Microwave Integrated Retrieval “System” (MIRS) Fuzhong Weng, Mitch Goldberg, Mark Liu, Sid Boukabara, Ralph Ferraro and Tony Reale Office of Research Applications NOAA/NESDIS The 14th International TOVS Study Conference, Beijing, China May 25-31, 2005 NESDIS Plan on ATOVS System MIRS AMSU A/B(MHS) ATMS CMIS Integrated Validation System INFRARED Sounder/Imager HIRS, AIRS, IASI, CriS,HES AVHRR, MODIS, VIIRS,ABI NESDIS ATOVS Plan • Use MIRS as front end • MIRS provides microwave-only retrieval, and will become an operational product • MIRS microwave retrieval is first guess for HIRS. HIRS processing software call a function which returns the required microwave information from the MIRS. • HIRS information is used to derive clouds, OLR, ozone and for clear fovs improved temperature and moisture profiles (for temperature improvement is in lower troposphere) AIRS, CrIS, and IASI • Continue development of a single software processing system for all three instrument. • The processing system incorporates microwave information from AMSU and ATMS and imager information from MODIS, VIIRS and AVHRR. • Use of MIRS is desirable as front-end. (Microwave algorithms are embedded within AIRS processing system, - so software modules from MIRS will need to be embedded) MIRS Objectives AMSU Cloud Liquid Water Path (3/24, 2001) • Enhance Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) Performance • Provide front-end retrievals for the robust first guess to infrared sounding system (HIRS, hyperspectral) • Profile temperature, water vapor and cloud water from microwave instrument under all weather conditions • Improve profiling lower troposphere by using more “surface viewing” channels in retrieval algorithm • Integrate the state-of-the-art radiative transfer model components from JCSDA into MIRS • Prepare for future microwave sounding system (e.g. ATMS, CMIS, SSMIS, GeoMW) Weng et al. (Radio Science, 2003) Microwave surface Emissivity at 37 GHz Microwave Products from NPOESS CMIS EDR Title Atmospheric Vertical Moisture Profile (surf to 600mb) Sea Surface Winds (Speed) Soil Moisture Atmospheric Vertical Moisture Profile (600 to 100mb) Atmospheric Vertical Temperature Profile Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud Liquid Water Ice Surface Temperature Land Surface Temperature Precipitation Precipitable Water Sea Ice Age and Sea Ice Edge Motion Sea Surface Temperature Sea Surface Winds (Direction) Total Water Content Cloud Base Height Fresh Water Ice Imagery Pressure Profile Snow Cover / Depth Surface Wind Stress Vegetation / Surface Type Category IA IA IA IIA IIA IIA IIA IIB IIB IIA IIA IIB IIA IIA IIA IIIB IIIB IIIB IIIB III B/A IIIB IIIB The highlighted are operational EDRS derived from POES AMSU ER-2/DC-8 Measurements during TOGA/CORE (1/2) Weng and Grody (2000, JAS) ER-2/DC-8 Measurements during TOGA/CORE (2/2) Clouds Modify AMSU Weighting Function 23.8 31.4 50.3 23.8 31.4 50.3 52.8 53.6 54.4 52.8 53.6 54.4 54.9 55.5 57.2 54.9 55.5 57.2 57.29+/-.217 0 0 200 200 p re s s u re (h P a ) p re s s u re ( h P a ) 57.29+/-.217 400 600 800 400 cloud 600 800 1000 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 weighting function Clear condition 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 weighting function Include two separated cloud layers at 610 and 840 hPa with 0.5 g m-3 liquid water. Microwave Integrated Retrieval System Flowchart • Fast scattering/polarimetric radiative transfer model/Jacobian for all atmospheric conditions • Surface emissivity/reflectivity models (soil, vegetation, snow/sea ice, water) • Fast variational minimization algorithm • NWP forecast outputs, climatology, regressions as first guess • Temperature, water vapor and cloud and rain water profiles • Flexible channel selection/sensor geometry and noise Liu and Weng (2005, IEEE) Algorithm Theoretical Basis (1/9) Cost Function: ( ) ( ) [ ] [ 1 1 b T −1 b o T −1 o J = x − x B x − x + I(x) − I (E + F) I(x) − I 2 2 where xb is background vector x is state vector to be retrieved I is the radiance vector B is the error covariance matrix of background E is the observation error covariance matrix F is the radiative transfer model error matrix ] Algorithm Theoretical Basis (2/9) • Retrievals are made at vertical pressure levels (0.1 to • • • • • surface, maximum levels of 42) Surface pressure from GDAS 6-hour forecasts Background state variables from climatology which is latitude-dependent First guess is from regression (could be the same as background) No background information needed for cloud water Bias correction for forward models, residuals will be observational error covariance Algorithm Theoretical Basis (3/9) JCSDA Community Radiative Transfer Model Atmospheric State Vectors Surface State Vectors Atmospheric Spectroscopy Model Surface Emissivity, Reflectivity Models Aerosol and Cloud Optical Model Forward Radiative Transfer Schemes Receiver and Antenna Transfer Functions Jacobian (Adjoint) Model Algorithm Theoretical Basis (4/9) Radiative Transfer Model: 4π ωF0 ω dI(τ , Ω) ' ' ' µ = −I(τ , Ω) + M ( τ , Ω , Ω ) I ( τ , Ω ) Ω + ( 1 − ω ) B + exp(−τ / µ0 )S d ∫ 4π 0 4π dτ • Radiative transfer scheme including four Stokes components is based on VDISORT (Weng, JQRST, 1992) • Accuracies on various transfer problems including molecular scattering, L13 aerosols and microwave polarimetry are discussed (Schulz et al., JQSRT, 1999, Weng, J. Elec&Appl., 2002 ) • Jacobians including cloud liquid and ice water are derived using VDISORT solutions (Weng and Liu, JAS, 2003) • Surface emissivity and bi-directional reflectivity models are integrated (Weng et al., JGR, 2001) Algorithm Theoretical Basis (5/9) Vector DIScrete Ordinate Radiative (VDISORT) Solution: I l (τ ) = exp[ A l (τ − τ l −1 )] c l + s l (τ ) s l (τ ) = δ m 0 [ B (τ l −1 ) Ξ + B (τ l ) − B (τ l −1 ) ( A l−1Ξ + (τ − τ l −1 )Ξ )] τ l − τ l −1 + µ 0 [ µ 0 A l + E ] −1 ϖ F0 exp( −τ / µ 0 ) Ψ π Jacobians Including Scattering: ∂I1 ( µ ) = ∂xl − 4N ∑ j = −4 N L ∂ (sk (τ ) − sk −1 (τ )) ∂s1 ( µ ) K k ( µ , j ){ |τ =τ l −1 } j + δ1l ∂xl ∂xl j = −4 N 4N ∑∑ k =l K l ( µ , j ){ ∂ exp[A l (τ − τ l −1 )]|τ =τ l c l } j ∂xl (Weng and Liu, JAS, 2003) Algorithm Theoretical Basis (6/9) Emissivity Model: Weng et al (2001, JGR) Emissivity at V-Polarization 1.0 0.9 Snow 0.8 0.5 Canopy Bare Soil Wet Land Desert 0.4 Ocean 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Frequency (GHz) 0 Surface Emissivity Spectra (θ=53 ) 1.0 Emissivity at H-Polarization • Open water – two-scale roughness theory • Sea ice – Coherent reflection • Canopy – Four layer clustering scattering • Bare soil – Coherent reflection and surface roughness • Snow/desert – Random media 0 Surface Emissivity Spectra (θ=53 ) 0.9 0.8 Snow 0.7 0.5 Canopy Bare Soil Wet Land Desert 0.4 Ocean 0.6 0.3 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Frequency (GHz) Algorithm Theoretical Basis (7/9) Snow Emissivity: Algorithm Theoretical Basis (8/9) Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit •Flown on NOAA-15 (May 1998), NOAA-16 (Sept. 2000) and NOAA-17 (June 2002) satellites •Contains 20 channels: •AMSU-A •15 channels •23 – 89 GHz •AMSU-B •5 channels •89 – 183 GHz •4-hour temporal sampling: •130, 730, 1030, 1330, 1930, 2230 LST Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit • • • AMSU measurement at each sounding channel responds primarily to emitted radiation within a layer, indicated by its weighting function The vertical resolution of sounding is