3 comparison of rankine with single regeneration basic reference problem ... Rankine_class_example.mcd state 1: condenser outlet kPa := 10 ⋅Pa 6 MPa := 10 Pa 3 kJ := 10 ⋅J bar := 0.1MPa 3 kN := 10 ⋅N same as reference 3 T1 := 40 Table 1 or Table A.1.1 kJ sf_1 := 0.5725 kg⋅ K s1 := sf_1 p 1 := 7.384kPa kJ sfg_1 := 7.6845 kg⋅ K v f_1 := 0.0010078 h f_1 := 167.57 kJ m v 1 := v f_1 kg h fg_1 := 2406.7 kg kJ h 1 := h f_1 kg assume vf = v1 constant, isentropic, ds = 0 =>T*ds= 0 => h2 = h1+v1*dp from state 2: pump outlet relationships Tds = dh + v*dp integrated with constant v and Tds = 0 p 2 := 30bar s2 := s1 wp := h 1 − h 2 Cp := 4.184 using Cp kJ wp = −3.016 kg and ... eqn 5.18 state 3: boiler outlet p 3 := p 2 ( h 2 := h 1 + v 1 ⋅ p 2 − p 1 kJ kJ kg kg⋅ K h 2 = 170.586 ( ) T2 := T1 + h2 − h1 Cp interpolation state 4: turbine outlet h 3 = 3366.5 h 4 = 2216 kJ η th = (h3 − h4) − (h2 − h1) h 3 − h 2 QH := h 3 − h 2 work_net QH = QH + QL QH = wt + wp QH η th = 0.359 = kJ s3 = 7.113 kg⋅ K kJ wt = 1150 kg (h3 − h4) + (h1 − h2) h3 − h2 η th := QL := h 1 − h 4 η th_1 := 10/17/2005 kg wt := h 3 − h 4 kg thermal efficiency η th := kJ isentropic expansion to 40 deg C s4 := s3 determine h4 from x s4 − sf_1 => s4 = sf_1 + x ⋅ sfg_1 x := x = 0.851 sfg_1 h 4 := h f_1 + h fg_1⋅x 1 kg T2 = 40.721 p 3 = 3 MPa from interpolation Table A.1.3 P=3MPa page 622 kJ actual units h 2 − h 1 = Cp⋅ T2 − T1 T3 := 460 ) wt + wp h3 − h2 QH + QL QH η th = 0.359 η th_1 = 0.359 same cycle with regeneration extract steam at 400kPa (4 bar) from turbine to mix with condensate to become saturated liquid at 400kPa 1 - vacuum; (1-m 1 ) saturated liquid 5 T=40 C Wt Turbine 2 - sub cooled liquid at feed heater pressure P=400 kPa Boiler Q_dotH 6 3 - saturated liquid at 400 kPa 7 4 - sub cooled liquid at boiler pressure P=3 MPa 4 Feed Pump Condenser Regenerative 3 feed heater 2 5 - superheated vapor T=460 C Q_dotL 6 - (m1 ) superheated vapor @ 400 kPa or ... vapor + liquid @ saturation temperature and pressure tbd 1 Wfp Wcp Condensate Pump 7 - (1-m1 ) vapor + liquid @ saturation temperature and pressure the state values are identical to the reference, however the fraction of total mass flow is less = 1-m 1 state 1: condenser outlet (1-m1) 3 T1 := 40 Table 1 or Table A.1.1 kJ sf_1 := 0.5725 kg⋅ K s1 := sf_1 s2 := s1 ( h 2 := h f_1 + v f_1⋅ p 2 − p 1 kJ wcp = −0.396 kg state 3: regeneration out kJ kg h fg_1 := 2406.7 kg kJ kg h 1 := h f_1 ) T2 := T1 + h 2 = 167.966 h2 − h1 Cp kJ kg T2 = 40.095 mass rate = 1; saturated liquid at p_feed = 4bar T3 := 143.63 p 2 = 400 kPa v 3 := 1.0836⋅ 10 10/17/2005 h f_1 := 167.57 m relationships Tds = dh + v*dp integrated with constant v and Tds = 0 wcp := h f_1 − h 2 p 3 := p 2 kJ sfg_1 := 7.6845 kg⋅ K v f_1 := 0.0010078 assume vf constant, isentropic, ds = 0 =>T*ds= 0 => h 2 = h1 +v1 *dp from state 2: condensate pump outlet (1-m1) p 2 := 4bar p 1 := 7.384kPa h 3 := 604.74 3 −3m kJ kg h fg_3:= 2133.9 kg 2 kJ s3 := 1.7766 kg⋅ K kJ kg kJ sfg_3 := 5.1193 kg⋅ K state 4: feed pump out h 4 := h 3 + v 3 ⋅ p 4 − p 3 kJ wfp = −2.817 kg wfp := h 3 − h 4 state 5: boiler outlet