be mapped to a user-defined constraint (see 12.5.4). 12.5.4 When a facet is mapped to an ASN.1 user-defined constraint, it is recommended that the facet and its value appear in an ASN.1 comment in the user-defined constraint. The precise form of the user-defined constraint is not specified. 13 Mapping simple type definitions 13.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment or ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a simple type definition. 13.2 This clause specifies the mapping of simple type definitions that are not XSD built-in datatypes. The set of XSD built-in datatypes are mapped to the predefined ASN.1 module specified in Annex A (the XSD module), which shall be included in the ASN.1 specifications generated by the mapping. 13.3 A user-defined top-level simple type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type assignment. The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the simple type definition and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 13.5 to 13.10. 13.4 An anonymous simple type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 13.5 to 13.10. 13.5 For a simple type definition with a variety of atomic with an enumeration facet that is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from xsd:string, the ASN.1 type definition shall be an ASN.1 enumerated type whose "Enumeration" shall be generated as specified in 12.4.1. 14 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 13.6 For a simple type definition with a variety of atomic with an enumeration facet that is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from xsd:integer, the ASN.1 type definition shall be an ASN.1 enumerated type whose "Enumeration" shall be generated as specified in 12.4.2. A final USE-NUMBER encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 enumerated type. 13.7 For any other simple type definition (D, say) with any variety that is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from a user-defined top-level simple type definition, the ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying clause 23 to the user-defined top-level simple type definition (B, say) such that: a) D is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from B; and b) either B is the base type definition simple type definitions. of D, or all intermediate derivation steps from B to D are anonymous Then, for each of the facets of D (if any), an ASN.1 constraint generated by applying clause 12 to the facet shall be added to the ASN.1 type definition. 13.8 For any other simple type definition (D, say) with a variety of atomic, the ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying clause 23 to the XSD built-in datatype (B, say) such that: a) D is derived by restriction (directly or indirectly) from B; and b) either B is the base type definition simple type definitions. of D, or all intermediate derivation steps from B to D are anonymous Then, for each of the facets of D, an ASN.1 constraint generated by applying clause 12 to the facet shall be added to the ASN.1 type definition. 13.9 For any other simple type definition (D, say) with a variety of list, the three following subclauses apply. 13.9.1 The ASN.1 type definition shall be an ASN.1 sequence-of type whose component shall be a "Type" generated by applying clause 23 to the item type definition. 13.9.2 For each of the facets of D, an ASN.1 constraint generated by applying clause 12 to the facet shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence-of type. 13.9.3 A final LIST encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence-of type. EXAMPLE – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definition that is a list of xsd:float: <xsd:simpleType name="list-of-float"> <xsd:list itemType="xsd:float"/> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: List-of-float ::= [LIST] [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE OF XSD.Float 13.10 For any other simple type definition (D, say) with a variety of union, the five following subclauses apply. 13.10.1 The ASN.1 type definition shall be an ASN.1 choice type with one alternative for each member of the member type definitions. 13.10.2 For each member of the member type definitions, the "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the corresponding alternative shall be generated by applying 10.3 either to the name of the member (if the member is an XSD built-in datatype or a user-defined top-level simple type definition) or to the character string "alt" (if the member is an anonymous simple type definition), and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the member of the member type definitions. 13.10.3 For each member of the member type definitions that is an anonymous simple type definition, the corresponding "NamedType" shall have a final NAME AS "" encoding instruction. 13.10.4 For each of the facets of D, an ASN.1 constraint generated by applying clause 12 to the facet shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type. 13.10.5 A final USE-UNION encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 choice type. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 15 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) EXAMPLE – The following represents a user-defined top-level simple type definitions: simple type definition that is a union of two anonymous <xsd:simpleType name="decimalOrBinary"> <xsd:union> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"/> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float"/> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:union> </xsd:simpleType> It is mapped to the ASN.1 type assignment: DecimalOrBinary ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [USE-UNION] CHOICE { alt [NAME AS ""] XSD.Decimal, alt-1 [NAME AS ""] XSD.Float } 14 Mapping element declarations 14.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment or ASN.1 type definition corresponding to an element declaration. NOTE – The presence of a value constraint on an element declaration normally affects the mapping. However, 8.10 implies that an element declaration that has a value constraint and whose type definition is xsd:QName or xsd:NOTATION or a restriction of these XSD built-in datatypes is mapped as if it had no value constraint. 14.2 A top-level element declaration that is abstract shall be ignored. 14.3 A top-level element declaration that is not abstract shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type assignment. The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the element declaration and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 14.5. 14.4 A local element declaration shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 14.5. 14.5 One of the two following subclauses (14.5.1 and 14.5.2) applies. 14.5.1 If the type definition of the element declaration is an anonymous simple type definition or complex type definition or an XSD built-in datatype (A, say), then one of the two following subclauses applies. If the clause 23 to A. element declaration is not nillable, then the ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying If the element declaration is nillable, then the ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying either clause 26 (if A is a simple type definition) or clause 27 (if A is a complex type definition) to A. 14.5.2 If the type definition of the element declaration is a user-defined top-level say), then one of the four following subclauses applies. simple type definition or complex type definition (T, If the element declaration is not nillable and does not have a substitutable ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying clause 23 to T. type definition (see 14.6), then the If the element declaration is nillable and does not have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), then the ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying either clause 26 (if T is a simple type definition) or clause 27 (if T is a complex type definition) to T. If the element declaration is not nillable and has a substitutable definition shall be generated by applying clause 24 to T. If the element declaration is nillable and has a substitutable definition shall be generated by applying clause 25 to T. type definition type definition (see 14.6), then the ASN.1 type (see 14.6), then the ASN.1 type 14.6 The phrase "has a substitutable type definition", applied to an element declaration, means that the type definition of the element declaration is a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that occurs as the base type definition of another top-level simple type definition or complex type definition. 16 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 15 Mapping attribute declarations 15.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment or ASN.1 type definition corresponding to an attribute declaration. 15.2 A top-level attribute declaration shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type assignment. The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the attribute declaration, and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 15.4. A final ATTRIBUTE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type assignment. 15.3 A local attribute declaration shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 15.4. 15.4 The ASN.1 type definition shall be generated by applying clause 23 to the type definition of the attribute declaration. 16 Mapping values of simple type definitions 16.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 "Value" corresponding to a value in the value space of a simple type definition. 16.2 Given a value V in the value space of a simple type definition, and: a) the ASN.1 type definition mapped from this simple type definition; and b) the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of V, V shall be mapped to an ASN.1 basic value notation for the abstract value of the ASN.1 type definition for which, in EXTENDED-XER, the canonical lexical representation is a valid "ExtendedXMLValue" encoding. 17 Mapping model group definitions 17.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment corresponding to a model group definition. 17.2 A model group definition whose model group has a compositor of sequence or choice shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type assignment. The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the model group definition and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying clause 18 to the model group of the model group definition. NOTE – Model group definitions whose model group has a compositor of all are not mapped to ASN.1. 18 Mapping model groups 18.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a model group. NOTE – This clause is not invoked for every model group. For example, a ASN.1, but its particles are mapped as specified in 20.9. model group with a compositor of all is not mapped to 18.2 A model group with a compositor of sequence shall be mapped to an ASN.1 sequence type. For each particle in the model group in order, a "NamedType" shall be generated by applying clause 19 to the particle, and that "NamedType" shall be added to the sequence type as one of its components. A final UNTAGGED encoding instruction shall be assigned to the sequence type. 18.3 A model group with a compositor of choice shall be mapped to an ASN.1 choice type. For each particle in the in order, a "NamedType" shall be generated by applying clause 19 to the particle, and that "NamedType" shall be added to the choice type as one of its alternatives. A final UNTAGGED encoding instruction shall be assigned to the choice type. model group 19 Mapping particles 19.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 "NamedType" corresponding to a particle. NOTE – This clause is not invoked for all particles. For example, the (topmost) particle of the content type of a mapped in a special way if its term is a model group with a compositor of sequence or all (see 20.8). complex type definition is ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 17 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 19.2 The three following subclauses define terms that are used in the remainder of this clause 19. 19.2.1 If both min occurs and max occurs of a particle are one, the particle is called a "mandatory presence particle". 19.2.2 If min occurs is zero and max occurs is one, then: 19.2.3 a) if the mapping of the particle is to generate a component of an ASN.1 sequence type, the particle is called an "optional presence particle"; b) otherwise, the particle is called an "optional single-occurrence particle". If max occurs is two or more, the particle is called a "multiple-occurrence particle". 19.3 A "mandatory presence particle" or "optional presence particle" shall be mapped to a "NamedType" as specified in the two following subclauses. 19.3.1 The "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string specified in 19.5 and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 19.6 to the term of the particle. 19.3.2 If the keyword. particle is an "optional presence particle", the "NamedType" shall be followed by the OPTIONAL 19.4 An "optional single-occurrence particle" or a "multiple-occurrence particle" shall be mapped to a "NamedType" as specified in the six following subclauses. 19.4.1 The "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string obtained by appending the suffix "-list" to the character string specified in 19.5. The "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be a sequence-of type. 19.4.2 If the particle is an "optional single-occurrence particle" or "multiple-occurrence particle", a size constraint shall be added to the sequence-of type in accordance with Table 5. Table 5 – ASN.1 size constraint corresponding to min occurs and max occurs min occurs min occurs = and max occurs ASN.1 size constraint n max occurs = n n≥2 SIZE (n) min occurs = min max occurs = max max > min and max ≥ 2 SIZE (min .. max) min occurs = 0 max occurs = 1 min occurs = min SIZE (0 .. 1) max occurs = unbounded SIZE (min .. MAX) min ≥ 1 min occurs = 0 max occurs = unbounded no size constraint 19.4.3 If the term of the particle is an element declaration, then the component of the sequence-of type shall be a "NamedType". The "identifier" in this "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the element declaration and the "Type" in this "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 19.6 to the term of the particle. 