P 3 .3~ i ~U .P 3 .33110 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Servic e FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y In cooperation with the University of Wisconsi n MADISON, WISCONSIN THE "FIREPROOFING" OF WOOD By T . R. TRUA X Senior Wood Technologis t Published i n PROCEEDINGS OF TH E NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATIO N May, 1931 '-t THE "FIREPROOFING" OF WOOD 1 (Published in the 1931 Proceedings of th e National Fire Protection Association ) By T . R . TRUAX, Senior Wood Technologis t The recent revival of interest in the "fireproofing" of woo d has come from many and widely divergent sources . Forest and lumber in dustries are directly concerned because of the general trend in th e building industry away from wood toward so-called "fireproof" construc tion . Wood-preserving and chemical industries see in fireproofing a possible field of enlarged activities . Architects, contractors, an d builders, in the hope of finding cheaper and more adaptable fireproo f building construction ; the fire underwriters, city building commis sions, and other governmental agencies, because of their concern ove r fire hazards and the reduction of loss of life and property ; and the consuming public, with a vision of greater safety and reduced losses , are all interested in the possibility of fireproofing wood . The For est Products Laboratory, in common with other governmental agencies , is concerned both with reducing the large, yearly losses of life an d property from fire and with the bearing fireproofing has on the economical utilization of forests and forest products . "Fireproof" Misleading The terms "fireproof" and "fire--resistant" have come int o rather general use to designate materials and constructions that var y considerably in their susceptibility to damage by fire . No materia l commonly employed in buildings and other structural fields is strictl y "fireproof ." Likewise, the term "fireproofed wood" can not be take n in a literal sense, for no treatment of wood, so far as is known, pro tects wood from destruction under high temperatures . "Fire-resistant " or "fire-retardant" expresses more accurately the properties of woo d treated with fireproofing chemicals, and the author has used the term s "fireproof," "fireproofing," and "fireproofed" in this article in th e more general sense because of established usage . -Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the National Fire Protectio n Association, in Toronto, May 11-1 L1, 1931 . R9 .9 Competition Stimulates Fireproofing Processe s I. The use of wood in buildings is without question a factor i n the yearly loss of property and life from fire, but on the other han d there is danger of over-emphasis of the hazard of wood in certain de tails of construction . Statistics shoal that something like one-thir d to one-half of the annual fire loss to property occur in frame buildings and their contents . Whether this loss is out of proportion t o property values and the extent to which it could be reduced by the us e of more fire-resistant materials are not known . Undoubtedly, the us e of more fire-resistant materials would reduce these losses somewhat , but fire losses wouluk ill be large even if wood were entirely elimi ;'- ch as bette r nat . tfiiiat pt'i r OONV .er 1'11n-r ol" s~aat ,. ]mss spKimproved deter of construction , ktL i tY7~ In ~os.a,hazardous . Nevertheless, a &mile Ik to maw 'als o_f construction, suc h _i as se~3, conch 3 tagitdt & the more con.nd t RR r "ood has gested Meas of- 'Camp i 3 ire is a growing 'uen,ncy to exalre i ~ to rural d h a- , naturally 9901 .0r..eral ' 0 _ berer~ .i a •r_ufaa a m W It* tat &~ fs.r tap elealafte a sea •h for way s a- can b e swop" wean& 10 at*-ipplz leyox~;d that 2 tbse *Igo viable or, s ad k'r. uh. !1 method of ' tow, if~1,~~ ~L *_ a maobil& 'imply isle and effect rv 4 . 9&111L r' ar ds , bu t ss inflemgeneral 'We of surThe two required , Ibizod. of woof are b , y~ s originated hundering materials for fire resistance of led to impres s ugh 1 '~ should b e origit 1 ' _ near] 4 *►aod aka R_ 1_~tf * are of more recen.countries go back ercial treatment o f _ua . aken about 35 years ago, when the first real demand for fireproofed wood came fro m the United States Navy for use in battleship construction . A few years later, in 1899, the City of New York gave further impetus to th e fireproofing industry by adopting a revised building code, which required that wood, used in the construction of buildings over 150 fee t in height, must be treated to make it fireproof . Testing methods wer e adopted by the Bureau of Buildings of the Borough of Manhattan t o judge the effectiveness of treatments . The early experience of the United States Navy with fire proofed wood was unsatisfactory, and its use was discontinued in 1902 , after a 7-year trial . The discontinuance is reported to have bee n based, not on a lack of original fire resistance, but on the corrosiv e action of the chemicals on metal fastenings, on their hygroscopi