Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras ANITA MAJUMDAR and DONALD YAU

Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) Vol. 119, No. 4, September 2009, pp. 431–452.
© Printed in India
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University at Newark,
1179 University Drive, Newark, OH 43055, USA
MS received 28 July 2008; revised 8 September 2008
Abstract. Corepresentations of a coalgebra over a quadratic operad are defined, and
various characterizations of them are given. Cohomology of such an operadic coalgebra
with coefficients in a corepresentation is then studied.
Quadratic operad; homology; cohomology; coalgebra.
1. Introduction
Many classical cohomology theories, such as Hochschild cohomology of associative
algebras [9], Harrison cohomology of commutative algebras [8], Chevalley–Eilenberg
cohomology of Lie algebras [3, 21], and Loday’s cohomology of Leibniz algebras [11–14],
are examples of cohomology of operadic algebras. The cohomology of operadic algebras
with coefficients were defined for the first time by Fox and Markl in Definition 8.3 of [5].
In [1, 2], Balavoine constructed the cohomology theory with non-trivial coefficients for
an algebra A over a quadratic operad P and gave explicit formulas for the coboundary.
When P is taken to be the operads for associative, commutative, Lie or Leibniz algebras,
one recovers the classical cohomology theories for those types of algebras. Moreover, the
∗ (A, A) for a P-algebra A with self-coefficients is the
cohomology cochain complex CP
object that governs the deformations of A in the sense of Gerstenhaber [6].
∗ (V , V ) of a P-coalgebra V and the dual notion to
The deformation complex C̄P
∗ (V , V ) as the cohomology cochain comCP (A, A), was studied in [15]. Thinking of C̄P
plex of V with self-coefficients, there should be a cohomology theory for the P-coalgebra
V with non-trivial coefficients. This is exactly the subject of this paper.
In the first part of this paper, we study the coefficients, called corepresentations, for the
cohomology theory of a P-coalgebra V . Corepresentations of a P-coalgebra are defined
in a way that is very similar to the notion of left-comodules over a coassociative coalgebra.
Several equivalent characterizations of V -corepresentations are then given. We show that a
V -corepresentation can be described in terms of (i) a component map of a specific operad
morphism, (ii) the dual P-algebra V # , or (iii) an enveloping coassociative coalgebra.
∗ (M, V ) of a
In the second part of this paper, the cohomology cochain complex C̄P
P-coalgebra V with coefficients in a corepresentation M is defined. It is constructed as a
∗ (C, C) [15], where C is a P-coalgebra
certain subcomplex of the deformation complex C̄P
∗ (M, V ) very
with C = V ⊕ M as a vector space. We will describe the differential in C̄P
explicitly using the ◦i operations in the quadratic operad P. In particular, if P is the
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
operad for associative algebras, then a P-coalgebra V is a coassociative coalgebra, and a
∗ (M, V ) coincides with
V -corepresentation is exactly a V -bicomodule. In this case, our C̄P
the cochain complex for Hochschild coalgebra cohomology [4, 10, 20].
Modifying the standard arguments slightly, a description of H̄P2 (M, V ), the second
∗ (M, V ), in terms of extensions of P-coalgebras will be given.
cohomology module of C̄P
∗ (M, V ) is canonically isomorphic to Balavoine’s
Moreover, it will be shown that our C̄P
∗ (V # , M # ), where M # is the linear dual of M. Passing to cohomology, this implies
that our cohomology H̄P∗ (M, V ) is canonically isomorphic to Balavoine’s HP∗ (V # , M # ).
This duality isomorphism in cohomology, in the special case when P is the operad for
associative algebras, was first observed by Parshall and Wang [20].
1.1 Organization
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The following section is a preliminary
section, in which definitions about operads and their (co)algebras are recalled. We also fix
some notations that will be used in later sections.
The purpose of §3 is to define a corepresentation of a coalgebra V over a quadratic
operad P. The first characterization of a V -corepresentation is given in terms of a
vanishing property of a component map of a certain operad morphism (Proposition 3.5 and
Theorem 3.6).
In §4, another characterization of a V -corepresentation is given in terms of the dual
P-algebra V # . The main result of that section (Corollary 4.8) states that a module M
is a V -corepresentation if and only if its linear dual M # is a representation of the dual
P-algebra V # in the sense of Balavoine [1].
A third characterization of a V -corepresentation is given in §5. It is shown (Theorem 5.4)
that there exists an enveloping coassociative coalgebra whose left-comodules in the usual
sense are exactly the V -corepresentations. This correspondence is made explicit in §5.5.
∗ (M, V ) of a P-coalgebra V with coefficients
In §6, we define the cochain complex C̄P
∗ (C, C) of
in a V -corepresentation M. It is constructed using the deformation complex C̄P
a P-coalgebra C [15]. Since the differential in C̄P (C, C) can be described explicitly in
∗ (M, V )
terms of the ◦i operations in P, the same can be done for the differential in C̄P
(Theorems 6.8 and 6.9).
In §7, as in the case of associative algebras, the second cohomology module H̄P2 (M, V )
∗ (M, V ) is identified with a certain set of equivalence classes of singular extensions
of C̄P
of P-coalgebras (Theorem 7.1).
∗ (M, V ) is identified with Balavoine’s C ∗ (V # , M # ) via
In §8, our cochain complex C̄P
a dualization isomorphism (Corollary 8.4).
2. Operads and their (co)algebras
The purpose of this section is to recall some standard definitions about (quadratic) operads
and their (co)algebras that are necessary for understanding the rest of this paper.
2.1 Conventions
The symbol N∗ denotes the set of positive integers. Throughout this paper, we work over a
fixed field k of characteristic zero. Vector spaces, ⊗, Hom and End (endomorphisms) are
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
all meant over k. For any positive integer n, n will denote the group of permutations on
n elements. For σ ∈ n , (σ ) ∈ {−1, 1} will stand for the sign of σ and sgnn will denote
the sign representation of n .