19.4.4 If the term of the particle is a wildcard, then the component of the sequence-of type shall be a "NamedType". The "identifier" in this "NamedType" shall be elem and the "Type" in this "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 19.6 to the term of the particle. 19.4.5 If the term of the particle is a model group, then the component of the sequence-of type shall be a "Type" and shall be generated by applying 19.6 to the term of the particle. 19.4.6 A final UNTAGGED encoding instruction shall be assigned to the sequence-of type. 19.5 The character string used in the generation of the "identifier" in the "NamedType" corresponding to the be: particle shall 18 a) if the particle is the content type of a complex type definition, the character string "content"; b) if the term of the particle is an element declaration, the name of the element declaration; c) if the d) if the term definition; of the particle is the model group term of the particle is a model group definition, the character string "sequence"; ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) of a with a model group definition, compositor of the sequence of the model group unrelated to a model group name ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) e) if the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of choice unrelated to a model group definition, the character string "choice"; f) if the term of the particle is a wildcard, the character string "elem". 19.6 The "Type" in the "NamedType" corresponding to the particle (see 19.3) or the "Type" in the "NamedType" in the "SequenceOfType" corresponding to the particle (see 19.4) shall be: 20 a) if the term of the particle is a top-level element declaration which is not the head of an element substitution group, the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 14 to the element declaration; b) if the term of the particle is a top-level element declaration which is the head of an element substitution group, the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 31 to the element declaration; c) if the term of the particle is a local element clause 14 to the element declaration; d) if the term of the particle is the model group of a model group definition, the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 17 to the model group definition; e) if the term of the particle is a model group unrelated to a model group definition, the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 18 to the model group; f) if the term wildcard. of the particle is a wildcard, declaration, the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 21 to the Mapping complex type definitions 20.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment or ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a complex type definition. 20.2 A top-level complex type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type assignment. The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the complex type definition and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 20.4 to 20.11. 20.3 20.11. An anonymous complex type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 type definition as specified in 20.4 to 20.4 The ASN.1 type definition shall be an ASN.1 sequence type. Zero or more components shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified by the following subclauses, in the specified order. 20.5 If the content type of the complex type definition is a mixed content model, then a component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of this component shall be embed-values and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be a sequence-of type whose component shall be a "Type" generated by applying clause 23 to the XSD built-in datatype xsd:string. A final EMBED-VALUES encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. 20.6 If the content type of the complex type definition is a particle whose term is a model group with a compositor of all, then a component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be order and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be a sequence-of type whose component shall be an "EnumeratedType". For each particle of the model group (whose term is always an element declaration), an "EnumerationItem" that is an "identifier" identical to the "identifier" in the "NamedType" corresponding to each particle shall be added to the "Enumeration" in order. A final USE-ORDER encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. NOTE – The "identifier"s in the "NamedType"s being mapped from the particles are generated (applying 10.3) as each component is added to the sequence type. Therefore, even though the order component is placed in a position that textually precedes the positions of those components within the ASN.1 sequence type, the generation of the order component can only be completed after all the particles have been mapped to sequence components. 20.7 If the complex type definition has attribute uses, then components generated by applying clause 22 to the attribute uses shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type in an order based on the target namespace and name of the attribute declaration of each attribute use. The attribute uses shall first be ordered by target namespace of the attribute declaration (with the keyword absent preceding all namespace names sorted in ascending lexicographical order) and then by name of the attribute declaration within each target namespace (also in ascending lexicographical order). 20.8 If the complex type definition has an attribute wildcard, then a component generated from the (see 21.3) shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. attribute wildcard ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 19 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 20.9 If the content type of the complex type definition is a particle, then one of the four following subclauses applies. 20.9.1 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of sequence whose min occurs and max occurs are both one, then, for each particle of the model group in order, a component generated by applying clause 19 to the particle in the model group shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. 20.9.2 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of sequence whose min occurs and max occurs are not both one, then a component generated by applying clause 19 to the particle in the content type shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. 20.9.3 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of all, then, for each particle of the model group in order, a component generated by applying clause 19 to the particle of the model group shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. If the particle in the content type of the complex type definition has min occurs zero, each of the particles of the model group with min occurs one shall be mapped as if it had min occurs zero. 20.9.4 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of choice, then a component generated by applying clause 19 to the particle in the content type shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. 20.10 If the content type of the complex type definition is a simple type definition, then a component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string "base" and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the content type. A final UNTAGGED encoding instruction shall be assigned to the component. 20.11 If the content ASN.1 sequence type. 21 type of the complex type definition is empty, then no further components shall be added to the Mapping wildcards 21.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment or ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a simple type definition. 21.2 A wildcard that is the term of a particle shall be mapped to the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the XSD built-in datatype xsd:string. A final ANY-ELEMENT encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type definition. 21.3 A wildcard that is the attribute wildcard of a complex type shall be mapped to a "NamedType". The "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string "attr" and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be a sequence-of type. The component of the sequence-of type shall be a "Type" generated by applying clause 23 to the XSD built-in datatype xsd:string. The following user-defined constraint shall be applied to the sequence-of type: (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) A final ANY-ATTRIBUTES encoding instruction shall be assigned to the sequence-of type. 21.4 If the wildcard has a namespace constraint, this shall be mapped to a "NameSpaceRestriction" in the ANY-ELEMENT or ANY-ATTRIBUTES encoding instruction. 22 Mapping attribute uses 22.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 "NamedType" corresponding to an attribute use. 22.2 An attribute use shall be mapped to a "NamedType". 22.3 The "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the of the attribute use, and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be: name of the attribute declaration 20 a) if the attribute use has a top-level attribute declaration, the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 15 to the attribute declaration; b) if the attribute use has a local attribute clause 15 to the attribute declaration. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) declaration, the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 22.4 If either the attribute use or its attribute declaration has a value constraint, the "NamedType" shall be followed by the keyword DEFAULT and by a "Value" generated by applying clause 16 either to the value in the value constraint of the attribute use (if the attribute use has a value constraint), or to the value in the value constraint of its attribute declaration (otherwise). 22.5 If either the attribute use or its attribute declaration has a value constraint that is a fixed value, then an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" following the DEFAULT keyword shall be added to the "NamedType". 22.6 If the attribute use is not required and neither the attribute use nor its attribute declaration has a the "NamedType" shall be followed by the keyword OPTIONAL. 22.7 A final ATTRIBUTE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the "Type" in the "NamedType". 23 Mapping uses of simple and complex type definitions (general case) value constraint, 23.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a use of a simple type definition or complex type definition. This includes their use as the type definition of element declarations that do not have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), are not nillable, and may or may not have a value constraint. 23.2 A use of a top-level clause 11. simple type definition that is an XSD built-in datatype shall be mapped as specified in 23.3 A use of a user-defined top-level simple type definition shall be mapped to the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 13 to the simple type definition. 23.4 A use of a top-level complex type definition shall be mapped to the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 20 to the complex type definition. 23.5 A use of an anonymous simple type definition is not distinguished from the simple type definition itself, and shall be mapped as specified in clause 13 for the simple type definition. 23.6 A use of an anonymous complex type definition is not distinguished from the shall be mapped as specified in clause 20 for the complex type definition. complex type definition itself, and If a simple type definition or complex type definition is used as the type definition of an element declaration with a value constraint, then a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 type definition, 23.7 and one of the three following subclauses applies. 23.7.1 For a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 23.7.2 For a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULTFOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 23.7.3 For a complex type definition with a mixed content type, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of xsd:string with whiteSpace preserve. If a simple type definition or complex type definition is used as the type definition value constraint that is a fixed value, then one of the three following subclauses applies. 23.8 of an element declaration with a 23.8.1 For a simple type definition, an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be added to the ASN.1 definition. 23.8.2 For a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 definition and shall apply to the base component a single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 21 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 23.8.3 For a complex type definition with a the ASN.1 definition and shall apply: 24 mixed content type, an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to a) to the embed-values component, an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" consisting in a single occurrence of a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction; b) to each component that is OPTIONAL and does not have a final ATTRIBUTE encoding instruction, the keyword ABSENT; and c) to each component whose type is a sequence-of type, a SIZE(0) constraint. Mapping special uses of simple and complex type definitions (substitutable) 24.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a simple type definition or complex type definition used as the type definition of element declarations that have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), are not nillable, and may or may not have a value constraint. 24.2 A use of a simple type definition (STD, say) or complex type definition (CTD, say) shall be mapped to an ASN.1 choice type. 24.3 One alternative shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type for STD or CTD itself and one alternative shall be added for each user-defined top-level simple type definition and complex type definition in the source XSD Schema that is derived by restriction or extension (directly or indirectly) from STD or CTD. 24.4 For each alternative, the "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the simple type definition or complex type definition corresponding to the alternative, and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the simple type definition or complex type definition. 