c properties, their effect on paint and varnish coatings, and their lac k of permanence on decks and other parts exposed to the weather or t o frequent washing . In contrast to the experience of the United State s Navy, it is interesting to note that the British and •Japanese governments are at present reported to be using fireproofed wood in the construction of naval ships . The early experience of the British Admiralt y is reported to have been similar to that of our own Navy, but late r developments brought about improvements so that fireproofed wood wa s later adopted and has been used in British ships for some 15 or 20 years . In New York City, where fireproofed wood is used principall y for interior trim, flooring, and window sash of buildings, there ha s apparently been no widespread or serious criticism of the treated woo d for the reasons that made it unacceptable to the United States Navy . However, the conditions in the two classes of uses are very differen t and might account, at least in part, for this difference in results . Slow Growth of the Industr y On account of the demand created by the Navy and the Cit y of New York, several companies were formed to treat wood with fire retardants . Some of these met early failure, while a few continued to operat e for several years . The entire industry had a severe setback during th e World War, but at its conclusion and also since then several new plant s have come into existence . During recent years, chiefly because of extensive building in the New York area, there has been a slow growth i n the industry, and it appears to be on a sounder basis than before . There are several apparent causes for the comparatively slo w growth of the industry and the failure of various companies, chief o f which are the following : 1 . No general recognition of the value of fireproofe d wood by engineers, building commissioners an d R949 -3- others exists, chiefly because of a lack o f knowledge of its properties, and the absence o f adequate standards . 2 . The use of objectionable chemicals, which affec t adversely the properties of the treated wood . 3. Inadequate treatments, because of carelessness o r a lack of fundamental knowledge of treatin g processes . it- . The cost of treatment . There is at the present time a more wholesome desire to lear n the properties of fireproofed wood and to put out a satisfactory product . It is becoming more generally recognized that accurate and reliabl e testing methods must be found and clearly defined, that performanc e standards must be set up, that the chemicals used must not be objection able, that the treatments must be thorough and properly made, and tha t the cost of the treated wood must be reduced . In other words, the industry is apparently putting itself in a position to make better progres s and to meet the demands of the consumer . Much work must be done, how ever, before the properties of fireproofed wood will be fully known an d generally recognized . j Work at the Forest Products Laboratory Fireproofing studies were undertaken at the Forest Product s Laboratory about 1913, but the work was discontinued during the Worl d War . Some of the results of this work were reported in 1915 . E Th e work was again taken up in 1927 and is still under way . Recent studie s at the Laboratory have been confined chiefly to two lines of endeavor , a study of testing methods, and the relative effectiveness of variou s chemicals as fire retardants in wood . A brief statement of some of the fundamental characteristic s of wood that are important from a fire-resistance standpoint is desirable here . Wood, in common with other organic materials, decompose s when subjected to high temperatures and gives off inflammable gases . Research in the fields of wood distillation and combustion indicate s that the decomposition of wood subjected to increasing temperatures consists of the following steps : Vaporization of the moisture in the woo d 2 Tests on the inflammability of untreated wood and wood treated wit h fire-retardant compounds, by R . E . Prince, National Fire Protectio n Association Proceedings, Vol . 19 : pp .lOS-58 ; illus . (1915) . R949 L (up to 212° F .) ; volatilization of extraneous materials (200° to 300 ° F . or higher) ; scorching and the slow evolution of inflammable gase s (300° to 400° F .) ; charring with more rapid evolution of inflammabl e gases, accompanied by glowing and eventual flaming (400° to 700° F .) ; and quick ignition of inflammable gases and glowing of charcoal (700 ° It is important to note that the decomposition of woo d to 950° F .) . substance may occur at temperatures substantially below those prevailing in going fires . Heat from an external source is necessary to ignite wood , but, once ignited, the exothermic heat, if not dissipated, is sufficient to carry on the process of combustion . The ignition temperatur e and other fundamental decomposition characteristics of wood do no t vary greatly with different species . Treating wood with fire-retardan t chemicals