Supplamontto LOAN COPY |l l! Please return ,o, !'lood Engineering Research Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin 53705 BUCK1INGOTTIAT pl-ywooDpl-ATts tN COMPRTSSTON, SHTAA,OR COITBINTD AND SHTAR CO,|IPRTSSTON Buchling Tosts of flat Dlyu.roodPlates in Compression With faco Grain 45" to load -- l-oaded fdges Clampod, Others Simply Supported lrfe-m.tlon ,$arclrftl{ic No. t3l6-J Rcvlcure#leaff lrmed |NF0RMATl0f,{ REVIEVVID ANDREAFFIHIVIED 1962 BUCKLING OF FLAT PLYWOOD PLATES IN COMPRESSION, SHEAR, OR COMBINED COMPRESSION AND SHEAR1 Buckling 'l4rith Tests of FIat Plywood Plates in Cornpression Face Grain Clarnped, 45' to Load -- Loaded Edges Others Sirnply Supported By Forest Products Laboratoty,L Forest U. S. Departrnent of Agriculture Surnrnary Service and Gonclusions This investigation was undertaken for the purpose of developing a curve for the deterrnination of the critical buckling loads of. flat plywood plates with the grain direction at an angle of. 45" to the edges and with the plates subjected to edgewise cornpression with their loaded edges clamped and the rernaining edges sirnply supported. Frorn a plot of the buckling vp.lues of 50 such test plates, a curve waa developed sirnilar to the curve in figure 103 of Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1316-G applying to sirnilar plates tested with all edgee sirnply supported. Upon cornparison, it is found that the curve developed in the present report has values for the abscissas 1.5 tirnes those of the previous curve. I {he work here reported was done in cooperation with the u. s. Air Force under order No. (33-038)45-3018. original report published in L949. Z -Maintained at Madison, Wis. , in cooperation with the university of 'Wisconsin. R e p o r t N o . 1 3 1 5- J -I- Agriculture -Madigon Introduction long plywood panels in closely designed plywood structures, Frequently, with the face grain at an angle of. 45" to the edges are subjected to an edgewise cornpressive stress applied in the direction of the width of the panel. The edges of the panel are rigidly fastened to the framework. Such a panel, because of its size, has a low critical buckling load that can be increased rnanyfold by the addition of a few stiffeners at regular intervals along its length. These srnaller panels, between stiffeners, then have clarnped loaded edges and are sirnply supported by the stiffeners. It was the purpose of this investigation to develop a rnethod for cornputing the critical buckling loads of these srnaller panels. It was desired to ernploy the critical buckling Products Laboratory Report No. 1316, p 'cr and to deterrnine the proper their loaded edges. -k c E forrnula (6) of Forest hz L ( r) z a value of k" for plywood plates clarnped at dirnenThe value of this coefficient is dependent upon the construction, sions, and elastic properties of the plywood, as well as upon the edge conditions and the direction of the face grain of the plate. In particular, it was desired to deterrnine a curve sirnilar to that shown in figure I03 (Forest Products Laboratory Report No. l316-G) for sirnply supported plates of plywood having the direction of its face grain at 45" to its edges, but which would apply to sirnilar plates having their loaded edges clamped instead of sirnply supported. Preparation of Specirnens The test plates consisted of three- and five-ply yellow birch and threeply yellow-poplar plywood rnade at the Forest Products Laboratory to AN-NN-P-Slla specifications and were designed so that the ratios of their estirnated critical buckling stresses to their proportional-limit R e p o r t N o . f 3 1 6- J -z- stresses had values of 0.2, 0.4, or 0.6. plywood panels. They were cut from Z- by 5-foot The mechanical and elastic properties of the plywood were deterrnined frorn