2.2 Operads
An operad [16–19] P consists of a right k[n ]-module P(n), one for each n ∈ N∗ . For
positive integers n, j1 , . . . , jn , there is a structure map
γ : P(n) ⊗ P(j1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ P(jn ) → P(j1 + · · · + jn ).
These structure maps satisfy some associativity, equivariance, and unity conditions, which
can be found in [18]. Using the operad structure maps, one defines the ◦i operations as
f ◦i g = γ (f ; 1, . . . , 1, g, 1, . . . , 1) ∈ P(n + m − 1)
for f ∈ P(n) and g ∈ P(m), where there are (i −1) copies of 1’s in front of g. Conversely,
the structure maps γ can be recovered from the ◦i operations as
γ (f ; g1 , . . . , gn ) = (· · · (((f ◦1 g1 ) ◦j1 +1 g2 ) ◦j1 +j2 +1 g3 ) · · · )
for f ∈ P(n) and gi ∈ P(ji ) (1 ≤ i ≤ n). In the presence of the unit 1 ∈ P(1), the operad
structure maps γ are completely determined by the ◦i operations ([16] or §1.7.1, p. 66
of [17]). In what follows, by using (2.2.1) and (2.2.2), we will use these two equivalent
definitions of an operad interchangeably.
For example, let V be a vector space over k and for every n ∈ N∗ let End(V )(n) =
Hom(V ⊗n , V ). Then End(V ) = {End(V )(n), n ∈ N∗ } is naturally an operad, called the
endomorphism operad of V .
From the definition of an operad, if we omit the parts concerning the symmetric groups
n (n ≥ 1), then we obtain the definition of a non- operad.
Let P and Q be two operads. A morphism of operads from P to Q is a sequence
a = {a(n), n ∈ N∗ } of k[n ]-linear maps a(n): P(n) → Q(n) satisfying the conditions,
a(1)(1) = 1 and
a(n + m − 1)(μ ◦i ν) = a(n)(μ) ◦i a(m)(ν)
for n, m ∈ N∗ , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, μ ∈ P(n) and ν ∈ P(m).
Let P be an operad. A P-algebra or an algebra over P is a vector space V over k along
with a morphism of operads a: P → End(V ).
Let V be a vector space. Let Coend(V ) = {Hom(V , V ⊗n )} be the coendomorphism
operad of V with the obvious structure maps, dual to those in End(V ). For an operad P,
a P-coalgebra structure on V is a morphism P → Coend(V ) of operads.
For example, a coassociative coalgebra structure is equivalent to an As-coalgebra structure, where ‘As’ is the associative algebra operad.
2.3 Free graded P-algebras
For an operad P and a vector space V , define the free graded P-algebra generated by V as
FP (V ) = ⊕n≥1 P(n) ⊗n (V ⊗n ⊗ sgnn ),
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
where σ (v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn ) = (σ )vσ −1 (1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ vσ −1 (n) for σ ∈ n and vi ∈ V . The homogr
geneous degree n component of FP (V ) is denoted by FP n (V ). The P-algebra structure
on FP (V ) is the natural one defined by the operad structure on P and concatenation on
V ⊗∗ (§§1.6 of [2]).
2.4 Quadratic operads
PROPOSITION 2.5 (§2 of [7])
Let E be a right k[2 ]-module. Then there exists an operad F(E) with F(E)(1) = k
and F(E)(2) = E such that the following property holds: For any operad Q and for
any morphism of right k[2 ]-modules a: E → Q(2), there exists a unique morphism of
operads, â: F(E) → Q, such that â(2) = a.
The operad F(E) is called the free operad generated by E. By the usual arguments, the
free operad F(E) is unique up to operad isomorphisms.
Let E be a right k[2 ]-module and R be a right k[3 ]-submodule of F(E)(3). Let (R)
be the ideal generated by R. Then the quotient operad F(E)/(R) is called the quadratic
operad generated by E with relations R, denoted by P(k, E, R) [7]. A quadratic operad
P(k, E, R) is said to be finitely generated if E is a finite dimensional vector space.
2.6 Quadratic duality
Let F be a right k[n ]-module. By F # we mean the right k[n ]-module F # =
Hom(F, k) ⊗ sgnn , where the right n -action is given by (φ · σ )(x) = (σ )φ(x · σ −1 )
for φ ∈ Hom(F, k) and x ∈ F .
Let E be a right k[2 ]-module. Then as right k[3 ]-modules, one has that [7]
F(E # )(3) ∼
= (F(E)(3))# . Let R ⊂ F(E)(3) be a right k[3 ]-submodule, and let
R ⊂ F(E # )(3) be the annihilator of R in (F(E)(3))# ∼
= F(E # )(3). The Koszul
dual of the quadratic operad P = P(k, E, R) is defined as the quadratic operad
P ! = P(k, E # , R ⊥ ).
2.7 Algebras and coalgebras over a quadratic operad
PROPOSITION 2.8 (Proposition 1.5.5 of [2])
Let P = P(k, E, R) be a quadratic operad. Then a P-algebra structure on a vector space
V is determined by a morphism of right k[2 ]-modules π : P(2) = E → End(V )(2) such
that π̂ (3)(R) = 0.
In this case, the morphism π: P(2) → End(V )(2), or equivalently its adjoint
π : P(2) ⊗2 V ⊗2 → V , is called the structural morphism of the P-algebra V .
PROPOSITION 2.9 (Theorem 3.2 in [15])
Let P = P(k, E, R) be a finitely generated quadratic operad, and let V be a finite
dimensional vector space. Then a P-coalgebra structure on V is determined by a
k[2 ]-equivariant morphism
π: E = P(2) → Coend(V )(2)
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
such that
π̂ (3)(R) = 0,
where π̂ : F(E) → Coend(V ) is the unique operad morphism associated to π .
