Variational Retrieval of Eastern Pacific Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Parameters using ATOVS with the COAMPS Mesoscale Forecast System TM ++ Grant Cooper1 2 , Nancy Baker2, and Philip Durkee1 1Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; 2Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA Motivation {++Current affiliation U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet, Bahrain} Part I: Information Content and Retrieval Error Sensitivity To investigate the ability of an operational IR and MW atmospheric sounding system to contribute information to a mesoscale NWP system within the summertime eastern Pacific (EPAC) environment. Information matrix = Hessian of cost function J(x) Alternate form of retrieval error covariance 0.5∇2x J(x) = S(x)-1 = B-1 + HT R-1 H • Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (ATOVS) S = B – B HT [HBHT + R]-1 H B • Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS™ ) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Atmospheric Variational Data Assimilation System (NAVDAS) Profile T and Loge q Jacobians (Column elements of H calculated using RTTOV-6) Approach HIRS/3 channel 13 (4.57 um) AMSU−B channel 2 (150.0 GHz) 0 200 300 300 300 400 400 400 500 1DVAR profile temperature and humidity retrievals using both simulated and actual ATOVS observations constrained by the COAMPS™ short-term forecasts and synoptically relevant background errors. The time period of interest coincided with the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus (DYCOMS) Phase II field study (July 2001). 900 ATOVS Instrument and RTTOV-6 Forward Model Errors (R = O + F) 9 H2Ov 8 10 O3 7 1 H2Ov W CO2 (Rii) CH W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 wavenumber (cm-1) / wavelength (µm) After Kidder and Vonder Haar (1995) AMSU-B ch 2 AMSU-B ch 3 - 5 AMSU-A ch 15 AMSU-B ch 1 AMSU-A ch 1 AMSU-A ch 2 AMSU-A ch 3-14 19-16 HIRS/3 2.78 0.77 0.58 0.37 0.27 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.24 0.26 0.48 0.98 0.22 0.22 0.31 1/2 K AMSU-A AMSU-B 2.13 2.43 1.24 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.37 0.40 0.40 0.49 0.58 0.95 1.93 100 400 Pressure hPa 400 500 600 COAMPSTM EPAC profile T errors 700 500 600 700 COAMPSTM EPAC profile loge q errors 800 800 900 900 1000 1000 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 Standard deviation of error K 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 1/2 NOGAPS COAMPS™ Unit 1.80 2.15 K T2m 300 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.04 0.06 800 900 1000 −6 −4 −2 0 2 Loge specific humidity Jacobian K 4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Standard deviation of error g/kg 0.9 1 1.1 1000 6 −6 The effective rank = number of singular values > ~ 1 Elements outside effective row space cannot be measured. λi2 loge q2m 0.18 0.18 g kg-1 Ps 3.38 3.38 hPa u2m 0.00 2.00 ms-1 v2m 0.00 2.00 ms-1 Tskin 1.57 1.57 K PCT N/A Various hPa CFC N/A Various 0-1 εm 0.00 0.02 0-1 1.2 ∑ (1 + λ i2) U.S. Standard Atmosphere Diagonal B Full B Diagonal B 7.4 6.9 7.2 6.7 BN background errors HIRS/3 AMSU-A AMSU-B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 100 Reciprocal of the diagonal elements of A = KH = BNHT[HBN HT + R]-1 H 400 Vertical resolution ~ 100 hPa near clear sky MABL 200 300 300 400 400 Pressure hPa 500 600 300 300 500 600 Improved temperature retrieval above cloud-top 700 700 800 800 900 220 230 240 250 260 Temperature K 270 280 290 300 200 230 240 250 260 Temperature K 270 280 290 3 5 T2m , loge q2m , Ps , u2m, v2m , Tskin PCT 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Temperature resolution (model level) 35 37 39 41 43 200 300 300 400 400 500 600 800 800 900 900 1000 •Emissivity: 600 700 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 Loge specific humidity g kg−1 0 1 2 3 −7 IR MW ISEM-6 FASTEM −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 Loge specific humidity g kg−1 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Loge specific humidity resolution (model level) 35 37 39 41 43 Loge specific humidity N 200 P → 100% 300 300 As a function of ATOVS instrument 35 channels HIR/3 only AMSU−A only AMSU−B only 100 200 400 Pressure hPa 500 500 600 600 700 AMSU-B HIRS/3 800 900 900 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Percent improvement in profile temperature (EPAC (clear) Profile 