p 5 := p 4 ( p 4 := 3MPa T5 := 460 state 6: turbine outlet #1, partial flow (m1) h 5 := 3366.6 h4 − h3 x 6 := s6 − s3 kJ s4 := s3 kg kJ s5 := 7.1144 kg⋅ K kg x 6 = 1.043 sfg_3 T6 := T3 1 kJ s6 = 7.114 K kg kJ T4 = 144.303 Cp expansion to p3 with same ∆s as regeneration heating determine h4 from x => p = 4bar = 400kPa h 4 = 607.557 Table 2 or interpolate as above p 5 = 3 MPa s6 = s3 + x 6 ⋅sfg_3 T4 := T3 + ) p 6 := p 3 s6 := s5 new!! ... mass fraction has to be > 1 for heat balance to work. this says extraction steam is superheated. x relationship doesn't apply. need to interpolate in superheated region find T and h by interpolation interpolation h 6 := 2834.491 kJ T6 := 187.702 kg state 7: turbine outlet #2, partial flow (1-m1) expansion to p3 with same ∆s as regeneration heating; determine h7 from x s7 = s1 + x ⋅ sfg_1 x 7 := => h 7 := h 1 + h fg_1⋅x 7 s7 − s1 T7 := T1 x 7 = 0.851 sfg_1 h 7 = 2216.42 s7 := s5 kJ kg now we can do the turbine flow through 6 = m1 treat like x; combination of m 1 at h6 and (1-m1) at h2 = h3 for heat balance out of feed heater ( ) m1 ⋅ h 6 + 1 − m1 ⋅ h 2 = h 3 h3 − h2 m1 = h6 − h2 ( h3 − h2 m1 := h6 − h2 )( wt := h 5 − h 6 + 1 − m1 ⋅ h 6 − h 7 thermal efficiency η th := kJ wt = 1048.94 kg ) ( ) wt + wcp⋅ 1 − m1 + wfp h 5 − h 4 wfp = −2817.36 Sv η th = 0.379 η th_1 = 0.359 data for plots 10/17/2005 m1 = 0.164 3 Thermal efficiency using entropy average temperature approach T5 = 460 h 5 = 3366.6 kJ h 4 = 607.557 kg kJ s6 = 7.114 kg⋅ K kJ T1 = 40 kg kJ s4 = 1.777 kg⋅ K 1 kJ s1 = 0.572 K kg we need to redefine efficiency for t average calculations η th = QH − QL QH =1− ⌠ QH = mH⋅ T ds ⌡ QL QH T_barH = and ... h5 − h4 T_barH := s5 − s4 ⌠ QL = mL⋅ T ds ⌡ ( T constant ( ) = ∆hH mH⋅ ( ∆sH) mH⋅ ( ∆sH) ∆sH T_barH⋅mH⋅ ( ∆sH) = QH QH = mH⋅ ∆h H T_barH = 516.888 K ) T_barL := T1 + 273.15 ⋅K mH := 1 T_barL = 313.15 K ( ) T_barL⋅mL⋅ ∆sL = QL (∆sH = s5 − s4) ≠ (∆sL = s7 − s1) but ... as ... and when inserting into Q η relationship have to put in m 1 values ... η t_avg_1 := 1 − ( )( T_barL⋅ 1 − m1 ⋅ s7 − s1 ( T_barH⋅ s6 − s3 ) ) but ... s5 = s6 = s7 η th = 1 − η t_avg_1 = 0.379 QL QH =1− T_barL T_barH η t_avg_2 = 0.394 precise T avg estimated T avg η t_avg_1 = 0.379 η t_avg_2 = 0.394 actual regenerative η th = 0.379 "perfect regeneration" data for saturation curve 10/17/2005 4 ( ) T_barH⋅mH⋅ ( ∆sH) T_barL⋅mL⋅ ∆sL matches as expected suppose we didn't allow for the difference in ∆s and mass flow and just said η t_avg_2 := 1 − s4 ≠ s1 reference η th_1 = 0.359 T-s Plot 500 T degrees C 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 s entropy kJ/(kg*K) 7 8 9 10 h-s Plot 4000 h enthalpy kJ/kg 3000 2000 1000 0 10/17/2005 0 2 4 6 s entropy kJ/(kg*K) 8 5 10 close up of points 1 and 2 T - s plot 40 39 0.56 T - s plot 146 T degrees C T degrees C 41 close up of points 3 and 4 144 142 1.7 0.565 0.57 0.575 s entropy kJ/(kg*K) 170 1.75 1.8 s entropy kJ/(kg*K) 620 h enthalpy kJ/kg h enthalpy kJ/kg 615 168 605 166 0.56 600 0.57 0.58 0.59 s entropy kJ/(kg*K) N.B. these scales are very exaggerated !! 10/17/2005 610 6 1.76 1.78 s entropy kJ/(kg*K)