2.10 Standing assumptions
For the rest of this paper, unless otherwise specified, P = P(k, E, R) will denote a finitely
generated quadratic operad, and V = (V , π ) will denote a finite dimensional P-coalgebra
with structure map
(V ) = Hom(V , P ! (2) ⊗2 (V ⊗2 ⊗ sgnn )).
π ∈ C̄P
Equivalently, using adjunctions and the finite dimensionality of P ! (2), the element π can
also be considered as a k[2 ]-linear map
π : P(2) → Coend(V )(2).
2 (V ) for any
In what follows, we will identify these two descriptions of an element in C̄P
finite dimensional vector space V .
3. Corepresentations of a P -coalgebra
The main purpose of this section is to give a proper definition of a corepresentation of
a P-coalgebra (V , π ) (Definition 3.3). We then provide a way to check whether a given
module is a V -corepresentation in terms of a component map of an operad morphism
(Proposition 3.5 and Theorem 3.6).
3.1 Corepresentations of (V , π )
Consider a finite dimensional vector space M together with a linear map
η: P(2) → Hom(M, V ⊗ M).
Define another linear map
ητ : P(2) → Hom(M, M ⊗ V )
as the composition of the maps
→ Hom(M, V ⊗ M) −
→ Hom(M, M ⊗ V ),
→ P(2) −
P(2) −
where τ is the permutation (1 2) in 2 , which acts on P(2) from the right and permutes
V ⊗ M to M ⊗ V . Think of η (or ητ ) as the left (or right) V -coaction on M.
Set C = V ⊕ M. Consider the linear map
ηC (2): P(2) → Hom(C, C ⊗2 ) = Coend(C)(2)
defined by the conditions
ηC (2)(μ)|V = π(μ): V → V ⊗2 ,
ηC (2)(μ)|M = (η(μ), ητ (μ)): M → (V ⊗ M) ⊕ (M ⊗ V )
for μ ∈ P(2).
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
The map ηC (2) is 2 -equivariant.
Proof. This follows from the facts that π is 2 -equivariant and that
η(μτ ) = (ητ (μ))τ,
ητ (μτ ) = (η(μ))τ
for μ ∈ P(2).
We say that (M, η) is a (V , π )-corepresentation, or a V -corepresentation for short, if the
2 (C) defines a P-coalgebra structure on C = V ⊕ M.
element ηC (2) ∈ C̄P
Note that we only consider finite dimensional corepresentations.
A morphism f : (M, η) → (M , η ) of (V , π )-corepresentations is a linear map f : M →
M such that the diagram
Hom(M , V ⊗ M )
/ Hom(M, V ⊗ M)
Hom(f,V ⊗M )
Hom(M,V ⊗f )
/ Hom(M, V ⊗ M )
The pair (M, η) is a (V , π )-corepresentation if and only if
ηC (3)(R) = 0,
ηC (3): F(E)(3) → Coend(C)(3)
is the unique map that extends ηC (2).
Proof. This is just Theorem 3.2 in [15].
Since R ⊆ F(E)(3), in order to check the condition ηC (3)(R) = 0, it suffices to know
what the elements
ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν) ∈ Coend(C)(3)
are for μ, ν ∈ P(2) and i = 1, 2.
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
Theorem 3.6. With the notations above, we have
ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν)|V = π(μ) ◦i π(ν) =
(π(ν) ⊗ 1V ) ◦ π(μ),
if i = 1,
(1V ⊗ π(ν)) ◦ π(μ),
if i = 2,
ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν)|M
((π(ν) ⊗ 1M ) ◦ η(μ), (η(ν) ⊗ 1V ) ◦ ητ (μ), (ητ (ν) ⊗ 1V ) ◦ ητ (μ)), if i = 1,
((1V ⊗ η(ν)) ◦ η(μ), (1V ⊗ ητ (ν)) ◦ η(μ), (1M ⊗ π(ν)) ◦ ητ (μ)), if i = 2.
Proof. For i ∈ {1, 2} and ν ∈ P(2), define the map
ηC (2)(ν)i : C ⊗2 → C ⊗3
by setting
ηC (2)(ν) =
ηC (2)(ν) ⊗ 1C ,
if i = 1,
1C ⊗ ηC (2)(ν), if i = 2.
Then we have that
ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν)|M = (ηC (2)(μ) ◦i ηC (2)(ν))|M
= ηC (2)(ν)i |(V ⊗M)⊕(M⊕V ) ◦ (ηC (2)(μ)|M )
= (ηC (2)(ν)i |V ⊗M ◦ η(μ), ηC (2)(ν)i |M⊗V ◦ ητ (μ)).
In the last entry, the first component is given by
ηC (2)(ν)i |V ⊗M ◦ η(μ)
(ηC (2)(ν)|V ⊗ 1M ) ◦ η(μ), if i = 1,
(1V ⊗ ηC (2)(ν)|M ) ◦ η(μ), if i = 2,
(π(ν) ⊗ 1M ) ◦ η(μ),
if i = 1,
((1V ⊗ η(ν)) ◦ η(μ), (1V ⊗ ητ (ν)) ◦ η(μ)), if i = 2.
Likewise, we have that
ηC (2)(ν)i |M⊗V ◦ ητ (μ)
((η(ν) ⊗ 1V ) ◦ ητ (μ), (ητ (ν) ⊗ 1V ) ◦ ητ (μ)), if i = 1,
(1M ⊗ π(ν)) ◦ ητ (μ),
if i = 2.
This proves the assertion about ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν)|M . The assertion about ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν)|V is
proved by a similar argument.
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
Example 3.7.
(1) If P = As is the associative algebras operad, then a P-coalgebra is a coassociative
coalgebra. In this case, a V -corepresentation is the same thing as a V -bicomodule in
the usual sense.
(2) If P = Com is the associative commutative algebras operad, then a P-coalgebra is a
cocommutative coassociative coalgebra. In this case, a V -corepresentation is the same
thing as a symmetric V -bicomodule in the usual sense.
