S . , RE






Compiled by the Forest Products Laboratory,* Madison v , tT .

p '` •


JUN 2 8 1" `



S .

5, Wisco n'

C .

(Revised May 1950 )

AUSTIN, C . P. Woodworking guide : simplified woodworking procedure with 54 prac tical projects . 19?

1941 .

500 .

p., illus .

North Chicago, Bunting Publications, Inc . ,

BENSON, H . K. Chemical, utilization of wood . Natl . Corn. Wood Util . Rept . 22 ,

151 p ., illus . Washington, D . C ., 1932 . Out of print .

BONNELL, C . M., Jr . Manual on packaging and shipping .

566 p ., New York ,

Bonnell Pub ., Inc ., l941 . $5 .

BOULTON, E . H. B . Dictionary of wood . 206 p ., illus . New York, Thomas Nelso n

& Sons, 1938 . $1.59.

BOULTON, E . H. B. and JAY, B .

A . British timbers : their properties, uses, and .

identification with notes on the growth and cultivation of the trees . 2d ed .

120 p ., illus . London, Adam & Charles Black, Ltd., 1946 . $4.

BOULTON, E . H. B . and J!AY, B . A . Building timbers, dealing with softwoods an d hardwoods, with notes on selection, marketing, seasoning, preservation, an d use . 120 p ., illus . London, G. Newnes, 1945 .

BROWN, A . G., and TUSTISON, F . E . Instructional units in hand woodwork . 240 p., illus . Milwaukee, Bruce Pub . Co., 1946 . $1 .80 .

BROWN, H . P ., PANSHIN, A, J ., and FORSAITH, C . C . Textbook of wood technology .


Structure, identification, defects, and uses of the commercial woods o f the United States ; formerly pub . under the title, Commercial timbers of th e

United States . 652 p ., illus . New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1949 . (Amer.

Forestry Ser .) $6 .

BROWN, N . C. Lumber : manufacture, conditioning, grading, distribution, and use .

344 p .

New York, Wiley, 1947 .

BROWN, N . C. Timber products and industries : the harvesting, conversion, an d marketing of materials other than lumber, including the•principal derivative s and extractives . 316 p ., illus . New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1937 .

$4 .

BRYANT, R . C . Lumber : its manufacture and distribution . 2d ed ., rev., 535 p. , illus . New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1938 .

$5 .

COLLINGWOOD, G . H. and BRUSH, W . D. Knowing your trees . 2d ed ., 312 p. , illus . Washington, Amer . Forestry Assn ., 1947 .

$5 .

*Laboratory publications are not included in this list .

No . R399 -1 Agriculture-Madison

COX, H . A. ed. A handbook of Empire timbers . Rev. ed., 142 p. London, Hi s

Majesty's Stationery Office, 1945 . (Dept . Sci . & Indus. Res . Forest Products

Res .) $1 .05 .

COYNE, F . E . American veneer packages . 127 p ., illus . Chicago, Lumber Buyer s

Pub . Co ., 1941 . $1.50 .

COYNE, F . E . The development of the cooperage industry in the United States ,

1620-1940 . 112 p ., illus . Chicago, Lumber Buyers Pub . Co ., 1940 . $2 .

DESCH . H. E . Timber : its structure and properties . 2d ed . New York, Macmillan

Co ., 1947 . $5 .


Co ., 1936 . 80¢ .

R .

H. Instruction and information units for han d woodworking . Rev. ed ., 128 p., illus . Wichita, Kans ., McCormick Lather s

DuBOIS, J . H. Plastics . Rev. ed ., 435 p., illus . Chicago, Amer, Tech .Soc . ,

1943 . $3 .75 .

ELLIS, CARLETON . The chemistry of synthetic resins . 2 v. in 1, 1626 p ., illus . ,

New York, Reinhold Pub . Corp., 1940 . $22 .50 .

FISHER, OSCAR. Plywood handbook of residential construction . 39 p ., illus .

United States Plywood Corp ., 616 W. 46th St ., New York City,- 1940 . Free .

FORSAITH, C . C. The technology of New York State timbers . N . Y. State Col .

Forestry Tech . Pub . 18, 374 p ., illus . Syracuse, 1926 .

$l .

GARRATT, G . A . The mechanical properties of wood, including a discussion o f the factors affecting the mechanical properties, working stresses for struc tural timber, and methods of timber testing . 276 p .,

John Wiley & Sons, 1931 . 43 .50 .

illus .