increases the ignition temperatures somewhat but the orde r of magnitude of this increase has been shown by various investigator s to ba anly something like 200° F . with even the most effective chemicals . On the other hand, moisture or suitable chemicals injecte d into the wood interfere materially with the process of combustion an d if present in sufficient quantities may prevent it entirely unles s suffict heat is applied continuously from an external source . Present known fireproofing methods, however, do not prevent the de composition or charring of wood at high temperatures and in thi s s ''ter riut be regarded as making wood fireproof . Wood has good insulatim4 w tOMBlumit heat readily and it thv1 th4. _ and Ala other 4ilipprImeme ,-*en !I _ -• %a.10 Om Omni p vlt$h at it does no t ical propertie s IT' due t o buckle, twist , ated steel an d e also responsiadesirabl e mperature s -U eu s4 on p r thu s tnder4l. ■ it peon e. _ ar d vant Wos tendency ; Mel ta,i tur e s . ,F Wy al t . 160 ; . Fire-fesisTance Tree; Tests on the ;rou. ,ed into two cl end tests on i•1~ fire - iw Or small pi uil . of wo_ - ' p esentat i time-tempe a sive and ar e nts nor t o tests are in oximate fire conditions, while tests on small samples are useful as measures of on e or more of the properties of fireproofed wood and as measures of th e effectiveness of treatments in plant operations . Fire resistance in the broad sense embraces several propertie s or characteristics of a material, such as heat insulation, the exten t to which the material gives off inflammable gases when heated, resistance to the spread of flame, and to the building up of temperatures , resistance to flame penetration, and the effect of high temperatur e on strength . Many attempts have been made to measure the fire resistance of wood through one or more of these properties .3- Some investigators have measured the volume and the character of gases evolve d up on heating wood or the temperature and the time of ignition of 'h e gases . So r eral 'tests, such as the shavings, crib, timber, splinter , muffle, cinder ; and het-plate, are based on the probability of ig_ :ition from a give :« heat source within a specified period or upon th e persistence of f__oming and/or glowing of the wood after ignition an d removal from the source of heat . Measuring the time required for a flame to penetrate a piece of wood is a common test . The depth o f flame penetration in a board, the unburned cro s-sect :oval area of a timber, and the time required for a loaded timber to fail when subjected to a flame are different measures of the same essential property . Heat insulation, which is closely associated with flame penetration , has been included in some flame-penetration tests . In other test s the height of flame from the burning wood is taken as a measure o f inflammability . Most of the 7arious tests show differences in fire resistanc e between untreated and fireproofed wood, but the results are often o f limited value, because of many uncontrolled conditions and factors i n the test and because of the lack of definite and significant units o f measurement . For example, the density of the wood is perhaps as important a factor in flame penetration tests as is the presence o r absence of fireproofing chemicals . Ignition temperature, of course, i s related to fire hazard, but it fails to measure the behavior, of woo d under fire conditions . Likewise, the time required for ignition an d the tune of flaming and glowing a :ter ignition are affected by so man y conditions that they are of doubtful value as accurate measures o f fire resistance . None of these tests appear to measure in definit e units the tendency of fireproofed wood to resist the spread of flam e and the building up of temperature under fire conditions . The Fire-Tube Apparatu s In an attempt to develop a more accurate and significant tes t that would overcome some of the limitations of past test methods a 3 -For a summary of testing methods se e ,Measuring Fire Resistance of Wood, " by T . R . Truax, American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Transactions, Vol . 52 (No . 17), p) . 33-34 (May-Aug . 1930), illus . R9 4 9 -6- rsimLt -.to m tube apparatus was designed &Ie Forest Products Laboratory .- The atus (Fig . 1) consists essentially of an open, galvanized-iro n ich a specimen of wood is burned while suspended from a Ulanc€llm . A gas flame is applied to approximately the lower quarte r spec , 4 minutes . To the balance arm is attached a d.icates o• a scale the percentage loss in weight as th e . The t4•erature at the top of the tube is measure d of pyrometer . As the wood is decompose d caught in the bottom of the tub e ow is noted . 