Planned Hyperspectral Imaging & Sounding Researches for Indian Ocean Under GIFTS-IOMI Project Allen Huang - PI John M., Jun L., Steve A., Wayne F., Fred W., Bormin H., Dave T., and Chris V. CIMSS, Univ. of WI-Madison Paul L. HIGP, Univ. of Hawaii Ping Y., Univ. of Texas A&M Gary J. & Sundar C., Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville Irina S., Univ. of Colorado at Boulder Advisors: Walt McKeown & Bill Smith GIFTS-IOMI Measurement Concept Combine Two Measurement Technologies On a Geosynchronous Satellite to Obtain Four Dimensional Observations of the Atmosphere • (Horizontal) Large area format focal plane detector arrays provide near instantaneous wide geographical coverage • (Vertical) Michelson interferometer provides high spectral resolution • (Temporal) Geosynchronous orbit provides high time resolution (i.e., motion observations) GIFTS Performance Relative to Current and Future GOES Sounders Options Parameter GOES (I-M) ABS GIFTS Channels Detector Elements Spatial Footprint/Spacing Coverage Rate1 Performance2 19 4 8 / 10 1452 256 10 / 10 1724 16384 4/4 ~ 42 min 1 ~ 20 min 4 ~ 7 min 66 1 Per 3000-km x 3000-km area 2 Information content per area resolution per coverage rate relative to GOES (I-M) Original Proposed Tasks for 2001-2006 1 Mathematical Quantification of Useful Hyperspectral Information 2 Radiative Transfer Modeling • Clear Sky Emission/Absorption • Atmospheric Particulate Emission/Absorption • Surface Emission/Absorption 3 Mathematical Retrieval Algorithm Development • Atmospheric Parameters • Suspended Particulate Detection and Quantification • Sea Surface Temperature • Surface Material Identification 4 Product Research • Ocean Surface Characterization • Lower Tropospheric Temperature, Moisture and Winds • Surface Material Products • Aerosols • Derived (Second Order) Products Revised Tasks for 2001-2006 1 Mathematical Quantification of Useful Hyperspectral Information 2 Radiative Transfer Modeling • Clear and cloudy Sky Emission/Absorption • Atmospheric Particulate (both dust & aerosol) Emission/Absorption • Surface Emission/Absorption • Ajoint & Linear Tangent 3 Mathematical Retrieval Algorithm Development • Atmospheric Parameters • Suspended Particulate Detection and Quantification • Sea Surface Temperature • Surface Material Identification 4 Product Research • Ocean Surface Characterization • Lower Tropospheric Temperature, Moisture and Winds • Surface Material Products • Aerosols • Derived (Second Order) Products •Visibility Presentation Outline •Work Breakdown Structure & Personnel Allocation •Data Simulation •Clear Fast Forward Modeling • Algorithm Development / Meteorological Applications – Temperature/Moisture Profile; Sea Surface Temperatures; – Winds; Aerosols and Visibility – Stability and Turbulence; Surface Characterization • Cloud & Dust/Aerosol Modeling • Uniqueness of GIFTS/IOMI MURI • Goal of Tasks: Year 1 and beyond GIFTS/IOMI WBS & Personnel Allocation Allen Huang (PI) John Mecikalski (PM) 1st Order 2nd Order MURI Students: Kate LaCasse (DA) Jon Moskaitis (DA) seeking others Jun Li and others Dave Tobin Bormin Huang John Mecikalski and others Retrieval Algorithms Forward Modeling Information Content Numerical Modeling Wayne Feltz and others Stability & Turbulence Paul Lucey (UH-HIGH) Steve Ackerman, I. Sokolik (UC-B) Dust & Visibility Surface Characterization Chris Velden Bormin Huang PBL Winds Sea Surface Temperature Clouds & Cloud Modeling UW-CIMSS Support Staff: Derek Posselt, Hal Wolf, Leslie Moy, Elizabeth Weise, Erik Olson, Kevin Bagget Ping Yang (UT A&M) G. Jedlovec (UAH) GIFTS/IOMI Simulation Flowchart MesoScale Model Atmos. Profiles Cloud properties Surface properties Winds Raobs, Retrievals, etc. Radiative Transfer Model Top of Atmos. Radiance Spectra FTS Simulator Interferograms or Spectra Radiance or Counts Signal or Noise Use of Simulated Data Mesoscale Modeling Validation Profiles Clouds Surface temp Wind Profile Tracking Radiative Transfer Modeling Top of Atmosphere radiances FTS Simulator Interferograms Trade Study Compression Instrument Design Compression Impacts Compressed Interferograms Wind Retrieval Calibration Off-Axis Normalization Spectra Normalized INFGs Profiles : Outputs Temporal, Spectral, and Spatial Information Content of GIFTS/IOMI Measurements 685 1/cm 900 1/cm 1650 1/cm 1950 1/cm 00:00 Z 00:30 Z 01:00 Z GIFTS/IOMI Forward Model Improvements Co-Investigator: Dr. Dave Tobin (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Within the UW-MURI, add functionality to the existing UW-GIFTS/IOMI fast model, including reflected thermal and solar radiation terms, variable CO concentration, and the inclusion of tangent linear and adjoint modules. • Develop an improved clear sky fast model with state-of-the-art spectroscopic knowledge and fast model parameterization for producing simulated GIFTS data and other MURI algorithm development. Current GIFTS/IOMI Fast Model characteristics “ LBLRTM based PLOD fast model” LBLRTM runs: • HITRAN ‘96 + JPL extended spectral line parameters • CKD v2.4 H2O continuum Spectral Characteristics: • ~586-2347 cm-1 • ~0.8724 cm MOPD • Kaisser Bessel #6 apodization Fast Model: Dust/Aerosol • 32 profiles from NOAA database • 6 view angles • AIRS 100 layers • Fixed, H2O, and O3 • AIRS PLOD predictors Run time: • ~0.8 Sec on a 1 GHz CPU Temp. Surface Type Ozone CO Temp. Water Vapor Example Comparison of Observed and Calculated Scanning-HIS overflight of ARM ground site in north central Oklahoma on 9 Dec 2000 Retrieval Algorithms Co-Investigator: Dr. Jun Li (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Within the UW-MURI, State of the art retrieval algorithm will be developed which uses heritage and new approaches •Physical and information based algorithm will be optimized for efficient processing •Perform robust testing for optimal temperature and water vapor sounding products, especially for boundary layer soundings. 850 hPa Global Temperature Retrieval MODIS August 23, 2000 AMSU-A Surface Emissivity Water Vapor Retrieval MODIS 4 micron band Vs. derived surface emissivity MODIS 8.6 micron band Vs. derived 700 mixing ratio Suspended Matter (Aerosol and Dust) Co-Investigator: Dr. Steve Ackerman (Director UW-CIMSS) & Irina Sokolik (Uinv. Of Colorado at Boulder) Tasks and Goals: • Improve existing algorithms for use with GIFTS hyperspectral data for the detection and characterization of atmospheric S.M.(aerosols). • Improve existing algorithms to demonstrate ship-based (i.e. carrier deck) horizontal and slantwise visibility estimates. AVHRR Dust Detection AVHRR Band 1 Dust Mask Northwest African Coast and Adjacent Atlantic NOAA-11 AVHRR (LAC), April 21, 1992 Hyperspectral Dust Observations Desert Red Sea Boundary Winds Co-Investigator: Chris Velden (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Implement well-tested and proven methods for measuring winds from geostationary satellite instruments. • Improve existing algorithms to provide data for low-level wind shear and turbulence algorithms to describe the oceanic environment. GIFTS/IOMI Experimental Tracking Methods GIFTS/IOMI Winds Development Path • Single channels • Superchannels • Altitude-determined fields from moisture retrievals • Simulated data • Real data (Case Studies) • Real-time demonstration and validation Testing and Product Validation ONR’s Participation in Future Development • Case studies • Statistical analysis using in-situ observations • Numerical model impact studies • NRL forecast office feedback Using GIFTS/IOMI as the vehicle, Navy will play a crucial role in the development of the next generation geostationary satellite winds algorithm. Turbulence & Stability Co-Investigators: Wayne Feltz (UW-CIMSS) and Dr. John Mecikalski (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Improve existing algorithms for use with GIFTS hyperspectral data for the detection and characterization of atmospheric turbulence and stability. • Demonstrate derived products for ship-based use (combining estimated turbulence, stability, wind, and aerosols) AERI Detected Weather Events Cold Frontal Passages Elevated Mixed Layers Moisture Gradient Return Flow Moisture RAOB Parcel Energy Atmospheric Stability Index Validation Continuous Monitoring of the Boundary Layer T Q P.E. CAPE L.I. Time Sea Surface Temperatures Co-Investigator: Dr. Bormin Huang (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Improve existing algorithms for use with IOMI hyperspectral data for estimating surface emissivity and measuring sea-surface temperatures. • Develop research algorithms that will lead to efficient Naval at sea (e.g., engine cooling, atmospheric stability in boundary layer). MODIS SST MODIS SST, UTC 15:452UTC, May 2, 2001 (15:45 May 2001) Cold Labrador Current (<5C) Warm Gulf Stream (>25C) GOES SST Estimates (20-12 UTC 20 May 1998 differences) Diurnal Variation NAST-I SST (Wallops 23 