Profile of Pediatric Visits Annualized Estimates by Source of Payment Patient Age Physician Specialty Well vs Sick Visit Office Setting Practice Ownership Physician Employment Status & Geopgraphic Location 2004-2007 Annualized Estimates Visits to Office-based Physicians vs General Dentists by Infants and One-year-olds 2004-2007 Updated April 2010 Send questions and comments about this report to Suk-fong S Tang, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, Department of Practice, American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Illinois Data Highlights: • Infants, children and young adults through age 21 account for 30% of the US population, and only 12% of total health care payment. • After private health insurance, Medicaid and SCHIP programs are the largest source of payment for pediatric (through age 21) health care, followed by family sources. Together, these sources cover 92% of children’s health care expenses, paying 48%, 24% and 20% of total cost, respectively. • • Preventive visits account for 29% of all visits by infants, children and young adults through age 21, and over half (52%) of all visits by infants. Pediatricians provide 84% of all well visits and 76% of all sick visits to infants and children under age 6, compared to 44% of well visits and 35% of sick visits to adolescents. Overall, pediatricians provide 66% of all well visits and 52% of all sick visits for the age 0 through 21 population. 87% of all pediatric office visits are provided in private solo or group practice, with the remainder provided in health centers, clinics, HMOs and other settings. 79% of all pediatric office visits are provided in physician or physician-group owned settings. • Almost two-thirds of all pediatric office visits (65%) are provided by physician owners of the practice. The remainder one-third (35%) are provided by employee or contractor physicians. • Only 2% of infants and one-year olds visit any general dentist during the year. The great majority (87%, or 6.8 million) visited officebased physicians but not dentists in a year’s time. The number of physician office visits outnumber visits to general dentists 190 folds for this age group. • Nationally, office visits provided by general pediatricians outnumber visits provided by other primary care physicians by more than 2fold (56% vs 25% of all visits) for the 0-21 population. There is, however, considerable geographic variation, by region and by metropolitan area classification. Sources: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Care Survey. Content Figure 1 & Table 1. Health Care Provider Payment for Children and Adults, by Source of Payment, 2004-2007 Annual Average Figure 2 & Table 2. Pediatric Office Visits by Type of Visit by Patient Age, 20042007 Annual Average Table 3. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Patient Age, 2004-2007 Annual Average Figure 3 & Table 4. Well-child and Sick Visit by Physician Specialty by Patient Age Group, 2004-2007 Annual Average Table 5. Table 6. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Source of Payment, 2004-2007 Annual Average Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Type of Office Setting, 2004-2007 Annual Average Table 7. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Type of Practice Ownership, 2004-2007 Annual Average Table 8. