List of Publications on THE SEASONING CIF WOO D August 1961 No. 446

RIt.A.:10 L
List of Publications o n
August 196 1
No. 446
In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin
Pag e
Instructions for obtaining publications
Physical properties of wood as related to seasoning 1
Moisture specifications
Predrying treatments
Air drying of wood
Kiln drying of wood
Dry kiln mechanics
Special drying methods
Moisture content control during shipment ,
storage, and fabrication
Mi scellaneous
Other publication lists issued by th e
Forest Products Laboratory
No . 446
-i -
Publications available for distribution at this Laboratory are marked with a n
asterisk (*) .
Single technical notes, reprints, duplicated reports may be obtained free upo n
request from the Director, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison 5, Wis .
Federal Government bulletins, circulars, and leaflets, if not available for fre e
distribution at this Laboratory, may be purchased at the price indicated fro m
the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25 ,
D. C . Send money order, draft, or cash ; stamps or personal checks are no t
Trade journals containing articles herein listed may be consulted in variou s
libraries .
The Forest Products Laboratory reserves the right to furnish only those publications which in its judgment will give the information requested . Blanke t
requests or requests for a large number of copies of any individual articl e
will not be filled except in unusual cases .
No. 446
Technical Note s
Methods of determining the specific gravity of wood . 1956 .
Weights of various woods grown in the United States . 1961 .
Longitudinal shrinkage of wood . 1961 .
Computed thermal conductivity of common woods . 1952 .
The fiber-saturation point of wood . 1952 .
FPL Processed Report s
Shrinking and swelling of wood in use . Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1957.
The sap or moisture in wood, by E . C . Peck. 1959 .
Longitudinal shrinkage of wood . 1960 .
Standard terms for describing wood . 1956 .
Thermodynamics of the swelling of wood, by A . J. Stamm an d
W. Karl Loughborough . Jour . Physical Chem ., V39, No . 1 ,
Jan . 1935 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
* 1406
Methods of computing the rate of temperature change in wood and
plywood panels when the two opposite surfaces are maintained a t
different temperatures, by J . D .. MacLean . Inforn a.tion r e
viewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Effect of moisture changes on the shrinking, swelling, specifi c
gravity, air or void space, weight and similar properties o f
wood, by J . D . MacLean . Information reviewed and reaffirme d
1958 .
Effect of direction of growth rings on the relative amount of shrink age in width and thickness of lumber and effect of radial and tan gential shrinkage on dimensions of round timbers, by J . D . Mac Lean . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
No . 446
FPL Processed Reports (Cont . )
The coefficients of thermal expansion of wood and wood products ,
by R . C . Weatherwax and A . J. Stamm . Information reviewed
and reaffirmed 1956 .
How wood dries, by W . J . Baker . Information reviewed and re affirmed 1956 .
Methods of determining the moisture content of wood, by J . M.
McMillen . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Stresses in wood during drying, by J . M. McMillen . 1958 .
Electrical moisture meters for wood, by W. L . James . 1958.
Effects of wood preservatives on electrical moisture-meter read ings . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
Exudation of pitch and oils in wood, by F . L. Browne and R . C.
Rietz. Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1959 .
*1769-27 Method: of calculating shrinkage or swelling of wood with change in
moisture content, by E . C . Peck. 1960 .
*1785 Comparison of redwood and flat-grained yellow-poplar for cores i n
furniture panels, by E. C . Peck and M. L . Selbo . Informatio n
reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
Effects of tension wood in hardwood lumber and veneer, . by-Maxon
Y . Pillow . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
*2079 The perpendicular-to-grain mechanical properties of red oak a s
related to temperature, moisture content, and time, by R. L .
Youngs . 1957 .
Occurrence of tension wood and related seasoning defects in California black oak, by Harold E . Wahlgren. 1958 .
A method of calculating internal stresses in drying wood, by R . L.
Youngs and C . B . Norris . 1958 .
No . 446
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FPL Processed Reports (Cont . )
Report of dimensional stabilization seminar held at U .S . Forest
Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, -January 21-23 .,
1959 .
Drying stresses and stress relief in thin sections of wood, by: Hans
Kuebler . 1960 .
Significance of tension wood in furniture cuttings of red oak, by L .
