013132 1 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Servic e FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin - "'-rn r I MADISON, WISCONSIN 'e-G‘-79 By L . F. HAWLE Y Principal Chemist an d E . E . HARRI S Associate Chemist I ti p • 'L -! v. .1 : :it* 1= . 1 -1 c..'' t 11 _ Published in 1 [INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY _ 1 111 1 1 August, 1932 1 L . . . r [L -I 1 I T 111 .4 I, I SYNTHETIC LIGGI N By L . F, Hawley, Principal Chemist and A . .~ Harris, Associate Chemis t In 1931 Hawley and Niertelak (1) reported the chemical . ana1 W of wood that had been subjected to a temperature of 135° C, for severa J periods of time up to 8 days . The analysis showed a par.'-i.al decompoe ti.o n of carbohydrates in the wood and the formation of a material (rough1 r equivalent in amount) that was iso1ated along with the lignin . In orde r to investigate this lignin-like material farther, it was prepared fro m Cross and Bevan cellulose and was thus obtained unmixed with the lignin o f the original wood . The results of that inveatigation i confirming and extending the previous work, were presented t-t .t the Spring, 1931, meeting; of the American Chemical Sodidty j but thdy were not publi .shod bedaus e meanwhile Sherrard and harris (5) and Ritter, Seborg, and Mitchell (3) ha d shown the possibility of serious error in the standard method used fo r lignin determination . Instead of publishing, the researchers decided t o repeat the experimental work, using the improved method for determinin g lignin . Only the parts of the data from the first experiments that are required for comparison will be presented here . Heat Treatment of Cellulos e In the present experiments large quantities of Cross and Beva n cellulose were prepared from white spruce and sugar maple by the metho d used in isolating the cellulose for its quantitative determination . Fifteen-gram samples were sealed in glass tubes and heated in a pressure steam retort for 1, 2, and 8 days at 135° C . Duplicate runs were made , and, except in the few instances where a tube was broken accidentally, th e figures in the table are the averages of two closely agreeing determinations ; one from each duplicate tube . The slight gas pressure remaining in the tubes after cooling was relieved by breaking an end of each tube unde r water, and an approximate determination of the gas evolved was made . Thi s gas was largely carbon dioxide, but under the conditions of the experiment no significant quantitative figure could be obtained . The amount of wate r formed during the heating can be calculated approximately from the differen . F in moisture content of the samples before and after heati The data in Table 1, when considered alone, indicate that th e rate of the reaction with the spruce was much faster than with the mapl e celluloses . This difference, however, is probably caused by something els e than inherent differences between the species . In the previous work a maple cellulose, prepared and treated in as nearly as possible the same way , gave 18 .8 per cant lignin in 8 days, while the softwood cellulose (loblolly pine in this case) gave only 11,2 per cent . With any one lot of cellulose the rate seems to be the same in all rtgi as is shown by the relation bwWwwom p ipmriod of heat ' ■rOmmi gr reaction, and the close checks i n d.rplioateh Tae ; bite OMOPOW46WW4JIf cellulose the rates may be vary d fferc bs Lnall amo probably exert a considerable catalytic effect . The later wo7is Moi confirhed the general conclusions of Hawle y Wiertelak 1 regard 4#composition of the carbohydrates in wood . The carbohydratlti are de•grO°with the formation of water-soluble an d a cohol-b do np1 ,$dli tkmlt' 010-0414V are intermediate product s l b 'm t . la 06 1[ dwood cellulose , l t?~ . siOpsrst atiabbumarta i ~rrr ie j L r i to driummOm whether ul other rates msmOrd stacker :41 t softwood , hexosans wer e 4m ed a s eqQ rblil rlien. ems. % IMNOMei.,ofe , '+•' , agai 0;rp%ipt carbo te s ligni sola t MWqlp -ti-tit-5,11.y i a' by the hear reat oaf . Ntttt one of SNP-tile ven . obtain 11Wlwith wood ainations of the lignin is baser*. core_ h the lignin }'chose by AiM in produced alreac. 4i■`; 'tfU ' .01lulosel i ►, 1s-violet absorption ..r .. 'j icular sample examined ere for Wt 401 , 104agibed in i M ea per cent erive d uses ,,: r l thod o thei r les, af i thei r e similar c acid. Furtherm p lated lignin s s aft °~ tion in the same way i= _ ..r' ~tly wood . 44 r-,k',g e% a resis t dissol as ].i• ~+ . Bch is ■ Ritter, M 'c, 'f` (2) have reeaf'tly shown that spruc e lignin, put into solution by chlor' , on and sulfites, has a reducing value which is 29 .5 per cent of that n equal amount of glucose, and that maple lignin had a reducing value 34 .5 per cent, Tr=y lignin isolated . t1 R979 -2- f~ O O 150 M • O LrM N N N 150 'CO N 150 N ~- Ol ~9 \O 0 150 PEI LLl 150 \.O H . -Ol LO O Ol Ol LC") N Ol Lfl M N H r-I r- I rn H R ,-A" IFtk I` N E H I &.p I • I rn tt it I H O 0 LO `O O 0 us, r-I I k O F~ tt •• •T N I t tt T T *} ft tt t• e• t? tt t t t t .• VP tt tt tt t ? O O N O M 0 H Ol '60 O O O C\ ro N O LCl N Ltl N I~ O N- LC! M LC\ H H H H 'O H M N 150 ▪ ti N M N• v LCl H M N L`0 O O rl In O t. .. O CO LO LC1 0 H H 150 t . •e O M• N Mt 1- 1 a) 24 i F •I-.I 1 7 +) a) RH a) H O 00 OF-1 C_)cd F-10 -N cd 1 +' oP, o rd o I -d 0 cd r-t o .O to O 0 O FaO F l Cl.! , 0 ▪ H H U ' ,r 1 II ;iu C ti l. 11 - .! a •p 0 ~ 1 - I l_ y = rr 6r ~, " I . from the -' treatment, •c ,, ruce cellulose, when treated in the sam e nner, , had a glucose eq•' tint, in reducing value, of 20 per cent ; t 411day maple lignin had q~e.. walent of 31 .0 per cent.. . 'f ; , can 'baoduc L } 'The material ptepar'ed at described contains no methoxyl but it hvlated. Two methylations at 500 C . for 2 hours each gave a 7 .0 per cant of methoxyl, which is faD 1044 vale ' 10' ha$ been obtained with natural lioni~n•t j), i. emptt f +Obtain a higher degree of mc•thylatidn . D37' lmtr 4i ree methods of charactecization,, the >rm a ¢tt obtained in these experiments' has shown a close stmilaoitl to tile ii obtained directly from wood, and the authors believe they atr--e justified in calling it tt synthetic lignin.' At least they have PV -esd a .oiigct , that, in its basi_: chemical characteristics, •corx;esrpo rnds 0o ]tnin . Irk, certain quantitat . : a respects the- corresponc-ence may no =t -be cc m,plete, , but this should be expected, not only from the va 'iabi]a.ty of al' lignins but also ~~- account of probable im ;:-urities, suck as iant.>s~meaia .t0 - r or by-proms., in the synthetic product . nattkI c It is intereSt4ng to note ow closely these exdp rimenta l • - 6fauth (4) on the constitti'on { hetical intermediate product between glucos e to 5-hydroxymethyl fiirfural, 3 molecules of which 5imination df b molecules of Water to form a compound o f r±ngs This bompoiknd contains three hydroxyl groups i n antral six-carbon ring that require hydrogenation for their removal has for the completion of the formation of a compound that account s he chhe c . p w-sffteristics of lignin The ti',w ,ter•- pL e Anc Alcohol _ formed by the heat 4 compmg,ition the Schrauth.'s hypothetical n ermedia , product , to he :„oughly tea Quo6 rrasponds '• ti no indi~ In the present pat$ s' pe' tfiie~>1̀ s except :ithat carbon dioxide may be Po ' the e amount of carbon dioxide, how+ -, l scient Mira small part of this oxygen . ell . xeat interest , a li ;i3 . It y exardination a trace o f blysis with dilute On acidification tial precipitation takes pl e and a part of the to chlorination and subsequent treatment wit h asistant to chlorination may then be completely L dissolved in 72 per cant sulfuric acid . No conclusions are drawn fro m such fragmentary data, but it is merely suggested that further study o f I ;'PW this water-soluble material seems to offer an important new field fo r research in the chemistry of both cellulose and lignin . 'aa Although there are many slight qualitative differences to b e noted between hardwood and softwood lignins, there are few well-define d quantitative differences . Perhaps the most characteristic are in th e ultra-violet absorption spectra and in the reducing number . It ha s already been sho w " that the synthetic lignin made from hardwood cellulose , and evidently foracd largely by the decomposition of pentosan r-iits, ha s an absorption spa, 7 -um and a reducing value that correspond closely to a typical hardwood gnin, while the synthet c lignin made from a soft pl,)o d cellulose, and ev? .ently formed largely from. hexo :an units, has a re racin g value corresponding closely to a typical softwood lignin . (The author s have not yet had opportunity to measure) the absorption spectrum of suc h a sample .) This information leads directly to the hypothesis that th e differences between natural hardwood and softwood lignins are due to th e relative proportions of hexose and pentose units that have entered int o their formation . This hypothesis will be developed further as the nex t step in the reseaach on synthetic lignins . It should be readily possibl e to prepare lignins from pure pentosans, pure hexosans, and known varyin g proportions of the two, and thus to establish the relation between the source and the characteristics of the product . Literature_ Cite d 1. Hawley and Wiertelak, Ind . Eng . Chem . D. , 184 (1931) . 2 . R4 ter-, 11PI'V'im2l, and Seborg, paper presented before the Division o f Cellulose Chemistry at the 83rd meeting of the American Chemica l Society, New Orleans, La ., March 28 to April 1, 1932 . 3. Ritter, Soborg, and Mitchell, Ind . ng . Chem ., Anal . Ed., 1, 2 4. Schrauth, Z . angew . Chem . 36, 149 (1923) . 5. Sherrard and Harris, Ind . ring . Chem, 24, 103 (1932) . 6. Stare, Samib, and Harris, J . Phys . Chem . R979 -5 - 36, 1574 ( 1932 ) . (1932) .