Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale PASSIVE MICROWAVE PROTECTION WMO / EUMETNET / ITWG / SFCG and METEO-FRANCE DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale ATMOSPHERIC OPACITY IN FREQUENCY RANGE 1-275 GHz 1.E+03 Water vapour tropical Oxygen 1.E+02 1.E+01 Water vapour sub-arctic Vertical opacity (dB) 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 Minor constituents 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E-07 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 Frequency (GHz) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 176 201 226 251 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Sensitivity of brightness temperature to geophysical parameters over ocean surface S A L IN IT Y W IN D S P E E D L IQ U ID C L O U D S + W ATER VAPOUR ∆Tb ∆Pi F re q u e n c y (G H z ) 0 10 20 30 40 SEA SURFACE TEM PERATURE _ DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Sensitivity of brightness temperature to geophysical parameters over land surfaces 'T b 'P i S u rfa ce ro u g h n e s s V e g e ta tio n b io m a s s C lo u d liq u id w a te r S o il m o is tu re In te g ra te d w a te r v a p o u r 5 10 DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 15 20 F re q u e n cy (G H z) 28/11/2002 25 30 35 40 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale O2 absorption spectrum along a vertical path around 60 GHz (multiple absorption lines) PASSIVE SENSORS REQUIREMENTS IN O 2 ABSORPTION SPECTRUM AROUND 60 GHz (U.S. standard atmosphère - Absorption model: Liebe 1993) Total oxygen absorption along a vertical path (dB) RESONANCE FREQUENCIES (GHz) 51.5034 52.0214 52.5424 53.0669 53.5957 54.1300 54.6712 55.2214 55.7838 56.2648 56.3634 56.9682 57.6125 58.3239 58.4466 59.1642 59.5910 60.3061 60.4348 61.1506 61.8002 62.4112 62.4863 62.9980 63.5685 64.1278 64.6789 65.2241 65.7648 66.3021 66.8368 67.3696 67.9009 Shared 200 Excl. 100 55.78 GHz Excl. 59.3 GHz 55.22 GHz 52.6 GHz 50.2-50.4 GHz 0 50 55 60 Frequency (GHz) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 65 70 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Weigthing functions at 50 to 60 GhZ DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale 200 Water vapour absorption spectrum along a vertical path around 183 GHz Total absorption along a vertical path (dB 180 160 140 120 Mid-latitude 100 Tropical Sub-arctic 80 60 40 20 Frequency (GHz) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 191,81 190,81 189,81 188,81 187,81 186,81 185,81 184,81 183,81 182,81 181,81 180,81 179,81 178,81 177,81 176,81 175,81 174,81 0 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale The SAPHIR channels over the water vapor line Central Frequencies (GHz) 183,31 ± 0,20 183,31 ± 1,10 183,31 ± 2,70 183,31 ± 4,20 OL 183,31 ± 6,60 183,31 ± 11,00 DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 3 4 5 6 GHz 11 2 195 2 190 3 185 4 183,31 175 5 180 6 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Weigthing functions at 183 GhZ DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale ATM OSPH ER IC ABSOR PTION IN FR EQU EN C Y R AN G E 275-1000 G H z 1.E+06 W ater vapour tropical 1.E+05 W ater vapour sub-arctic 1.E+04 Vertical opacity (dB) 1.E+03 1.E+02 O xygen 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 M inor constituents 1.E-03 275 325 375 425 475 525 575 625 675 Frequ en cy (G H z) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 725 775 825 875 925 975 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale GOMAS or GEM Antenna Ø 54 GHz 118 GHz 183 GHz 380 GHz 425 GHz 1m 242 km 112 km 73 km 35 km 31 km 2m 121 km 56 km 36 km 18 km 16 km 3m 81 km 37 km 24 km 12 km 10 km 4m 60 km 28 km 18 km 8.8 km 7.8 km DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION STUDY GROUPS February 2002 English only Draft Revision Of RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SA.515-3 Frequency bands and bandwidths used for satellite passive sensing (Question ITU-R 140/7 (1978-1990-19941997-2002) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that environmental data relating to the Earth is of increasing importance; DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Spectrum requirements for passive sensing of environmental data Up to 1000 GhZ ITU draft REC. SA 515 Frequency Band(s)(1) (GHz) Total BW required (MHz) Spectral Line(s) or Centre frequency (GHz) Measurement Scan mode N, L(4) 1.37-1.4s, 1.4-1.427P 100 1.4 Soil moisture, ocean salinity, sea surface temperature, vegetation index N 2.64-2.655s, 2.655-2.69s, 2.69-2.7P 45 2.7 Ocean salinity, soil moisture, vegetation index N 4.2-4.4s, 4.950-4.990s 200 4.3 Sea surface temperature N 6.425-7.25 200 6.85 Sea surface temperature N 10.6-10.68p, 10.68-10.7P 100 10.65 Rain rate, snow water content, ice morphology, sea state, ocean wind speed N DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION STUDY GROUPS February 2002 English only DRAFT REVISION oF RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SA.1028-1 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR SATELLITE PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING (Question