~- ROOM List of Publications on CHEMISTRY OF WOOD AN D

List of Publications o n
October 1960
No. 238
II IIIIlllllllrw(!i'i n
In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin
Instructions for obtaining publications General
Chemical composition of wood :
Cellulose Lignin
Quantitative analysis
Volatile oils, gums, resins (See also Naval Stores) Chemical and physical properties of wood :
Physical and colloidal properties ,.Chemical processing of wood :
Destructive distillation Hydrolysis of wood to sugars and sugar conversion products
Modified woods and wood- and paper-base plastics an d
Naval Stores (See also volatile oils)
Reports on forest products "developments in Germany durin g
World War II
Other publication lists issued by the Forest ,Products Laboratory
Publications available for distribution at this Laboratory are marked wit h
an asterisk (*) .
Single technical notes, reprints, and processed reports may be obtaine d
free upon request from the Director, Forest Products Laboratory, Madiso n
5, Wisconsin .
Federal Government bulletins, circulars, and leaflets, if not available fo r
free distribution at this Laboratory, may be purchased at the price indicated from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
Washington 25, D . C . Send money order, draft, or cash ; stamps or personal checks are not accepted .
Trade journals containing articles herein listed may often be purchase d
from the publishers or may be consulted in various libraries .
The Forest Products Laboratory reserves the right to furnish only thos e
publications which in its judgment will give the information requested .
Blanket requests or requests for a large number of copies of any individua l
article will not be filled except in unusual cases .
Publication and dat e
*Theories of the combustion of wood and its con trol
Browne, F . L .
FPL Rept . 2136 .
1958 .
*Chemical research at
U . S . Forest Product s
Laborator y
Locke, E . G .
FPL Rept . 2134 .
1958 .
*Chemical conversion of
wood residues, Pt . 1 -Separation and utilizetion of hardwood hemicellulose s
Harris, J . F.,
Forest Prod . Jour . 8(9):
Saeman, J . F ., : 248-252, Sept . 1958 .
Locke, E . G . .
*Materials of construction : : Stamm, A . J . ,
: & Baechler ,
R. H .
*Review of chemical
utilizatio n
: Locke, E . G .
Indus . & Eng . Chemistr y
50(9)Pt . II:1496-1498 ,
Sept . 1958 .
Forest Prod . Jour . 7(2) :
61-67, Feb . 1957 .
*Chemical composition an d
and uses of bar k
FPL Rept . 1666-5 . 1957 .
*Wood -- The future chemi- : Locke, E . G .
cal raw material
Forest Prod . Jour . 6(8) :
289-292, Aug . 1956 .
Recent work on the chemi- : Saeman, J . F .
cal utilization of woo d
residues in the Unite d
*Review of chemica l
*Chemistry of hickory
2 38
Locke, E . G .
Jour . of Hokkaido For .
Prod . Res . Institute, No .
5Th page 66, 1956 .
: For . Prod . Jour . 6(2) :
63-66 . Feb . 1956 .
: Mitchell, R . L . : Hickory Task Force Rept .
No .. 2, 12 pp ., South : eastern For . Exp . Sta . ,
Asheville, N . C ., Sept .
1955 .
-3 -
GENERAL (continued )
Publication and dat e
*Wood -- a simple explana- Champion, F . J . : FPL Rept . 1972 . 1954 .
tion, what it is and how
we use it .
Materials of construction : : Baechler, R .H. : Indus . & Eng . Chem ., 46
: & Stamm, A . J. : (10) :2127-30, Oct . 1954 .
*Inside wood -- a short
trip into the interior fo r
the layma n
Champion, F . J .
FPL Rept . 1995 . 1954 .
The U . S . Forest Products : Champion, F . J . : Jour . For . Prod. Res . Soc .
Laborator y
4(4) :153-57, Aug . 1954 .
*Wood in chemica l
engineering construction
Baechler, R . H . : Preprint For . Prod. Res .
Soc . 8th An . Natl . Meeting ,
Grand Rapids, Mich ., Ma y
1954 . 4(5) :333, Oct . 1954 .
*Wood resource s
Locke, E .G ., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem ., 46
Johnson, K .G . : (3) :478-83, Mar . 1954 .
*Chemical utilization an d
forest management
Locke, E . G .
Chemical processing o f
Jour . For . Prod. Res . Soc .
4(1) :10, Feb . 1954 .
Stamm, A . J ., & : 595 pp . , 1953 . $12 fro m
Harris, E . E .
Chem . Pub . Co ., New Yor k
*General recommendation s
regarding methods fo r
wood waste utilizatio n
FPL Rept . R1666 . 1953 .
*The Forest Product s
Laboratory : A brief ac count of its work and aims :
USDA Informa . Bull . No .
105 . 1953 .
*Some books about woo d
FPL Rept . 399 . 1955 .
*Status of chemical utilization of wood wast e
Saeman, J . F .
-4 -
For . Prod . Res . Soc . Jour .
. 2(5), Dec . 1952 .
GENERAL (continued )
---------------- - .
Chemistry and chemical
Ritter, G . J .
utilization of beech
*Chemical analyses of wood :
Publication and dat e
Northeastern Tech . Comm .
: Beech . Utilization of Beec h
Series No . 4, 16 p., tables ,
1952 . Northeastern For .
Exp . Sta ., Upper Darby, Pa .
FPL Tech .. Note 235 . 1952 .
:FPL Tech . Note 240 . 1958 .
*A hundred definitions pertaining to wood and other :
forest products
Materials of construction : : Stamm, A . J .
Woo d
Indus . & Eng . Chem . 43(10) :
2276-79, Oct . 1951 .
FPL Rept . 1479 . 1956 .
*Some publications on domestic and foreign wood s
Importance of conversion
products of woo d
: Stamm, A . J .
Paper presented before Nat .
Military Estab . Symposiu m
on Wood, sponsored by th e
Nat . Res . Council and th e
Off . Of Naval Res ., June 16 : 17, 1949, in Washington, D . C .
Chemicals from wood
: Stamm, A . J .
: USDA Yearbook of Agricul »
ture 1949, p . 639-643 .
Chemical utilization of
: Stamm, A . J .
wood: Utilization of wood :
waste and bark
UN Econ . and Soc . Council ,
Feb . 11, 1949 .
: Hunt, G . M .
New developments in
forest utilization in Lak e
Soc . Amer . Foresters Proc .
1947 ; Miss . Valley Lbrman .
79 (1) :10-11, Jan . 1948 .
*Coordination of research in : Markwardt, L . J : For . Prod. Res . Soc . Proc .
2 :145-146, 1948 .
the field of forest products.
*The U . S . Forest Products : Champion, F . J . : Chemurgic Digest, Jul y
: 1947 ; FPL Rept . 1698 . 1956 .
-5 -
GENERAL (continued )
Publication and dat e
------------ - ------------ --------------- ------------------------- Chemical utilization of
: Ritter, G . J . , & : Aspen Rept . No . 18 (Avail aspen .
: Hossfeld, R . L . : able at the Lake States For .
(U . of Minn.) : Exp . Sta ., Univ . Farm ,
St. Paul, Minn .) 1947 .
Wood (properties of inter- : Stamm, A . J.
est to a chemica l
engineer) .
: Indus . &Eng. Chem . 39 :
1256-1261, Oct . 1947 ; 40 :
1923-1932, Oct . 1948 ; 41 :
2149-2152, Oct . 1949 .
A report from London :
Wood as a raw material .
Wood 2(9) :23, 41-42, 44 : 45, Sept . 1947 .
: Hunt, G . M .
New goods from wood .
* Wood flour .
Chemical utilization o f
wood viewed with sobe r
optimism .
Stamm, A . J ., & : USDA Yearbook 1943-47 ,
Chidester, G . H. : pp . , 725-733 .
: Reineke, L . H .
Stamm, A . J .
: FPL Rept . 1666-9 . 1956 .
: Miss . Val . Lbrman . 78(16) :
6-7, 15, Apr . 1947 ; Cos grove's Mag . 19(3) :36 ,
Apr . 1947 ; (4) :49, 54, May
1947 . Lake States Timbe r
Dig . 1(17) :3-4, 12, Ma y
1947 ; Timberman 174(2185) :
38, 40, Apr . 1947 ; Woo d
2(5) : 11, 47-49, May 1947 ;
Natl . Farm Chemurg .
Council (Columbus, Ohio )
Paper No . 506, 5 p ., 1946 .
Opportunities and needs
for cooperation in forest
products research .
: Hunt, G . M .
: Natl . Farm Chemurg . Counci l
: (Columbus, Ohio) Paper No .
: 523, 5 p ., 1946 .
Chemical utilization of
wood and wood waste .
: Harris, E . E .
: Natl . Farm Chemurgi c
: Council Paper 441 . 1946 .
GENERAL (continued )
*Products of America n
Hall, J. A . , &
Mosley, T . J.
Publication and dat e
USDA Unnumbered Pub .
: 1946 .
Wood research pays hig h
dividends .
Winslow, C . P.
Chemical utilization o f
wood waste and the de velopments of improve d
wood products .
Stamm, A . J .
: Timberman 46(4) :79, Feb .
1945 . West Coast Lbrman .
72(2) :74, Feb . 1945 .
Garratt, G . A .
: Jour . For . 42 :636, 1944 .
Wood Constr . 30(24) :6 ,
Dec . 1944 .
Some developments from
current research .
Stamm, A. J.
: Natl . Hardwood Lbr . Assn .
Off. Yrbk . 47 :118, 120 ,
122, 124, 126 . 1944 .
Utilization of forest
products in war . (Presented at 9th Annua l
Chemurgic Conference )
Ritter, Geo. J.
: Natl . Farm Chemurgic
Conference . March 25, 1943 .
Wood use trends i n
Europe .
Winslow, C . P . : Amer . For . , 44: 438, Oct .
Counting the plies in soli d
Baechler, R . H. : Amer . Box Maker, Jun e
1935 . Fibre Containers ,
June 1935 . Pack. & Ship .
62(5) :10, Aug . 1935 .
Wood in war and peace .
*New nail treating proces s
increases holding power .
. . . Same . Laboratory announces improved nail .
Timberman 46(48) : 62, Feb .
1945 . West Coast Lbrman .
72(2) :70, Feb . 1945 .
Gahagan, J . M . , : Barrel & Box & Package s
: 37(7) :21, July 1932 . Tim&
: Beglinger, E. : berman 33(9) : 36, July 1932 .
FPL Rept . 970, 1956 .
-7 -
GENERAL (continued )
Chemical utilization o f
wood waste .
: Hawley, L . F .
Seventeen fallacies about
wood .
: Hawley, L . F .
Publication and dat e
: Jour . For . 29 : 186, 1931 .
: Ind . Eng . Chem ., News
: Ed ., 3(15) :5, 1925 .
The use of wood in chemi- : Schorger, A. W . : Metall . & Chem . Engin . ,
cal apparatus .
: 18 : 528, 1918 .
Effect of various woods on Schorger, A . W .
corrosion of nails .
: Amer . Lbrman. , Nov. 13 ,
: 1915 .
Cellulos e
*Measurement of ion- exchange capacity of some
wood pulps and nitr o
pulp s
Publication and dat e
: Millett, M . A ., Tappi 41(10) :560-567, Oct .
: Schultz, J . S . , : 1958 .
: & Saeman, J . F. :
*Kinetics of the . stabiliza- : Millett, M . A . , Tappi 41(9) :469-481, Sept .
tion of cellulose nitrate . : Saeman, J . F ., : 1958 .
& Masuelli, F. J . :
*The persistence of wood
xylan and mannan through
successive prehydrolysis,
pulping, purification, and
nitration .
: Mitchell, R. L . , : Tappi 39(8) : 571-575, Aug .
: Millett, M . A . , : 1956 .
