cntrsttp$:4),t,S4t*!yitu. 0$71E..Ccitics uNibWuNitop* EXTEUSIAIL RITUAL P1RIESSUPE November 1954 This Report is Cno of a Series Issued in Cooperation with AIR FCRCE-NAVY-CIVIL SULCOMMITTEE on AIRCRAFT DESIGN CRITERIA Under the Supervision of the ,AIRCRAFT COMMITTEE of the MUNITIONS MARI) No. 1844' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison 5,Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin OTEi."3.0t1 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY LIBRARY ANALYSIS OF LONG CYLINDERS OF SANDWICH CONSTRUCTION 1 UNDER UNIFORM EXTERNAL LATERAL PRESSURE -By MILTON E. RAVILLE, Engineer Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Summary A theoretical solution is obtained for the stresses in long sandwich cylinders subjected to externally applied uniform lateral pressure. The analysis is extended to take into account failure due to elastic instability, and an equation is derived for the determination of critical loads on long sandwich cylinders. The application of this analysis to long curved panels (portions of a long cylinder) is discussed. The sandwich construction is assumed to consist of isotropic membrane facings and an orthotropic core. Introduction In this report it is assumed that the sandwich cylinder is comprised of thin, isotropic facings of a relatively stiff material separated by an orthotropic core of a relatively weak material. The facings are assumed to be so thin that bending and shear in the individual facings may be neglected. It is further assumed that the only stress components present in the core are the normal stress on surfaces parallel to the facings and the transverse shear stress. Since elasticity theory is used in regard to the core, the solution is not limited with respect to core thickness. Results based on the assumption of membrane facings are somewhat limited -This report is one of a series prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory under U. S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics Order No. 01595. Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Report No. 1844 Agriculture-Madison in applicability, but they should be sufficiently accurate for the majority of sandwich panels. It is felt that the core assumptions represent reasonably well the cores presently in use, especially those of the honeycomb type. The method of analysis is based primarily on the fact that the core assumptions permit the direct determination of the core displacement functions insofar as their dependence on the radial distance is concerned. The usual requirement of continuity of displacements at the interfaces is specified. The stability analysis is based on the method used by Timoshenko2 in the analysis of the stability of homogeneous isotropic cylinders. The stresses in the sandwich cylinder are determined for loads less than the critical load; and, in discussing buckling, only small deformations from this unifatally compressed form of equilibrium are considered. Notation r, e, z radial, tangential, and longitudinal coordinates, respectively a radius to middle surface of outer facing b radius to middle surface of inner facing t thickness of facings E modulus of elasticity of facings Poisson's ratio of facings E modulus of elasticity of core in direction normal to facings G re modulus of rigidity of core in r-e plane q intensity of uniform external lateral loading p intensity of uniform external lateral pressure, equal to -q Q ar, Q', r re normal stress in the radial direction in outer facing, inner facing, and core respectively n't T arc re re small normal stresses in the radial direction in outer facing, inner facing, and core respectively small shear stress in the plane of the middle surface of the outer and inner facing, respectively 3S. Timoshenko. Theory of Elastic Stability, p. 446. Report No. 1841 -2- F!PE2f:”v FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY small transverse shear stress in the core rec direct stress resultants in the tangential direction in the plane of outer and inner facing, respectively Ne , Net small direct stress resultants in the tangential direction in the plane of outer and inner facing, respectively .49 U, U radial displacements of outer facing, inner facing, and core, respectively Lie u, u , u small radial displacements of outer facing, inner facing, and core, respectively V V , V small tangential displacements of outer facing, inner facing, and core, respectively Ee tangential strains in outer and inner facing, respectively C , o C e C ec small tangential strains in outer facing, inner facing, and core, respectively n number of waves in circumference of cylinder a one-half the central angle of curved panel k log (1 + b/a) 1 Et log b/a E a c natural logarithm A, B, A, B, C, H, A, B, C, H n n n n n n n n arbitrary constants Theoretical Analysis The first step in the analysis is that of determining the stresses in the sandwich cylinder for pressures up to the critical pressure. The cylinder remains circular and is in a state of uniform compression. Throughout the analysis, q represents a uniform, lateral load acting in the positive radial direction. The pressure, p, is equal to -q. Report No. 1844 -3- Equilibrium of Core As previously stated, it is assumed that the core can transmit only normal stresses in the radial direction and transverse shear stresses. When the cylinder is in a state of uniform compression, the only stress present in the core is the normal stress in the radial direction, a. Considering rc the equilibrium of the differential element of the core shown in figure 1, the summation of forces in the radial direction results in the following equation: - a rc + rc r de dz + (a rc da t dr)(r + dr) de dz = 0 drr This reduces to the following differential equation of equilibrium: da dr rc arc = 0 The solution of equation (1) is a = E rc c r in which E c A represents the constant of integration. The radial displacement of the core, u e , is related to the radial stress, arc ' by the following equation: du c (3) E c dr a rc From equation (2) it follows that duc A . dr r Integration gives u c (4) = A log r/a + B The use of log r/a instead of log r merely alters the arbitrary constant of integration. Equilibrium of Facings With reference to the differential elements of the facings shown in figure 2, it is seen that, when the cylinder is uniformly stressed by the action of the external load, q, the only stresses present in the facingsare the radial stresses, a and a , which are exerted by the core, and the tensile forces r r per unit length of facing, N e and Ne . These stresses are assumed to be acting on the middle surfaces of the facings, an assumption which is justified since the facings are assumed to be thin. An equilibrium equation Report No. 1844 -4- can be obtained for each facing by'summing forces in the radial direction on each element. The equilibrium equation which pertains to the outer facing is qa de dz - a a de dz - N9 de dz = 0 r This reduces to N = qa - a a 0 r or, since a r = (arc) r = a N = qa - a(a ) 0 (5) r = a In a similar manner, the equilibrium equation of the inner facing is obtained as N 1 e = b(a ) rc (6) r = b The requirement is now made that the displacements of the core and facings be equal at the respective interfaces. It is assumed that the core extends to the middle surfaces of the facings. Thus u = (u) (7) r = a and (8) u' = (u ) c r = b From Hooke's law, N e = Et(E ) Since e e = , and, in view of equation (7), No = Et1 a By using equation Report No. 1844 (u0) Ee = u r = a a r = a (4) in conjunction with the above equation -5- then (9) Et(32) a N Also, from Hooke's law, N' = Et(e) 0 0 u (8) and Since