4. V -corepresentations as V # -representations
The purpose of this section is to establish a correspondence (Corollary 4.8) between
V -corepresentations and representations of its dual P-algebra V # in the sense of Balavoine
[1]. This gives another characterization of a V -corepresentation.
For the rest of this paper, unless otherwise specified, (M, η) will denote a
V -corepresentation (Definition 3.3), and C = V ⊕ M will denote the P-coalgebra with
structural morphism θ = ηC (2) (eq. (3.1.2)).
We begin by recalling Balavoine’s notation of representations of a P-algebra.
4.1 Representations of a P-algebra
Let P = P(k, E, R) be a finite dimensional quadratic operad such that P(1) = k. Let
(A, π ) be a P-algebra, where π is the structural map of A. Let M be a vector space over
k and ψ: P(2) ⊗ A ⊗ M → M be a linear map. Set B = A ⊕ M. Define a linear map
ψ̄ : P(2) ⊗2 B ⊗2 → B by
ψ̄(μ, a1 + m1 , a2 + m2 ) = π(μ)(a1 , a2 )
+ ψ(μ, a1 , a2 ) + ψ(μ(12), a2 , m1 ).
It is easy to verify that the ψ̄ so defined satisfy the following conditions:
(i) ψ̄|P (2)⊗
= π;
(ii) ψ̄(μ, a, m) = ψ(μ, a, m) for all μ ∈ P(2), (a, m) ∈ A × M;
(iii) ψ̄(μ, m1 , m2 ) = 0 for all μ ∈ P(2), m1 , m2 ∈ M.
A representation of A is a vector space M equipped with a linear map ψ: P(2)⊗A⊗M →
M, such that the extended map ψ̄ defined above makes A ⊕ M a P-algebra.
Let ψ(3) denote the extended map of ψ̄ to F(E)(3) ⊗3 B ⊗3 .
PROPOSITION 4.3 (Proposition 1.3 of [1])
With the above notations, M is a representation of A iff for all a1 , a2 ∈ A, m ∈ M and
r ∈ R,
ψ(3)(μ, a1 , a2 , m) = 0.
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
4.4 Dual P-algebra of a P-coalgebra
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Denote by V # its linear dual Hom(V , k). Then
for each n ≥ 1, there is a linear isomorphism (Proposition 2.8 in [20])
→ End(V # )(n)
ζ n : Coend(V )(n) −
given by
ζ n (f ) = f # ,
f (α1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ αn )(a) =
αi (f (a)i )
for αi ∈ V # and a ∈ V . The notations on the right-hand side of the previous line is given by
f (a) =
f (a)1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ f (a)n ∈ V ⊗n .
Theorem 4.5 (Theorem 3.1 of [15]). Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Then the
maps ζ n (n ≥ 1) assemble to form an isomorphism
ζ : Coend(V ) −
→ End(V # )
of operads.
In view of the above theorem, we infer that if P = P(k, E, R) is a finitely generated
quadratic operad, and V be a finite dimensional P-coalgebra, then the linear dual V # is a
4.6 Dualizing a V -corepresentation
Let V be a P-coalgebra and M be a V corepresentation. Let C = V ⊕ M. Define the map
ηC (2)# = ζ 2 ◦ ηC (2): P(2) → End(C # )(2),
where ζ 2 is part of the dualization isomorphism
ζ : Coend(C) ∼
= End(C # )
of operads (Theorem 3.4 of [15]). From the definition of ηC (2) in eq. (3.1.2), we have that
π(μ)# = ζ 2 (π(μ)), on V # ⊗ V # ,
⎨η(μ)# ,
on V # ⊗ M # ,
ηC (2) (μ) =
on M # ⊗ V # ,
ητ (μ)# ,
on M # ⊗ M # ,
for μ ∈ P(2). Here
η(μ)# : V # ⊗ M # → M #
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
is defined as the image of η(μ) ∈ Hom(M, V ⊗ M) under the dualization isomorphism
→ Hom(V # ⊗ M # , M # ).
Hom(M, V ⊗ M) −
The element ητ (μ)# is defined similarly.
Denote by
C (2) (3): F(E)(3) → End(C )(3)
the unique extension of ηC (2)# to F(E)(3). Set
ηC (3)# = ζ 3 ◦ ηC (3): F(E)(3) → End(C # )(3).
Theorem 4.7. One has that ηC (3)# = η
C (2) (3).
In other words, dualization commutes with extension to F(E)(3).
Proof. This follows from the fact that ζ is an operad isomorphism, which in particular
implies that ζ commutes with the ◦i operations. Indeed, given any generator μ ◦i ν ∈
F(E)(3) with μ, ν ∈ P(2) and i ∈ {1, 2}, we have
ηC (3)# (μ ◦i ν) = ζ 3 (ηC (3)(μ ◦i ν))
= ζ 3 (ηC (2)(μ) ◦i ηC (2)(ν))
= ζ 2 (ηC (2)(μ)) ◦i ζ 2 (ηC (2)(ν))
= ηC (2)# (μ) ◦i ηC (2)# (ν)
= η
C (2) (3)(μ ◦i ν),
as desired.
η# : P(2) → Hom(V # ⊗ M # , M # )
be the composition of η followed by dualization. We also consider η# as a linear map
η# : P(2) ⊗ V # ⊗ M # → M # .
Note that
η(μ)# = η# (μ),
ητ (μ)# = (ητ )# (μ) = (η# )τ (μ),
where (ητ )# is ητ followed by dualization and (η# )τ is the composition
P(2) −
→ P(2) −→ Hom(V # ⊗ M # , M # ) −
→ Hom(M # ⊗ V # , M # ).
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
The pair (M, η) is a (V , π )-corepresentation if and only if (M # , η# ) is a (V # , π # )representation in the sense of Definition 1.2 of [1], where (V # , π # ) is the dual P-algebra
of (V , π ) (Corollary 5.3 of [15]).
