8.07 Leture 37: Deember 12 2012 (THE LAST�� RADIATION Radiation: Eletromagneti felds that arry energy of to infnity. - and B - fall of only as 1/r, so the Poynting At large distanes, E vetor falls of as 1/r2. If the Poynting vetor is then integrated over a large sphere, of area 4 r2, the ontribution approahes a onstant as r . Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -1- Reall the Lieenard-Wiehert potentials: V (~r ; t) = q 1 40 j~r ~r p j(1 q~vp ~A(~r ; t) = 0 4 j~r ~r p j(1 ~vp c ~vp c ^) ; ~vp = 2 V (~r ; t) ; ^) c (1) (2) where -r p and -vp are the position and veloity of the partile at tT , tT = t and r r p i= -r - -r p -r - -r p = -r - -r p (3) (4) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -2- Eletri Dipole Radiation Simplest dipole: two tiny metal spheres separated by a distane d along the z -axis, onneted by a wire, with harges q (t) = qo os(wt) + +q r θ (5) on the top sphere, and q (t) = -qo os(wt) on the bottom sphere. Then z - y d -q Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. qo os[w (t - + /)] qo os[w (t - - /)] V (-r t) = 40o + 1 All diagrams are from D.J. GriÆths, Introdution to Eletrodynamis, 3rd Edition (6) -3- Approximation 1: ±= � => d « r. r2 = rd os e (d/2)2 1 r 1 1 ± . os e 2T ± T � � . os[w (t - ± /)] r os w (t - r/) ± 2 os e (7) d « r is ALWAYS valid for radiation, whih is defned in the r ! 1 limit. . Approximation 2: d � Sine A = 2 /w , this is equivalent to d « A. This is the IDEAL DIPOLE APPROXIMATION. This is really the frst term in a power expansion in d/A, the multipole expansion for radiation, but we will go no further than the dipole. Implies « os[w (t - wd ± /)] r os[w (t - r/)] = 2 os e sin[w (t - r/)] (�) - - Then, defning Po = qo d, p0 cos 1 V (r; ; t) = cos[! (t r=c)] 40r r » ! sin[! (t r=c)] : (9) c Approximation 3: r o. The region r » A is alled the radiation zone. This approximation is ALWAYS valid for disussing radiation. Implies that the frst term in urly brakets an be dropped: p0 ! cos V (r; ; t) = sin[! (t r=c)] : 4o0 c r (10) Summary of approximations: d « A « r. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -5- - , whih is due to the urrent in the wire. Reall Need also A - (-r t) = A Here 1 4o0 ' 0 ~ 1 ( r J ~ ; tTr ) 3 ' dx : ' 0 j-~r - -~r j dq 3 ' d x 1 = d = dz zi dt ./2 -q w sin[w (t - /)] J o - (-r t) = o A dz 4 -./2 so Jo Po w = sin[w (t - r/)] iz 4 r (11) (12) (13) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -6- Diferentiating, ~= r ~V E 2 ~ @A 0 p0 ! sin = cos[! (t r=c)] ^ : @t 4 r (14) -B ~ (~r ; t) = 1 ^r E ~ (~r ; t) : c (15) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -7- Poynting Vetor: 2 ~S = 1 (E ~ B ~ ) = 0 p0 ! sin cos[! (t 0 c 4 r 2 r=c)] ^r : (16) Intensity: � 2 Average the Poynting vetor over a omplete yle: os = 1/2 2 2 4 p ! sin ~S = 0 0 ^r : 2 2 32 c r D E � (17) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. All diagrams are from D.J. GriÆths, Introdution to Eletrodynamis, 3rd Edition -8- Polarized Blue Skies Blue is the highest frequeny in the visible spetrum. The sky appears blue largely beause the w ! 4 fator in dipole radiation implies that blue light is sattered more strongly than other frequenies. Sunsets are red beause the blue light has been sattered out of the path of the sunlight. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -9- Sun’s rays This dipole does not radiate to the observer Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. When the line of sight is perpendiular to the Sun's rays, the light is polarized horizontally. All diagrams are from D.J. GriÆths, Introdution to Eletrodynamis, 3rd Edition Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -10- Total Power: Integrate over a sphere at large r. hP i = Z 2 2 4 p ! sin 2 ~S d~a = 0 0 r sin d d 2 2 32 c r Z D E 0 p20 ! 4 = : 12c (18) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -11- Magneti Dipole Radiation Consider a wire loop of radius b, with alternating urrent I (t) = I0 cos(!t) ; z (19) r with magnetic dipole moment θ m ~ (t) = b2 I (t) z^ (20) = m0 cos(!t) z^ ; ψ b x where φ’ dl’ m0 b2 I0 : (21) y Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. All diagrams are from D.J. GriÆths, Introdution to Eletrodynamis, 3rd Edition Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -12- Make the same approximations as before, with b replaing d as the size of the system: b « A « r. Find 2 ~E = 0 m0 ! sin cos[! (t 4c r r=c)] ^ : (22) Compared to the eletri dipole radiation, m0 p0 ! ; c ^ ! ^ : (23) ~B (~r ; t) = 1 ^r E ~ (~r ; t) : c (24) As always for radiation, Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -13- (Eletri Dipole� Radiation From an Arbitrary Soure Consider an arbitrary time-dependent harge distribution p(-r t). Then (~r 0 ; tr ) 0 V (~r ; t) = d : (25) 0 40 j~r ~r j Expand 1=j~r ~r 0 j and tr in powers of ~r 