E. Lassen and G ._ A . Cooper . 1960 .
Interaction of moisture and wood, by H-ar'old Tarkow . 1960 .
Calibration of electric moisture meters for jack and red pine, blac k
spruce, paper-birch, black ash, eastern hemlock, and bigtoot h
aspen, by William L . James . 1961 .
Other Publications
*Stresses in drying lumber, by J . M . McMillen and R . L. Youngs . South.
Lbrmn., Dec . 15, 1960 .
*Combined bound-water and water-vapor diffusion into Sitka spruce, by A . J .
Stamm . Forest Products Jour . 10(12):644-648, Dec . 1960 .
*Bound-water diffusion into wood in across-the-fiber direction, by A. J.
Stamm . Forest Products Jour . 10(10):524-528, Oct . 1960 .
Black maple: Specific .gravity and shrinkage, by Benson H . 'Paul .
eastern Logger 9(1) :10-11, 38-39, July 1960 .
North -
*Diffusion through air-filled capillaries of softwoods : Pt. 2: Water- vapor, by
H. Tarkow and A . J . Stamm . Forest Products Jour . 10(6) : 323-4 ,
' June 1960 .
*Diffusion through air-filled capillaries of softwoods : Pt. . 1: Carbon dioxide .,
by H. Tarkow and A . J. Stamm . Forest Products Jour . 10(5) : 247-50 .
- = r,
May 1960 .
Other Publications (Cont . )
New method of calculating internal stresses in wood, by R . L . Youngs an d
C . B . Norris . Forest Products Jour . 9(10) : 367-371, Oct . 1959 .
*Recommendations of the Madison Conference on fundamental research i n
wood drying, by R . L. Youngs . Forest Products Jour :. 9(3) :121-124 ,
Mar . 1959 .
General summary of the FPL wood stabilization seminar, by Harold Tarkow .
Forest Products Jour . 9(3) :110-111, Mar . 1959 .
Toward new and better means of dimensionally stabilizing wood, by A . J.
Stamm. Forest Products Jour . 9(3) :107-110, Mar . 1959 .
*Bound-water diffusion into wood in the fiber direction, by A . J. Stamm .
Forest Products Jour . 9(1) :27-32, Jan . 1959 .
*Bending solid wood to form, by E . C . Peck. USDA Ag . Handbook No . 125 ,
37 pp ., 1957 .
*Mechanical properties of red oak related to drying, by Robert L . Youngs .
Forest Products Jour . 7(10) :315-324, Oct . 1957 .
*How wood shrinks and swells, by E . C . Peck. Forest Products Jour . 7(7) :
235-244, July 1957 .
*Comparison of three methods of determining whether southern pine poles ar e
well air seasoned, by J . S. Mathewson and P . J . Berger . Fores t
Products Jour . 7(5) :174-77, May 1957 .
*Compression wood cause of bowing and twisting, by M . Y . Pillow . Wood
Working Indus ., Nov . 1930 .
*Effect of plywood glue lines on the accuracy of moisture-meter indications ,
by E. R. Bell and N . T. Krueger . Forest Products Research Societ y
Proc . 1949 .
*Accuracy of electric moisture meter readings on jack pine posts, by J . S .
Mathewson . Forest Products Jour . 5(5) :359-61, Oct. 1955 .
*Drying stresses in red oak : Effect of temperature, by J . M . McMillen .
Forest Products Jour . 5(4) :230-41, Aug . 1955 .
*Drying stresses in red oak, by J . M . McMillen . Forest Products Jour .
5(1) :71-76, Feb . 1955 .
No. 446
Other Publications (Cont . )
Estimated footage reduction in kiln drying air-dried hardwoods, by R . C .
Rietz. South. Lbrmn ., Aug . 15, 1941 .
*Passage of liquids, vapors and dissolved materials through softwoods, b y
A. J . Stamm . USDA Technical Bulletin No . 929, 88 pp ., 1946 .
FPL Processed Report s
Moisture content of wood in use, by E . C . Peck. Information re viewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
Using a resistance-type wood moisture meter to appraise deca y
hazard, by C . S. Moses and Theo . C . Scheffer . 1959 .
Other Publication s
*Quality control and seasoning, by R . C . Rietz. Forest Products Researc h
Society Proc., 1949 .