Proof. Indeed, (M, η) is a (V , π )-corepresentation if and only if
ηC (3)(R) = 0,
by Proposition 3.5. Since ζ is an isomorphism, it follows from Theorem 4.7 that
ηC (3)(R) = 0 if and only if
C (2) (3)(R) = 0.
This last condition is equivalent to saying that ηC (2)# defines a P-algebra structure on C # .
Using the description (4.6.1) of ηC (2)# , one observes that this is equivalent to (M # , η# )
being a (V # , π # )-representation in the sense of Definition 1.2 of [1].
The correspondence between (M, η) and (M # , η# ) above gives an equivalence from the
category of finite dimensional (V , π )-corepresentations to the category of finite dimensional (V # , π # )-representations.
5. Corepresentations as comodules
The purpose of this section is to construct the enveloping coalgebra of V . It is a unital
graded coassociative coalgebra, with the property that its left-comodules are exactly the
V -corepresentations (Theorem 5.4).
As in any abelian category, the category of P-algebra representations can be described
in terms of left modules over a certain associative algebra. Such an algebra indeed exists
and is called the universal enveloping algebra of a P-algebra A, denoted by UP (A). The
construction in such generality for the first time was given by Ginzburg and Kapranov in
[7]. We recall Balavoine’s enveloping algebra for a P-algebra, which we will dualize to
obtain the desired enveloping coalgebra.
5.1 Enveloping algebra for a P-algebra
Recall from §1 of [1] that for a P-algebra A, its enveloping algebra is defined as the quotient
UP (A) = T (P(2) ⊗ A)/IR ,
where T (P(2) ⊗ A) is the unital tensor algebra on the vector space P(2) ⊗ A and IR
is a certain two-sided ideal in it. The enveloping algebra inherits a non-negative grading
from the unital tensor algebra T (P(2) ⊗ A), and we denote by UP (A)n the homogeneous
degree n component in UP (A).
Consider the graded vector space
UP (A)# = ⊕n≥0 UP (A)#n
= ⊕n≥0 Hom(UP (A)n , k).
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
Theorem 5.2. If A is finite dimensional, then the multiplication on UP (A) induces a
comultiplication on UP (A)# , making it into a unital graded coassociative coalgebra.
Proof. Since A is finite dimensional, so is P(2) ⊗ A. Therefore, each (P(2) ⊗ A)⊗n is also
finite dimensional. Since UP (A)n is a quotient of (P(2) ⊗ A)⊗n , it is finite dimensional.
The comultiplication on UP (A)# is defined on its homogeneous degree n component as
the following composition:
→ ⊕(UP (A)i ⊗ UP (A)j )#
UP (A)#n → (⊕ UP (A)i ⊗ UP (A)j )# −
→ ⊕ UP (A)#i ⊗ UP (A)#j ,
in which ⊕ = ⊕i+j =n . The first map is the linear dual of the multiplication on UP (A).
The first isomorphism holds, since the direct sum is finite. The second isomorphism uses
the finite dimensionality of each UP (A)i .
5.3 Enveloping coalgebra for a P-coalgebra
Now we go back to the setting of the previous section. Since (V # , π # ) is a finite dimensional
P-algebra, it follows from Theorem 5.2 that UP (V # )# is a unital graded coassociative
coalgebra, which we call the enveloping coalgebra of V . In particular, we can consider
left (or right) comodules over UP (V # )# .
Theorem 5.4. There is an equivalence between the categories of finite dimensional left
UP (V # )# -comodules and of finite dimensional (V , π )-corepresentations.
Proof. There is an equivalence between the category of finite dimensional left
UP (V # )# -comodules and the category of finite dimensional left UP (V # )-modules. It
associates to a left UP (V # )# -coaction map
M −→ UP (V # )# ⊗ M
its dual left UP (V # )-action map
→ M#.
UP (V # ) ⊗ M # −
The latter category is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional (V # , π # )representations (Theorem 1.7.2 of [1]), which in turn is equivalent to the category of finite
dimensional (V , π )-corepresentations (Corollary 4.9).
5.5 Explicit description of the equivalence
The equivalence in Theorem 5.4 can be described more explicitly as follows. Suppose
that M is a finite dimensional left UP (V # )# -comodule with structure map λ# as in (5.4.1).
Then its associated (V , π )-corepresentation is (M, λ), where
λ: M → Hom(P(2), V ⊗ M)
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
is the composition of the following maps:
M −→ UP (V # )# ⊗ M ∼
= ⊕n≥0 (UP (V # )#n ⊗ M) UP (V # )#1 ⊗ M
→ P(2)# ⊗ V ⊗ M ∼
= Hom(P(2), V ⊗ M).
The first isomorphism comes from the fact that direct sum commutes with tensor product.
The last isomorphism uses the finite dimensionality of P(2). The map j arises as follows.
Consider the projection map
P(2) ⊗ V # UP (V # )1 .
Its linear dual is an injection
UP (V # )#1 → P(2)# ⊗ V .
The map j is obtained from this injection by tensoring with M, which stays injective
because k is a field.
6. Cohomology of P -coalgebras
∗ (M, V ) that gives rise to
The purpose of this section is to define the cochain complex C̄P
the cohomology H̄P∗ (M, V ) of V with coefficients in M. It is constructed as a subcomplex
∗ (C, C), the deformation complex of the P-coalgebra C (§4 of [15]). As a side
of C̄P
benefit of our construction, we obtain an explicit formula (see eqs (6.8.1) and (6.9.1)) of
∗ (M, V ) in terms of the ◦ operations in P.
the differential in C̄P
In the case of the associative algebras operad P = As, our cohomology H̄P∗ (M, V )
coincides with the Hochschild coalgebra cohomology [10] Hc∗ (M, V ) of V with coefficients in the V -bicomodule M.