c e = , the above equation in conjunction with equations (4) leads to: (10) Ne = Et( TA; log b/a + Since, from equation (2), (arc) r = a A = E - ' equations - and (a rc ) cb Eca r = b (5) and (6) may be written as Ne qa - E A c and. 1 (12) N E A c e equations (9) and (11) and the (12), two equations are obtained A and B may be determined. These qa - (13) Et EA = --B a c and. From equation (14) (15) Substituting the above value of B into equation (13) and multiplying t, through byE — Et' Report No. 1844 -6- qa2 mca Et Et A = [E .cb - log bial A Et from which A = Eca Et Et (1 + b/a) - log b/a or A = 1 mss Ec + b/a) Et -log b/a (16) E a Substitution of the above value of A into equation (15) gives Et log b/a B = 2a .13 Et E cb (1 + b/a) - Et log b/a E a ( 17 ) When the value of A given by equation (16) is substituted into equations (2), (11), and (12), respectively, the following expressions for the stresses in the cylinder are obtained: clafir) w rc --\"/ N N where k = e qa e q k a (18) - k) (19) (20) 1 Iva + b/a) Et log E ca Also, by using the values of A and,B given by equations (16) and (17), equation (4) fox the core displacement, after some simplification,becomes 2 ue - Et Report No. 1844 E - k) + ---k log rid E ta c -7- (21) Since u, the radial displacement of the outer facing, equals (u c ) u , the radial displacement of the inner facing, equals (uc) r = a and r = b u = 22." (1 - k) (22) qa2 (k b/a) u =- Et (23) - Et2 and The analysis thus far is not limited strictly to membrane facings. The only restrictions on facing thicknesses are those imposed by the usual thin-walled-cylinder theory plus the additional requirement that the radial displacement of the middle surface of the facings be equal to the radial displacement of the corresponding interfaces. The next step in the theoretical analysis concerns the development of the stability criteria. In this analysis, which follows, the facings are assumed to be membrane-type cylindrical shells. As mentioned previously, it is assumed that the stress situation in the deformed cylinder differs only slightly from the stress situation which exists just before buckling. A bar is placed over the appropriate symbol to denote the small stresses, strains, and displacements which occur when the cylinder goes from the initially uniformly stressed circular form to the slightly deformed configuration. These quantities are dependent upon 0 as well as r. Equilibrium of the Core Since the cylinder is how considered to be in a slightly deformed state, the core is also slightly deformed. Figure 3 shows that, in addition to the radial stress, 4k, which exists just before buckling, an additional small radial stress, a rc and a small transverse shear stress, T must rc ,YrOcY be considered. These stresses result when the core takes on small deformations from the initially uniformly compressed, circular shape, and they are dependent upon 0 as well as r. The differential element shown in figure 3 is considered to be in equilibrium under the stresses shown. Summation of forces in the radial direction yields the following equilibrium equation: (cik + d m ) r do dz + T Report No. 1844 rec dr dz + (T rec 1 ++ - rc d(q111) 6°rc dr dr + ar dr)(r + dr) de dz + rrec do) dr dz = 0 60 -8 - If terms containing the products of more than three differentials are neglected, the above equation reduces to 6 66 -r dr de dz + --119-dr de dz = 0 rc dr de dz + –g7:9 6e or, dividing through by r dr de dz, a& rcrc 6r r 1 67rec – - o r 6(9 (24) Summation of forces in the tangential direction yields the following equation of equilibrium: - rec r de dz + ( T + rOc 6T6 rrec dr)(r + dr) de dz + T rec dr de dz = 0 which reduces to e rec 2T rec r (25) o The core displacements are related to the core stresses by the following equations: a re E 65c (26) c and rec = G re 1 6u c 6v c 