ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘ ྸဝܻ ܁ྖ੃ ຣ ఼

৯࿐ࣉᅚ, 2015 ୍, ֻ 45 ज : 201508
ྸဝܻ 1,† ‫ ੃ྖ܁‬2,†† ຣ ఼ 1
ਾ෾བ 3
࿆൯޷ 2
ᇏ‫۽ݓ‬ӱ໾৘࿹࣮ჽሹุ‫۽‬ӱ࿹࣮෮, ૥ဝ 621999
ᇏ‫॓ݓ‬࿐࠯ඌն࿐࣍ս৯࿐༢, ‫ކ‬٧ 230027
ᇏ‫۽ݓ‬ӱ໾৘࿹࣮ჽܻࠗऊэ࿹࣮ᇏྏ, ૥ဝ 621900
ᅋ ေ Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ൞၂োࡼັ૜ࠇବ૜Ԅ؇֥Ոྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ᄝ҂๝ࠎ
ܱ࡯Ս Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ, Ոੀэࠏ৘, Ո୽ࠞሰ৘ં, ৯Ոᯒ‫ކ‬
ᇏ๭‫ٳ‬ো‫ݼ‬: O37
໓ངѓ്઒: A
DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-15-010
൬۠ರ௹: 2015-03-02; ੣Ⴈರ௹: 2015-06-10; ᄝཌԛϱರ௹: 2015-06-24
E-mail: 412xuyg@caep.cn
E-mail: gongxl@ustc.edu.cn
ႄႨٚൔ: ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷. ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘.
৯࿐ࣉᅚ, 2015, 45: 201508
Xu Y G, Gong X L, Wan Q, Liu T X, Xuan S H. Magneto-sensitive smart soft material
and magnetorheological mechanism. Advances in Mechanics, 2015, 45: 201508
c 2015u৯࿐ࣉᅚvϱಃ෮Ⴕ
1 ႄ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
ᇆିҋਘ൞၂োଆٟ฿ಖള໾ҋਘ֥‫ކگ‬ҋਘ, ି‫ؓܔ‬ଽ҆ࠇຓࢸࠗৣ (৯aಣa
‫׈‬aܻaലaՈa߄֩) ቓԛཙႋ, ѩൌൈֹ‫ڿ‬эሱദ֥၂ᇕࠇ‫؟‬ᇕྟିҕඔটൡႋэ
߄֥ߌ࣢ (؄೿ၬ֩ 2001, ࡻ֣ള & Richard 2000, ိू֣ & Ӯ‫ݓ‬བ 2002). ರЧ‫ݓૅބ‬
֥॓࿐ࡅ‫ٳ‬љႿ 20 ൗࡀ 80 ୍սଌ௹ิԛਔᇆିҋਘ֥‫୑ۀ‬, ՎުܱႿᇆିҋਘ֥Б
֡ᄀটᄀ‫؟‬, ఃႋႨٓຶ္ᄀটᄀܼ, ଢభၘ‫ؿ‬ᅚӮູҋਘ॓࿐ᇏ၂۱ᇗေ֥࿹࣮ٚ
ཟ. ႮႿֆ၂֥नᇉҋਘ‫ޓ‬଴๝ൈऎС‫؟‬ᇕ‫ିۿ‬, ‫ܣ‬၂Ϯࡼ‫ٳ‬љऎС‫ۋ‬ᆩ, ౺‫ބ׮‬॥ᇅ
‫֥ିۿ‬ҋਘ۴ऌླေοᅶଖᇕห‫ק‬ٚൔቆልᄝ၂ఏ, ൐ᆭӮູऎСࠢ‫؟‬ᇕᇆିหྟႿ
၂ദ֥ྍ྘‫گ‬ᄖҋਘุ༢. ᇆିҋਘऎႵЇ‫؟ݣ‬ᇕቆ‫ܒࢲࠩ؟֥ٳ‬ҪՑ, ‫ૄط‬ᇕቆ‫ٳ‬
‫׻‬ऎႵ҂๝֥หྟࠣັࢲ‫ܒ‬, ҂๝֥ቆ‫ٳ‬ᆭࡗߎթᄝሢᯒ‫ིކ‬ႋ, ᆃ൐֤ᇆିҋਘॖ
ၛؓࠗৣྐ‫ݼ‬ቓԛ٤ӈ‫گ‬ᄖ֥ཙႋ. ᇆିҋਘЧദऎС၂สିਈԮ‫ބ־‬թԥࠏᇅ, ၂
Ϯ๙‫ݖ‬໾ᇉ‫ିބ‬ਈ֥Ԯൻ‫׮‬෿‫ؓࢫט‬ຓࢸൡႋି৯, ࣉ‫ط‬ൌགྷఃোරႿള໾ҋਘࠃྟ
֥‫ିۿ‬. ᇆିҋਘႵ‫؟‬ᇕ‫ٳ‬োٚൔ, οᅶটჷॖၛ‫ູٳ‬໭ࠏ٤ࣁඋ༢ᇆିҋਘ, ࣁඋ༢
ᇆିҋਘ‫ٳۚބ‬ሰ༢ᇆିҋਘ. οᅶ‫ٳିۿ‬ো, ᇆିҋਘ၂ϮЇও࿢‫׈‬ҋਘaܻ֝༸
ົaྙሑ࠺ၫҋਘaᇆିۚ‫ٳ‬ሰҋਘaՈ (‫ )׈‬ᇁഥ෪ҋਘaՈ (‫ )׈‬ੀэҋਘ֩ (ࡻ֣
ള & Richard 2000). ൌ࠽֥ҋਘุ༢ॖି๝ൈऎС‫؟‬ᇕ‫ିۿ‬, ॖၛФ‫ູٳ‬҂๝֥ᇆି
Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ (္ФӫູՈੀэҋਘ) ൞၂ো‫ކگିۿ؟‬ҋਘ, ๙‫ັࡼݖ‬૜ࠇ
ବ૜֥ࠩೈՈྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ᄝ҂๝ᇕো֥ᄛุᇏᇅС‫ط‬Ӯ. ႮႿఃੀэྟିॖၛෛຓ
ࡆՈӆ৵࿃aॹ෎aॖ୉ֹэ߄, Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘᄝࡹᇽaᆒ‫׮‬॥ᇅ‫ބ‬చӚ‫۽‬ြ֩ਵ
თ֤֞ਔֹܼٗႋႨѩႄఏਔᄀটᄀ‫ܱ֥؟‬ᇿ (Carlson & Jolly 2000). ۴ऌՈૹᇆି
ೈҋਘᄝ໭ຓࡆՈӆ่ࡱ༯֥໾৘ሑ෿‫ุ֥ࠎބ‬ᇕো, ଢభॖࡼఃնᇁ‫ູٳ‬Ոੀэ၁
(magnetorheological fluids, MRFs)aՈੀэ֐ྟุ (magnetorheological elastomers, MREs)
‫ބ‬Ոੀэࢋ (magnetorheological gels, MRGs) ֩. ҂๝ᇕো֥Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ൞ᄝ҂๝
֥৥ൎൈ௹ᆌؓ҂๝֥ൌ࠽ႋႨࠇࢳथ҂๝֥໾৘໙ี‫ؿ‬ᅚఏট֥, дՎᄝྟିഈ޺
Ҁ, ‫ޓ‬଴ປಆูսؓٚ. Ч໓ࡼ‫ٳ‬љᆌؓ҂๝ᇕো֥Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘࣉྛࡥֆࢺക, ษ
ંູ࿹࣮ᆃোҋਘ֥Ոੀэࠏ৘ࣉྛ֥ൌဒ‫ބ‬৘ંٚ૫֥‫۽‬ቔ, ቋުՖႋႨླ౰֥࢘
2 Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ֥‫ؿ‬ᅚགྷሑ‫ٳ‬༅
2.1 Ոੀэ၁
Ոੀэ၁൞ቋᄪ‫ؿ‬ᅚఏট֥၂োՈૹᇆିೈҋਘ, ၂Ϯ൞Ⴎັ૜֥ࠩํՈྟ॒
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
H/0 kA/m
H/6 kA/m
H/12 kA/m
H/20 kA/m
H/0 kA/m
H/40 kA/m
(a) ໭Ոӆ‫ބ‬ႵՈӆ่ࡱ༯Ոੀэ၁֥ൌ໾๭ (Lee & Jiang 2011) ၛࠣ (b) ᄝ҂๝Ոӆ
่ࡱ༯Ոੀэ၁֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄๭ (Lloyd et al. 2007)
৬a٤Ոྟ၁ุၛࠣ၂ུเࡆ࠴ࠁ‫ކ‬ᇅС‫ط‬Ӯ֥॒৬࿇‫ڜ‬ҋਘุ༢. ീࡆՈӆު, Ո
ੀэ၁߶࿡෎ֹ (ࠫັ૰֥ൈࡗଽ) ՖোරႿ୤‫ؘ‬ੀุ֥၁෿ሇэӮো‫ܥ‬෿ (ೂ ๭ 1a
෮ൕ) (De Vicente et al. 2011b). ҋਘଽ֥҆Ոྟ॒৬္߶ᄝՈӆ৯౺‫׮‬༯Ֆ໭Ոӆ
ൈ֥ෛࠏ‫҃ٳ‬ཟႵՈӆൈ֥Ⴕ྽ஆਙሇэ, ౏ັࢲ‫֥ܒ‬ஆਙ౦ঃაຓࡆՈӆ఼֥؇Ⴕ
ܱ, ࠧ۷ն֥Ոӆ߶൐Ոੀэ၁ັࢲ‫֥ܒ‬Ⴕ྽߄ӱ؇۷ۚ, ቋᇔ߶ྙӮခሢՈӆٚཟ
֥໗‫৽֥ק‬ሑ (ࠇᇸሑ) ࢲ‫( ܒ‬ೂ ๭ 1b ෮ൕ) (Lloyd et al. 2007). Ֆ‫ܴޡ‬ੀэ࿐ҩ൫
ࢲ‫ݔ‬টु, Ոੀэ၁ᄝႵՈӆ่ࡱ༯іགྷԛ Bingham ෑྟੀุྛູ, Ⴕሢૼཁ֥౹‫ڛ‬
ႋ৯౏ቋն౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯ၘࣜӑ‫ݖ‬ਔ 100 kPa (Phule 1998). ਸ਼ຓ, Ոੀэ၁֥іܴᬪ؇ᄝ
Ոӆ֥‫ט‬॥༯ॖၛ‫ؿ‬ളࠫ۱ඔਈ֥ࠩэ߄, іགྷԛ‫֥྘ׅ‬Ոੀэིႋ (Վԩ൞ᆷ༮ၬ
֥Ոੀэིႋ, ࠧຓՈӆႄఏ֥ੀэྟି‫ڿ‬эਈა໭Ոӆൈੀэྟି֥бᆴ). Ոੀэ
ᇗေ֥ႋႨࡎᆴ (De Vicente et al. 2011b). ಖ‫ط‬, ႮํՈྟ॒৬აࠎุᆭࡗ֥ૡ؇ҵ
ᄯӮ֥॒৬Ӧࢆྟ໙ีӮູቅθՈੀэ၁‫ؿ‬ᅚ֥௞࣠ᆭ၂. ູਔक़‫॒ڛ‬৬Ӧࢆѩࢳथ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
॒৬ᄝࠎุᆭᇏऊࠢުᄯӮ֥ᄜ‫ٳ‬೛໙ี (Phule et al. 1999), ದૌิԛਔ‫؟‬ᇕࢳथٚ
σ. ሹ֥টࢃ, ᆃུࢳथٚσॖၛՖ॒৬‫ุ֥࢘ࠎބ‬؇Ф‫ٳ‬Ӯਆնো.