: Moore, W . E . ,
: & Saeman, J. F .
Preparation and properties : Millett, M. A . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . , 46
of hydrocelluloses .
: Moore, W . E. , & : (7) : 1493-97, July 1954 .
Saeman, J . F.
*Effect of high-energy
: Saeman, J : F . : Indus . & Eng. Chem . ,
cathode rays on cellulose .. : Millett, M . A . , : 44 : 2848, Dec . 1952 .
& Lawton, E . J . :
Cellulose solvents and the : .Stamm, A. J .
properties of cellulose in :
solution .
: Chap. in "Wood Chemistry "
: Ed . by L . E . Wise and E . C .
: Jahn . Reinhold Pub . Corp.
1(1) :226-277 . 1952 .
Thermophilic fermentation : Hajny, G . J.,
Indus . & Eng. Chem . 43(6) :
of cellulosic and ligno: Gardner, C . H . ,: 1384-89, June 1951 .
cellulosic materials .
: & Ritter, : C . J .
. Accessibility of cellulose .
: Tarkow, Harold : Tappi 33(12) : 595-99, Dec .
1950 .
Cellulose (continued )
The exchange of radioactive zinc between cellulose and sodium hydrox ide -- sodium-zincat e
solution s
Publication and dat e
Borgin, Karl & : Jour . Physical & Colloi d
Stamm, A . J . : Chem . 54(6) :772-77 .
Composition of hemicellu- : Mitchell, R . L ., : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
lose isolated from maple : & Ritter, G . J . : 62 :1958, 1940 .
Molecular properties o f
water-soluble polysaccharides from wester n
larch .
*Hemicelluloses fro m
maple holocellulose .
Borgin, G . L .
: Jour . Amer . Chem. Soc.
: 71(6) :2247-48, June 1949 .
Mitchell, R . L. ,: Indus . Eng . Chem . 40 : 1528 ,
Rogers, S . C . , : Aug . 1948 .
& Ritter, G . J. .
: Note in Jour . Bacteriolog y
Thermophilic fermentation : Hajny, G . J. ,
Aug . 1948 .
of cellulose in wood
Ritter, G . J . ,
& McCoy, Eliza :
*Method for isolation of
hemicelluloses directly
from maple wood .
: Rogers, S . C . , : Analytical Chem . Vol 19 ,
Mitchell, R . L . ,: page 1029, Dec . 1947 .
: & Ritter, G . J. .
Refined neutral sulfite
: Peterson, H . E . , : Paper Trade Jour . 121(2) :
semi-chemical pulps from : Bray, M . W . , & : 37, July 12, 1945 .
Douglas-fir .
. Ritter, G . J.
Holocellulose research in
cooperation with the
Technical Assn . of th e
Pulp and Paper Industry .
: Hajny, G . J. , & : Paper Trade Jour . 113(13) :
: 83, 1941 .
: Ritter, G . J.
Cellulose (continued )
Publication and dat e
Conversion of holocellulose Hajny, G . .J . , & : Paper Trade Jour . 11(22) :
to pulp suitable for high- : :Ritter, G . J .
: 131, Nov . 28, 1940 .
grade paper s
Arrangement of the c e. llu - : Gross, S . T . ,
Paper Trade Jour . 109(23) :
lose crystallites in ra y
Clark, G . L ., & : 37, Dec . 7, 1939 .
cells of white oak as de Ritter, G . J .
termined by X-ray s
Yield and viscosity of holo- : Van Beckum,
W . . G. , &
cellulose and some of it s
cellulosic fractions .
: Ritter, G. J.
: Paper Trade Jour . 109(22) :
107, Nov . 30, 1939 .
Composition of holocellu- : Van. Beckum,
: W . G ., &
lose, hydrolyzed holocellulose, and Cross and : Ritter, G . J.
Bevan cellulose.
: Paper Trade Jour . 108(7) :
27, Feb . 16, 1939 .
Rapid methods for the de - : Van Beckum ,
termination of holocellu - : W . G., &
lose and Cross and
Ritter, G. J .
Bevan cellulose in wood
: Paper Trade Jour . 105(18) :
127, Oct . 28, 1939 .
Exploring the labyrinth of
cellulose and lignin .
: Sherrard, E.G .
: Jour . For . 36 :882, 1938 .
Composition of coconut
shells .
: Fleck , L. C .,
Van Beckum,
3. W . G., &
Ritter, G. J.
: Jour . Amer. Chem . Soc .
: 59 : 2279, 1937 .
Chemical composition of
wood : determination of
holocellulose .
: Van Beckum,
: W . G ., &
Ritter, G . J .
White oak holocellulose .
: Bird, C . D ., & : Jour . Amer . Chem, Soc .
Ritter, G . J .
: 59 : 802, 1937 .
-11 -
Paper Trade Jour . 104(19) :
49, May 13, 1937 . Infor mation reviewed & Reaf firmed, July 1950 .
Cellulose (continued )
The morphology of cellu- : Ritter, G . J .
lose fibers in relation t o
the manufacture of paper
Publication and dat e
: Paper Trade Jour . 101(18) :
: 93, Oct . 31, 1935 .
Spruce holocellulose and
: Kurth, E . F . , & : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
the composition of its
: Ritter, G. J .
: 56 : 2720, 1934 .
easily hydrolyzable fraction .
Holocellulose, total carbo- : Ritter, G . J., & : Ind . Eng . Chem . 25 : 1250 ,
hydrate fraction of extrac- Kurth, E . F .
: 1933 .
tive free maple wood : It s
isolation and properties . .
Factors that influence th e
conversion of cellulosi c
materials to sugar .
: Ritter, G. J.,
: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: Mitchell, R. L. , : 55 : 2989, 1933 .
: & Seborg, R . M . :
The differentiation o f
hemicellulose .
: Hawley, L . F . & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 24 :
: Norman, A . G . : 1190, 1932 .
Differences between the
: Stamm, A . J.
state of dispersion of iso- :
lated wood cellulose an d
cotton cellulose in cup rammonium solvent .
: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: 52 :3062, 1930 .
The state of dispersion of : Stamm, A . J.
cellulose in cuprammoni- :
urn solvent as determined
by ultracentrifug e
methods .
: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: 52 : 3047, 1930 .
Cellulose as it is cornpletely revealed by
X- rays .
: Clark, G . L.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 22 :
1930 .
Cellulose and lignin .
: Hawley, L . F .
: Cellulose 1 : 121, 1930 .
-12 -
Cellulose (continued )
Publication and dat e
------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- Determination of cellulos e : Bray, M. W .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . , Anal .
and amount of chlorin e
Ed . 1 :40, 1929 .
consumed in its isolatio n
-- A short method .
Determination of alph a
cellulose .
: Ritter, G . J.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem ., Anal .
: Ed . 1 :52, 1929 .
Chemistry of the cellulose : Peterson, C . E . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 20 :
determination .
: & Bray, M . W . : 1210, 1928 .
A hydrolysis number determination for wood
cellulose .
: Hawley, L . F ., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 19 :
: Fleck, L . C .
: 850, 1927 .
Modified method for deter- : Ritter, G . J.
mining cellulose in wood . :
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 16 :
: 947, 1924 .
Determination of cellulose : Ritter, G . J. , &
in wood .
: Fleck, L . C.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 16 :
: 147, 1924 .
Partial hydrolysis of
white spruce cellulose .
: Sherrard, E . C . : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
: & Blanco, G . W . : 1166, 1923 .
Action of concentrated hy- : Sherrard, E . C . ,: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
drochloric acid on differ- : & Froehlke, A . W: 45 : 1729, 1923 .
ent celluloses .
Mannose from white
spruce cellulose .
: Sherrard, E . C . ,: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: & Blanco, G . W . : 45 : 1008, 1923 .
An improved method for
: Bray, M. W . & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
the determination of alpha : Andrews, T . M. : 377, 1923 .
beta, and gamma cellu lose .
-13 -
Cellulose (continued )
Publication and dat e
Comparison of wood cellu- : Mahood, S . A . , : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
lose and cotton cellulose : & Cable, D. E. : 14 :727, 1922 .
Some observations on the
determinations of cellu lose in woods .
: Mahood, S . A .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 12 : 873, 1920 .
*Properties of powdered
wood and isolation of
lignin by cellulyti c
enzymes .
: Pew, J . C .
Research on the utilization : Harris, E . E .
of lignin .
*Progress in the chemistry : Harris, E . E .
of lignin 1943-54 .
Nitrobenzene oxidation of
lignin model compounds ,
spruce wood and spruc e
"native lignin . "
: Pew, J . C .
Highlights in the chemistry : Harris, E . E .
of lignin .
*A lignin- carbohydrate bond : Harris , E. E.
in wood .
Publication and dat e
: Tappi 40(7)'553-58, Jul y
: 1957 .
:For . Prod . Jour . 5(5) :345 : 51, Oct . 1955 .
FPL Rept : 2020, 1955 .
Jour . Am . Chem . Soc .
77(10) :2831, 1955 .
Jour . For . Prod. Res . Soc .
5(1) : 26-31, 1955 .
Tappi 36(9) :402-05, Sept .
1953 .
Products from the destruc- : Fletcher, T. L. : Tappi 35(12) : 536-39, Dec .
tive distillation of
: & Harris, E . E. : 1952 .
Douglas'-fir lignin.
*Color reactions "of lignin
in solution compared t o
similar reactions in th e
solid state .
: Pew, J . C .
Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
74:5784, 1952 .
*Structural aspects of the
color reaction of ligni n
with strong acid .
: Pew, J . C .
Amer . Chem . Soc . Jour .
: 74(11) :2850-56y June 5 ,
Lignin (continued)
*Structural aspects of the
color reaction of lignin
with phenols .
Pew, J . C .
Publication and dat e
Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: 73(4) : 1678-85, Apr . 1951 .
: Tappi, 34(1) : 6-11, Jan.
*Hydrogenation of Douglas- : Clark, I. T . ,
fir lignin .
Hicks, J . R . & : 1951 .
Harris, E . E . .
Lignin as a soil conditioner : Harris, E . E .
: USDA Yearbook 1950, pag e
883 .
Lignin hydrogenation
: Harris, E . E ., : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 41 :
: Saeman, J . F . & : 2063-67, 1949 .
Bergstrom, C . B .:
Destructive distillation of
lignin .
: Fletcher, T . L . , : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: & Harris, E . E . : 69 : 3144, Dec . 1947 .
Hydrogenation of lignin
over Raney nickel .
: Saeman, J. F . & : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
Harris, E . E . : 68 : 2507, 1946 .
The reaction of methyl
hypochlorite with lignin .
Harris, E . E . & : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: Lofdahl, L . J. : 63 : 112, 1941 .
Hydrogenation of lignin .
: Harris, E . E .
Utilization of waste lignin ; : Harris, E . E .
current chemical research :
Hydrogenation of lignin in
aqueous solutions .
: Paper Trade Jour . 111(24) :
27, Dec . 12, 1940 . Tapp i
Papers 24 :600, 1941 .
: Indus . Eng . Chem . 32 : 1049 .
: Harris, E . E .
Indus . Eng . Chem . 32 : 440 ,
: Saeman, J . F . &
Sherrard, E . C . :
Lignin (continued )
Author '
Publication and dat e
Effect of various pre- ,
extractions on the lignin
determination of wood .
: Harris, E . E . & : Indus . Eng . Chem . , Anal .:,
: Mitchell, R . L . : Ed . 11 : 153, 1939 .
Reactions of lignin with
: Harris, E . E .
& Adkins, H .
Reaction of hardwood
lignin with hydrogen .
: Harris, E . E.
Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
: D'Ianni, J . , & { 60 : 1467, 1938 .
Adkins, H .
: Paper Trade Jour . 107 :38 ; ;3r
40, 1938 .