dependent on the number of independent channel measurements Lower tropospheric channels are also affected by the surface radiation which is highly variable over land Water Vapor and Cloud Water Profiles 200 0 TPW=74.56 kg/m2 TPW=73.10 kg/m2 P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) 0 400 600 retrieved 800 original 1000 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 200 400 600 800 1000 0.020 0.025 water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) 0.030 LWP=0.416 kg/m2 LWP=0.492 kg/m2 0.0000 retrieved original 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) Standard atmosphere and cloudy layers between 800 and 950 hPa Retrievals is based on simulated AMSU brightness temperatures at nadir 0.0010 Vertically Integrated Water Vapor 80 Match-up TPW from radiosondes N=585, NOAA-15 bias=0.28 mm, rms=2.70 mm TP W (m m , 1dvar) 70 and AMSU retrieval in 2002. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 60 70 80 TPW (mm, radiosonde) 80 N=618, NOAA-16 bias=0.12 mm, rms=2.28 mm 70 60 50 40 30 20 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 N=679, NOAA-17 bias=0.07 mm, rms=2.52 mm 70 TP W (m m , 1dvar) TP W (m m , 1dvar) 80 50 TPW (mm, radiosonde) 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 TPW (mm, radiosonde) TPW Validation (NOAA-17) 80 80 80 40 20 0 TPW (retrived, mm TPW (MSPPS, mm TPW (GDAS, mm) 60 60 40 20 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 std=3.3 mm (8%) Ocean, NOAA-17 std=4.7mm (11%) Ocean, NOAA-17 rms=6.2 mm (15%) Ocean 0 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) 80 0 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) In comparison to radiosonde measurements, MSPPS TPW product gives accuracy better than GDAS but is slightly biased. MIRS TPW is the best (no priori information). 80 TPW Validation (NOAA-15) 80 80 40 20 0 TPW (retrived, mm TPW (MSPPS, mm TPW (GDAS, mm 60 80 std=4.8mm (12%) Ocean, NOAA-15 std=6.1 mm (15%) Ocean 60 40 20 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 std=3.5 mm (9%) Ocean, NOAA-15 0 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) 80 0 20 40 60 TPW (radiosonde, mm) 80 Retrieval Bias vs. Viewing Angles 6 Match-up TPW from radiosondes Bias variation to viewing angles. TPW bias (m m ) and AMSU retrieval in 2002. NOAA-15, bias = radiosonde - retrieval 5 Bias = radiosonde – AMSU 4 3 2 1 dvar 1 MSPPS 0 -1 -2 -3 -60 -20 0 20 40 60 viewing angle (degree) 4 NOAA-16, bias=radiosonde-retrieval 3 7 NOAA-17, bias-radiosonde-retrieval 6 2 1 dvar 1 MSPPS 0 -1 -2 -60 -40 -20 0 20 viewing angle 40 60 TP W bias (m m ) TPW bias (m m ) -40 5 4 3 1 dvar 2 MSPPS 1 0 -1 -2 -60 -40 -20 0 20 viewing angle (degree) 40 60 Temperature Validation (NOAA-17) retrieved vs radiosondes temperature ocean, NOAA-17 Comparison of temperature to radiosondes ocean, NOAA-17 0 200 P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) 0 retrieved, clear 400 GDAS 600 800 200 clear 400 + cloudy 600 + precipitation 800 1000 1000 0 1 2 standard deviation (K) 3 4 0 1 2 3 standard deviation (K) GDAS (1 x 1 deg) and radiosondes agree well. Clouds degrade the retrieval accuracy slightly. Clear samples = 357, clear+cloud samples = 501, clear+cloud+precipitation=552 4 Temperature Validation (NOAA-17) retrieved vs radiosondes temperature ocean, NOAA-15 retrieved vs radiosondes temperature ocean, NOAA-17 0 200 clear 400 + cloudy 600 800 + precipitation P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) 0 200 clear 400 + cloudy 600 800 + precipitation 1000 1000 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 bias (K) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 bias (K) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Temperature Validation (NOAA-15) Comparison of temperature