7/7' (27) r where 11 e and 1 c are the small radial and tangential core displacements from the uniformly compressed form of equilibrium. Equations (24 - 27) are sufficient to enable the direct determination of the displacement functions 11 and 1 insofar as their dependence on r is concerned. Thus, e c it is assumed that a and 1 are expressible in the following form: c c (r) cos ne c = f1 (28) = f (r) sin ne 2 (29) e Report No. 1844 -9- This assumes that during buckling the circumference of the cylinder is subdivided into n waves; and the lowest value of the critical pressure will be obtained for n = 2, as in the case of homogeneous isotropic cylinders. The functions, f (r) and f (r) are now determined. 2 l , From equations (26), (27), (28), and (29) it is seen that d rc and T rec may be expressed as follows: T (30) = f (r) cos ne 3 rc (31) f (r) sin n8 rec L. The use of the expression for T rec results in the following equation: 2 f4(r) d f (r) 1 dr - given by equation (31) in equation (25) 0 The solution of the above equation is n A f (r) = — 2 Y where A r 4 n is an arbitrary constant. Substitution of the above expression into equation (31) yields T n reC A = - sin ne r (32) 2 When the expressions for d re and T ree given by equations (30) and (32) are substituted in equation (24), the result is d f 3 (0 dr f (r) 3 - r A n r The solution of the above equation is n nA B f3(r) - 9n +— r r- Report No. 1844 - 10- and, from equation (30), nA' n arc - + B' n cos ne (33) Referring to equation (26), the following equation may be written: B' 6U 1 ' nA' n n c - — + r 6r E r cos ne 611cd Since, from equation (28), TT.- d f (r) 1 1 nA 'B' n n) dr Ec r f l( r) cos ne, dr r Integrating nA 1 f1 (r) = — (- --n + B' log r + • r Ec Therefore = nA 1 c E n + Bn log r + C n ) cos ne (34) Rewriting equation (27), 6;. c car 1 611 c c = rec r r G re Substituting for T rec and 6v 6r c 1 r Report No. 1844 c ac their values ,Wen by equations (32) and (34), n2A' nB' log r C' . 1 A' 1 n nn + –n) sin ne —2- sin'ne + — ( - r2 + r r E G r c re -11- Using equation (29) for ire, d f (r) 2 dr f (r) 1 _ ( 2 G r n2 A' .. __.) n r0 E c r nB I log r n 2E c r 1 C' E c r The solution of the above equation is 1 f (r) = Hnr 2 (2G n2 r0 2% An'I ) r E c c' (1 + log r)- n Therefore n2 vc = A' G - 2E ci rn [- (21 re CI nB' E c (1 + log 0 - En + Hnr sin ne (35) The functional dependence on r of the displacement's a and ir as expressed c c in equations (34) and (35) having been determined, it is convenient at this point to redefine the constants A , B , C , and H. Equation (34) may be n n n written as follows: 2 (36) ac = (Ana + Bn+ C na log r/a) cos ne Then equation (35) must be replaced by ir 1 E n a2 = - nA a + 7-- — c - 2) B r - nC a (1 + log r/a) + Inrl sin ne n n c n (2n G JJ re [ (37) The displacement equations are thus expressed in terms of the simpler nondimensional arbitrary constants A, B , C , and H. Equations (32) and. n n n (33) for the core stresses are expressed in terms of the new constants as follows: a2 E c TrOc = - — Bn– sin ne r n (38) and Report No. 1844 -12- a re E c( - B a2a —) cos nO C nr nr (39) —F The validity of the above equations is easily verified by the substitution (1)f equations (38) and (39) into the equilibrium equations, equations (24) and (25), and further by the substitution of the expressions given by equations (36 - 39) into the stress-displacement relations, equations (26) and (27). It is of interest to note that the manner in which the core stresses and displacements vary with respect to r is not so simple as is sometimes assumed in problems of this nature. Equilibrium of Facings Immediately before buckling, the stress situation in the facings is as , the r = a = b stresses shown in figure 2 can be determined from equations (18), (19), and (20). As stated previously, the stress