X-ray study of lignin and
: Harris, E . E. , : Biodynamica (31) : 1, Jan .
its significance for the
: Parker, E . A . , : 1938 . (Summary) .
structure of living matter . : Sherrard, E . C. it
& Clark, G . L .
*Pretreatment of wood with : Cohen, W . E. & Indus . Eng .' Chem . , Anal .
hot dilute acid and its
Harris, E . E.
Ed . , 9 : 234, 1937 . FP L
effect on lignin values .
fi R1138, 1954 .
Some characteristics of
wood lignins .
: Harris, E . E .
Effect of pretreatments of
wood on the lignin determination; distribution o f
methoxyls in wood .
: Ritter, G . J . & ; Indus . & Eng . chem . ,
: Barbour, J . H . ,t Anal . Ed . 7 : 238, 1935 .
Some chemical reactions
of maple and spruce
lignin .
: Harris, E. E. , rJour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
Sherrard, E . C .,& 56 : 889, 1934 .
: Mitchell, R. L .
The effect of alkali treat- : Harris, E . E .
ment on the yield of lignin .:
-17 -
: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
t ; 58 : 894, 1936 .
: Indus . Eng . Chem . ; Anal .
Ed . 5: 105 = 1933 . -
Lignin (continued)
A comparison of four
methods for the deter mination of lignin .
Publication and dat e
: Billington, P.S . : Paper Trade Jour . 96(4) : 30 ,
Simmonds, F . A.: Jan . 26, 1933 .
& Baird, P . K .
Potential reducing num bers of lignin and of
carbohydrates of wood .
Ritter, G. J. ,
Mitchell, R . &
Seborg, R. M.
Absorption spectra of
lignin solutions .
Stamm, A . J . ,
: Jour . Phys . Chem . 36 : 1574 ,
Harris, E . E ., & : 1932 .
Semb, Jos .
Synthetic lignin .
Hawley, L . F ., & : Ind . Eng . Chem . 24 : 87 3
Harris, E . E .
: 1932 .
Factors affecting quantita- : Ritter, G . J. ,
tive determination o f
Seborg, R . M . ,
lignin by 72 percent sul& Mitchell, R .
phuric acid method .
: Indus . Eng . Chem . 24 : 1285 ,
: 1932 .
:Indus . Eng . Chem . (Anal .
Ed . ) 4 : 202, 1932 .
Factors influencing proper-: Sherrard, E . C ., : Indus . Eng . Chem . 24 :103 ,
ties of isolated woo d
& Harris, E . E. : 1932 . Paper Mak . Mo . J . ,
lignin .
70(2) : 44, Feb . 15, 1932 .
Crystalline substances
isolated from lignin .
Ritter, G. J.
:Indus . Eng . Chem, 19 :624,
1927 .
Distribution of lignin in
wood .
:Ritter, G . J.
: Indus . Eng . Chem . 17 :1194 ,
1925 .
Chemistry of wood, VII :
relation between methoxyl and lignin in wood .
:Ritter, G . J.
:Indus . Eng . Chem . 15 : 1264,
1923 .
-18 -
Lignin (continue'd )
Patents (Copies available from U . S . Patent Office, Washington, D . C . ,
for 10 cents each . )
Process for simultaneously manufacturing pulp and hydrogenated products from lignocellulose . E . C . Sherrar d
and E . E . Harris . Granted September 7, 1943 .
Processes for the hydrogenation of lignin and wastepul p
liquors and the products thereof. E. C . Sherrard ,
E . E . Harris, and Jerome Saeman . Granted Novembe r
5, 1940 .
Products obtained from the hydrogenation of lignin in th e
presence of suitable catalysts . E . C . Sherrard and
E . E . Harris . Granted February 7, 1939 .
Extractive s
Publication and dat e
*Galactan in western larch
Mitchell, R . L .
& Ritter, G . J.
: For . Prod . Res . Soc . Jour .
: Feb . 1953 . FPL Rept .
R1771 . Inf . Rev . & Real .
1956 .
*Chemical brown stain in
sugar pine .
Millett, M . A .
: For . Prod. Res . Soc . Jour .
2(5) :, Dec . 1952 .
Durability of western re d
cedar heartwood .
Anderson, A . B . : Wood 4(10) : 38-41, 1949 .
Douglas-fir heartwoo d
flavanone .
Pew, J . C .
Tappi 32(1) :39-41, 1949 .
Extractives of Douglas-fir : Clark, I . T .,
: Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
and Douglas-fir lignin
: Hicks, J . R. , & : 69 :3142-3143, Dec . 1947 .
: Harris, E . E .
residue .
*A flavanone from Douglas- : Pew, J. C .
fir heartwood .
Extraneous materials i n
wood .
Ritter, G . J.
: FPL Rept . R1692 . Inf.
Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
The Annual Cruise, 1934 .
Dehydroperillic acid, an
acid from western re d
cedar .
:Anderson, A . B ., : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
&Sherrard, E .G .: 55 :3813, 1933 .
The crystalline coloring
compounds in redwood
extract .
:Sherrard, E . C. , : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
& Kurth, E . F . : 55 : 1728, 1933 .
*The distribution of extrac- Sherrard, E . C . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 25 :
Live in redwood : its rela- & Kurth, E . F . : 300, Mar . 1933 . FP L
Lion to durability .
: Rept . R988 . 1954 .
Extractives (continued )
Publication and dat e
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 25 :
: 192, 1933 .
Distribution and nature of
the extractives in long- ,
leaf and shortleaf pine .
: Kurth, E . F .
Distribution of ether ex tractive in turpentine d
slash pine trees .
: Kurth . E . F ., & :Indus . & Eng . Chem . 24 :
' '
: Sherrard, E . C . : 1179, 1932 :
Distribution , of ether extractive in slash pine .
: Kurth, E . F . , & : Indus . '& Eng . . Chem .. 23 : '
: Sherrard, E . C . : 1156, Oct . 1931 .
Sequoyite :
redwood .
cyclone from : Sherrard, E . C . ,: Jour . Amer . . Chem . Soc .
: & Kurth, E . F . : 51 :3139, Oct . 1929 .
The tannin content of
: Sherrard, E . C ., : Jour . Amer . Leath . Chem .
Alaskan mountain hemlock: & Davidson,P .B .: Assn . 23 : 371, Aug . 1928 .
bark (Tsuga mertensiana) .:
Occurrence of pinite in
: Sherrard, E . C . Indus . & Eng . Chem . 20 :
redwood .
: &Kurth, . E . F . 4 722, July 1928 .
Tannin content of western : Templeton, H . L. : Indus . & Eng.. Chem . 18 : 101 ,
hemlock after immersion & Sherrard, E .G . Jan . 1926 .
in sea water .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 : 406 ,
: April 1923 .
Determination of various .
monohydric phenols by
the phenol reagent of
Folin and Denis .
: Henningsen, C .
Production of American
storax from the red gum
tree .
: Mahood, S . A. , & : Druggists° Circ . , Jan .
: Gerry, Eloise : 1921 .
Extractives (continued )
The galactan of Larix
occidentalis .
Publication and dat e
: Schorger, A . W ., : Jour . Indus . &Eng . Chem .
: & Smith, D . F .
: 8 : 494, June 1916 .
Osage-orange, a new sub- : Kressman, F . W. : Jour . Amer . Leath . Chem .
stitute for fustic .
: Assn . , July 1915 .
Osage-orange : its value as ; Kressman, F . W . : Text . Color . 36(424) : 97 ,
: 1914 . J. Ind . & Eng . Chem .
a dyestuff .
6 :462, June 1914 .
Quantitative Analysi s
Publication and dat e
------------------------------------------------------------------- Chang, Y . , &
Tappi 38(5) : 315-320, Ma y
*Chemical composition of
common North American : Mitchell, R . L.
1955 .
pulpwood barks .
Technique for the determination of pulp constituents by quantitative , paper
chromatography .
*Chemical composition and
uses of bark .
The chemistry of some
parts of slash pine .
Saeman, J . F . , = Tappi 37 (8) : 336-343, Aug.
Moore, W . E . , : 1954 .
Mitchell, R. L . ,
& Millett, M . A .
: FPL Rppt . 1666-5 . 19,57 ..
: Hall, J. A .
Naval Stores Review 46
: . (20) :6, Aug . 1936 . „
Chemistry of slash pine
: Hall, J . A. , &
(Pinus caribaea, Morelet) : Gisvold, Ole
Pt. 2 : Fats, waxes, an d
resins the growing tips .
: Jour . Bio . Chem . 113 : 487 ,
: Mar . 1936 .
Chemistry of slash pine
Hall, J . A . , &
(Pinus caribaea, Morelet) : Gisvold, Ole
Pt. 1 : Fatty constituent s
of the phloem .
: Jour . Bio . Chem . 1,09 :585 ,
: May 1935 .
Composition of three
: Mitchell, R . L . , : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
fossil woods mined from ' & Ritter, G . J .
56 : 1603, 1934 .
the miocene sands of
Synthetic lignin .
:Hawley, L . F. & :Indus . & Eng . Chem . 24 :
Harris, E . E .
873, 1932 .
Chemical composition of
: Wiertelak, Jan . : Jour . For . 2,9 : 64, Jan .
: 1931 .
Trochodendron aralioides . :
Quantitative Analysis (continued )
Effect of mild heat treatment on the chemical
composition of wood .
Publication and dat e
: Hawley, L . F . & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 23 :
: Wiertelak, J .
: 184, 1931 .
Chemical composition of
: Dadswell, H . E. : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 21 :
wood in relation to physi- : & Hawley, L . F . : 973, Oct. 1929 .
cal characteristics .
Effect of decay on chemical composition of wood .
: Hawley, L . F . , : Indus . & Eng Chem . 20 :
Fleck, L . C . , & : 504, 1928 .
Richards, C . A . :
Chemistry of wood IX :
: Ritter, G . J ., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 18 :
Springwood and summer- : Fleck, L . C .
: 608, June 1926 .
wood .
Chemistry of wood VIII :
Further studies of sapwood and heartwood .
: Ritter, G . J. , &
Fleck, L . C.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 18 :
: 576, June 1926 .
Relation between durability : Hawley, L . F . , : Indus . & Eng .
and chemical composition
Fleck, L . C . , & : 699, 1924 .
of wood .
: Richards, C . A . :
Chemistry of wood VII :
Relation between meth oxyl and lignin in wood .
: Ritter, G . J.
Chemistry of wood VI:
: Ritter, G . J. , &
Results of analysis of
: Fleck, L . C .
heartwood and sapwood of
some American woods .
Chem . 16 :
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
: 1264, 1923 .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
: 1055, Oct . 1923 .
Quantitative Analysis (continued )
Publication and dat e
Chemistry of wood V : The : Ritter, G . J., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 14 :
: 1050, Nov . 1922 .
results of analysis of
: Fleck, L . C .
some American woods .
Chemistry of wood IV : The : Mahood, S . A. ,
analysis of the wood of
& Cable, D . E .
Eucalyptus Globulus and
Pinus monticola .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 14 : 933, Oct. 1922 .
Furfural and carbon di oxide from wood befor e
and after chlorination .
Ritter, G . J ., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 20 :
: 371, Apr . 1928 .
Fleck, L . C .
A method for the determination of soluble sul 'phates as sulphuric aci d
in waste sulphite liquor .
Sherrard, E . C . ,: Paper Industry 4 : 241, Ma y
& Blanco, G . W . : 1922 .
Chemistry of wood III :
Mannan content•of th e
gumnosperms .
Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Indus . &Eng . Chem .
9 :748, Aug . 1917 .
Chemistry of wood II : Dis- : Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
cussion of methods and
: 9 :561, June 1917 .
results .
Chemistry of wood I :
: Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 9 :556, June 1917 .
Methods and results of an :
analysis of some Ameri can woods .