First we recall the deformation complex of a P-coalgebra that was constructed in §4 of
6.1 Deformation complex of a P-coalgebra
Define the vector spaces
L̄nP (V ) = P ! (n + 1) ⊗n+1 Coend(V )(n + 1)
(n ≥ 0),
(V ) = Hom(V , P ! (n) ⊗n (V ⊗n ⊗ sgnn ))
(n ≥ 1)
= Hom(V , FP !n (V )).
Coend(V )(n) = Hom(V , V ⊗n ) ⊗ sgnn ,
which is the same as Hom(V , V ⊗n ) as a vector space and has the natural left n -action.
Theorem 6.2 (Theorem 4.1 of [15]). For each n ≥ 1, there is an isomorphism
¯ L̄n−1 (V ) −
→ C̄P
(V )
of vector spaces.
PROPOSITION 6.3 (Proposition 4.3 of [15])
∗ (V ), [−, −]) is a graded Lie algebra.
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
∗ (V )
6.4 The graded Lie algebra C̄P
∗ (V ) via .
¯ Namely, define
Define the operation [−, −] on C̄P
¯ ¯ −1 (f ), ¯ −1 (g)])
[f, g] = ([
∗ (V ). The following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 6.2 and
for f, g ∈ C̄P
Proposition 6.3.
∗ (V ), [−, −]) is a graded Lie algebra of degree −1.
∗ (V )
6.6 Coboundary in C̄P
2 (V ),
Now let V be a finite dimensional P-coalgebra with structural morphism π ∈ C̄P
i.e., [π, π] = 0. Following Balavoine [2], define a map
δ̄πn : C̄P
(V ) → C̄P
(V )
by setting
δ̄πn (f ) = −
[f, π ]
n (V ). The map δ̄ is a differential on C̄ ∗ (V ) [15]. In particular, (C̄ ∗ (V ),
for f ∈ C̄P
δ̄π , [−, −]) is a differential graded Lie algebra.
∗ (V ), δ̄ ) is denoted by H̄ n (V ) or
The cohomology of the cochain complex (C̄P
H̄P (V , π ) and is called the cohomology of V with coefficients in itself.
Essentially the same discussion as in §4 of [2] also applies here, showing that the
∗ (V ), δ̄ , [−, −]) controls the deformations of the
differential graded Lie algebra (C̄P
P-coalgebra (V , π ).
∗ (M, V )
6.7 The cochain complex C̄P
For n ≥ 1, define the vector space
(M, V ) = Hom(M, P ! (n) ⊗n (V ⊗n ⊗ sgnn )).
Recall that C = V ⊕ M is the P-coalgebra with structural morphism θ = ηC (2)
n (M, V ) is identified as a submodule of C̄ n (C) = C̄ n (C, C)
(eq. (3.1.2)). The module C̄P
via the injection
ι: C̄P
(M, V ) → C̄P
defined by
(ιf )(v + m) = f (m)
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
n (M, V ), v ∈ V and m ∈ M. Define a map
for f ∈ C̄P
(M, V ) → C̄P
d̄ηn : C̄P
by setting
d̄ηn (f ) = δ̄θn (ιf ),
∗ (C) (§4.4 of
where δ̄θ∗ = δ̄θ1,∗ + δ̄θ2,∗ is the differential in the deformation complex C̄P
[15]). In order to make d̄η into a differential on C̄P (M, V ), we need to make sure that its
∗ (M, V ).
image lies in C̄P
ρα ⊗ α ∈ L̄P
¯ −1 (θ ) =
¯ −1
(π ) =
(V ).
μα ⊗ α ∈ L̄P
Then it follows from the definition of θ = ηC (2) and the formula for ¯ that
α |V = α ,
im(α |M ) ⊆ (V ⊗ M) ⊕ (M ⊗ V ).
Theorem 6.8. One has that
δ̄θ1,n (ιf ) = ι(d̄η1,n f ),
(d̄η1,n f )(m) =
1 (z(1) ◦j ρα∗ )σj ⊗ (σj )σj−1 jα (z(2) )
with the notations being the same as in Theorem 6.3 of [15], except that f (m) =
z(2) here.
(z) z(1) ⊗
Proof. Applying Theorem 6.3 of [15] to δ̄θ1,n (ιf ), we note that the computation of
δ̄θ1,n (ιf )(v + m) begins with
(ιf )(v + m) = f (m) ∈ P ! (n) ⊗n V ⊗n .
In particular, it is independent of v. Since
α |V = α ,
it follows that
jα |V ⊗n = jα .
Therefore, δ̄θ1,n (ιf )(v + m) is given by the right-hand side of (6.8.1), which finishes the
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
There is a similar description for δ̄θ2,n (ιf ). Given an element m ∈ M, we know that
α (m) ∈ (V ⊗ M) ⊕ (M ⊗ V ). Write
w 2 ⊗ w(2)
α (m) =
2 (1)
with the first sum in M ⊗ V and the second sum in V ⊗ M. For i ∈ {1, 2}, we extend the
notation in Theorem 6.5 of [15] as follows:
)(2) ∈ P ! (n) ⊗n V ⊗n ,
f (w(i)
)(1) ⊗ f (w(i)
f (w(i)
i ))
(f (w(i)
i )) σ ∈n+1
(f (w(i)
Using the fact that
(ιf )|V = 0,
(ιf )|M = f,
and Theorem 6.5 of [15], a similar argument as in Theorem 6.8 establishes the following
Theorem 6.9. One has that
δ̄θ2,n (ιf ) = ι(d̄η2,n f ),
(d̄η2,n f )(m) =
1 2
(σ )(ρα∗ ◦2 f (w(2)
)(1) )σ ⊗ σ −1 (w(1)
⊗ f (w(2)
)(2) )
1 1
+ (−1)n+1
(σ )(ρα∗ ◦1 f (w(1)
)(1) )
× σ ⊗ σ −1 (f (w(1)
)(2) ⊗ w(2)
The image of the map
d̄ηn = d̄η1,n + d̄η2,n
lies in C̄P
(M, V ).