Moisture meters reliable in inspection studies, by R . C . Rietz . Wood ,
Sept. 1948 .
Technical Notes
No . 446
Coatings that prevent end checks . 1959 .
Cause and prevention of blue stain in wood . 1958 .
Chemical brown stain in pine . 1951 .
FPL Processed Reports
Minimizing wood shrinkage and swelling : Treatment with sucros e
and invert sugar, by A . J . Stamm . Indus . & Eng . Chem ., July
1937 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
Effect of inorganic salts upon the swelling and shrinking of wood ,
by A . J . Stamm . Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc ., May 1934 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
*1270 The hygroscopic and antishrink values of chemicals in relation t o
chemical seasoning of wood, by E . C . Peck . Information re viewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Coatings for the prevention of end checks in logs and lumber, b y
J. M. McMillen . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1961 .
*1665 ...6 Special methods of seasoning wood : Chemical seasoning . 1957 .
* 1708
Chemical treatment and seasoning of thick beech stock, by E . C.
Peck, Gregory Baker, and R . M. Carter . Cosgrove' s Mag . ,
June 1948 ; Wood, June 1948 ; Timber of Canada, June 1948 .
Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
*1759 Effect of yard-piling methods and salt treatment on checking of 5/ 4
red oak lumber, by O . W . Torgeson . Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1956.
List of manufacturers and dealers for log and lumber end coatings .
1961 .
Control of decay and sap stain in logs and green lumber, by T . C .
Scheffer . 1958 .
Protecting bulk-piled green lumber from fungi by dip treatment, b y
Theodore C . Scheffer and John T . Drow . 1960 .
Other Publication s
*Seasoning green-wood carvings with polyethylene glycol-1000, by H . L .
Mitchell and E . S . Iversen . Forest Products Jour . 11(1) :6-7, Jan . 1961 .
No . 446
Other Publications (Cont . )
New antishrink treatment improves wood for gunstocks, other uses, b y
Harold L . Mitchell . Wood and Wood Products 65(11) :50, 52, 102 ,
Nov . 1960 .
*Water sprays protect hardwood logs from stain and decay, by P . H . Lane
and T . C . Scheffer . Forest Products Jour . 10(6) :277-282, June 1960 .
*New chemical treatment curbs shrink and swell of walnut gunstocks, by H .
L. Mitchell and H . E . Wahlgren . Forest Products Jour . 9(12) :437-441 ,
Dec . 1959 .
*Effect of polyethylene glycol on the dimensional stability of wood, by A . J.
Stamm . Forest Products Jour . 9(10) : 375-381, Oct . 1959 .
*Dimensional stabilization of wood with carbowaxes, by A . J . Stamm . Fores t
Products Jour . 6(5):201-204, May 1956 .
Minimizing wood shrinkage and swelling : Treating with synthetic resinforming materials, by A . J. Stamm and R . M. Seborg . Indus . & Eng .
Chem., Oct . 1936 .
Technical Note s
Comparative strength of air-dried and kiln-dried wood . 1961 .
Cause and prevention of blue stain in wood . 1958 .
Comparative decay resistance of heartwood of different native
species when used under conditions that favor decay . 1961 .
Approximate air-drying and kiln-drying periods for 1-inch lumber .
1960 .
FPL Processed Report s
Seasoning dimension stock, by O . W . Torgeson . Information re viewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
A method of seasoning small quantities of lumber, by E . F .
Rasmussen . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
No . 446
FPL Processed Reports (Cont . )
Air drying of lumber, by E . C . Peck. Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1961 .
* 1672
Forest Products Laboratory instructions in flat piling to take car e
of variations in local conditions and in species and sizes o f
stock . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Seasoning of white oak for tight cooperage, by E . F . Rasmusse n
and J . M . McMillen . Information reviewed and reaffirme d
1956 .
Air seasoning of lodgepole pine poles, by J . S. Mathewson . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
*1944-5 The air drying of Engelmann spruce, by E . C . Peck . Information
reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
Air drying and sticker staining of 4/4 sugar maple flooring i n
Upper Michigan, by E . C . Peck. 1957 .
Other Publication s
*Status of wood drying--1959 (Research and practice in the U .S ., Canada ,
and Europe), by J . M . McMillen, S . B . Preston, and C . J . Kozlik .
