2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 17-17 18-18 19-19 Standard Variable Name Q1 Q2 Q3 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q1 Q2 Q3 How old are you? 11 years old or younger 1 12 years old 2 Unweighted Frequency 1 Weighted Percent 0.0 16 1.8 3 13 years old 323 25.3 4 14 years old 603 31.4 5 15 years old 553 30.5 6 16 years old or older 168 11.1 Missing 9 What is your sex? Male 1 Female 2 714 49.8 952 50.2 Missing 7 In what grade are you? Form 1 1 Form 2 2 10 0.4 415 34.5 3 Form 3 778 34.2 4 Form 4 450 30.9 6 FORM 6 2 0.1 Missing 18 20-23 Q4 Q4 How tall are you without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in meters.) 24-29 Q5 Q5 How much do you weigh without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in kilograms.) 30-30 Q6 Q9 During the past 30 days, how often did you go hungry because there was not enough food in your home? Never 1 567 33.9 2 Rarely 143 8.9 3 Sometimes 778 46.4 4 Most of the time 132 8.2 5 Always 44 2.5 Missing 9 1 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 31-31 Standard Variable Name Q7 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Q14 During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat fruit, such as pawpaw, bananas, oranges, guava, or mangoes? I did not eat fruit during the 1 past 30 days Less than one time per day 2 Q8 Q15 Q15 Q16 140 7.2 315 17.7 1 time per day 452 26.8 4 2 times per day 302 19.8 5 3 times per day 247 14.7 6 4 times per day 57 4.0 7 5 or more times per day 144 9.8 During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat vegetables, such as bele, rourou, cabbages, ota, or tubua (bhaji)? I did not eat vegetables 1 during the past 30 days Less than one time per day 2 1 time per day 3 16 51 3.2 169 9.7 494 30.4 4 2 times per day 371 21.3 5 3 times per day 224 13.7 6 4 times per day 71 4.6 7 5 or more times per day 287 17.2 Missing 39-39 Weighted Percent 3 Missing 32-32 Unweighted Frequency During the past 12 months, how many times were you physically attacked? 0 times 1 6 906 54.1 2 1 time 263 15.0 3 2 or 3 times 235 14.8 4 4 or 5 times 96 6.5 5 6 or 7 times 41 2.4 6 8 or 9 times 28 1.5 7 10 or 11 times 17 0.9 8 12 or more times 77 4.7 Missing 10 2 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 40-40 Standard Variable Name Q16 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q19 During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight? 0 times 1 1 time 2 Q17 Q21 Q20 Q27 910 51.5 330 20.4 2 or 3 times 216 14.7 4 4 or 5 times 83 5.3 5 6 or 7 times 36 2.1 6 8 or 9 times 22 1.5 7 10 or 11 times 13 0.8 8 12 or more times 57 3.6 During the past 12 months, how many times were you seriously injured? 0 times 1 1 time 2 6 821 48.8 392 24.0 3 2 or 3 times 266 15.7 4 4 or 5 times 87 5.1 5 6 or 7 times 33 2.0 6 8 or 9 times 18 1.0 7 10 or 11 times 10 0.7 8 12 or more times 40 2.8 Missing 44-44 Weighted Percent 3 Missing 41-41 Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, on how many days were you bullied? 0 days 1 6 896 57.0 2 1 or 2 days 419 26.0 3 3 to 5 days 129 7.9 4 6 to 9 days 67 4.3 5 10 to 19 days 30 2.0 6 20 to 29 days 6 0.7 7 All 30 days 32 2.2 Missing 94 3 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 45-45 46-46 47-47 Standard Variable Name Q21 Q22 Q23 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Q28 During the past 30 days, how were you bullied most often? I was not bullied during the 1 past 30 days I was hit, kicked, pushed, 2 shoved around, or locked indoors I was made fun of because of 3 my race, nationality, or color I was made fun of because of 4 my religion I was made fun of with 5 sexual jokes, comments, or gestures I was left out of activities on 6 purpose or completely ignored I was made fun of because of 7 how my body or face looks I was bullied in some other 8 way Missing Q29 Q30 During the past 12 months, how often have you felt lonely? Never 1 Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 968 62.1 100 6.7 65 3.9 32 2.2 92 5.6 30 2.0 70 4.7 216 12.9 100 452 29.2 2 Rarely 130 8.2 3 Sometimes 820 50.3 4 Most of the time 160 8.8 5 Always 61 3.5 Missing 50 During the past 12 months, how often have you been so worried about something that you could not sleep at night? Never 1 569 33.1 2 Rarely 163 9.9 3 Sometimes 707 42.9 4 Most of the time 183 11.3 5 Always 47 2.7 Missing 4 4 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 48-48 Standard Variable Name Q24 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q33 During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide? Yes 1 No 2 Missing 49-49 Q25 Q34 During the past 12 months, did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide? Yes 1 2 51-51 Q27 Q36 No