24.5 The first alternative added to the choice type shall be the one corresponding to STD or CTD itself. The subsequent alternatives shall be added to the choice type in an order based on the target namespace and name of the simple type definitions and complex type definitions. Type definitions shall first be ordered by target namespace (with the absent namespace preceding all namespace names sorted in ascending lexicographical order) and then by name (also in ascending lexicographical order) within each target namespace. 24.6 A final USE-TYPE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 choice type. 24.7 If there is a value constraint, then a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be assigned to each alternative of the ASN.1 choice type. One of the three following subclauses applies. 24.7.1 If the alternative corresponds to a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 24.7.2 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 24.7.3 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition with a mixed content type, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of xsd:string with whiteSpace preserve. 24.8 If there is a value constraint that is a fixed value, then an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type. One of the three following subclauses applies. 24.8.1 If the alternative corresponds to a simple type definition, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. 24.8.2 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative another ASN.1 inner subtype constraint that applies to the base component a single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. 22 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 24.8.3 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition with a mixed content type, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative another ASN.1 inner subtype constraint that applies: 25 a) to the embed-values component, an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" consisting in a single occurrence of a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction; b) to each component that is OPTIONAL and does not have a final ATTRIBUTE encoding instruction, the keyword ABSENT; and c) to each component whose type is a sequence-of type, a SIZE(0) constraint. Mapping special uses of simple and complex type definitions (substitutable, nillable) 25.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a simple type definition or complex type definition used as the type definition of element declarations that have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), are nillable, and may or may not have a value constraint. 25.2 A use of a simple type definition (STD, say) or complex type definition (CTD, say) shall be mapped to an ASN.1 choice type. 25.3 One alternative shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type for STD or CTD itself and one alternative shall be added for each user-defined top-level simple type definition and complex type definition in the source XSD Schema that is derived by restriction or extension (directly or indirectly) from STD or CTD. 25.4 For each alternative, the "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the simple type definition or complex type definition corresponding to the alternative, and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 30 to the simple type definition or complex type definition. 25.5 The first alternative added to the choice type shall be the one corresponding to STD or CTD itself. The subsequent alternatives shall be added to the choice type in an order based on the target namespace and name of the simple type definitions and complex type definitions. Type definitions shall first be ordered by target namespace (with the absent namespace preceding all namespace names sorted in ascending lexicographical order) and then by name (also in ascending lexicographical order) within each target namespace. 25.6 A final USE-TYPE encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 choice type. 25.7 If there is a value constraint, then a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be assigned to each alternative of the ASN.1 choice type. One of the three following subclauses applies. 25.7.1 If the alternative corresponds to a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 25.7.2 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 25.7.3 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition with a mixed content type, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of xsd:string with whiteSpace preserve. 25.8 If there is a value constraint that is a fixed value, then an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type. One of the three following subclauses applies. 25.8.1 If the alternative corresponds to a simple type definition, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative (which is an ASN.1 sequence type with a final USE-NIL encoding instruction) another ASN.1 inner subtype constraint which in turn shall apply to the content component the keyword PRESENT and an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. 25.8.2 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative (which is an ASN.1 sequence type with a final USE-NIL encoding instruction) another ASN.1 inner subtype constraint that applies to the content component the keyword PRESENT and an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 23 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 25.8.3 If the alternative corresponds to a complex type definition with a mixed content type, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the alternative (which is an ASN.1 sequence type with a final USE-NIL encoding instruction) another ASN.1 inner subtype constraint that applies: 26 a) to the embed-values component, an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" consisting in a single occurrence of a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction; b) to the content component (which is an ASN.1 sequence type), the keyword PRESENT and another inner subtype constraint that applies the keyword ABSENT to each of its components that is OPTIONAL and a SIZE(0) constraint to each of its components whose type is a sequence-of type; c) to each component that is OPTIONAL and does not have a final ATTRIBUTE encoding instruction, the keyword ABSENT; and d) to each component whose type is a sequence-of type, a SIZE(0) constraint. Mapping special uses of simple type definitions (nillable) 26.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a simple type definition used as the type definition of element declarations that do not have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), are nillable, and may or may not have a value constraint. 26.2 A use of a simple type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 sequence type with one OPTIONAL component. 26.3 The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be content and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the simple type definition. 26.4 A final USE-NIL encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. 26.5 If there is a value constraint, then a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint. 26.6 If there is a value constraint that is a fixed value, then an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The inner subtype constraint shall apply to the content component an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. The inner subtype constraint shall also apply the keyword PRESENT to the content component. 27 Mapping special uses of complex type definitions (nillable) 27.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a complex type definition used as the type definition of element declarations that do not have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6), are nillable, and may or may not have a value constraint. 27.2 A use of a complex type definition shall be mapped to an ASN.1 sequence type. One or more components shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified by the following subclauses, in the specified order. 27.3 If the content type of the complex type definition is a mixed content model, then an embed-values component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified in 20.5. 27.4 If the content type of the complex type definition is a particle whose term is a model group with a compositor of all, then an order component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified in 20.6. 27.5 If the complex type definition has attribute uses, components mapped from the attribute uses shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified in 20.7. 27.6 If the complex type definition has an attribute wildcard, then a component generated from the shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type as specified in 20.8. 27.7 24 attribute wildcard If the content type of the complex type definition is a particle, then one of the two following subclauses applies. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 27.7.1 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of sequence or choice, then an OPTIONAL component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string "content" and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be an ASN.1 sequence type with a single component, which shall be generated by applying clause 19 to the particle in the content type. 27.7.2 If the term of the particle is a model group with a compositor of all, then an OPTIONAL component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string "content" and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be an ASN.1 sequence type. For each particle of the model group in order, a component generated by applying clause 19 to the particle of the model group shall be added to the inner ASN.1 sequence type. If the particle in the content type of the complex type definition has min occurs zero, each of the particles of the model group with min occurs one shall be mapped as if it had min occurs zero. 27.8 If the content type of the complex type definition is a simple type definition, then an OPTIONAL component shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The "identifier" in the "NamedType" of the component shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the character string "content" and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 23 to the content type. 27.9 If the content ASN.1 sequence type. 27.10 type of the complex type definition is empty, then no further components shall be added to the A final USE-NIL encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. 27.11 If there is a value constraint, then a final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be assigned to the ASN.1 sequence type. One of the two following subclauses applies. 27.11.1 If the content type of the complex type definition is a simple type definition, the "Value" in the final DEFAULTFOR-EMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of the simple type definition. 27.11.2 If the content type of the complex type definition is a mixed content type, the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOREMPTY encoding instruction shall be generated by applying clause 16 to the value in the value constraint considered as a value in the value space of xsd:string with whiteSpace preserve. 27.12 If there is a value constraint that is a fixed value, then an ASN.1 inner subtype constraint shall be added to the ASN.1 sequence type. The inner subtype constraint shall apply the keyword PRESENT to the content component. One of the two following subclauses applies. 27.12.1 If the content type of the complex type definition is a simple type definition, the inner subtype constraint shall apply to the content component an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction. 27.12.2 If the content type of the complex type definition is a mixed content type, the inner subtype constraint shall apply: 28 a) to the embed-values component, an ASN.1 single value constraint with a "Value" consisting in a single occurrence of a "Value" identical to the "Value" in the final DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY encoding instruction; b) to each component of the content component (an ASN.1 sequence type) that is OPTIONAL, the keyword ABSENT; c) to each component of the content component (an ASN.1 sequence type) whose type is a sequence-of type, a SIZE(0) constraint. Mapping special uses of element declarations (head of element substitution group) 28.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type definition corresponding to a top-level element declaration that is the head of an element substitution group and is used as the term of particles. 28.2 A use of a top-level element declaration shall be mapped to an ASN.1 choice type. 28.3 One alternative shall be added to the ASN.1 choice type for the top-level element declaration itself (H, say) and one alternative shall be added for each top-level element declaration in the source XSD Schema that is not abstract and whose substitution group affiliation is H. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 25 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) 28.4 For each alternative, the "identifier" in the "NamedType" shall be generated by applying 10.3 to the name of the top-level element declaration corresponding to the alternative, and the "Type" in the "NamedType" shall be the ASN.1 type definition (a "DefinedType") generated by applying 10.2 to the ASN.1 type assignment generated by applying clause 14 to the top-level element declaration. NOTE – In XSD, substitution group membership is transitive, i.e., the members of a substitution group ESG1 whose head is a member of another substitution group ESG2 are all also members of ESG2. 28.5 Alternatives shall be added to the choice type in an order based on the target namespace and name of the toplevel element declarations. The element declarations shall first be ordered by target namespace (with the absent namespace preceding all namespace names sorted in ascending lexicographical order) and then by name (also in ascending lexicographical order) within each target namespace. NOTE – The element declaration that is the head of the element substitution group is ordered together with the other declarations that belong to the element substitution group. 