8.022 (E&M) – Lecture 21 Topics: Energy and momentum carried by EM waves Poynting vector Transmission lines Scattering of light and sunset demo… Last time Solution of Maxwell’s equations in vacuum ˆ) Solution of wave equation f (r ± ckt combination of plane waves: ∇2E = 1 ∂2E c 2 ∂t 2 can be expressed as linear Properties of plane waves: E = E 0 sin(k ir − ωt ); B = B 0 sin(k ir − ωt ) They travel at the speed of light // to k (wave vector) E, B and k are always perpendicular to each other Amplitude of E and B are the same in cgs Polarization of EM waves Linear: when the direction of E0 is constant in time Circular: when the vector E0 describes a circle over time Elliptical: all the situations in between these 2 cases Today we will complete the study of these properties… G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 2 1 EM Energy EM radiation carries energy Obvious if you think about the fact that is the light from the sun that keeps us warm… How does this energy propagate? Consider a volume V of surface A containing E and B Energy density: u= V E B energy 1 = (E iE + B iB ) volume 8π Total energy: U = ∫ udV = V . 1 (E iE + B iB )dV 8π ∫V Surface A G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 3 The Poynting vector How does total derivative change over time? ∂U 1 ∂ = ∂t 8π ∂t ∫ (E iE V + B iB )dV = 1 ∂E ∂B iB )dV ( iE + 4π ∫V ∂t ∂t Remembering that in vacuum: ∇ × E=⇒ 1 ∂B 1 ∂E and ∇ × B= c ∂t c ∂t c ∂U = (∇ × B iE − ∇ × EiB )dV ∂t 4π ∫V Remembering that ∇i(E × B ) = -E i(∇ × B ) + B i(∇ × E ) ⇒ c ∂U =− ∂t 4π ∫V ∇i(B × E ) dV ≡ − ∫V ∇iS . dV where we defined the Poynting vector as S ≡ G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 c B ×E 4π 4 2 Interpretation of Poynting vector Given: Stokes ∂U ∂U = − ∫ ∇iS dV → = − ∫ S ida = −ΦS ( A ) V A ∂t ∂t The rate of change of EM energy in the volume V is given by the flux of the Poynting vector S through the surface A Minus sign: dA points outward U increases when S is opposite to dA Interpretation of Poynting vector: S ≡ c B ×E 4π points in the direction of the EM energy flow Remember that E 0 × B 0 = E 0 2 kˆ The flux of S through a surface gives the power through A Power through A: ∫ S ida G. Sciolla – MIT A 8.022 – Lecture 21 5 Poynting vector: dimensional analysis What are the units of the Poynting vector? cgs 2 ⎡ c ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤⎡B ⎦⎣ ⎤⎡E ⎦⎤ = ⎣⎡c ⎦⎣ ⎤⎡E ⎦⎤ ⎣ S ⎦ = ⎢⎣ 4 π E × B ⎥⎦ = ⎣⎡c ⎦⎣ Lenght ⎡⎣c ⎤⎦ = T im e 2 1 E n e rg y F ro m u = ( E iE + B iB ) ⇒ ⎡⎣E ⎤⎦ = 8π V o lu m e L e n g h t E n e rg y E n e rg y Pow er ⇒ ⎡⎣ S ⎤⎦ = = = T im e A re a A re a T im e V o lu m e Expected if the flux of S is the power through area A In cgs: [S]=erg s-1 cm-2 NB: Magnitude of S is know as Intensity I Intense source of radiations emit a lot of power per unit area G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 6 3 Applications: plane waves Consider a linearly polarized plane wave: ⎧⎪ E = E 0 cos( kz − ω t ) xˆ ⎨ ⎪⎩ B = B0 cos( kz − ω t ) yˆ Poynting vector associated with it: c c 2 2 S ≡ E 0 sin (kz − wt )kˆ E×B = 4π 4π This can be compared to the energy density of the wave: 1 1 E 0 2 sin2 (kz − ωt ) u= (E iE + B iB ) = 8π 4π ⇒ S = uc = uckˆ This is similar to J = ρv another way to show that S tells us about the flow of energy! Usually the oscillation is very fast (e.g.: visible~1014 Hz) the average energy density <S> and intensity <I>: G. Sciolla – MIT S = all that matters is ckˆ 2 c E0 ; I = E 02 π 8π 8 8.022 – Lecture 21 7 Application 2: Dipole radiation Radiation emitted by a dipole oriented along the z axis in spherical coordinates: 2 ⎧ ω p sin ( kr − ω t ) ˆ θ ⎪⎪ E = c 2 sin θ r ⎨ 2 ⎪ B = ω p sin θ sin ( kr − ω t ) φˆ ⎪⎩ c2 r This is 8.07 stuff: just trust me for the moment z + NB: this solution is only valid for r >>λ=2π/k This is the Radiation propagates radially, some angular dependence too 2 Poynting vector: S = c E × B = 1 ω 4 p 2 sin2 θ sin (kr − ωt ) rˆ 4π 4π c 3 r2 ⇒ S = - ω4p 2 sin2 θ rˆ 8π r 2c 3 NB: Poynting vector (and I) falls as 1/r2: this should be intuitive. Why? G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 8 4 Dipole radiation: cont. Draw a sphere of radius R around the dipole centered in origin: NB: R >> d Compute power radiated through the sphere: ∂U ∂t = ∫R S ida = ∫ R ω4p 2 sin2 θ rˆida 8π r 2c 3 + - Since da = R sin θ d φ rˆ : 2 ∂U ∂t = Since ∫ π 0 z 2π π ω4p 2 R 2 ∫ d φ ∫ sin3 θ d θ 0 0 8π R 2c 3 sin3 θ d θ = 4 ∂U ⇒ 3 ∂t = ω4p 2 (Larmor formula) 3c 3 NB: power through sphere does not depend on R Why? S falls as 1/r2, area increases as r2 Power through S (flux through S) is constant: Energy is conserved G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 9 Application 3: capacitor The Poynting vector applies to ANY situation in which both E and B appear, not just when we have radiation Example: charging capacitor E=− 4π Q 4Q zˆ = − 2 zˆ A a From generalized Ampere law: B ( r ) = 2 Ir ˆ φ ca 2 Calculate Poynting vector: c c 4Q 2Ir 2IQr (−rˆ) E ×B = zˆ × φˆ = 4π 4π a 2 ca 2 πa 4 NB: what is important here is the direction of S: S = S points into the center of the capacitor as it should: the plates are charging up! G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 10 5 Momentum carried by EM wave Since EM carry energy it’s not surprising that they carry momentum as well In relativity, E and p are related by E 2 = p 2 c 2 + m 2 c 4 For EM radiation, m=0: E2 = p 2 c 2 ⇒ p = Remember that U c Power Energy S Energy/c Momentum S= = ⇒ = = Area Time Area c Time Area Time Area Dimensional analysis will also tell us that: S Momentum Force = = Pressure = c Time Area Area Demo Radiation exerts pressure G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 11 Summary on Poynting vector Energy flux: Energy / area / unit time Energy density u: Energy / unit volume Momentum flux: Momentum / area / unit time Momentum density: Momentum/ unit volume Flux X/(Area sec) Density X/Volume G. Sciolla – MIT Energy Momentum c S (same as pressure) c S ≡ 4π B ×E S S c c2 8.022 – Lecture 21 12 6 Transmission line Transmission line = a pair of (twisted) cables used to transmit a signal Current flows in one direction on one cable and comes back on the other cable If terminated correctly, Z is purely real: Z~Rtermination Find R when capacitance per unit length=C’ and inductance per unit length=L’ In theory: L’ C’ R In practice infinite sum of infinitesimal elements C and L: … R … … Calculate Z of the last piece and impose that it’s purely real. −1 . R i ωL '− ω 2RL ' C '+ R impose ⎛1 ⎞ = = R Z eq = i + ⎜ + i ωC ⎟ = i ωL + 1 + i ωRC 1 + i ωRC ' R ⎝ ⎠ L L' i ωL − ω LCR + R = R + i ωCR 2 . Ignoring term with LC (small): ⇒ R= = G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 C C' 2 13 Transmission line (2) What happens when transmission line is terminated correctly? Z is purely real: Z~Rtermination Z is a constant of the cable: Z does not depend on how long the cable is! If R ≠ L'/C : Z will depend on how long the cable is and on the frequency of the signal Distortions of the signal! Example of transmission line: coaxial cable, a pair of conducting tubes nested in one another Homework: prove that for a cylindrical coaxial cable Z=2 ln(b/a) /c and the velocity of propagation is c. Typical Rtermination: 50 Ohm G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 14 7 Transmission line: demo Coaxial cable (127.4 m long) Pulse generator: pulse duration 0.1 µsec, period 20 µsec Scope Ch1 