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Physician Employment Status, 2004-2007 Annual Average Table 9. Number and Proportion of Infants and One-year-olds with Visits to Officebased Physicians vs General Dentists, 2004-2007 annual average Table 10. Frequency of Visits to Office-based Physicians vs General Dentists by Infants and 0ne-year-olds, 2004-2007 annual average Table 11. Pediatric Office Visits by Region by Metropolitan Statistical Area Classification, 2004-2007 Annual Average Figure 1. Health Care Provider Payment for Children and Adults, by Source of Payment, 2004-2007 Annual Average Ages 0 through 21 Age 22 and Older (Payment: $117B, 12% of Total) (Payment: $883B, 88% of Total) 7.0% 8.3% 19.9% 24.1% 18.3% 48.3% 42.2% 8.0% 0.7% 23.9% Private Insurance Medicare Medicaid/SCHIP Source: AAP analysis of 2004 to 2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Self/Family Other Table 1. Health Care Provider Payment by Source of Payment by Age Group, 2004-2007 Annual Average Source of Payment Population (millions) Row% Total Provider Payment ($billions) Row% Col% Total Amount Paid by Private Insurance Row% Col% Total Amount Paid by Medicare Row% Col% Total Amount Paid by Medicaid/SCHIP Row% Col% Total Amount Paid by Self/Family Row% Col% All persons Ages 0 - 21 Over Age 21 295.0M 100.0% 89.6M 30.40% 205.4M 69.60% $999.9B 100.0% 100.0% $117.2B 11.7% 100.0% $882.6B 88.3% 100.0% $422.3B 100.0% 42.2% $56.6B 13.4% 48.3% $422.3B 100.0% 42.2% $212.1B 100.0% 21.2% $0.9B 0.4% 0.7% $211.2B 99.6% 23.9% $99.1B 100.0% 9.9% $28.2B 28.5% 24.1% $70.8B 71.5% 8.0% $185.3B 100.0% 18.5% $23.3B 12.6% 19.9% $161.9B 87.4% 18.3% $81.2B 100.0% 8.1% $8.2B 10.1% 7.0% $73.0B 89.9% 8.3% Total Amount Paid by Other Source (military insurance, worker's comp and other sources) Row% Col% Note: Percents may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Source: AAP analysis of 2000 to 2004 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Figure 2. Pediatric Office Visits by Type of Visit by Patient Age, 2004-2007 Annual Average Number of Visits (thousands) 35,000 8.9% 30,000 25,000 19.8% Well Visit Sick Visit 40.8% 20,000 8.2% 15,000 22.3% 10,000 5,000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Age Source: AAP analysis of 2004 to 2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Table 2. Pediatric Office Visits by Type of Visit by Patient Age, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Age Through 21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 #Total Visits 210,353.2 30,382.5 19,231.8 11,134.4 10,039.3 10,339.4 9,924.8 8,998.4 7,982.6 6,847.9 6,691.0 6,692.6 7,188.8 7,135.9 7,707.4 8,165.1 7,616.6 8,648.2 8,563.9 7,779.3 6,313.0 6,319.9 6,650.1 Col% 100.0% 14.4% 9.1% 5.3% 4.8% 4.9% 4.7% 4.3% 3.8% 3.3% 3.2% 3.2% 3.4% 3.4% 3.7% 3.9% 3.6% 4.1% 4.1% 3.7% 3.0% 3.0% 3.2% #Well Visits 61,528.7 15,794.8 7,511.4 2,736.9 2,620.5 2,767.8 2,435.0 1,688.9 1,315.0 1,246.3 1,218.7 1,616.5 1,835.3 1,629.7 1,343.0 1,935.4 1,437.8 1,855.8 2,154.3 2,075.2 1,943.9 1,965.0 2,401.6 Row%* 29.3% 52.0% 39.1% 24.6% 26.1% 26.8% 24.5% 18.8% 16.5% 18.2% 18.2% 24.2% 25.5% 22.8% 17.4% 23.7% 18.9% 21.5% 25.2% 26.7% 30.8% 31.1% 36.1% Col% 100.0% 25.7% 12.2% 4.4% 4.3% 4.5% 4.0% 2.7% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% 2.6% 3.0% 2.6% 2.2% 3.1% 2.3% 3.0% 3.5% 3.4% 3.2% 3.2% 3.9% #Sick Visits 146,128.8 14,259.4 11,484.6 8,270.8 7,332.2 7,506.5 7,357.2 7,206.1 6,573.6 5,562.4 5,415.8 5,019.4 5,204.4 5,413.1 6,275.4 6,061.9 6,002.3 6,693.0 6,255.4 5,537.8 4,254.1 4,259.4 4,183.8 *Row percents do not sum to 100% due to approximately 1.3% missing data on type of visit. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Row%* 69.5% 46.9% 59.7% 74.3% 73.0% 72.6% 74.1% 80.1% 82.3% 81.2% 80.9% 75.0% 72.4% 75.9% 81.4% 74.2% 78.8% 77.4% 73.0% 71.2% 67.4% 67.4% 62.9% Col% 100.0% 9.8% 7.9% 5.7% 5.0% 5.1% 5.0% 4.9% 4.5% 3.8% 3.7% 3.4% 3.6% 3.7% 4.3% 4.1% 4.1% 4.6% 4.3% 3.8% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% Table 3. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Patient Age, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Age Through 21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 #Visits to All Physicians Row% 210,353.2 30,382.5 19,231.8 11,134.4 10,039.3 10,339.4 9,924.8 8,998.4 7,982.6 6,847.9 6,691.0 6,692.6 7,188.8 7,135.9 7,707.4 8,165.1 7,616.6 8,648.2 8,563.9 7,779.3 6,313.0 6,319.9 6,650.1 Col% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 14.4% 100.0% 9.1% 100.0% 5.3% 100.0% 4.8% 100.0% 4.9% 100.0% 4.7% 100.0% 4.3% 100.0% 3.8% 100.0% 3.3% 100.0% 3.2% 100.0% 3.2% 100.0% 3.4% 100.0% 3.4% 100.0% 3.7% 100.0% 3.9% 100.0% 3.6% 100.0% 4.1% 100.0% 4.1% 100.0% 3.7% 100.0% 3.0% 100.0% 3.0% 100.0% 3.2% #Visits to General Pediatrician Row% 117,858.4 24,784.9 14,941.1 8,290.9 7,605.1 7,102.5 6,784.1 5,871.4 5,010.8 4,496.8 4,070.1 3,723.0 4,204.8 3,395.8 4,037.9 3,509.6 2,583.1 3,129.7 2,397.0 1,115.5 ~ ~ ~ Col% 56.0% 100.0% 81.6% 21.0% 77.7% 12.7% 74.5% 7.0% 75.8% 6.5% 68.7% 6.0% 68.4% 5.8% 65.2% 5.0% 62.8% 4.3% 65.7% 3.8% 60.8% 3.5% 55.6% 3.2% 58.5% 3.6% 47.6% 2.9% 52.4% 3.4% 43.0% 3.0% 33.9% 2.2% 36.2% 2.7% 28.0% 2.0% 14.3% 0.9% #Visits to Pediatric Subspecialist Row% 5,284.3 674.8 351.9 348.3 259.8 209.5 314.6 348.8 139.0 204.0 207.0 359.4 297.7 328.5 239.2 218.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician Col% ** Row% 2.5% 100.0% 2.2% 12.8% 1.8% 6.7% 3.1% 6.6% 2.6% 4.9% 2.0% 4.0% 3.2% 6.0% 3.9% 6.6% 1.7% 2.6% 3.0% 3.9% 3.1% 3.9% 5.4% 6.8% 4.1% 5.6% 4.6% 6.2% 3.1% 4.5% 2.7% 4.1% 51,749.5 4,015.4 2,607.8 1,498.6 1,388.8 1,955.6 1,547.8 1,325.9 1,474.4 1,033.2 1,047.1 1,189.3 1,392.8 1,857.4 1,693.9 2,472.1 2,364.2 2,971.5 3,471.7 3,947.3 3,686.7 4,185.5 4,622.4 Col% 24.6% 100.0% 13.2% 7.8% 13.6% 5.0% 13.5% 2.9% 13.8% 2.7% 18.9% 3.8% 15.6% 3.0% 14.7% 2.6% 18.5% 2.8% 15.1% 2.0% 15.6% 2.0% 17.8% 2.3% 19.4% 2.7% 26.0% 3.6% 22.0% 3.3% 30.3% 4.8% 31.0% 4.6% 34.4% 5.7% 40.5% 6.7% 50.7% 7.6% 58.4% 7.1% 66.2% 8.1% 69.5% 8.9% #Visits to Other Specialist Row% 35,461.0 907.4 1,330.9 996.6 785.6 1,071.8 1,278.3 1,452.3 1,358.5 1,113.9 1,366.8 1,421.0 1,293.5 1,554.3 1,736.5 1,964.7 2,375.8 2,390.4 2,566.8 2,623.7 2,118.9 1,875.2 1,878.2 16.9% 100.0% 3.0% 2.6% 6.9% 3.8% 9.0% 2.8% 7.8% 2.2% 10.4% 3.0% 12.9% 3.6% 16.1% 4.1% 17.0% 3.8% 16.3% 3.1% 20.4% 3.9% 21.2% 4.0% 18.0% 3.6% 21.8% 4.4% 22.5% 4.9% 24.1% 5.5% 31.2% 6.7% 27.6% 6.7% 30.0% 7.2% 33.7% 7.4% 33.6% 6.0% 29.7% 5.3% 28.2% 5.3% **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Col% Figure 3. Well-Child and Sick Visits by Provider Specialty by Patient Age Group, 2004-2007 Annual Average Well Visit 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sick Visit 8.9% 40.8% 8.2% 21 hr ou gh 18 9t hr ou gh 11 es 1 