situation in the facings when the cylinder is in a slightly deformed state is assumed to differ only slightly from the situation which existed just before buckling. In figure 4, which illustrates the differential elements of the deformed facings, the symbols illustrated in figure 2. Since a'r _ = (arc) and an a = (a ) r rc t • and a are used to indicate this small stress variat e) fi e) Tre) T a r re) 10 tion which has taken place. The assumption of membrane facings eliminates the necessity of considering bending and transverse shear in the individual facings. In formulating the applicable equilibrium equations of the facings, account must be taken of the rotation and stretching of the facing elements during buckling. This effect was found to be negligible in regard to the core. Due to the difference in rotation between the longitudinal elements M and N of the outer facing and , the difference in rotation between the longitudinal elements M and N of the inner facing, the initial l -' W 1 6 u de and (1 + –--7-) de b 6e b 60 a 60 a 6e 4 for the outer and inner facings, respectively. — As a result of the tan- central angle, de, becomes (1 + 1 6v - l 62a, gential strain in the outer and inner facings, the areasof their differential elements become (1 + ge) a:de dz and (1 + ge) b de dz, respectively. a, V, G , v, z e , and g o represent small displacements and strains which result when the cylinder goes from the undeformed to the deformed state. With reference to figure 4 it is seen that two equilibrium equations can be written for each facing. Considering the outer facing first, the summation of forces in the direction normal to the differential element of the outer facing yields 4 Timoshenko. Theory of Elastic Stability, p. 431. Report No. 1844 -13- a r )(1 q (1 + E e ) a de dz - (qk + - [ qa (1 - k) + iie ( + E e ) a de dz 1 + .1-...i _ 2, a ae a 4 de dz = 0 a If terms containing products of small quantities, i.e., products of barred quantities, are neglected and the above equation is divided by de dz, the result may be written as = - (3 Since „1 6-G1 62a + qa (1 - k)Z - qa (1 - m k- a 66) a 661 , CI + 1 6V Je = . 76, the above equation further reduces to + qa (1 - k)( 2 + 1 N- a a 22) 2 (4o) a6 The second equilibrium equation of the outer facing is obtained by summing forces in the direction tangent to the element. Thus, 6Re ---de 661 dz - re (1 + ' 19 ) a de dz = 0 Again by neglecting the term containing the product of the barred quantities and dividing through by de dz, the above equation is reduced to e (4 1) = Trea The two equilibrium equations which apply to the inner facing are obtained in a manner exactly analogous to that used in obtaining equations (40) and (41). These equations are: -I N e= as° -I fa' + ---) 6211'\ a rb + qak b b 60 2 (42) - - Treb (43) In addition to the four equilibrium equations (40 - 43), the following two equations, based on Hooke's law and the strain-displacement relations, may be written: Report No. 1844 -14- fl e = Et 1 N Et e 1 - Et 2 ( 11 2 ` ei 1 - u 61) (44) a a 6(9 (04.1 61.) q' NEt 2 2 ` ei b 68 1_ u '‘ b (45) The following relations enable the right-hand sides of equations (40 - 45) to be expressed in terms of the constantsnA n B Cn, and H which appear in the equations for the core displacements, equations- (.36) and (37): r re and = (a ) Cr = (arc) r a r = b or, on the basis of equation (39), r = E (- B C a2 E (- Bn b + C + C ) cos ne and a n n r C a n TO cos ne (46) T re = (T rec ) and T = rec re r = a r =.b or, on the basis of equation (38), T re Ec = B n sin ne a . (a ) c r = a and T and. H - re Ec a2 Bsin ne n n b = (11c ) r (47) b or, on the basis of equation (36), a = (A la + B a) cos ne and n _1 a u = (A a +Ba— +Calog n n b n Ws.) cos ne (48) = (17 ) and r = a v = ) r = b or, on the basis of equation (37), 1 Ec n V = - n A a + ( a-nC a+H a sin ne n '2n G - &Bn n n re [ Report No. 1844 -15- and Vt . 