New York,- _-

HANSEN, H . J . Modern timber design . 2d ed., 312 p., illus .

New York, John

Wiley & Sons, 1948 $4 .50 .

HANSEN, H . J . ed. Timber engineers' handbook . 882 p ., illus . New York, John

Wiley & Sons, 1948 . $10 .

HAYWARD, P . A . Wood, lumber, and timbers . 521 p .,


chase, and use of commodities, v . 1 .) Out of print ,

New York, Chandler

Cyclopedia, 1930 . (Chandler cyclopedia for the scientific selection, pur-

HENDERSON, H . L . Air seasoning and kiln drying of wood . 3d ed ., 332 p., illus .

Albany, Pub . by the author, 1946 . $4 .75 .

HJORTH, HERMAN . Machine woodworking. 371 p ., illus . Milwaukee, Bruce Pub . Co . ,

1937 . $3 .25 .

HJORTH, HERMAN . Operation of common woodworking machines . 163 p ., illus . ,

Milwaukee, Bruce Pub . Co ., 1942 . $2 .50.

HJORTH, HERMAN . Principles of woodworking, Rev . andenl . ed.,

Milwaukee, Bruce Pub . Co ., 1946 . $3 .50; school ed . $2 .88 .

No. 8399 w2~-

445 p ., illus .

HOLTMAN,• D . F. ed. Wood construction : principles, practice details -- a projec t of the Natl. Corn. on Wood Utilization . 71l p., illus ., New York, McGraw-

Hill Book Co ., 1929 . $8 .


Handbook of trees .- 470 p., illus . Lowville•, N . Y., Romeyn B.

Hough'Co ., 1936. $6 .

HOWARD,'-A : L. Manual of the timbers of the -world ; .

their characteristics and

-uses . 3d ed ., 751 p ., illus . New York., Macmillan Co., 1948 .

$7 .50 .

HOWARD, A. L . Studies of the identification of timbers ; with a note on the seasoning of .wood. 110 p., illus . New. York, Macmillan Co ., 1942 . $9 .30 .

. . .Supplement. 1944 . $1 .50 ,

HUNT, G. M . and GARRATT, G . A . Wood preservation . 457. p ., illus . New York;

McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1938 .

$5 .

IVEY, G. F. The physical properties of lumber . 263 p., illus . Hickory, N. C. ,

Southern Pub. Co .,-1931i.. $1 .50.

JEFFREY, E . C . The anatomy of woody plants . 478 p.,-illus . Chieago,

University- of Chicago Press, 1917 . $3 .





P . :and SIRONEN, M. K., comp. Manual of the furniture arts and crafts .- .8-99 p .,


Grand Rapids, Mich ., A . P. Johnson Co .,• 1938.- (Contains 6 chapters on wood by Arthur Koehler . )


Lumber and its uses . , 4th ed+ ,. 378 p ., illus . -New York ;

Scientific Book Corp ., 1931 .

$4 .

KNIGHT, E . V. and WULPI, M . Veneers and plywood, their craftsmanship an d artistry, modern production methods, and present-day utility . 372 p . , illus . New York, Ronald Press Co ., 1927 . Out of print.

KOEHLER, ARTHUR and THETFN, ROLF .' The kiln drying of lumber . 293 p., illus .

New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1926 . $3 .

- -

. . .Same, Translated into German by Paul Warlimont . Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1929 .


The properties and uses pf wood . 354 p., illus .- New York,

McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1924 . $3 .50 .


Buch der holznamen ; book of wood names ; los nombres de la maderas .

4 parts . Hanover, Germany, M . & H. Schaper; 1933-36 . $12.50 .

Preface in German, English, French, and Spanish.

NATIONAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, Wood structural design data, v .1 ,

2d ed ., 296 p ., illus . Washington, D . C., 1939 . $1.

NEWELL, A . C . Coloring, finishing, and painting wood . 2d ed ., 480 p ., illus .

Peoria, Ill ., Manual, Arts Press, 1940 .


0 .


NEWELL, A . C . Wood and lumber . 211 p., illus . Peoria, Il1 ., .Manual Art s

Press, 1927 . $2 .50 .

NORRIS, C ; B . Technique of plywood . 249 p., illus .

Seattle, Wash. ,

I.- F. Laucks, 14c„ 1942 . $2 .50.

No . 8399 -3..

NOYES, WILLIAM . Wood and forest . Rev. ed., 294 P ., illu"s .