Ag Ag es 1 2t 5 th ro ug h Ag e es 6 Ag Th ro ug h es 1 9t hr ou gh 21 18 hr ou gh 2t Ag Ag es 1 th ro ug h es 6 Ag e 11 22.3% Ag Th ro ug h Pediatric Subspecialist Other Specialist 19.8% 5 Proportion of of Visits General Pediatrician Other Primary Care Physcian Note: Both (a) well and sick visit estimates for the age 19-21 group to general and subspecialist pediatricians, and (b) well visit estimates for pediatric subspecialists, are unstable due to small sample size. Interpret with caution. Source: AAP analysis of 2004 to 2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Table 4. Well-child and Sick Visit by Physician Specialty by Patient Age Group, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Age Group #Visits to General Pediatrician Row% #Visits to Pediatric Subspecialist Row% #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician** Row% #Visits to Other Specialist Row% Well-child Visit Total Through Age 5 Ages 6 through 11 Ages 12 through 18 Ages 19 through 21 40,513.0 28,023.3 7,591.4 4,626.8 ~ 65.8% 82.7% 72.0% 42.8% 667.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ Total Through Age 5 Ages 6 through 11 Ages 12 through 18 Ages 19 through 21 76,232.5 40,934.4 22,922.1 11,894.4 ~ 52.2% 72.8% 56.7% 32.3% 4,307.5 1,753.0 1,503.3 944.6 ~ 1.1% Sick Visit 2.9% 3.1% 3.7% 2.6% 17,764.8 5,108.0 2,005.9 5,112.9 5,538.0 28.9% 15.1% 19.0% 47.3% 87.8% 2,583.1 478.2 651.4 957.7 495.8 4.2% 1.4% 6.2% 8.9% 7.9% 33,398.3 7,778.6 7,236.3 11,500.0 6,883.3 22.9% 13.8% 17.9% 31.2% 54.2% 32,190.6 5,744.6 8,733.3 12,486.8 5,225.9 22.0% 10.2% 21.6% 33.9% 41.2% **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Table 5. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Source of Payment, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Primary Expected Source of Payment Total Private insurance Medicare Medicaid Worker's compensation Self-pay No charge Other Total #Visits to All Physicians Row% #Visits to General Col% Pediatrician Row% 210,353.2 100.0% 100.0% 131,378.6 100.0% 2,142.5 100.0% 56,702.3 100.0% 477.3 6,758.5 518.2 4,130.9 210,353.2 117,858.4 62.5% 1.0% 27.0% 75,989.2 1,213.7 33,067.4 100.0% 0.2% 100.0% 3.2% 100.0% 0.2% 100.0% 2.0% 100.0% 100.0% ~ 2,230.5 ~ 1,611.8 117,858.4 #Visits to Pediatric SubCol% specialist Row% #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician Col% ** Row% #Visits to Other Col% Specialist Row% Col% 56.0% 100.0% 5,284.3 2.5% 100.0% 51,749.5 24.6% 100.0% 35,461.0 16.9% 100.0% 57.8% 56.6% 58.3% 64.5% 1.0% 28.1% 2,915.2 2.2% 55.2% 1,750.9 3.1% 33.1% 28,734.2 474.3 15,384.2 21.9% 22.1% 27.1% 55.5% 0.9% 29.7% 23,740.1 445.5 6,499.7 18.1% 20.8% 11.5% 66.9% 1.3% 18.3% 33.0% 1.9% 3.0% 3.8% 35.7% 4.7% 28.4% 5.4% 39.0% 1.4% 56.0% 100.0% ~ 200.1 ~ ~ 5,284.3 2.5% 100.0% ~ 2,411.9 ~ 1,489.7 51,749.5 36.1% 2.9% 24.6% 100.0% ~ 1,916.1 ~ 968.0 35,461.0 23.4% 2.7% 16.9% 100.0% Note: Column percents may not sum to 100% due to missing data on primary expected source of payment. **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Table 6. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Type of Office Setting, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Type of Office Setting All Settings Private Solo or Group Practice Freestanding Clinic/ Urgicenter Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Non-federal Government Clinic Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) / Other Prepaid Practice Other*** #Visits to All Physicians Row% #Visits to General Pediatrician Row% Col% #Visits to Pediatric SubCol% specialist Row% Col% #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician ** Row% #Visits to Other Col% Specialist Row% Col% 210,353.2 100.0% 100.0% 117,858.4 56.0% 100.0% 5,284.3 2.5% 100.0% 51,749.5 24.6% 100.0% 35,461.0 16.9% 100.0% 181,978.8 100.0% 86.5% 101,927.5 56.0% 86.5% 4,845.8 2.7% 43,423.9 23.9% 83.9% 31,781.7 17.5% 89.6% 15,484.5 100.0% 7.4% 8,520.3 55.0% 7.2% ~ 4,903.6 31.7% 9.5% 1,998.6 12.9% 5.6% 4,373.9 100.0% 2.1% 2,915.9 66.7% 2.5% ~ 1,257.9 28.8% 2.4% 200.2 4.6% 0.6% 2,009.8 100.0% 1.0% 959.5 47.7% 0.8% ~ 830.8 41.3% 1.6% 219.5 10.9% 0.6% 4,836.0 100.0% 2.3% 2,727.0 56.4% 2.3% ~ 1,049.7 21.7% 2.0% 701.3 14.5% 2.0% 1,670.2 100.0% 0.8% 808.2 48.4% 0.7% ~ ~ 559.6 33.5% 1.6% 91.7% Note: Column percents may not sum to 100% due to missing data on type of office setting. **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. *** Includes mental health centers, family planning clinics and faculty practice plans. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Table 7. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Type of Practice Ownership, 2001-2004 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Practice Owned by: Total Physician or physician group Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Community health center Medical/acade mic health center Other Hospital Other health care corporation Other #Visits to All Physicians Row% Col% #Visits to General Pediatrician Row% Col% #Visits to Pediatric Subspecialist Row% #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician ** Row% Col% Col% #Visits to Other Specialist Row% Col% 210,353.2 100.0% 100.0% 117,858.4 56.0% 100.0% 5,284.3 2.5% 100.0% 51,749.5 24.6% 100.0% 35,461.0 16.9% 100.0% 165,998.6 100.0% 78.9% 89,613.3 54.0% 76.0% 4,052.4 2.4% 76.7% 40,778.0 24.6% 78.8% 31,554.9 19.0% 89.0% 6,112.3 100.0% 2.9% 4,011.6 65.6% 3.4% ~ 1,010.7 16.5% 2.0% 3,313.3 100.0% 1.6% 2,062.8 62.3% 1.8% ~ 1,163.4 35.1% 2.2% 6,072.0 100.0% 2.9% 3,563.1 58.7% 3.0% 193.6 3.2% 3.7% 1,683.4 27.7% 3.3% 632.0 10.4% 1.8% 10,391.4 100.0% 4.9% 7,135.1 68.7% 6.1% 549.6 5.3% 10.4% 2,128.8 20.5% 4.1% 577.9 5.6% 1.6% 10,750.6 100.0% 7,359.3 100.0% 5.1% 3.5% 5,642.0 52.5% 5,616.2 76.3% 4.8% 4.8% ~ ~ 3,903.3 36.3% 1,020.5 13.9% 7.5% 2.0% 1,074.5 10.0% 722.5 9.8% 3.0% 2.0% 732.1 12.0% 2.1% ~ Note: Column percents may not sum to 100% due to missing data on primary practice ownership. **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2001-2004 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey/NAMCS. Includes visits by patients under age 22. (Note: NAMCS used a different category of practice ownership prior to 2001.) Table 8. Pediatric Office Visits by Physician Specialty by Physician Employment Status, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Physician Employment Status #Visits to All Physicians Row% #Visits to General Col% Pediatrician Row% Total 210,353.2 100.0% 100.0% Owner 136,277.7 100.0% 64.8% Employee 67,108.3 100.0% Contractor 6,899.3 100.0% 117,858.4 #Visits to Pediatric SubCol% specialist Row% #Visits to Other Primary Care Physician Col% ** Row% #Visits to Other Col% Specialist Row% Col% 56.0% 100.0% 5,284.3 2.5% 100.0% 51,749.5 24.6% 100.0% 