1 E cn n A a + (--- –) B a n n 2 2n G - - n C a (1 + log b/a) + H b n n r0 [ sin ne (49) The relationships given by equations (46 - 49) express the assumed continuity conditions on the stresses and displacements at the interfaces. The further assumption that the core extends to the middle surfaces of the facings is implied. On the basis of the above-listed continuity conditions, equations (40 - 45) can be transformed, respectively, to equations (50 - 55), shown below. fl e E = c a (Bn - C n ) - (n2 - 1) qa (1 - k)(An + Bn ) cos (50) ne { ile Ec a 7– = —717Bn sin ne ie (51) l - Cn) = E- E c a (Bn i - (n2 - 1) qak f: (An + B n + C (52) log b/a)j cos ne n 2 Ec b m a ,n — sin ne = n b2 di e )0 1 - [1 An (n21\ Et 9 (53) 2 n2 ( Ec I 2G re a Et 2 {-((n - 1) A – + N = 1- 11 2 n b e 2 + 1) B n 2 - n C n + n H n cos (54) a2 n2 - — + 1) B — n b2 2 2G re - [n2 + (n2 - 1) log b/a] C n a/b + n H n cos ne (55) The integration of equations (51) and (53) yields Ec a B cos ne n n2 Fre (56) and E _ - Report No. 1844 2 a c b B cos ne n 2 2 b n (57) - 16- ne The integration constants are zero, since Re and • on e, as shown by equations (50) and (52). are dependent entirely Four independent equations containing the constant A n , Bn , e n , and Hn , as well as the load q, can be obtained from equations (50), (52), (54), (55), (56), and (57). If the right-hand sides of equations (50) and (56) are equated, the result is E c a (B - C ) - (n2 - 1) qa (1 - k)(A + B ) n n n n E, a n 2 B n The above equation may be written as follows: - (n 2 - 1)(q/E c )(1 - k) An - [(n 2 - 1)(0 c )(1 - k) - ( n 2 , ; . ) ] Bn J o (58) If the right-hand sides of equations (54) and (56) are equated, the result is Et[_ , kn - - I) A 2 1 - 11 E 2G rO 2 2, n - n u n + n H n a c n n / Ec n2 + k---- — + 1) B 2 n which reduces to (n 2 _ I) A 4. / n - n 2 C E c a (1 - 11 2 ) n2 , 2 - 2" ' j" 2 re n Et [ Ec + n H n n B n =0 (59) If the right-hand side of equations (52) and (57) are equated, the result is Ec a (Bnb Cn ) - (n2 - 1) qak .f.-;" (An + Bn + Cn log b/a) Ec a n2 B a n - b which reduces to Report No. 1844 - 17- (n2 - 1)(q/E )k A + (n2 - 1) (0 )k(n2 b n c 4 13 - 1) n2 n (6o) Cn = 0 (n2 - 1)(q/E c )k log b/a - Finally, if the right-hand sides of equations (55) and (57) are equated, the result is (n2 Et 1• a 1) A n b ( Ec 2G r0 - n2 2 a2 , n + 1) B -- n a - [n2 + (n2 - 1) log b/s] C n + n Hn = - E c2 a Bn a which reduces to , a Ec a (1 n2 — + 1) + • n2 Et re2 Ec - (n2 - l) 5113. An + [( 2G - [n2 + (n2 - 1) log b/al 2. ) a b Bn (61) C n + n Hn = 0 Since Hn appears only in equations (59) and (61), it is eliminated immedi ately by subtracting equation (59) from equation (61). The result is 2 2 E a (1 - u2) a a c - — + 1)(-- - 1) - (n2 - 1)( – - 1) A + 2 n Et b2 2 2G •1.0 ( 12;- + 1)] Bn - [n2- 1) + (n2 - 1) -161' log b/a] = 0 (62) Equations (58), (6o), and (62) comprise a system of three equations conn Bn , and C which occur in the expressions for taining the constants A, the displacement functions ti c and l c . A buckled form of equilibrium is possible only if equations (58), (60), and (62) yield non-zero solutions for these constants; this requires that the determinant of the coefficients of An ,Bn , and C n be equal to zero. The equation used for the determination of the critical load is obtained from this determinant. Specifically, Report No. 1844 -18- (n2 - 1) q/E c (1 - k) (n2 - 1) q/E n ( n2 - 1)(cliEdk c (1 - k) 1 2 - 1 2 n (n 2 - 1) (q/E )k (n2.