Ch2 Pulse generator Trigger Out Add terminals here Simultaneously send pulse from pulse generator (splitter) to Ch 1 of scope to transmission line (back and forth and display on Ch 2) Measure speed of propagation: Time difference: 656 ns v=L/T~2/3c What happens if: Open: signal will bounce back but nasty reflections Short: signal will be reversed on the same cable, nothing on the other cable If I terminate it with 50Ω resistor: signal comes back on return cable with no reflections G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 15 Scattering of light (Logically this topic belongs to last lecture, but we did not have time…) When we send light into a medium, the light is scattered in many directions Example: light from Sun (unpolarized) passing through atmosphere Propagation of light //z We look up in x direction What kind of light do we see? G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 16 8 Scattering of light (2) Since light propagates //z: no polarization // z We measure the light (with our eyes!) along the x direction: no polarization // x The light we see must be polarized along the y direction This is actually not really true because the light scatters multiple times, but it suggests the general tendency What if the put a giant polaroid in front of the Sun? Scattered light would be more intense in direction perpendicular to polarization direction Rotating the polaroid would allow us to change intensity of the light: Max intensity when polarization direction is // y axis Dark when polarization direction is // x axis G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 17 Scattering of light (3) How is light scattered? Light hits a molecule; the E shakes the molecule’s charges with frequency w; the molecule re-radiates the light often changing the direction changes in polarization Are all frequencies scattered in the same way? Electric fields of scattered radiation depend on acceleration of (dipole) charges 2 ∂d E scattered ∝ 2 ∝ ω 2 if dipole moment of the shaken molecule goes as d~cosω t ∂t Intensity of scattered radiation: I ∝ E 2scattered ∝ ω 4 ∝ λ −4 Since λ red~ 2 λ blue Blue is scattered 16 times more than red This explains why the sky is blue during the day and why it’s red at sunset G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 18 9 Summary and outlook Today: Energy and momentum carried by EM waves Poynting vector and some of their applications Transmission lines Scattering of light What happens at sunset? Next Thursday: Magnetic fields through matter? Or review problems? G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 19 Sunset experiment Solution of distilled water and salt. Unpolarized light is shining through it to the wall wall Add Na2S2O335H2O (Na thiosulfate) Lights starts scattering: fog; light on the wall becomes red first and then dark as all the light is scattered toward the audience (as in sunset) What happened? Chemical reaction creates bigger and bigger molecules that scatter more and more light. Blue light is scattered first. Red makes it for a while but eventually scatters too. NB: light is polarized! G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 20 10 Sugar solution experiment (T8) Light goes through a polarizer and then through an optically active sugar solution wall Polarizer Polarizer The first polarizer creates a linearly polarized wave, overlap of right-handed and left-handed circularly polarized waves which propagate at different speeds in the solution. This causes linear polarization direction to change slowly. Since the effect depends on λ, different colors are rotated differently. The second polarizer check polarization direction at exit G. Sciolla – MIT 8.022 – Lecture 21 21 11