UNIT STRESSES IN TIMBE R 1927 :4 FOREST RESEARCH LABORATOR Y LIBRAR Y UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOREST SERVIC E FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin MOOR FO EST FORUM IPORATOR Y LISRA Ry . ... . 1 . UNIT STRESSES IN TIIVIBERBY ,,' :,!. - J-. A .. 1EWLIN, Principal Enginee r The fact that there are several hundred species of arbOrescevt plant s in the U'll4t?“te.take-samd .a greater mAtiPlioit,ofsue4 u:eOpl iDiAhe traipUe.s has led nlaRy.leRg4neexe .4.o consider the subject9fmot and. J*,piVi:es., too indRfIrritle-aWoP14sato4 t o 4pltafY PvPE-g w4ptieTfi4a7-'6t%d5;V MPch , less a close anaIyets . The speaker t s .purp . is to correct se.le 7 m1sconceutiO48' . PotfiWDe wood . Under his supervisiem about 700P0OO ' seie4gth tests of iic.e%bltO performed, many of which were on structural tubers . Many others wert'Ade during the World War in contaction with aeroplaz,e ionstrvwtiph . I People see pieces of balsa wood, O r read abgi t .,> 0 alY . aye sixth as heavy as water l, and.0out other speffq:bOkl$ Ivri-Ati% ;ishan w Vkol, They hear that the Army and . pp.vy are using for 4-fatia 0*esS in extren fiber in bending of , 9 x 400 W43?er . sq . "in &P , airi'CW0tA,itoplanes have._ , _ been examined and evi4ence's,' fOv.d that the tim*'iOlems: Abeen subje(OW to a stress of 11,000- to 12;000 lb .'without fal,Waid:then) ,as climax, they see a table of stresses'!recotmendeiPlioresil P pag45P : Laboratory, in which a "Select" grade of spruce- it dated a=s 6:6 d lb . per sq . in. Usually, engineers and contractors stop here and say, . "Well, since the factor of safety for spruce is evidently about 12, the ?4ad- PaP cated by a stress of 1,140 M .,- way be multiplied by 4 and 'frtil n bJeAtt'h:1. a good margin of safety ; and with this wide mOgin..alpoet any wdO ies can be substituted for another in the same sizes, ."- ' TheedG0,hotl'ob* 40ed tiler= ; e - wa:FF1.1eW. - Onc 04 .oughly,rtewdncoivfthsmargn does fail . Most of the failures occur in concrete forms seBI-clAll- wRot& I The optimistic contractor thinks he has this, large factor of safety, h e quadruples the load p and down goes the structure . resented at the special meeting of the Structural Division, America n Society of Civil Engineers, Oct . 2S, 1925 and published in Transaction s of American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol . 91, p . 387 (December 1927) . R1221 does io t ` ieed1 .te-bicame an ex •rt in the s, or does he have to be familiar with the proper order to use wood intelligently . It ins: heto4sually stinguish between species that are gori, t. e* . ike itt under these conditions their strtgths would, ] far as stren th is concerned, for instance, it ' . istinguish etween t ;. .- fifty-sev different } e divided lair *era impossi in f ac 1 L -~ 4 044 e lumb e Pariou classed as Sbuthern'e . If eaf' pine iec ?l 40 loblo l has the growth and perties o f stance of't Id a safi t %3af ; or a in weight e 6f true 1gleaf Mir be soft and al of "Aipine than th e average of short-. leaf pine Arkansas oft pie" is selected . ,Af The extremes of the species, use for structural timbers , n'e 'when considered from a strength int, are Eastern hemlock and whit e fir, the weakest, and southern yellow pine and Douglas fir, the strongest . The latter have about one and one-half times the strength and stiffness o f the•$e "ock-' and. white fir . Southern pine and Douglas fir furnish not onl y 'most o America's structural timbers, but also more than one-half of all it s 1140e r 11kh A A The chi ics of- the species, their inherent properties, th e ce of certain defects and their relative likelihood to develop othe r rvice, and the influence of duration of stress are all con, vg working stresses . Different limitations imposed o n Mkared in ass = factA;-g j, ~tnmon to all species explain the difference in recommende d taking stresses for wood in aeroplanes and in house construction . Thes e faetars will be illustrated in the inverse order of their importance, a s follows : (1) variability of the strength of the clear wood ; (2) th e tress ; and (4) defects , rte., ; ~- , ;r r . .t! r~;~ 4 Str th of clear ' Rio „• r ; ~r ~. r ~ 1 ;-,,';d 1 .14 17.41, reen condition . Si 's tak e able on this speci : gracti c y {~ ry . .r ce in airs 4; ' .a .carv e ,► God . It w-' . s (6 iit of 1,3010 giv .