28.6 A final UNTAGGED encoding instruction shall be assigned to the choice type. 29 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for element declarations element 29.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment corresponding to a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition used as the type definition of element declarations that have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6) or are nillable. 29.2 This clause is invoked by other clauses for a given combination of: a) a simple type definition or complex type definition; b) whether the element declarations have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6); c) whether the element declaration is nillable; and d) whether the element declaration has a value constraint and the kind and value of the value constraint; and generates an ASN.1 type assignment (called a "special ASN.1 type assignment (for element declarations)") for a combination of the above items. 29.3 One and only one special ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated for each different combination of the above items that actually occurs in one or more invocations of this clause over the mapping of a source XSD Schema. NOTE – For example, if two or more element declarations in a large XSD Schema have identical type definitions, are both nillable, and both have a value constraint that is a default value and is the same value, then a single special ASN.1 type assignment is generated. The type reference name of this type assignment will occur in the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment"s corresponding to both element declarations. 29.4 The term "associated ASN.1 type assignment" designates the ASN.1 type assignment being mapped from the or complex type definition that is the type definition of the element declaration for which a special ASN.1 type assignment is generated, by applying clause 13 or clause 20, respectively. simple type definition NOTE – Any special ASN.1 type assignment has an associated ASN.1 type assignment, as this clause applies only when the type definition of an element declaration is a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition. All such simple type definitions and complex type definitions are mapped to ASN.1 type assignments. 29.5 For a given element declaration, the "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" for a special ASN.1 type assignment shall be constructed by appending a suffix to the type reference name of the associated ASN.1 type assignment and applying 10.3 to the resulting character string, and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying either clause 24 or clause 25 to the simple type definition or complex type definition that is the type definition of the element declaration. One of the following applies: 26 a) if the element declaration is not nillable, has a substitutable type definition, and constraint, the suffix shall be "-derivations" and clause 24 shall be applied; b) if the element declaration is nillable, has a substitutable type definition, does not have a suffix shall be "-deriv-nillable" and clause 25 shall be applied; c) if the element declaration is not nillable, has a substitutable type definition, and has a value constraint that is a default value, the suffix shall be "-deriv-default-" followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the value in the value constraint, and clause 24 shall be applied; d) if the element declaration is not nillable, has a substitutable type definition, and has a value constraint that is a fixed value, the suffix shall be "-deriv-fixed-" followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the value in the value constraint, and clause 24 shall be applied; ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) does not have a value value constraint, the ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) e) if the element declaration is nillable, and has a substitutable type definition, and has a value constraint that is a default value, the suffix shall be "-deriv-nillable-default-" followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the value in the value constraint, and clause 25 shall be applied; f) if the element declaration is nillable, has a substitutable type definition, and has a value constraint that is a value, the suffix shall be "-deriv-nillable-fixed-" followed by the canonical lexical representation (see W3C XML Schema Part 2, 2.3.1) of the value in the value constraint, and clause 25 shall be applied. fixed 30 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for type definitions 30.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment corresponding to a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type definition that belongs to the derivation hierarchy of the type definition of element declarations that have a substitutable type definition (see 14.6) and are nillable. 30.2 This clause is invoked by other clauses for a given simple type definition or complex type definition and generates an ASN.1 type assignment (called a "special ASN.1 type assignment (for a type definition)"). 30.3 One and only one special ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated for each simple type definition or complex actually occurs in one or more invocations of this clause over the mapping of a source XSD Schema. type definition that 30.4 The term "associated ASN.1 type assignment" designates the ASN.1 type assignment being mapped from the applying clause 13 or clause 20, respectively. simple type definition or complex type definition by 30.5 The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" for a special ASN.1 type assignment shall be constructed by appending the suffix "-nillable" to the type reference name of the associated ASN.1 type assignment and applying 10.3 to the resulting character string, and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying either clause 26 or clause 27 to the simple type definition or complex type definition, respectively. 31 Generating special ASN.1 type assignments for element substitution groups 31.1 This clause applies as explicitly invoked by other clauses of this Recommendation | International Standard to generate an ASN.1 type assignment corresponding to a particle whose term is a top-level element declaration that is the head of an element substitution group. 31.2 This clause is invoked by other clauses for a top-level element declaration that is the head of an element substitution group and generates an ASN.1 type assignment (called a "special ASN.1 type assignment (for an element substitution group)"). 31.3 One and only one special ASN.1 type assignment shall be generated for each top-level element declaration that actually occurs in one or more invocations of this clause over the mapping of a source XSD Schema. 31.4 The term "associated ASN.1 type assignment" designates the ASN.1 type assignment being mapped from the top-level element declaration by applying clause 14. 31.5 The "typereference" in the "TypeAssignment" for a special ASN.1 type assignment shall be constructed by appending the suffix "-group" to the type reference name of the associated ASN.1 type assignment and applying 10.3 to the resulting character string, and the "Type" in the "TypeAssignment" shall be the ASN.1 type definition generated by applying clause 28 to the top-level element declaration. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 27 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Annex A ASN.1 type definitions corresponding to XSD built-in datatypes (This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) A.1 This annex specifies a module that defines the ASN.1 types that correspond to the XSD built-in datatypes and that are used for the mapping from W3C XML Schema to ASN.1. A.2 W3C XML Schema defines many built-in date and time datatypes to represent durations, instants or recurring instants. Although they are all derived from ISO 8601, there are some extensions and restrictions. The XSD built-in date and time datatypes are mapped to VisibleString with a user-defined constraint referencing the applicable XSD clause. A permitted alphabet constraint is added to provide a more efficient encoding with the Packed Encoding Rules (PER), since user-defined constraints are not PER-visible (and hence are not used in optimizing encodings). A.3 The XSD module is: XSD {joint-iso-itu-t asn1(1) specification(0) modules(0) xsd-module(2)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN /* xsd:anySimpleType */ AnySimpleType ::= XMLCompatibleString /* xsd:anyType */ AnyType ::= SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF String, attr SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */ } ) OF String, elem-list SEQUENCE OF elem String (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Shall conform to the "AnyElementFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 19 */ } ) } (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */ } ) /* xsd:anyUri */ AnyURI ::= XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT shall be a valid URI as defined in IETF RFC 2396 */ } ) /* xsd:base64Binary */ Base64Binary ::= OCTET STRING /* xsd:boolean */ Boolean ::= BOOLEAN /* xsd:byte */ Byte ::= INTEGER (-128..127) /* xsd:date */ Date ::= DATE-TIME (DateOnly) /* xsd:dateTime */ DateTime ::= DATE-TIME /* xsd:decimal */ Decimal ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS {..., base(10)}) (ALL EXCEPT(-0 | MINUS-INFINITY | PLUS-INFINITY | NOT-A-NUMBER)) /* xsd:double */ 28 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Double ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa(-9007199254740991..9007199254740991), base(2), exponent(-1075..970)}) /* xsd:duration */ Duration ::= DURATION /* xsd:ENTITIES */ ENTITIES ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF ENTITY /* xsd:ENIITY */ ENTITY ::= NCName /* xsd:float */ Float ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa(-16777215..16777215), base(2), exponent(-149..104)}) /* xsd:gDay */ GDay ::= DATE-TIME (Day) /* xsd:gMonth */ GMonth ::= DATE-TIME (Month) /* xsd:gMonthDay */ GMonthDay ::= DATE-TIME (MonthDay) /* xsd:gYear */ GYear ::= DATE-TIME (Year) /* xsd:gYearMonth */ GYearMonth ::= DATE-TIME (YearMonth) /* xsd:hexBinary */ HexBinary ::= OCTET STRING /* xsd:ID */ ID ::= NCName /* xsd:IDREF */ IDREF ::= NCName /* xsd:IDREFS */ IDREFS ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF IDREF /* xsd:int */ Int ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) /* xsd:integer */ Integer ::= INTEGER /* xsd:language */ Language ::= VisibleString (FROM ("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "-" | "0".."9")) (PATTERN "[a-zA-Z]#(1,8)(-[a-zA-Z0-9]#(1,8))*") /* The semantics of Language is specified in IETF RFC 3066 */ /* xsd:long */ Long ::= INTEGER (-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807) /* xsd:name */ ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 29 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Name ::= Token (XMLStringWithNoWhitespace) (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The Token shall be a Name as defined in W3C XML 1.0, 2.3 */ } ) /* xsd:NCName */ NCName ::= Name (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The Name shall be an NCName as defined in W3C XML Namespaces, 2 */ } ) /* xsd:negativeInteger */ NegativeInteger ::= INTEGER (MIN..-1) /* xsd:NMTOKEN */ NMTOKEN ::= Token (XMLStringWithNoWhitespace) (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The Token shall be an NMTOKEN as defined in W3C XML 1.0, 2.3 */ } ) /* xsd:NMTOKENS */ NMTOKENS ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF NMTOKEN /* xsd:nonNegativeInteger */ NonNegativeInteger ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) /* xsd:nonPositiveInteger */ NonPositiveInteger ::= INTEGER (MIN..0) /* xsd:normalizedString */ NormalizedString ::= String (XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT) (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The String shall be a normalizedString as defined in W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.3.1 */}) /* xsd:NOTATION */ NOTATION ::= QName /* xsd:positiveInteger */ PositiveInteger ::= INTEGER (1..MAX) /* xsd:QName */ QName ::= SEQUENCE { uri AnyURI OPTIONAL, name NCName } /* xsd:short */ Short ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767) /* xsd:string */ String ::= XMLCompatibleString /* xsd:time */ Time ::= DATE-TIME (TimeOnly) /* xsd:token */ Token ::= NormalizedString (CONSTRAINED BY { /* The NormalizedString shall be a token as defined in W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.3.2 */}) /* xsd:unsignedByte */ UnsignedByte ::= INTEGER (0..255) /* xsd:unsignedInt */ UnsignedInt ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) /* xsd:unsignedLong */ UnsignedLong ::= 30 INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) /* xsd:unsignedShort */ UnsignedShort ::= INTEGER (0..65535) /* ASN.1 type definitions supporting the mapping of W3C XML Schema built-in datatypes */ XMLCompatibleString ::= UTF8String (FROM( {0, 0, 0, 9} | {0, 0, 0, 10} | {0, 0, 0, 13} | {0, 0, 0, 32} .. {0, 0, 215, 255} | {0, 0, 224, 0} .. {0, 0, 255, 253} | {0, 1, 0, 0} .. {0, 16, 255, 253})) XMLStringWithNoWhitespace ::= UTF8String (FROM( {0, 0, 0, 33} .. {0, 0, 215, 255} | {0, 0, 224, 0} .. {0, 0, 255, 253} | {0, 1, 0, 0} .. {0, 16, 255, 253})) XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT ::= UTF8String (FROM( {0, 0, 0, 32} .. {0, 0, 215, 255} | {0, 0, 224, 0} .. {0, 0, 255, 253} | {0, 1, 0, 0} .. {0, 16, 255, 253})) /* ASN.1 type definitions supporting the mapping of W3C XML Schema built-in date and time datatypes */ DURATION ::= VisibleString (FROM ("0".."9" | "DHMPSTY:.+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.6 */}) DATE-TIME ::= VisibleString (FROM ("0".."9" | "TZ:.+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.7 */}) DateOnly ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.9 */}) Day ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.13 */}) Month ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.14 */}) MonthDay ::= DATE-TIME(FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.12 */}) Year ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.11 */}) YearMonth ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.10 */}) TimeOnly ::= DATE-TIME (FROM ("0".."9" | "Z:.