-25 -
Volatile Oils, Gums, Resins (See also Naval Stores )
Sulfate turpentine, its press- Hall, J . A .
ent and potential produc- :
Publication and dat e
: Gamble's International Nava l
: Stores Yrbk, 1937-38 .
System of structural rela- : Hall, J . A .
tionships in phytochemistry.
Chem . Reviews 20 :305,
June 1937 .
Slash pine oleoresin .
Indus . & Eng . Chem . 29 :
637, June 1937 .
: Hall, J. A .
Biogenetics in the turpene Hall, J . A .
series .
Chem . Reviews 13 : 479 ,
Dec . 1933 .
Factors in rosin coloration : Hall, J . A .
: Indus . &Eng. Chem . 24 :
1247, Nov . 1932 .
The collection and some
uses of the oleoresin o f
Douglas-fir, Oregon fi r
balsam, Douglas-fir tur pentine .
Mahood, S. A .
Oil, Paint & Drug Reporte r
95(19) :609, May 12, 1919 .
Amer. Jour . Pharm .
June 1919 .
The action of aluminum
chloride on cymene .
: Schorger, A . W . : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc . 39 :
: 2671, Dec . 1917 .
The oleoresin of Douglasfir .
: Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
39 : 1040, May 1917 .
The conifer leaf oil indus- : Schorger, A . W. :Amer . Lbrman . 28 : 2137 ,
try .
: Apr . 29, 1916 .
Chemistry as an aid in the : Schorger, A . W. :Soc . of Amer . For . Proc . ,
identification of species .
: Jan . 1916 .
Volatile Oils, Gums, Resins (continued )
Publication. and dat e
Oils of the coniferae :
: Jour . Indus . &Eng .
: 8 : 22, Jan. 1916 .
V : The leaf and twig and )
bark oils of incense cedar:)
: Jour . Indus . & Eng .
IV : The leaf and twig oils :)
of digger pine, lodgepole :)
: 7 :24, Jan . 1915 .
pine, and red fir .
Jour . Indus . & Eng .
III : The leaf and twig and :)
cone oils of western yel- :) Schorger, A . W .: 6 :893, Nov . 1914 .
low pine and sugar pine . : )
II: The leaf and twig and :)
: Jour . Indus . & Eng .
bark oils of white fir .
: 6 :809, Oct . 1914.
: Jour . Indus . & Eng .
I: Leaf and twig oils of
: 6 :723, Sept. 1914 .
Cuban and longleaf pine ,
and the cone oil of long- : )
leaf pine .
Isoprene from B-pinene .
: Schorger, A. W.
&Sayre ; R.
Chem .
Chem .
Chem .
Chem .
Chem .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . -Chem .
: 7 :924, Nov . 1915 .
The oleoresin of sand pine .': Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
7 :321, Apr . 1915 .
Oil of Port Orford cedar
wood .
: Schorger, . A . W. : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
r 6 :6311, Aug . " 1914.
The leaf oil of Douglas-fir . : Schorger, A . W . : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc .
35 :1.895, Dec . l913 .
The oleoresins of Jeffrey Schorger, A . W. Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
* 5 :971, Dec . ' 1913 .
and single leaf pine .
.An examination of the oleo Schorger, A . W. : U. S . For . Sear . Bull . 119 ,
: 1913, Out of print .
resins of some western
pines .
The examination of oleoSchorger, A . W . Original Communications o f
: Congress of Applied Chem .
resin from several
: 1912 .
species of pine native . to •
western states .
-27 -
Microstructur e
Publication and dat e
Swelling pressure of wood : Tarkow, Harold, : For. Prod . Jour . 8(7) :193 : Turner, H . Dale : 197, July 1958 .
*The surface tension of vis- : Tarkow, Harold : Jour . of Polymer Scienc e
cous polymers
: 28(116) :35-43, Feb . 1958 .
*A fundamental investigation :
of adhesion . II - Method :
for measuring shrinkage :
stress in restrained gela- :
tin film s
Weatherwax, R . : Jour . of Polymer Scienc e
C ., Coleman, : 27(115) :59-66, Jan . 1958 .
Beverly, & Tar- :
kow, Harol d
*Some structural details of : Marts, R. O.
Douglas -fir pit membranes by phase contrast .
: For . Prod. Jour . 5(5) : 381 : 82, Oct . 1955 .
*Fluorescence microscopy
for measuring fibril
angles in pine tracheids .
: Stain Technology 30(5) :
: 243-48, Sept . 1955 .
Structural factors contributing to the differential shrinkage of wood .
: Marts, R . O.
: Ritter, G . J., & : Paper Indus . 33(10) : 1189 : Mitchell, R . L . : 1193 . Jan. 1952 .
Fiber studies contributing : Ritter, G . J . , & : Paper Indus . , Jan . 1952 .
to the differential shrink- : Mitchell, R . L . :
age of cellulose .
*Microscopic polarized
: Ritter, G . J.
light method for studyin g
cellulose fibers .
Microstructure of woo d
and wood fibers .
: Ritter, G. J.
Membranous substances in : Pew, J . C.
common heartwoods .
-28 -
Paper Indus . 33(8) :926-31 ,
illus ., Nov . 1951 .
Tappi 32 :11-17, Jan .
1949 .
Jour . For . 47 : 196-199, Mar .
. 1949 .
Microstructure (continued )
Publication and date
Microstructure of wood
and wood components
Ritter, G . J .
: Paper Mill News 71(38) :13 ,
Sept . 1948 .
Structure of wood
Ritter, G . J .
Book, "Cellulose and Cellulos e
Derivatives," by E . Ott, pp .
286-292 . Interscience Pub : lishers,Inc ., N . Y ., 1943 .
Microstructure of cellulose : Ritter, G . J .
Crystal arrangement and
swelling properties of
fibers and ray cells in
basswood holocellulos e
Tappi Papers, 25 :716, June
: 1942 .
: Ritter, G . J . & : Paper Trade Jour . 108(6) :
: Mitchell, R . L . : 33, Feb . 1939 .
Microstructure and deffrac-: Parker, E .A ., Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc . 60 :
tion pattern of basswood
: Patzer, W . A . , : 2980, Dec . 1938 .
ash .
. & Ritter, G . J .
The microstructure of
: Ritter, G . J .
Rayon & Melliand Tex . Monthly
: 16(9) :98 ;16(10) :58, Sept .-Oct .
1935 .
Paper Indus . 16 :178, June 1934 .
Structure of the cell wall
of wood fibers
Ritter, G . J .
Rate of formation of th e
crystalline structure o f
wood fiber s
Ritter, G . J ., & : Paper Trade Jour . 98(22) : 37 ,
Stillwell, C .W . : May 31, 1934 .
Newly discovered micro structural units of woo d
fiber s
Ritter, G .J . , & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 22 :1329 ,
Seborg, R.M . : Dec . 1930 .
Wood fiber s
Ritter, G . J .
: Jour . For . 28 :533, Apr . 1930 .
Microstructure (continued)
Publication and dat e
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 21 :
: 289, March 1, 1929 .
Dissection of wood fibrils
by chemical means
: Ritter, G . J .
Microstructure of a wood
pulp fiber
: Ritter, G . J . , & : Paper Trade Jour . 87(17) :
: Chidester, G . H . : 131, Oct . 25, 1928 .
Composition and structure : Ritter, G . J .
of the cell wall of wood
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 20 :
: 941, Sept . 1928 .
Physical and Colloidal Propertie s
Publication and date
*Bound water diffusion into :;,Stamm, A . J .
wood in the fiber direction:
; Forest Prod . Jour . 9(1) :
27-32, 1959 .
*Adsorption in swelling
;.Stamm, A . J .
versus nonswellin g
systems . I . Contact area . :, .
II. Free energy chang e
per unit area of effectiv e
molecular contact .
Tappi 40(9) : 761-70, Sept.
*Diffusion in cellulosic
materials .
3'<Stamm, A . J . Y'. Australian Pulp & Pape r
Indus . Tech . Assn . Proc .
* 10 p . 244-271, 1956 .
*Thermal degradation o f
wood and cellulose .
Stamm, A . J .
Ind . & Eng . Chem . 48(3) :
413-417 . Mar . 1956 .
*Method for casting gelatin ; Coleman, B . , I±Jour . Polymer Science 1 9
films .
Tarkow, H ., & y (92) : 380-381 . Feb . 1956 .
1 Weatherwax,R .C:
*Diffusion of water into un- Stamm, A . J .
coated cellophane . I. Fro m
rates of water vapor ad- .
sorption, and liquid water :
absorption . II. From
steady-state diffusio n
measurements .
Swelling of wood and fiber- : Starrim, A . J .
boards in liquid ammonia . :
Jour . of Physical Chem .
60(1) :76-86 . Jan. 1956 .
`-Forest Prod. Jour . 5(6) :
4'',; 413-416 . . Dec . 1955 .
*Effect of heat on the proper- : Mitchell, R . L . , Jour . For . Prod . Res . Soc .
ties and chemical compo- : Seborg, R . M., & : 3(4) : 38-42, 72, 73, Nov .
sition of Douglas-fir wood : Millett, M . A . : 1953 .
and its major components . :
31 -
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued )
Publication and dat e
*Effect of heat upon the di- : Seborg, R . M. , : Jour . For . Prod . Res . Soc .
mensional stabilization of Tarkow, H . , & : 3(3) : 59-67, Sept . 1953 .
wood .
. Stamm, A . J . .
*Diffusion and penetration : Stamm, A . J .
mechanism of liquids int o
wood .
Surface properties of cellu-: Stamm, A . J .
losic materials .
Pulp & Paper Mag . of
Canada 54(2) : 54-63, Feb .
1953 .
Chapter in "Wood Chemistry "
Ed . by L . E . Wise & E . C .
Jahn, Reinhold Pub . Corp .
1952, 2 :691-814 .
*The reaction of formic
: Tarkow, H . , &
acid with carbohydrates : : Stamm, A . J .
I. The reaction of formi c
acid with sugars ; II. Poly ;
saccharides : a ne w
method for determining
accessibility .
Jour . of Physical Chem .
56(2) :262-271, Feb . 1952 .
Bound water and hydration . : Stamm, A . J .
Tappi 33(9) :435-439, Sept .
1950 ; Pulp and Paper Mag .
of Canada 51(10) :90-93 ,
Sept. 1950 .
Specific volume of native
cellulose .
Textile Research Jour .
20(9) :631-636, Sept . 1950 .
*Penetration of cellulose
fibers .
: Stamm, A . J .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Physical & Colloi d
: Tarkow, Harold : Chem . , 54(6) : 745-753 ,
• June 1950 .
Passage of materials
: Stamm, A . J .
through wood, paper,
cellulosic membranes and :
fabrics .
-32 238
: Tappi 32 : 193-199, Ma y
: 1949 .
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued )
Publication and dat e
------------------------- --------------- -------------------------- Wood, a limited-swelling : Stamm, A . J . , & = Jour . Phys . & Colloid Chem .
: Tarkow, H .
: 53 :251-260, Feb . 1949 .
gel .
Passage of water through : Stamm, A . J.
the capillary structure o f
wood .
: J . Faraday Soc . 1948 .
*The coefficients of thermal : Weatherwax, R .C . Amer . Soc . Mech . Eng .
& Stamm, A . J . : Trans . 69(44) : 421, 1947 .
expansion of wood an d
FPL Rept . R1487 . Inf .
wood products .
Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
*Molecular properties of
hemicellulose fractions .
Millett, M . A. ,
: Stamm, A . J .
Jour . Phys . & Colloid Chem .
51 ;134, 1947 . FPL Rept .
R1668 . Inf . Rev . & Reaf .
1956 .
*Diffusion in wood .
: Burr, H. K. , &
Stamm, A . J .
Jour . Phys . & Colloid Chem .
