ITSC XVI Angra dos Reis, 7-13 May 2008 Midtropospheric CO2 Concentration derived from infrared and microwave sounders. Application to the TOVS, AIRS/AMSU, and IASI/AMSU instruments. Cyril Crevoisier, Alain Chédin, Noëlle A. Scott, Gaelle Dufour, Raymond Armante and Virginie Capelle Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS, IPSL, Palaiseau CO2 from infrared/microwave sounders NOAA10/HIRS/MSU 1987-1991 Time coverage NOAAk/HIRS/AMSU 1999-2005 AIRS/AMSU NASA/Aqua Since 2002 IASI/AMSU ESA/MetOp Since 2006 NOAA10 TOVS NOAAk ATOVS Aqua AIRS/AMSU MetOp IASI/AMSU 1987-1991 1999-2005 May 2002-… Oct. 2006-… 0.5 - 2 cm-1 0.5 cm-1 (apodized) Spectral resolution # IR/MW channels 19/4 19/15 2378/15 (324/15) 8461/15 (421/15) Local time 7.30 7.30 1.30 9.30 CO2 seasonal cycle - Northern tropics [0-20°N] 380 370 360 350 340 87 89 91 93 95 97 NOAA10 TOVS 99 01 03 05 NOAA15 ATOVS* 07 MetOp IASI/AMSU Aqua AIRS/AMSU •NOAA10: Chédin et al., JGR, 2003, 2008. •NOAA15: Very preliminary results… •AIRS: Crevoisier et al., GRL, 2004. CO2 seasonal cycle - Northern tropics [0-20°N] 380 370 360 350 340 87 89 91 93 NOAA10 TOVS Difference between 7.30 am/pm observations 95 97 99 01 03 05 NOAA15 ATOVS* 07 MetOp IASI/AMSU Aqua AIRS/AMSU Diurnal Tropospheric Excess of CO2 due to biomass burning emissions See Poster B12 [Chédin et al.] Spectrum and sensitivity to atmospheric components Sensitivity of IASI TB to variations of atmospheric and surface variables (simulations with the 4A RT model) CO2 (1%) H2O (20%) O3 (20%) CH4 (20%) CO (40%) N2O (2%) Surface surface TBpert-TBref (K) CH4 CO2 N2O QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. H2O CO O3 wavenumber (cm-1) 15 μm 10 μm 6 μm 4 μm 1 % of CO2 variation → 0.04% of TB variation 3ppmv → 0.3 K The full information contained in the channels is needed to extract the CO2 signal! Spectrum and sensitivity to atmospheric components Sensitivity of IASI TB to variations of atmospheric and surface variables (simulations with the 4A RT model) CO2 (1%) H2O (20%) O3 (20%) CH4 (20%) CO (40%) N2O (2%) Surface surface TBpert-TBref (K) CH4 CO2 N2O QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. H2O CO O3 wavenumber (cm-1) 15 μm 10 μm 6 μm 4 μm 1 % of CO2 variation → 0.04% of TB variation 3ppmv → 0.3 K The full information contained in the channels is needed to extract the CO2 signal! Spectrum and sensitivity to atmospheric components Sensitivity of AIRS and IASI channels in the two CO2 bands (simulations with the 4A RT model) 1.5 1 15 μm 4 μm AIRS TBpert-TBref (K) 0.5 0 -0.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 650 H2O IASI noise 670 690 CO2 O3 710 730 750 surface T CO 2220 noise CO2 2260 2300 2340 wavenumber (cm-1) CO2 (1%) H2O (20%) O3 (20%) CO (40%) Surface T (1%) Surf. emissivity (5%) At 4 μm: Non-LTE Only nightime retrieval 2380 Spectrum and sensitivity to atmospheric components Jacobians of two “CO2” AIRS channels Channel 261 - 4μm Channel 80 - 15μm 0.1 CO2 Jacobian T Jacobian O3 Jacobian 1 10 100 1000 •Channels at 4μm peak lower in the atmosphere. Spectrum and sensitivity to atmospheric components Jacobians of two “CO2” AIRS channels and AMSU weighting functions Channel 264 - 4μm Channel 80 - 15μm 0.1 CO2 Jacobian T Jacobian O3 Jacobian 1 10 AMSU 10 AMSU 9 100 AMSU 8 AMSU 7 AMSU 6 1000 •Channels at 4μm peak lower in the atmosphere. •AMSU channels bring the information on temperature. CO2 channel selection •Aqua AIRS/AMSU: -15 AIRS channels (8 in the 15 μm band - 7 in the 4 μm band). -2 AMSU channels (6 and 8). •MetOp IASI/AMSU: -14 IASI channels (all in the 15 μm band). -3 AMSU channels (6, 7, and 8). IASI - CO2 channel selection IASI sensitivity (K) 0.25 0.25 CO2 (1%) H2O (20%) O3 (20%) 10 IASI CO2 Jacobians 0.2 0.2 Sensitivity (K) 0.15 0.15 CH4 4% AMSU 8 CO 20% 100 N2O 1% 0.1 0.1 O3 20% CO2 1% H2O 