Syllabus and Scheduling

Syllabus and Scheduling
Andrea Meluch
Communication and Information
Indira Sultanic
Translation Studies
Syllabus Template
Follow along with this template during today’s workshop. Enter information for a course you
are teaching or would like to teach in the space provided.
Name of the Course
Semester and Year (e.g., Fall 2015)
Course Number
Course Registration Number (CRN)
Time of Class Meetings
Days of Class Meetings
Room Number
Instructor’s Name
Instructor’s Email
Instructor’s Office Location
Instructor’s Phone Number
Instructor’s Office Hours
Course Description: Explain why course is important and catch interest.
Course Objectives: What should students get out of the course? Should be objective,
measureable, and attainable.
Required Text(s): Detailed information about text(s) for the course.
University Policies and Requirements: Required to be included in your syllabus.
Add/Withdraw Dates:
Student Accessibility Services: University policy 3342-3-01.3 requires that students
with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course
content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the
instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom
adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student
Accessibility Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information
on registration procedures.
Academic Honesty (Plagiarism and Cheating):
Course expectations and requirements: Rules for student behavior/classroom format.
Attendance/Tardiness: Excused vs. unexcused absences, lateness, and participation
Grading Policy: Make-up/late work policies and/or policy on rewrites.
Technology: Policy for use of mobile phones, laptops, and tablets in the classroom.
Classroom Etiquette: Behavior, disruptions, respectfulness, and/or food/drink
Course Assessment Tools and Descriptions: Ways to measure progress on course
objectives (i.e., assignments, tests, and quizzes). Clearly explain how students will be evaluated
in the course (i.e., description of assignments, quizzes, and tests).
Grading Scale: What percentages constitute grade of: A, A-, B+ . . .
Grade Composition/Breakdown: Percentage/number of points out of the final
grade each assignment/exam comprises.
Tentative Schedule
Course Schedule: Plan due dates, schedule exams, and reading assignments. Make
due dates/exams STAND OUT on syllabus. Use term “Tentative Schedule” to help with
unforeseen issues (e.g., inclement weather days, illness).
Final Exam Date Link:
Other notes: [Space for notes from today’s workshop.]
*Access to more teaching resources can be found on the Teaching Assistant Training Program, available to
all Kent State University Teaching Assistants via BlackBoard Learn.