51 : 240, 1947 . FPL Rept .
R1674 . Inf . Rev . & Reaf .
1956 .
Passage of liquids, vapors, : Stamm, A . J.
and dissolved material s
through softwoods .
Tech . Bull . 929, Oct . 1946 .
Out of print .
Surface properties of cellu- : Stamm, A . J.
losic materials .
Chap . in "Wood Chemistry "
Ed . by L . E . Wise, Rein : hold Pub . Corp . 1944 .
* Variation in shrinking and
swelling of wood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Amer . Soc . Mech . Eng .
: Loughborough, : Trans . 64 :379, May 1942 .
W . K.
: Stamm, A . J ., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
A convenient six-tube
vapor sorption apparatus . : Woodruff, S . A . : Ed . ), 13-836-838, Nov . 1941 .
-33 -
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued )
Internal stirring of liquids : :
(1) In an evacuated sorp- :
tion apparatus .
(2) In the cup type of mois- :
ture transfusion
apparatus .
The internal surface of
cellulosic materials .
Publication and dat e
Woodruff, S . A . ,
& Stamm, A . J .
Burr, H . K. , &
Stamm, A . J .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
: Ed .), 13 : 565, Aug . 1941 .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
: Ed .), 13 :655, Sept . 1941 .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 45 :43 ,
: Millett, M . A. : Jan . 1941 .
Stamm, A . J . , & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 32 :
*Treatment of wood with
Petering, W . H . : 809, 1940 . FPL Rept .
aqueous solutions
: R1229 . Inf . Rev . & Reaf .
of wetting agents .
1956 .
Unidirectional drying of
wood .
Bateman, E . ,
: Hohf, J . P ., &
Stamm, A . J .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 31 :
: 115, Sept. 1939 .
Calculations of the void
volume of wood .
: Stamm, A . J.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 30 :
: 1280, 1938 .
: Stamm, A . J. , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 42 : 921 ,
Viscosity of cellulose in
: 1938 .
phosphoric acid solutions . : Cohen, W . E .
*Surface-bound vs .
water in wood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 42 : 209 ,
Hansen, L. A . : 1938 . FPL Rept . R1235 .
: Inf . Rev . & Reaf . 1955 .
*The bonding force of cellu- : Stamm, A . J. , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 41 : 1007 ,
losic materials for water Hansen, L . A . : 1937 . FPL Rept . R1234 .
: Inf . Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
(from specific volume and :
thermal data . )
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued )
Molecular properties of
lignin solutions from viscosity, osmotic pressure,
boiling-point raising, diffusion, and spreadin g
measurement .
: Loughborough ,
: D. L .
: & Stamm, A . J.
Colloid chemistry of cellu- : Stamm, A . J.
losic materials .
Publication and dat e
: Jour . Phys . Chem .
1936 .
40 : 1113 ,
U . S . Dept . Agr . Misc . Pub .
240 . 1936 .
Shrinking and swelling of
.,. . Same : *Swelling o f
wood .
: Stamm, A . J.
: Indus . &Eng . Chem . 27 :
401, 1935 .
:FPL Rept . R1061 . Inf . Rev .
& Real . 1956 .
*The effect of changes in
the equilibrium relativ e
vapor pressure upon th e
capillary structure of
wood .
: Stamm, A . J .
:Physics, 6 :334, 1935 . FPL
Rept . R1075 . Inf. Rev . &
Reaf . 1956 .
*Thermodynamics of the
swelling of wood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 39 : 121 ,
: Loughborough, : 1935 . FPL Rept . R1215 .
W . K.
. 1956 .
Adsorption compression on : Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Phys . Chem . 39 : 133 ,
cellulose and wood . I.
: Seborg, R . M. : 1935 .
From density measurements in benzene .
*Effect of inorganic salts
upon the swelling and th e
shrinking of wood .
: Stamm, A . J .
-35 -
Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc . 56 :
1195, May 1934 . FPL Rept .
R1156 . Inf . Rev . & Reaf .
1956 .
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued)
Publication and dat e
------------------------- ----- ------ - - - -------------------------- Effect of chemical treat: Stamm, A . J .
: Indus . & ,4ng . Chem . 24 : 51 ,
ment upon the permeabil 1932 .
ity of wood .
An electrical conductivity
method for determining
the effective capillar y
dimensions of wood .
: Stamm, A . J.
: Jour . Phys ._ Chem . . 36 : 312 ,
: 1932 .
Sorption of water vapor by : Stamm, A . J., & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 23 :
papermaking materials .
: Seborg, C: O..
: 1271, 1931 . . Paper Makers °
I. Effect of beating .
: Monthly Jour . 70(1) :19 ,
Jan . 15, 1932 .
A new method for deter: Stamm, A . J .
mining the proportion of
the length of a trachei d
that is in contact with ray s
Three methods of studying : Stamm, A . J .
capillary structure a s
applied to wood .
*Wood-liquid relations .
Botanical Gazette 92 : 101 ,
: 1931 .
Physics 1 : 116, 1931 .
: Hawley, L . F .
: U . S . Dept . Agr . Tech.
Bull . 248, 1931 .
: Stamm, A . J .
:Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
Ed .), 2 : 245, 1930 .
Density of wood substance, : Stamm, A . J.
adsorption by wood, and
permeability of wood .
: Jour . Phys . Chem . 33 :398 ,
. 1929 .
An electrical conductivity
method for determinin g
the moisture content of
wood .
,-36 -
Physical and Colloidal Properties (continued )
*The fiber-saturation point : Stamm, A . J .
of wood as obtained from
electrical conductivity
measurements .
. . . . Same : Finding th e
fiber-saturation point o f
wood by a new method .
Capillary structure of soft- : Stamm, A . J .
woods .
Publication and dat e
Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
Ed . ), 1 :94, 1929 . FPL
Rept . R859 . Inf. Rev . &
Real . 1956 .
Pulp & Paper Mag . of Can .
28 :393, 1929 .
: Jour . Agr . Res . 38 : 23 ; 1929 .
Chemical composition of
: Dadswell, H. E. , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 21 :
wood in relation to physi- : & Hawley, L . F.
973, 1929 .
cal characteristics .
Experiments on the deter- : Bateman, E . , & : Amer . Wood-Pres . Assn .
mination of moisture in
: Beglinger, E . : Proc . 25 : 193, 1929 . .
wood by laborator y
methods .
Structure of softwoods a s
revealed by dynami c
physical methods .
:Stamm, A . J .
: Stamm, A . J .
Importance of physical
investigations in the study :
of the constitution of wood .:
: Colloid Symposium Mono .
. 6 :83, 1929 .
Jour . Chem . Educ . 5 : 129,
1928 .
Stamm, A . J .
Indus . &Eng . Chem . 19 :
1021, 1927 .
:Stamm, A . J .
Effect of electrolytes on
electroendosmose through :
wood membranes .
Colloid Symp . Mono . , 5 :
361, 1927 .
Electroendosmose through ' Stamm, A . J.
wood membranes .
Colloid Symp . Mono . 4:
246, 1926 .
The electrical resistance
of wood as a measure o f
its moisture content .
-37 -
Destructive Distillatio n
Publication and date
Developments in charcoal : Beglinger, Ed- Northeastern Logger 6(7) :
production on double wall : ward
: 26-33, Jan . 1958 .
masonryblock and othe r
type kiln s
*Charcoal production in
kilns .
Beglinger, E .
*Production of charcoal i n
a masonry block kiln - structure and operation .
*Charcoal -- its manufacture and use .
Many problems confront
destructive distillation
industry .
FPL Rept . 2084, Sept . 1957 .
Beglinger, E ., & : Econ . Bot . 11(2) ; 160-73 ,
Locke, E . G .
Apr . -June 1957 .
: Beglinger, E .
*Some observations regard- : Beglinger, E .
ing the status of the wood- :
distillation industry .
How the better commercial : Hawley, L . F .
utilization of hardwood
tar might help the woo d
chemical industry .
Fifty years of wood
distillation .
:For . Prod . Jour . 7(11) :
399-403, Nov . 1957 .
: Hawley, L . F .
Naval Stores . Rev . 58(22) :
15, 1948 .
:For . Prod . Res . Soc . Proc .
2 :49-54, 1948 .
Chem . Markets 22(1) : 55 ,
Jan . 1928 .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 18 :
929, 1926 .
Water solubility of various : Calderwood,
wood tars .
: H. N.
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 17 :
: 455, 1925 .
An examination of the dis- : Hawley, L . F .
solved tar from the car- :
bonization of hard maple .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 17 :
: 149, 1925 .
-38 -
Destructive Distillation (continued )
*Distillation of resinous
wood .
Publication and dat e
Hawley, L . F . , &: Chem . & Metall . Eng . 25 :
Beglinger, E .
137, 195, 237 . 1921 .
FPL Rept . R738 . 1956 .
t .:
Hawley, L . F .
pp. 251-52 of Naval Stores :
1, History, production, dis tribution, and consumption .
1921 .
..'FPL Rept . R496 .
Beglinger, E .
Distribution of methoxyl in
the production of woo d
distillation .
Hawley, L . F . , &: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
Aiyar, S. S.
• ;14: 1055 . 1922 .
Effect of adding variou s
chemicals to wood previous to distillation .
Hawley, L . F . t: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
14 :43, 1922 .
Production of artificiall y
dense charcoal .
t Hawley, L: F.
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
13 : 301 . 1921 .
Tar-still operation in hard- : Hawley, L . F . , & : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
wood distillation plants .
Calderwood,H .N . 12 : 684, 1920 .
.Flotation experiments on
hardwood tar oils .
: Hawley, L . F . , & : Chem . & Metall . Eng . 20 :
: Ralston, O . C . : 586, 1919 .
Wood ashes and production : Bateman, E .
of potash .
The effect of catalyzers on : Palmer, R . C .
the yield of products i n
the destructive distillation :
of hardwoods .
Chem . & Metall . Eng . 21 :
1 615, 1919 .
Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
10 : 264 . 1918 .
The chemical composition : Pieper, E . J . ,
Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
of the higher fractions of : Acree, S. F . , & : 9 :462. 1917 .
maple wood creosote .
: Humphrey, C . J.
-39 -
Destructive Distillation (continued )
Publication and dat e
------------------------- --------------- -------------------------- -
Method of producing crude : Judd, R . C . , &
wood creosote from hard- : Acree, S . F .
wood tar .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 9 :276 . 1917 .
Yields from the destructive : Palmer, R . C .
distillation of certain
hardwoods .
: U . S . Dept . Agr . Bull . 508,
: 1917 . Out of print .
Some miscellaneous wood Palmer, R . C . ,
oils for flotation .
Allen, G . L. , &
Ralston, O . C .
: Amer . Inst . Mining Eng .
: Trans . , 1387 . Sept . 1916.
Temperature control i n
wood distillation.
Palmer, R. C .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
8 :283 . 1916 .
Preliminary experiment s
on effect of temperatur e
control on yield of products in destructive distil
lation of hardwood .
Palmer, R. C .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
7 : 663 . 1915 .
Studies in the extraction of : Palmer, R . C .,& : Lbr . World Rev . , Sept .
rosin from wood experiBoehmer, H . R. : 1916 . Jour . Indus . & Eng .
ments using a petroleum :
: Chem . Aug . 1915 .
solvent .
Hawley, L . F. , & : U . S . Dept . Agr . Bull . 129 .
Yields from the destructive distillation of certain : Palmer, R . C .
: 1915 . Out of print .
hardwoods .
: Hawley, L . F ., & : U . S . For . Ser . Bull . 109 .
Distillation of resinous
wood by saturated steam : Palmer, R . C . : 1912 . Out of print .
Destructive Distillation (continued )
Publication and dat e
Distillation of resinous
: Hawley, L . F ., & : Original Communications ,
wood by saturated steam . : Palmer, R . C . : 8th Internatl . Gong . Applie d
Chem . 1912 .
