89 2 (TUT ROTARY DIGESTER IN WOOL SACCI-1ARIEICATION, j . September 1 44 -' : No. 8145 6 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOREST SERVIC E a,s,FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsi n ;,k } THE ROTARY DIGESTER iN WOODSACCHARIFICATICN l'By . R . H . PLOW, Technologist _ JEROME F ., SAED,AN, Chemis t H . DALE TURNER, Chemical Enginee r an d E .-C . SHERRARD, Chemis t Forest Products Laboratorys3 Forest Servic e U . S . Department of Agricultur e This investigation into the use :of the rotary digester in woo d 'saccharification was begun at the Forest Products Laboratory in the fall o f 1 9213 at the request of the Office of Production Research and Development o f the War Production Board . Its purpose was to serve as a collateral program to the study of the Scholler process (3) that was being conducted b y members of the ' Laboratory staff with the Cliffs-Dow Chemical Company . À ar atu s A schematic cdia .ram of the equipment used in this investigation i s shown in figure 1 and two views in actual operation in figures 2 and 3 . In figure 1, the digester (A) is a 30-inch diameter sphere constructed o f copper silicon alloy sheet of suffi,ient weight to allow a working pressur e of 300 pounds per square inch . It is supported by two hollow- trunnions , mounted in babbit bearings and rotated at a speed of 12 revolul,ions .pe r minute . This was later reduced to 21- revolutions per minute in order t o decrease the attrition of the residue . 'Th5 digester opening is closed by a steel plate (B), fared with heavy copper, fastened' down by 10 swing bolts . There are two openings through the plate, one for a 1-inch wort draw-of f line (C), closed off by a plug valve (D), and ending in a half union (E l ) , the other for 4 thermometer well (not shcrwia) which extends down into th e filtq heat (F) . After two unsuccessful designs, -the firer head finally tOok a fork, shown in figure 4, Vast fits into the neck of the digester waif .ma y a.a d on studies of the. U . S . Forest Products Laboratory at l a ieon ; Wis . , in cooperation with the Office of Production Research and Development Of . the War Production Board , -Presented before the Wood-sugar Symposium of the American Chemical Society , New York City, September 11-15, 1944 . -Maintained at Madison, Wis ., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin . RIk56 •1 - about 1/8-inch clearance on all sides . The perforated filtering surfac e projects into the digester body so that any residue adhering to the hea d after drawing wort will be swept clear by the charge during subsequen t rotation . Steam, controlled by valve (G), is introduced through one hollo w trunnion . Internal pressures and temperature are manually regulated according to the pressure shown on gage (H) . Acid solution is injected through the sane trunnion by a steam actuated, automatic injector (I), after bein g mixed. tc proper concentration in metering tank (J) . To discharge wort, the digester is stopped in an . inverted positio n and the half union(E l ) connected with the other half (E 2 ) at the end of a length of flexible metal tubing . The wort then passes'through the sigh t glass (K) to the . flash tank (L) . The vapor flashed from, (L) goes throug h flash condenser (M) and • is collected at its base . The wort drops from . th e bottom of the flash tank to a tared earthenware crock (N) which rests on stale (0) . After weighing and sampling, this wort is poured into woode n collecting tank (P) . The -sample of tile . composite liquors from each run i s taken from this collecting tank after suitable agitation (Q) . After the completion of the run,, the pressure in the digester i s released through condenser (RQ . The cover and -filter head are removed, th e digester inverted, and the drip-free residue dumped on the concrete floo r for sampling and weighing . Abed used for Hydrolysis ' Two types of chips were used in this work ; one a 3/ k inch pulp chip , the other'a chip approximately 1/4 inch in the fiber airection . The onl y wood used was a Douglas-fir lumber and no bark was present . .After chipping ; during which mixing ' of the chips occurred, the chips were sacked . Befor e each series of runs, the chips .were spread out on the floor to a depth of 4 inches . After standing overnight to come to an equilibrium moisture content , the chips were mixed and piled together, a sample taken =from the fou r quarters of the pile, e.nrd the wood again sacked . In this way a well-mixe d composite material was obtained . The sample was analyzed for potentia l sugar (6) and for moisture content . The potential sugar content'of all th e wood used was between 66 .55 4 .id 68 .5 percent . Samples from individual logs , hO;rrever, shod much 1a,r per v ia. ious• (6) . Salauof the Wort samples were obtained by thoroughly mixing the product of an entire cycle or the composite of all cycles . No samples were take n directly from the wort draw-off line . 81456 -2- Sampling of the Residue After a11 ' free wort had been removed, the-residue was 'mixed in th e digester by tumbling, dumped on the floor, further mixed, and shoveled int o a pile . A 3-pound sample was taken for analysis . On reaching the Laboratory, this sample was again thoroughly mixed in a porcelain dish . t o insure against any concentration of liquid'in the bottom of the sample . -Methods of Analysis . The potential sugar cofit 'ent of the original wood and wood residue was determined by a method described elsewhere (6) ; the reducing sugar ;'by ' the Shaffer and Somogyi method, using reagent No . 50 a.nd a 30-minute , • heating period (7) ; The fermentable sugar , was .determined by measuring-the , sugar sorbed by yeast . :in high concentration from a to tion of •th wood. . sugar .-containing :1 .5 milligrams of reducing sugar• peu• •milliliter (7) . Alcohol yields were estimated by multiplying the yield of fermentable _quga r by 0,47, a value which represents .the weight of alcohol obtalihe'si per •unit . weight" of fermentable sugar . :This value was established experimentally by . comparing the yield of alcohol obtained from 8-liter fermentations with the fermentable-sugar content found by yeast sorption'() . ' The reddc-ing sugar content of the wet hydr61yted-wood reelidues :was determined. by mixing a 100-gram sample pf the residue 'and about ,4bQ sgilliliters of'water in a "Waring Blendor" for 10 minutes . The macerate d residue was washed on a Buchner funnel until nearly 2 liters had bee n collected . This was made upto volume in a 2-liter, volumetric flask . The well-ground residue remaining was air dried, weighed, and its moisture con tent determined .