Forest Products Jour . 10(2) :82-90, Feb . 1960 .
*Air drying of 4/4 red oak in southern Wisconsin, by E . C . Peck . Forest
Products Jour . 9(7) :197-203, July 1959 .
*Air drying of ponderosa pine lumber in Arizona, by E . C . Peck, E . S .
Kotok, and L . A . Mueller . Forest Products Jour . 6(2) :88-96, Feb .
1956 .
*Air seasoning of red oak crossties, by J . S . Mathewson, C . S . Morton, an d
R . H. Bescher . AWPA Proc ., 1949 .
*Production, seasoning, and shipping of balsa, by L . V . Teesdale . Timber man, Sept . -Oct. -Nov . 1943 .
No. 446
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Other Publications (Cont . )
Lumber seasoning during construction, by D . V . Doyle . South . Lbrmn .
191(2383) :42, July 15, 1955 : Carpenter & Bldr . , Convention Issue 1955 .
Seasoning beech lumber, by G . Baker and J . M . McMillen . Beech Utilization Series No . 11, 1955 . Northeastern Forest Experiment Station ,
Forest Service, 102 Motors Ave ., Upper Darby, Pa .
*Wood seasoning, by R . C . Rietz . Wood Working Digest 55(10) :260, 262 ,
264 . (Directory No .), Oct . 1953 .
You can dry lumber with a crop drier, by F . A . Strenge . Hoard' s Dairy man 98(4) :171, Feb . 25, 1953 .
*"New Look" in air drying lumber yards, by E . C . Peck . Southern Buildin g
Supplies . April 1952 .
Machines take over in the lumber yard, by E . C . Peck . National Association of Commission Lumber Salesmen Year Book, 1952 .
Effect of yard-piling methods and salt treatment on checking of 5/4 red oa k
lumber, by O .• W . Torgesort . South . Lbrmn ., Apr . 1, 1949 .
Seasoning of aspen, by H . H . Smith . Lake States Aspen Rept . No . 5, 1947 .
Lake States Forest Experiment Station, University Farm, St . Paul 8 ,
Minn .
Drying rates of blue-stained and bright lumber, by T . C . Scheffer . South .
Lbrmn ., Mar . 15, 1941 .
Stains of sapwood and sapwood products and their control, by T . C . Scheffe r
and R . M . Lindgren . USDA Technical Bulletin No . 714 . 1940 . 20 cents .
Technical Note s
*156 r Table of relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content fo r
dry- and wet-bulb hygrometer . 1952 .
Technical Notes (Cont . )
Comparative strength of air-dried and kiln-dried wood . 1961 .
The reversible-circulation internal-fan kiln . 1952 .
Detection and relief of casehardening and final moisture content
tests in kiln dried lumber . 1956 .
Approximate air-drying and kiln-drying periods for 1-inch lumber .
1960 .
Chemical brown stain in pine . 1952 .
FPL Processed Reports
List of dry-kiln companies and engineers and consultants in th e
United States . 1959 .
Furnace-type lumber dry kiln, by O . W . Torgeson and H . H .
Smith . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Seasoning of Ohio "red" willow artificial-limb blanks, by O . W .
Torgeson . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content graphs an d
tables for use in kiln drying lumber . Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1956 .
Small demountable-type lumber dry kiln for experimental drying ,
by O . W . Torgeson . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1956 .
Kiln drying of white birch turning squares . Information reviewe d
and reaffirmed 1956 .
*News and views of this kiln drying business :
1769-2 Have you been experiencing wood fabrication troubles in the sprin g
when the factory switches from winter heating to opening o f
windows? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, Apr . 1950 .
-3 How are kiln samples prepared for use in determining moistur e
content? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, June 1950 .
-4 Where should kiln samples be placed and how many should be used ?
by R . C . Rietz . Wood, July 1950 . Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1960 .
No . 446
-10 -
*News and views of this kiln drying business : (Cont . )
1769-5 What are the principal advantages in seasoning lumber ? by R . C .
Wood, Aug . 1950 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
-7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the package-loade d
dry kiln? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, Nov . 1955 . Information re viewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
- 8 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of package loaded kiln trucks? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, Jan . 1951 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
-9 What is the cause of case-hardening in lumber and how can it b e
relieved? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, May 1951 .