: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
. 4 :789 . 1912 .
Timber requirements of the hardwood distillation industry -- based on a re port submitted by M . H . Llaertel . A progress report of the Forest Survey ,
Dec . 1938 . (Copies are available from the U . S . Forest Service, Washington, D . C. )
(Copies available from U . S . Patent Office, Washington, D . C. ,
for 10 cents each . )
2,459,550 Destructive distillation of solids in a liquid bath . A . J. Stamm .
Granted Jan . 18, 1949 .
1,385,826 Process for producing dense absorbent charcoal . L . F . Hawley .
Granted July 26, 1921 .
1,369,428 Process for producing dense charcoal . L . F . Hawley . Grante d
Feb . 22, 1921 .
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars and
Sugar Conversion Product s
Publication and dat e
*Hydrogenolysis of sorbitol : Clark, Ira T .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 50(8) :
1125-1126, Aug . 1958 .
*Separation of glycerol from : Clark, Ira T .
a polyhydric alcohol mix- :
ture by nonionic exclusion :
Analytical Chem . Vol 30 ,
pp . 1676-1678, Oct . 1958 .
*Factors affecting produc tion of glycerol and d arabitol by representa tive yeasts of the genu s
*Wood saccharification : (A
summary statement)
*Wood industries as a
source of carbohydrate s
Peterson, W . H .,: Applied Microbiology 6(5) :
: 349-357, Sept . 1958 .
W . F ., &
Hajny, G . J .
: Hall, J .A .,
Unasylva, 10(1) :7-16,
: Saeman, J . F . , Feb . 1956 .
& Harris, J . F . .
Wiley, A . J .,
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 47(7) :
Harris, J . F. , : 1397, July 1955 .
Saeman, J . F . ,
& Locke, E .G . .
*Wood molasses for stoc k
and poultry feed
FPL Rept . R1731 . Rev .
1955 .
*Wood hydrolysis for sugar Lloyd, Roger A . : FPL Rept . 2029 . 1955 .
: & Harris, J . F . :
*Polyhydric alcohols from
woo d
The production of alcohol
from wood waste
Hall, J . A .
: Saeman, J . F . , & Indus . Fermentations, Chem .
Andreasen, A .A . : Pub . Co ., N. Y ., 5(1), 1954 .
*Production of nutritive subs Stamm, A . J .
stances from inedible
: FPL Rept . 1984 . 1954 .
-42 -
: Proc . Amer . Philosophica l
: Soc ., 95(1), Feb . 1951 .
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars an d
Sugar Conversion Products (continued )
Production of livestoc k
feed from wood wast e
*Protein evaluations o f
yeast grown on woo d
hydrolyzat e
*Food-yeast production
from wood-processin g
by product s
Wood saccharification .
Harris, E . E .
: For . Prod . Res . Soc . 1(4) :
43 . 1951 .
Harris, E . E ., : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 43(7) :
Hajny, G . J ., & : 1593-96, July 1951 .
Johnson, Martha :
: Harris, E .E .
Harris, E . E .
Wood-sugar molasses a s a : Harris, E . E .
means of utilizing wood
residues and providin g
high-energy stock feed .
*Microbilogical utilization
and disposal of wood processing wastes .
Publication and dat e
: FPL Rept . D1754 . Inf . Rev .
& Reaf . 1956 .
Adv . in Carbohyd . Chem . 4 :
153-88, 1949 . Academi c
Press, Inc ., N . Y .
: Wood Working Dig . 50(12) :
97-100, Dec . 1948 ; Wood
Prod . 54(1) :28, 30, Jan .
1949 .
Harris, E . E. , & : Paper Indus . & Paper Worl d
Johnson, M . C . : 30 : 940-42, Sept . 1948 . Inf .
Rev . & Reaf. 1958 .
Acclimatization of yeast to : Johnson, M . C . , : Jour . Amer . Chem . Soc . 70 :
wood sugar .
: & Harris, E . E . : 29-61, Sept . 1948 .
Animal feeds from wood
residue .
: Harris, E . E .
Wood molasses : low-value : Harris, E . E .
timber can be made int o
livestock feed .
-43 -
: For . Prod. Res . Soc . Proc .
2 :60-65, 1948 ; Wood Work : ing Dig . 50(7) :75-82, Jul y
1948 .
: Naval Stores Review 5 8
(17) : 14, July 1948 .
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars an d
Sugar Conversion Products (continued )
*Fermentation of wood hydrolyzates by Torula
: Harris, E . E .,
Indus . & Eng . Chem . 40 :
Hannan, M . L . , : 1216, July 1948 . Inf . Rev .
: Marquardt, R .R : Reaf . 1956 .
& Bubl, J . L .
Wood molasses, a new use : Harris, E . E .
for sawmill waste
*Fodder yeast from wood
hydrolyzates and still
residues .
Alcohol from Douglas-fi r
waste .
Publication and dat e
: South . Lbr . Jour . , Oct .
. 1948 .
: Harris, E . E. , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 40 :
: Saeman, J . F . , : 1220, July 1948 . Inf . Rev .
: Marquardt, R .R. : &Reaf . 1956 .
Hannan, M . L . ,
& Rogers, S . C .
Harris, E . E.
: Timberman 47(11) : 40, Sept .
1946 ; 48(1) : 40, Nov . 1946 ;
49(4) :68-76, Feb . 1948 .
Wood-sugar molasses from : Harris, E . E.
wood waste .
: South. Lbrman . 175(2201) :
: 157-161, Dec . 15, 1947 .
Hydrolysis of wood cellu- : Harris, E . E. ,
lose and decomposition of : & Lang, B . G .
sugar in dilute phospheric :
acid .
: Jour . Phys . & Colloi d
: Chem . 51 : 1430-1441, Nov .
: 1947 .
Butanol-acetone fermenta- : Leonard, R . H . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 39 :
tion of wood sugar .
: Peterson, W . H ., : 1443, Nov . 1947 .
& Ritter, G . J. :
*Production of fodder yeast . : Harris, E . E . ,
Hannan, M . L . ,
Marquardt,R .R.
Paper Trade Jour . 125(22) :
34-37, Nov . 27, 1947 . Inf .
Rev . & Reaf. 1956 ; abridged ,
Paper Indus . & Paper Worl d
29 :879-881, Sept . 1947 .
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars and .
Sugar Conversion Products (continued )
Autho r
Publication and dat e
Aerobic fermentor with
Saeman, J . F .
good foam control proper- :
ties (*Drawing available )
Indus . & Eng . Chem . (Anal .
Ed .), 19 :913-915, Nov . 1947 .
Production of alcoholfrom : Harris, E . E .
Australian woods
Jour . of the Council for Sci .
& Indus . Res . (Australia )
19 :303, 1946 .
Production of wood suga r
in Germany and its con version to yeast and alcohol .
Saeman, J . F . ,
Paper Trade Jour . 123-38 ,
Locke, E . G . , & : FIAT Report 499 . 1946 .
Dickerman, G .K .
*Fermentation of Douglas fir hydrolyzate by S .
:Harris, E . E ., : Ind . & Eng . Chem . 38, 896 ,
Hajny, G. J. ,
: 1946 . FPL Rept . 1618 ,
Hannan, Martha,: Inf . Rev. &Reaf . 1956 .
& Rogers, S . C .
The Madison wood-suga r
process .
Harris, E . E ., & : Ind . Eng . Chem . 38, 890 ,
Beglinger, E.
1946 .
Industrial alcohol fro m
wood waste .
Harris, E . E .
Fodder yeast from wood
sugar .
Peterson, W . H, , : Ind . Eng . Chem . 37 , 30 ,
Snell, J . F . , & : 1945 .
Frazier, W . C .
Fermentation of woo d
sugars to ethyl alcohol .
: Leonard, R. H. , : Ind . Eng . Chem . 37 , 390 ,
1944 .
: & Hajny, G . J .
South . Lbrman ., 171(2153) :
244, Dec . 15, 1945 .
A review of wood sacchar- : Sherrard, E . C . , : Ind . Eng . Chem . 37, 5,
ification processes in the
& Kressman,
: 1945 .
United States prior t o
: F. W.
World War II.
-45 -
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars and
Sugar Conversion Products (continued )
Publication and dat e
Hydrolysis of wood in a
stationary digester b y
successive treatment s
with dilute sulfuric aci d
Harris, E . E ., : Ind . Eng . Chem . 37, 12 ,
Beglinger, E ., : 1945 .
Hajny, G .J . , & :
Sherrard, E . C . t
The rotary digester i n
wood saccharification .
Plow, R. H . ,
: Ind . Eng . '' Chem . 37, 36 ,
Saeman, J . F . : 1945 .
Turner, H . D . ,
Sherrard, E . C .
Kinetics of the hydrolysis : Saeman, J . F .
of wood and of the decom
position of sugars indilute j
acid at high temperatures . :
Ind. Eng . Chem . 37, 43 ,
: 1945 .
The quantitative saccharifi- : Saeman, J . F . ,
cation of wood and cellu- t Bubl, J . L. &
Harris, E . E .
lose .
: Ind . Eng . Chem . (Anal . Ed. )
: 17, 35, 1945 .
Saeman, J . F . ,
Harris, E . E . ,
& Kline, A . A .
Ind . Eng . Chem . (Anal . Ed . )
: 17, 95, 1945 .
Analysis of wood sugars .
*The hydrolysis of cellulose : Bubl, Janet L .
and wood (abstracts) .
DP-37, March 1944 .
: Fontaine, F . E . , : Jour . Bacteriology 43 :
New type of glucose fermentation by Closteridium : Peterson, W .H ., : 701, 1942 .
McCoy, Eliz . ,
thermoaceticum M. Sp .
Johnson, M . J . ,
& Ritter, G . J .
Production of lactic acid by : Marten, E. A . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 19 :
Sherrard, E . C . ,: 1162, 1927 .
fermentation of wood
sugar remaining after al- Peterson, W .H ., 4
& Fred, E . B .
coholic fermentation .
-46 -
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars an d
Sugar Conversion Products (continued )
------------------------Effect of partial hydrolysis
on the alkali solubility of
wood .
Publication and dat e
--------------- -------------------------- : Hawley, L . F . ,& : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 19 :
: Campbell, W .
: 742, 1927 .
Effect of presteaming on
the hydrolysis of wood .
: Sherrard, E . C . , Indus . & Eng . Chem . 17 :
: & Gloss, J . O .
847, 1925 .
Sugar formation in a sulphite digester :
Part 1
Part 2
: Sherrard, E. C . , Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: & Suhm, C . F .
: 14 :931, 1922 .
17 : 194, 1925 .
Effect of acids and salts
upon the hydrolysis of
wood .
: Sherrard, E. C . , : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
: & Gauger, W . H . = 1164, 1923 .
Some of the products ob: Sherrard, E . C . , Indus . & Eng . Chem . 15 :
tained in the hydrolysis
: & Blanco, G. W . : 611, 1923 .
of white spruce wood wit h
dilute sulphuric acid unde r
steam pressure .
Manufacture of ethyl alco- : Kressman, F . W. : U . S . Dept . Agr . Bull .
: 983, 1922 . Out of prin t
hol from wood waste .
Ethyl alcohol from western : Sherrard, E . C . : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
larch .
14 :948, 1922 .
Manufacture of ethyl alco- : Sherrard, E . C .
hol from wood waste .
Chem . Age 29(2) :76, 1921 .
: West Coast Lbrman . 3 9
(466) :27, 1921 .
The conversion of sawdust : Sherrard, E . C .
into cattle feed .
: Chem . & Metall . Eng . 24 :
160, 1921 .
