SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS – MALTA OBSERVATORY Islands and Small States Institute Foundation for International Studies, St. Paul Street, Valletta, VLT 07, Malta Tel/Fax: +(356) 21248218; +(356) 21252931 Email: Director: Professor Lino Briguglio THE BLUE PLAN LIST OF INDICATORS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT P = Pressure, E = State, R = Response. The Conf. Column lists the indicators to be discussed during the 11 June conference The Comp. Column lists the indicators that have been computed for Malta and are being reviewed in collaboration with the National Office of Statistics Theme Demography and population Standard of living, employment, social inequities, poverty, unemployment N° Type Indicator Name 1 2 3 4 P R S S 5 R 6 P Conf Comp POPULATION AND SOCIETY Population growth rate Total fertility rate Women per hundred men in the labour force Human poverty index (HPI) Employment rate 8 School enrolment gross ratio Difference between male and female school S enrolment ratios S Production of cultural goods 9 R 10 R 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 S S R P P S S 18 19 Habitat and urban systems 20 21 Rural and dry areas, mountains 22 P P S S P 7 Culture, education, training, awareness improvement Health, public health Consumption and production patterns YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Share of private and public finances allocated to the professional training Public expenditure for the conservation and value enhancement of natural, cultural and historical patrimony Life expectancy at birth Infant mortality rate Access to safe drinking water Annual energy consumption per inhabitant Number of passenger cars per 100 inhabitants YES Main telephone lines per 100 inhabitants Distribution of food consumption per income decile LANDS AND AREAS Urban population growth rate Loss of agricultural land due to the urbanisation Urbanisation rate Floor area per person Population change in mountain areas 1 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES N/A Theme N° Type Indicator Name and hinterland Forests Littoral and "littoralisation" Sea 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 P S R P P P S S S R P S S S S R 40 41 Global economy Agriculture Fisheries, aquaculture Mines, industry Conf Comp Existence of program(s) concerning the less R favoured rural zones Exploitation index of forest resources Forest area Forest protection rate Artificialized coastline / total coastline Number of tourists per km of coastline Number of moorings in yachting harbours Population growth in Mediterranean coastal regions Population density in coastal regions Coastline erosion Protected coastal area Oil tanker traffic Global quality of coastal waters Density of the solid waste disposed in the sea Coastal waters quality in some main “hot spots” Quality of biophysical milieu Protection of specific ecosystems Existence of monitoring programs concerning R pollutant inputs Wastewater treatment rate before sea release for R coastal agglomerations over 100 000 inhabitants 42 R Harbour equipment ratio in unballasting facilities ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND SUSTAINABILITY 43 P Distribution of GDP (Agriculture, Industry, Services) 44 P Foreign Direct Investment 45 S External debt / GDP 46 S Saving / investment 47 S Public deficit / GDP 48 S Current payments / GDP Employment distribution (Agriculture, Industry, 49 S Services) 50 P Use of agricultural pesticides 51 P Use of fertilisers per hectare of agricultural land 52 P Share of irrigated agricultural land 53 P Agriculture water demand per irrigated area 54 S "Arable land" per capita 55 S Rate of food dependence 56 S Annual average of wheat yield 57 R Water use efficiency for irrigation 58 P Value of halieutic catches at constant prices 59 P Number and average power of fishing boats 60 S Fishing production per broad species groups 61 S Production of aquaculture 62 R Public expenditures on fish stocks monitoring 63 P Industrial Releases into water 2 YES YES NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO NO YES Theme N° Type Indicator Name 64 65 66 Services and commerce Conf Comp S Intensity of material use Number of mines and carries rehabilitated after R exploitation Turnover distribution of commerce according to the S number of employees 67 S 68 R 69 70 P P 71 R 72 P 73 74 75 76 S S R P 77 P 78 79 80 81 82 83 P P P S S R 84 85 P P 86 S 87 S 88 R 89 R Existence of economic tools to recover the water cost in various sector 90 91 92 Soils, vegetation and 93 desertification 94 95 96 Biological diversity, ecosystems 97 98 99 Solid, industrial and hazardous 100 R R P S S P P P S R P Drinking water use efficiency Share of Industrial wastewater treated on site Ratio of land exploitation Land use change "Arable land" change Wetland area Number of turtles catched per year Share of fishing fleet using barge Threatened species Total expenditure on protected areas management Generation of municipal solid waste Energy Transports Tourism Freshwater and Wastewater Share of merchant services to the enterprises Existence of legislations on the hypermarket setting up restriction Energy intensity Energy balance Share of consumption of renewable energy resources Average annual distance covered per passenger car Structure of transport by mode Density of the road network Share of collective transport Number of nights per 100 inhabitants Number of secondary homes over total number of residences Number of bed-places per 100 inhabitants Public expenditure on tourism development Number of international tourists per 100 inhabitants Share of tourism receipts in the exportations Currency balance due to tourism activities Public expenditure on tourism sites conservation ENVIRONMENT Exploitation index of renewable resources Non-sustainable water production index Share of distributed water not conform to quality standards Water global quality index Share of collected and treated wastewater by the public sewerage system 3 NO YES NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO NO YES NO NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES YES YES YES Theme N° Type Indicator Name waste 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Air quality P P P S S R R R R P P P P S R 116 R Conf Comp Generation of hazardous wastes Imports and exports of hazardous wastes Generation of industrial solid waste Area of land contaminated by hazardous wastes Distribution of municipal wastes Minimisation of waste production Cost recovery index of municipal wastes Destination of household wastes Collection rate of household wastes Emissions of greenhouse gasses Emissions of sulphur oxides Emissions of nitrogen oxides Consumption of ozone depleting substances Frequency of excess over air standard (ozone) Expenditure on air pollution abatement Share of agglomerations over 100 000 inhabitants equipped with a air pollution monitoring network 118 P Number of sites with high risk 119 S Economic impact of natural disasters Natural and technological risks 120 S Burnt area per year 121 R Existence of intervention plans THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ACTORS AND POLICIES Number of direct employments linked to the 122 R environment Number of associations involved in environment Actors of the sustainable 123 R development and/or sustainable development 124 R Number of enterprises engaged in “environment management" processes 125 R Public expenditure on environmental protection as a percent of GDP 126 R 127 R YES YES 129 P Net migration rate 130 R Public development assistance coming from abroad 4 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES NO YES NO YES Existence of environment national plans and/or YES sustainable development strategies Number of Agendas 21 adopted by local authorities EXCHANGES AND COOPERATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN 128 P Openness rate of GDP International trade, Free trade zone and environment Others Mediterranean exchanges Mediterranean cooperation in the fields of environment and sustainable development YES Share of clean fuels consumption in total motor fuels consumption 117 R Policies and strategies of the sustainable development YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES