Black Group Breakout Issue #6 - Transportation Requirements Problem

Black Group Breakout
Issue #6 - Transportation Requirements
Standing order to bring in mechanics
Pre-inspections necessary – Busses must be inspected before crews get on. Inspections
for water tenders, low boys.
DOT inspection required on some equipment. No continuity in different areas. Make
inspection terms clear
State and Federal requirements must be complied with per contracts. Some states don’t
comply with this
Some equipment not inspected created serious illnesses (IE: potable water trucks)
Make inspections part of contract. Implement national specifications
To sign up equipment should be a pre & post inspection. National vs. local EERA’s.
Should be inspected by qualified person
Require ALL equipment to be inspected. Should be DOT worthy
Take this back to Region/local areas, etc
Need higher standards. IE: Potable water trucks should not have hauled fertilizer, etc.
Should exercise the right to hold vendors to a higher standard
Federal agency responding to a federal incident can exercise more stringent requirements
When ordering mechanics, order appropriately (light vs. heavy)
Safety issue – every piece of equipment gets inspected upon arrival at the incident
Responsibility belongs to everyone from the dispatchers on…….
Search for people to help w/ inspections (DOD, State Health Offices, Highway Patrol
officers, local haz mat teams)
o Equipment Safety – DOT inspections
o Water/food quality – Health inspections
Issue #10 - Training
Need fire slush fund for training! Needs to be written into fire plans (fire act.)
Need money to train non-fire people who are willing & able (NPS has this already)
Most money is going to operations
Recommend money taken from regional area to train others – not just Ops
Need strong language from Line Officers that area will make people available
Younger employees not willing to “rock the boat”
Identify people that have an aptitude for positions, get some funding for them. Make a
concerted effort
Fast tracking is essential. Establish $ line item for this (from a regional level)
Change nomenclature from “fire” to “all risk”/”incident” when talking about this
Have the IC lobby for so many days of funding for each team member
More training slots available on IMT’s
Issue #8
Measure the number of people eating per meal
Need to raise the number to be fiscally responsible
Place wording into the contract stating IC discretion to keep existing MKU on incident
during high activity
Look at all costs before making decisions on State kitchens vs. National contracts. Have
the option to be able to leave the kitchen in place during unified command incidents –
disruption to the camp is not worth it
Ask National Contractors what their break even point is (smaller states don’t want #s too
high – won’t work for them)
Contracts need to go to numbers per meal
Establish a separate California contract
Issue #16
Bring retirees on instead of going outside the GACC
Rotate resources signed up on pre-season agreements (those under AD pay structure)
Retirees don’t have authority to spend or obligate money
Issue #27
Use type 2 IMT for fire use management assignments? (state level)
Most folks are under a 5 year commitment if nominated to IMT
If individual leaves w/ IMT on a FEMA assignment, they will be gone 30 days.
Some folks unable to handle some all risk/homeland defense assignments
If you can’t go or can’t find a replacement, it is up to GACC to do it for you. Shouldn’t
affect your position on the IMT.
Here are restrictions at home unit to prevent person from going on assignment
If GACC can’t replace your position they may kill the order for you IMT
If you are unable to make as assignment, it shouldn’t affect your standing on that team
Issue #20
Continuity needed in assigning resource numbers
Get with buying unit and figure out what their system is with Expanded
Have IBA at team briefing to make these decisions. Request this occur
LSC stop off at Expanded to get copies of resource orders (ideal would be to get this info
at the team briefing)
Cache radios are “S” numbers not “E”
Have “P” put on procurement purchases to help separate rolling stock from “stuff”
Need national system for PROC, FSC, and IBA’s
Communicate at team briefing what purchasing _____ is going to be.
If working a complex, have several sets of books
Issue #14
Vendor available to take on logistics section
Contractors out of the loop on recent policies etc.
Resounding NO!!!!!!
In a Nutshell
Inspection consistency among area
Annual inspections part of EERA
Higher standards on EERA’s (potable water, transportation vehicles)
Fast tracking w/ $ included. ID people both fire/all risk
Target funding – national, regional
Establish committee to target people and money (national representation)
Required dispatch based on # of people per meal period (less than 200 people per meal
period for up to 3 days)
For UTF situations, may consider leaving current contractor in place