ITU-R 140/7) (1994-1997-2002) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that certain frequency bands, including some absorption bands of atmospheric gases (e.g., O2 (oxygen) and H2O (water vapour) ), have been allocated for spaceborne passive microwave remote sensing; DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale ITU draft REC. SA 1028 Frequency Band(s) (1) (GHz) Total BW Required (MHz) Required UTe (K) Data avaibility (%)(7) Scan Mode (N,L)(4) 1.37-1.4s, 1.4-1.427P 100 0.05 99.9 N 2.64-2.655s, 2.655-2.69s, 2.69-2.7P 45 0.1 99.9 N 4.2-4.4s, 4.950-4.990 200 0.3/0.05(6) 99.9 N 6.425-7.25 200 0.3/0.05(6) 99.9 N 10.6-10.68p, 10.68-10.7P 100 1.0/0.1(6) 99.9 N 15.2-15.35s, 15.35-15.4P 200 0.1 99.9 N 18.6-18.8p 200 1.0/0.1(6) 95/99.9(6) N 21.2-21.4p 200 0.2/0.05(6) 99/99.9(6) N 22.21-22.5p 300 0.4/0.05(6) 99/99.9(6) N 23.6-24.0P 400 0.05 99.99 N Spectrum requirements for passive sensing of environmental data Up to 1000 GhZ DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION STUDY GROUPS February 2002 English only DRAFT REVISION of RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SA.1029-1 PERMISSIBLE INTERFERENCE CRITERIA LEVELS FOR SATELLITE PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING (Question ITU-R 140/7) (1994-1997-2002) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that certain frequency bands, including some absorption bands of atmospheric gases (e.g., O2 (oxygen) and H2O (water vapour) ), have been allocated for spaceborne passive microwave remote sensing; DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale DATA AVAILABILITY Data availability is the percentage of area or time for which accurate data is available for a specified sensor measurement area or sensor measurement time. For a 99.99% data availability, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 2,000,000 km2, unless otherwise justified; for a 99.9% data availability, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 10,000,000 km2 unless otherwise justified; for a 99% data availability the measurement time is 24 hours, unless otherwise justified DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Long-term objectives for passive sensor sensitivities THE WMO TABLE IS A DRAFT DEFINED UP TO Frequencyband(s)((GHz Objective ∆Te (K) 1.37-1.4s, 1.4-1.427P 0.05 2.64-2.655s, 2.655-2.69s, 2.69-2.7P 4.2-4.4s, 4.950-4.990s 0.05 0.05 1000 GhZ (not clear for 1000 to 3000 GHz range) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 6.425-7.25 10.6-10.68p, 10.68-10.7P 28/11/2002 0.05 0.1 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale N.B. The updated and consolidated WMO table quoted above should and must be as well the reference for a correct agreement between « local » and « global » 1b radiances. Same concerning the computation of synthetic radiances. ÎThis is …not yet …the case today . ÎWhat about tomorrow when using together NPOESS, METOP,FY-3 etc …? DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale WEB(s) sites fore more infos. Î and fore more questions DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Some big problems to solve … To conclude what is needed above 275 GHz (central frequencies and bandwidths) To conclude about ‘Delta T ‘ tables between WMO and ITU proposals To archive emissivity pictures of the Earth in microwaves below 50 GHz. To save 23.6-34 GHz as a key exemple for ever ! DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Contamination around 7 GHz DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Measurements in the 10.6 to 10.7 GHz band with the Effelsberg 100m radio telescope DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 1990 2000 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale The global problem : 1) To get a clear, consolidated and justificated request (that include for our instruments to avoid « wrong » bands). 2) To make lobbying against those which don’t respect WMO and ITU rules… 3) A first way is to cooperate with SFCG and a complementary way is to react country by country now. DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale Suggestions from now to next ITSC-14 : * To have a one hour meeting ,here, with interested people * To clean and update the informations on ITWG Web * To host next SFCG/24 in Perros-Guirec in one year Î if ITWG agrees Î if some money can be collected from : NASA, NOAA, ESA, EUMETSAT, NASDA, WMO, CNES, ISRO, CSA and some others… (SFCG-25 is planned in Beijing by september 2005). DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002 Direction de la Production Centre de Météorologie Spatiale SFCG-24 ( 60 people) A) Two actions given to the ITWG representative : * one bout how to update the WMO/ITU handbook * the other about to complete and consolidate the « table » from 1 to 3000 GHz for passive microwaves B) Evaluation of the cost of SFCG-24 at Perros-Guirec 30 KEUROS for the facilities of the Conference Center 4 KEUROS for the coffee breaks 4 KEUROS for the SFCG-24 dinner 2 KEUROS for the bus Î Total 40000 Euros …so around 4000 Euros by Organism. ( answer needed urgently ) DP/CMS/R&D – Guy Rochard 28/11/2002