- It'was'then analyzed for its potential sugar content . This use of the Waring Blendor saves much time over the older method o f washing the intact hydrolyzed chips' . A ground sample is obtained at the same time for subsequent analyses . ... ' The Investigati4n .of 'Wood+#>ydrolysi s intom` RptarvDigester od hydrolysis is a complicated:. study because : 1. Wood is not homogeneous in either its' vh-ysical or it s Structure, 2. The physical and cAemical character of residual o& changes as . hydrolysis progresses . 3. The retention-rof sugar :elution b..wood. is =high ; ,eno-half to ' two-thirds of the sugar produced in each cycle remains with the wood ire- •the ' digester . 81456 -3- 1 .1 4. Interdependent variables, governing wood hydrolysis, that mus t be studied both individually and as interrelated functions are : (a) time , (b) temp erature, (c) acid concentration, (d) liquid-solid ratio, (e) particle size of charge . The rotary digester program has included three main lines o f investigation : 1. Multistage hydrolysis in which an effort was made to obtain a maximum yield of alcohol . In such operations, yields exceeding 55 gallon s per ton were obtained . 2. Single-stage hydrolysis in which an attempt was made to complet e the hydrolysis in a minimum of time . Yields of 30 gallons per ton wer e obtained . 3. Limited multistage hydrolysis giving yields between those obtained in (1) and (2) in the shortest time consistent with economica l oferat ion . . MULTISTAGE HYDROLYSI S With the exception of the work begun in 1922 by H . Scholler, an d the development of his commercially successful process, the multistag e hydrolysis of wood with dilute acids has not been very thoroughly studied . G . Meunier conducted a study at about the same time as Scholler but wa s unable to commercialize his process successfully . In 1927, when studying the effects of successive hydrolyses on the components of`wood, Sherrar d and Davidson attained a sugar yield of about 32 percent, calculated a s glucose, on a dry-wood basis . In 1943, Harris and Beg-linger made a series of multistage cooks i n the spherical rotary digester of the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison , Wisconsin, in which were used the conditions recommended by H . Scholler . In spite of deficiencies in apparatus, alcohol yields of 47 .5 gallons pe r ton of dry softwood chips were obtained . The present program was authorized : 1. To investigate the advantages and disadvantages, both chemica l and mechanical, of the rotary digester as compared with the stationar y percolator . 2. To investigate the effects of agitation on sugar yields . 3. As a more flexible piece of equipment, to make basic studies o f wood hydrolysis under conditions suggested by work in the stationary equipment . 81456 4 . To act as a basic unit for studies of subequent,-steps , in th e le process of producing ethyl alcohol from wood, such as neutraliAetion-, filtration, and fermentation of wood hydrolysis worts- .4 ;~ _~ • The first program for studying multistage hydrolysis involved complete cooks, using constant conditions throughout, a nd .varingk only one fac tor in each cook . Such variations were over ranges considered by past experience to be effective . The results of this, series were not definitiv e and will not be included this paper . This phase of the problem, however , merits further study because of the advantages offered by the simpiifiq-ati :o n . of hydrolysis under constant conditions . The program that was .finally , used_ involved a cyc1p-by-cycle study of the conversion of the cellulose to sugar . - Cycle-by-cycle Stud y In devising a schedule for the multistage hydrolysis of -wood it wa s considered that, as - the cook progressed, it would be necessary to chang e one or more t of the .f actors affecting the severity of hydrolysis-of the succeeding cycles . This was to compensate for the changing chemical natur e of the hydrolyzed-wood residue . ti- Since wood contains hemicellulose, a relatively easily hydrolyzabl e carbohydrate fraction, the conditions used for the hydrolysis of the firs t cycle should . be less severe than those required far succeed'ing . cycles Thi s ' was found to be true by Scholler• .•and other workers . In order, , tco .determine what . conditions were sufficiently severe, an d yet efficient, for the hydrolysis of the first cycle, samples-of finel y divided wood together with dilute acid were sealed in glass bombs an d "hydrolyzed by heating with direct-,steam in a,rotating autoclave accordin g to the methods described in another report (8) . This work, as well as some done earlier (3), showed -thatif the hydrolytic conditions- were no t sufficient ly severe , much of the hemicellulose was rendered o1u'ble bdt wa s not hydrolyzed tcq jonosaceharides . This source of potential sugar was r therefore lost to . tide , process . Liquors obtained In sudh• inadequatel y hydrolyze first• cy l e , s can be rehydrolyzed by . the addition of more acrd an d further heating . • In commercia l ' operation this would be an,undeS :i-Table 'top . In order to reduce the acid, lime, and time consumption to a minimum , hoy vex, it is• desirable to us e - no more than the amo .pt o, acid . arequired fo r efficient hydrolysis . The small-scale study showed that an acid concentration of 0 .25 percent and a temperature of 170° C . maintained for 10 minutes is adequate , fo the satisfactory hydrolysis of the hemicellulose . At a temperatur e g 10° C . lower than thip, there is a marked decrease in the,ratio o-f reducin g -Much of this work was done with the assistance of the engineering staff o f The Vulcan Copper and Supply Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, the designer s of the commercial unit under construction . 