∗ (M, V ), d̄ ∗ ) is a subcomplex of (C̄ ∗ (C), δ̄ ∗ ). Define H̄ n (M, V )
From Corollary 6.10, (C̄P
∗ (M, V ), d̄ ∗ ).
as the n-th cohomology module of (C̄P
Example 6.12. If P = As, then
H̄Pn (M, V ) = Hcn (M, V ),
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
the Hochschild coalgebra cohomology of the coassociative coalgebra V with coefficients
in the V -bicomodule M [4, 10, 20].
Example 6.13. If (M, η) = (V , π ) (i.e., V coacting on itself via its structural morphism),
(V , V ), d̄π∗ ) = (C̄P
(V ), δ̄π∗ )
H̄P∗ (V , V ) = H̄P∗ (V ).
7. Interpreting H̄P2 (M, V ) as extensions
The purpose of this section is to give an interpretation of H̄P2 (M, V ) in terms of extensions. The classical case involving a coassociative coalgebra V and a V -bicomodule M is
worked out in [10]. Most of the definitions and proofs in this section are modeled after the
corresponding ones in [10].
The following is the main result of this section.
Theorem 7.1. There is a bijection
H̄P2 (M, V ) ∼
= Ext(M, V ),
where Ext(M, V ) denotes the set of equivalence classes of singular P-coalgebra extensions
of V by M.
A sketch of the proof, which is a slight modification of standard arguments (see, for
e.g., §9.3 of [21]), will be given after the following list of definitions.
(1) Let (V , π ) and (V , π ) be two P-coalgebras. A morphism of P-coalgebras
φ: (V , π ) → (V , π ) is a k-linear map φ: V → V such that for any μ ∈ P(n),
π (μ) ◦ φ = φ ⊗n ◦ π(μ).
(2) A morphism α: V → D is called a coretraction if there exists a morphism γ : D → V
such that γ α = IdV .
(3) The morphisms V → V → V are called a sequence if j i = 0. The morphism j
is called a cokernel of i if j i = 0 and if for every morphism f : V → W satisfying
f i = 0, f can be factorized uniquely as f = gj for some g: V → W .
(4) A sequence V → V → V is called coexact if the morphism j can be factored as
V → V̄ −→ V , where k is a cokernel of i and l is a monomorphism.
(5) A singular P-coalgebra extension of V by M is a coexact sequence of coalgebras
0 → V → D → M → 0, where the comultiplication on M is the zero morphism and
α is a coretraction.
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
(6) Two singular P-coalgebra extensions 0 → V → D → M → 0 and 0 → V → D̄ →
M → 0 of V by M are said to be equivalent if there exists a morphism φ: D → D̄
of P-coalgebras such that the diagram
/ D̄
is commutative.
(7) The set of equivalence classes of singular P-coalgebra extensions of V by M is denoted
by Ext(M, V ).
The following lemma is standard.
Lemma 7.3. The following statements are equivalent:
(1) The morphism α: V → D of P-coalgebras is a coretraction.
(2) There is a commutative diagram of P-coalgebras:
GG ∼ a
G =
i1 GG# www p2
V ⊕M
in which i1 and p2 are the inclusion into the first factor and the projection onto the
second factor, respectively.
If either one of the two equivalent statements in Lemma 7.3 is true, then for every
element μ ∈ P(2), the comultiplication πD : P(2) → Hom(D, D ⊗2 ) on D determines a
π(μ) h(μ)
⎜ 0 ml (μ) ⎟
πD (μ) = ⎜
⎝ 0 mr (μ)⎠ : V ⊕ M → V ⊕ (V ⊗ M) ⊕ (M ⊗ V ) ⊕ M . (7.3.1)
Here π(μ): V → V ⊗2 and m(μ): M → M ⊗2 are from the comultiplications of V and M,
respectively, and h(μ): M → V ⊗ V , ml (μ): M → V ⊗ M and mr (μ): M → M ⊗ V .
Note that there are isomorphisms
P ! (2) ⊗2 (V ⊗2 ⊗ sgn2 ) ∼
= Homk[2 ] ((P ! )# (2), (V ⊗2 ⊗ sgn2 ))
= Homk[2 ] (P(2), (V ⊗2 ⊗ sgn2 )),
which implies that
(M, V ) ∼
= Hom(M, Homk[2 ] ((P(2), (V ⊗2 ⊗ sgn2 ))))
= Homk[2 ] (M ⊗ P(2), V ⊗2 ⊗ sgn2 ).
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
2 (M, V ) be a 2-cocycle. Then f gives rise to a singular P-coalgebra
Now let f ∈ C̄P
extension of V by M as follows. As a vector space, D = V ⊕ M. For any μ ∈ P(2), we
set πD (μ): D → D ⊗2 as the matrix in (7.3.1) with
m(μ) = 0,
h(μ) = f (−, μ),
ml (μ) = η(μ),
mr (μ) = ητ (μ).
Here we are using the isomorphisms in (7.3.2) when considering f (−, μ), and η(μ) and
ητ (μ) are as in (3.1.2). The assembled map
πD : P(2) → Hom(D, D ⊗2 )
gives a P-coalgebra structure on D = V ⊕ M because f is a cocycle, and
0→V −
→ D −→ M → 0
is a singular P-coalgebra extension of V by M. Moreover, it is not hard to check that
cohomologous 2-cocycles give rise to equivalent singular P-coalgebra extensions.
Similarly, let us start with a singular P-coalgebra extension
0 → V → D → M → 0.
2 (M, V ) as follows. Using the isomorphism (7.3.2), we set
This defines a 2-cocycle f ∈ C̄P
f (−, μ) = h(μ)
for μ ∈ P(2), where h(μ) is as in the matrix in (7.3.1). It is standard that equivalent
extensions give rise to cohomologous 2-cocycles. This establishes Theorem 7.1.