11 *ontrolled so as to give a temperatur e lured with a No . ILI- Awg. thermo and 356° ± 9° F. (1800 ± 5 ° the top of the tube without btained with a Bunsen ate74' 11 inches in heigh t ed is about 50 ,hes . The about sition with its low :r end 1 inc h lion of the tube indicates tha t }4ower end of the specimen is subfs■4 Ff' ii +order o 0° F ., and the uppe r ction i n 1p t t1out 375 0 tv F n; tsnper f r the to ~ up p er half of the tpecimm . as # ! M *~ '~'7~ peratures rangin g fro. timed, OlliSt-Ilad 106 approximatel y f ~ $J IrtlTruil the l tii¢' WORM"' lider thee conditions untreate d -e of th e 11!e04 biro! Il.ickl -, spreads . • iiii .- • Ssm, rapid7.,y~~ tureS i. • 350° to L#4 1os 3.* up • e w an 3 o minutes . O n 1$~ t ial of ecimen ignites with difficulty , p during destruction, it does no t if ma 414 fi g" 'fix , siting flame, and it causes littl e Bet .ieiim iammo %ho Or W tSMIPWW f11 of the tube . 4' n-weight and temper : a7UM t'ff'► TIMMS At dusts in Oft Ilift.0edft et. wood of different degrees o f fur. plotted aglrf~l~ ILtle in test . These curves illustrat e f7tained o• $l iiual specimens ranging from untreate d hut , gnated wall► natively large amounts of an effec ti !1l~eretarda~f. . fire-tube apparatus se e ance of Wood," by T . R . ty for Testing Materials , illus . 8949 4 7:1 'Frith the fi a. .aratus developed to the point where i t was considered reason a e and reliable and a useful measure o f VIM resistance, test yJ ._ undertaken to determine the effectivenes s Nit 4ous q icalrar tin wood . The object of thes e sa Mad cher cl;};nct fireproofing pP0110M N►ad anel that 'axe 4kalit a'will be effective i n flows ; mod. EfteallOg4tfthe work yi.ded pa ' s7 *tensg! -7e 9possibilities as fire 10 !Ma and e. promising D 0110sMassilr Oat* , 7obtain a good degre e lne this "OosdLO, ecimens were impregsatid 'try' yi* MIMI* k as* a Wain complete penetratts* of t a -. .-to m 1 t friPe serve test pstitih., by 3/4 by 0 two car raons of each chemical tiarilm Ala Adze, so air gtlvv eutaimPpriltins ' tely pound and 5 pounds of dry 1 roar gnftkia (few% weli.,y ies of effectiv e fire* to indicate the pmu 6.t.11itI - a! the ck.idge4ili s4- * :agent . The pieces Team- died treater i b dity and temperature e l percent mois . ti l ftelli hen tested in Ali ~~ •~~e . 0%0110a sihme ned with 33 chemi cals . tt 12 "°par ire io m.ftep "-arence ik fir; 7, sista,ncdr -Of '11■iy. & PT64p d tilts chemi . that a fez of 401000as stand$ fit above t' e T . oh. ha:war being ma* to learn .r more &Ali t stop the spread o f fi■mP-aml the bu chemicals include d thowed is c t extensive joldleir s wou expect to have the , to. int er e is us e in service , zip. To 'ha 'boards, appro In tbi,af. gorge s 1aa t el siftwigV-11 nated under pressure with ruseiligim .4e d to give a range of absorptions from about 1 to 7 or ."' Of dry chemical per cubi c foot of wood . The boards wer e treatment and were then nd-ard #s t specimens, 3/S b J inch" • d tested. Figur e tity of an effectiv e oss in weight of th e 1 weight, and als o 40 4,iii. O.&4POW fire-tub e during test . The character oJ. consistent relationship in two different k i 1 ' increase per minute are plotted against absorption of wood . In both figures a general although there is obviously con the-arious chemicals on the rat e 0 percent o th e . 41 re aide NIP. tfi o - ch 1W Pq. r 'gha t ermo mpr fix ,r sta 081 ac t i c* cl e ni, . blaract4tililip o r fire safety . The con +1 of flame are other properties o f ttion tom_ the fire--ttbe tes t tdoe y f-IfIRIMpait e gluing Iteiiie *0*10i there the .. $ fire. .tube apparatus i n measuring the tendenc y t .. an be express e e tendenc y up of temperatu4* m the standpoin' df hrough proper can be made suff,ilig fireproo f fire-tube es all th e od from - e standp oint o f esistance to penetration k n fireproof construe . Still other proeiesr ode metals, finishing an g , of treatment, and effec t rent chemicals i n bility of such _ y: of re by testing . ~lar ore th e wn. and appreciated, i t ilities in reducing th e is of building construe erous structural would have a da fI. and., sustai t.■ most of the loss of this direction, tea ti in th e telly have a mos t mmercial construction, wher e fers unusual opportunities i n . •p . - ..~.. L A broad at tac pS sary . Requirin g sive fireproof construction in buildings that can not under any 9 R 4+9 Per (The published of the annual meeting of the National Fir e Protection Association contain Mr . Truax t s paper, together with the discussion that followed its presentation . Reprints of the paper and the discussion may be obtained from the Associatio n Secretary at 60 Batterymarch St ., Boston, Mass ., for 20¢ each .) uI T I1IIR i!! - _ ' ~~ 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 II I 1 1 1 ~I y R 5~ R r is 0~ w M M11, ■r a =MIMI ° 1N3a t s7 ie 3m1 N I01 m go a 3da1IY)1k)J nrnM/2VW UM =I .. . ._ -. alKj ■ • ■■■■■■■1 N ■■■■~■■■■■■■f , E ■.■■■ -_ ■ ip nn.■■ ~° ~■ ■■ ■■■ .■■ ■■■■ 0 ~ WWi W opQR a • y r 4 ¢ a~y~ a wt a F aW a y ~aC C -~ F EoWO a E F ZOZ i 4 O I ~ 0 •O■ o 0 0 0 o o n I' . yH QR d ' • n 0 • • • ~ E C31nN/N/ m '0 f $ V a n Mad 1N39 M3d3 9N/ldV7d ON/Y/70 1N9/3M N/ S3`07 dO 31VM li . 0 _ -P . - No - • - i Am t yU ~ 4tii '~ a 4e p ; W 4 Jz anE qJ xT '• lh e .o :o■ a _ ■ • (31/11/W b'3d 30F/D'0/1137 13311500 3SV7N9N/ Id01VM3dW31 d0 31V 8 J - PI 0 E i fl