coupons cut frorn parts of the large panels adjacent to the test plates and tested in accordance with tentative ASTM Method D805 -45T. The coupons and the test plates were conditioned 75' I'. and 64 percent relative humidity. Description to constant weight at of Test Apparatus The testing apparatus is shown in figures 150 and l5l. The plates were tested in a hydraulic testing rnachine of 100,000-pound capacity with their loaded edges clarnped and their other two edges sirnply supported. The clarnps consisted of pairs of steel bars 2 by 2 inches in cross section and 30 inches long. The bars were clarnped to the ptrate by rneans of six 3/8-inch bolts spaced along the centerline of each pair of bars. The upper clarnp was bolted to the head of the testing rnachine. The lower clarnp rested on a 1-inch-thick steel plate 12 inches wide and 30 inches long. This plate was centrally supported by a transverse I/2inch-diarneter hard-steel roller resting on the bed of the testing rnachine and was, therefore, free to tilt tongitudinally. The two clarnps were alined in the same vertical plane. This arrangement allowed good alinement of the specirnen and distribution of the load. The sides of the plate or the edges that were not loaded were sirnply supported. These supports were I- by L-llZ-inch hardwood rails I/8 inch shorter than the free length of the plate. Dovetail grooves 3/16 inch deep were cut along the centerline of one side of each of these two rails as shown in figure 150. The throat of each groove fitted the edge of the plate snugly to give it sirnple support. Two dial indicators reading to 0.001 inch were placed so that they indicated the deflection norrnal to the surface of the plate. The readings of the indicator at the center of the plate were plotted for the deterrnination of the critical buckling load when the plate was of such proportions that it buckled into a single half wave. The readings of the other dial indica. tor at a point approximately one -third the length of the plate gave a better indication of the critical buckling load when the width of the plate Report No. 1316-J -3- was reduced on the subsequent tests, and also when the plate becarne of such proportions that it buckled into a full wave. A sarnple plot of typical lateral-deflection buckling loads is shown in figure 147. Preparation readings and o f t h e i r c r i t i c a l of Specimen for Test The load-bearing edges of the plates were cut straight and parallel to each other. The plates were then inserted in the testing rnachine and pretested for uniforrnity of bearing at a low initial load of about 100 pounds. A feeler gage was used to deterrnine the exactness of fit between the bearing surfaces of the testing apparatus and the edges of the plate. When a If the fit was not satisfactory, the plate was retrirnrned. satisfactory fit was obtained, the plate was centered, rnarked, and This drilled for the clarnping bolts and slotted as shown in figure I50. was done so that the plate could be inserted and rernoved frorn the clarnps without cornpletely disrnantling thern each tirne. .The plate was then clarnped in place ready for test as shown in figure l5l. Test Procedure The plate was loaded at a constant rate of total strain, and readings of the lateral deflection of the plate were plotted at regular incrernents of Ioad until the critical load was indicated. The load incrernents chosen were about one-fifteenth of the estirnated critical load, and the rate of strain was adjusted so that readings were obtained about every 5 seconds. The plate was then rernoved frorn the testing rnachine, and the width rratl of the plate was symrnetrically reduced by incrernents such that the original width was reduced to one-half in four or five operations. After each reduction the plate was again