Overview: composite optical elements ray from infinity FFP BFP FFL 1st PP then goes through the BFP BFP bends at 1st PP EFL 2nd ray from the FFP FFP BFL EFL bends at 2nd PP 1st PP PP 1st PP then goes on to infinity 2nd PP 2nd PP BFP object image FFP EFL EFL MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 1 1 Today • Apertures & Stops – Aperture – Entrance Pupil – Exit Pupil – Field Stop – Entrance Window – Exit Window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 2 2 Aperture Stop and Numerical Aperture medium of refr. index n Aperture stop the physical element which limits the angle of acceptance of the imaging system θ: half-angle subtended by the imaging system from an axial object Numerical Aperture Speed pronounced f-number, e.g. f/8 means (f/#)=8. The Aperture Stop limits the optical energy that is admitted through the system Later we will also learn that the NA also defines the resolution (or resolving power) of the optical system MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 3 3 Entrance & exit pupils image through preceding elements entrance pupil aperture stop image through succeeding elements exit pupil multi-element optical system MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 4 4 The Chief & Marginal Rays M.R. C.R . Chief Ray: Starts from off-axis object, goes through the center of the Aperture Marginal Ray: Starts from off-axis object, goes through the edge of the Aperture Together, the C.R. and M.R. define the angular acceptance of spherical ray bundles originating from an off-axis object. MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 5 5 The Chief & Marginal Rays M . .R . R . C Corollaries: Chief Ray also goes through the center of the Entrance & Exit Pupils Marginal Ray also goes through the edge of the Entrance & Exit Pupils The Chief and Marginal Rays meet again at the image MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 6 6 The Field Stop Limits the angular acceptance of Chief Rays MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 7 7 The Field Stop FoV Defines the Field of View (FoV) MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 8 8 Entrance & Exit Windows image through preceding elements image through succeeding elements M.R. C. R. field stop entrance window exit window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 9 9 All together M.R. C. R. entrance entrance pupil window field stop aperture stop exit pupil exit window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-10 10 All together C. R. FoV field stop aperture stop entrance exit exit window entrance pupil pupil window The Field of View is the angle between the pair of Chief Rays that just make it through the edges of the Field Stop MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 11 11 All together NA field stop aperture stop entrance exit exit window entrance pupil pupil window The Numerical Aperture is the angle between the pair of Marginal Rays that just make it through the edges of the Aperture Stop MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-12 12 Example: single-lens camera 2nd FP 1st FP size of film or digital detector array object plane image plane MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-13 13 Example: single-lens camera 2nd FP 1st FP object plane Aperture Stop & Entrance Pupil image plane MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-14 14 Example: single-lens camera 2nd FP 1st FP object plane Exit pupil (virtual) Aperture Stop & Entrance Pupil image plane MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-15 15 Example: single-lens camera mar chi gina ef r l ray ay 2nd FP 1st FP object plane Field Stop & Exit Window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-16 16 Example: single-lens camera chi ef r ay 2nd FP 1st FP Entrance Window Field Stop & Exit Window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-17 17 Example: single-lens camera 2nd FP 1st FP Exit pupil (virtual) Entrance Window Aperture Stop & Entrance Pupil Field Stop & Exit Window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-18 18 Example: single-lens camera C.R . fro mo bje FoV ct a t fie ld e xis object n-a M.R. from o dge 2nd FP NA 1st FP Exit pupil (virtual) Entrance Window Aperture Stop & Entrance Pupil Field Stop & Exit Window MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-19 19 Example: single-lens camera Lens, FL f MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a-20 20 Example: single-lens camera Lens, FL f M.R. from ob at field e ject dge C.R. fr om at field object edge M.R. from on -axis object EnW ExP Aperture & EnP FS & ExW MIT 2.71/2.710 02/23/09 wk4-a- 21 21 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 2.71 / 2.710 Optics Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.