8. Relations with P -algebra cohomology
The purpose of this section is to show that our P-coalgebra cohomology can be identified
with Balavoine’s P-algebra cohomology [1]. The main result in this section (Corollary 8.4)
∗ (M, V ) of a P-coalgebra V with coefficients in a
asserts that the cochain complex C̄P
V -corepresentation M is canonically isomorphic, via dualization, to the cochain complex
∗ (V # , M # ) of the dual P-algebra V # with coefficients in the dual V # -representation M # .
Passing to cohomology, the duality isomorphism (Corollary 8.5) identifies H̄P∗ (M, V )
with HP∗ (V # , M # ). If one restricts to the case when P = As (Example 8.6), the associative
algebras operad, then one recovers the duality isomorphism of Hochschild (coalgebra)
cohomology modules that was first observed by Parshall and Wang [20].
We begin by recalling Balavoine’s notion of cohomology of a P-algebra with coefficients.
8.1 P-algebra cohomology
Recall from §3.3 of [1] that the cohomology HP∗ (A, N ) of the P-algebra (A, π ) with
∗ (A, N ) with
coefficients in the representation (N, ψ) is defined by the cochain complex CP
(A, N ) = Hom((P ! )# (n) ⊗n A⊗n , N).
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
n (A ⊕ N ) = C n (A ⊕ N, A ⊕ N ) via the inclusion
It is considered a submodule of CP
(A, N ) −
→ CP
(A ⊕ N )
f → ιf
defined by
(ιf )(μ ⊗ a1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an ) =
if ai ∈ N for some i,
f (μ ⊗ a1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an ),
if every ai ∈ A.
n (A, N ) is closed under the differential δ ∗ in C ∗ (A ⊕ N )
The submodule CP
∗ (A, N ) is a subcomplex of C ∗ (A ⊕ N ). The differential
(Proposition 3.3.1 of [1]), so CP
∗ (A, N ), which is the restriction of δ ∗ , is denoted by d ∗ .
in CP
8.2 Duality
We are still assuming that (M, η) is a finite dimensional corepresentation of the finite
dimensional P-coalgebra (V , π ) and that C = V ⊕ M is the P-coalgebra with structural
2 (C) (eq. (3.1.2)).
morphism θ = ηC (2) ∈ C̄P
According to Corollary 4.8, (M # , η# ) is a representation of the P-algebra (V # , π # ).
In other words, the linear dual C # = V # ⊕ M # is a P-algebra with structural morphism
θ # = ξ 2 θ (eq. (4.6.1)).
In this framework, we have the submodule inclusions
(M, V ) ⊆ C̄P
CP (V , M ) ⊆ CP (C )
(by (6.7.1)),
(by (8.1.1)).
Recall that the dualization isomorphism (eq. (5.1) of [15])
(C) −
→ CP
(C # )
ξ n : C̄P
is given by
(ξ n ϕ)(μ ⊗ α)(x) =
μ, ϕ(x)(1) α, ϕ(x)(2) ,
n (C), μ ∈ (P ! )# (n), α ∈ (C # )⊗n ∼ (C ⊗n )# , and x ∈ C. Here
for ϕ ∈ C̄P
ϕ(x) =
ϕ(x)(1) ⊗ ϕ(x)(2) ∈ P ! (n) ⊗n C ⊗n .
Theorem 8.3. Under the dualization isomorphism
→ CP
(C) −
(C # ),
ξ n : C̄P
n (M, V ) is exactly C n (V # , M # ).
the image of C̄P
n (M, V ), μ ∈ (P ! )# (n), α = α ⊗ · · · ⊗ α ∈ (C # )⊗n ∼ (C ⊗n )# ,
Proof. Pick f ∈ C̄P
v ∈ V , and m ∈ M. Write
f (m) =
f (m)(1) ⊗ f (m)(2) ∈ P ! (n) ⊗n V ⊗n .
Cohomology with coefficients for operadic coalgebras
Then we have
(ξ n f )(μ ⊗ α)(v + m) = (ξ n f )(μ ⊗ α)(m)
μ, f (m)(1) α, f (m)(2) .
In particular, if αi ∈ M # for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n} (i.e., αi (V ) = 0), then
α, f (m)(2) = 0
because f (m)(2) ∈ V ⊗n . Since this holds for any element v + m ∈ C, it follows that
(ξ n f )(μ ⊗ α1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ αn ) = 0
whenever αi ∈ M # for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. This shows that
ξ n (C̄P
(M, V )) ⊆ CP
(V # , M # ).
The inclusion in the other direction is proved by a similar argument.
The dualization isomorphism restricts to an isomorphism
ξ : (C̄P
(M, V ), d̄η∗ ) −
→ (CP
(V # , M # ), dη∗# )
of cochain complexes.
Proof. It is known that the dualization isomorphism commutes with the differentials in
∗ (C) and C ∗ (C # ) (Corollary 5.4 of [15]):
ξ n+1 δ̄θn = δθn# ξ n .
Since the differentials d̄η∗ and dη∗# are the restrictions of δ̄θ∗ and δθ∗# , respectively, the proof
now finishes by applying Theorem 8.3.
Passing to cohomology, we obtain the following result.
There is a duality isomorphism
ξ ∗ : H̄P∗ (M, V ) −
→ HP∗ (V # , M # )
of cohomology modules.
Example 8.6. When P = As, the duality isomorphism in Corollary 8.5 takes the form
Hc∗ (M, V ) ∼
= Hh∗ (V # , M # ),
where M # is the dual bimodule over the dual associative algebra V # and Hh∗ denotes
Hochschild cohomology [9]. In this case, we recover the result in Proposition 2.8
of [20].
Anita Majumdar and Donald Yau
The first author is supported by NBHM Post-doctoral Fellowship.
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