•e -*ariation , lying . ` va •orres Mthnito the hig a .w the age . it density curve f• T .anal . ity ve . - g • . :• ge, whi~f e a point on - he curv e y given species i _-fi t properties of a specie s tional but greater tha n the type shown in Figure 1 . ti In assigning working stresses, primary consideration is given to th e one-fourth of'• he pieces lowest in strength . For aeroplanes, a lower limi t for specific, gravity is set which eliminates most of the lower one-tenth o f the material but does not change the most probable value . In southern yellow pine and Douglas fir it is possible to eliminate a little of thi s low material (along with a little of the higher) by the "ring" rule or "i rat e of growth" rule, A more satisfactory rule for selecting material of thes e species is that known as the density rule, by which density is determine d from an estimate of the proportion of summerwood , Variation of strength with moistur e In Figure 2 is shown the influence of moisture on the strength o f spruce wood, These are old curves . They represent work that was done quit e a number of years ago on-relatively few pieces of small size . More recen t data show the average strength,of the green material to be slightly highe r than these early tests indicate . The horizontal line at the right of eac h curve represents the strength of the green material ; when the fiber saturation point is reached, ,that is, when all the free water is out of the cell , the cell wall begins to lose its water and the strength of the material goes up . quite rapidly . Since in any ordinary drying some of the cells wil l contain free water while others are below the fiber saturation point, i n practice the curve } instead of being straight to the fiber saturation point , and then having a sudden break upward, is a transition curve of varyin g radius, depending on numerous conditions . As between this ."green" strengt h and the strength at , 15% moisture, the most recent curve for modulus o f rupture shows practically an increase .of 50 percent . The increase in th e shear strength is not sufficient to be of much importance in structura l material . Duration of stres s The diagram, Figure 3, shows the influence of duration of stress o n the strength of timber . A logarithmic scale is used for the time co-ordinate because it illustrates the law better than a direct plotting . Th e upper curve is for fiber stress at the elastic limit and the lower one fo r modulus of rupture . In each curve the value from the Forest Product s Laboratory's standard static-bending tests, which require on the averag e about 5 min ., is taken as 100% (point marked a, Fig . 3)„ The point farthes t to the right (b) represents the average strength of pieces which broke i n from six months to a year under dead load . No rupture strength data ar e available for periods of t,me much less than 1 sec . The point in the extreme left-hand corner (c) = represents an elastic limit stress in impact * In developing the curves little weight was given this point (even thoug h it represents thousands of tests), since there are several factors whic h cannot be eliminated and tend to raise the point slightly . 2 From Bulletin 556, U .S . Dept . of Agriculture . R1221 -3- - -r'jlf-76' •41-011.--di ane flight i is impossible to maintain the condition s wh stress for more than a few seconds, in which case ther e It'4actor . almost V-wo as compared with the load that the same materia l wi long time--as in a library floor, for instance . This show s y L r st ures should be designed for static loads and the impac t $&ve log ' neglec$ea unless the impact stress exceeds the stati c I Ole to the live ]oad . a►'t? .1 -t" t' leer impor t ing the i-lo-i fects . O - f the mos t erious de . :_ .- s decay , be allowed in any important structural member . Timber tha air-dry and constantly kept in that condition will not de c in contact with other material that is decaying . A mill f l phi al Pa ., recently examined, revealed that wet pine had bee n a sub -. floor, with paper and wet concrete below and a tight to p thoroughly oiled, making the conditions ideal for decay . The sub-floo r rotted out completely, and the fungi passed through the top floor and bas e moulding into the longleaf pine columns, rotting them out in two years . These columns in the ground, unprotected, ought to have stood for seven o r eight years . Decay must be prevented in timber buildings . r 4 Figure L . shows a knot, another serious type of defect in timbe r which often reduces the strength of a piece almost to zero . A knot is a part of the limb which,, as the tree grew, became a part of the trunk . Th e fibers run from the bottom out into the limb . On the top they produce a kind of crinkle around the knot . Some of them seem to end there, but a number run through into the limb, The strength of the wood along the grai n ern& across the grain is tremendously different . The variation is fiftee n to fortyfold, Therefore, it would be better to have a hole the size of th e knot proper than to have the knot with its attendant cross-grain . The influence that a knot on the tension face at the point of maximum moment . exerts on the strength of a green beam is approximately measured b y the ratio of the diameter of the knot to the width of the face . The diameter of the knot is measured between lines parallel to the edges of th e face .