- 1) (q/E)k log b/a c b n 2 - 1 2 _ Ec n 2a 2 ( 2Gre 1)(132 - 1) n2 - 1)(121_, - 1) = 0 a n n2 (1-!.. E c a (1 - µ 2 ) a ( + 1) n 2 Et 1) (n2 1) – log b/a The following quadratic equation is obtained from the expansion of this determinant: n (1 - b/a)2 E cn 1 2- b2/a2 2 (q2 /E c 2) k (1 - k (b/a)2 2G re 4- 2 )( b 2/a 2 ) f /3/ + + E c' a (1 - p 2 ) ( 1 + b/a) log / c n Et b/a 2 1 -k (1 + b/a) + n 2 n L -k (1 1 , [( Ec n [b/a + k (1 - b/a)] 2 n - 1 2G E c a (1 - µ 2 %) 2 n Et 1 + b/a) b/a 11 - n2 (1 b ia)2 _ bla (b/a)e Iva) ] log bia bia 2 + 1)( (1 - b/a)2 b/a 1 1 - 102/a2‘ - 0 2 (63) Analysis of Results The results of this report are contained in equations (18), (19), and (20), the equations for determining the stresses in a long sandwich cylinder under Report No. 1844 -19- uniform external loading; and in equation (63), the equation for determining the critical load on a long sandwich cylinder. These equations are repeated below: a = q — k (1 8) N qa (1 - k) (19) a rc e N e = qak (q2/E 2) k c (1 - k) n2 (1 - b/a) 2 2Gr r9 , E c a (1 - 2) 1 + b/a ( b/a n 2 Et - k (1 + b/a) E 2 c n2 b/4 2 1\ + q/Ec r Ll - k (1 - b/a)] b - 1 [b/a + k (1 - b/ad (--c-- 2 2G re a (1 - 4 n 2 (1 + Et n b/a 2 /a 2 t (b/a)2 [b/a b/a b/a 1 _ b2/a2 + 1)( (1 - b/a)2 1 2 (20) 2 (1 - b/a)2 n2 1 n _ log 2 n 1 - b /a E, a (b/)2 n2 2 - 0 b2 / a2 ) (63) b/a where, in each of the above equations, k = ( + b/a) 1 Et log b/a E c a and log b/a signifies the natural logarithm of b/a. The application of equations (18), (19), and (20) to specific examples is E a very simple. If the ratios, c and b/a, are known, the value of k can Et be determined. Substitution of this value of k into equation (18) yields an expression for the core transverse normal stress in terms of the uniform lateral load, q, and the ratio of the radial distance to the middle surface of the outer facing, a, to the variable radial distance, r. The Report No. 1844 -20- maximum normal stress in the core always occurs at the inside surface of the core, that is, at r = b. Substitution of the k value into equations (19) and (20) yields expressions for the forces per unit length of the facings, N o and N o , in terms of the load, q, and the radial distance to the middle surface of the outer facing, a. Examination of the expression for k shows that, in general, Ne and Ne are approximately equal since k is approximately equal to one-half in the practical range of dimensions and elastic constants. If the value of the modulus of • elasticity of the 1 core approaches infinity, k becomes equal to 1--4-.7 3a ; then Ne =,q a and N 0 = q 1 + b/a. Thus, the statement that N o and N o are equal if Ec is infinite and b/a As 1 is approximately correct and becomes less accurate as the thickness of the cylinder increases. If E c —) 0, k --10; and the external load is supported entirely by the outer facing. The solution given by equations (18), (19), and (20) may be compared to Reissnerts solution of the problem of the closed circular sandwich ring acted upon by a uniform radial load.2 If desired, equations similar to equations (18), (19), and (20) can be easily obtained for the case of internal pressure, or for a combination of internal and external pressure, by the methods used in this report. Equation (63), for the determination of the critical load on long sandwich cylinders, is of practical interest only for n = 2. A value of n = 1 represents, physically, a rigid-body translation of the cylinder, and values of n >2 result in larger values of the critical load than those obtained if n = 2. If, in equation (63), the integer 2 is substituted for n and the symbol p is used to represent a uniform lateral pressure, that is, -q, the result is (p2 /E k (1 - k) 4 2G rO (b/a)2 E c , a (1 - 2 ) 1 + b/a Et 1 2G E re )]log b2/a2, 2 )( 1 - b2/a2 piEc I[(1 - b/a)2 b/a [1 - k (1 - - k (1 + b/a)] + 1) ( Ec + (1 - b/a) 2( b/a)1 logbb/ a / a. b2/a2) + E c a (1 - 4 2 ) 2 2 b /a 4 Et (b/a) 13 ba [b/a + k (1 - b/a. (1 - b/a)2 1 + b/a1• ) b/a 4 =0 b/a (64) 5 -National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics Technical Note No. 1832, p. 44. Report No. 1844 -21- In the practical range