city of trees squirrel design associates, inc. squirrel design associates, inc. contents project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding 1 planni ng a nalys is 2 mi ssio n 3 de si gn a nalys is 4 loca tion pla n 5 sig n family 6 appl ied si gn pla cement 7 sig n draw ings client city of kent kent state university sheet title contents date: 07.28.05 p. 2 squirrel design associates, inc. N Main Minor Node Main Paths KSU Loop * Major Node city of kent & kent state university wayfinding Summit client city of kent kent state university To Stow To Ravenna Main Main Gateway sheet title Major Node city, campus & link parti Minor Node KSU Minor Landmark date: 07.28.05 Major District Main Vehicular Path Main Edge Loop Main Pedestian Path Lincoln * Main District project Lincoln Main Edge p. 3 squirrel design associates, inc. Main City Districts Main Campus District * Main City and Campus Paths project * Main City and Campus Districts city of kent & kent state university wayfinding Main Vehicular Path Main Pedestrian Path N To Ravenna 43 client city of kent kent state university Main ma Hay ker KSU 59 To Stow Su m m sheet title it Loop Lincoln Franklin 43 main vehicular & pedestrian paths date: 07.28.05 p. 4 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding city main gateway west main and 43 gateway to university, tree placement and beautification puf ferbelly waterfront west main street and franklin landscape beautification / vandalism prevention / public art opportunity riverfront district west main street and franklin tree placement and beautification client city of kent kent state university sheet title detail location views date: 07.28.05 kent theatre university main gateway university main path west main street and depeyster public art opportunity east main and lincoln gateway to university, tree placement and beautification east main and lincoln tree placement and beautification community gathering place p. 5 squirrel design associates, inc. mission project To e st abl is h a un i fi ed i den t i ty be twe en t he ci t y o f city of kent & kent state university wayfinding K ent an d K en t S t a t e Uni ve r si t y a lo n g w i t h pr ov i d i ng a po si ti ve im a ge fo r v is it o r s , r eside n ts a n d stu d en ts. To u s e M a i n S t ree t a s a pat h to e sta bl is h client co n n ect i vi ty b et we en m aj o r g ate ways of ci ty city of kent kent state university an d c amp us . sheet title mission statement date: 07.28.05 p. 6 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main gateway illustration date: 07.28.05 p. 7 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title riverfront district banner application date: 07.28.05 p. 8 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title retail district; kent theatre banner and public art application date: 07.28.05 p. 9 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main vehicular path banner placement date: 07.28.05 p. 10 squirrel design associates, inc. tulip dogwood maple oak project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title tree selection each species will be used to define the individual districts date: 07.28.05 p. 11 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university +E N T +E N T # ) 4 9 / & 4 2 % % KENT sheet title preliminary logo studies +%.4 date: 07.28.05 p. 12 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university +% .4 sheet title final logo date: 07.28.05 p. 13 squirrel design associates, inc. header type project gill sans bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefgh ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 header type client gill sans light A B C D EF G H I J KL M N O PQ R ST U V W X YZa bc def g h i j kl m n op qr s tu vw xy z 1 23 45 67 89 0 campus color palette city of kent & kent state university wayfinding city color palette city of kent kent state university sheet title type and color palettes date: 07.28.05 p. 14 squirrel design associates, inc. N To Stow To Ravenna project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding Main ym Ha r ake client 43 Lincoln Franklin city of kent kent state university Sum mit sheet title sign placement map Main Gateways Roll Ups Tree Placement Riverfront District Banner Kiosks Main Vehicualr Path Retail District Banner w/ directional District Banner w/ lighting Main Pedestrian Path Business District Banner w/ lighting Restaurant District Front Campus District date: 07.28.05 p. 15 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title sign type 1 main city gateway date: 07.28.05 main city gateway p. 16 squirrel design associates, inc. project $% + $ "# '(&)()& &$#( *+ $ , !)"