- .That is, a knot one-fourth the width of the face g ill -reduce th e Ift0elp4ilt,ettilti 25 percent . The same knot on the compression side would hav e It ;lone-half this influence .' Large knots have a somewhat greate-r influewe on the strength than-is indicated by this rule, owing-to the rdlhtivel y larger distortion of the grain around them . This effect is' 'taken care o f in the grading rules- recommended by the T . S . Forest Products-Laborator y tintvOmstu Select" grade will insure 75% of the s't'rength of the olear' good.,' Large timbers never dry to . as low a moisture content as small stocky ate$ they develop more checks, especially around knots . The result is that although the average strength is, increased by dryingi_ about- 25'g of th e ~~~'f3.ii dhow no increase, and, therefore, no increase in working stress o n R1221 account of seasoning less in thickness-, a plane stock the full stress of 11. sec . may is allowed . In the higher grades of joists, 4 in.. an d slight increase in s-tr .eAgth- s Fecagn :zed . In aerostrength of clear weod:at 15` meisturt- and duration- off ' be developed . How working stresses are determir-ie d . In arriving at a safe stress for a ''Select" grade of spruce structura l timber, the starting point would be 5,760 lb . . per sq . in ., which is th e average modulus of rupture for small, clear stock tested green at standad . . , speed . Reduce this by one-fourth to take care of variability of the clea r wood ; make another reduction of one-fourth to take care of the maximum defec t permitted in=the grade ; then take off about seven-sixteenths for the-dea d load effect over a, number of years, This give s 5,760 x - x - x i6 y, or 1,•820 lb . per sq ._ in . as the stress under long-time leading at which an-occasional timber- . ' possibly 1 in 25, would be expected to fail . Thus, the recommended s'tTess of . 1,10 0 lb . per sq . in . gives a factor of safety of 1-2/3 for-this bad timber an d this worst condition of loading . The average timber has a fa-. or of safet y of about 2. 1/4 for long-time loading, and for a few minutes will• skoW a ;e-or eEf safety of 4 . With average timbers under impact there would be a factor o f about 6 . When the influence of duration of stress on the Strength of timbe r is considered, it is apparent why it is recommended that timber be designed ' for dead load and for a long period-of ' time negl:ectirg any impact stresse s unless they exceed the stresses due to the ' live load which produces thos e stresses . Wh:Wiever tests of structural timbers are available they ar e found to check these factors quite closely . For-make years the Forest Products Laboratory' refrained fro m . assign- , ing any stress to-timber and it always has refused to recommend ' s.tresse s where the grading rule does not limit quite closely the weakest timber tha t could be accepted . The stresses were finally recommended at the urgent re quest of engineers, and although the lumber interests were given attention : they have had no vote in fixing these final values . ' - 1 y MI= IN= • IEEE ENE= Kil,„, NEI ME ° '‘ AEI■■■ ummmin ■■■ =4 IIEEWI • 111111111NM UM* o t SPRUC E 12 1 000_ 11,00010,000 C) \a H t, , o0 5 50 15 25 35 40 45 20 30 MOISTURE-PERCENT OF DRY +lE I GHT Fig . 2 .-Comparison of the various strength values of spruce with variatio n in moisture . (The two upper curves are from bending tests an d the lowest one from compression at right angles to grain . ) 81221 10 e r • Figure 3 .--Relation between mechanical property o f Sitka spruce and duration of stress . 81221 h ti (la to t t..1 --amo W h ti O JW h o R rry W SAd0 0/ o dQ 2 t . 0 ve; / 51100H 0/ Q 5,Y/70H 5 ao 0 -I k h Z w Y ti o V 'K p~. = p O g is -I Z. h o p p p ti Q a Q p h~u Z Q h C} O .z y k, p 4i J v ti h ¢ h 4s Q ti W ? W h Z o ° 2 h tZ, ca Q h o W 4.) vt aFo2 y q u h ¢ FIB o '2c k `" L~ QOp 44 p h k o ip 44 W o o4 av h c 1 oq W :t m a -e a• 0 = (cC Y00H / N/A/ o f N//4/ o r 1 - -N/A/ S '/v/A./ / • .735 O r O 1 0 031 0 / _T 035 S • o a _ •• J • 1 D5 /'0 1 1 1 1 + + J f 0 i o v v, e ~v •° o m h (1N3O i/3d) 31//N/W 2/1d 71AfrWl d0 HON/ 50/0 iv 9N/0N39 0/1GLS O61 VONd1S N/ 031031 /l/3d0Nd 2t/7/12//S 01 t1113d02'd 7d,7/NVH.73W 10 0/1VE/ x. m 0 0 0 (la Fig . 14 .--Knot showing characteristic differ ence in behavior of fibers on lower an d upper sides .