0 , 1 r z Z r’ dτ' y x using similar approximations as before. Minor dierence: here we have no ! . Previously we assumed that d or equivalently ! c=d. Here we need to assume that _ j c=d, with similar bounds on higher time derivatives. j= Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. All diagrams are from D.J. GriÆths, Introdution to Eletrodynamis, 3rd Edition Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -1 - We fnd " # Q ^r ~p(t0 ) ^r ~p_ (t0 ) V (~r ; t) ' + + ; 2 40 r r rc 1 (26) where to is the retarded time at the origin. Final result: ~E (~r ; t) ' 0 [(^r ~p)^r ~p ] 4r ~B (~r ; t) ' 0 [^r ~p ] : 4rc (27) Although this looks diferent, it is really the same as what we had for the simple eletri dipole, hanging to vetor notation and replaing -w 2-Po by -Pp. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -15- The electric dipole radiation formula is really the rst term in a doubly innite series. There is electric dipole, quadrupole, : : : radiation, and also magnetic dipole, quadrupole, : : : radiation. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -16- Radiation by Point Charges Reall the felds (found by diferentiating the Lieenard-Wiehert potentials): ~ (~ E r ; t) = j~r 40 (~ u (~ r q ~ rp j ~ r p )) 2 3 (c 2 vp )~ u + (~ r ~ r p) (~u ~ap ) ; ���� where ~u = c ^ ~vp ; ~ = ~r ~r p : (29) If -vp = 0 (at the retarded time), then q ~Erad = [^ 2 0 40 c j~r ~r j ( ^ ~ap)] : (30) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -17- Poynting Vetor (partile at rest): ~Srad = 1 jE ~ rad j2 ^ = 0 c 2 2 2 0 q a sin ^ : 2 2 16 c (31) Total Power (Larmor formula): 0 q 2 a2 P= : 6c (32) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -18- Total Power (Larmor formula): 0 q 2 a2 P= : 6c (32) 6 Lie enard's Generalization if v p - 0: 0 q 2 6 2 P= a 6c ~v c 2 ! ~a = 0 q 2 dp dp 6m20c d d | {z } : (33) For relativists only P = rate at which energy that is destined to become leaving the particle. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -19- Radiation Reaction If an accelerating particle radiates energy, it must lose energy | obviously! But it is not clear exactly how. Point charges and conservation laws cannot be combined rigorously. For a nonrelativistic particle, radiation power is given by the Larmor formula: 0 q 2 a2 P= : 6c Maybe then, ~Frad ~v =? 0 q 2 a2 : 6c (34) But not necessarily, since PLarmor represents the power destined to become radiation. There can be other energy exchanges with the near elds. Since the RHS of Eq. (34) does not depend on ~v , there is no way to match the two sides. -20- For yli motion, the total energy loss over one yle should math the energy loss desribed by the Larmor formula. If a yle extends from t1 to t2 then Z t2 t1 a2 dt = Z d~v d~v dt = ~v dt dt | t2 d~v dt t1 {z } =0 Z t2 d2~v ~v dt : (35) 2 t1 dt So, energy onservation holds if Z t2 t1 whih will hold if F~ rad 2 0 q _ ~a ~v dt = 0 ; 6c 2 q 0 F~ rad = ~a_ : 6c (36) (37) Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -21- 2 q 0 F~ rad = ~a_ 6c (37) is the Abraham-Lorentz formula for the radiation reation fore. We have not proven it, but we have shown that it provides a fore that is onsistent with onservation of energy, at least for periodi motion. The Abraham-Lorentz formula an be "derived" by modeling the point partile as an extended objet, so that one an alulate the fore that one part of the objet exerts on the other parts. One then takes a limit in whih the size of the extended objet approahes zero. But the result depends on the details of the model, so the result remains inonlusive. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -22- The Abraham-Lorentz formula gives reasonable preditions for the radiation reation fore under many irumstanes, but it also has an important pathology: runaway solutions. Note that 2 q 0 F~ rad = ~a_ = m~a 6c (3�) a(t) = a0 et= ; (39) 0 q 2 = 6 10 24 s 6mc (40) has the solution where for an eletron. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -23- In quantum electrodynamics the situation is at least under much better control. Innities arise, but they can be removed from the theory by a technique called renormalization. This process can be proven to succeed order by order in perturbation theory (an expansion in powers of the = e2 =(40 h c) 1=137), but the perturbation expansion is not believed to converge. Nothing can be proven rigorously, but there are reasons to believe that the theory is not completely well-dened, but that it nonetheless gives a consistent description up to extraordinarily high energies, well beyond the Planck mass. Alan Guth Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 8.07 Leture 37, Deember 12, 2012 -2 - MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 8.07 Electromagnetism II Fall 2012 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.