Comparison of AMSU-B Brightness Temperature with Simulated Brightness Temperature using Global Radiosonde Data V.O. John, S.A. Buehler, and M. Kuvatov Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Otto-Hahn Alle 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany, Abstract We present a comparison of brightness temperature measured by AMSU to radiative transfer model calculations based on radiosonde data. The forward model used is the stable version of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator(ARTS), a general purpose radiative transfer model which can handle many different remote sensing instruments in the millimeter to infrared spectral region. The atmospheric profiles used are the Met Office - Global Radiosonde Data taken from the British Atmospheric Data Center (BADC). As a first step, the comparison is done for Lingenberg, Germany which uses Vaisala RS80 radiosondes and Kem, Russia which uses Goldbeater’s skin radiosondes. As the forward model ARTS has already been validated against AMSU brightness temperatures using high resolution radiosonde data from Lindenberg which is a reference station for German Weather service(DWD), the main aim of this comparison is to check the quality of the radiosonde data from the different stations. Introduction Upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) is a crucial parameter for meteorology and climate research. There are two global and continuous data sets for this parameter, one from polar orbiting meteorological sensors, the other from synoptic meteorological radiosondes. The basic idea of the study is to compare satellite and radiosonde data. The atmospheric radiative transfer simulator - ARTS [1] is used to generate simulated AMSU measurement from the radiosonde data. The aims of the study are, to develop a robust methodology for such a comparison and to pave the way for a systematic comparison of all stations in the global radiosonde network to satellite data. This will allow an intercomparison and quality control of the different radiosonde stations, assuming that the satellite instrument’s properties are stable during a few orbits. In this article a comparison between two mostly used radiosonde instruments namely Vaisala RS80 and Goldbeater’s skin radiosondes is demonstrated. Data Used Radiosonde data To develop the methodology for the comparison we used radiosonde data from Lindenberg (52.22◦ N, 14.12◦ E) which is a reference station of the German Weather Service, DWD. This station uses RS-80 Vaisala radiosondes for routine operations. The reason for selecting this particular station is that the data are subjected to a number of corrections as UTH [500 hPa - 200 hPa] 20 <UTHLRC> = 35.506 2002 <UTHBADC> = 35.622 10 <UTHHRC> = 35.259 ∆ UTH [ % ] <UTHHRNC> = 31.905 0 -10 -20 <∆ UTHLH> = 0.247 ± 1.204 LRC <∆ UTHBH> = 0.363 ± 1.238 HRNC <∆ UTHHH> = -3.354 ± 2.692 BADC 0 200 400 600 Launches 800 1000 1200 Figure 1: ∆U T H for different versions of the Lindenberg radiosonde data for the year 2002 with HRC as the reference. described in [3]. Three versions of the data have been received: a) High Resolution Not Corrected (HRNC), High Resolution Corrected (HRC), and Low Resolution Corrected (LRC). Another version of the data set can be obtained from British Atmospheric Data Center (BADC). Figure 1 shows a comparison of upper tropospheric humiditiy (UTH) of the different versions of the data. The uncorrected version of the data shows a significant dry bias [6] in UTH but the other two versions (LRC and BADC) do not show any significant difference in UTH. AMSU data Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit - B (AMSU-B) is a cross track scanning microwave humidity sounder [4]. The footprint size is 20×16 km 2 for the innermost scan positions, but increases to 64×52 km2 for the outermost positions. Figure 2 shows an example of AMSU data from Channel 20. This is an overpass over the station Lindenberg. The circle represents a 50 km area around the station and the pixels in this area are used for the comparison. If there is a cloud over the station, there will be a large inhomogeneity among the pixels as shown in the figure 2. Figure 2: An AMSU overpass over station Lindenberg. The circle drawn around the station has a radius of 50 km. Results and Discussion The methodology of our comparison, the validation of the RT model, and the intercomparison between different satellites can be seen in [2]. Figure 