-47 -
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars an d
Sugar Conversion Products (continued)
Publication and dat e
The acid hydrolysis of
: Sherrard, E . C . , : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
sugar cane fiber and cot- : & Blanco, G . W . : 12 : 1160, 1920 .
ton seed hulls .
Reaction products of alkalii Mahood, S . A . , &: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
sawdust fusion ; acetic ,
Cable, D . E .
: 11 :651, 1919 .
formic, and oxalic acid s
and methyl alcohol .
Ethyl alcohol from wast e
sulphite liquor .
Sherrard, E . C ., : Paper 24(17) : 15, July 2 ,
& Blanco, G . W. : 1919 .
Ethyl alcohol from wood :
Kressmann,F . W4 Metall . & Chem . Eng . 1 5
the process, its develop(2) :78, 1916 ; Lbr . Trad e
ment and requirements . .
Jour ., July 1916 ; Wes t
Coast Lbrman . 30(353) : 26 ,
July 1916 ; Amer . Lbrman .
(2148) : 1, July 1916 .
The manufacture of ethy l
alcohol from wood waste ,
III - Western larch as
raw material .
Kressmann,F . W . Jour . Indus . &Eng . Chem .
7 : 922, 1915 .
The manufacture of ethyl : Kressmann,F . W : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
alcohol from wood waste . :
: 7 :922, 1915 .
II - The hydrolysis of
white spruce .
The manufacture of ethyl
: Kressmann,F . W .: Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
alcohol from wood waste . :
: 6 :625, 1914 .
Hydrolysis of Wood to Sugars and
Sugar Conversion Products (continued)
(Copies available from U . S . Patent Office, Washington, D . C . ,
for 10 cents each . )
Stock food and processes of making same . E . C. Sherrard .
Granted June 10, 1924 .
Processes of making ethyl alcohol from galactose . E . C .
Sherrard . Granted May 8, 1923 .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Board s
*Dimensional stabilization : Stamm, A . J .
of wood by thermal reac tions and formaldehyd e
cross -linkin g
Dimensional stabilization : Stamm, A . J .
of paper by catalize d heat :
treatment and cross-link- :
ing with formaldehyd e
Publication and dat e
: Tappi 42(1) :39-44, 1959 .
: Tappi, 42(l) :44-50, 1959 .
*Effect of resin treatment
: Lloyd, R . A ., : For . Prod . Jour . 8(8) :
and compression upon the : & Stamm, A . J . : 230 :235, 1958 .
weathering properties of .
veneer laminates
*Effect of storage on
: Seborg, R . M . , & : For . Prod. Jour . 7(8) : 256 phenolic resins and thei r : Tarkow, Harold : 61, Aug . 1957 .
ability to stabilize woo d
dimensions .
*Swelling and dimensional
control of paper :
I. Effect of wet-strength
resins and carbowax .
II. Effect of cyanoethylation, acetylation an d
cross-linking with
formaldehyde .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Australian Pulp & Pape r
: Cohen, W . E .
: Indus . Tech . Assn . Proc .
10, 1956, p . 346-365 .
: 10, 1956, p . 366-393 .
*Dimensional stabilization : Stamm, A . J .
of wood with carbowaxes . :
Modified woods -- old an d : McDonald, J . K.
*Wood residues in corn pression-molded and extruded products .
: Bois, Paul
-50 -
: For . Prod . Jour . , 6(5) :
: 201-204 . May 1956 .
: Materials & Methods, 43(3) :
: 111-113 . March 1956 .
: FPL Rept .
1666-7 . 1955 .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
Publication and dat e
FPL Rept . R1666-21, Rev .
1954 .
*Board materials from
wood waste
*Effect of particle size an d
shape on strength an d
dimensional stability o f
resin-bonded wood particle panels
Turner, H . Dale: For . Prod . Res . Soc . 8th
Ann . Natl . Meeting, Grand
Rapids, Mich ., May 1954 .
*Application of impreg for
patterns and die models .
Seborg, R . M ., & = Jour . For . Prod . Res . Soc .
Vallier, A . E . : 305-12, Oct . 1954 ; Wood : working Digest 56(11) :
123-136, Nov . 1954 .
*Effect of formaldehyde
Tarkow, H ., & : For . Prod . Res . Soc . Jour .
3(2) :33-37, June 1953 .
treatments upon the dimen- : Stamm, A . J.
sional stabilization o f
wood .
*Low-resin-content and
resin-free pulp plastics .
Modified woods .
*Mechanical properties of
laminated modified wood .
: Schwartz, S . L . , FPL Rept . R1483, Inf . Rev.
& Reaf . 1953 .
: Pew, J. C . , &
Meyer, H. R .
: Locke, E . G .
For . Prod . Res . Soc . Jour .
2(4) :54-56, Nov . 1952 .
Erickson, E .C .O . : FPL Rept . R1639, 1952 .
*Forest Products Labora: Stamm, A . J . , & FPL Rept . 1381, Inf . Rev.
tory resin-treated, lami- : Seborg, R . M . : & Reaf . 1955 .
nated, compressed wood
(c ompr eg ) .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
*Relation of several forma- : Turner, H . D . ,
tionvariablestoproperties : & Kern, J . D .
of phenolic-resin-bonde d
wood-waste hardboards
*Forest Products Laboratory resin-treated wood
(impreg) .
*Acetylated wood .
Publication and dat e
: FPL Rept . R1786, Inf . Rev .
: & Reaf . 1956 .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : FPL Rept . 1380, 1955 .
Seborg, R . M . .
Tarkow, H . ,
: FPL Rept . 1593, Inf . Rev. &
Stamm, A . J . , & Reaf. 1955 .
Erickson, E .G .();
*Basic properties of yellow : Erickson,E .C .O . : FPL Rept . R1741, Inf . Rev .
birch laminates modified : & Faulkes, W . F . : & Reaf . 1956 .
with phenol and ure a
resins .
Swelling and shrinking o f
: Tarkow, H .
wood, paper, and cotto n
textiles and their control .
*Modified woods .
: Stamm, A . J.
: Tappi 32 :203-Z11, May 1949 .
: Modern Plastics Encyclo : pedia, p . 725, 1948 . Inf.
: Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
A means of determining
Weatherwax, R . C ASTM Bull . No . 153, Aug .
the hardness of wood an d : Erickson,E .C .O .y 1948 . (TP . 176) .
modified woods over a
: & Stamm, A . J.
broad specific gravit y
range .
Small-scale manufacture
: For . Prod . Lab . : H&HFA Tech . Bull . 5, p .
: 39, July 1948 . Out of
of insulating boards from :
: print .
wood waste .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
*Sawdust-binder compositions
: Gabriel, A . E .
Publication and dat e
: Modern Plastics 25(8) :145 : 146, 200-216, April 1948 .
Inf . Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
*Effect of some manufactur- : Turner, H . D . , : For . Prod . Res . Soc . Proc .
ing variables on the
: Hohf, J .P ., & : 2 :100-114, 1948 .
properties of fiberboard : Schwartz, S . L . :
prepared from mille d
Douglas-fi r
*Dimensional stability of
: Millett, M . A . , & : For . Prod. Res . Soc . Proc .
synthetic board materials : Hohf, J . P .
: 2 : 280-288, 1948 .
used as core stock .
*Wood treatment with urea : Millett, M . A . , &
resin-forming systems : a : Stamm, A . J .
study of size and species :
limitations .
Modern Plastics 25 : 125-127 ,
Sept. 1947 . FPL Rept .
R1703, Inf . Rev . & Reaf .
1954 .
Treatment of wood with
urea resin-forming
systems : comparison
with phenolic resins fo r
making compreg .
: Millett, M . A . , & : Modern Plastics 24(6) : 159 : Stamm, A . J .
: 160, 208, 210, 212 . Feb .
: 1947 .
Compreg .
: Stamm, A . J.
Dimensional stabilization
of wood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Jour . Phys . & Colloi d
: Tarkow, H .
: Chem . 31 : 493, 1947 .
*Gluing of thin compreg .
: Modern Plastics Encyclopedia 1 :705-707, 1947 .
: Eickner, H . W . , : FPL Rept . 1346 .
: & Bruce, H . D . : & Reaf . 1956 .
Inf. Rev .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
Publication and dat e
: Millett, M . A . , &: Modern Plastics 24(2) :150 ,
Treatment of wood with
urea resin-forming sys: Stamm, A . J . : 1946 .
tems :dimensional stability :
Wood for storage-battery
Modified woods .
Peakes, L . V . ,
: Lloyd, R .A . ,
Barnes, V . S . ,
Berry, J . H . , &
Ritter, G .J .
Stamm, A . J .
*Staybwood : heat-stabilized : Stamm, A . J. ,
Burr, H . K. , &
wood .
Kline, A . A .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . ,
: Indus . Ed ., 38 :780, 1946 .
: Amer . Wood-Pres . Assn .
Proc . 1946 .
: Indus . & Eng . Chem . 38 : 630 ,
: 1946 . FPL Rept . R1621 .
1955 .
Substitute woods for Port : Peakes, L. V . , : Ind . Eng . Chem . 38 :780 ,
1946 .
: Lloyd, R. A . ,
Orford white-cedar for
storage battery separators Barnes , V . S .
Berry, J.H .,& :
• Ritter, G . J .
: Burr, H. K. , &
*Comparison of commercial water-soluble phenol- : Stamm, A . J .
formaldehyde resinoid s
for wood impregnation .
: FPL Rept . 1384 .
: & Reaf. 1956 .
Inf. Rev .
*Effect of resin treatment
: Seborg, R . M ., & FPL Rept . 1383 . Inf . Rev .
: & Reaf . 1956 .
and compression upon the Stamm, A . J .
properties of wood
Pulp-reinforced plastics .
: Schwartz, S . L. , : South . Pulp & Paper Jour .
: 8(3) : 19, Aug . 1945 .
Pew, J . C . , &
Meyer, H . R.
*Pulps for pulp-reinforced
plastics .
: Schwartz, S. L . , : Paper Trade Jour . 121(2) :
: Pew, J . C . , & : 42, 1945 . Inf . Rev . &
: Reaf . 1956 .
Meyer, H . R.
-54 -
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-Bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
------------- -
*Heat -stabilized copal,
pressed wood (staypak) _
Publication and date
------------------------- : Seborg, R .M ., : Mech . Eng . 67(1) :25-31 ,
: Millett ; M .A ., : 1945 . FPL Rept . 158Q, Inf .
& Stamm, A . J . : Rev . & Reaf . 1956 .
Wood-base plastics (Chap- : Stamm, A . J. .
ter in Wood'and Paper-.
base Plastics by H . R .
Simonds) .
: D . Van Nostrand & Co . ,
: 1945 .
*The electrical resistivity : Weatherwax, R .C . Elect . Eng . Trans . 64 : 833 ,
of resin-treated wood (im- : & Stamm, A. J . : 1945 . FPL Rept . 1385 .
* -r „___ a „__t ,nc c
preg and compreg)
, hydrolyzed-wo d she t
(hydroxylin), and laminated resin-treated pape r
(papreg) .
*The gluing of laminated
paper plastic (papreg) .
: Eickner, H . W.
Potentialities of paper: Stamm, A . J .
base laminates as compared with other laminates:
Wood and paper-bas e
plastics .
• . . Same : Condensed .
. . . Same : Paper-base an d
wood plastics ,
illus .
. . . Same .
: FPL Rept . 1348 . 1955 .
: Paper Trade Jour . 118(21) :
: 183, May 25, 1944 .
: Stamm, A . J .
: Mod . Plas . 21(4) : 97, 1943 .
Pac . P . & P, Indus . 18(2) :
41, Feb . 1944 .
Chemurgic Digest 3 : 179 ,
1944 .
