part 1

Development of Oral Torah- Mishnah part 1
Source Text A:
FC« b¤
§ pM§ x¤f†¥r F¬NÎdU¡
¤ r «¤̀ FC®a© l§ m†¨
¨ d̈ zF¬id
¡ aFhÎ`
² Ÿl miw¦ Ÿl`
¡ 'd Æxn`
¤ ŸI̧©e
And Hashem Elokim said: “It is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a
helpmate opposite him”
Bereishis 2:18
Source text B:
lFcb̈ Edi`¦ e`l© e§ Kl¤ n¤ Edi`¦ e`l© `z̈ipEx
¦ h§ n© `ŸlA§ `M̈l§ n©
A king without a queen is neither a king nor great.
Zohar III 5a
Source text C:
`Edd© c§ `z̈Yi
§ `¦ dp̈W
§ n¦ `c¨ Fcb¤
§ pM§ x¤fr¥ Fl dU¡
¤ r ¤̀ Fca© l§ mc¨`¨ d̈ zFid¤ aFh `Ÿl d"aw xn© `¨
¤ d¥ c§ `x¨h§ q¦ n¦ `z̈Elb̈A§ oFl x¤fr¥ idi
¦ `¦ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ Ekf̈ i`¦ e§ `Ÿpi
§ k¦ W
§ c§ dg̈t§ W
¦ idi
¦ `¦ e§ x©rp©
'eke xEq`¨ lEqR̈ `n¥ ḧc§ `x¨h§ q¦ n¦ Fcb¤
§ pM§ idi
¦ `¦ `Ÿl i`¦ e§ xW
¥ M̈ xFdḧ
Said the Holy One: “It is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a helpmate
opposite him”- this is the Mishnah, the wife of that youth.
She is the maidservant of the Shechinah. If Israel merits, she will be a helpmate in
the Exile, from the side of permissible, pure and kosher.
If not, she will be opposite them, from the side of impure, unfit and forbidden.
Zohar Bereishis 27b
Jewish history, in the light of Chassidus
Source text D:
D®l̈r§ A© zx´¤
¤ h£r li¦ gÎz
© † W«
¤ ¥̀
A woman of valour is the crown of her husband.
Mishlei 12:4
Source text E:
:x«R̈q§ n¦ oi¬¥̀ zFn† l̈£re«© mi®¦Wb§ li
© R«¦ mi†¦pŸnWE
§ zFk½ l̈O§ ÆdÖd¥̧ mi¬¦XW
There are sixty queens and eighty concubines, and innumerable maidens.
Shir Hashirim 6:8
Source Text F:
§ `¦ d´ËgÎz
© ¤̀ r†©
cï mc½¨`´d̈
¨ §
And Adam knew Chava, his wife.
Bereishis 4:1
Source Text G:
z©rC̈« Î d¤Eg© i§ dl̈i§ l©À N§ Œ dl̈§i¬©le§ xn¤ Ÿ`® r© i´¦A©i mFil§ † mF´
Day to day utters speech, and night to night tells knowledge
Tehillim 19:3
Source Text H:
d½ë`p̈«e§ Æip¦ £̀ dxFg
³¨ W
I am black, yet beautiful.
Shir Hashirim 1:5
Jewish history, in the light of Chassidus
Source Text H:
mq© Fl ziU£
¦ rp© dk̈f̈ "dW
¤ Ÿn mÜ xW
¤ `© dxFY
¨ d© z`Ÿfe"
§ aiz¦ k§ c¦ i`n© ie¦ l¥ oA¤ r© WFd
ª i§ 'x xn© `¨
z¤en̈ mq© Fl ziU£
¦ rp© dk̈f̈ `Ÿl ,mii¦ g©
Said Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: “What does the verse mean [when it says] ‘This is the
Torah that Moshe placed...’?
If one merits, it becomes an elixir of life for him; if he does not merit, it becomes
Talmud, Yoma 72b
Source Text I:
¤ ` ic¥q§ Ÿń mi†¦pz̈«¥̀ d̈ e§
And the mighty ones, [are] the foundations of the earth
Micha 6:2
Reference I:
Source Text C1:
¦ a¦ pE
§ ,mi`i
¦ a¦ p§ l¦ mip¦ w§
¥ fE ,mip¦ w§
¥ fl¦ r© WFdi
ª e¦ ,©rWFdi
ª l¦ Dx¨q̈nE
§ ,i©piQ¦ n¦ dxFY
¨ lA¥ w¦ dWn
.dl̈FcB§ d© zq¤
¤ pk§ iW
¥ p§ `© l§ d̈Exq̈n§
Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Yehoshua, from
Yehoshua [it was transmitted] to the Elders, from the Elders to the prophets and the
prophets transmitted it to the Men of the Great Assembly.
Mishnah Avos 1:1
Jewish history, in the light of Chassidus