᳈ࠎํ‫॒ٸ‬৬ႮႿఃۚЎ‫ބ‬Ո߄఼؇ (µ0 Ms = 2.1 T) ‫࢔֮ބ‬ຘ৯ӮູᇅСՈੀ
э၁֥৘མؓའ, ֌ႨఃᇅС֥Ոੀэ၁թᄝ࿸ᇗ֥॒৬Ӧࢆ໙ี. ູਔᄝྟି‫ބ‬໗
‫ྟק‬ᆭࡗ౼֤௜‫ޙ‬, ದૌ҂֤҂ചఙ᳈ࠎํ‫ٸ‬Ⴊၳ֥Ո࿐ྟି‫ط‬࿊ᄴః෰ॖཁᇷ‫ڿ‬
೿Ոੀэ၁Ӧࢆྟି֥Ոྟҋਘটูս. ࡨཬՈྟ॒৬Ԅժ൞၂ᇕิۚՈੀэ၁໗
‫֥ྟק‬Ⴕིٚ‫م‬. ႮႿ҃঵ᄎ‫޿֣ٓބ׮‬৯֥ቔႨ, ࿰ັ૜ࠇବ૜֥॒ࠩ৬ᄝ٤Ո
ྟ၁ุᇏбັ૜֥॒ࠩ৬Ⴕሢ۷‫֥ݺ‬໗‫ྟק‬. หљֹ, ֒ປಆҐႨବ૜Ԅժ֥ํՈྟ
॒৬ቔູ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷᇅС‫ط‬Ӯ֥॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ุ༢ФӫູՈྟ၁ุ (magnetic fluids) ࠇํੀุ
(ferrofluids). ํੀุᇏૄ۱ବ૜ํՈ॒৬नЇ‫ݣ‬ֆ၂ՈԐѩ౏ႮႿ҃঵ᄎ‫׮‬ປಆෛࠏ
‫ٳ‬೛ᄝࠎุᇏ, Ֆ‫ࠞط‬նֹ‫ڿ‬೿ਔ॒৬Ӧࢆ໙ี. ಖ‫ط‬, ࠧ൐ᄝ‫఼֥ޓ‬ՈӆቔႨ༯, ํ
ੀุಯಖЌӻ၁ุሑ෿, Ֆ‫ط‬൐֤ํੀุ҂ॖିऎႵ‫֥ۚޓ‬Ոᇁ౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯. ਸ਼ຓ, Ⴎ
ବ૜Ԅժႄఏ֥॒৬ऊࠢ໙ี (ࠇᆀඪӜಀՈӆު॒৬֥ᄜ‫ٳ‬೛໙ี) ္Ӯູ՜ࣉํ
ੀุࣉ၂҄‫ؿ‬ᅚ֥ྍ֥็ᅞ (Gollwitzer et al. 2009, Holm & Weis 2005, Rinaldi et al.
2005). ਸ਼၂ٚ૫, ҐႨ༸ົሑࠇϿሑ֥Ոྟҋਘቔູ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷ္Фಪູ൞‫ڿ‬೿Ոੀэ၁
Ӧࢆ໙ีࠣՈੀэྟି֥Ⴕི൭‫( ؍‬Bell et al. 2008, Lopez-Lopez et al. 2007). Ԣਔ‫ڿ‬
э॒৬֥Ԅժ‫ྙބ‬ሑ, ߎॖၛؓՈྟ॒৬і૫ࣉྛྩ൥ྙӮऎႵ‫ٳ֥ܒࢲ॔ނ‬೛ཌྷ.
ᆃᇕ‫ܒࢲ॔ނ‬҂ࣇࡨཬਔ॒৬ૡ؇‫౏ط‬ᄹࡆਔ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥࣡‫׈‬ஆԇ৯, Ֆ‫ۚิط‬ਔՈ
ੀэ၁֥໗‫ބྟק‬ᄜ‫ٳ‬೛ྟ. ႮႿ॒৬і૫Фۚऊ໾Ї‫ڭ‬, ္ิۚਔՈྟ॒৬֥ॆသ
߄ྟ (De Vicente et al. 2011b, Park et al. 2010, Sedlacik et al. 2010). ‫ ֥ݓݢ‬Choi ࿹
֤ਔ‫ޓ‬ն֥ࣉᅚ, ๭ 2 ൞ᄝ᳈ࠎํ‫॒ٸ‬৬і૫Ї‫ڭ‬۲ᇕۚऊ໾֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬๭ (Cho et al.
2004, Choi et al. 2006, Choi et al. 2007, Fang & Choi 2007, Fang et al. 2010, Jiang et al.
ࡼ࿰ັ૜ࠇବ૜֥ࠩํՈྟ॒৬ (২ೂฏବ૜ܵa࿰ັ૜‫ބ‬ବ૜Ԅ؇֥᳈ࠎํ
‫ٸ‬a،ᇅသ߄݁aႵࠏᬪ๲aํՈྟϿሑ Co-γ-Fe2 O3 ‫ ބ‬CrO2 ֩) ቔູเࡆ࠴‫ٳ‬೛֞
ਫ਼ (Chin et al. 2001, Iglesias et al. 2012, Lim et al. 2004a, 2004b, Lim et al. 2005, Park et
al. 2010, Trendler et al. 2005, Wereley et al. 2006). Guerrero-Sanchez ֩ (2007) ࡼသ߄ํ
၁. ႮႿ৖ሰ֥թᄝ, ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷ֥Ӧࢆੱ‫ބ‬Ոੀэིႋ‫֤֞׻‬ཁᇷ֥‫ڿ‬೿. ֌൞‫॒ؓބ‬
৬‫֥ྟڿ‬ٚσཌྷб, ᆃᇕؓ৵࿃ཌྷࠎุ֥‫္ྟڿ‬ᆺି൐Ոੀэ၁֥Ӧࢆ໙ี֤֞၂‫ק‬
ӱ؇֥‫ڿ‬೿. ູਔӞָࢳथ॒৬Ӧࢆ໙ี, ದૌުটႨཝࢋ֩ۚऊ໾ປಆูս٤Ոྟ
၁ุ৵࿃ཌྷ, Ⴟ൞ԛགྷਔࠧ൐ᄝ໭Ոӆߌ࣢༯္ປಆӯ‫ܥ‬෿֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุ.
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
Ղ᳈ࠎํ‫॒ٸ‬৬ࠣఃФ۲ᇕۚऊ໾Ї‫ ֥ުڭ‬SEM ๭ (Park et al. 2010)
2.2 Ոੀэ֐ྟุ
Ոੀэ֐ྟุ࠿ӵਔՈੀэ၁֥Ոૹหྟ, ֌൞ః‫۽‬ቔჰ৘‫ބ‬ႋႨٓຶაՈੀэ
၁ཌྷб‫׻‬Ⴕਔ‫ޓ‬ն֥ҵၳ. Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ոྟ॒৬ᄝᇅСປӮުࣼФ‫߄ܥ‬ᄝࠎุ
ᇏ, ീࡆՈӆު॒৬໭‫م‬ሱႮ၍‫׮‬, ໭‫ؿم‬ളՈੀэ၁֥ “ཌྷэ” གྷའ, ၹՎః৯࿐ྟ
ି္໭‫م‬ཞՈੀэ၁ପဢෛሢՈӆ֥‫ڿ‬э‫ؿ‬ളऍն֥э߄. Ոੀэ֐ྟุᇶေ൞ᄝ
౹‫ڛ‬భࢨ‫؍‬๙‫ݖ‬Ոӆ‫ڿ‬эఃቅୄ‫ބ‬ଆਈটൌགྷᇆି॥ᇅ; ‫ط‬ᄝ౹‫֥؍ࢨުڛ‬Ոӆॖ॥
֥ᬪ؇‫ބ‬౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯൞Ոੀэ၁֥ᇶေႋႨࠏ৘ (ӧਞ 2009). ႮႿՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ո
ྟ॒৬ॖၛФ “‫ ”߄ܥ‬ᄝࠎุᇏ, ॖၛᄝཝࢋࠎุ਻߄‫ݖ‬ӱᇏ๙‫ݖ‬ീࡆຓ҆Ոӆ൐॒
৬ᄝՈӆ৯ቔႨ༯ခሢՈӆٚཟྙӮႵ྽ஆਙ֥৽ሑ (ࠇᇸሑ) ັࢲ‫ܒ‬, ਻߄ປӮު
ᆃᇕ౼ཟ߄֥॒৬ັࢲ‫္ܒ‬ॖၛФЌ਽ᄝࠎุᇏ, ࣉ‫ط‬ᇅСԛ۲ཟၳྟ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟ
ุ (ࠧՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ყࢲ‫ݖ߄ܒ‬ӱ). ๭ 3 ൞҂๝ყࢲ‫߄ܒ‬Ոӆ఼؇༯֥Ոੀэ֐
ྟุ֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬๭, ॖၛुԛᄝყࢲ‫ݖ߄ܒ‬ӱᇏീࡆՈӆުಒൌॖၛᇅСԛऎС৽ሑࢲ
‫֥ܒ‬۲ཟၳྟҋਘ, ‫৽౏ط‬ሑࢲ‫ܒ‬ॖၛ๙‫ݖ‬ყࢲ‫߄ܒ‬ൈ֥Ոӆ఼؇ࣉྛ‫ט‬॥: Ոӆᄀ
ն, ॒৬ऊࠢӱ؇ᄀۚ, ۲ཟၳྟӱ؇္ᄀۚ. ࣉ၂֥҄Ոੀэྟିіᆘіૼ, ۲ཟၳ
ྟӱ؇ᄀۚ, ఃՈੀэིႋ္ࣼᄀۚ (Chen et al. 2007). ଢభູᆸ, ‫؟‬ᇕ҂๝֥ཝࢋҋ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
҂๝ყࢲ‫߄ܒ‬Ոӆ఼؇༯ᇅС‫ط‬Ӯ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥ SEM ๭ (Chen et al. 2007):
(a) 0 mT; (b) 200 mT; (c) 400 mT; (d) 600 mT; (e) 800 mT; (f) 1 000 mT
ਘ‫׻‬ФӇ൫ႨটቔູՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ࠎุ, ཝࢋࠎุЧദ֥ྟିҵၳ൐֤҂๝ཝࢋࠎ
ุ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุᄝྟିഈ္іགྷԛ‫ޓ‬ն֥ҵљ. ݁ཝࢋႮႿЧദࢠ಼ೈ, ॖၛᇅӮ
ऎႵࢠཬਬӆଆਈ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุ‫ط‬ФܼٗႋႨ (Andre et al. 2013, Bellan & Bossis
2002, Li et al. 2009, Stepanov et al. 2007, Zhou 2003). Gong ֩ (2005) Б֡ਔ၂ᇕ݁
ཝࢋࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุ, ఃՈੀэིႋղ֞ਔ 878%. ֌൞ᆃᇕՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ոᇁԥ
ିଆਈѩ҂ն (3 MPa), ֥ۚՈੀэིႋᇶေটሱႿ֥֮ਬӆଆਈ (0.34 MPa), ‫౏ط‬ః
ࠏྀྟିࢠҵ, ‫ޓ‬଴ડቀ‫؟ޓ‬ൌ࠽ႋႨ֥ေ౰. ቋ࣍, Chertovich ֩ (2010) Б֡ਔ၂ᇕ
ྍ྘֥݁ཝࢋࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุ. ๝ဢֹ, ෙಖՈੀэིႋۚղ 41 900%, ֌൞ఃՈᇁི
ႋ္ѩ҂ૼཁ (֒ՈӆՖ 0 mT э߄֞ 300 mT ൈ, ఃԥିଆਈᆺିՖ 0.001 MPa ᄹࡆ
֞ 0.42 MPa). ॖၛुԛ, ᄝᆃᇕ౦ঃ༯ᆺܱᇿՈੀэིႋၘીႵ෾նၩၬ, ৘མ֥Ո
ੀэ֐ྟุҋਘႋ‫ھ‬๝ൈऎႵࢠ֥ۚՈᇁଆਈ‫ބ‬ཌྷؓՈੀэིႋ. ฿ಖཝࢋၹऎႵਅ
‫֥ݺ‬ର঺߄ྟ‫္֤֞ିྟྀࠏ֥ۚࢠބ‬ਔ࿹࣮ದჴ֥ᇗ൪ (Shen et al. 2004, Gong et
al. 2007, Chen et al. 2008). หљֹ, Chen ֩ (2007) ๙‫ݖ‬เࡆᄹෑ࠴֥ٚ‫م‬൐֤฿ಖ
ཝࢋࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ոᇁԥିଆਈղ֞ਔ 3.6 MPa ๝ൈఃཌྷؓՈੀэིႋູ 133%.
ა݁ཝࢋࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุཌྷб, ฿ಖཝࢋࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ཌྷؓՈੀэིႋࣼေཬ֤
‫؟‬. ਸ਼ຓ, ऊμᴁཝࢋ (Boczkowska et al. 2007, Bocakowska et al. 2009, Fuchs et al. 2007,
Furukawa et al. 2005, Mitsumata & Ohori 2011, Wei et al. 2010a, Wu et al. 2009, Wu et
al. 2010, Wu et al. 2012)aඨ‫נ‬ཝࢋ (Sun et al. 2008)a‫ᦖנ‬ཝࢋ (Lokander & Stenberg
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
2003a, 2003b) ‫ބ‬ऊѤ༖ა SEBS ‫֥ࠁ܋‬ಣෑྟ֐ྟุ (Zajac et al. 2010) ္֩ФӇ൫
ႨটᇅСՈੀэ֐ྟุ. ෙಖ॒৬Ӧࢆ໙ี֤֞Ӟָࢳथ, ֌Ոᇁིႋ‫ބ‬ཌྷؓՈੀэ
ིႋᄝՈੀэ֐ྟุᇏ޺ཌྷᇅჿ, ‫ޓ‬଴ડቀ‫۽‬ӱႋႨ֥ေ౰. ਸ਼ຓ, ႮႿՈྟ॒৬Ф
‫߄ܥ‬ᄝཝࢋࠎุᇏ, ္൐֤Ոੀэ֐ྟุാಀਔোරႿՈੀэ၁ᇏႮႿ॒৬ັࢲ‫ܒ‬ॖ
ෛՈӆ࿡෎ሇэ֥หྟ, ᆃࣼࢆ֮ਔՈӆ‫ט‬॥֥ਲࠃྟ. ູਔ࿙౰๝ൈऎС֥ۚՈᇁ
ིႋ‫ބ‬ཌྷؓՈੀэིႋѩ౏ཌྷؓ໗‫֥ק‬૫ཟ‫۽‬ӱႋႨ֥৘མՈੀэҋਘ, ࣼླေᓚఙ
Ԯ๤Ոੀэҋਘ֥ᇅСනਫ਼, ᇗྍഡ࠹ྍ֥Ոૹᇆିҋਘุ༢.