Q28 Q37 Q29 Q38 295 17.6 1,361 82.4 17 334 20.9 1,307 79.1 32 How many close friends do you have? 0 1 1 2 120 6.9 375 19.0 3 2 346 22.1 4 3 or more 819 52.0 How old were you when you first tried a cigarette? I have never smoked 1 cigarettes 7 years old or younger 2 13 1,192 76.8 45 3.1 3 8 or 9 years old 45 2.8 4 10 or 11 years old 50 3.0 5 12 or 13 years old 97 6.2 6 14 or 15 years old 110 7.1 7 16 years old or older 13 1.0 Missing 53-53 Weighted Percent Missing Missing 52-52 Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 121 1,439 86.9 139 7.9 3 3 to 5 days 32 2.0 4 6 to 9 days 16 1.0 5 10 to 19 days 13 0.8 6 20 to 29 days 8 0.6 7 All 30 days 11 0.8 Missing 15 5 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 54-54 55-55 Standard Variable Name Q30 Q31 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q40 Q41 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use any tobacco products other than cigarettes, such as NULL 0 days 1 Q42 Q33 Q43 91.5 1 or 2 days 76 4.8 3 to 5 days 22 1.6 4 6 to 9 days 9 0.4 5 10 to 19 days 11 1.0 6 20 to 29 days 4 0.2 7 All 30 days 8 0.6 Missing 6 During the past 12 months, have you ever tried to stop smoking cigarettes? I have never smoked 1 cigarettes I did not smoke cigarettes 2 during the past 12 months Yes 3 No During the past 7 days, on how many days have people smoked in your presence? 0 days 1 1,249 80.7 77 4.6 200 12.6 27 2.1 120 748 44.4 2 1 or 2 days 404 23.7 3 3 or 4 days 145 9.4 4 5 or 6 days 98 5.7 5 All 7 days 274 16.7 Missing 57-57 1,537 3 Missing Q32 Weighted Percent 2 4 56-56 Unweighted Frequency Which of your parents or guardians use any form of tobacco? Neither 1 4 821 52.2 407 22.4 72 3.8 4 My father or male guardian My mother or female guardian Both 103 5.5 5 I do not know 262 16.2 2 3 Missing 8 6 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 59-59 Standard Variable Name Q35 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q49 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink containing alcohol? 0 days 1 1 or 2 days 2 62-62 63-63 Q36 Q38 Q39 Q50 Q54 Q55 Weighted Percent 1,392 83.4 185 11.4 3 3 to 5 days 42 2.4 4 6 to 9 days 19 1.1 5 10 to 19 days 9 0.6 6 20 to 29 days 8 0.5 7 All 30 days 6 0.5 Missing 60-60 Unweighted Frequency During the past 30 days, on the days you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually drink per day? I did not drink alcohol 1 during the past 30 days Less than one drink 2 12 1,397 83.4 81 5.3 3 1 drink 68 4.4 4 2 drinks 45 3.2 5 3 drinks 25 1.2 6 4 drinks 10 0.4 7 5 or more drinks 31 2.2 Missing 16 During your life, how many times did you drink so much alcohol that you were really drunk? 0 times 1 1 or 2 times 2 1,451 86.3 139 9.1 3 3 to 9 times 45 2.6 4 10 or more times 27 2.0 Missing 11 During your life, how many times have you got into trouble with your family or friends, missed school, or got into fights, as a result of drinking alcohol? 0 times 1 1,410 84.8 2 1 or 2 times 167 9.9 3 3 to 9 times 50 3.0 4 10 or more times 31 2.3 Missing 15 7 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 68-68 Standard Variable Name Q44 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Q60 Have you ever had sexual intercourse? Yes 1 No 2 Missing 69-69 70-70 71-71 Q45 Q46 Q47 Q61 Q62 Q65 How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time? I have never had sexual 1 intercourse 11 years old or younger 2 Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 245 16.8 1,245 83.2 183 1,458 89.2 40 2.2 3 12 years old 21 1.4 4 13 years old 23 1.5 5 14 years old 43 2.8 6 15 years old 33 2.0 7 16 years old or older 10 0.9 Missing 45 During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse? I have never had sexual 1 intercourse 1 person 2 1,456 89.3 84 5.2 3 2 people 28 1.8 4 3 people 19 1.4 5 4 people 12 0.9 6 5 people 8 0.5 7 6 or more people 15 1.0 Missing 51 The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom or rubber? I have never had sexual 1 intercourse Yes 2 3 No Missing 1,354 87.2 80 5.7 99 7.1 140 8 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 72-72 Standard Variable Name Q48 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Q66 The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use any other method of birth control, such as withdrawal, rhythm (safe time), birth control pills, or any other method to prevent pregnancy? I have never had sexual 1 intercourse Yes 2 3 No 4 I do not know Missing 73-73 Q49 Q71 During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? 0 days 1 1 day 2 Q50 Q76 Weighted Percent 1,362 87.3 54 3.9 96 6.7 31 2.1 130 426 26.1 271 15.9 3 2 days 181 10.1 4 3 days 143 8.5 5 4 days 98 5.7 6 5 days 134 8.2 7 6 days 87 5.3 8 7 days 301 20.2 Missing 74-74 Unweighted Frequency During the past 7 days, on how many days did you walk or ride a bicycle to or from school? 