Peoria, Ill .

Manual Arts Press, 1928 . $4.25 . Describes trees, forestry, and wood in a general way .

PATTOU, A . B . and VAUGHN, C . L . Furniture : finishing, decoration, and patching.

2d ed ., 551 p., illus. Chicago, F. J.Drake, 1944 . $4.

PEARSON, R . S . and BROWN, H . P. Commercial timbers of India, their distribution , supplies, anatomical structure, physical and mechanical properties, and uses .

2 v. Calcutta, Govt . of India, Cent . Pub . Branch, 1932 .

$25 .

PERRY, T. D . Modern plywood . 2d ed ., 458 p., illus . New York, Pitman Pub .

Corp., 1948 . $6 .

PERRY, T. D . Modern wood adhesives . 208 p ., illus . New York, Pitman Pub .

corp., 1944. $3

RECORD, S. J . Identification of the timbers of temperate North America, including anatomy and certain physical properties of wood . 196 p ., illus.


York, John Wiley & Sons, 1934 . $3 .

RECORD, S . J . and HESS, R . W . Timbers of the new world, 640 p,, illus .


Haven, Conn ., 1943 . $10 .

RENNICKE, N . G. The manufacture of paper board, 47 p , , illus . Chicago ,

Board Prod . Pub . Co ., 1939, reprinted 1944 . $1,50, .

REYES, L . J . Philippine woods . P. I . Bur . Forestry Tech . Bul . 7, 536 p . , illus . Manila, 1938 . 41 .50 .

SARGENT, C . S . A manual of the trees of North America, exclusive of Mexico .

2d ed .,910 p ., illus . Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co ., 1922 . Contains muc h valuable information about trees and where they grow, but little abou t wood . $12 .50 .

SCHORGER, A . W. The chemistry of cellulose and wood . 596 p ., illus . New

York, McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1926. $6 .

SHERWOOD, M. H. From forest to furniture : the romance of wood . 284 p ., illus .

New York, W . W . Norton & Co ., 1936. $3 .50 .

TANGEPMAN, E . J . Whittling and woodcarving . 293 p ., illus . New York ,

McGraw-Hill Book Co ., 1936 . $3 .75 .

TIEMANN, H . D . Lessons in kiln 'drying . 110 p ., illus . Nashville, Tenn . ,

Southern Lumberman, 1938 .

Out'of print . Rev. serially in Southern

Lumberman, 1949-50 .

TIEMANN, H . D. Wood technology : constitution, properties, and uses . 2d ed. ,

328 p ., illus. New York, Pitman Pub . Corp., 1944 .

$4 .

TRAYER, G . W . Wood in aircraft construction : supply, suitability, handling, . ' fabrication, designs 276 p ., illus . Washington, D . C ., Natl . Lbr . Mfrs .

Assn., 1930 . $2 .50 .

No. R399


U. S. FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION . Light frame house construction , in cooperation with the National Corn . on Wood Utilization, U . S. Dept. of

Commerce . Bul . No . 145, rev . ed., 216 p., illus . Washington, D . C ., Govt .

Printing Office, 1931 . 40¢.

WAT,F,S, H. B. and LATHROP, H . O . Conservation of natural resources ; a textbook for junior and senior high schools . Rev. ed .,

Laurel Book Co ., 1947 . $2 .

554 p., illus . Chicago ,

WANGAARD, F . F. The mechanical properties of wood . 377 p ., illus . New York ,

John Wiley & Sons, 1950 . $6 .

WARING, R . G. Wood finishing and painting made easy . 220 p ., illus . Milwaukee ,

Bruce Pub . Co., 1940 .

$2 .75.


Manufacture of fiber shipping containers . 3d ed ., rev ., 81 p . , illus . Chicago, Board Prod . Pub . Co., 1946. $2 .

WISE, L. E ., ed, Wood chemistry . 900 p„ illus . New York, Reinhold Pub . Corp . ,

1944. $11 .50.

WOOD, A . Di' and Linn, T . G. Plywoodc, their development, manufacture, an d application . Rev. ed .,

1950 . 4oS.


p .,

illus, Edinburgh, W . & A . Johnston, Ltd . ,

ZON, RAPHAEL, and SPARHOK, W . N . Forest resources of the world : prepared unde r authority of the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States and in cooperation with the National Research Council . 2 v ., New York, McGraw-

Hill Book Co ., 1923 .

$12 .

No, R399