20% 0.05 0.05 00 -0.05 -0.05 AMSU 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1000 AMSU 6 The level1b validation suite at LMD See Poster B10 [Armante et al.] Colocation of radiosoundings/re-analyses ERA40 with IR/MW observations FTP Radiosoundings /Reanalysis (ERA-40) Quality control of the Radiosoundings ÎInter/extrapolation UGAMP climatology « Clean » Radiosoundings ECMWF Radiative biases between calculated and observed BT RT model (Stransac, 4A) Space and Time Colocation (100 Km, 3h) Fixed CO2=372 ppmv - Radiosoundings «ERA40 » (23 Go from 1979 to 2007 ) -Re-analyses ERA-40 (79 Mo / day, 2 days /month) Example IASI/AMSU (MetOp) Satellite data :14 orbits/day 900 Mo/day; 421 IR, 15 MW L1B Satellite Data (1979-2006) Calc.-Obs. (K) AIRS Radiative biases: Monthly evolution (5 years over the tropics) 0.8 AIRS 80 (15 μm) 1.6 0.6 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.2 1 0 0.8 -0.2 03 04 05 06 07 08 0.6 03 AIRS 264 (4 μm) 04 05 06 07 08 05 06 07 08 AMSU 6 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 ~60 situations/month over sea ~30 situations/month over land 0.5 0.3 03 04 Calc.-Obs. (K) AIRS Radiative biases: Monthly evolution (5 years over the tropics) AIRS 80 (15 μm) 0.8 1.6 0.6 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.2 1 0 0.8 -0.2 03 04 05 06 07 08 “CO2” slopes (mean over 5 years): AIRS 80: 2.16 ppmv.yr-1 AIRS 264: 2.39 ppmv.yr-1 Mauna Loa: 2.05 ppmv.yr-1 ~60 situations/month over sea ~30 situations/month over land 0.6 03 AIRS 264 (4 μm) 04 05 06 07 08 05 06 07 08 AMSU 6 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 03 04 A stand-alone approach General features of the CO2 retrieval scheme : non-linear regressions Training data set (TIGR) Selection of a set of CO2 channels Off-line Training of Neural Networks calc-obs bias removal Non-linear inference scheme « clear sky » detection qCO2 •Simultaneous use of IR and MW channels to decorrelate T/CO2. IASI AMSU •Retrieval limited to the tropical region. [Chédin et al., JGR, 2003; Crevoisier et al., GRL, 2004] Evaluation of the inference scheme characteristics We retrieve a mid-to-upper tropospheric integrated content of CO2. Mean CO2 averaging kernel over TIGR atmospheric dataset for nadir observation Pressure (hPa) 10 100 5-15 km 1000 IASI/AMSU NOAA15 AIRS/AMSU CO2 distribution from AIRS and IASI - Monthly average Evaluation of IASI CO2 JAL commercial airliners between Australia and Japan •Aircraft [Matsueda et al.] -8-10 km -1-2 points/month -until March. 2007 10 IASI CO2 weighting function altitude of the aircraft 100 1000 •IASI CO2 -integrated content 5-15 km -monthly mean -period: July 2007-March 2008 Seasonal cycle Detrended CO2 seasonal cycle as observed in situ by JAL aircraft for 2003-2006 2 CO2 (ppmv) 1 0 -1 -2 Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Seasonal cycle Detrended CO2 seasonal cycle as observed in situ by JAL aircraft for 2003-2006 2 CO2 (ppmv) 1 IASI (07/07-08/03) 0 -1 -2 Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Latitudinal variation CO2 latitudinal variation in July 1 ppmv 20S-25S 15S-20S 10S-15S 05S-10S EQ-05S 05N-EQ 10N-05N 15N-10N 20N-15N 25N-20N 30N-25N 2003 2004 JAL aircraft (10 km) 2005 2006 2007 IASI (5-15 km) Conclusions •We retrieve a mid-to-upper tropospheric integrated content of CO2 from simultaneous IR/MW observations (TOVS, ATOVS, AIRS/AMSU, IASI/AMSU). •The CO2 signal is very low: The full information contained in the channels is needed (that excludes using PCA-like data). •Good agreement of CO2 distribution between IASI and AIRS but lower variability/uncertainty with IASI: -Reducing radiometric noise is as important as improving spectral resolution. -A “good” AMSU instrument is important. •General good agreement with in-situ observation in terms of seasonal cycle and latitudinal gradients.