- 10 How is case-hardening in kiln-dried lumber determined? by R . C .
Rietz . Wood, July 1951 .
- 11 What precautions will minimize seasoning defects in the kiln dryin g
of green oak lumber? by O . W. Torgeson . Wood, July 1951 .
-12 Do cross-piled, cross circulation lumber dry kilns produce uniformly dried lumber? by R . C . Rietz . Wood, Oct . 1951 . In formation reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
-13 How can black walnut gunstock blanks be kiln dried without honey combing? by John M . McMillen . Wood, Dec . 1951 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
- 14 Does weighing of kiln loads reduce warping in kiln drying of hardwoods ? by O . W. Torgeson . Wood and Wood Products, Apr .
1952 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
- 15 Do resistance-type moisture meters correctly indicate the moistur e
content of wood treated with a water-repellent preservative containing pentachlorophenol? by William L . James . July 1954 . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
- 16 What is the cost of steam lost through leaks? by J . S . Mathewson .
Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
-17 Fork-lift piling of lumber packages without bolsters, by Georg e
Westerholm . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
,.18 The splitting and breaking of lumber when kiln charges are loade d
and unloaded by power winch and cable, by John Owens . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
- 19 Loading and unloading track-type dry kilns with a lift truck fo r
motive power, by W . A . Kinney . Information reviewed and re affirmed 1960 .
No . 446
-11 -
FPL Processed Reports (Cont . )
*News and views of this kiln drying business : (Cont . )
1769-20 How to design a sticker rack and guide so that lumber can be unloaded from a boxcar and piled directly onto kiln trucks, read y
for cross-piled kilns, by Glenn J . Warfield . 1956 .
-21 Supplying stackers with lumber and keeping stacking stalls free i n
a lift-truck operation, by Peter Padgett . 1956 .
-22 Protecting packages of dry lumber when sheds are not available .
1956 .
- 23 How can sticker stain in hardwood lumber be prevented? by Edwar d
C. Peck. 1956 .
-24 To determine the moisture content of boards in a piled load o f
lumber before take down, by Leo Martin . 1958 .
- 25 Designing stacking stalls suitable for stickering packages of lumbe r
for lift-truck handling prior to air or kiln drying, by Georg e
Ostermeier . 1959 .
-26 Can American elm be dried without excessive warping? by John M .
McMillen . 1960 .
-27 Method of calculating shrinkage or swelling of wood with change i n
moisture content, by E . C . Peck. 1960 .
The seasoning of hickory lumber, by J t M. McMillen . 1951 .
A small lumber-drying unit employing a portable crop drier fo r
heat and air circulation, by K . E . Kimball and O . W . Torgeson .
Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
* 1944-6 ' Kiln drying of Engelmann spruce, by R . C . •Rietz . 1960 .
Properties of white-pocket Douglas-fir lumber, by Lyman W . Wood .
Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
Other Publication s
Dry Kiln Operator' s Manual, by Edmund F . Rasmussen . Ag . Hdbk. No . 188 .
1961 . May be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Governmen t
Printing Office, Washington 25, D . C . Price $1 .0a.
No . 446
Other Publications (Cont . )
*Separates from Dry Kiln Operator' s Manual . Ag . Hdbk. No . 188 . 1961 .
Introduction .
Properties of wood related to drying .
Kiln types and features .
Auxiliary kiln equipment .
Inspection and maintenance of dry kilns and equipment .
Stacking lumber and other items for kiln-drying .
Kiln samples .
Loading the dry kiln .
Kiln schedules and drying time .
Drying defects .
Operating a dry kiln .
Storage of wood .
How to reduce degrade and kiln-drying costs, by E . F . Rasmussen . Furniture Design and Manufacturing 32(3) :53-54, 64, Mar . 1960 .
Kiln drying hickory handles and other specialty items, by J . M . McMillen.
Furniture and Woodworking 4(3) :22-23 and (4) :11, 20-21, Aug . , Sept .
1958 .
*Accelerating the kiln drying of hardwoods, by R . C . Rietz . South . Lbrmn .
181(2262) :43-44, 54, July 1, 1950 .
*Estimated footage reduction in kiln drying air-dried hardwoods, by R . C .