0 days 1 32 921 56.7 2 1 day 126 8.1 3 2 days 79 5.0 4 3 days 62 3.6 5 4 days 38 2.4 6 5 days 178 11.0 7 6 days 21 1.5 8 7 days 191 11.8 Missing 57 9 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 75-75 Standard Variable Name Q51 Country Question Number Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Q73 During this school year, on how many days did you go to physical education (PE) class each week? 0 days 1 371 23.0 2 1 day 642 38.2 3 2 days 139 9.0 4 3 days 68 4.4 5 4 days 6 5 or more days Missing 76-76 185-185 Q52 QN6 Q75 How much time do you spend during a typical or usual day sitting and watching television, playing computer games, talking with friends, or doing other sitting activities such as playing cards, chess, or cramboard? Less than 1 hour per day 1 34 654 38.5 1 to 2 hours per day 546 34.9 3 3 to 4 hours per day 225 14.4 4 5 to 6 hours per day 80 4.5 5 7 to 8 hours per day 30 1.9 6 More than 8 hours per day 85 5.8 Missing 53 Percentage of students who went hungry most of the time or always because there was not enough food in their home during the past 30 days Yes 1 No Missing QN7 4.0 21.3 2 2 186-186 64 355 Percentage of students who usually ate fruit two or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 176 10.7 1,488 89.3 9 750 48.3 907 51.7 16 10 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 187-187 Standard Variable Name QN8 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Percentage of students who usually ate vegetables three or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 582 35.5 1,085 64.5 Country Question Number 2 No Missing 194-194 QN15 Percentage of students who were physically attacked one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 195-195 QN16 Percentage of students who were in a physical fight one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 196-196 QN17 Percentage of students who were seriously injured one or more times during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 199-199 QN20 Percentage of students who were bullied on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 200-200 QN21 Among students who were bullied during the past 30 days, the percentage who were bullied most often by being hit, kicked, pushed, shoved around, or locked indoors Yes 1 2 No Missing 6 757 45.9 906 54.1 10 757 48.5 910 51.5 6 846 51.2 821 48.8 6 683 43.0 896 57.0 94 100 17.6 505 82.4 1,068 11 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location Standard Variable Name 201-201 QN22 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Percentage of students who most of the time or always felt lonely during the past 12 months Yes 1 No 2 Missing 202-202 QN23 Percentage of students who most of the time or always were so worried about something that they could not sleep at night during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 203-203 QN24 Percentage of students who ever seriously considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 204-204 QN25 Percentage of students who made a plan about how they would attempt suicide during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 206-206 QN27 Percentage of students who have no close friends Yes 1 2 No Missing 207-207 QN28 Among students who ever smoked cigarettes, the percentage who first tried a cigarette before age 14 years Yes 1 2 No Missing Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 221 12.3 1,402 87.7 50 230 14.0 1,439 86.0 4 295 17.6 1,361 82.4 17 334 20.9 1,307 79.1 32 120 6.9 1,540 93.1 13 237 65.1 123 34.9 1,313 12 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location Standard Variable Name 208-208 QN29 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Percentage of students who smoked cigarettes on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 No 2 Missing 209-209 QN30 Percentage of students who used any tobacco products other than cigarettes on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 210-210 QN31 Among students who smoked cigarettes during the past 12 months, the percentage who tried to stop smoking cigarettes during the past 12 months Yes 1 2 No Missing 211-211 QN32 Percentage of students who reported people smoked in their presence on one or more days during the past seven days Yes 1 2 No Missing 212-212 QN33 Percentage of students who had parents or guardians who used any form of tobacco Yes 1 2 No Missing 214-214 QN35 Percentage of students who drank at least one drink containing alcohol on one or more of the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 219 13.1 1,439 