HPM 60192 Practicum Experience in Health Policy and Management Pre-registration advising checklist

HPM 60192 Practicum Experience in Health Policy and
Pre-registration advising checklist
Student Name:
Student Signature:
Advising Topic
I have been provided with, read, and understand
the Practicum Manual(Effective:
I have been provided with a copy of the course
syllabus (Term:
). This syllabus
will be effective for my entire practicum
project unless both myself and the Practicum
Coordinator agree in writing to be bound by a
subsequent syllabus.
I understand that the practicum is like any
other course in that specific deadlines must be
met for the various deliverables. Failure to
meet these deadlines will result in delayed
completion of the practicum.
I have been provided with a copy of the
practicum deadlines.
It is my responsibility to ensure that I am able
to present my practicum project on the date and
time specified.
I understand that the Practicum Coordinator is
not responsible for reminding students of duedates.
I understand that projects involving human
subjects research add a considerable amount of
time and complexity to practica and require a
principal investigator and IRB oversight at my
practicum site.
I understand that all practicum projects must be
screened by the IRB process set forth in the
Practicum Manual.