Rietz . South . Lbrmn ., Aug . 15, 1941 .
*Production, seasoning, and shipping of balsa, by L . V . Teesdale . Timber man, Sept . -Oct . -Nov. 1943 .
*Seasoning hickory lumber and handle blanks, by John M . McMillen . Hickor y
Task Force Rept . No . 4, 36 pp., June 1956 . Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, N . C .
*Drying schedule for thin red oak, by K . E . Kimball . South . Lbrmn .
191(2393) :252-254, Dec . 15, 1955 .
How to reduce drying costs, improve quality, better use of equipment, bette r
sorting, better piling, more technical training for kiln supervisors needed ,
by R . C . Rietz . Wood and Wood Products 60(8) : 32, Aug . 1955 .
No . 446
Other Publications (Cont . )
Objectives of drying and air drying practices, by R . C . Rietz . Modern
Woodworking, Pt . 1 June, Pt . 2 July, Pt . 3 Aug . 1954 .
*High..temperature drying :. Its application to the drying of lumber, by J . S .
Mathewson. Forest Products Research Society Preprint 8th Annua l
National Meeting, Grand Rapids, Mich ., May 1954 .
*Kiln drying water and swamp tupelo, by J . M . McMillen. Jour . Forest
Products Research Society 3(5) :189-196, Dec . 1953 .
*Industry payoff in lumber seasoning, by J . M . McMillen . Jour . Fores t
Products Research Society 3(3) :86-88, 95-96, Sept . 1953 .
Kiln drying of hickory handle stock, by J . M . McMillen . South. Lbrmn .
181(2273) :292-304, Dec . 15, 1950 .
Kiln drying of white fir, by H . H. Smith. West Coast Lbrmn . , Aug. 1947 .
Seasoning of aspen, by H . H . Smith. Lake States Aspen Rept . No . 5, 1947 .
Lake States Forest Experiment Station, University Farm, St . Paul 8 ,
Minn .
Accelerated-type of kiln-drying schedules for 1- and 2-inch blackgum, b y
O . W . Torgeson . South . Lbrrnn ., Dec . 15, 1946 .
FPL Processed Report s
*1264 The drying rate of sugar maple as affected by relative humidity an d
air velocity, by O . W. Torgeson. Information reviewed and re affirmed 1957 .
Function and calculation of ventilation in drying compartments, b y
O . W. Torgeson . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
Simplifying the calculation of the quantity of air required in kil n
drying lumber, by O. W . Torgeson . Information reviewed and
reaffirmed 1960 .
No. 446
-14 -
FPL Processed Reports (Cont. )
Uniformity of air distribution in a lumber dry kiln, by 0; W.
i} •
Torgeson . South. 'Lbrmn., Apr . 15, 1940 ., Infe•rmakiors:,reviewed•
and reaffirmed 1960 .
Why the drying time of a kiln load of lumber is affected' by ai r
velocity, by O . W. Torgeson . Information reviewed and re affirmed 1960 .
Steam requirements in lumber dry kilns . - 1956 .
A wood-element hygrostat, by S . J . Johnson .and F . F. Rasmussen..
Information reviewed and reaffirrried 1959 .
Testing commercial kilns for uniformity of drying conditiops, by
K . E. Kimball . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958.
Dry-kiln building materials and construction, by L . V. 'Teesdale .
1956 .
Need for uniformity of temperature in a forced-air-circulation, _
ventilated, compartment dry kiln, by E . F. Rasmussen . 1956 .
Circulation of air in a lumber dry kiln, by O . W. Torges'on . Infor mation reviewed and reaffirmed 1959 .
Humidity controls for conditioning rooms, by T . C . Scheffer .
1950 .
Other Publication s
Improving the performance of ventilated dry kilns, by R ._ C . Rie:tz .`oreiTt
Products Research Society Jour . 3(1) ; 41-44, Feb . 1953 .
No . 446
FPL Processed Reports
*Special methods of seasoning wood :
Boiling in oily liquids . 1956 .
1665-1 High-temperature drying : Its application to the drying of lumber .
1957 .
-2 Solvent seasoning . 1961 .
- 3 Vapor drying . 1961 .
- 4 Infrared radiation . 1956 .