2.3 Ոੀэࢋ
Ոੀэࢋ൞၂ᇕࢺႿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุᆭࡗ֥ྍ྘Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ. Ոੀ
эࢋ֥৵࿃ཌྷ൞၂ᇕࢺႿ၁ุ‫ุྟ֐ބ‬ᆭࡗ֥ۚ‫ٳ‬ሰୠࢋุ༢, ၹՎࠧ൐ᄝ໭ຓࡆՈ
ӆ่֥ࡱ༯Ոੀэࢋ္ऎႵ‫֥྘ׅ‬ᬪ֐ྟหᆘ. Ոੀэࢋ֥‫୑ۀ‬ᄝ 1995 ୍ႮರЧ֥
Shiga ֩ (1995) ቋᄪิԛ, ෰ૌࡼՈྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ᄝ݁ୠࢋࠎุᇏᇅСਔ၂༢ਙ҂๝॒
৬‫ݣ‬ਈ֥ՈੀэࢋѩؓఃՈᇁᬪ֐ྟྛູࠣັࢲ‫ྛࣉܒ‬ਔ࿹࣮. ۴ऌఃᄝ໭Ոӆ่ࡱ
༯֥໾৘ሑ෿, ՈੀэࢋႻॖၛФ‫ູٳ‬ো၁෿ࢋ‫ބ‬ো‫ܥ‬෿ࢋਆো.
Ոੀэ၁. ۚ‫ٳ‬ሰҋਘॖၛᄝࠎุᇏྙӮຩ઎ࢲ‫ڿܒ‬эՈྟ॒৬֥і૫ྟି॒ࠣ৬
ᆭࡗ֥ཌྷ޺ቔႨ, ննࡨߏՈྟ॒৬֥Ӧࢆ෎؇Ֆ‫ۚิط‬ਔՈੀэࢋ֥Ӧࢆ໗‫ྟק‬
(Tiraferri et al. 2008). Wilson ֩ (2002) ‫ٳ‬љၛႵࠏ݁ऊ‫ކ‬໾ୠࢋ‫ބ‬ऊμᴁູࠎุᇅС
ਔ҂๝֥Ոੀэҋਘุ༢. ෰ૌ‫ؿ‬གྷ๙‫ۚࢫטݖ‬ऊ໾֥ࢌ৳؇‫ބ‬ಷ࠴֥༎൤ӱ؇, ॖ
ၛࡼҋਘ֥໾৘ሑ෿Ֆ၁෿эӮୠࢋ෿മᇀ‫ܥ‬෿. ෛު, Fuchs ֩ (2004) ؓᆃਆᇕ҂
๝ࠎุ֥ো၁෿Ոੀэࢋ֥Ӧࢆ໗‫ބྟק‬Ոੀэྟିࣉྛਔіᆘ. ࿹࣮ࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼ݁
ୠࢋࠎ֥ՈੀэࢋႵࢠ֥֮ਬӆᬪ؇‫ބ‬۷֥ۚࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯, ‫ط‬ऊμᴁࠎ֥Ոੀэࢋ
ᄵऎႵ۷‫֥ݺ‬Ӧࢆ໗‫ྟק‬. ਸ਼ຓ෰ૌߎӇ൫ࡼՈྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ᄝࢌ৳֥‫܋‬ऊ྘ऊ᳿࿰
ି (Fuchs et al. 2005, Hu et al. 2006). Wei ֩ (2010b) ၛ҂๝ଉ‫غ‬б֥ऊѤ‫ؽ‬Կ‫ࡊބ‬Ц
‫ؽ‬ၳ౥ූᴁູჰਘ‫ކ‬Ӯਔ҂๝֥ऊμᴁࠎุ, ѩၛՎູࠎԤᇅСਔ၂༢ਙ֥ऊμᴁࠎ
Ոੀэࢋ. ੀэྟିҩ൫ࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼ๙‫ڿݖ‬эऊμᴁࠎุᇏೈ႗‫؍‬б২ॖၛ॥ᇅҋਘ
֥‫׮‬෿‫࣡ބ‬෿ࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯. აՈੀэ၁ཌྷб, Ԣਔิ॒ۚ৬֥Ӧࢆ໗‫ྟק‬, ۚऊ໾
ҋਘ֥ࡆೆ္ิۚਔো၁෿Ոੀэࢋ֥౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯. ႮႿۚऊ໾ҋਘ֥‫؟‬ဢྟ, ᄝՈੀ
эࢋᇏߎॖၛൌགྷਬӆᬪ؇ॖ॥֥ଢѓ. ֌ۚऊ໾๝ൈ္ᄹնਔՈྟ॒৬ᄝࠎุᇏᄎ
‫֥׮‬ቅ৯, ࢆ֮ਔՈੀэࢋ֥ཙႋ෎؇, ‫॒ط‬৬Ӧࢆ໙ีᄝᆃᇕো၁෿֥Ոੀэࢋᇏ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
࿸۬টࢃ, Shiga ֩ (1995) ቋ༵ᇅС֥Ոੀэࢋࣼ൞၂ᇕো‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀэୠࢋ. ো
‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀэࢋ֥ቋնหׄ൞҂թᄝ॒৬Ӧࢆ໙ี, ֌ႮႿࠎุѩ҂൞ཝࢋো֥ၛ֐ྟ
ູᇶ֥ҋਘ, ၹՎѩ҂ିࡼః߃‫ູٳ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ. Zrinyi ֩ (2000) ࡼՈྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛
ᄝ߄࿐ࢌ৳֥ NIPA ‫ ބ‬PVA ඣୠࢋᇏ, ѩ࿹࣮ਔՈӆ‫ބ‬໑؇ؓᆃᇕࠗৣཙႋୠࢋ֥
႕ཙ. Wu ֩ (2011) ္๙‫ݖ‬࿖ߌ৏‫مײࢳײ‬ᇅСਔ໾৘ࢌ৳֥ PVA Ոੀэࢋ, ᆃᇕྍ
‫ ”߄ܥ“ ܒ‬ᄝ PVA ࠎุᆭᇏ, ఃঘഥ఼؇, ؎ਚഥӉੱࠣՈੀэིႋ‫׻‬ղ֞ਔࢠ֥ۚ
ඣ௜. Mitsumata ֩ (2009a, 2011, 2012) ᇅСਔ၂༢ਙเࡆਔवঘࢋ֥Ոੀэࢋѩ࿹
࣮ਔ҂๝Ոྟ॒৬ؓఃՈੀэྟି֥႕ཙ. หљֹ, ෰ૌᄝࡼОํသุ‫ބ‬သ߄ํ॒৬
ቔູ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷൈ‫ؿ‬གྷਔ‫ڵ‬Ոੀэིႋ. ࣉ၂҄‫ٳ‬༅ಪູᆃᇕ‫ڵ‬Ոੀэིႋ‫॒ބ‬৬֥‫ٳ‬೛
‫྘ܒ‬ཌྷܱ. ႮႿഺՈቔႨ൐֤Оํသุ‫ބ‬သ߄ํ॒৬ᄝࠎุᇏऊࠢྙӮਔຩ઎ࢲ‫ܒ‬,
‫ط‬Ոӆ֥ീࡆ߶௥ߊᆃᇕຩ઎ࢲ‫ܒ‬Ֆ‫ཬࡨط‬ਔః‫׮‬෿ଆਈ. Ї‫ݣ‬Оํသุ֥Ոੀэ
ࢋ֥ԥିଆਈࢆ֮ਔ 0.1 MPa ਈࠩ‫ط‬Ї‫ݣ‬သ߄ํ॒৬֥Ոੀэࢋ֥ԥିଆਈࢆ֮ਔ
0.01 MPa ਈࠩ, ‫ڵ‬Ոੀэིႋ֥ҵၳটሱႿਆᇕো྘॒৬ഺՈ҂๝ (Mitsumata et al.
2008, 2009). An ֩ (2010, 2012a, 2012b, 2012c) ၛ೘ళ‫܋؍‬ऊ໾ SEBS ‫ঀބ‬໾Ⴒູࠎุ
ᇅСਔཌྷؓՈੀэིႋۚղ 6 000% ֥ྍ྘Ոੀэୠࢋุ༢ѩ༢๤ֹ࿹࣮ਔఃՈੀэ
ྟି. ෙಖᆃᇕՈੀэࢋ֥ՈᇁԥିଆਈቋۚᆺႵ 200 kPa ቐႷ, ֌൞ႮႿఃັࢲ‫ܒ‬
Ոੀэࢋᄀটᄀ‫ֹ؟‬ႄఏਔದૌ֥ᇗ൪. ෙಖ҂ିᆰࢤܴҳ֞เࡆਔ SEBS ֥Ոੀэ
ࢋ֥োර֥ဆ߄‫ݖ‬ӱ, ֌൞ An ֩ (2012c) Ֆ‫ܴޡ‬ੀэ࿐ྟି֥ཌྷරྟ๷؎Ոੀэࢋ
ᇏ֥॒৬ဆ߄္቎࿖ሢაՈੀэ၁ཌྷ๝֥ဆ߄ܿੰ. Xu ֩ (2011) ߎБ֡ਔ၂ᇕ๙‫ݖ‬
ѩࡼఃଁ଀ູՈੀэෑྟุ. ೂ ๭ 4a ෮ൕ, ᆃᇕҋਘᄝӈ໑໭Ոӆ่ࡱ༯োරႿཝ
௃ୃ, ॖၛФ‫ڿ‬эӮ಩ၩྙሑѩЌӻෑྟэྙሑ෿. ҋਘ߶ᄝՈӆ৯ቔႨ༯ခሢՈӆ
ٚཟ‫ؿ‬ളэྙ, ྙӮೂ๭ 4b ෮ൕ֥ࢲ‫ܒ‬. ࣉ၂҄ັࢲ‫ܒ‬іᆘіૼ, ຓՈӆॖၛ൐֤ଽ
॒҆৬Ֆෛࠏ‫ٳ‬೛ሑ෿ྙӮ৽ሑ౼ཟࢲ‫( ܒ‬๭ 4c ‫ ބ‬๭ 4d) ѩ౏ᄝӜಀՈӆުᆃᇕ౼
ཟ߄ࢲ‫ܒ‬ॖၛ࠿࿃Ќӻ (Gong et al. 2012b). ཌྷбՈੀэ֐ྟุ, ᆃᇕҋਘऎС۷֥ۚ
Ոੀэྟି: ቋۚՈᇁଆਈղ֞ 6.54 MPa; ཌྷؓՈੀэིႋູ 532%. ሹᆭ, ᆃུྍ྘֥
ো‫ܥ‬෿ՈੀэࢋაԮ๤Ոੀэҋਘཌྷбቋն֥หׄࣼ൞: ॒৬ᄝຓࡆՈӆቔႨ༯ॖ
ၛᇗྍऊࠢѩྙӮ৽ሑࠇᇸሑ֥౼ཟ߄ࢲ‫ܒ‬, ‫֒ط‬ՈӆӜಀު౼ཟஆਙ֥॒৬৽ॖ
ၛ࠿࿃Ќ਽ᄝࠎุᇏ. ᆃᇕ‫׿‬ห֥หᆘ൐ᆃᇕো‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀэࢋ๝ൈऎСਔՈੀэ၁
‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ⴊׄ (॒৬ॖ၍‫ބྟ׮‬౼ཟ॒৬ࢲ‫)ିྟ ”߄ܥ“ ֥ܒ‬, ؓႿՈੀэ
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
Ոੀэෑྟุᄝ (a) ໭Ոӆ‫( ބ‬b) ႵՈӆ่ࡱ༯֥ൌ໾๭ (Xu et al. 2011); Ոੀэෑ
ྟุᄝ (c) ໭Ոӆ‫( ބ‬d) ႵՈӆ่ࡱ༯֥ SEM ๭ (Gong et al. 2012b)
(a) Ոੀэஞଐ֥ᇅСੀӱ: Ոੀэஞଐ൞ࡼՈੀэ၁ D ᇿೆ‫؟‬।ҋਘ E ᇏᇅС‫ط‬
Ӯ, ‫ط‬Ոੀэ၁ D ൞Ⴎ᳈ࠎํ‫॒ٸ‬৬ A, ᄛ၁ B ‫ބ‬เࡆ࠴ C ࠁ‫طކ‬Ӯ; (b) ஞଐଽ֥҆
ັࢲ‫ܒ‬: ັܵуႮՈੀэ၁Ї‫ڭ‬, ‫ط‬ః෰ॢࡗᄵԉડॢగ (Kaleta & Lewandowski 2007)
2.4 ః෰Ոੀэҋਘ
Ԣਔഈඍࠫোቋӈ࡮֥Ոੀэҋਘ, ໓ངᇏߎБ֡ਔ၂ུห൹֥Ոੀэҋਘ. ᆃ
ུՈੀэҋਘ‫׻‬൞Ֆิۚྟି‫ބ‬໗‫֥࢘ྟק‬؇ԛ‫طؿ‬ഡ࠹ԛট֥. Ոੀэஞଐ (MR
foams) ҋਘ၂Ϯ൞ᆷࡼՈੀэ၁ᇿೆ֞‫؟‬।ஞଐࠎุᇏᇅС‫ط‬Ӯ֥ো‫ܥ‬෿‫ކگ‬ҋਘ
(ೂ ๭ 5 ෮ൕ), ๙‫ݖ‬Ոӆ॥ᇅՈੀэ၁֥ੀэྟିՖ‫ط‬ղ֞‫ڿ‬эᆜ۱ҋਘଆਈ֩ྟ
ି֥ଢ֥ (Carlson & Jolly 2000, Kaleta & Lewandowski 2007, Maranville & Ginder 2005,
Zielinski & Rak 2010). ႮႿห൹‫؟‬।ࢲ‫֥ܒ‬թᄝ, ՈੀэஞଐऎႵᇗਈ౞, Ոੀэིႋ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
(a) ᄝՈੀэ֐ྟุᇏܹᇿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬၁෿Ոੀэࢋൕၩ๭; (b) ।‫׳‬ᄝՈੀэ֐ྟุ
ဢ௖ᇏ‫҃ٳ‬ൕၩ๭ (Zhang et al. 2007)
ॖ‫ބט‬་ၻྟିਅ‫֩ݺ‬ᇭ‫؟‬Ⴊׄ (Gong et al. 2013). ൳Վఓ‫ؿ‬, Zhang ֩ (2010) ࡼՈ
‫׳‬ᇏ (ೂ ๭ 6 ෮ൕ), ๝ൈҩ൫ਔᆃਆᇕ‫ކگ‬ҋਘ֥‫׮‬෿৯࿐ྟି. ҩ൫ࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼ, ᆃ
ਆᇕྍ႖֥‫ކگ‬Ոੀэҋਘ֥Ԛ൓ଆਈ‫׻‬ေۚႿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэࢋ, ‫ط‬ఃՈੀэི
ႋᄵေۚႿՈੀэ֐ྟุ. Վຓ, ఃྟିߎॖၛ๙‫ڿݖ‬э।‫׳‬ඔਈ (္ࣼ൞҂๝ቆ‫ٳ‬
ࡗุ֥ࠒб) ࣉྛ‫ࢫט‬.