81456 -5- sugar produced to potential sugar removed from the wood, due to the presenc e of incompletely hydrolyzed hemicellulose in the wort . The hydrolysis of wood was then studied in the rotary digester unde r controlled conditions . The measurement of some of the factors involve d require interpretation . Time of digest is defined as the interval between the time at whic h the prescribed hydrolysis temperature was reached and the time at which th e valve was opened to draw off wort . The hydrolysis of cellulose proceede d during the wort withdrawal period . Acid concentration is the concentration in the digester during the digest period . The dilution from condensed steam was calculated and checke d experimentally . This is in contrast to p rocedures commonly used in whic h the acid concentration cited is that of the hydrolysis liquid introduced , thus ignoring the dilution effect of the condensed steam . The amount o f ! hydrolysis solution remaining sorbed by the wood after wort withdrawal wa s arrived at from the wet residue of the cycle-by-cycle studies and allowe d for when computing the amounts of water and acid to be added for the subsequent cycle . Liquid-solid ratio was calculated on the same basis as the acid concentration, In multistage operation it is desirable to take off as much a s possible of the sugar produced in each cycle . The higher the water-woo d ratio, the greater will be the amount but as this ratio increases, the aci d requirement increases, and the wort concentration decreases . On the basi s of earlier experience, it was decided to use a constant liquid-solid rati o of 3 to 1 . This represents a satisfactory compromise between stea m consumption, acid requirements, sugar yield, and wort concentration . A series of hydrolyses of 50-pound portions of wood were undertake n in the rotary digester using 0 .25 percent sulfuric acid and various temperatures and times . The water-wood ratio was held at 3 to 1 in the digester . The total sugar produced in the hydrolysis was determined by an analysis o f the drawn wort and of the wort sorbed in the wet residue . The potential sugar content of the washed and dried residue was also determined . B y subtracting the potential sugar in the residue from that in the origina l wood, a measure of the gross-sugar production was obtained . The ratio o f the net to the gross sugar production was a measure of the efficiency of th e hydrolysis . On the basis of such studies it was decided that a temperatur e of 170° C . with 0 .25 percent eulfuric acid for 10 minutes was satisfactor y for the first-cycle hydrolysis . ! Some of the residue from this first-cycle cook was washed, dried , and ground, and then subjected to a series of experiments using smal l . ..Subsequent work has indicated that a temperature of 160° C . wit h ' the sam e acid concentration and time would be even more satisfactory i n multistage hydrolysis . R1456 -6- samples, as described previously, tol . define the conditi©ns -required for the second cycle . The residue froth the two-e-ale cook was used to deterthdhe = the optimum conditions of hydrolysis for the third cycle and so on . . ,operatio n The operation of the rotary digester during the hydrolysis proceede d as follows : r ,. Before charging, the digester was heated to the'•tempefature used fo r the first cycle, the steam . condensate removed, and the sampled, weighe d charge of chips introduced . The digester and charge were again brought t o temperature and the predeterm n .ed amount of sulfuric acid. soluttifi inje6'ted . The -cook wat-timed, the rotation of the digester halted shortiy ' befbre fns digest time elapsed, and the wort discharge line Cdr .nected thr-oiigii i~Y e flexible tubing to the :.flash tank . At the end of edigest ; period ; stead was shift off, tide discharge .,valve was opened . and theedischarged wort was- ' collected in a tared crock . It was -weighed, sampled,e and then dumped •i't o a wooden collecting tank . The flash was cellecterd!'froni'the 'flash condenser , weighed, and sampled . As soon as the sight glass showed the passa6t .'of''' -' clear vapor, indicating the end of the wort discharge, the discharge valv e was_ smut off,- the flexible tubing disconnected, rotation .start-g- ;-and the proper amount of acid solution injected to meet the r'egi1irements rfor the next„cycle .• The digester was then brought . to the proper temperature-tor : ' this next cycle -and the' program repeated . At the end of the run, after wort removal ;- the %digester was blown down to atmospheric pressure through • the blow-down c9ndRnser, the, digester cover . and filter head - removed, anti the drip-free cone 8d mped ;.onto .the concrete floor-'where a repre .sente;tive sample vias, taken- aAd ;thn : residue.- weighed . % '- • _ ~: Yip- 4s f rom = uterrupted Mult gtage Htydroltiyse s 'i1 i f The• .conditionsrused for the -hydrolysis of wood in the Various-cycle s were? as fo;1llws : l0 _ninuteb for` the f -rst `cycle , 6_-min rtes for the second, aril 4 mt iu ;ti for : subde .quent cycles. - :r` Tempere,tur.4 -, 17D° C . . for'the first cycle ; 1800 C . for the second ' and • 1850 :•:C - ;f ,r ubse4uent cyel'es . . Acid concentration : 0 . ;25 percent sulfuric acid for : the first cycle and 0 .60 'per rit for all subsOuent"cycles . Liquid-solid ratio : 3 to 1 throughout . - iesults are shown in table 1 and figure 5 . R1456 . ._w: t e The experimental errors involved in the determination of th e difference in the potential sugar content of the original wood and of th e residue made it difficult to determine accurately the change in efficienc y with different methods-0f operation . After this cycle'-by-cycle study was completed and further information was obtained on the theory of wood hydrolysis, it became apparent that wood cellulose doss not become more easily hydlrolyzecl as the length o f exposure to hydrolytic conditions increases . This was shown in th e following way : 'The-washed and dried .residues from each of the cooks listed in table 1 were hydrolyzed with 0 .8 percent sulfuric acid at 180 0 -C ., according t o the technique described in another paper (8) and the rate of hydrolysis O f the residual cellulose in each sample was determined . A sample of the original wood was included for comparison . The results of this ' experiment , are given in table 2 and fire 6 . It is seen that there is no significan t change in the rate of hydrolysis of the cellulose in the various residue s ; even though'tho total residue obtained from the 11-cycle cook contained ' only 12 .5 percent of the carbohydrate initially present in the wood, Thi s indicates that after the hydrolysis of the hemicellu5 .ose is complete, constant conditions of hydrylysis can be used for the succeeding cycles . Thi s means that the conversion of the cellulose proceeds at a constant rat e based on the amount present at any time : If it is desired to complete a, hydrolysis in less time when a small , amoun t of cellulose remains, more severe conditions may be used . To show that - the cycle-by-cycle method of investigation was reproducible, a curve •was' made (f4g . 