86.9 15 130 8.5 1,537 91.5 6 200 85.6 27 14.4 1,446 921 55.6 748 44.4 4 582 31.7 1,083 68.3 8 269 16.6 1,392 83.4 12 13 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location Standard Variable Name 215-215 QN36 Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Among students who drank alcohol during the past 30 days, the percentage who usually drank two or more drinks per day on the days they drank alcohol Yes 1 111 41.9 149 58.1 Country Question Number 2 No Missing 217-217 QN38 Percentage of students who drank so much alcohol that they were really drunk one or more times during their life Yes 1 2 No Missing 218-218 QN39 Percentage of students who got into trouble with their family or friends, missed school, or got into fights one or more times during their life as a result of drinking alcohol Yes 1 2 No Missing 223-223 QN44 Percentage of students who ever had sexual intercourse Yes 1 2 No Missing 224-224 QN45 Among students who ever had sexual intercourse, the percentage who had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 14 years Yes 1 2 No Missing 225-225 QN46 Percentage of students who had sexual intercourse with two or more people during their life Yes 1 2 No Missing 1,413 211 13.7 1,451 86.3 11 248 15.2 1,410 84.8 15 245 16.8 1,245 83.2 183 84 47.1 86 52.9 1,503 82 5.5 1,540 94.5 51 14 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location Standard Variable Name 226-226 QN47 Question Code and Label Country Question Number Among students who ever had sexual intercourse, the percentage who used a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse Yes 1 2 No Missing 227-227 QN48 Among students who ever had sexual intercourse, the percentage who used any other method of birth control the last time they had sexual intercourse Yes 1 2 No Missing 228-228 QN49 Percentage of students who were physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on five or more days during the past seven days Yes 1 2 No Missing 229-229 QN50 Percentage of students who did not walk or ride a bicycle to or from school during the past seven days Yes 1 2 No Missing 230-230 QN51 Percentage of students who went to physical education (PE) class on three or more days each week during this school year Yes 1 2 No Missing 231-231 QN52 Percentage of students who spent three or more hours per day during a typical or usual day doing sitting activities Yes 1 2 No Missing Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 80 44.6 99 55.4 1,494 54 30.5 127 69.5 1,492 522 33.7 1,119 66.3 32 921 56.7 695 43.3 57 487 29.8 1,152 70.2 34 420 26.6 1,200 73.4 53 15 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 350-350 Standard Variable Name QNOWTG Question Code and Label Country Question Number Percentage of students who were overweight (>+1SD from median for BMI by age and sex) Yes 1 No 2 Missing 351-351 QNOBESEG Percentage of students who were obese (>+2SD from median for BMI by age and sex) Yes 1 2 No Missing 352-352 QNUNWTG Percentage of students who were underweight (<-2SD from median for BMI by age and sex) Yes 1 2 No Missing 353-353 QNFRVGG Percentage of students who usually ate fruits and vegetables five or more times per day during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 354-354 QNANYTBG Percentage of students who used any tobacco on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 355-355 QNPA7G Percentage of students who were physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on all seven days during the past seven days Yes 1 2 No Missing Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent 303 19.1 1,234 80.9 136 78 5.2 1,459 94.8 136 166 12.7 1,371 87.3 136 612 38.6 1,040 61.4 21 254 15.5 1,398 84.5 21 301 20.2 1,340 79.8 32 16 2010 GL OB A L S C H OOL - B A S E D ST UDENT HEAL T H SURVEY RESUL T S Fiji Islands Survey Public Use Codebook Data Location 356-356 Standard Variable Name QNPE5G Question Code and Label Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent Percentage of students who went to physical education (PE) class on five or more days each week during this school year Yes 1 355 21.3 1,284 78.7 Country Question Number 2 No Missing 357-357 QNC1G Among students who drank so much alcohol they were really drunk one or more times during their life, the percentage who had ever had sexual intercourse Yes 1 2 No Missing 358-358 QNC2G Among students who most of the time or always had been so worried about something that they could not sleep at night during the past 12 months, the percentage who were bullied on one or more days during the past 30 days Yes 1 2 No Missing 362-371 WEIGHT 372-380 STRATUM 381-385 PSU 34 70 43.6 98 56.4 1,505 120 59.6 89 40.4 1,464 17