-5 Vacuum drying of wood . 1956 .
-6 Chemical seasoning . 1960 .
- 7 High-frequency dielectric heating . 1961 .
Other Publication s
High frequency drying of wood, by S . M . Ishaq. Cosgrove' s Mag . , Oct .
1947 ; South . Lbrmn . , Dec . 15, 1947 .
Technical Note s
An instrument for measuring wood equilibrium moisture content .
1958 .
FPL Processed Reports
*1071 Some effects of storage on seasoned lumber, by J . S . Mathewson
and E . F . Rasmussen . Information reviewed and reaffirme d
1959 .
Electrically operated wood-element hygrostats for control of moisture fluctuations in lumber stored in closed sheds, by J . S .
Mathewson . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1959 .
Methods of controlling humidity in woodworking plants, by M . E .
Dunlap . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
No . 446
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FPL Processed Reports (Cont. )
Storage and handling of lumber (at wholesale and retail yards an d
at consumer plants), by E . C . Peck . Information reviewed an d
reaffirmed 1959 .
Humidity controls for conditioning rooms, by T . C ._ Scheffer . 1956 .
Other Publication s
*How wrapping keeps wood parts stable, by J . S . Mathewson . Wood and Woo d
Products 60(8) :26, Aug . 1955 .
*Effects of machine stacking on drying rate and degrade, by E . C . Peck.
South . Lbrmmn.., Sept . 1, 1954 .
*Reducing checking in heavy white oak shipbuilding material during storag e
and construction, by E . C . Peck . Forest Products Research Sec . Jour . ,
Nov 1953 .
Storage and handling, by E . C . . Peck . South . Lbrmn . 186(2333) :41-47 ,
June 15, 1953 .
Packaged lumber, by E . C . Peck . New York Lumber Trade Jour . 132(1442) :
8, Jan. 1953 .
Heated storage for dry lumber for furniture, by J . S . Mathewson . Furniture
Manufacturer, Dec . 1946 .
Technical Note s
Uneven coatings on wood cause warping . 1952 .
Differences between heartwood and sapwood . 1952 .
A hundred definitions pertaining to wood and other forest products .
1958 .
FPL Processed Reports
Some books about wood (a list) .
1955 .
Drying and conditioning glued joints . 1,955 .
Drying and protection of wood items in original round form, by
E. C . Peck . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1958 .
Steaming black walnut lumber to darken the sapwood . Informatio n
reviewed and reaffirmed 1961 .
Gluing of plywood to concealed framing members with high-frequenc y
stray field heating, by E . R . Bell and M . E . Dunlap . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1960 .
The U .S . Forest Products Laboratory, by F . J . Champion . 1960 .
Importance of dry lumber, by R . C . Rietz . National Association o f
Commission Lumber Salesmen Yearbook 1950 . 1957 .
Salvaging lumber in the flooded areas, by R . C . Rietz . 1957 .
Wood--A simple explanation, what it is and how we use it, by F . J.
Champion . 1960 .
Raised, loosened, torn, chipped, and fuzzy grain in lumber . Information reviewed and reaffirmed 1959 .
A graphic method of estimating veneer drying rates, by H . O .
Fleischer . 1958 .
Other Publication s
*The Forest Products Laboratory : A golden anniversary record . 108 pp .
1960 .
*Fungus sap-stains of hardwoods, by R . N . Campbell . South . Lbrmn .
199(2489) :115-120, Dec . 1959 .
*Three "musts" for good machining, by E . M . Davis . Wood-Worker 78(1) :
6-8, Mar . 1959 .
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Other Publication s
Military Handbook--Lumber and allied products . Military Handbook 7, 1958 .
Available from Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D . C .
$1 .50 .
Wood Handbook--Basic information on wood as a material of constructio n
with data for its use in design and specification, by Forest Products Lab oratory . U .S . Dept . of Agric . Handbook No . 72 . 1955 . Available fro m
Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D . C . $2 .00 .
*Preventing cracks in new wood floors, by L . V . Teesdale and J . S . Mathew son . U.S ., Dept . of Agric . Leaflet No . 56 . 1952 .
*Hardwoods of the South (a brief 16-page leaflet summarizing some of th e
properties) . 1956 .
Wood-frame house construction, by L . O . Anderson and O . C . Heyer . U .S .