ູਔࢳथՈੀэ၁֥Ӧࢆ໙ี, Park ֩ (2011) Ⴈ၂ᇕഅႨႲᆫูսՈੀэ၁ᇏ֥
(MR greases). ᆃᇕՈੀэᆫӯགྷԛ‫ ֥྘ׅ‬Bingham ੀุྛູ, ࿸۬ၩၬഈࢃᆃোՈ
ੀэᆫॖၛФಪູ൞၂ᇕห൹֥Ոੀэ၁ (Park et al. 2011, Sahin et al. 2009). Byrom
‫ ބ‬Biswal (2013) Б֡ਔ၂ᇕࡼັ૜֥ࠩඨՈ‫ํّބ‬Ո॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ᄝํੀุᇏྙӮ֥ࢋ
ุ༢๤. აԮ๤֥Ոੀэ၁҂๝, ෰ૌܴҳ॒֞৬ᄝ‫ົؽ‬ٚཟѩໃྙӮခሢՈӆٚཟ
֥৽ሑࢲ‫طܒ‬൞ྙӮਔຩሑ‫ܒࢲ྘ٳ‬, ᆃᇕຩሑ‫ܒࢲ྘ٳ‬൞ႮඨՈ‫ํّބ‬Ո॒৬ᆭࡗ
֥୽ࠞሰቔႨᄯӮ֥, ๙‫ڿݖ‬эํੀุ֥୩؇‫ބ‬ඨՈ॒৬აّํՈ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥б২ߎ
ॖၛղ֞‫ڿ‬э॒৬ऊ֥ࠢ‫ົ྘ٳ‬ඔ֥ଢ֥. ࣉ၂֥҄‫׮‬৯࿐࠹ෘࢲ‫ݔ‬ᄜགྷਔ॒৬ᄝ
‫ົؽ‬Ԅ؇֥ऊࠢ౦ঃ (๭ 7a), ๝ൈ္۳ԛਔ೘ົ֥॒৬‫( ྘ܒ҃ٳ‬๭ 7b). Վຓ Liu
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
(a) ቐш֥ሰ๭іൕᄝ໭Ոӆ่ࡱ༯‫॒ົؽ‬৬ັࢲ‫҃ٳܒ‬, Ⴗш֥ሰ๭іൕᄝീࡆ
11.2 kAm−1 ຓՈӆቔႨ༯‫॒ົؽ‬৬ັࢲ‫҃ٳܒ‬, λ іൕّํՈ॒৬ඔᅝሹ॒৬ඔ֥
б২; (b) ࠁ‫ކ‬҂๝б২֥ඨՈ॒৬‫ํّބ‬Ո॒৬ൈ, ຓՈӆቔႨ༯֥೘ົ॒৬ັࢲ‫ܒ‬
‫( ;҃ٳ‬c) ҂๝॒৬‫ݣ‬ਈ֥ࢋุ༢๤‫ٳ‬љᄝ௜ྛႿຓՈӆٚཟ‫ބ‬ԼᆰႿຓՈӆٚཟ֥
Ոᇁႋ৯ෛ λ ֥э߄ܱ༢ (Liu et al. 2014)
֩ (2014) ߎ‫ؿ‬གྷ, ᆃᇕຩሑ‫߶ܒࢲ྘ٳ‬ཁᇷᄹࡆҋਘᄝԼᆰႿՈӆٚཟ֥‫م‬ཟႋ৯‫ط‬
ఃᄝခሢՈӆٚཟ֥‫م‬ཟႋ৯ᄵࠫެ҂߶ࡨ೐ (๭ 7c). ቋ࣍, ၂ᇕၛ‫ุܥ‬െচ‫ُބ‬ൖ
ਟቔູࠎุ‫ିۿ؟‬Ոྟཝ௃ୃФᇅСԛট. ᆃᇕҋਘ҂ࣇऎႵࢠ֥ۚՈᇁԥିଆਈ
(4.23 MPa) ‫ބ‬ཌྷؓՈੀэིႋ (305%), ‫౏ط‬ॖၛ๙‫ݖ‬໑؇֥‫ט‬॥ᄝো၁෿‫ބ‬ো‫ܥ‬෿ᆭ
ࡗሇߐ, ࠞնֹิۚਔҋਘ֥ྟି‫ט‬॥ି৯ (Xuan et al. 2012). Shahrivar ‫ ބ‬de Vicente
(2013, 2014) ္ᇅСਔ၂ᇕ໑؇ॖ‫ט‬॥֥Ոૹҋਘ, ҂๝֥൞ᆃᇕҋਘି‫ܔ‬ൌགྷཌྷّ
֥ཌྷэ‫ݖ‬ӱ, ࠧෛሢ໑؇ശۚՖ၁෿ሇэູো‫ܥ‬෿.
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
3 Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ֥іᆘࠣࠏ৘࿹࣮
Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘ (หљ൞ো‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀэࢋ) Чᇉഈ൞၂োՈӆॖ॥֥ೈ໾ᇉҋਘ.
ೈ໾ᇉቋն֥หᆘ൞ࢠཬ֥ຓ҆ಠ‫( ׮‬Їও‫׈‬aՈaಣaࠏྀa߄࿐aҕᄖ֩) ߶ᄯӮ
ଖ၂หྟ‫ؿ‬ള‫ޓ‬ն֥э߄. ೈ໾ᇉ၂Ϯ҂ડቀ୤‫ؘ‬ੀุ֥ᄎ‫ੰܿ׮‬, ၹՎ္Фӫູ‫گ‬
ᄖੀุ, ൞၂ᇕ๝ൈऎС‫ބุܥ‬၁ุหྟ֥ห൹༢๤. ๤࠹໾৘ᇏಪູ໾ᇉ֥໾৘ሑ
෿іགྷູѪ‫غ‬ሥણၹሰᇏ E ‫ ބ‬κT ֥бᆴ, ᄝಣ৯࿐৘ંᇏᄵіགྷູ༢๤֥᧘ H ‫ބ‬
T S ֥ཨӉ, ࠧ
G = −κT ln Z(T ) = H − T S
ఃᇏ, G ູሱႮି, κ ູѪ‫غ‬ሥણӈඔ, T ‫ ބ‬S ‫ٳ‬љіൕ༢๤֥໑؇‫᧦ބ‬. ᄝೈ໾ᇉᇏ
‫ٳ‬ሰࡗ֥ཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯ࢠ೐, ࢠཬ֥ಠ‫׮‬൐֤᧘э҂߶‫ޓ‬ն, ೂ‫ݔ‬༢๤ေ‫ؿ‬ളࢠն֥э
߄ᄵᇶေ൞Ⴎ᧦эႄఏ֥. ᄝ᧦эቔႨ༯, ೈ໾ᇉؓຓࢸಠ‫֥׮‬ᇶေཙႋіགྷູ߶๙
‫ࠎݖ‬๶ࠇ‫ٳ‬ሰᄝॢࡗྙӮሱቆᆮࢲ‫ܒ‬. ᆃུࠎ๶ࠇ‫ٳ‬ሰᄝॢࡗྙӮሱቆᆮࢲ‫ݖ֥ܒ‬
ӱᄝ‫ޓ‬նӱ؇ഈथ‫ק‬ਔೈ໾ᇉ֥ྟᇉ (ᅵཫவ‫ބ‬ႃࡴѯ 2011). ၹՎᄝ‫׮‬৯࿐ིႋ‫ބ‬
᧦౺‫׮‬ቔႨ༯, ೈ໾ᇉႵॖିྙӮྍ֥ࢲ‫ܒ‬, ‫ط‬๙‫ݖ‬Ⴎᆃུࢲ‫ܒ‬э߄‫ط‬ႄఏ֥‫ྟܴޡ‬
ᇉ֥‫ڿ‬э໡ૌॖၛّ‫ݖ‬ট࿹࣮ఃࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄ࠏ৘. Ոੀэҋਘᇏ֥Ոྟ॒৬‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷ߶
ᄝՈӆ౺‫׮‬༯‫ؿ‬ളᇗቆ, ఃᇗቆ‫ݖ‬ӱ߶ؓҋਘ֥‫ିྟܴޡ‬Ӂളࠞն႕ཙ, іགྷԛ‫྘ׅ‬
֥ೈ໾ᇉหྟ. ႮႿۚ‫ٳ‬ሰࢋุ༢๤Чദ֥‫گ‬ᄖྟၛࠣۚ‫ٳ‬ሰࠎุؓՈྟ॒৬֥೐
ჿඏቔႨ, ൐֤Ոੀэࢋؓ۲ᇕຓ҆ࠗৣ֥ཙႋྛູཌྷбՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุေ
‫گ‬ᄖ֤‫؟‬. ᆞၹູೂՎ, Ոੀэࢋ္іགྷԛ‫؟ޓ‬Ⴕ౿৯ – Ո – ಣ – ‫׈‬ᯒ‫ކ‬གྷའ. ಖ‫ط‬,
ཌྷؓႿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ, ଢభؓՈੀэࢋ֥ࠏ৘࿹࣮ഉԩႿఏ҄ࢨ‫؍‬, ൌဒ
‫ބ‬৘ં֥ࠒ৆‫׻‬бࢠఴಌ. ႮႿ 3 ᇕՈੀэҋਘุ༢ᆭࡗႵ‫ࣅޓ‬ૡ֥৳༢, ఃՈੀэ
ࠏ৘္Ⴕཌྷරᆭԩ, ၹՎྸ‫؟‬ႨႿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥ൌဒ࠯ඌ‫ބ‬৘ંଆ྘‫׻‬
ॖၛᄝ࿹࣮Ոੀэࢋൈࣉྛࢹ࡫. ࢤ༯টࡼؓՈੀэҋਘ֥іᆘ࠯ඌ‫ބ‬Ոੀэ৘ં࿹
3.1 Ոੀэҋਘ֥ൌဒіᆘ
ؓՈੀэҋਘ֥ൌဒіᆘ҂ࣇॖၛ‫ק‬ਈֹ௟‫ܙ‬ҋਘ֥ྟି, ߎॖၛູ৘ં࿹࣮ิ
‫܂‬сေ֥ҋਘҕඔѩ౏ဒᆣ৘ંࢲ‫֥ݔ‬ሙಒྟ, ൞࿹࣮Ոੀэࠏ৘֥ࠎԤ. Ոੀэҋ
ਘᄝ҂๝ࡆᄛ่ࡱ༯ (ሙ࣡෿֥ࡧ్aঘഥa࿢෪ၛࠣ‫׮‬෿ࡧ్aࠪ࿢֩) ֥ੀэྟି
൞ቋ൳ܱᇿ֥໾৘ྟି (ᆃ္൞ࡼՈૹᇆିೈҋਘᆰࢤଁ଀ູՈੀэҋਘ֥ᇶေჰ
ၹ), ཌྷܱၹ෍ (ೂՈӆa໑؇apH ᆴa॒৬‫ݣ‬ਈaնཬaྙሑ֩) ؓੀэྟି֥႕ཙࠏ
ᇅ္֤֞ਔܼ֥ٗ࿹࣮. ਸ਼ຓႮႿՈੀэҋਘ֥‫؟‬ӆཙႋหྟ, ఃՈ߄ྟିa‫׈‬࿐ྟ
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
ଢభؓՈੀэҋਘᄝࡧ్ଆൔ༯֥ੀэྟି֥࿹࣮ቋູܼٗ, ྸ‫؟‬ቋྍ֥അႨੀ
э၎ (ೂ Anton Paar ‫܄‬ඳ֥ Physica MCR ྘ੀэ၎‫ ބ‬TA ‫܄‬ඳ֥ DISCOVERY ࠁ‫ކ‬
ੀэ၎֩) ္൞ၛဢ௖ᄝࡧ్ଆൔ༯֥ྟିҩ൫ູᇶࣉྛഡ࠹֥. ၂ϮಪູՈੀэ၁
ᄝႵՈӆ่ࡱ༯֥ੀ‫ູྛ׮‬ॖၛႨ Bingham ෑྟੀ‫׮‬ٚӱট૭ඍ
τ = τy + η γ̇,
|τ | > τy 
τ = G0 γ,
|τ | < τy 
ఃᇏ τ ‫ ބ‬γ̇ ‫ٳ‬љսіࡧ్ႋ৯‫్ࡧބ‬ႋэੱ. τ y ൞Ոӆཌྷܱ֥ࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯, η ൞
ෑྟᬪ؇, G0 ᄵіൕ౹‫ڛ‬భҋਘ֥ࡧ్ଆਈ. ࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯၂Ϯ൞ᆷҋਘक़‫ڛ‬ఃЧ
ദ֥Ԩэིႋ‫ؿ‬ളэྙࠇੀ‫ູ֥ྛ׮‬ቋཬႋ৯. ০Ⴈ Bingham ٚӱؓ࿈ሇࡧ్ଆൔ
‫ڛ‬ႋ৯. ၹՎࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯֥Ոӆཌྷܱྟॖၛቔູ௟ࡎՈੀэ၁֥Ոᇁੀэྟି֥
ᇗေᆷѓ (Fang et al. 2009, Fang et al. 2011, Iglesias et al. 2012, Kuzhir et al. 2011,
Lopez-Lopez et al. 2012). ๭ 8 ൞Ոੀэ၁ᄝ҂๝ՈӆቔႨ༯֥‫్ࡧ྘ׅ‬ੀ‫׮‬౷ཌၛ
ࠣ Bingham ଆ྘֥୅‫ݔࢲކ‬. ᆃᇕٚ‫္م‬ᆰࢤФႨটؓো၁෿Ոੀэࢋ֥ੀэྟି
ࣉྛіᆘ (Fuchs et al. 2004, Fuchs et al. 2005, Wei et al. 2010).