to radiosondes ocean, NOAA-15 retrieved vs radiosondes temperature ocean, NOAA-15 0 200 P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) 0 retrieved, clear 400 GDAS 600 800 200 clear 400 + cloudy 600 + precipitation 800 1000 1000 0 1 2 standard deviation (K) 3 4 0 1 2 3 standard deviation (K) GDAS (1 x 1 deg) and radiosondes agree well. Clouds degrade the retrieval accuracy slightly. Clear samples = 278, clear+cloud samples = 386, clear+cloud+precipitation=416 4 Comparison of temperature to radiosonde ocean, NOAA-15 Comparison of temperature to radiosonde ocean, NOAA-17 0 0 P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) Temperature Accuracy (Nadir vs. off-Nadir) 200 400 600 < 15 degree 800 > 45 degree 1000 200 400 600 < 15 degree 800 > 45 degree 1000 0 1 2 standard deviation (K) 3 4 0 1 2 standard deviation (K) 3 4 Validation for Water Vapor Profile retrieved vs radiosondes water vapor profile ocean, NOAA-17 retrieved vs radiosondes water vapor profile ocean, NOAA-17 clear + cloudy + precipitation 0 10 20 30 40 50 RMS water vapor (%) 60 70 80 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 clear P r e s s u r e (h P a ) P r e s s u r e (h P a ) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 + cloudy + precipitation -30 -20 -10 0 10 bias water vapor (%) 20 30 Cloud Liquid Water (MIRS vs. MSPPS) Precipitation (MIRS vs. MSPPS) Temperature at 850 hpa (MIRS vs. GDAS) Temperature at 500 hpa (MIRS vs. GDAS) Total Precipitable Water (MIRS vs. MSPPS) Water Vapor at 500 hPa (MIRS vs. GDAS) Water Vapor, Cloud Water and Rain Rate TPW CLW Rain Rate IWP Impacts of Forward Models T(850hPa) – Scattering T(200hPa) – Scattering T(850hPa) – Emission only T(200hPa) – Emission only Temperature Anomaly With Cloud/Precipitation Scattering Vertical cross section of temperature anomalies at 06:00 UTC 09/12/2003. Left panel: west-east cross section along 22EN, and right panel: south-north cross section along 56EW for Hurricane Isabel 4π dI(τ , Ω ) ω ' ' ' µ M ( , , ) I ( , ) = −I(τ , Ω ) + τ Ω Ω τ Ω d Ω + (1 − ω)St ∫ 4π 0 dτ Temperature Anomaly Without Cloud/Precipitation Scattering Vertical cross section of temperature anomalies at 06:00 UTC 09/12/2003. Left panel: west-east cross section along 22EN, and right panel: south-north cross section along 56EW for Hurricane Isabel µ d I (τ , Ω ) = − I (τ , Ω ) + (1 − ω ) S t dτ Improved 3DVAR Analysis with AMSU Without AMSU Cloudy Radiances With AMSU Cloudy Radiances Summary and Conclusions • Integrated uses of microwave imager and sounder data can significantly improve temperature profiling in lower troposphere • Advanced radiative transfer models including cloud/precipitation scattering are vital for improving profiling capability in severe weather conditions such as hurricanes • MIRS with bias corrections to radiative transfer models produces improved performance from AMSU and makes the retrieval errors less dependent on scan angle • MIRS retrievals are being validated against variable independent sources. Overall performances are very encouraging. The system is of great potentials for NPOESS ATMS, CMIS applications • MIRS has a lot of room to improve and incorporate more variables in the processing. Open Issues • Refine the retrievals for better regional performance (e.g. high terrains, deserts, snow/sea ice cover, coast conditions) • Bias corrections for water vapor sounding channels are highly required. Alternatively, the retrievals will be also tested with limb-adjusted AMSU measurements • Investigate non-convergent behaviors over particular regions (scattering RT model vs. abnormal observations) in the last retrieval process when AMSU-B water vapor sounding channels are included • Test the system for SSMIS applications