+-")) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* W3C XML Schema Part 2, 3.2.8 */}) ENCODING-CONTROL XER GLOBAL-DEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS GLOBAL-DEFAULTS CONTROL-NAMESPACE "" PREFIX "xsi" NAMESPACE ALL, ALL IN ALL AS "" PREFIX "xsd" USE-QNAME QName BASE64 Base64Binary DECIMAL Decimal LIST ENTITIES, IDREFS, NMTOKENS EMBED-VALUES AnyType ANY-ATTRIBUTES AnyType.any-attributes ANY-ELEMENT AnyType.any-elements.* UNTAGGED AnyType.any-elements NAME AnySimpleType, AnyURI, Base64Binary, Boolean, Byte, Date, DateTime, Decimal, Double, Duration, ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 31 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Float, GDay, GMonth, GMonthDay, GYear, GYearMonth, HexBinary, Int, Integer, Language, Long, NegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, NonPositiveInteger, NormalizedString, PositiveInteger, Short, String, Time, Token, UnsignedByte, UnsignedInt, UnsignedLong, UnsignedShort AS UNCAPITALIZED WHITESPACE AnyURI, Language, Token, DURATION, DATE-TIME COLLAPSE WHITESPACE NormalizedString REPLACE END 32 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Annex B Assignment of object identifier values (This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) The following object identifier and object descriptor value is assigned in this Recommendation | International Standard: For the module defining ASN.1 types corresponding to the XSD built-in datatypes: { joint-iso-itu-t asn1(1) specification(0) modules(0) xsd-module(2) } "ASN.1 XSD Module" ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 33 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Annex C Examples of mappings (This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) This annex illustrates the mapping specified in this Recommendation | International Standard by giving an ASN.1 module corresponding to an XSD Schema. C.1 A Schema using simple type definitions The following Schema contains examples of XSD built-in datatypes (xsd:string, xsd:date), other simple type definitions and complex type definitions. xsd:decimal, xsd:integer, xsd:int, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" elementFormDefault="unqualified"> <xsd:element name="EXAMPLES"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="personnelRecord"/> <xsd:element name="decimal" type="xsd:decimal"/> <xsd:element name="daysOfTheWeek" type="ListOfDays"/> <xsd:element ref="namesOfMemberNations"/> <xsd:element ref="fileIdentifier" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="personnelRecord"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="name" type="name"/> <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="decimal" type="xsd:integer"/> <xsd:element name="dateOfHire" type="xsd:date"/> <xsd:element ref="nameOfSpouse"/> <xsd:element ref="children"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="nameOfSpouse" type="name"/> <xsd:complexType name="name"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="givenName" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="initial" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="familyName" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="children"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="ChildInformation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ChildInformation"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="name" type="name"/> <xsd:element name="dateOfBirth" type="xsd:date"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:simpleType name="ListOfDays"> <xsd:list itemType="Day"/> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Day"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="monday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="tuesday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="wednesday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="thursday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="friday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="saturday"/> <xsd:enumeration value="sunday"/> </xsd:restriction> 34 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name="namesOfMemberNations"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:list itemType="xsd:string"/> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="fileIdentifier"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="serialNumber" type="xsd:int"/> <xsd:element name="relativeName" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element ref="unidentified"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="unidentified"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType"/> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> C.2 The corresponding ASN.1 definitions The following is the corresponding ASN.1 specification and validates the same XML documents as the XSD Schema: EXAMPLES{joint-iso-itu-t asn1(1) examples(999) xml-defined-types(3)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS XER INSTRUCTIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS String, Decimal, Int, Date, AnyType FROM XSD {joint-iso-itu-t asn1(1) specification(0) modules(0) xsd-module(1)}; EXAMPLES ::= SEQUENCE { personnelRecord PersonnelRecord, number Decimal, daysOfTheWeek ListOfDays, namesOfMemberNations NamesOfMemberNations, fileIdentifier-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF fileidentifier FileIdentifier } PersonnelRecord ::= name title number dateOfHire nameOfSpouse children [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { Name, XSD.String, INTEGER, Date, NameOfSpouse, Children } NameOfSpouse ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] Name Name ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { givenName XSD.String, initial XSD.String, familyName XSD.String } Children ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { childInformation-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF ChildInformation } ChildInformation ::= name dateOfBirth SEQUENCE { Name, Date } ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 35 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) ListOfDays ::= Day ::= [LIST] SEQUENCE OF Day ENUMERATED {monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday} NamesOfMemberNations ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [LIST] SEQUENCE OF XSD.String FileIdentifier ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { serialNumber Int, relativeName XSD.String, unidentified UNIDENTIFIED } } UNIDENTIFIED ::= [NAME AS LOWERCASED] XSD.AnyType ENCODING-CONTROL XER GLOBAL-DEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS END C.3 Further examples In this subclause, all the partial examples (the examples that do not contain the schema element) assume that the XML elements representing the XSD syntax are in the scope of a default namespace declaration whose namespace name is the target namespace of the schema. C.3.1 Schema documents with import and include element information items The following XSD Schema is composed of two namespaces that are composed from four schema files: <!-- file "" --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xyz="" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:element name="xyz-elem" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:complexType name="Xyz-type"> <xsd:attribute name="xyz-attr" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> <!-- file "" --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:abc="" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:include schemaLocation=""/> <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/> <xsd:redefine schemaLocation=""> <xsd:attribute name="sub2-attr" type="xsd:token"/> </xsd:redefine> <xsd:element name="abc-elem" type="Xyz-type"/> </xsd:schema> <!-- file "" --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:abc="" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:element name="sub1-elem" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:schema> <!-- file "" --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""> <xsd:element name="sub2-elem " type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="sub2-attr" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:schema> 36 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Those four schema documents are mapped to the two following ASN.1 modules: XYZ -- The module reference is not standardized DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN Xyz-elem ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String Xyz-type ::= SEQUENCE { xyz-attr [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } ENCODING-CONTROL XER GLOBAL-DEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS GLOBAL-DEFAULTS CONTROL-NAMESPACE "" END ABC -- The module reference is not standardized DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Xyz-type FROM XYZ Token, String FROM XSD; Abc-elem ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] Xyz-type Sub1-elem ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String Sub2-elem ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String Sub2-attr ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Token ENCODING-CONTROL XER GLOBAL-DEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS GLOBAL-DEFAULTS CONTROL-NAMESPACE "" END C.3.2 Mapping simple type definitions C.3.2.1 simple type definition derived by restriction For a complete set of examples of simple type restrictions, see the examples of facets in C.3.3. C.3.2.2 simple type definition derived by list <xsd:simpleType name="Int-list"> <xsd:list itemType="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Int-10-to-100-list"> <xsd:list> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minInclusive value="10"/> <xsd:minInclusive value="100"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:list </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Int-list ::= [LIST] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER Int-10-to-100-list ::= [LIST] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER (10..100) C.3.2.3 simple type definition derived by union <xsd:simpleType name="Int-or-boolean"> <xsd:union itemType="xsd:integer xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Time-or-int-or-boolean--or-dateRestriction"> <xsd:union itemType=" xsd:time Int-or-boolean"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:date"> <xsd:minInclusive value="2003-01-01"/> ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 37 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:union> </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Int-or-boolean ::= [USE-UNION] CHOICE { integer [NAMESPACE ""] INTEGER, boolean [NAMESPACE ""] BOOLEAN } Time-or-int-or-boolean-or-dateRestriction ::= [USE-UNION] CHOICE { time [NAMESPACE ""] XSD.Time, integer [NAMESPACE ""] INTEGER, boolean [NAMESPACE ""] BOOLEAN, alt [NAME AS ""] XSD.Date (CONSTRAINED BY { /* minInclusive="2003-01-01" */ }) } C.3.2.4 Mapping type derivation hierarchies for simple type definitions <xsd:simpleType name="Int-10-to-50"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minExclusive value="10"/> <xsd:maxExclusive value="50"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Ten-multiples"> <xsd:restriction base="Int-10-to-50"> <xsd:enumeration value="20"/> <xsd:enumeration value="30"/> <xsd:enumeration value="40"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Twenty-multiples"> <xsd:restriction base="Ten-multiples"> <xsd:pattern value=".*[02468]0|0"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:complexType name="Stock-level"> <xsd:extension base="Int-10-to-50"> <xsd:attribute name="procurement" type="Int-10-to-50"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Int-10-to-50 ::= INTEGER (10<..<50) Ten-multiples ::= ENUMERATED {int20(20), int30(30), int40(40)} Twenty-multiples ::= ENUMERATED {int20(20), int40(40)} Stock-level ::= SEQUENCE { procurement [ATTRIBUTE] Int-10-to-50 OPTIONAL, base Int-10-to-50-derivations } Ten-multiples-derivations ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { ten-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Ten-multiples, twenty-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Twenty-multiples } Int-10-to-50-derivations ::= int-10-to-50 [NAME ten-multiples [NAME twenty-multiples [NAME stock-level [NAME C.3.3 Mapping facets C.3.3.1 length, minLength, [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { AS CAPITALIZED] Int-10-to-50, AS CAPITALIZED] Ten-multiples, AS CAPITALIZED] Twenty-multiples, AS CAPITALIZED] Stock-level } and maxLength <xsd:simpleType name="String-10"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:length value="10"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> 38 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) <xsd:simpleType name="String-5-to-10"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:minLength value="5"/> <xsd:maxLength value="10"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> These two simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: String-10 ::= XSD.String (SIZE(10)) String-5-to-10 ::= XSD.String (SIZE(5..10)) C.3.3.2 pattern <xsd:simpleType name="My-filename"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:pattern value="[&#00;-&#FF;]*"/> <xsd:pattern value="/?([^/]*/)*[^/]*/*" /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> This simple type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: My-filename ::= XSD.String (CONSTRAINED BY {/* XML representation of the XSD pattern "&#00;-&#FF;" | "/?