IASI Channel Selection in Cloudy Conditions Pauline Martinet, Lydie Lavanant, Nadia Fourrié, Florence Rabier, François Faijan Contact: pauline.martinet@meteo.fr 2) Method Introduction The atmospheric parameters for which information is expected are: The InfraRed Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer IASI onboard Metop satellite provides temperature and humidity profiles at a high spectral resolution. With 8461 channels, it covers a range from 645cm-1 to 2760cm-1. Temperature (T) Humidity (q) Liquid Water Content (ql) Ice Water Content ( qi) As it is not feasible to assimilate all the 8461 channels in real time, the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) monitors a subset of 366 channels operationally. This selection called CM2009 (Collard and McNally 2009 1) hereafter was carried out through clear atmospheric profiles. The cloud profiles were extracted from the convective scale model AROME W MED over the Mediterranean Sea in the context of the HyMeX campaign. The cloud profiles were selected within IASI footprints homogeneously covered by clouds by a screening procedure based on the AVHRR imager (Martinet et al 20113). 20 profiles were chosen: All NWP centres intend to take advantage of cloud-affected radiances to improve the analysis in meteorologically sensitive areas. With the view to add the cloud variables (liquid water content, ice water content) in the state vector of the assimilation system, this poster describes a methodology to evaluate the quality of the CM2009 selection on cloudy profiles and the relevance of a new channel selection. 5 high opaque clouds 5 semi-transparent ice clouds 5 liquid clouds 5 mixed phase clouds The methodology is based on the informationcontent theory of Rodgers (Rodgers 2000 2) using Degrees of Freedom for Signal (DFS) as the figure of merit of the selection. 3) Results (ql,qi) 300 SELC4 is chosen: Higher DFS values Information on T,q for clear profiles Computation time 290 280 270 260 250 240 300 270 270 260 260 250 250 240 240 230 230 220 500 1000 1500 EXP 300 290 2000 (T,q,ql,qi) Temperature CM2009 280 270 4.11 (68%) 4.24 (71%) 4.41 (73%) 2000 6.00 SELC2 260 250 SELC4 240 230 220 500 1000 2500 1500 All channels 3000 2500 BT ~66% of channels. shared between a constant selection and each cloud dedicated channel selection 220 500 1000 1500 Liquid Water Content Humidity 2.79 (69%) 2.93 (73%) 3.08 (76%) 3000 4.04 2000 Ice Water Content 1.45 (76%) 1.59 (84%) 1.54 (81%) 1.90 0.17 (59%) 0.20 (66%) 0.19 (63%) 0.30 2500 Loss of information negligible when applying a cloud-type dedicated channel to a different one. 3000 Total 8.52 (70%) 8.95 (73%) 9.22 (75%) 12.24 Humidity σa liq 8461 Pressure 500 σa liq 566 σ liq 8461 200 200 σ b 300 300 400 400 500 a σ σb 500 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 1000 0 Temperature 1 2 σ ice 366 100 200 σa ice 566 200 300 σ a σ ice 8461 a b Pressure 400 500 6 7 1000 0 8 −4 x 10 Humidity 0 100 3 4 5 Standard Deviation 0.2 σ ice 8461 a −4 x 10 σ ice 8461 a σ b 300 300 400 400 400 500 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 2 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Standard Deviation 6 7 8 −4 x 10 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Standard Deviation 1 1.2 −4 x 10 3 4 Standard Deviation 5 6 7 −5 x 10 IWC 1000 1200 800 1000 1200 300 2000 2200 1600 1800 2000 2200 1400 1600 Mixed phase 1800 2000 2200 1800 2000 2200 1400 Opaque 250 300 250 1000 0 Boudala Aggregates 1400 1600 280 260 260 240 240 220 220 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 σ ice 8461 a b 300 2 3 4 Standard Deviation 5 6 7 −5 x 10 Figure 2: Analysis-Error Standard Deviations for each cloud type: liquid clouds in black, ice clouds in blue, mixed phase clouds in red. Solide lines represent the performance on the new selection of 566 channels, dotted lines the best performance using all the channels and dash-dot lines the performance of the CM2009 selection of 366 channels. 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Wyser Aggregates Wyser Hexagonal 300 280 280 260 260 240 240 220 220 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1 Boudala Hexagonal 300 280 σa ice 366 500 600 1.5 2 σ 600 1 Standard Deviation 1 200 600 0.5 300 σa ice 566 600 1000 0 800 1800 Crystal Shape 100 300 500 b 0 σa ice 566 200 σb 1000 0 1.2 σa ice 366 100 σa ice 566 1 LWC 0 σa ice 366 0.4 0.6 0.8 Standard Deviation Pressure 2 1200 1400 1600 Semi−transparent 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Figure 4: Location of the 200 selected channels when considering different ice cloud parameterizations and different ice crystal shapes. Future prospects References: 1. Collard A.D and McNally A.P, 2009: The assimilation of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer radiances at ECMWF. Quart.J.Roy.Meteor.Soc, 135,1044-1058. 2. Rodgers CD 2000: Inverse methods for atmospheric soundings: theory and practice. World Scientific: Singapore. 3. Martinet P, Fourrié N, Guidard V, Rabier F, Montmerle T, Brunel P: Towards the use of microphysical variables for the assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiances. Quart.J.Roy.Meteo.Soc, submitted. Use of the new channel selection in 1D-Var experiments with simulated observations. Comparison with a new channel selection on different air mass types (midlatitude, tropical, polar). Sensitivity of the retrieval to different cloudy B matrices. Evolution of the increments in a one-dimensional version of AROME. parameterization 700 1.5 a 500 600 1 Standard Deviation 1000 2200 250 400 600 0.5 σ liq 8461 300 600 0 Pressure 100 600 1000 0 Ice σ liq 566 σa liq 366 a a Pressure Pressure Liq 400 σa liq 366 100 σ liq 8461 200 σb 300 σa liq 566 IWC 0 BT a 200 σa liq 366 100 σ liq 566 LWC 0 Pressure 100 800 2000 In RTTOV, possibility to choose the scheme to use to parameterize the effective diameter and the ice shape (hexagonal ice crystals or ice aggregates). Figure 4 compares the new channel selection for two parameterizations and two ice shapes. Robustness of the selection with respect to the cloud optical parameterization. Selection more sensitive to the ice crystal shape. BT a Ice Water content Pressure σ liq 366 Liquid Water Content Humidity 0 1200 1800 6) Dependence to the ice cloud parameterization Small loss of information compared to the 8461 channels Useful improvement of the analysis over the background for liquid clouds Little information extracted from mixed phase clouds (not shown) Temperature 1000 1600 Figure 3: Location of the selected channels for each cloud-type dedicated channel selection (SELC4 method is used). 5) Reduction of Background Errors 0 800 1400 Liquid 250 300 Robustness of the selection with respect to the cloud type Table 1: DFS values for each variable and each channel selection. Temperature 1200 BT 280 1000 BT 280 800 300 BT 290 BT 290 All profiles 250 (T,q,ql,qi) SELC4 BT 300 New Analysis Error Covariance Matrix A 4) Dependence to the cloud type 220 20 profiles. The CM2009 selection of ECMWF is repreFigure 1: Location of the selected channels averaged over all the 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 sented with black points, the 200 new channels in red points. (ql,qi) SELC2 Update of the background error covariance matrix B 300 230 BT 200 channels added to the CM2009 selection SELC2: ql, qi in the state vector SELC4: T, q, ql, qi in the state vector 60 channels shared by the two selections Choose the channel j that most improves the DFS DFS=tr(I-AB-1)