7)_ o,f the cumulative sugar productio n of-a coitt)lete cook and of interrupted cooks in which identical condition s were used . This figure also shows the cumulative amounts of (a) reducing sugar recovered, (b) reducing sugar sorbed in residue, (c) reducing sugar destroyed,-and (d) potential reducing sugar in residual cellulose , This curve also shows the most impprtant limitation on the yield o f sugar obtainable. from multistage hydrolysis -- : a large percentage of the sugar present in one cycle is retp .ined by the wood to be recgoked in th e succeeding cycle . This sugar, therefore, is subject to much longer exp osure to destructive , conditions than if more complete repiov,al .was possiblo , CompletedMultistage Hydrolyse s the first complete coo}, No . 72, . employed conditions selected from the cycle-by-cycle study that were the same as those used for the cook s in Vale 1 except that run No . 72 was carried to completion . The time consumed in this cook and the yields are shown in table 3 .. The cumulative reducing-sugar production on a time basis is shown i n figure 8 . R1456 -8.. . In an endeavor to decrease the total time consumed, cook 74 was mad e in which the temperature was raised to 190 0 C . in the fifth cycle and maintained at that point throughout the succeeding cycles . All other conditions remained the same as in No . 72 . The time of operation was reduced but th e yield remained about the same as in No . 72 as can be seen in table 3 an d figure 8 . In another attempt to shorten the time consumed and improve yields , cook 75 wae made in which the acid concentration in the digester wa s increased at the fifth cycle to 0 .90 percent and maintained at that leve l throughout the remainder of the cook . The temperatures used in No . 72 wer e resumed, however . Yields were substantially improved thereby as is seen i n table 3 and figure 8 . This improvement in yield puts the choice on the basis of economics ; whether a 10 percent increase in alcohol production plus a 16 .5 percen t reduction in time consumed per cook outweigh a 30 percent increase in tota l acid needed plus the increase in the amount of lime necessary fo r neutralization . This decision can be made only by reviewing local condition s at a proposed plant site . The amount of sugar destroyed in a solution is in direct ratio to the amount present in the solution at any given period of time (8) . In the multistage hydrolysis of wood, a maximum concentration is reached in the first cycle when the hemicelluloses are converted to sugar . It seemed , therefore, that the introduction of a wash cycle between the first an d second hydrolysis cycles would decrease the amount of, .sugar retained in th e residue and so reduce the amount decom_oose d . To accomplish this, 75 pound s of water were injected after the first wort draw-off, the digester wa s rotated for 6 minutes without any application of heat, and the wash wate r was drawn off . The amount of liquor withdrawn was weighed, sampled, an d dumped into the collecting tank with the other wort . This was done in two cooks, No . 73 and 79, which duplicated in all other respects cooks 72 an d 75, respectively . As is seen in table 4, the yields were substantiall y improved . The comparative course of the cooks is shown graphically in figure 9 . The reduction in sugar concentration in the wort is an importan t factor if this method for improving the yields is to be considered for commercial operation . All the work so far described was done with Douglas-fir chip s measuring about 3/4 inch in the fiber direction . To study the effect o f particle size, two more cooks were made, one (No . 80) with sawdust an d another (No . 83) with chips measuring 1/4 inch in the fiber direction . These cooks were made under the same conditions as cook 75 . The yield s were as shown in table 5 . R1456 _9- Little difference in yield occurred, but an inspection of the comparative-production curves in figure 10 exhibits a somewhat more rapi d release of the wood-sugar wort when 1/4-inch chips were used . This may b e of importance when selecting the cycle beyond which the financial return i s marginal . The advantages which sawdust might show in more rapid diffusio n were apparently counteracted by the higher retentive capacity of sawdust i n comparison with that of the denser chips . Discussion and Conclusion s The yields of alcohol attainable from the multistage hydrolysis o f Douglas-fir chips in a rotary digester are similar to those obtained in th e stationary, vertic-al p ercolator . Sugar concentration in the wort, however , is lower and thus requires greater fermentation and distillation capacit y and also higher steam consumption for the rectification of the alchol . The superiority of the percolator arises from the fact that it - is an extractio n ,column as well as a digester . Fresh dilute acid pumped in the top washe s the sugar toward the bottom and creates a marked vertical concentratio n gradient . The removal of wort at each cycle, therefore, removes a greate r quantity of augar than would be the case if this concentration gradien t did not exist . Stationary equipment is cheaper both in original cost and upkeep . There is no danger of plugging of the mass in the rotary digeste r as sometimes happens in the percolator (3), but the discharge is les s convenient than the blow-out system of the percolator . The data acquired in these studies emphasize that the yields o f sugar from multistage hydrolysis with dilute acid in rotary or stationar y equipment are limited by the retention of the sugar solution by th e hydrolyzed wood . Attempts were made to reduce this limitation in severa l ways : by the choice of a proper particle size of the wood, by a close stud y of the hydrolysis efficiency at different points of the hydrolysis, and b y the inclusion of one or more extraction cycles . These, however, have brought about little improvement . It is difficult to foresee any positive cure fo r this inherent characteristic . The conclusion arrived at by Neumann CO, and repeated by othe r workers, that 173° to 175 0 C . is the maximum temperature for the efficient conVersion of cellulose to sugars is at variance with the findings of th e present i nvestigation . These findings indicate that temperatures up t o 190° 0 . . (the limit set by the available steam supply) give equally efficien t conversion if the hydrolysis time is sufficiently shortened . It is impossible to select one optimum set of conditions for th e economic conversion of wood to sugar by multistage hydrolysis . In order t o use the equipment at maximum efficiency the time should be reduced to a practical minimum, The time required for a complete hydrolysis is almos t R1456 -10- . exclusively dependent on temperature and acid concentration . These tw o factors are partially compensating in effect and their manipulation is a matter of relative costs and plant design . 