inserted in the testing rnachine and its critical buckling load was deterrnined as before. The critical loads were deterrnined from the points of inflection of the load-lateral-deflection curves as shown by figure 147. This rnethod is degcribed in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. l5Z5-A. R e p o r t N o . t 3 1 6- J -4- Explanation of Tab1es and Figures Table 30 contains the dirnensione, elastic properties, and constants for the plywood test plates according to species and construction. Columns l through 4 contain plate designation and dirnensions. Colurnns 5 and 6 contain the effective modulus of elasticity of the plywood in bendingr as deterrnined frorn rnatched coupons, parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the direction of the grain of the face plies cornputed according to the formula E" IX PL3 o r E " Iu| = 4wh3y where P is the load, L is the span, w is the width, h is the thickness, and y iFtne d.efLectioiln the L = 48h *tGn parallel to face ".rtu",-"nd grain and 24h when perpendicular to face!rain.Colurnn ? contains the values of the-modulus of elasticity the of wood in direction parallel to the grain as cornputed and 9 contain values of figure 148. by the equation E1 for the particularfiywood = # ("r* + Efx). iFtaittJF?"orir Colurnns 8 the curves Table 3l contains the data on the effect of the plate width on the buckling loads, and the coordinates for figure 149. Colurnn I lists the widthe of the plates tested. Colurnn 2 contains the critical Loads obtained frorn ;corresponding the tests. Golurnn 3 contains the critical stresses. Colurnn 4 shows the values of k" that are obtained frorn P"" k"= EL h z 7 which is a variation of equation l. Gol.urnns 5 and 6 contain the valuee of the coordinates for the plot in figure 149. Colurnn 5 contains the values for the ratio k"/(k.)-, which was obtained by dividing each of the ratios in colurnn 4, table 31, by the appropriate value in colurnn 9, table 30. Golurnn 6 contains values obtained by dividing each of those in Report No. f 316-J -5- colurnn 5, table 31, by the product 4 and 8 of table 30. of the appropriate In figure 148 the values of the constants k" and Ef* tions of the ratio E" Ilfi' lal are plotted as func - i The curve for k.- +E. values in colurnns i" reproduced frorn I)< figure 35, Porest Products Laboratory Report No. 1316-8, and the br values for the c'u r v e ; are frorn the results of calculations made in connection with the sarnileport. Figure I49 cornpares the plot of the test values for the buckling of 45" face-grain plywood in cornpression, tested with the loaded edges clarnped and the others simply supported, to the curve f.or 45 " face -grain plywood tested in cornpression with all edges simply supported. This curve is obtained frorn that of figure 103, Forest Products Laboratory Report No. l316-G by multiplying the values of the abscissas by 1.5. Figure 147 shows the plots of the lateral-deflection cal platee and indicates the rnethod of deterrnining load. readings of two typithe critical buckling Figures 150 and t 5 l are photographs of the test set-up, showing the rnethod of fitting the test plate into the apparatus and the supported plate ready for test. Analysie The coefficient buckling of Results k" for each test plate u/as cornputed data obFained in the investigation Pcr = k" Et thus Report No. 1316-J frorn the critical by the use of forrnula hz 7 l, i.e. in which a is the width the observed wood parallel The ratios critical stress, of this observed 149. h the thickness of the plywood, the rnodulus of elasticity and E" pcr of the to the grain. rnined coefficient in figure of the. plate, k"- coefficient for an infinitely Thil.lues for (O"J k. to the rnathernatically ilng plate are plotted are obtained deter- as ordinates frorn