([^/]*&#x2F;)*[^/]*&#x2F;*" */}) C.3.3.3 whiteSpace <xsd:simpleType name="My-String"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:whitespace value="preserve"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="My-NormalizedString"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:whitespace value="replace"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="My-TokenString"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:whitespace value="collapse"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: My-String ::= XSD.String My-NormalizedString ::= [WHITESPACE REPLACE] XSD.String (FROM ({0, 0, 0, 32} .. {0, 16, 255, 255})) My-TokenString ::= [WHITESPACE REPLACE] XSD.String (FROM ({0, 0, 0, 32} .. {0, 16, 255, 255})) (PATTERN "([^ ]([^ ]| [^ ])*)?") C.3.3.4 minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, and maxExclusive <xsd:simpleType name="Int-10-to-100"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minExclusive value="10"/> <xsd:maxInclusive value="100"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="Pi-approximation"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:double"> <xsd:minExclusive value="3.14159"/> <xsd:maxExclusive value="3.1416"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 39 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) <xsd:simpleType name="Morning"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:time"> <xsd:minInclusive value="00:00:00"/> <xsd:maxExclusive value="12:00:00"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Int-10-to-100 ::= INTEGER (10<..100) Pi-approximation ::= XSD.Double (3.14159<..<3.1416) Morning ::= XSD.Time (CONSTRAINED BY {/* minInclusive="00:00:00" maxExclusive="12:00:00" */ }) C.3.3.5 totalDigits and fractionDigits <xsd:simpleType name="RefundableExpenses"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"> <xsd:totalDigits="5"/> <xsd:fractionDigits value="2"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> This simple type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: RefundableExpenses ::= XSD.Decimal (CONSTRAINED BY {/* totalDigits="5" fractionDigits="2" */ }) C.3.3.6 enumeration <xsd:simpleType name="FarmAnimals"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:normalizedString"> <xsd:enumeration value="Horse"/> <xsd:enumeration value="Bull"/> <xsd:enumeration value="Cow"/> <xsd:enumeration value="Pig"/> <xsd:enumeration value="Duck"/> <xsd:enumeration value="Goose"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="PrimeNumbersBelow30"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:enumeration value="2"/> <xsd:enumeration value="3"/> <xsd:enumeration value="5"/> <xsd:enumeration value="7"/> <xsd:enumeration value="11"/> <xsd:enumeration value="13"/> <xsd:enumeration value="17"/> <xsd:enumeration value="19"/> <xsd:enumeration value="23"/> <xsd:enumeration value="29"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="X680-release"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gYearMonth"> <xsd:enumeration value="2002-07"/> <xsd:enumeration value="1997-12"/> <xsd:enumeration value="1994-07"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: FarmAnimals ::= ENUMERATED {horse, bull, cow, pig, duck, goose} PrimeNumbersBelow30 ::= [USE-NUMBER] ENUMERATED {int2(2), int3(3), int5(5), int7(7), int11(11), int13(13), int17(17), int19(19), int23(23), int29(29)} X680-release ::= XSD.GYearMonth ("2002-07" | "1997-12" | "1994-07") 40 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) The following encoding instruction is included in the XER encoding control section: TEXT FarmAnimals:ALL AS CAPITALIZED C.3.3.7 enumeration in conjunction with other facets The following examples are based on the inheritance of facets using the restriction of some of the types defined in C.3.3.6. <xsd:simpleType name="FarmAnimals-subset"> <xsd:restriction base="FarmAnimals"> <xsd:minLength value="4"/> <xsd:pattern value="[^oe]*"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="PrimeNumbersBelow30-subset"> <xsd:restriction base="PrimeNumbersBelow30"> <xsd:minExclusive value="5"/> <xsd:pattern value=".*[23].*"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> These simple type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: /* Horse and Goose do not satisfy the pattern facet Cow and Pig do not satisfy the minLength facet */ FarmAnimals-subset ::= ENUMERATED {bull, duck} /* 2, 3 and 5 do not satisfy the minExclusive facet 2, 5, 7, 11, 17 and 19 do not satisfy the pattern facet */ PrimeNumbersBelow30-subset ::= [USE-NUMBER] ENUMERATED {int13(13), int23(23), int29(29)} The following encoding instruction is included in the XER encoding control section: TEXT FarmAnimals-subset:ALL AS CAPITALIZED C.3.4 Mapping element declarations C.3.4.1 element declarations definition whose type definition is a user-defined top-level simple type definition or complex type <xsd:element name="Forename" type="xsd:token"/> <xsd:element name="File" type="My-filename"/> <xsd:element name="Value" type="Int-10-to-50"/> These element declarations are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Forename ::= XSD.Token File ::= My-filename Value ::= Int-10-to-50-derivations NOTE – The type "My-filename" and its mapping to ASN.1 is defined in C.3.3.2; the type "Int-10-to-50" and its mapping to ASN.1 is defined in C.3.2.4. C.3.4.2 element declarations whose type definition is an anonymous simple type definition or complex type definition <xsd:element name="maxOccurs"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> <xsd:enumeration name="unbounded"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:union> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="address"> <xsd:complexType> ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 41 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="line-1" type="xsd:token"/> <xsd:element name="line-2" type="xsd:token"/> <xsd:element name="city" type="xsd:token"/> <xsd:element name="state" type="xsd:token" minOccurs="0"/> <xsd:element name="zip" type="xsd:token"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="country" type="xsd:token"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> These element declarations are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MaxOccurs ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [USE-UNION] CHOICE { nonNegativeInteger [NAMESPACE AS ""] XSD.NonNegativeInteger, alt [NAME AS ""] ENUMERATED {unbounded} } Address ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { Country [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Token OPTIONAL, line-1 XSD.Token, line-2 XSD.Token, city XSD.Token, state XSD.Token OPTIONAL, zip XSD.Token } C.3.4.3 element declarations which are the head of an element substitution group <xsd:element name="Tic" type="xsd:integer" abstract="true"/> <xsd:element name="Tac" type="xsd:byte" substitutionGroup="Tic"/> <xsd:element name="Toe" substitutionGroup="Tic"/> <xsd:element name="Foo" type="xsd:date"/> <xsd:element name="Bar" substitutionGroup="Foo"/> These element declarations are mapped to: Tac ::= INTEGER (-128..127) Toe ::= INTEGER Tic-group ::= [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { tac [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Tac, toe [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Toe } Foo ::= XSD.Date Bar ::= XSD.Date Foo-group ::= [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { foo [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Foo, bar [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Bar } C.3.4.4 element declarations with a value constraint that is a default value C. The following is an any type. element declaration with an anonymous simple type definition, not used as the base type definition of <xsd:element name="Telephone" type="xsd:token" default="undefined"/> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Telephone ::= [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "undefined"] XSD.Token C. The following is an element declaration with an anonymous used as the base type definition of any type. complex type definition <xsd:element name="InternationalTelephone" default="undefined"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="xsd:token"> <xsd:attribute name="country-code" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:element> 42 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) with simple content, not ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: InternationalTelephone ::= [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "undefined"] SEQUENCE { country-code [ATTRIBUTE] INTEGER OPTIONAL, base [UNTAGGED] XSD.Token } C. The following is an element declaration with an anonymous complex type definition. The complex type definition has complex content that is mixed and emptiable, and is not used as the base type definition of any type. <xsd:element name="Description" default="absent" mixed="true"> <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:element name="bold" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="italic" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:element> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Description ::= [EMBED-VALUES] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "absent"] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, choice-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { bold XSD.String, italic XSD.String } } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) C. The another type. type definition of the element declaration in the following example is used as the base type definition of This example uses the XSD and ASN.1 types of the example in C.3.2.4. <xsd:element name="Quantity" type="Int-10-to-50" default="20"/> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Quantity ::= Int-10-to-50-deriv-default-20 If no ASN.1 type corresponding to Int-10-to-50, with a default value of "20" has already been generated, the following type is also generated: Int-10-to-50-deriv-default-20 ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { int-10-to-50 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Int-10-to-50, ten-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Ten-multiples, twenty-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Twenty-multiples, stock-level [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Stock-level } C.3.4.5 element declaration with 20] int20] int20] 20] a value constraint that is a fixed value C. The following is an element declaration with an anonymous simple type definition, which is not used as the base type definition of any type. <xsd:element name="UnknownTelephone" type="xsd:token" fixed="undefined"/> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: UnknownTelephone ::= [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "undefined"] XSD.Token ("undefined") C. The following is an element declaration with an anonymous complex type definition. The complex type definition has simple content and is not used as the base type definition of any type. <xsd:element name="UnknownInternationalTelephone" fixed="undefined"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="xsd:token"> <xsd:attribute name="country-code" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:element> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: UnknownInternationalTelephone ::= [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "undefined"] SEQUENCE { country-code [ATTRIBUTE] INTEGER OPTIONAL, base [UNTAGGED] XSD.Token } (WITH COMPONENTS {..., base ("undefined")}) ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 43 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) C. The following is an element declaration with an anonymous complex type definition. The complex type definition has complex content that is mixed and emptiable, and is not used as the base type definition of any type. <xsd:element name="UnknownDescription" fixed="absent" mixed="true"> <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:element name="bold" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="italic" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:element> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: UnknownDescription ::= [EMBED-VALUES] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY "absent"] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, choice-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { bold XSD.String, italic XSD.String } } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) (WITH COMPONENTS {embed-values ({"absent"}), choice-list (SIZE(0))}) C. The type definition of the following of another type. element declaration is a simple type definition used as the base type definition This example uses the XSD and ASN.1 types of the example in C.3.2.4. <xsd:element name="Quantity" type="Int-10-to-50" fixed="20"/> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Quantity ::= Int-10-to-50-deriv-fixed-20 If no ASN.1 type corresponding to Int-10-to-50 with a fixed value of "20" has already been generated, the following type is also generated: Int-10-to-50-deriv-fixed-20 ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { int-10-to-50 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Int-10-to-50, ten-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Ten-multiples, twenty-multiples [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Twenty-multiples, stock-level [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] [DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY Stock-level } (WITH COMPONENTS { int-10-to-50 (20), ten-multiples (int20), twenty-multiples (int20), stock-level (WITH COMPONENTS {..., base (20)}) }) C.3.4.6 element declarations 20] int20] int20] 20] that are nillable C. The following example shows an element declaration that is nillable and whose type definition is an XSD built-in datatype. <xsd:element name="Nillable-1" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/> This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Nillable-1 ::= [USE-NIL] SEQUENCE { content XSD.String OPTIONAL } C. The following example shows an complex type definition. element declaration that is nillable <xsd:element name="Nillable-2" nillable="true"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> 44 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) and whose type definition is an anonymous ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) This element declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Nillable-2 ::= [USE-NIL] SEQUENCE { b [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, content SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b XSD.String } OPTIONAL } C. The following example shows an complex type definition. element declaration that is nillable, and whose type definition is a top-level <xsd:complexType name="Foo"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="Nillable-3" type="Foo" nillable="true"/> These schema components are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Foo ::= SEQUENCE { b [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, a XSD.String, b-1 [NAME AS "b"] XSD.String } Foo-nillable ::= [USE-NIL] SEQUENCE { b [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, content SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b XSD.String } OPTIONAL } Nillable-3 ::= Foo-nillable C. The following example shows an element declaration that is nillable, whose type definition is a top-level complex and which is used as the base type definition of another complex type definition. type definition, The following schema components are defined in addition to the schema components of C. <xsd:complexType name="Bar"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="Foo"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="z" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="c" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="Nillable-4" type="Foo" nillable="true"/> In addition to the type Foo of C., the following ASN.1 types are generated: Bar ::= SEQUENCE { b [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, c [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, a XSD.String, b-1 [NAME AS "b"] XSD.String, z XSD.String } Foo-derivations ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { foo [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Foo, bar [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Bar } Foo-nillable ::= [USE-NIL] SEQUENCE { b [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, content SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b XSD.String } OPTIONAL } ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 45 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Bar-nillable ::= b c content a b z [USE-NIL] SEQUENCE { [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, SEQUENCE { XSD.String, XSD.String, XSD.String } OPTIONAL } Foo-deriv-nillable ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { foo [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Foo-nillable, bar [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] Bar-nillable } Nillable-4 ::= Foo-deriv-nillable C.3.5 Mapping attribute uses and attribute declarations C.3.5.1 The following is an example of a top-level attribute declaration whose type definition is a user-defined top-level simple type definition. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="NCName"/> This attribute declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Name ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.NCName C.3.5.2 The following is an example of a top-level type definition. attribute declaration whose type definition is an anonymous simple <xsd:attribute name="form"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> <xsd:enumeration value="qualified"/> <xsd:enumeration value="unqualified"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribute> This attribute declaration is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Form ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [ATTRIBUTE] ENUMERATED {qualified, unqualified} C.3.5.3 The following example is an attribute use with a value constraint that is a default value. The attribute declaration whose name is "form" and that is referenced in this example is defined in C.3.5.2. <xsd:complexType name="element"> <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:NCName" default="NAME"/> <xsd:attribute ref="form" default="qualified"/> </xsd:complexType> This complex type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Element ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { name [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.NCName DEFAULT "NAME", form [ATTRIBUTE] Form DEFAULT qualified } C.3.5.4 This example shows a top-level attribute declaration with a value constraint that is a default value and an attribute use with this attribute declaration. <xsd:attribute name="minOccurs" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" default="1"/> <xsd:attribute name="maxOccurs" default="1"/> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" > <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN"> <xsd:enumeration value="unbounded"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:union> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribute> 46 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) <xsd:complexType name="Particle"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="particle"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute ref="minOccurs"/> <xsd:attribute ref="maxOccurs" default="unbounded"/> </xsd:complexType> These schema components are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MinOccurs ::= [ATTRIBUTE] [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.NonNegativeInteger MaxOccurs ::= [ATTRIBUTE] [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] [USE-UNION] CHOICE { nonNegativeInteger [NAMESPACE AS ""] XSD.NonNegativeInteger, alt [NAME AS ""] ENUMERATED {unbounded} } Particle ::= SEQUENCE { minOccurs [ATTRIBUTE] MinOccurs DEFAULT 1, maxOccurs [ATTRIBUTE] MaxOccurs DEFAULT alt : unbounded, particle XSD.AnyType } C.3.5.5 This example shows an attribute use whose attribute declaration has a target namespace that is not absent. <xsd:complexType name="Ack"> <xsd:attribute name="number" type="xsd:integer" form="qualified" /> </xsd:complexType> This complex type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Ack ::= SEQUENCE { number [NAMESPACE AS "http://targetnamespaceForExample"] [ATTRIBUTE] INTEGER OPTIONAL } C.3.6 Mapping model group definitions C.3.6.1 The following is a model group definition whose model group has a compositor of sequence. <xsd:group name="mySequence"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:group> This model group definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: MySequence ::= [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } C.3.6.2 The following is a model group definition whose model group has a compositor of all. <xsd:group name="myAll "> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:all> </xsd: group> This model group definition is not mapped to ASN.1. See C. for an example of the mapping definition where the model group of this model group definition occurs as the topmost model group. of a complex type C.3.6.3 The following is a model group definition whose model group has a compositor of choice. <xsd:group name="myChoice"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="am" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="bm" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:group> This model group definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: MyChoice ::= [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { am XSD.String, bm BOOLEAN } ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 47 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) C.3.7 Mapping particles The model group definition of C.3.6.3, and its corresponding ASN.1 type, are used in some of the particle examples. C.3.7.1 The following example shows particles of a model group with a compositor of sequence. <xsd:complexType name="ElementSequence"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="elem1" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="elem2" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0"/> <xsd:element name="elem3" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="5"/> <xsd:element name="elem4" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xsd:element name="elem5" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="5" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="ModelGroupSequence"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:group ref="myChoice"/> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="c" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="d" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:choice minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="12"> <xsd:element name="e" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="f" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: ElementSequence ::= SEQUENCE { elem1 BOOLEAN, elem2 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, elem3-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..5)) OF elem3 BOOLEAN, elem4-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF elem4 BOOLEAN, elem5-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF elem5 BOOLEAN } ModelGroupSequence ::= SEQUENCE { myChoice MyChoice, choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b XSD.String }, sequence [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { c XSD.String, d XSD.String }, choice-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(3..12)) OF [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { e XSD.String, f XSD.String } } C.3.7.2 The following example shows particles of a model group with a compositor of all. <xsd:complexType name="ElementAll"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="elem1" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="elem2" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> This complex type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: ElementAll ::= [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {elem1, elem2}, elem1 XSD.String, elem2 XSD.String OPTIONAL } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */}) 48 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) C.3.7.3 The following example shows particles of a model group with a compositor of choice. <xsd:complexType name="ElementSequence"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="elem1" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="elem2" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0"/> <xsd:element name="elem3" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="5"/> <xsd:element name="elem4" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xsd:element name="elem5" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="5" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="ModelGroupChoice"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:group ref="myChoice"/> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="c" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="d" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:choice minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="12"> <xsd:element name="e" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="f" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: ElementSequence ::= SEQUENCE { choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { elem1 BOOLEAN, elem2-list [UNTAGGED] elem3-list [UNTAGGED] elem4-list [UNTAGGED] elem5-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE SEQUENCE SEQUENCE SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..1)) OF elem2 BOOLEAN, (SIZE(2..5)) OF elem3 BOOLEAN, OF elem4 BOOLEAN, (SIZE(5..MAX)) OF elem5 BOOLEAN } } ModelGroupChoice ::= SEQUENCE { choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { myChoice MyChoice, choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b XSD.String }, sequence [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { c XSD.String, d XSD.String } choice-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(3..12)) OF [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { e XSD.String, f XSD.String } } C.3.8 Mapping complex type definitions C.3.8.1 The following example is a complex type definition whose content type is empty. <xsd:complexType name="Null"/> <xsd:complexType name="Ack"> <xsd:sequence/> <xsd:attribute name="packetNumber" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Null ::= SEQUENCE {} Ack ::= SEQUENCE { packetNumber [ATTRIBUTE] INTEGER OPTIONAL } C.3.8.2 The following example is a complex type definition whose content type is a simple type definition. <xsd:complexType name="Formatted"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="xsd:token"> <xsd:attribute name="format"> <xsd:simpleType> ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 49 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> <xsd:enumeration value="bold"/> <xsd:enumeration value="italic"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribute> </xsd:extension> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:complexType> This complex type definition is mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignment: Formatted ::= SEQUENCE { Format [ATTRIBUTE] ENUMERATED {bold, italic} OPTIONAL, Base [UNTAGGED] XSD.Token } C.3.8.3 The following examples are complex type definitions whose content type is an element-only content model. C. In the following example, the content type is the model group of a model group definition. This example uses the types defined in C.3.6. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-1"> <xsd:group ref="myAll"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-2"> <xsd:group ref="myChoice" /> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-3"> <xsd:group ref="mySequence" maxOccurs="100"/> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-1 ::= [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {a,b}, a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */}) MyComplexType-2 ::= SEQUENCE { myChoice MyChoice } MyComplexType-3 ::= SEQUENCE { mySequence-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..100)) OF MySequence } C. In the following example, the content type is a model group whose compositor is choice. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-4"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-5"> <xsd:choice minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-6"> <xsd:choice maxOccurs="5"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-4 ::= SEQUENCE { choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } } 50 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) MyComplexType-5 ::= SEQUENCE { choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } OPTIONAL } MyComplexType-6 ::= SEQUENCE { choice-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..5)) OF [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } } C. In the following example, the content type is a model group whose compositor is all. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-7"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-8"> <xsd:all minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-7 ::= [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {a,b}, a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */}) MyComplexType-8 ::= [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {a,b}, a XSD.String OPTIONAL, b BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */ }) C. In the following example, the content type is a model group whose compositor is sequence. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-9"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-10"> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-11"> <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="5"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-9 ::= SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } MyComplexType-10 ::= SEQUENCE { sequence [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } OPTIONAL } ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 51 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) MyComplexType-11 ::= SEQUENCE { sequence-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..5)) OF [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } } C.3.8.4 The following example shows a complex type definition whose content type is a mixed content model. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-12" mixed="true"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-13" mixed="true"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-14" mixed="true"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-15" mixed="true"> <xsd:all minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-16"> <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-12 ::= [EMBED-VALUES] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) MyComplexType-13 ::= [EMBED-VALUES] [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {a,b}, a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */}) MyComplexType-14 ::= [EMBED-VALUES] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, choice [UNTAGGED] CHOICE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) MyComplexType-15 ::= [EMBED-VALUES] [USE-ORDER] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, order SEQUENCE OF ENUMERATED {a,b}, a XSD.String OPTIONAL, b BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } 52 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 35 */}) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) MyComplexType-16 ::= [EMBED-VALUES] SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF XSD.String, sequence-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN } } (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 25 */}) C.3.8.5 The following example shows attribute uses of a complex type definition built using an attribute group definition. <xs:attributeGroup name="AG1"> <xs:attribute name="a1" type="xs:string"/> <xs:attribute name="a2" type="xs:string"/> <xs:attribute name="a3" type="xs:decimal"/> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:attributeGroup name="AG2"> <xs:attribute name="a1" use="prohibited"/> <xs:attribute name="a3" type="xs:integer"/> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name="MyComplexType-17"> <xs:attribute name="a4" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:attribute name="a5" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:attributeGroup ref="AG1"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="MyComplexType-18"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:restriction base="MyComplexType-17"> <xs:attributeGroup ref="AG2"/> <xs:attribute name="a4" use="prohibited"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-17 ::= a1 [ATTRIBUTE] a2 [ATTRIBUTE] a3 [ATTRIBUTE] a4 [ATTRIBUTE] a5 [ATTRIBUTE] SEQUENCE { XSD.String OPTIONAL, XSD.String OPTIONAL, XSD.Decimal OPTIONAL, BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } MyComplexType-18 ::= a2 [ATTRIBUTE] a3 [ATTRIBUTE] a5 [ATTRIBUTE] SEQUENCE { XSD.String OPTIONAL, INTEGER OPTIONAL, BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } MyComplexType-17-derivations ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { myComplexType-17 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-17, myComplexType-18 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-18 } C.3.8.6 Derivation of complex type definitions. <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-19"> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="c" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="attr1" type="xsd:short" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="attr2" type="xsd:short"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-20"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:restriction base="MyComplexType-19"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="a" type="xsd:token"/> <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:boolean"/> ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 53 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="attr2" type="xsd:short" use="prohibited"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="MyComplexType-21"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="MyComplexType-20"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="d" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="attr3" type="xsd:boolean"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: MyComplexType-19 ::= SEQUENCE { attr1 [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Short, attr2 [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Short OPTIONAL, sequence-list [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE OF [UNTAGGED] SEQUENCE { a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN, c BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } } MyComplexType-20 ::= SEQUENCE { attr1 [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Short, a XSD.Token, b BOOLEAN } MyComplexType-21 ::= SEQUENCE { attr1 [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.Short, attr3 [ATTRIBUTE] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, a XSD.String, b BOOLEAN, d XSD.String } MyComplexType-20-derivations ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { myComplexType-20 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-20, myComplexType-21 [NAME AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-21 } MyComplexType-19-derivations myComplexType-19 [NAME myComplexType-20 [NAME myComplexType-21 [NAME C.3.9 ::= [USE-TYPE] CHOICE { AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-19, AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-20, AS CAPITALIZED] MyComplexType-21 } Mapping wildcards For these examples, the target namespace is assumed to be the following URI: "". C.3.9.1 Attribute wildcard. <xsd:complexType name="AnyAttribute-1"> <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="AnyAttribute-2"> <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="AnyAttribute-3"> <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="AnyAttribute-4"> <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##local"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="AnyAttribute-5"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="AnyAttribute-4"> <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> 54 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: AnyAttribute-1 ::= SEQUENCE { attr [ANY-ATTRIBUTES] SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OF XSD.String } AnyAttribute-2 ::= SEQUENCE { attr [ANY-ATTRIBUTES EXCEPT ""] SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OF XSD.String } AnyAttribute-3 ::= SEQUENCE { attr [ANY-ATTRIBUTES FROM ""] SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OF XSD.String } AnyAttribute-4 ::= SEQUENCE { attr [ANY-ATTRIBUTES FROM ABSENT ""] SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OF XSD.String } AnyAttribute-5 ::= SEQUENCE { attr [ANY-ATTRIBUTES FROM ABSENT "" ""] SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OF XSD.String } C.3.9.2 The following is an example of a content model wildcard. <xsd:complexType name="Any-1"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:any namespace="##any"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="Any-2"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:any minOccurs="0" namespace="##other"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="Any-3"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:any minOccurs="0" masOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##local"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> These complex type definitions are mapped to the following ASN.1 type assignments: Any-1 ::= SEQUENCE { elem [ANY-ELEMENT] XSD.String (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Shall conform to the "AnyElementFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) } Any-2 ::= SEQUENCE { elem [ANY-ELEMENT EXCEPT ABSENT ""] XSD.String (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Shall conform to the "AnyElementFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) OPTIONAL } ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 55 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Any-3 ::= SEQUENCE { elem-list SEQUENCE OF elem [ANY-ELEMENT FROM ABSENT] XSD.String (CONSTRAINED BY { /* Shall conform to the "AnyElementFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4, clause 18 */}) } NOTE – For more examples on the computation of the "NamespaceRestriction", see examples on attribute wildcards in C.3.9.1. 56 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Annex D Use of the mapping to provide binary encodings for W3C XML Schema (This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) This annex describes the use of the mapping specified in this Recommendation | International Standard in conjunction with standardized ASN.1 Encoding Rules to provide canonical and compact binary encodings for data defined by an XSD Schema. D.1 Encoding XSD Schemas D.1.1 XSD Schemas can be mapped to ASN.1 type definitions as specified in the body of this Recommendation | International Standard, and the top-level type can then be encoded using any of the ASN.1 encoding rules specified in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1, ITU-T Rec. X.691 | ISO/IEC 8825-2, and ITU-T Rec. X.693 | ISO/IEC 8825-4. D.1.2 Each of these encodings has an associated object identifier value that can be used to identify the encoding in transfer. The way in which such identification is communicated to a decoder is outside the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. D.1.3 When the XSD Schema is not sent to the receiver by the method described in D.3, the way in which the receiver obtains the Schema is outside the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. D.2 Transfer without using the XSD Schema for Schemas D.2.1 This method makes the assumption that the receiver knows the XSD Schema used by the sender. D.2.2 Figure D.1 shows how to use the mapping defined in this Recommendation | International Standard to encode XML documents by means of ASN.1 encoding rules. D.2.3 The sender and the receiver use the same (fixed) XSD Schema to generate an ASN.1 schema which in turn is given to an ASN.1 compiler to generate the BER, DER, PER or XER encoding table for XML documents conforming to that XSD Schema. D.3 Transfer using the XSD Schema for Schemas D.3.1 Since a unique XSD Schema for Schemas is available, it is possible to proceed in two steps (see Figure D.2). D.3.2 The sender and the receiver build an ASN.1 module and an encoder/decoder from the XSD Schema for Schemas. D.3.3 In the first step, the sender encodes in BER, DER or PER the XSD Schema for the document and sends the encoded Schema to the receiver. The receiver decodes that Schema and, using the mapping from XSD Schema to ASN.1 and an ASN.1 compiler, generates an ASN.1 module and an encoder/decoder for XML documents conforming to that Schema. D.3.4 In the second step, the sender encodes in BER, DER, PER, or XER the XML document and sends the encoded document to the receiver. ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 57 ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Sender XSD Schema XML document Description of the XML document as an ASN.1 abstract value BER/DER/PER/XER encoding XSD to ASN.1 mapping defined in this Recommendation | International Standard ASN.1 Module ASN.1 compiler XSD Schema known by the sender and the receiver BER/DER/PER/XER decoding ASN.1 compiler Generation of an XML document ASN.1 Module Mapping from XSD to ASN.1 defined in this Recommendation | International Standard XML document Receiver XSD Schema Figure D.1 – Transfer of an XML document using the mapping from XSD to ASN.1 58 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004 (E) Sender XSD Schema for the document Unique XSD Schema for Schemas Step 1 XML document Mapping from XSD to ASN.1 defined in this Recommendation | International Standard Step 2 Step 1 Step 1 ASN.1 Module (Schema dependent) Description of an XSD Schema or XML document as an ASN.1 abstract value Step 1 BER/DER/PER encoding Step 2 ASN.1 Module (Schema independent) ASN.1 compiler Step 1 ASN.1 compiler BER/DER/PER decoding Creation of an XSD Schema or XML document Step 1 ASN.1 Module (Schema dependent) Step 2 Step 1 ASN.1 Module (Schema independent) Step 1 Mapping from XSD to ASN.1 defined in this Recommendation | International Standard XML document Step 1 XSD Schema for the document Unique XSD Schema for Schemas Receiver Figure D.2 – Transfer of an XSD Schema and an XML document using the mapping from XSD to ASN.1 ITU-T Rec. X.694 (01/2004) 59 SERIES OF ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T Series B Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification Series C General telecommunication statistics Series D General tariff principles Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems Series I Integrated services digital network Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Series K Protection against interference Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant Series M TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Series O Specifications of measuring equipment Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Series Q Switching and signalling Series R Telegraph transmission Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment Series T Terminals for telematic services Series U Telegraph switching Series V Data communication over the telephone network Series X Data networks and open system communications Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and Next Generation Networks Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems *25505* Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 2004