Dept . of Agric . Handbook No . 73 . Feb . 1955 . Available from Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D . C . 65 cents .
The following lists of publications which deal with other investigative project s
of the Forest Products Laboratory are obtainable upon request .
Boxing and Crating--Strength and serviceability of shipping containers, ,;
methods of packing .
Building Construction Subjects--Partial list of Government publications of in terest to architects, builders, engineers, and retail lumbermen .
Chemistry of Wood and Derived Products--Chemical properties and uses o f
wood and chemical wood products, such as turpentine, alcohol, and aceti c
acid .
Fire Protection--Fire test methods, fire retarding chemicals and treatment s
and fire behavior of treated and untreated wood, wood products, and woo d
strttctur e s .
Fungus Defects in Forest Products--Decay, stains, and molds in timber, buildings, and various wood products ; antiseptic properties of protective materials .
Furniture Manufacturers, Woodworkers and Teachers of Wood Shop Practice- Partial list of Government publications on growth, structure, and identifi cation of wood ; moisture content, physical properties, air seasoning, an d
kiln drying ; grading, manufacturing, and waste utilization ; strength an d
related properties and joints and fastenings ; glues and gluing, veneer an d
plywood fabrication ; box and crate construction .
Glue andPlywood--Development of waterproof glues, preparation and applica tion of various glues, plywood manufacturing problems .
Growth, Structure, and Identification of Wood--Structure and identification o f
wood ; the effect of cellular structure of wood on its strength, shrinkage ,
permeability, and other properties ; the influence of environmental factors, such as light, soil, moisture, and fire, on the quality of wood produced ; and secretions of economic value produced by trees and thei r
exploitation .
Logging, Milling, and Utilization of Timber Products--Methods and practice s
in the lumber-producing and wood-consuming industries ; standard lumbe r
grades, sizes, nomenclature ; production and use of small dimensio n
stock ; specifications for small wooden products ; uses for little-use d
species and commercial woods ; and low-grade and wood waste surveys .
Mechanical Properties ofTimber--Strength of timber and factors affectin g
strength ; design of wooden articles or parts where strength or resistanc e
to external forces is of importance .
Pulp and Paper--Suitability of various woods for pulp and paper ;, fundamenta l
principles underlying the pulping and bleaching processes ; methods o f
technical control of these processes ; relation of the chemical and physical properties of pulps and the relation of these properties to the pape r
making qualities of the pulps ; waste in the industry, for example, deca y
in wood and pulp, utilization of bark, white water losses, etc .
Structural Sandwich, Plastic Laminates, and Wood-Base Aircraft Components- Strength, selection, and character of aircraft wood, plywood, and ; wood .
and composite laminatedrand sandwich materials ; fabrication and assem bly problems ; methods of calculating the strength .
Wood FinishingSubjects--Effect of coatings in preventing moisture absorption; painting characteristics of different woods and weathering of wood .
Wood Preservation--Preservative materials and methods of application ; durability and service records of treated and untreated wood in'various forms ,
Note :
No . 446
Since Forest Products Laboratory publications are so varie d
in subject matter no single big list is issued . Instead a lis t
is made up for each Laboratory division . Twice a year ,
December 31 and June 30, a list is made up showing new re =
ports for the ,previous 6 months . This is the only item sent- regularly to the Laboratory' s mailing list . Anyone who ha s
asked for and received the proper subject lists and who ha s
had his name placed on the mailing list can keep up to dat e
on Forest Products Laboratory publications . Each subject ,
list carries descriptions of all other subject lists .
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of the
Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Servic e
U . S . Department of Agricultur e
Madison 5, . Wisconsin
Edward G . Locke
Directo r
Gardner H . Chide ster, Chief
Pulp and Pape r
Donald G . Coleman, Chief
Research Publications and Information
Herbert O . Fleischer, Chief
Timber Processing
Kenneth W . Kruger, Chief
. .Researc
Ralph M . Lindgren, Chief
Wood Preservation
Joseph A . Liska., Clue£
P..Physics and Engineering
Gordon D . Logan, Chief
Administrative Management
Harold L . Mitchell, Chief
Jerome F . Saeman, Chief
Timber Growth and Utilization Relation s
Wood Chemistry