the upper curve in figure 148. This curve was detGrined by the energy method and is presented in figure 35 of Forest Products Laboratory Report No. l316-8. b The abscissas in figure I49 are *, which is the ratio of the lengths of br the plates tested to the lengths o?Ttre half wave of sirnilar infinitely long plates. The values for bt were obtained frorn the lower curve in figure 148, in which a is the *IE-ttt of the test plate. It was desired to develop a curve for the Gaded edges clarnped sirnilar to that developed for the sirnply supported edges, as shown in the upper curve in figure 103, Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1316-G. Such a curve is drawn in figure 149 to fit the plotted points. Frorn a corrrparison of these curves it was found that the values of the abscissas for the clarnped condition are about I.5 tirnes those for the sirnply s.upported condition. The curve in figure 149 was drawn according to this assurnption. The plot of the test points confornrs approxirnately to the contour of the curve within the range of the data. Sorne scatter is to be expected due to the nonuniforrnity of the rnaterial and to inaccuracies in the experirnental deterrninations of the critical stresses. Notation The rnajor symbols used in this report are: = the length of the loaded sides of a plywood plate, loads. for compressive = the length of the unloaded sides of a plywood plate, loads, with all edges sirnply supported. for cornpressive = the length of the unloaded sides of a plywood plate, loads, with loaded edges clarnped. for compressive R e p o r t N o . f 3 1 6- J -7- br = the half -wave length of a buckled Iong plate. h = the thickness Ef* = effective rnod.ulus of elastic ity of.the plywood in bending rneasured perpendicular to the grain direction of the face plies. Ef* = effective rnodulus of elasticity of the plywood in bending meaeured parallel to the grain direction of the face plies. Er = rnodulus of elasticity rJ kc surface of the plywood. of wood in the direction c@ = coeffici.; p"" = n" rJrrt", = value of the coefficient load at *h; P"t = cornpressive stress P = load in static -bending tests. L = span in static-bending v = deflection w = width in static -bending tests. cr to the grain a buckling long plate. occurs. at which buckling occurs. tests. in static-bending R e p o r t N o . 1 3t 6 - J { k" for an infinitely = cornpressive P parallel zo/zt (Er* + Efx) "" k in the case of an infinitely tests. -8- .6 -t6 Table 30. --Description Plate No. ( 1) and pertinent :Thick-: Length b : negs: :h," (2) : (3) lx "f* (4): Et E- width a of the Platee tested proPerties a (5) (5): bl (7) (8) : (e) -:------Inch : Inches : Inches : 1 , 0 0 0 : I , 0 0 0 : 1 , 0 0 0 :p. s.i. :p. s. i. :p. s.i. Yellow Birch 3xJl 3xJ2 3xJZa : 0. I 7 5 : 1 6 : .178 : 28.O6 : . 178 : 12.94 : -- Three l0 22 10 . . . . t78 178 178 178 25,5 13,25 25.59 r2.96 Yellow 13xJl 13 x Jla 13xJZ 13 x JZa . 110 . 110 .108 . 108 R e p o r t N o . 1 3 1 6- J Birch 3r.62 14.4 3L.62 15.06 i2, 17?t I87.4:2,248 i2, 173: 187.42 2,248 i2, l73z 187.4:2,248 -- Three Yellow-Poplar 6xl 6xIa 6xZ 6 xZa 1/15-Inch Plies zz 1l zz 1t l , 7 9 0 tz0 1 , 7 9 0 rz0 1 , 7 9 O IZO l , 7 g o IZO -- Five 2Z t0 z2 II l/16-Inch l/48-Inch l, 5go l, 690 l,5go l, 6go 525 525 525 525 0.848 .848 .848 o.872 .872 .872 .BZL .82t .8Zl .821 .786 .786 .786 .786 . 968 .968 .968 .968 t.444 Plies l, gl9 1,819 1,819 1,819 Plies z, ro9 2, LOg z, Lo9 z,lo9 r.444 L.444 t.444 Table effcct 11.--&e of vartoug Ylaltbs oD tJre crltlca.l buckllng losdg of plFrootl pLatee. wliltb:crlttcal:crltlcal: : }" : b" ::Iltttth :crltlcar:crltlcal.: .=--.'i:! a lctl ! : e t r c A n r -kc aIoad : Etregs : ' pcr t : ;(k"b;b';; ; ,.,,p", :i k " i", % r --------:----------t----------:-------:---o---!