໭ંো‫ܥ‬෿ߎ൞ো၁෿֥Ոੀэҋਘ‫׻‬ॖၛࡼఃቔູᬪ֐ྟҋਘট࿹࣮, ‫ط‬ᆒ֕
ࡧ్ଆൔ༯֥‫׮‬෿৯࿐ྟି൞ᬪ֐ྟҋਘ֥ᇗေੀэྟି. ๙ӈؓᬪ֐ྟҋਘീࡆ၂
0 kA/m
86 kA/m
171 kA/m
343 kA/m
Ոੀэ၁ᄝ҂๝Ոӆ༯֥ࡧ్ႋ৯აࡧ్ੱ֥ܱ༢. ൌཌ൞ Bingham ଆ྘֥୅‫ࢲކ‬
‫( ݔ‬Fang et al. 2010)
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
۱ᆞ༿ࡧ్ႋэࠗৣྐ‫ݼ‬, ೂ‫ږৣࠗھݔ‬ᆴቀ‫( ཬܔ‬๙ӈಪູҋਘ֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬҂߶Фࠗ
ৣྐ‫ݼ‬௥ߊ), ࣼॖၛ֤֞၂۱ཌྷ๝௔ੱ֌Ⴕ၂‫ק‬ཌྷ໊ҵ֥ᆞ༿ႋ৯ཙႋྐ‫ݼ‬, Ⴟ൞໡
৯࿐ྟି. ‫׮‬෿৯࿐ྟି൞࿹࣮ՈੀэҋਘՈᇁັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄ࠏ৘֥ӈႨіᆘҕඔ. Ֆ
ႋႨ֥࢘؇ࢃ, ն҆‫ٳ‬ཌྷܱ֥ႋႨఖࡱᇏ֥Ոੀэҋਘ‫׻‬൞ᄝᆒ֕ࡧ్ଆൔ༯‫۽‬ቔ
֥. ۷ᇗေ֥൞, ໭ં൞ཝࢋ෿֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุߎ൞ো၁෿֥Ոੀэ၁‫׻‬ॖၛ๙‫׮ݖ‬
෿৯࿐ྟିࣉྛіᆘ (Claracq et al. 2004, Li et al. 2001), ၹՎᆒ֕ࡧ్ଆൔॖၛቔູ
Ոੀэҋਘੀэྟି֥๙Ⴈіᆘٚ‫م‬. ቔູࢺႿՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุᆭࡗ֥ҋ
ਘ༢๤, ଢభؓՈੀэࢋ (หљ൞ো‫ܥ‬෿ࢋ) эྟି֥ᇶေіᆘٚ‫ࣼم‬൞ᆒ֕ࡧ్ҩ
൫ (An et al. 2010, Mitsumata et al. 2012, Rao et al. 2010, Wu et al. 2011). ۴ऌഅႨ၎
ఖ֥ҩ൫ჰ৘҂๝, ᆒ֕ࡧ్ҩ൫Ⴛ‫ࡥູٳ‬ֆࡧ్‫ބ‬࿈ሇࡧ్ਆᇕଆൔ. ๭ 9 ൞ᄝႇ
‫ ݓ‬Triton ࠯ඌႵཋ‫܄‬ඳิ‫ ֥܂‬Tritec 2000 ྘‫׮‬෿ಣࠏྀ‫ٳ‬༅၎ (Dynamic Mechanical
Analyzer, DMA) ֥ࠎԤഈ‫֥ࣉڿ‬ॖၛൌགྷՈੀэҋਘᄝ҂๝Ոӆ༯ࡥֆᆒ֕ࡧ్ҩ
൫֥৯Ոᯒ‫ކ‬ҩ൫༢๤. ‫ط‬భ૫ิ֥֞ Anton Paar ‫܄‬ඳ‫ ބ‬TA ‫܄‬ඳ֥ੀэ၎ᄵॖၛປ
ӮՈੀэҋਘᄝ࿈ሇࡧ్ଆൔ༯֥‫׮‬෿৯࿐ྟିҩ൫. ਆো၎ఖ֥ҩ൫ჰ৘ෙಖႵ෮
҂๝, ֌൞ᄝࢠཬ֥ࠗৣᄛ‫ހ‬༯֤֥֞ࢲ‫ݔ‬ҵљѩ҂൞‫ޓ‬ն. ਸ਼ຓ, Ոੀэҋਘᄝࡧ్
ଆൔ༯֥ಿэ߭‫ູؓྛگ‬Ⴟ࿹࣮Ոੀэࠏ৘္٤ӈႵϺᇹ (De Vicente et al. 2003, Li
et al. 2002, Li et al. 2010, See et al. 2004, Xu et al. 2012).
ӆ༯ଆਈ֥э߄, ္ФܼٗႨႿՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥৯࿐ྟିіᆘ. Bellan ‫ ބ‬Bossis (2002)
(a) ࣜ‫׮֥ࣉڿݖ‬෿ಣࠏྀ‫ٳ‬༅၎‫( ބ‬b) ࢲ‫ܒ‬ൕၩ๭
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
ਘঘഥྟି֥႕ཙ. ުট෰ૌࢲ‫ކ‬ൌဒ‫ބ‬Ⴕཋჭ࠹ෘ֥ࢲ‫ٳݔ‬༅ਔՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥
Mullins ིႋ (ҋਘᄝሙ࣡෿࿖ߌࡆᄛ‫ݖ‬ӱᇏ֥ႋ৯ೈ߄གྷའ), ಪູࢲ‫֥߄ܒ‬Ոੀэ
ఏ֞ਔܱ࡯ቔႨ, ᆃູࣼՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ⴊ߄ഡ࠹ิ‫܂‬ਔ৘ં၇ऌ (Coquelle & Bossis
2006). Varga ֩ (2006) ࿹࣮ਔЇ‫ݣ‬҂๝॒৬‫҃ٳ‬ሑ෿ (॒৬ෛࠏ‫ٳ‬೛֥۲ཟ๝ྟ‫ބ‬
ӯ৽ሑ‫҃ٳ‬۲ཟၳྟ) ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุᄝ҂๝Ոӆ༯֥࿢෪ྟି (ೂ ๭ 10 ෮ൕ), ൌ
ဒࢲ‫ؿݔ‬གྷՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥࿢෪ྟି҂ࣇ‫॒ބ‬৬‫҃ٳ‬ሑ෿ཌྷܱ (ࠧᄝཌྷ๝ࡆᄛ่ࡱ
༯۲ཟၳྟՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥࿢෪ଆਈေۚႿ۲ཟ๝ྟ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุ) ‫ߎ౏ط‬൳Ո
ӆٚཟაࡆᄛٚཟ֥႕ཙ, ఃᇏ֒Ոӆٚཟa॒৬৽ٚཟ‫ࡆބ‬ᄛٚཟ၂ᇁൈ (ࠧ๭ 10
ᇏֻ‫ؽ‬ஆᇏࡗ֥ҩ൫ٚൔ) Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥࿢෪ଆਈ‫ބ‬Ոᇁིႋ൞ቋն֥. Fuchs ֩
(2007) Ԣਔ࿹࣮ऊμᴁࠎՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥॒৬‫ؓ҃ٳ‬ః࿢෪ྟି֥႕ཙ, ߎбࢠਔҋ
ਘᄝႵՈӆ‫ބ‬໭Ոӆ่ࡱ༯࿢෪౷ཌ֥ҵၳ. Վຓ, Kallio ֩ (2007) ‫ ބ‬Koo ֩ (2010)
ߎ‫ٳ‬љ࿹࣮ਔՈੀэ֐ྟุᄝᆒ֕ࠪ࿢ଆൔ༯֥৯࿐ྟି, ᆃູՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ႋႨ
ิ‫܂‬ਔ٤ӈႵࡎᆴ֥ൌဒඔऌ. ୍࣍ট, Ոੀэ၁ᄝঘഥ‫ބ‬࿢෪ଆൔ༯֥ੀэྟି္
ႄఏਔᄀটᄀ‫ܱ֥؟‬ᇿ, ࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼࠪ࿢ᄹ఼ིႋ߶ࠞնֹᄹࡆՈੀэ၁֥౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯
(De Vicente et al. 2010, Guo et al. 2013, Mazlan et al. 2008a, 2008b, Ruiz-Lopez et al.
2012, Wang et al 2013). ಖ‫ط‬, ؓႿՈੀэࢋ֥ঘഥ‫ބ‬࿢෪ྟି֥࿹࣮ಏ‫ޓ‬ഒႵದБ
๭ 10
۲ཟ๝ྟ‫ބ‬۲ཟၳྟ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุᄝ҂๝ՈӆቔႨ༯֥࿢෪ଆਈ. Ϣ೤ॢྏࡰ๨
սіᄛ‫ހ‬ീࡆٚཟ, ‫ޑ‬೤ൌྏࡰ๨սіՈӆീࡆٚཟ (Varga et al. 2006)
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
֡. ࠎႿՎ, Xu ֩ (2014) ؓՈੀэෑྟุ֥ࠪ࿢ੀ‫( ູྛ׮‬Їওሙ࣡෿࿢෪ঘഥྛູ
‫ބ‬ᆒ֕ࠪ࿢ྛູ) ࣉྛਔ༢๤ֹൌဒ࿹࣮. ࢲ‫ؿݔ‬གྷሙ࣡෿࿢෪ঘഥ‫ݖ‬ӱ‫׻‬ॖၛФ‫ٳ‬
Ӯ֐ྟэྙaႋ৯඾ӿ‫ބ‬ෑྟੀ‫ ׮‬3 ۱౵ࡗ, ࿢෪౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯‫ބ‬ঘഥ౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯ؓՈӆa
Ոੀэҋਘ֥Ոૹྟିᇶေ൞Ⴎఃଽ҆Ոྟ॒৬֥Ո߄ྟିथ‫֥ק‬, ၹՎؓՈੀ
эҋਘՈ߄ྟି֥іᆘؓႿࢳ൤ཌྷܱ֥Ոੀэࠏ৘٤ӈᇗေ. ॒৬֥ো྘ (Fang et al.