#)" &" ($ +! ($ "# '(&)()& $% + $ , !)"#)" &" +( $!' $& $!(' + $ , !)"#)" &" *+ $ , !)"#)" &" $!( &$#( + $ $' city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university - - - # )& !)"#)" # - - - $# )& %$!,&$#( !)"#)" %#! +( (! &% "% !( &$" ( #' +( !)$&'#( )! *+ $ $' *+ $ $' !)"#)" $!( ((# !)"#)" +( %$!-&$#( %#! +( !)$&'#( !(# - sheet title - - 43 43 Main KSU Main Franklin Ha er ake ym r 43 Lincoln - Ha ak ym Sum mit KSU Lincoln Franklin 43 Su m m N it Riverfront Retail Business Restaurant To Ravenna 43 City Gateway Campus Gateway - #*&'(, #( (( '(&( *&&$#( '(&( (! )' "% &$#( Main Link Path Main Hay - - er KSU 43 Lincoln Franklin To Stow mak Su mm it )'#'' '(&( (! '(&( *&&$#( '(&( '()&#( '(&( vehicular banner sign with vehicular banner sign with overhead lighting directionals sign type 2 & 3 main vehicular and pedestrian banner and sign family (locations and quantities to be determined city and university) pedestria n kiosk roll up kiosk date: 07.28.05 p. 17 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent and kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title arrow and parking study date: 07.28.05 vehicular banner family p. 18 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title seasonal pattern banner applications date: 07.28.05 seasonal ba nner prog ra m p. 19 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main vehicular sign drawing date: 07.28.05 p. 20 squirrel design #-!##&+()&!!,!'%# #'&($#($%#$(($"((($&" +("(!()&#) ! #' %$!-&$#( # +(&!(*!((&# $)!& (+('$!(' (# ,+!)"#)"#'(& !(#')&$)##%$! & ( +&"!()!' #' %$!-&$#( # +(&!(*!((&# $)!& (+('$!(' city of kent & kent state university wayfinding #-!##&+()&!!,!'%# #'&($#($%#$(($"((($&" +("(!()&#) ! (# ,+!)"#)"#'(& !(#')&$)##%$! & ( +&"!()!' project #-!##&+()&!!,!'%# #'&($#($%#$(($"((($&" +("(!()&#) ! (# $! ,+!)"#)"#'(& $!(#$&+($#%'(!& ( !(#')&$)##%$! %&!)"#)"%$! & ( +&"!()!' ##&' $!-&$#((%&##&+()&* $*& ($%#$(($"((+(!"%& (' !)(!)"#)"$*&%!( ##&' $!-&$#((%&##&+()&* ($%#$(($"((+(!"%& (' $*& !)(!)"#)"$*&%!( associates, inc. #' %$!-&$#( # +(&!(*!((&# $)!& (+('$!(' $! $!(#$&+($#%'(!& ( %&!)"#)"%$! client $*& !)(!)"#)"$*&%!( city of kent kent state university "%)' "%)' "%)' "%)' "%)' "%)' $+#($+# $+#($+# $+#($+# $+#($+# $+#($+# $+#($+# sheet title main vehicular banner description date: 07.28.05 $!-&$#((%&##&+()&* ($%#$(($"((+(!"%& (' p. 21 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding #AMPUS #AMPUS $OWNTOWN $OWNTOWN client city of kent kent state university sheet title main vehicular sign family #AMPUS #AMPUS $OWNTOWN $OWNTOWN date: 07.28.05 p. 22 squirrel design associates, inc. $% + $ "# '(&)()& &$#( *+ $ , !)"#)" &" ($ +! ($ "# '(&)()& $% + $ , !)"#)" &" +( $!' $& $!(' + $ , !)"#)" &" *+ $ , !)"#)" &" $!( &$#( + $ $' project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding - - - - # )& !)"#)" # - - $# )& %$!,&$#( !)"#)" %#! +( (! &% "% !( &$" ( #' +( !)$&'#( )! *+ $ $' *+ $ $' !)"#)" $!( ((# !)"#)" +( %$!-&$#( %#! +( !)$&'#( !(# client city of kent kent state university - - - 43 43 Main KSU Main 43 Su m m it sheet title oln er Linc k ma ak m lin y Ha Frank - Hay er KSU Lincoln Franklin 43 main pedestrian sign drawing Su m m it - - - &'(, ( #* #( ( ( ( '(& *&&$# '(&( (! )' "% &$#( )'#'' '(&( (! '(&( *&&$#( '(&( date: 07.28.05 '()&#( '(&( p. 23 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent and kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main gateway placement date: 07.28.05 p. 24 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main pedestrian kiosk and campus banner system placement date: 07.28.05 p. 25 squirrel design associates, inc. project city of kent & kent state university wayfinding client city of kent kent state university sheet title main vehicular banner & lighting placement date: 07.28.05 p. 26