3 shows the comparison for the two stations Lindenberg, Germany and Kem (64.95 ◦ N, 34.65◦ E), Russia for the year 2001. There are significant differences in channels 18 and 19, the two channels which are sensitive to the upper tropospheric humidity. The bias, slope and offset were calculated as explained in [2]. There is a slope in the channel 18 for Lindenberg. The possible explanation for the slope is that the correction of the data is not sufficient enough in extremely dry conditions. Therefore the modeled brightness temperatures are higher than the measured ones because the weighting functions peak lower in a drier atmosphere. A large bias exists in the case of Kem for channels 18 and 19. The modeled brightness temperatures overestimate the measured ones because there is a wet bias in the radiosonde humidity measurements using Goldbeater’s skin radiosondes [5]. In order to translate the bias in brightness temperature to bias in relative humidity we made a sensitivity chart. This is shown in Figure 4. It can be seen that a bias of about 7 K in channel 18 is equivalent to that of 10–12 % in RH. This result is consistent with the results of Soden and Lanzante [5]. Kem [Russia] AMSU 18 [ 183.31 ± 1 GHz ] AMSU 18 [ 183.31 ± 1 GHz ] BIAS = -0.59 ± 0.06 CORR = 0.95 N = 220 250 240 230 230 240 250 260 ARTS TB [ K ] 240 220 220 270 AMSU 19 [ 183.31 ± 3 GHz ] BIAS = -0.27 ± 0.06 CORR = 0.97 N = 220 270 250 240 240 SLOPE = 0.94 ± 0.02 OFFSET = 15.70 ± 4.89 250 260 270 ARTS TB [ K ] 260 250 250 SLOPE = 0.99 ± 0.02 OFFSET = 1.74 ± 5.50 260 270 280 ARTS TB [ K ] 290 260 250 SLOPE = 1.05 ± 0.05 OFFSET = -9.00 ± 13.43 240 280 275 270 240 250 ARTS TB [ K ] BIAS = 2.75 ± 0.13 CORR = 0.94 N = 36 240 AMSU 20 [ 183.31 ± 7 GHz ] 280 230 260 280 BIAS = -0.86 ± 0.06 CORR = 0.96 N = 220 SLOPE = 0.95 ± 0.06 OFFSET = 18.99 ± 15.01 AMSU 19 [ 183.31 ± 3 GHz ] 270 260 290 250 230 SLOPE = 0.92 ± 0.02 OFFSET = 18.99 ± 4.62 AMSU TB [ K ] AMSU TB [ K ] 280 AMSU TB [ K ] AMSU TB [ K ] 260 BIAS = 6.66 ± 0.14 CORR = 0.86 N = 36 260 AMSU TB [ K ] AMSU TB [ K ] 270 Lindenberg 270 250 260 ARTS TB [ K ] 270 AMSU 20 [ 183.31 ± 7 GHz ] BIAS = 0.10 ± 0.13 CORR = 0.93 N = 36 265 260 255 250 SLOPE = 1.04 ± 0.06 OFFSET = -10.79 ± 15.11 245 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 ARTS TB [ K ] Figure 3: Comparison between modeled and measured radiance for Lindenberg and Kem. Year: 2001, Satellite: NOAA-16. The blue curve shows a linear fit of modeled and measured radiance. ∆ TB [ K ] 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 5 Wettest 10 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 ∆ RH [ % ] 40 50 Medium ∆ TB [ K ] 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 ∆ TB [ K ] 0 10 5 10 Driest 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 Ch-16 Ch-17 Ch-18 Ch-19 Ch-20 10 Figure 4: Sensitivity of ∆TB to ∆RH for the AMSU-B channels. There profiles were selected based on the total water vapor content labelled as wettest, medium, and the driest. Summary and Future Work A robust methodology is developed for the comparison of satellite microwave humidity data with radiosonde data. This method is sensitive to the dry and wet biases in the radiosonde humidity measurements taking the satellite measurement as reference. We plan to apply this method for other stations and types of radiosonde sensors to find the possible biases in data set. Acknowledgments We thank Lisa Neclos, CLASS, NOAA, for providing AMSU data, Ulrich Leiterer and Horst Dier of Lindenberg weather station, for providing the radiosonde data. Furthermore, we wish to acknowledge funding through the German AFO 2000 research project UTHMOS (GFS 07ATC04). It is a contribution to COST Action 723 ‘Data Exploitation and Modeling for the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere’. References [1] S. A. Buehler, P. Eriksson, T. Kuhn, A. von Engeln, and C. Verdes. ARTS, the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator. JQSRT, submitted 2003. Preprint at: [2] S. A. Buehler, M. Kuvatov, V. O. John, U. Leiterer, and H. Dier. Comparison of Microwave Satellite Humidity Data and Radiosonde Profiles: A Case Study. JGR, Submitted 2004. Preprint at: [3] U. Leiterer, H. Dier, and T. Naebert. Improvements in radiosonde humidity profiles using RS80/RS90 radiosondes of Vaisala. 70(4):319–336, 1997. [4] R. W. Saunders, T. J. Hewison, S. J. Stringer, and N. C. Atkinson. 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