of the values of the, dimensions and the physical constants of the sandwich cylinder, equation (64) yields two widely separated positive roots for p, the lower of which represents the critical pressure p . Consequently, p may be obtained with very good accuracy cr cr if the term containing p 2 in equation (64) is neglected. It is of interest to examine the results given by equation (64) in certain limiting cases. First, it is noted that the critical pressure becomes equal to zero if either E c or Gre is set equal to zero. This is to be expected in view of the assumption of membrane facings. It is of greater interest to examine equation (64) with E c and G taken to be infinite. In this case, equation (64) becomes a (1 - cr Et 11 2 ) _ 3 (1 - bia)2 2, 2 1 + b2/ re (65) The value of p obtained from equation (65) should be comparable to the cr value obtained from the formula for the critical pressure on a long homogeneous cylinder if the moment of inertia used is equal to the moment of inertia of the spaced facings of the sandwich cylinder. The formulafor the critical pressure on a long homogeneous thin cylinder i02. 3 E I Pcr - 3 (1 r o- 2) (66) If the mean radius, r o , is taken equal to.the mean radius of the sandwich cylinder, a + b , and I is made equal to the moment of inertia of the spaced 2 t ( a - b) sandwich cylinder facings, equation (66) may be written as 2 follows: p a (1 - cr Et 11 2 ) 3 (1 - b/a), 2 (67) (1 + b/a)3 Comparison of equations (65) and (67) shows that they would be equal if h2 (1 + b/a) ),,,,, (1 + b/a )3 (1 + =–) (1 + b 2 /a 2 ) for thin 2 were equal to • 4 a b cylinders, i.e., for T Pd 1. As the b/a ratio decreases from a value of 1, 6 –S. Timoshenko. Theory of Elasticity, p. 216. Report No. 1844 -22- equation (67) becomes less accurate since it is derived on the basis of its being a thin cylinder with the pressure applied on the middle surface and thus fails to represent althicker cylinder with the pressure applied on the outer surface. Equation (63) may also be applied to problems concerning the stability of long sandwich panels in the form of a portion of a cylinder hinged along the edges e = 0 and e = 2 a (fig. 5). If, in equation (63), o/a is substituted for n and -p is substituted for q, the smaller value of p given by equation (63) represents the critical pressure on a panel whose dimensions and properties are known. This solution presupposes the unsymmetrical type of buckling indicated in figure 5, and therefore' it' may not yield the lowest critical pressure for panels of small curvature, that is, relatively flat panels. A relatively flat sandwich panel may buckle symmetrically with no inflection points between the supports, as in the case of homogeneous panels.? Conclusions It is felt that the solutions presented in this report are accurate for sandwich cylinders with materials and dimensions such as to render the basic assumptions applicable. The core assumptions are probably sufficiently representative of all practical sandwich construction. The range of applicability of the solutions could be increased somewhat if the effect of the thicknesses of the facings on the overall stiffness of the cylinder were taken into account in the stability analysis. This would entail the use of shell theory rather than membrane theory in regard to the facings. Another extension of the problem which is of greater practical importance would be to obtain the corresponding solutions for cylinders of finite length. A supplementary report containing the solutions for cylinders of finite length is planned for the near future. Numerical computations and curves based on the solutions contained in this report have been omitted since they will appear as limiting cases in the supplementary report. 7S. Timoshenko. Theory of Elastic Stability, p. 230. Report No. 1844 -23-