35,461.0 16.9% 100.0% 72,705.1 53.4% 61.7% 3,497.6 2.6% 66.2% 32,388.2 23.8% 62.6% 27,686.8 20.3% 78.1% 31.9% 42,164.3 62.8% 35.8% 1,373.8 2.0% 26.0% 17,078.3 25.4% 33.0% 6,492.0 9.7% 18.3% 3.3% 2,988.9 43.3% 2.5% ~ 2,221.6 32.2% 4.3% 1,275.9 18.5% 3.6% Note: Column percents may not sum to 100% due to missing data on physician employment status. **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22. Table 9. Number and Proportion of Infants and One-year-olds with Visits to Office-based Physicians vs General Dentists, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Children in Thousands) Infant/Child Visited General Dentist during Last 12 Months Yes No Total Infant/Child Visited office-based physician during last 12 months 135.6 (1.7%) 7.5 (0.1%) 143.2 (1.8%) Yes (%of all infants and 1-year-olds) No (%of all infants and 1-year-olds) Total (%of all infants and 1-year-olds) 6,844.8 (87.0%) 877.3 (11.2%) 7,722.1 (98.2%) 6,980.5 (88.7%) 884.9 (11.3%) 7,865.3 (100.0%) Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Table 10. Frequency of Visits to Office-based Physicians vs General Dentists by Infants and 0ne-year-olds, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Patient Age # Office-based Physician Visits # General Dentist Visits 0 14,482.0 5.7 1 18,082.3 165.3 32,564.3 171.0 Total Infants and 1-year-olds Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Table 11. Pediatric Office Visits by Region by Metropolitan Statistical Area Classification, 2004-2007 Annual Average (Number of Visits in Thousands) Region Total Northeast MSA (Metropolitan #Office Visits to All Statistical Area) Physicians Classification West #Office Visits to Other Primary Care Row % Physicians** Row % #Office Visits to Other Specialists Row % 210,353.2 100.0% 117,858.4 56.0% 5,284.3 2.5% 51,749.5 24.6% 35,461.0 16.9% MSA 184,312.6 100.0% 105,754.8 57.4% 5,284.3 2.9% 41,934.0 22.8% 31,339.4 17.0% Non-MSA 26,040.6 100.0% 12,103.6 46.5% ~ 9,815.5 37.7% 4,121.5 15.8% Region Total 40,814.8 100.0% 26,381.8 64.6% 243.8 0.6% 6,534.4 16.0% 7,654.8 18.8% MSA 36,833.8 100.0% 24,212.4 65.7% 243.8 0.7% 5,244.4 14.2% 7,133.2 19.4% 3,981.0 100.0% 2,169.4 54.5% ~ 1,290.0 32.4% 521.6 13.1% Region Total 43,924.2 100.0% 21,169.2 48.2% 337.7 0.8% 14,809.1 33.7% 7,608.3 17.3% MSA 36,011.1 100.0% 18,610.0 51.7% 337.7 0.9% 10,777.3 29.9% 6,286.0 17.5% 7,913.1 100.0% 2,559.1 32.3% ~ 4,031.7 50.9% 1,322.3 16.7% Region Total 83,035.6 100.0% 45,464.9 54.8% 4,058.0 4.9% 19,540.3 23.5% 13,972.4 16.8% MSA 70,175.3 100.0% 38,218.5 54.5% 4,058.0 5.8% 15,821.7 22.5% 12,077.2 17.2% Non-MSA 12,860.2 100.0% 7,246.4 56.3% ~ 3,718.6 28.9% 1,895.2 14.7% Region Total 42,578.6 100.0% 24,842.5 58.3% 644.9 1.5% 10,865.8 25.5% 6,225.5 14.6% MSA 41,292.4 100.0% 24,713.9 59.9% 644.9 1.6% 10,090.6 24.4% 5,843.0 14.2% 1,286.3 100.0% ~ 775.2 60.3% 382.4 29.7% Non-MSA South #Office Visits to Pediatric Subspecialists US Total Non-MSA Midwest #Office Visits to General Row % Pediatricians Row % Non-MSA ~ **Other Primary Care Physicians are defined as family physicians, general practitioners, internists and obstetricians/gynecologists for the purpose of this report. ~ Unstable estimate due to low reliability associated with small sample. Source: AAP analysis of 2004-2007 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Includes visits by patients under age 22.