-55 -
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
Publication and dat e
. .r. r .~:l. .•i .. ..ti
*Influence of manufacturing ,::Millett, M .A ., :FPL Rept . 1386 . Inf . . Rev . &
variables on the impact
Seborg, R . M, , : Reaf . 1956 .
resistance of resin: & Stamm, A . J .
treated wood *Certain properties of paSeidl, R . J . ,
i; FPL Rept . 1394 . Inf. Rev .
preg as affected by lamiMackin, G . E ., &: & Reaf . 1956 .
nating pressure, resin
: Baird, P . K.
content, and volatile con tent .
Resin-treated, laminated,
compressed wood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & Trans . Amer . Soc . Chem .
: Seborg, R . M.
; Eng . 37 :385, 1941 .
The compression of wood .
: Seborg, R . M . , & : Mech . Eng . 63 : 211, 1941 .
Stamm, A . J .
Resin-treated plywood .
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Ind . Eng . Chem . 31(7) :
: Seborg, R . M . : 897-902, July 1939 .
Antishrink treatment of
: Stamm, A . J . , &
wood with synthetic resin- : Seborg, R . M.
forming materials and it s
application in making a
superior plywood .
Minimizing wood shrinkage :
and swelling :
*Treatment with sucrose : Stamm, A . J .
and invert sugar .
-56 -
: South . Lbrman . 157(1985) :
: 157, Dec 15, 1938 .
:Indus . &Eng. Chem . 29 :
: 833, 1937 . FPL Rept .
R1143 . Inf. Rev . & Reaf.
1955 .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued )
Publication and dat e
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect of heating in various : Stamm, A . J . , & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 29 : 831 ,
gases .
: Hansen, L . A.
: 1937 .
Treating with synthetic
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 28 :
resin-forming materials . : Seborg, R . M . : 1164, 1936 .
By replacing the water
: Stamm, A . J . , & : Indus . & Eng . Chem . 27 :
with nonvolatile materials : Hansen, L . A . : 1480, 1935 .
Patents (Copies available from U . S . Patent Office, Washington, D . C . , fo r
10 cents each . )
2, 572,070 Method of stabilizing wood . A . J . Stamm and H . D . Turner .
Granted Oct . 23, 1951 .
2,481,049 Apparatus for corrugating sheet material . A . J . Stamm an d
H. D . Turner . Granted Sept. 6, 1949 .
The destructive distillation of solids in a liquid bath . A . J.
Stamm . Granted Jan . 18, 1949 .
2,453,679 Method of forming compressed wood structures . A . J . Stamm ,
R. M. Seborg, and M . A . Millett . Granted Nov . 9, 1948 .
Acetylation of lignocellulosic board materials . A. J. Stamm
and H . Tarkow . Granted Mar . 25, 1947 .
2,391,489 Method of molding . A . J . Stamm and H . D . Turner . Grante d
Dec . 25, 1945 .
2,354,090 A combination of resin-treated compressed faces and an untreated uncompressed core . A. J . Stamm and R . M . Seborg .
Granted July 18, 1944 .
Modified Woods and Wood- and Paper-bas e
Plastics and Boards (continued)
Patents (continued )
2,350,135 Wood impregnation . A . J. Stamm . Granted May 30, 1944 .
2,321,258 Process for making an improved plywood . A . J. Stamm and
R. M . Seborg . Granted June 8, 1943 .
2,296,316 Antishrink treatment for wood . A . J. Stamm . Granted Sept .
22, 1942 .
2,212,866 Plastic chlorinated vegetable fibrous materials . E . C .
Sherrard, E . Beglinger, J . P . Hohf, and E . Bateman .
Granted Aug . 27, 1940 .
2,153,316 Methods for the production of plastics . E . C . Sherrard, E .
Beglinger, J . P . Hohf, and E . Bateman . Granted April 4 ,
1939 .
2,151,412 Processes for the utilization of sawdust for the production o f
plastics . E . C . Sherrard, E . Beglinger, J . P. Hohf, R . L.
Mitchell, and E . Bateman . Granted Mar . 21, 1939 .
2,137,119 Plastic compositions . E. C . Sherrard, E . Beglinger, J . P .
Hohf, and E . Bateman . Granted Nov . 15, 1938 .
Plastic compositions . E. C . Sherrard, E . Beglinger, J . P .
Hohf, and E . Bateman . Granted Sept. 20, 1938 .
2,060,902 Method for simultaneously seasoning and treating water-swolle n
fibrous materials . A . J . Stamm . Granted Nov . 17, 1936 .
1,932,255 Molding compositions of fibrous vegetable materials and furfural . E . C . Sherrard and E . Beglinger . Granted Oct . 24 ,
1933 .
Molding compositions and a resinous condensation product resulting from its conversion by heat and pressure . E. C .
Sherrard and E . Beglinger . Granted Aug . 22, 1933 .
Naval Stores (See also Volatile Oils )
Publication and dat e
------------------------- --------------- -------------------------- A naval stores handbook .
: Forest Service, : U . S . Dept . Agr . Misc .
: et al
: Pub . 209, 1935 . 30 cents .
Sulphite turpentine .
: Schorger, A . W. : Paper 22(3) : 22, 1918 .
: Jour. Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 10 : 258, 1918 .
The naval stores industry .
: Schorger, A . W ., : U . S . Dept . Agr . Bull .
: & Betts, H . S .
: 229, 1915 . Out of print .
Improved practice in the
: Schorger, A . W. : South . Lbrman . 77(1023) :
production of naval stores :
: 37, May 1, 1915 .
Study of authentic samples
of gum turpentine .
: Schorger, A . W. : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem .
: 6 : 541, 1914 .
Wood turpentines : their
analysis, refining and
composition .
: Hawley, L . F.
: U . S . For . Ser . Bull . 105 ,
: 1913 . Out of print .
Possibilities of western
pines as a source of
naval stores .
: Betts, H. S .
: U . S . For . Ser . Bull . 116 ,
: 1912 . Out of print .
Reports on Forest Products Developments in Germany during World War II ,
prepared by members of the Forest Products Laboratory while assigned t o
the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency :
*Manufacture of pulp and paper and related products from wood in wester n
Germany, by J . N. McGovern . FIAT Report 487 . U. S . Off . Tech .
Serv. PB 7735 . Paper Trade Jour . , Jan . 9 and 16, 1947 .
*Modified and improved wood in western Germany, by R . M . Seborg and
H. O . Fleischer . FIAT Report 394 . U . S . Off. Tech . Serv . PB 133 2
(1946) .
*Production and fabrication of glued wood products in western Germany, b y
R . M. Seborg and H . O . Fleischer . FIAT Report 366 . U . S . Off . Tech .
Serv . PB 1318 . Southern Lumberman, Oct . 1, 1946 .
*Production of vanillin from sulfite waste liquor, by J . F . Saeman and E . G .
Locke . FIAT Report 448 . U . S . Off . Tech . Serv . PB 7749 (1945) .
Production of wood sugar in Germany and its conversion to yeast and alcohol ,
by J . F . Saeman, E . G . Locke, and G. K. Dickerman . FIAT Report 499 .
U . S . Off . Tech . Serv . PB 7736 (1945) .
*Veneer and plywood manufacturing techniques and machinery observed i n
western Germany, by R . M. Seborg and H . O . Fleischer . FIAT Repor t
389 . U . S . Off . Tech . Serv . PB 1335 . Cosgrove's Magazine, July-August,1946 .
Wood carbonization industry of Germany, by E . G . Locke and J . F . Saeman.
FIAT Report 444 . U . S . Off . Tech . Serv . PB 6355 (1945) .
*Wood and cellulose research in Germany, by J . F . Saeman, E . G . Locke, an d
G . K. Dickerman . FIAT Report 450 . U . S . Off. Tech . Serv . PB 7750 (1945) .
The following lists of publications which deal with the other investigativ e
projects of the Forest Products Laboratory are obtainable upon request :
Boxing and Crating -- Strength and serviceability of shipping containers ,
methods of packing .
Building Construction Subjects -- Partial list of Government publications o f
interest to architects, engineers, builders, and retail lumbermen .
Fire Protection -- Fire test methods, fire retarding chemicals and treatments ,
and fire behavior of treated and untreated wood, wood products, and woo d
structures .
Fungus Defects in Forest Products -- Decay, stains, and molds in timber ,
buildings, and various wood products ; antiseptic properties of protectiv e
materials .
Furniture Manufacturers, Woodworkers, and Teachers of Wood Shop Practice - Partial list of Government publications on growth, structure, and identificatio n
of wood ; moisture content, physical properties, air seasoning, and kiln drying ;
grading, manufacturing, and waste utilization ; strength and related propertie s
and joints and fastenings ; glues and gluing, veneer and plywood fabrication ;
box and crate construction .
Glue and Plywood -- Development of waterproof glues, preparation and application of various glues, plywood manufacturing problems .
Growth, Structure, and Identification of Wood -- Structure and identification o f
wood ; the effect of cellular structure of wood on its strength, shrinkage ,
permeability, and other properties ; the influence of environmental factor s
such as light, soil, moisture, and fire, on the quality of wood produced ;
and secretions of economic value produced by trees and their exploitation .
Logging, Milling, and Utilization of Timber Products -- Methods and practice s
in the lumber-producing and wood-consuming industries ; standard lumbe r
grades, sizes, and nomenclature ; production and use of small dimensio n
stock ; specifications for small wooden products ; uses for little-used specie s
and commercial woods, and low-grade and wood-waste surveys .
Mechanical Properties of Timber -- Strength of timber and factors affectin g
strength ; design of wooden articles or parts where strength or resistanc e
to external forces is of importance .
Pulp and Paper -- Suitability of various woods for pulp and paper ; fundamenta l
principles underlying the pulping and bleaching processes ; methods of technical control of these processes ; relation of the chemical and physica l
properties of pulps and the relation of these properties to the papermakin g
qualities of the pulps ; waste in the industry, for example, decay in woo d
and pulp, utilization of bark, white water losses, etc .
Seasoning of Wood -- Experimental and applied kiln drying, physical proper ties, air drying, steam bending .
Structural Sandwich, Plastic Laminates, and Wood-Base Aircraft Components - Strength, selection, and character of aircraft wood, plywood, and wood an d
composite laminated and sandwich materials ; fabrication and assembl y
problems ; methods of calculating the strength.
Wood Finishing Subjects -- Effect of coatings in preventing moisture absorption; painting characteristics of different woods, weathering of wood .
Wood Preservation -- Preservative materials and methods of application ; durability and service records of treated and untreated wood in various forms .
Note :
Since Forest Products Laboratory publications are so varied in subjec t
matter no single big list is issued . Instead a list is made up for eac h
Laboratory division . Twice a year, December 31 and June 30, a lis t
is made up showing new reports for the previous 6 months . This is th e
only item sent regularly to the Laboratory's mailing list . Anyone wh o
has asked for and received the proper subject lists and who has had hi s
name placed on the mailing list can keep up to date on Forest Product s
Laboratory publications . Each subject list carries descriptions of al l
other subject lists .
of the
Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Servic e
U. S. Department of Agricultur e
Madison 5, Wisconsin
J. Alfred Hall
Directo r
L. J . Markwardt
Assistant Directo r
Alan D . Freas
Assistant Directo r
Cl aude A . Brown, Chief
Gardner H. Chidester, Chief
Donald G . Coleman, Chief
Herbert O. Fleischer, Chief
Pulp and Pape r
Research Publications and Informatio n
Timber Processing
Kenneth W. Kruger, Chief
Packaging Research
Ralph M. Lindgren, Chief
Wood Preservatio n
Joseph A . Liska, Chief
Physics and Engineerin g
Edward G. Locke, Chief
Wood Chemistry
Gordon D. Logan, Chief
Administrative Management
Harold L. Mitchell, Chief
Florence Rose Steffes, In Charge
Timber Growth and Utilization Relation s
Library (Madison Branch USDA)