'Another factor in multistage hydrolysis which can be establishe d only by economic considerations is the extent to which the hydrolysis can ` be carried . The sugar yields from the last cycles are low and a thoroug h review of current alcohol prices, equipment, and operating costs is necessary to determine the exact point at which production costs exceed return . II . SINGLE-STAGE HYDROLYSI S . During the period extending from 1910 to about 1922, two wood sugar p lants were in operation in this country using the single-stag e hydrolysis with dilute acid described by nth (2), Demuth (1), Tomlinso n (9), and Krtssman (4) . In plant-scale operation, 22 gallons of alcohol6 were produced per ton of dry wood containing a maximum of 10 percent bark . ' The chief advantage of this process was its simplicity ; large variations in operational technique had little effect on the sugar production . .The chief disadvantage of the process was the low yield ; hence only the largest sawmills could supply enough wood waste to maintain a plant in economical operation . The process as outlined by Kressman (4) consisted in heating 10 0 parts of wood, 125 parts of water, and 1,8 to 2 .5 parts of sulfuric acid ' with direct steam in a rotary digester, she time for a complete cook was divided as follows : 5 minute s 15 to 20 minute s 15 to 20 minute s 5 to 8 minute s 5 to 7 minute s Charge Heating Hydrolysis period Blowdown Discharge The drip-free residue so obtained was washed free of sugars in a battery , diffusio n In the light of present knowledge of wood hydrolysis, this proces s was open to number of improvements : 1 . The time required for a hydrolysis can be reduced by decreasin g the time consumed in coming to temperature . This can be done by injecting the dilute acid at the reaction temperature into the charged digester, thus avoiding the expense of using the digester as a' water heater . .Certain plant losses, primarily in distillation, caused this recovery t o be low . R1456 -11- 2. The time of digestion can be reduced by increasing the aci d concentration, the temperature, or both . 3. The yield can be increased . From data presented in another pape r from this Laboratory (8) it is apparent that the two factors that increas e the speed of hydrolysis also increase the efficiency of conversion o f cellulose to sugar . 4. Wood sugar; of higher fermentability can be obtained by a proper choice of conditions . In an effort to complete the digestions in a minimum of time , experiments were first made with the injection of hot dilute acid from a n auxiliary autoclave . The experimental difficulties encountered in thi s type of operation with the available equipment were such that it was considered better to inject cold dilute acid and have better control over th e variables involved, The injection of hot dilute acid, while important fo r efficient plant operation, can be neglected in experimental work, since onl y 12 minutes are required to raise the pressure from 70 pound s , per square inch , below which point attack on the cellulose is relatively slow, to 165 pound s per square inch, the highest pressure used . include reagent tion in for the The substances in wood-sugar worts that appear as unfermentable suga r (1) xylose, (2) sugar decomposition p roducts that affect the suga r but are unfermentable, and (3) oligosaccharides of unknown composimultistage hydrolyses when conditions are not sufficiently sever e hydrolysis of the hemicellulose . The changes that occur in the fermentability of wood hydrolyzate s from one-stage cooks as a function of time are shown in figure 11 . The dat a for this graph were obtained by the hydrolysis of wood in glass bombs b y techniques described elsewhere (8) . The fermentability is initially low , for hemicellulose yields about one part of unfermentable sugar to two part s of fermentable sugar . As the unfermentable sugar is destroyed and replace d by fermentable sugar from the resistant portion of the cellulose, th e fermentability rises . If there were only two factors involved, the ferment ability should approach 100 percent as hydrolysis continues, but due to th e accumulation of decomposition products that affect the sugar reagent, the fermentability passes through a maximum and then declines . In multistag e hydrolyzates obtained by percolation or from the rotary digester, th e fermentability may be 60 percent initially . The sugar produced in the late r cycles of the multistage cooks, however, rises to a fermentability of ove r 95 percent . A smaller amount of decomposition products is formed, and a smaller amount accumulates in such a cook than in the single-stage operations . In this paper will be described the investigation . of the single stage hydrolysis of Douglas-fir by several methods : 1 . The American process, used at the Fullerton plant during Worl d War I under she conditions given at the beginning of this section . R1456 -12- 2. A modified American process, in which higher temperatures an d .acid concentrattolks are . used . . . 3. Co▪ nstant temperature wort removal method, in which hydrolysis temperature is maintained during and for a short time after the wort draw - . off period ; American Process. The results of the hydrolysis of Douglas-fir • hydrolyzed according . to the method used commercially in this country 25 years ago are given i n In cooks 121, 123, 124, and 125, 3/4- and 1/4-inch chip s table 6, series A . were hydrolyzed for 15 and 25 minutes, using the lowest recommended acid. wood ratio and a water-wood ratio only slightly higher than that require d to obtain a drip-free residue . In order to obtain a representative sample'. of the wet residue, it is essential that a minimum of wort be present . Eve n in those runs that would be considered drip free by industrial standards , any free wort was removed from the residue by the injection of compressed ' air after the digester had been blown down to atmospheric pressure . This . ' also. insured the removal of any free wort that might have been trapped i n the' filter head . The yields, 22 .4 gallons per ton and lower, were les s • thin those reported by Kressman (4) . With higher acid-wood ratios, the . When the water-yield increased