2009, Lopez-Lopez et al. 2007, Mietta et al. 2012)a॒৬ุ֥ࠒб (Jolly et al. 1996) ၛ
ࠣࢲ‫֥߄ܒ‬Ոੀэҋਘ֥ҩ൫ٚཟ (Boczkowska et al. 2007) ؓՈੀэҋਘ֥Ո߄ྟ
ି‫׻‬Ⴕሢᇗေ֥႕ཙ. Ոᇁഥ෪གྷའ൞ႮՈྟ॒৬აࠎุᆭࡗ֥৯Ոᯒ‫ིކ‬ႋႄఏ֥
(Bednarek 1999, Ginder et al. 2002, Guan et al. 2008), ಖ‫ط‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุᄝခሢຓՈӆ
ቔႨٚཟָ֞൞Фঘഥߎ൞Ф࿢෪ଢభഉ໭‫( ંק‬Gong et al. 2012a), ߎླေ۷ࡆധ
ೆ֥࿹࣮. ն҆‫ٳ‬Ոྟแԉ॒৬ (২ೂ᳈ࠎํ॒৬ (Bica 2009, Bossis et al. 2001, Tian
et al. 2011)a୛॒৬ (Kono et al. 2012, Leng et al. 2008)aၿЇ‫ ֥ڭ‬Fe3 O4 ॒৬ (Mietta
et al. 2012) ֩) ္๝ൈऎႵ֝‫ྟ׈‬, ၹՎն҆‫ٳ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟ္ุඋႿ֝‫ٳۚ׈‬ሰ‫ކگ‬
ҋਘ. ᆃোՈૹ֝‫ٳۚ׈‬ሰ‫ކگ‬ҋਘ֥֝‫ྟ׈‬҂ࣇ൳֞֝‫॒׈‬৬֥‫ٳ‬೛ሑ෿‫॒ބ‬৬
‫ݣ‬ਈ֥႕ཙ (Leng et al. 2008), ‫ߎ౏ط‬ॖၛႮຓࡆՈӆࣉྛ‫ט‬॥, ऎႵ‫֥྘ׅ‬Ոቅིႋ
(Kchit et al. 2009, Wang et al. 2009, Xu et al. 2013). ၹູՈӆ‫ט‬॥֥٤ࢤԨหᆘ, ൐
֤Ոૹ֝‫ٳۚ׈‬ሰ‫ކگ‬ҋਘऎႵ٤ӈն֥ႋႨభࣟ. Վຓ, ؓՈੀэҋਘ֥ॆသ߄ྟ
ି (Bednarek 1999)aରࣲྟ (Ulicny et al. 2007, Zhang et al. 2010) ‫֝ބ‬ಣྟ (Wu et al.
2010) ֥֩࿹࣮ؓႿՈੀэҋਘ֥ൌ࠽ႋႨ္Ⴕ٤ӈն֥Ϻᇹ.
3.2 Ոੀэࠏ৘
৵࿃ཌྷ (ࠎุ) ‫ٳބ‬೛ཌྷ (Ոྟ॒৬) ᆭࡗՈ֝ੱ֥ҵၳ൞ᄯӮՈੀэིႋ֥ᇶေ
ჰၹ. ॒৬Ո߄ଆ྘ (ࠧՈ୽ࠞሰଆ྘) ൞ଢభ௴ђࢤ൳֥Ⴈটࢳ൤Ոੀэ၁֥Ոᇁ
ིႋ֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬ଆ྘ (De Vicente et al. 2011b). ೂ‫੻ޭݔ‬ֆ۱Ոྟ॒৬ଽ֥҆‫؟‬ٚཟࠞ
߄ (ࠧࡼັ૜֥ࠩՈྟ॒৬Чദࡥ߄ӮՈ୽ࠞሰ) ၛࠣਣ॒࣍৬ᆭࡗ‫ุ؟‬Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨ
(ࠧᆺॉ੮ֆ৽ᇏཌྷਣ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨ), ᄵᄝཌྟՈ߄౵ࡗଽ϶ູࣥ a ֥Ոྟ
m = 4πµ0 µcr βa3 H0
ఃᇏ, µ0 ൞ᆇॢՈ֝ੱ, µcr ൞ࠎุ֥ཌྷؓՈ֝ੱ, β = (µpr − µcr )/(µpr + 2µcr ) ൞໭ਈ
‫֥۔‬Ո֝ੱᯒ‫ކ‬ҕඔ (ఃᇏ µpr ൞Ոྟ॒৬֥ཌྷؓՈ֝ੱ), H0 ൞Ոӆ఼؇. ෛሢՈӆ
֥ᄹࡆ, ॒৬Ո߄ղ֞Ў‫ބ‬ሑ෿, ॒৬Ոइࣼ‫׿‬৫ႿՈӆ, ࠧ
πµ0 µcr a3 Ms
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
ఃᇏ Ms ൞ᆷ॒৬֥Ў‫ބ‬Ո߄఼؇. ๙ӈႄೆҕඔ λ টіᆘਆ۱ཌྷਣՈྟ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥
Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨି‫ބ‬ಣି֥бᆴ (Rosensweig 1997)
m2 1
πµ0 µcr β 2 a3 H02
4πµ0 µcr r3 κT
ೂ‫ ݔ‬λ ჹնႿ 1, ᄵඪૼ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨჹჹնႿ॒৬֥҃঵ᄎ‫׮‬, ॒৬ࣼ߶
֒ԩႿੀ‫׮‬ሑ෿ൈ, Ոੀэ၁֥ੀэྟିԢਔაՈྟ॒৬ุ֥ࠒ‫ٳ‬ඔ φ ‫ ބ‬λ ཌྷ
ܱຓ, ߎაਸ਼ຓ၂۱໭ਈ‫۔‬ҕඔ Mn (ࠧ Mason ඔ) ཌྷܱ. ᄝ໗෿ࡧ్ੀ‫׮‬ᇏ, Mn ‫ק‬ၬ
ູቔႨᄝՈྟ॒৬ഈ֥ੀุ‫׮‬৯࿐ቅ৯‫࣡ބ‬Ո৯֥бᆴ (Klingenberg 2007)
Mn =
8ηc γ̇
µ0 µcr β 2 H 2
ఃᇏ ηc ູࠎุ֥ᬪ؇‫ ط‬γ̇ іൕࡧ్ႋэੱ.
౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯ቔູՈੀэ၁ቋᇗေ֥ੀэҕඔ, Ֆ‫֥ܴ࢘ັބܴޡ‬؇նᇁॖၛࡼఃՈ
ᇁིႋ֥৘ંଆ྘‫ູٳ‬ਆো. ‫ܴޡ‬ଆ྘၂Ϯࡌഡ౯ሑaჵᇸሑࠇҪሑ֥नᄋ֥॒৬‫ٳ‬
҃ሑ෿ѩ۴ऌՈӆିቋཬჰ৘ࣉྛ๷֝ (Bossis et al. 1997). ၂Ϯᆃུၛ࿰ັܴࢲ‫ܒ‬
૭ඍູࠎԤ֥ଆ྘ᆺॉ੮ਔᄝࢠཬႋэ༯॒৬ऊࠢࢲ‫֥ܒ‬۲ཟၳྟ, ‫ܴັط‬ଆ྘ᄵॉ
੮ਔ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥ཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯ (Ginder et al. 1996). ն‫؟‬ඔଆ྘‫੻ޭ׻‬ਔՈᇁ౼ཟࢲ‫ܒ‬
ᆭࡗ֥ཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯ѩ౏ಪູ౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯ᇶေ൞Ⴎ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯थ‫֥ק‬. ၹ
Վ, ᆃུଆ྘ᄝ॒৬‫ݣ‬ਈࢠ֮ൈॖၛࢠ‫֥ݺ‬ყҩՈੀэ၁֥౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯, ‫॒֒ط‬৬‫ݣ‬ਈ
ࢠۚൈႮႿࡌഡ่ࡱ҂ᄜӮ৫, ၹՎ߶აൌဒࢲ‫ݔ‬Ⴕࢠնொҵ. ๭ 11 ൞ࣜ‫֥ׅ‬ֆ॒
৬৽Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘ൕၩ๭. ֒ҋਘ‫ؿ‬ളࡧ్эྙൈ, ॒৬৽߶ෛሢ‫ؿ‬ള႘ഝэྙ, ္
ࣼ൞ඪ॒৬ᆺ߶ခሢ๭ 11a ᇏࡰ๨෮ൕ֥ٚཟᄎ‫׮‬, ᆃࣼၩ໅ሢ҂ંэྙభު, ॒৬
৽ᇏ಩‫ޅ‬ཌྷਣ॒৬ᆭࡗ֥ए৖‫׻‬൞ཌྷ๝֥. ‫ࡌھ‬ഡࡥ߄ਔ౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯֥๷֝‫ݖ‬ӱ, ၛՎ
τy = 2.31φµ0 Ms1/2 H0
τys = 0.086φµ0 Ms2
བྷ༥֥๷֝‫ݖ‬ӱࠣཌྷܱҕඔ֥ඪૼॖၛҰᄇ Bossis ֩ለཿ֥ܱႿՈੀэࠏ৘֥ሸඍ
ྟ໓ᅣ (Bossis et al. 2002).