1A background) 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percent improvement in profile loge specific humidity (EPAC (clear) Profile 1A background) 80 Loge specific humidity N 0 0 35 ch AMSU−A ch 1 only AMSU−A ch 2 only AMSU−A ch 3 only AMSU−A ch 4 only AMSU−A/B ch 15/1 only AMSU−B ch 2 only 100 35 ch AMSU−A ch 1 only AMSU−A ch 2 only AMSU−A ch 3 only AMSU−A ch 4 only AMSU−A/B ch 15/1 only AMSU−B ch 2 only 100 200 300 300 400 400 500 600 500 600 AMSU-B Ch 2 700 700 As a function of ATOVS “window channel” AMSU-B Ch2 800 800 900 900 1000 1000 0 1000 −6 3 0 35 channels HIR/3 only AMSU−A only AMSU−B only 200 500 700 1 Temperature 100 2A1 957.44 hPa 2B2 922.46 hPa 1.00 CFC 8 600 0 2A1 90 g 2B2 285 g m-2 •Cloud elements: 7.5 NOGAPS BN Theoretical Retrieval Performance (P) m-2 •Surface elements: 300 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B 100 200 Pressure hPa Pressure hPa 100 −7 220 7 500 N 210 6.5 900 0 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B 6 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A1 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B2 Loge specific humidity 1000 210 0 5.5 800 900 1000 200 •Profile LWP: 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Standard deviation of error K 1000 1 1000 600 2.5 400 700 RTTOV-6 reference profile 2 700 800 800 •Profile O3: 1.5 Loge specific humidity N 1000 As Sii / Bii → 0 1 100 200 500 700 0.5 0 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A1 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B2 Pressure hPa Pressure hPa 200 0 200 900 Summertime conditions Clear and cloudy sky U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B 100 observation error effective background error (Profile 3) effective background error (Profile 1A) effective background error (Profile 1B) effective background error (Profile 2A1) effective background error (Profile 2B2) Temperature N 0 Number of RTTOV-6 model levels per degree of freedom for signal Pressure hPa U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B 100 6 Total degrees of freedom for signal EPAC (clear) Profile 1B 400 Cloudy sky 0 4 Full B N Representative EPAC Background State Vectors (xb) Clear sky −2 0 2 Loge specific humidity Jacobian K = tr ( A) P = 100[1 – (Sii / Bii)] 0 −4 Singular Value Decomposition (H’ = R-½ H BN½) Pressure hPa Pressure hPa Background error (Bii) NOGAPS EPAC COAMPS 200 200 −0.02 0 0.02 Temperature Jacobian K Projects B into radiance space and allows for direct comparison with R. For channels with large effective background error, the retrieval is nearly insensitive to the background and the solution is determined primarily by the satellite observation. - COAMPS™ EPAC 6-hr forecast errors - Correlated surface-atmosphere temperature errors 0 100 −0.04 Vertical Resolution BC log specific humidity air temperature −0.06 Larger effective background error for AMSU window channels - Globally averaged NOGAPS errors - First-order approximation - No surface-atmosphere error correlations NOGAPS EPAC COAMPS 1000 Effective Background Error (H BN HT) Background Error Covariance Matrix (B) 0 700 900 i After BN 600 800 dsi = 1.96 1.29 1.15 0.78 0.98 500 700 800 Pressure hPa Transmittance N2 CO2 11 600 Pressure hPa 12 500 ATOVS channel HIRS/3 channel 15-13 700 Pressure hPa 200 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A1 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2A2 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B1 EPAC (cloudy) Profile 2B2 AMSU-B CH 2 150.0 GHz 100 200 600 ATOVS Channels 0 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B AMSU-B CH 2 150.0 GHz 100 Pressure hPa • Establish the a priori elements critical for successful 1DVAR retrievals within the clear and cloudy sky EPAC environment Pressure hPa • Quantify total profile temperature and humidity information AMSU−B channel 2 (150.0 GHz) 0 U.S. Standard Atmosphere EPAC (clear) Profile 1A EPAC (clear) Profile 1B HIRS/3 CH 13 4.57 µm 100 Information content and retrieval error sensitivity analyses based upon representative EPAC background state vectors 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent improvement in profile loge specific humidity (U.S. Standard Atmosphere background) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percent improvement in profile loge specific humidity (EPAC (clear) Profile 1A background) 80