to 25 .2 gallons per ton`(runs 138 and 139) " wood ratio was decreased below that used in'runs - 138 ' and"139, and the acid concentration was increased, a further slight improvement in yield occurre d • (runs 149 and 150) ._ These results are considered a sat sfagtAry confirmation of the earlier work . . • .r Modified American p roces s In this method of. :hydrolysis, higher temperatures and higher acid concentrations were used than those'employed in the old American process . The pressure was raised as rapidly as possible and, after completion o f the digestion period, was quickly blown down . e ▪ Jr?. the first experiments, series B,,an attempt was made to hold th e water-wood ratio at 1 .5 to 1 and the a. cid :.concentra,tion at 2 percent ., The results,are given in table 6 . Maximum yields . of alcohol were obtained with', digestion pericidsranging from ;4 to 8 minutes . The yields, above .27 g4l1a per ton, were higher than those obtained in series A and by earlier worker s (4) for the•American process with Douglas-fir wood . • • In series C are shown the results of hydrolysis using a 2 to 1 liquid-solid ratio and 1 .percent sulfuric .acid . The yields were siTilar t o those obtained .in series B . The .acid requirement was lower, but twice as . much time was needed to '-reduce the same yields . R1456 -13 - In series D, conditions similar to those used for series C wer e employed, except that the temperature was increased 5° C . The yield wa s increased by 1 gallon per ton . The time required was expected to decrease , but the data obtained did not show a time decrease . In series E and F, the hydrolysis of wood with a 2 to 1 liquid-soli d ratio and 2 percent acid is shown . Maximum yields of 28 gallons per to n were obtained in approximately 5 minutes . Series G shows that when the acid-wood ratio was kept at 4 to 100 , as in series E and F, and the water-wood ratio was increased to 3 to 1, the yield of alcohol was essentially the same as that found in series E and F , but the time required was doubled . In series H, when a 3 to 1 liquid-solid ratio was used with 2 per cent acid, the yield rose to 29 gallons per ton with a scarcely significan t decrease in time . The acid requirement in this series was 6 percent on th e basis of the wood . It would have been interesting to have continued the study of single stage hydrolysis, using higher temperatures and correspondingly shorte r times, but further work along these lines was limited by the equipment an d the steam pressure available . Constant Temperature Wort Removal Metho d By the introduction of a small modification, the yield of sugar i n single-stage hydrolysis has been significantly increased . After a digestio n period, the free wort is removed from the charge through the digeste r filter head . The charge with the adherent wort is maintained at digestio n temp erature for an additional period, and then discharged . This results i n a higher total production of reducing sugar than if all the sugar produce d in the cook is kept at digester temperature throughout the entire heating period . Sugar production has been raised in this way to more than 3 1 gallons per ton in 10 minutes . The data for this series of runs are give n in series I, table 6 . In runs 106 to. 108, inclusive, and 114 to 117, inclusive, the woo d was hydrolyzed for 5, 10, and 15 minutes ; and the free wort was withdraw n during an additional 5 minutes . The total time of digestion and wort withdrawal is given in table 10 . In run 114, the water-wood ratio was to o low to take advantage of this ty pe of operation . A maximum yield of 31 . 2 gallons per ton was obtained in a-total time of 10 minutes at reactio n temperature . In runs 180, 181, and 182 the same acid-wood ratio was used as that used in the runs previously described, but 50 percent more water was used . This was expected to give better results because a higher proportion of th e Rl456 -14- sugar was removed in the hot wort withdrawal . Ire run '180, the digestio n was o xried on .for 1 minute, and the wort withdrawal -occiupied 5 minutes I n rur 18 1 . a 4-minute digestionPeriod.was used, wort withdrawal required 2 minutes, and the residue was held at'the digestion temperature for .2 minute s after wort withdrawal . Run 182 'was similar to 181 . except that the initia l digestion period ;was 8 minutes . The maximum yield found in this series wa s 31 .6 gallons per_ - ..to n., and the required time was 12 minutes, . The resit a.l potential sugar indicated that more severe hydrolysis might have resulted i n higher yields . - Indications were obtained in the work on hot wort withdrawal, tha t lar gger chips•_(3/4-inch pulp chipq) give, lower yields than those obtained , from 1/4-inch chips . This fact has not yet been established, with certainty . . Discussion and Conclusion s By il4creasing the acid concentration and the temperature, the yiel d of fermentable, .sugar from one-stage cooks-was sign1ficantly increased . Alcohol yields above 30 gallons per ton . were. obtainable from one-'' ' stage hydrolyses if the wort was removed at the digester temperature .atd i f the residue was subjected to a small additional holding period . While the rotary digester -was used for this!•workr there is ever y reason to believe that stationary equipment would be as satisfactory . The schedule used in this work on single-stage hydrolysis was such that the . digestion period occupied a small percentage of the total time required t o charge, heat, . and discharg e . available industrial . equipment : This. indicates :the need of :new equipment designed for continuous operation ., . .a . LIMITED MULTISTAO HYDROLYSI S Thus• fax in this paper two general methods` of operation for woo d hydrolysis have been described : (1) a multistage hydrelysis, .giving high yields but requiring an involved operating schedule and a long time, an d (2) a single=stage hydrolysis requiring• a short time :and simpler -equipment , and . giving. much lower yields . • ' A thira genera,l method of operation was studied, which ,offers a Com promise between the techniques previously described .. Constant .temperature•. ' and cycles of equal length are employed . Only one-fourth to •one-half . as • . many cycles are required as are commonly used in multistage operation . , Yields above 40 gallons of 95 percent alcohol per ton are easily obtained . R1456 'r-15- In all the runs listed in table 7 a 3 to 1 liquid-solid ratio wit h 0,25 percent acid was used for the first cycle . In the succeeding cycle s the water added, plus the steam condensate, was equal to the original weight of the wood . The acid concentration in this heated water was 1 .5 percent . The acid concentration of this solution was lowered in the digester by th e residual liquor from the preceding cycle . A total of three or four injec tions were used . After the last injection and wort draw-off the cookin g temperature was maintained for a time equal to the length of the cycle . This resulted in the production of more sugar which, together with tha t remaining from the last cycle, had to be leached from the residue . A series of 3-cycle hydrolyses were made : Nos . 