Jolly ֩ (1996) ࡼഈඍ֥ֆ৽Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘ᆰࢤႄೆ֞Ոੀэ֐ྟุѩؓఃՈᇁ
֐ྟଆਈࣉྛਔყҩ, ৘ં࠹ෘࢲ‫ބݔ‬ൌဒࢲ‫ࠎݔ‬Ч໖‫ކ‬. Davis (1999) ္Ⴈ‫ھ‬ଆ྘
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
๭ 11
Ոੀэ၁֥ࡧ్౹‫ڛ‬ႋ৯֥ֆ৽Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘ൕၩ๭: (a) ॒৬৽֥႘ഝэྙ; (b) ཌྷ
ਣ॒৬֥ࡗए. (Bossis et al. 2002)
࠹ෘਔՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ոᇁࡧ్ଆਈѩ‫ؿ‬གྷ॒֒৬ุࠒ‫ٳ‬ඔູ 27% ൈఃՈᇁଆਈቋ
ն. ಖ‫ط‬, ‫ھ‬ଆ྘ޭ੻ਔ॒৬ࠞ߄ުؓᇛຶ॒৬֥႕ཙ, หљ൞॒֒৬‫ݣ‬ਈࢠۚൈᆃᇕ
ࡌഡࣼ߶ࡆն৘ંଆ྘აᆇൌ౦ঃ֥ҵए. Shen ֩ (2004) ၩ്֞ᆃ۱໙ีѩؓֆ৽
Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘ࣉྛਔྩᆞ, ྩᆞଆ྘ॉ੮ਔՈ߄ު֥॒৬ؓᇛຶ॒৬֥႕ཙ. Chen ֩
(2007) ᄝൌဒܴҩ֥ࠎԤഈิԛਔႵཋ৽Ӊ৘ં, ‫ھ‬৘ં္ᆺିᄝ॒৬‫ݣ‬ਈࢠ֮ൈؓ
ഈඍଆ྘‫׻‬ᆺॉ੮֞Ոྟ॒৬֥ཌྷ޺ቔႨ, ֌൞აՈੀэ၁҂๝֥൞, ᄝՈੀэ
֐ྟุᇏཝࢋࠎุ߶ؓՈྟ॒৬Ӂളࢠ఼֥ჿඏቔႨ, ‫ط‬ᆃᇕჿඏቔႨ߶॒ؓ৬ࡗ
֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨᄯӮ၂‫ק‬႕ཙ. ၹՎᄝࡹ৫Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥৘ંଆ྘ൈॉ੮॒৬აࠎ
ุᆭࡗ֥ᯒ‫ކ‬ቔႨ۷‫ކژ‬ൌ࠽౦ঃ. Ⴟ൞ Chen ‫ ބ‬Jerrams (2011) ๝ൈॉ੮ਔ॒৬֥
Ոᇁ৯࿐ྟିaཝࢋࠎุ֥ᬪ֐ྟྟିၛ॒ࠣ৬‫ุࠎބ‬ᆭࡗ֥ࢸ૫߁၍ིႋ, ࡹ৫ਔ
۷ࡆ၂Ϯ֥Ոੀэ֐ྟุ৯࿐ଆ྘. ‫ھ‬ଆ྘ॖၛؓ҂๝ุࠒ‫ބ‬҂๝ᇕোࠎุ֥Ոੀ
э֐ྟุ֥‫׮‬෿৯࿐ྟିࣉྛყҩ, ࢣൕਔᆜ۱ҋਘؓຓՈӆ֥ཙႋࠏ৘. ০Ⴈ৵࿃
(Bustamante et al. 2008, Castaneda et al. 2011, Danas et al. 2012, Galipeau & Castaneda
2013, Rudykh & Bertoldi 2013, Yin et al. 2006). ෙಖࣜ‫ݖ‬҂๝ӱ؇֥ࡌഡࣉྛࡥ߄ު
ಯಖေࣜ‫گݖ‬ᄖ֥ඔ࿐๷֝Ҍି֤ԛཌྷܱࢲ‫ݔ‬, ֌൞ᆃུ৘ંଆ྘ି‫ܔ‬ധೆࢣൕՈੀ
э֐ྟุଽ҆‫گ‬ᄖ֥৯Ոᯒ‫ࠏކ‬৘, ؓႿᆃোҋਘ֥Ⴊ߄ഡ࠹‫ބ‬ൌ࠽ႋႨ‫׻‬ऎႵᆷ֝
ෙಖؓՈੀэ၁‫ބ‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥Ոੀэࠏ৘࿹࣮ၘࣜቓਔնਈ֥‫۽‬ቔ, ֌൞ؓ
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
Ոੀэࢋ֥ࠏ৘࿹࣮ಏߎ‫ޓ‬ഒႵཌྷܱБ֡. ၂ٚ૫൞ၹູՈੀэࢋ (หљ൞ো‫ܥ‬෿ࢋ)
ቔູ၂োྍྖ֥Ոੀэҋਘഉໃႄఏದૌ֥ܼܱٗᇿ, ਸ਼၂ٚ૫൞ၹູՈੀэࢋ‫ܥ‬Ⴕ
ੀэྟି֥‫گ‬ᄖྟᄹࡆਔؓఃՈੀэࠏ৘࿹࣮֥଴؇. ো‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀэࢋ๝ൈऎСਔՈ
ੀэ၁֥॒৬ॖ၍‫ބྟ׮‬Ոੀэ֐ྟุ֥ັࢲ‫֥ܒ‬౼ཟ໗‫ྟק‬. ᆃਆᇕྟିՖଖᇕ
࢘؇ഈඪ൞ཌྷ޺ “઱‫֥ ”؛‬, ֌൞ಏႻ๝ൈթᄝႿো‫ܥ‬෿֥Ոੀэࢋᇏ. ֒Ոྟ॒৬ᄝ
Ոੀэࢋ֥ࠎุᇏ၍‫׮‬ൈ, ۚ‫ٳ‬ሰࠎุ֥ᬪྟቅ৯ေჹჹնႿՈੀэ၁ᇏᄛ၁֥ቅ৯
(ᆃࣼၩ໅ሢՈੀэࢋ֥ Mason ඔေჹჹնႿՈੀэ၁), ၹՎՈੀэ၁ᇏ֥ཌྷܱ৘ં
‫ޓ‬଴Ⴈটࢳ൤Ոੀэࢋ֥॒৬ऊࠢགྷའ. ಖ‫ط‬Ոੀэࢋᇏۚ‫ٳ‬ሰࠎุؓՈྟ॒৬֥ᬪ
ྟቅ৯ಏႻჹჹཬႿՈੀэ֐ྟุᇏ֥ཝࢋࠎุ॒ؓ৬֥ཋᇅቔႨ. ֒ീࡆՈӆު,
Ոੀэ֐ྟุଽФ “‫֥ ”߄ܥ‬Ոྟ॒৬ᆺିᄝჰট໊ᇂ‫࣍ڸ‬ቓ‫֥ཬޓ‬ᄎ‫׮‬, ‫ط‬Ոੀэ
ࢋᇏ֥Ոྟ॒৬ᄵ߶۴ऌՈӆ఼؇ၛࠣຓࡆᄛ‫֥ހ‬౦ঃቓն‫ږ‬؇֥၍‫׮‬, മᇀ֒ຓࡆ
Ոӆٚཟ‫ڿ‬эൈՈྟ॒৬߶ခሢྍ֥ՈӆٚཟᇗྍஆਙྙӮ৽ሑ౼ཟࢲ‫ܒ‬. ᆃུႵ
Чദ‫گ‬ᄖ֥ੀэྟି, ॒৬ᆭࡗЧദ֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨၛ॒ࠣ৬აࠎุᆭࡗႮႿն‫ږ‬؇ཌྷ
ؓᄎ‫ط׮‬Ӂള֥ଉ҈ིႋ֩, ‫॒ط‬৬ᇗྍஆਙުັࢲ‫“ ֥ܒ‬ऍն” ‫ڿ‬э္߶൐֤ᆃো
ෙಖေಆ૫૭ඍՈੀэࢋ֥‫گ‬ᄖ৯Ոᯒ‫ູྛކ‬঒଴ᇗᇗ, ֌ྸ‫؟‬ದߎ൞ᄝ၂‫ކק‬
৘ࡌഡ֥భิ༯ؓՈੀэࢋ֥৯Ոᯒ‫ࠏކ‬৘֥৘ં࿹࣮ࣉྛਔႧ‫֥ۍ‬Ӈ൫. Han ֩
(2011) ၛ٤௜‫ޙ‬ಣ৯࿐ჰ৘ູࠎԤ‫ؿ‬ᅚਔ၂สӆ৘ંট૭ඍํୠࢋ֥Ո – ᬪ֐ྟି,
๙‫ݖ‬ඔᆴ࠹ෘ‫ٳ‬༅ਔํୠࢋؓ҂๝Ոӆ֥ཙႋ, ‫ط‬ఃؓ࿖ߌՈӆ֥ཙႋ֥ൌဒࢲ‫ݔ‬ა
৘ંყҩࠎЧഈ൞၂ᇁ֥, ᆃԉ‫ٳ‬ඪૼ‫ھ‬৘ંؓՈੀэࢋ֥৯Ոᯒ‫ࠏކ‬৘֥ಪ്ᄝ၂
‫ק‬ӱ؇ഈ൞‫ކ‬৘֥. Zubarev (2012) ০Ⴈѓሙ֥๤࠹໾৘࿐ٚ‫م‬௟‫ܙ‬ਔํୠࢋᄝခሢ
Ոӆٚཟঘഥࠇ࿢෪эྙު֥ሱႮି, ࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼҋਘՈᇁэྙ֥ো྘ (ഥӉߎ൞൬෪)
Ⴎဢ௖֥Ԛ൓ྙሑ, ീࡆ֥Ոӆ‫ބ‬Ոྟ॒৬֥‫ݣ‬ਈࠣՈ߄หྟथ‫ק‬. Liu ֩ (2013a,
2013b) ߎ০Ⴈ॒৬ඣ௜֥‫ٳ‬ሰ‫׮‬৯࿐ٚ‫م‬࿹࣮ਔᄝ໗෿ՈӆቔႨ༯Ոੀэࢋ֥ଽ҆
॒৬֥ဆ߄౦ঃ. ॒৬ࡗ֥Ոཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯๙‫ݖ‬ႄೆ၂۱‫֥ࣉڿ‬Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘ট૭ඍ,
‫ھ‬ଆ྘ؓԩ৘หљࢤ֥࣍ਆ۱Ոྟ॒৬бԮ๤֥Ո୽ࠞሰଆ྘۷ࡆሙಒ, ‫ุ֥ࠎط‬ੀ
эྛູᄵҐႨਔ Bingham ෑྟੀ‫׮‬ଆ྘. ๙‫࠹ݖ‬ෘ֥ٚ‫ܔିم‬ീࡆ၂ུ໭‫م‬ᄝൌဒ
ഈൌགྷ֥ࡆᄛٚൔՖ‫֤֞ط‬۷ࡆ‫گ‬ᄖᄛ‫ࡱ่ހ‬༯֥೘ົັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄౦ঃ (ೂ ๭ 12 ෮
ൕ), ؓႿ࿹࣮Ոੀэࢋ֥ັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄ࠏ৘ऎႵ٤ӈᇗေ֥ၩၬ. ০Ⴈ‫ھ‬ٚ‫࠹م‬ෘ֤֞
֥Ոᇁັࢲ‫ܒ‬აൌဒܴҳ֤֥֞ࢲ‫ݔ‬٤ӈ໖‫ކ‬, ֌൞ႮႿીႵॉ੮॒֞৬‫ุࠎބ‬ᆭࡗ
֥ᯒ‫ིކ‬ႋၛࠣؓࠎุ‫گ‬ᄖੀэྛູ֥૭ඍߎ෾‫ࡥݖ‬ֆ, ၹՎߎླؓ૭ඍҋਘଽ҆҂
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
๭ 12
ຓՈӆቔႨ༯Ոੀэෑྟุ֥॒৬ັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄‫ݖ‬ӱ: (a) ҂ീࡆՈӆ֥Ԛ൓ሑ෿, (b)
ຓՈӆა Z ᇠᆞٚཟ௜ྛ, (c) ຓՈӆა Z ᇠᆞٚཟӯ 45◦ , (d) ຓՈӆა Z ᇠ‫ڵ‬ٚཟ
௜ྛ (Liu et al. 2013b)
4 Ոੀэҋਘ֥ႋႨ
Ոੀэҋਘ֥ႋႨቋିุགྷᆃোҋਘ‫׿‬ห֥Ո॥ྟି֥ࡎᆴ, ္൞‫ؿ‬ᅚᆃোՈૹ
ᇆିೈҋਘ֥ቋᇔଢ֥, ؓՈੀэҋਘ֥ൌဒіᆘ‫ࠏބ‬৘࿹္࣮൞ູఃቋᇔൌགྷնܿ
ଆႋႨቓሙС֥. ଢభؓՈੀэ၁֥ႋႨቋ္ູܼٗቋູӮඃ, Ոੀэ၁֥‫۽‬ቔଆൔ
նᇁॖၛ‫ູٳ‬࿢৯౺‫֥׮‬ੀ‫׮‬ଆൔ (္ӫູ‫ل‬ଆൔ)aᆰࢤࡧ్ଆൔ‫ࠪބ‬࿢ଆൔ 3 ো
(ೂ ๭ 13 ෮ൕ) (De Vicente et al. 2011a, 2011b, Olabi & Grunwald 2007). ն҆‫ٳ‬ၛՈੀ
ᇅ֥ଢ֥. Ոੀэ၁֥ႋႨఖࡱᇶေЇওࡨᆑఖaߏԊఖa৖‫ކ‬ఖa॥ᇅ‫ބل‬ದ‫ࠔ۽‬
ಽ֩ (Klingenberg 2001), ᄝၛՈੀэ၁ቔູ‫۽‬ቔࢺᇉ֥۲ᇕࡨᆑఖᇏॖၛᅳ֞Ոੀэ
၁ᄝ҂๝‫۽‬ቔଆൔ༯ࣉྛൌ࠽ႋႨ֥২ሰ. ๭ 14 ൞ LORD ‫܄‬ඳളӁ֥ᇶေႨႿࡹᇽ
ࢲ‫ॆܒ‬ᆑ֥ࡧ్ൔՈੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖ (Jolly et al. 1999). ‫ࡨھ‬ᆑఖ֥‫۽‬ቔ‫ࠃބุے‬ೖ၂
ఏቔູՈਫ਼֥၂҆‫ٳ‬, ҐႨ‫ࠃࠩ؟‬ೖྙൔᄹࡆՈੀэ၁౵თ֥૫ࠒ, ᄝࢠཬ֥ཨ‫ۿݻ‬
ੱ༯ࣼିࠆ֤ࢠն֥ቅୄ৯, Ֆ‫ط‬ղ֞ਅ‫ࡨ֥ݺ‬ᆒི‫ݔ‬. Carlson ֩ (1995) Б֡ਔ၂ᇕ
০ႨՈੀэ၁ࡨᆒ࠯ඌ֥చӚቖ໊ࡨᆑఖ, ೂ ๭ 15 ෮ൕ. ᆃᇕࡨᆑఖඋႿ‫ل‬ൔࡨᆑ
ఖ, Ոੀэ၁ᄝ‫ل‬૊࿢৯౺‫׮‬༯ࣉྛ‫۽‬ቔ, ๙‫ݖ‬ຓՈӆ‫ڿ‬эՈੀэ၁֥ᬪ؇, Ֆ‫ط‬॥ᇅ
ൻԛቅୄ৯֥նཬ, ࡼఃႨႿచӚ֥࿇ࡏ༢๤ॖၛննิۚνಆྟ‫ބ‬ൽൡྟ. ࠪ࿢ൔ
֥Ոੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖᄝ‫ྛ֥ཬޓ‬ӱٓຶଽࣼॖၛӁള۷ն֥ቅୄ৯ (Farjoud et al. 2009,
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
๭ 13
Ոੀэ၁֥ 3 ᇕ‫۽‬ቔଆൔ: (a) ‫ل‬ଆൔ; (b) ᆰࢤࡧ్ଆൔ; (c) ࠪ࿢ଆൔ (De Vicente et
al. 2011a)
๭ 14
ႨႿࡹᇽࢲ‫֥ܒ‬Ոੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖ (Jolly et al. 1999)
2011, 2012). ๭ 16 ൞ࠪ࿢ൔՈੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖ֥ჰ৘๭ (‫ݒ‬Ӕဝ 2013), ֒ࠃೖ‫ۆ‬ഈ༯ᄎ
‫׮‬ൈࣼ߶ࡼ໊Ⴟࠃೖ‫ุےބ‬ᆭࡗ֥Ոੀэ၁Ֆᇏྏཟඹᇛࠪ࿢, Ոੀэ၁ੀ‫׮‬ٚཟԼ
ᆰႿՈӆٚཟ, ቅୄ৯֥նཬ๙‫ڿݖ‬эཌಁ‫׈‬ੀࣉྛ‫ט‬॥. ႮႿ‫ݖ‬ն֥ࡗ༣߶ཤ೐Ԭ
‫ݖ‬Ոੀэ၁‫۽‬ቔ౵ࡗ֥Ոӆնཬ, ၹՎ၂Ϯࠪ࿢ൔՈੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖ֥ྛӱ‫ݸ( ཬࢠ׻‬
૜ਈࠩ). ԢՎᆭຓ, Ոੀэ၁ᄝಣԮ֝ (Heine et al. 2006)aലၻԮѬ (Donado et al.