--o---::--------:----------3li--:------:-------:-------:------ (r) i - -------: hcbeQ (2) : (r) ----------:----------3 : FoudrE : P.g.t. : (l+): -------3 : (t):(5):: ----__-! r : (r) ------: ! ----___- :r Ircbs !l rEJOil BrmE -- IERB 145-rnCE PLrtS : (2) : L6' 2L7 292. : : I.2TL 1.251 1.2dt L.LL, t.o\T r : : t , r.lo ir 1.7fr :l 2.O? :: 2.57 zz ,.to ,l 29Q 2D ,LO 22! 19: 16: Lr3 11 ,6 2 ls0O PlateI{o.5zJ?r rc: lr5OO lr6oo ?,OO 2t]o,o 8: 6z 5t : ! : : 8ra L'oT1 l.lfo .!6b .991 .8t* Lr765 2r4dr L.TOO tr6oo 2r@o 2r7Oo 8: 6: 5z : L.lal : r.106 r r.oa : .98 z l.'J c 1;91 z ,2.2) z.).06 :::. 1,o. : z:- tl-1/\ : zz' ,-L/2 | :z 3 , . 7L5 : l.Olro . z Lroyz. : r.or5 : I Lr79j 2 .9fr: z 2,870 : 1.042 , L,Lgr,' r.rdr : 2.)6 r.o?5 : J.lI I.Lgi 2 !..18 !i z: :: t: 22: 19: L6: Lt: 11 : L9: L5: L': U! Ir8 L57 ?2, tL, 42o ,7' 60 Do 0to . L.Ly r I.t?5 : r.rrr :i : 1.Olr5: ! .991 : 2 .9d+ : : .88e , l.ffl r.261 1.r?5 L.Le. ! : I,IOO 11200 , ,\t 2 7L9 z LrO6f 7 : r'foo )-L/z z 1,?oo : Lr6a6 : 1.IlrO : 1.lr5o : 1 . 4 ? : : : I.OIL : 1.285 : 1 . 8 O : : 2 .906 . L.Lfi : 2 ' 1 L z : . .8r1 : r.o8' : 2 . 9 4 : : Platelto.6r2 2,: 19! L5: Lr3 ,,, : ,8, 60! ! : TI' 8',o: u: 1t+ r7o 22' ,6 4eo z : | t : L.rE : L.O$ , .99L : .9J6 t .8& | I.4rl : L.rr, : 1.25I : L,2L6 : L.Le r r.42 :: L.65 tt L.)) zt 2.4O :: 2.84 :: 1.518 L.215 L.L)1 L.o)1 t.l+lr I.75 2.21 2.8? Plrtelfo.6z2a It 9 1 ,-t/2 ! z : 2 : 11150 lr20o rrltoo L,6JQ Re9t. tro. L1I6-J z r toatl t: ,8 7L9 L'o65 I,578 | I.L9, : t.O1l : .905 : .828 : : z t 11 9: 7: : z L.61 z: : l.9l :: )-L/2 : t 2.19 :z t 2,82 zt Pl,ateIIo.6rIa IL 9 : __- : ![o. IJ r JI 118 P9 L72 248 3O z : z : . 2.217 : r.&4 z L.725 : L.&2 : L.rL1 z r.5[9 : L.61 z 1.195 : t.LlT : L.6L : ].1r9 t.T2 2.d+ 2.* 2.T( 6E 66 8oo 8D : r : : ,0o ,00 t6 ,n \n : z : t z 5lr8 699 L,218 1,48o z z : : 2.L\7 L.&, 1.467 1.450 : : : : 1.48? L.L19 1.016 r.@lr 1.49 L.g. 2.?o i : : : I{o. Lj t J2 124 L41 184 z\e 166 . 2.\19 : 3 2.098 | : 1.911+ t : L.62 z : 1.800 : r.589 :, . L.21 : L.L5L : I.*7 : r.l+9 L.Tz 2.O\ 2.)2 2.gT L.75 L.218 L.t2) L.dT1 t.\2 L.T2 P.Q z.& Elatel{o.DrJ2a Platelfo.6rl ,ro : , z : z Ilate rEroI{-PoE3R -- EREE 1/r6-rrEE l!ES n: (5):(6) __---_-:--_ Elate I{o. L1 x, ila. PLatetro.5rJl lO:. : (t): : b" EII.Cr BInCE-- rIVE 1A&rilcE PLrES Plate 1.108 : I.10o : 1.O)O : .9Yl 2 ,9r1 t 4ao 6n P.s.l. r :. * ' : b , _-___--___ i--____-: Potuile ! Platelto. Sr-J2 E.60: L9.Eo: L6:qto: lt : I,0OO lO : 1r20O :r.Ci) !___-__-_-_! k" : : , z I :: :: tz :: ,n ,n 6y 8@ : z : z l*8 2\1 80.5 L,6r z : . : 2.N1 1.788 L.@, 1.5)o z z : t : z z z a a 5 a s a 3 { Qffi DEFLECTlON z lrl 81561. F ( INCH) Flgure 147.--Plot of lateral defleetions of typlcal test plates 6 x 2 -- 22 inches wide and 6 x pa -- Z inches wide, indicating critical buckllng Ioad at point of irrflection. alb 3 a I o s ot? o.n ott 'o.3 Ef, Eft+ Efr Figure constants k " o , a n d b ' / a e Ef* . Buckllng of the ratlo. of + Ef* Ef* z U 81560 t 148.--The bot't'r plotted lnfinitely of symmetr ical cons truc t lon, h a v l n g t h e d l r e c t i o n the face plies 45o to the d l r e c t l o n of the applied pressive stress. as long functions pl&tes of of the grain comunlform .H E LL b0 b0 oJ d .doo --I O€ jlcdd Oqr"l i6 oo cd c! .d .F{ q t oo ot 0) .i 50 .rAd p . d d qiCOo ocdP 'ddL OUJ'fa .ddr rf) N O dP.u) dE.\ d o! > Eodr trdQ. qE o o .r\po.d a l 'a o.doo d=! oro o50fr .(dCr !oo d a LoOO o+) b0b0 qr dd !oo) oo >po50 @a E €od) a ota, oo+ b0€ 0) sq a u?€ F'- I dd .ood o)o= <{ = >d F.l > -l 0) rO.p, r.od b00]J () E. N o ao A q) = N @(el) of Figure of in 150.--Test plate in position bearing, both top anrl oottom, plate for clamoing bolts. zr1 7903?F before clarnping. Note groove in side support, unifornity and slots Figure < r YT g o J r F 151.--P-tate claups, side-raiI clamped. in clearance, position ready and transverse for test. roller. Note