August 1999) Surface Emissivity Modeling (Angle and Sea State Dependency) Surface Emissivity Difference for wind of 16 m/s and that for wind of 0 m/s (but not the specular surface), as a function of wavelength and view angle Numerical Weather Prediction Co-Investigator: Dr. John Mecikalski (UW-CIMSS) Tasks and Goals: • Produce through numerical experiments simulated GIFTS data “cubes” at GIFTS resolution over large geographical domains • Develop the numerical modeling infrastructure necessary to support the processing of GIFTS data for the development of meteorological applications. Develop the massively parallelized computer codes for GIFTS data requirements. GIFTS/IOMI 10 Second Simulated Measurements (128 by 128 FOVs) 2250 1/cm 1900 1/cm 650 1/cm 750 1/cm 900 1/cm 1650 1/cm Surface Characterization Co-Investigator: Dr. Paul Lucey (UH-HIGP) Tasks and Goals: •Modeling of surface emissivity •Apply UH analysis models to GIFTS simulations and GIFTS-MURI data sets •Collect moderate resolution airborne hyperspectral data in support of MURI software development •Demonstrate GIFTS/IOMI surface characterization of naval environment to support battle-space activities UH Operates Airborne, Field and Laboratory Hyperspectral Data Collection Systems All systems are available for GIFTS MURI AHI Airborne LWIR Hyperspectral Imager Nicolet LWIR Laboratory FTIR Designs and Prototypes LWIR Field FTIR Hawaii Capabilities Contribute To All Aspects of Wisconsin MURI Project MURI Research Components Mathematical Quantification of Hyperspectral Information Radiative Transfer Modeling Mathematical Retrieval Algorithm Development Product Research University of Hawaii Contributions IR Spectral Phenomenology Hyperspectral Data Collection Provide test data sets Hyperspectral Data Compression Methodologies Leverage NIMA-funded UH research to reduce data volume Contribute experience with measurement and modeling of surfaces Contribute ground-truthed data sets Integrate modeling/data collection/information extraction Cloud Modeling Subcontractor: Prof. Ping Yang (UT-A&M) Tasks and Goals: • Develop State of the Art Cloud Model for GIFTS/IOMI 1. Water Cloud Radiative Property Modeling 2. Ice Cloud Radiative Property Modeling 3. Full Fast Physical Cloudy Radiative Transfer Modeling Observed Cloud Shapes Pole Mid-Latitude Tropics Modeled Vs. Observed Cloud Shapes Observed (in Black) Modeled (in Red) Theoretical Vs. Experimental Cloud Effects Old Vs. New Old Old New New Measured Dust Modeling Subcontractor: Prof. Irina Sokolik (Univ. of Colorado) Tasks and Goals: • Develop State of the Art dust/aerosol Model for GIFTS/IOMI 1. Dust Radiative Property Modeling 2. Aerosol Radiative Property Modeling 3. Full Fast Physical Cloudy Radiative Transfer Modeling Examples of spectral optical properties of lineral dust mixtures (quartz + clays) Normalized extinction coefficient 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix6 Mix7 Mix8 0.01 0.008 more quartz 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 wavelengths 8.8 9 Effect of the dust mixture and loading on brightness temperature (US 1976 Standard Atmosphere, observation at 100 km, averaging Dn = 0.5 cm-1, dust in the lowest 2.5 km) (Sokolik, GRL, 2001) Clear sky Dust causes an “inverse slope” Year 1 Goals (through 30 April 2002) 1. Develop improved fast and forward radiative models for GIFTS data 2. Enhance capabilities to simulate and visualize GIFTS data “cubes” for simulation experiments 3. Develop numerical modeling and computational infrastructure to support algorithm development 4. Collect GIFTS validation data set for water vapor and temperature (e.g. International H2O Project, AIRS, NAST-I) 5. Begin algorithm improvements necessary for use with GIFTS hyperspectral measurements for atmospheric and land-surface characterization 5 Year Goals (through 30 April 2006) 1. Improve our basic understanding of the GIFTS/IOMI forward modeling and retrieval parameters in order to optimize the algorithm development and data products in preparation to meet fleet METOC requirements 2. Demonstrate optimal use of GIFTS/IOMI hyperspectral measurements and generation of environmental products 3. Enable GIFTS/IOMI data processing to support DOD strategic Objectives 4. Enhancing DOD tactical environmental-support capability for naval activities 5. Ready for post-launch prototyping and operational implementation of GIFTS/IOMI data processing and product generation