2002)aࣚૡࡆ‫( ۽‬Kprdonski & Golini 2002) ‫ބ‬ള໾၄࿐ (Liu et al. 2001) ֩ਵთ္‫׻‬Ⴕ
Ոੀэ֐ྟุᇶေᄝ౹‫ڛ‬భࢨ‫؍‬๙‫ݖ‬Ոӆ‫ڿ‬эఃଆਈটൌགྷᇆି॥ᇅ, ᄝॖ‫ཾט‬
ൔ་ᆒఖ (Deng et al. 2006, Ginder et al. 2001, Liao et al. 2011)aచӚᇠө (Ginder et al.
2000)aᄮല॥ᇅ༢๤ (Farshad & Le Roux 2004)a‫ۯ‬ᆒఖ (Blom & Kari 2008, York et al.
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
๭ 15
(a) Lord ‫܄‬ඳളӁ֥చӚቖၕࡨᆒ༢๤ࠣ (b) ‫ل‬ൔࡨᆑఖჰ৘๭ (Carlson et al. 1995)
๭ 16
ࠪ࿢ൔՈੀэ၁ࡨᆑఖჰ৘๭ (‫ݒ‬Ӕဝ 2013)
2007)aԮ‫ۋ‬ఖ (Bica 2011, Kchi et al. 2009, Stepanov et al. 2013, Tian et al. 2011, Wang
et al. 2009) ֩ਵთ֥ႋႨ‫׻‬ႵཌྷܱБ֡. ๭ 17 ൞ࠎႿՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ᇶ‫׮‬ൔሱ‫ཾט‬
་ᆒఖ. Ոੀэ֐ྟุቔູ‫ھ‬་ᆒఖ֥֐ߞֆჭ, ๙‫ݖ‬ຓࡆՈӆ‫ڿ‬эՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥
‫ې‬؇ࣉ‫ڿط‬эᆜ۱་ᆒఖ֥‫ܥ‬Ⴕ௔ੱ. Վຓ, ᄝ‫׮‬ᇉਈॶ‫࣡ބ‬ᇉਈॶᆭࡗνልਔ၂ᆺ
ၻಁ‫ࠏ׈‬, ‫߶ࠏ׈ھ‬۴ऌࡨᆒི‫܂ิݔ‬၂‫֥ק‬ᇶ‫׮‬৯ղ֞ࡨཬቅୄ֥ଢ֥. ᄝਃ௜෻
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
๭ 17
ࠎႿՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ᇶ‫׮‬ൔሱ‫ཾט‬་ᆒఖ: (a) ჰ৘๭; (b) ൌ໾๭ (Xu et al. 2010)
๭ 18
০ႨՈੀэࢋࣉྛူ໾൬ࠢ‫ބ‬൤٢֥ჰ৘๭ (Liu et al. 2006)
֥ࡨᆒൌဒࢲ‫ݔ‬іૼ, ᆃᇕᇶ‫׮‬ൔሱ‫ཾט‬་ᆒఖ֥ࡨᆒི‫ݔ‬бԮ๤֥Ф‫׮‬ൔሱ‫ཾט‬་
ᆒఖႵਔཁᇷิۚ (Xu et al. 2010).
ෙಖՈੀэࢋ֥ऎุႋႨൌ২ཌྷؓࢠഒ, ֌൞ᆃোҋਘ‫׿‬ห֥Ոᇁྟିၘࣜႄ
ఏਔದૌ֥ܱᇿ, ؓఃႋႨభࣟࣉྛᅚຬ֥ሸඍྟ໓ᅣ္ၘ௔௔ԛགྷ, ཌྷྐᆃᇕҋਘ
ᄝದ‫ࠔ۽‬ಽaሱൡႋܻ࿐aሱჟࢲ‫ބܒ‬ള໾၄࿐‫۽‬ӱ (Їওቆᆮ‫۽‬ӱ࿐aူ໾Ԯ‫ބ־‬
൤٢aઽ‫߄קܥ‬aδᆡᇍਏ‫ބ‬ೈᇅ‫׮‬ఖ֩) ֩ਵთ֥ႋႨࡼ߶Ӯູໃট֥࿹࣮ಣׄ
(Fuhrer et al. 2009, Li et al. 2013, Nguyen et al. 2012). ๭ 18 ࢳ൤ਔ০ႨՈੀэࢋ
ࣉྛူ໾൬ࠢ‫ބ‬൤٢֥ࠏ৘ (Liu et al. 2006). ቋष൓ીႵՈӆൈ, Ոੀэࢋଽ֥҆Ո
ྟ॒৬൞ෛࠏ‫ٳ‬೛֥, ‫ط‬ಷ၁ᇏ֥ူ໾္ԩႿঔ೛ሑ෿. ֒Ոӆ๬ಖീࡆᄝՈੀэࢋ
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
ഈൈ, Ոྟ॒৬ࣼ߶ᄝՈཌྷ޺ቔႨ৯֥౺‫׮‬༯޺ཌྷौ࣍ቋᇔྙӮ৽ሑ౼ཟࢲ‫ܒ‬, ֝ᇁ
Ոੀэࢋଽ֥҆‫؟‬।ࢲ‫ܒ‬࿡෎ຽ෪, ‫ူط‬໾ࣼ߶Фཋᇅᄝຽ෪ު֥Ոੀэࢋ֥ຩ઎ࢲ
‫ܒ‬ᇏ, Ֆ‫ط‬ղ֞ਔူ໾ऊ֥ࠢଢ֥. ֒ՈӆᄜՑӜಀൈ, Ոྟ॒৬࿡෎߫‫֞گ‬ෛࠏ‫ٳ‬
҃ሑ෿, ႮႿ॒৬֥౼ཟ‫ݖ‬ӱ‫ط‬ຽ෪֥‫؟‬।ࢲ‫္ܒ‬ᇯࡶ߫‫گ‬, ീࡆՈӆൈФჿඏ֥ူ
໾Ⴛ߶ᇗྍঔ೛. ᆃဢၛՈੀэࢋູᄛุ, ๙‫ݖ‬Ոӆ֥षܱ॥ᇅൌགྷਔူ໾֥൬ࠢ‫ބ‬
5 ࢲં‫ބ‬ᅚຬ
ܱᇿ, ଢభၘषᅚਔնਈ֥ཌྷܱࠏ৘‫ބ‬ႋႨ֥࿹࣮‫۽‬ቔ. ᆌؓ҂๝֥ൌ࠽ႋႨ‫ؿ‬ᅚఏ
ট҂๝ᇕো֥Ոੀэҋਘ္ರၭӮඃ, ཁൕԛఃऍն֥ႋႨమ৯. ಖ‫ط‬, Ԯ๤Ոੀэ
ҋਘ֥‫ܥ‬Ⴕಌཊ (ೂՈੀэ၁֥Ӧࢆ໙ีaՈੀэ֐ྟุ֥ັࢲ‫טܒ‬॥໙ีaՈੀэ
ࢋቔູࢲ‫ܒ‬ֆჭ֥ӵᄛ໙ี֩) ӮູཋᇅఃնܿଆႋႨ֥௞࣠. ູՎ, ՖҋਘᇅС֥
࢘؇, ၂ٚ૫ႋ‫ھ‬ᆌ‫ܥ‬ႵಌཊؓԮ๤Ոੀэҋਘࣉྛ‫ࣉڿ‬, ਸ਼၂ٚ૫ေ‫ؿ‬ᅚྍ֥ડቀ
ൌ࠽‫۽‬ӱႋႨླ౰֥Ոૹᇆିҋਘุ༢, ࠇᆀᄝЌᆣՈӆॖ‫ט‬॥ྟି֥ࠎԤഈᇅС‫؟‬
‫྘ކگିۿ‬ᇆିҋਘ (ೂՈૹॆԊࠌٝ޹ҋਘaՈૹ֝‫ކگ׈‬ҋਘaՈૹ໑॥ཌྷэҋ
ਘ֩). Ֆࠏ৘࿹࣮࢘؇, Ոૹᇆିೈҋਘടࠣਔ৯ – Ո – ಣ – ‫؟׈‬ӆᯒ‫ູྛކ‬, མေ
ࣚಒ૭ඍఃؓຓࢸࠗৣ֥ཙႋྛູ‫ޓ‬঒଴. ᇶေіགྷᄝೂ༯ٚ૫: ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷ‫ٳ‬љᄝՈӆ
ቔႨభު֥ሙಒ‫҃ٳ‬౦ঃ‫ބ‬۱ุ֥ྙሑԄժҵၳ֥૭ඍ; Ոੀэ֐ྟุ‫ބ‬ো‫ܥ‬෿Ոੀ
эࢋᇏۚ‫ٳ‬ሰࠎุЧദ֥Ч‫ܒ‬ଆ྘֥ࡹ৫; Ոྟ‫ٳ‬೛ཌྷ‫ุࠎބ‬ᆭࡗཌྷ޺ቔႨଆ྘; ັ
ܴ‫؟ܴޡބ‬Ԅ؇ଆ྘֥๤၂֩. ॉ੮֞ᆇൌ౦ঃ֥‫گ‬ᄖྟ, ଢభ၂Ϯᆌؓหљ໙ีࣉ
ྛ၂‫߄ࡥ֥ק‬, ޭ੻Ցေၹ෍ࡹ৫ି‫ܔ‬նᇁّႋఃଖٚ૫ࠏ৘֥ࡥ߄ଆ྘, ࠇᆀ০Ⴈ
ඔᆴ࠹ෘ֥ٚ‫م‬ট࿹࣮ᆃোҋਘ֥Ոᇁັࢲ‫ܒ‬ဆ߄‫ݖ‬ӱ. ࣐ॖିॉ੮۷‫؟‬႕ཙၹ෍,
ି‫ܔ‬๝ൈ૭ඍ‫؟‬ᇕࠗৣཙႋྛູ֥‫گ‬ᄖଆ྘֥ࡹ৫ࡼ൞ໃট၂۱ᇗေ࿹࣮ٚཟ. ཌྷྐ
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(ᄳ಩щ຾: นഒ఼)
ֻ 45 ज : 201508
Magneto-sensitive smart soft material and
magnetorheological mechanism
XU Yangguang1,†
GONG Xinglong2,††
LIU Taixiang3
WAN Qiang1
XUAN Shouhu2
Institute of Systems Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP),
Mianyang 621999, China
Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei 230027, China
Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP),
Mianyang 621900, China
Abstract Magneto-sensitive smart soft materials are a class of multi-functional composite materials prepared by dispersing micrometer or nanometer sized magnetic particles into
different carrier matrix. As external magnetic field may control the rheological properties
in a continuous, rapid and reversible manner, these materials have wide applications in construction, vibration control, automotive industry, etc. In this paper, we first introduce the
history and classification of magneto-sensitive smart soft materials, and analyze the characteristics and existing scientific issues for different kinds of such materials. Then we discuss
the state-of-the-art for experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetorheological mechanism. Finally, we propose some future trends in this smart material development aiming
at practical applications.
Keywords magneto-sensitive smart soft material, magnetorheological mechanism, magnetic dipole theory, mechanic-magnetic coupling
Received: 2 March 2015; accepted: 10 June 2015; online: 24 June 2015
E-mail: 412xuyg@caep.cn
†† E-mail:
Cite as: Xu Y G, Gong X L, Wan Q, Liu T X, Xuan S H. Magneto-sensitive smart soft material and
magnetorheological mechanism. Advances in Mechanics, 2015, 45: 201508
c 2015 Advances in Mechanics.
ྸဝܻ, ‫੃ྖ܁‬, ຣ఼, ਾ෾བ, ࿆൯޷ : ՈૹᇆିೈҋਘࠣՈੀэࠏ৘
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