183, 1g4, and 185 at 185° C ., and Nos . lg6 and 188 at 190° C . The yield varied from 37 .7 to 40. 4 gallons per ton, always increasing with the severity of the cook as measure d by the potential reducing sugar in the residue . In runs 187 and 189, four 31-minute cycles were used at 190° and 185° , respectively . Yields of 41 .5 and 44 .0 gallons per ton were obtained. It i s considered that such hydrolyses, while not obtaining a maximum yield, make it efficient use of the relatively expensive apparatus required for high pressure wood saccharification . Because this process is essentially a highl y abbreviated multistage cook, it is believed that important advantages i n yield and wort concentration might be gained by carrying out this operation in a Scholler percolator . General Conclusion s The yield of alcohol obtainable in single-stage hydrolysis wa s significantly increased by control of time, temperature, and acid concen trations . Contrary to the older view, temperatures in excess of 173° C . wer e proven advantageous . The use of the rotary digester in multistage wood saccharificatio n has little apparent advantage and certain serious disadvantages over th e vertical stationary percolator . The choice between multistage hydrolysis, either to completion or a limited degree, and single-stage hydrolysis is governed by economi c conditions . R1456 716- to IitteraOre Cite d ,' . 1 Demuth von, R ., Zeitachr . f Angew Chemi .s Aui'satzteil , "(1913) . 2 ." Foth 37 :1221-1222, 1297-1298,41913)'. 3 ; Harris, E . . orest Products LaboratPPY mimeo graph :No . R1446 , 1-58 (1944) . " Kressman, F . W ., U . • "b . . Dept . Agr . Bull . 983:1-100 0120,- Nauman, J . ; Diss . ' Desden (.1910) , 6 .. Saeman, J . F ., Ann, Ed; in press) .(1944) . " 7. .''Saeman, J F Harfis' E 7 .! .Ed .'(Ip.'press) (1944) : 8. Saeman, 9. Ind,.--Eng .. . Chem ; Anal . .. Hayrig, F ., .. . Kline, A . A Ind . Eng . Chem . Ailal. .% Ind . and Eng . Chem . (In Pres s)• ( lk-4) . . Tomlinson, C . It ., Ihd . and Eng . Chem . 10 :859 (1918) . R1456 , Table 1 .--Reducing sugarfrom interrupted multistage hydrolyse s Total : Net-reducing sugar : Gross reducing sugar : Effic- : Pounds dry residu e cycles : Dry-wood substance : Dry-wood substance : ' iency : Pounds dryer in cook : wood substanc e -:Percent : Percent _Percent Percent . 1 1 1 2 3 4 17,8 22 .3 27 .1 31 .2 : 5 • 34 .3 6 36 .7 7 11 t 15,4 27 .2 34 .1 38 .1 . : ': : : 44 .0 48 .4 51 .9 62 .4 40 .7 47 .0 86 ' 82 80 82 78 76 78 76 C : : : . 76 . 6 68 . 4 62 . 6 58 . 7 . 52 . 2 50 . 0 47 . 9 40 .8 : „* 1 Table-2 .--Resiauea of cooks of table 1 hydrolyzed with 0 . 8 percent sulfuric aci d Sample : Potential : First order . . : . Half-life of the : reducing : reaction constant : resistant portio n sugar k(minutes -1 ) : of the cellulos e Percent : 4 Minute s Original wood : First-cycle residue . . . . : Second-cycle residue . . . : 68 .0 63 .4 57 .9 . 0 .0260 .0262 .0265 26 . 6 25 . 4 26 . 2 Third-cycle residue . . . . : Seventh-cycle residue . . : Eleventh-cycle residue . : 53 .6 37,6 . : 22 .2 .0278 .0266 .0282 24, 9 26 . 0 24 . 6 - R1456 : Table 3 .--Yield of alcohol from complete cook s Cook :Total : Total :Wort per : Reducing : Reducing sugar :Ferment- :95 percen t No . :number :; time :100 pound, : sugar in : Dry-wood substance ability : alcoho l :per to n : of : dry-wood : wort : dry-woo d :cycles : : substance : . substanc e :Minutes : Pounds :Grams per : :300 milli- : liter s :Percent : Gallon s Percent 72 : 17 : 197 : 1,180 : 3 .79 43 .1 : 81 .5 : 52 . 8 74 : 14 : 150 : 1,040= : 4 .09 42 .8 : 80 .7 . 51 . 7 75 : 15 : 151 : 1,090 : 4 .21 45 .8 : 83 .0 : 57 . 0 Table 4 .--Effect of wash cycle on yield s Cook : : Reducing sugar : 95 percent Reducing sugar No . : Dry-wood substance : in composite : alcoho l : per to n ---------------- • 72 73 75 79 Percent : : : : ----------- - Gallon s ' Grams per 100 milliliter s 43 .1 46 .4 45 .8 48 .0 3 .8 3 .5 4 .2 3 .4 52 . 8 56 . 5 57 . 0 60 .0 : t Table 5 .--Effect of particle size on yield s Cook : Chip size Reducing sugar : Ferment- : 95 percen t No . : 1 Dry-wood substance : ability : alcoho l . per to n 75 80 83 R145 6 : 3/4 inch : Sawdust : 1/4 inch : : : Percent : Percen t : Gallon s 45,8 45 .9 47 .7 83 .0 83 .0 80 .5 57 . 0 57 . 0 57 . 6 : : : .1 II ▪ Table 6.-9ydroly.leof Onu2la0-firbythe A0rtoen prooeee . themo41fle4Marlow. prooeee . end the~ 'oo0'Sta20-2e26erature-0ort-re0ov6l metho d 11012 0 fat ary ;220201061 202662191 ! ►erment-s eedu .ing : 2210Vy . 220,21,612 02-01tl0---J tdWor t 20012,., leugrr 1021 2281101ry3 ability t 0ufI~ 1oI Fermentable : 95 pero3at , Water- Ip .u 100 wca•66 y24 .-20o2 1 D22-6*06r 2••122el auger Sn t IPe4uo200sugar Ohip i 91mr T02mppew-IAG1a ro saws ' sugar t 00601 per i i •6uye 10990022 :2,•y-road A1422202. 4P0nnda rebatann l aubuanue l heat wy-road eubatmod( dry-wood 1 IErot102 1 fddyy^2006 1 ary-00od eubotnnoe i: ton f 2201222 1 Ory-2006 ' ' t I euDetenc e 1 .2222222 t •1194122.00 , I Percent t Percent 1 0 le len s 1 I2.1 tminutr•t • C . :Pero•9L 1 I Poond. 162060 Want 1 Pa~enE tPnc°ell[ 1 Prrnmt 1 roan[ t 1 1 1 ] OQ : F t t t t a .y ! . Soria• AmerIgan Prooeee . 125•a . 2 .12 14 .1 i i2 P I .. 1 76.3 18 .1 13. 8 20. 8 ARL 3m 1 1 0.8+1 1 229 666.. 18 1 1 .88 : 2 .21 17. 13 . 4 20. 1 .61 I1 1 '22 I 22 24 72 .1 r ::95i 1 1 83 • 1 746.5. 0 I 19. 53 21. 2 6 / I .60 2 .12 1 11 .98 1 1 I .89 I 2Aa if, . 21 I 2 .1 8. 8 19.0 14 5 . 0 22. 39 ; l5 20.2 1 . 1 .12 I 1.2 29 .5 11. 1 2 6725.117•3 .0 t 7 1 ! 1 .S7 ! 817•.6h ( I 15 . 8 1 1 1 .u 2 .2 138 20. 6 z2435:. 20 ~9 55 1 31 . 66.P s 44 .5 I 79 .0 I 20.2 16 . o 13 : 1 .35 20.2 3m a 1 3 1 1 .37 1. 5 .4 t 15 .80 I 329 70. 6 r 6 .77666666 1 7. 1 63. 5 t 17 .2 25. 7 462 m00121 .1 Amenea9 Preemie .185• C . . 22.2929EA216 . 1 .5 Co1 2192i6-•ol14 6011 0 t 14.224i1 ef 6 I IA : 1 12 , t 11 6 i i 1/4 I i i~ 3 I 3 s:_ 1 165 16 6;5 1 .02 ,1 1 .9 I I2 1 0 .32 I 1 .66 11 .116 . 