15.280 Communication for Managers MIT OpenCourseWare Fall 2008

MIT OpenCourseWare
15.280 Communication for Managers
Fall 2008
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Tips for Effective PowerPoint Projection
Text: Keep it clear and consistent
9 Use a style appropriate for your “image”
9 Don’t mix fonts; no more than two per slide
9 Keep size consistent; stay above 24 point
Color: Use it to emphasize content
9 Contrast improves readability
9 Avoid overly colorful or ornate background
9 Recognize that lighting affects contrast
Transitions: Strive for consistency and simplicity
9 Use transitions to build and focus audience attention
9 Sweeps from left to right work better
9 Avoid mixing animation effects
Graphics: Go for relevance, not clutter
9 Graphics emphasize and enliven your material
9 Avoid clip-art clutter
9 Effective placement and design focus the audience
9 Recurring graphics are effective (e.g., logo)
Video: Use for education, not entertainment
9 Video can be powerful for boosting retention, emphasizing points, and
explaining difficult concepts visually
9 Video is complex to incorporate as it is slow to load and may produce
unexpected technical difficulties
Sound: Produce harmony with the message
9 Sound can make a substantial impact
9 It should enhance, not belittle, the message
9 Sound requires good audio equipment
One final recommendation: Always have backup transparencies.