6 1 s 1 .96 s 1 .6J 2 .06 1 11 .85 8 t Le 1 2 .133 1 .90 g1q73250A 15 s : 1 .90 , 1 :d6 0 .0 t : 1h .5 1114 .10 :: 10 .6 1 15.201 0 .0 I 13 .7._ 11 .2a 11 1t 116.17 33 x •7 .65 : 70 9 . 27 .5 21 . .00 22 12 16 .8 8 101 .0 .1 s, 1 1 t1 78.3 tt 7777 .0 .62 03 . 80.2 , else , 07 .1 . 85.0 21 .9 22 .1 23.6 22 8 616 ..00 II e9 .88 .99 .7 59 . 3 1 9 .16 3y oy .6 2p ~ . 6 11 :z 1 1 1 . 0} I 7, 01 01 .4 .4 ,I 83 .6 1 P2 ea: 22 . 90 21 . 9 t 1~a :44 t d . 1 1. .. 21dg 1 .fi 0 t .0 II 1 .16 4 •02 I .8 1 1 .t5 I Q 23~ PI} : be P0 . 03 .11 11 yy 16 :8 i II I1 I1 t ,1 1I 21 .0 21 22 ..20 R2 11 .9 1R 111 51/4 .1 8 42 i 6 .00 . ~a :► 19 .0 i . e1,2.4 7 1 .666 1 ' t 6.04 5.99 ; 0!3 .R .o jq 1! p9::!4 R •3 89 .7 ;3:1 3.7 6. i. ~. .P8 6.11 p 1 : : 216 . 6 26.6 :1 60.6 T.40 1 .tl 1 7! 56.3 .0 16 08, 19 .2 213 1 6 I 216 ; t i BI . y1 : 59 . 8 196 1g5 21ga]} 116 10 10 .00 .39 ! 11 10 .34 10 ..84 ,I 10 .0 t ire & .75 1 64 : 2 .2 2.02272012rc .. .o, 2 115•2, .1 Per2692 6446 .2t91 Li . .6 m.eo141 200 is 00t 0 ---11081tled I ~f 7 ( 1 :06 i :>(a ff 1 :7a7 l 62. 1 tit ~ .06 1/4 11 .p~ 1114 11 133. .041 010= P -- 1120121ad hU#1024 T012224s 1 y5 17, . 11 l .d.0l 1/~ ii 1 1/6 1 h 190 1 .60 1/4 1 i 1 .0 t 3 9 1i 1 1 1 .0 1/6 : 16 s 190 i 1 1§7 52 1 116 2 1 .141 i,2I 1 20 1 I 25 I1 , P7 .3 113 29 .3 I II a9: ;2i 100• 0 . . 1 P8 2095210. .9 4i 1 112012-00114 24 IO s: 21 .09 I •12 1 Ptj 0e 1 . . 1~ . I Q1 1 11 .. 91 1t P1 5QL7 . L 1112 :477 :y fig 1 . 111RRR 22 . 3 111 20 Q15 1I 1: 11 ..16 J8 11y 75 1 Qo2 t1 '516 .6 1 17.:5J 1 112 lay i 8 .03 , 2 .06 11 .~g .16 2 .20 I 1 39 . 0 1 1S. a 1 193 1 6 51 Psis! ► l001f1 .d ,4wmr1nan Pro222a . LW0 . .2 Per2e2t 6oi4, 2 fo 1LItodi .uo116 911 4 f £ 1 r -- 1/6 1 21 1 I 6.1 2 .01 1.5 14 .44 s 041 1 1 2.0 12 2.0 1? ea I 240 2.1 el s 288 ! lit 20 . 0 1 , 1112 t I 1 lA F1 i6 :go° R1 I 114 1 r 18 , 1 . 116: D gao 2s 2 1/6 r r 2. 445. 2 1` .61 ;~ 4466 6 t 1 .e 21 21 .0 . 1 206 11 1 11 . 212 , 1/Il r 3/4 1/6 l06 20 1 1ley i 2 .11 77 165 rf 10 ..11 1 , 14 :16 ,h 117 .21 .93 I 111222 0 .0 9r s dl o.-1124121 .4wrr1ean 7re!e .a,.1292C . . 1.5"9 rs2010 .3 1 to12421114-121342.029 $221 I --o2rtant-1e0veraturr-92r7t.Fo2sl .t10gq 1 9 1 114 1 30 1 1e I t [1 0 I 10 1 to I 1 1 .1 I 2. .1 102 1 1 1 SA f 4 66 . 2• 34 1LM 1 1 .44 h 2.72 I 1 1 1 1 l0 ,6 i 141 i 1 aIS a 12 L . 5 .aP1/4 1 11 1 .0 7 6 1 1 4324} .0 1 3 .o 7 .1 1 1*5 .a 1 1.15 I 4Y 1 :61 e ~ 18. 7 I C 2 2 , 2.02 I e. a i. 1zn /► ,16 II t 111 ,1 11,3 s. .1 1 i: 77dr . 1 .02 . 1t P s 22 IIg2 12 . I 1/4 ,I I1 .. s 2.1 .2 i. 99 1/4 t : 13 i .E 1s 80 :.a 11 RP7 a 1 in st J/3 3. . 0io 19 1 i 1011 H 1pdlf102 2122e21ea6}roouuly35 2 6 . . f 22200021A214. 3 111 1 11061?-12210 11110 ~pg~~• t 1/4 7, 1y ]I 2 .10 2.79 I1 64 . 1 Tr 282 $1 Lta 1t 1 Sey 0 .g8 1 2.4P t 3 ri 220 1 -AI 1/0 2.66 1 925`.9 ii 2777 263 s 5 r 125 i 2 .19 1 i I .1 y 7 4.6 66 61 .7 .7 56.5 61 .0 t. t I, .0 i 1 h It e .8 g 10. 1R . eg . 22 .4 , 60. d 17 : 11 1 I I , 1 . 1 I .90 i 1. 7r .5 !1 . 21 .6 17,1 .1 1 1 I s .:1/4 a ~ .0 99,0 t I 3g g 37 :9 18.3 1 1 18:1 19 .1 18 .0 tr 21 .6 13 2 .. 22 222 . 7 51 21 :. 90 22 .. 44 22 21 . 70 20 14 ..+3 t .0 l18.8 .e 7 .0 I 63 . 0 I ern : 6. e12:. 92 d ! 7- I . 1 1 1 19.1 21 . 5 16 .0 10.2 80.0 i1 80.1 1 8i 8. 2 ,r 22.1 I 06 .5 17 17.0.1 yr18 1~@.3gg 18. 1 18.1 17. 9. 20.8 22 .0 62 .1 a 23.5 i :1 ee .1 I~ 1 .6 N . i,: iI . i tI t I, II I 2 795 27 7. 27. 4 28. 27. 46 22 . 0 13. 8 t t i 2)).3 25. 2P . 5 27. 5 t 2 .6 27r.0 27 2LLGGE7 .1 19 .0 18 12 .. 1 .4 26 2 .45 16.7 11. 6666 1 .7 i :y i iI 1 211 . 0 2 eb.:. g et 27. 18 .6 i i e1.9 29. 7 2: 1 1 .1 20. 2 01 .1 .6.02!,04 by weighing the flash, wort, 100 wet residue from aeb 0006. fubtraotlnl the night of the wood fives the amount of water 002002 . Dater-wood ratio was 2 determination of the peroent roduelag sugar by weight requires that a oo2reotlo2 be made for the .2 .oiflo gravity of the wort . 20100. . .• 1622021000 . .7011.610 ea 02.9 nyolas awe• 1ntr0dueed aftor .art .sa 220241 . $ K 5b773 F vi * o m . gic$ 2 Arl o *To o WI b A F- 0\ . A CA . At . IT % Ad Al A i 1. * e • a0% C7. TO A- is $ t. LC% LI\ OA I* .O %C. 110 O. *I Os 10 s O *I*. al F. 60 .CI SI 0 e 64 O. N h 0 04 i A' D. ;. a V .14ra .d t M g,'s . 8 .?4'c■ AA V bo Q . I j 1 8. t4 LIN .4 •-4 .O i 1 • H O~ 01 M- o *1 g' 'g To ' • E 0 11 0 .,011 CT . O .1] A • • A 0\ A to .. Li\ ,A %Li SP. ; CD A A. A 5 A A A ;I 10 2 .O IL" A • iq 11 .9 • •O vi 11 .O I'• A A A A '&1 ,AA Tni o FD A ' . AA .' 0 g §. zI . pr.; _ ki 1 U.% r\ 0. AT w 3 * V I Its 0% 0% Ar » I g I - . : zx 07701 a r Figure 2 .--View of 30-inch rotary digester in position fo drawing off wort . .+ z x57702 ? Figure 3 .--Rotary digester showing wort drawToff vi thermometer, motor and drive, and injector system . Figure 4 .--View of cup-shaped filter head with screen . 90 y AL 0 • 80 A 70 ■ 60 ■ ■ ■ O 20 ■ LEGEND : 0 - NET REDUCING SUGAR .+ DR Y WOOD SUBSTANCE •- GROSS REDUCING SUGAR + DRY WOOD SUBSTANCE A-/VE T REDUC/N G SUGAR ~ GROSS REDUCING SUGAR D-DRY RESIDUE _ DRY WOOD SUBSTANCE /0 0 9 3 5 7 NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE CYCLE S 0 r Figure 5 .--Yields of sugar and residue found by interrupte d multi-stage hydrolyses . Z M 56782 F // Ma, i ;Si N a NiK hL = E.E.anhNII h ss. , .T~L v r EMI iw ., , av a f Figur e , 6 .--Hydrolysis of residues . Z H 5 6783 i I y .'I r ~ri-A ' I-- ' . '}--o m ;• I . 1k! a 70 PERCENT TOTAL POTENT/AL 47. 3 1 OTENTIA L RED VC/N& SUGA R Lo$j LEFT IN RES/DUE kv Loa ill RE/JUG/NO SUGARS /N DOUGLAS-F/R GN/P S = 60 Ir v S0 ~~ h J `\ \ \ 40 1 S 30 \ Irv ♦• :~ it /~ FA j W OON NUMBER 72Y/ELD CURVE Fr - REDUCING SUGAR RECOVERED -Ad p 20 _ v .A ,~- h -COMPOSITE YIELD CURVE FROM CYCLE STUDY .4 /0 0 I 0 / 1 I 3 4 I 1 I 5 b i 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 7 8 9 /0 // /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 ! I I I CYCLE NUMBERS Figure 7 .--Progress of interrupted multistage hydrolyses . 2 M 5b784 P r ■ * '41 N. N. m ‘I.J 4.1 m ZZ Z A p0 0 1i I ! h N • • N 4) • A N b a) ,, o, 00/ A' cz, O 29A/171S gM OOOM A4/O/cb'9nc 9N/7/10J2/ N Of t V 1. ' 4 ° = Z 1.1 0'1 4 h ~ -n 44 Q:) . -Zi ctl j kJ n g 1:1) h . Il ZZZ Z vvv v 00 0 • 11-1 E ri a) R ° b Q. l L I \ 1' \ \M e ■ e 0 cox 22,adrsens ago~w AYQ/Y s ns :9M7!/ n 4 l. ~uh v 4. ~. ZQZ frill -14 ." I I ~ 41 01 t%. co co u s kw cti . • " Q Q q W u, 1 i - . a ' 1 o oo/ x J.2,Ndlsgnc , L a 0 Y OOOM .(WO/1Jd9nc . 9N/7naJ. • Vy, •- ' I ~ _--. 90 1 85 80 144 75 70 . • ~. s Gq~ TGGGR4 G ~ 0 30 60 90 /20 /50 T/ME (M/NUTE5) . /B 0 2/0 Figure 11 .--Hydrolysis of Douglas-fir at 1. 85° C . in 5 perceo-t 4sulluric sftd . Liquid-solid ratio ras 10. to 1 . - 240 270