TECTONICS, VOL. 13, NO. 6, PAGES 1327-1344, DECEMBER 1994 Rates of deformation, uplift, and landscape development associatedwith active folding in the Waipara area of North Canterbury, New Zealand Andrew Nicol • Departmentof Geology,Universityof Canterbury,Christchurch, New Zealand Brent Alloway Department of Geology,AucklandUniversity,TamakiCampus,Auckland,New Zealand Philip Tonkin Departmentof Soil Science,LincolnUniversity,Canterbury,New Zealand Abstract. Analysis of the geometryand ages of faulted and tilted late Quaternary fluvial terraces and their associated coverbedsprovideevidenceof active folding at three localities in the Waipara area of North Canterbury,New Zealand. Terracesurveydata,the occurrence of the approximately22.6kyr-oldAokautereAsh, andexaminationof soil profiles indicatethat folding hascontinuedinto the late Holocenebut that the amountsand rates of deformation are locally variable. Ratesof uplift in the Waiparaareaarecomparedwith thosederived from marine terracespreservedat the Pacific coast,east of the studyarea. Resultsindicatethat ratesof measurabledeformationreach a maximum along the Waipara range front, where bedrock deformation is most intense and shortening last 0.8 + 0.4 m.y. since the onsetof Quaternarydeformation in the Waipara region. Introduction The fundamentalprerequisitefor documentingactive fold growthis the recognitionof late Quaternarymarkerhorizons, whichareof sufficientageandlateralextent to display gradientsthatdepartfrom their initial orientation.In New Zealand many suchmarkershave been used to documentfolding; theseincludemarineterraces[e.g.,Singh, 1971; Ghani, 1978; Berryman,1993a, b], fluvio-glacialterraces[Suggate,1987], andwave-planersurfaces[Lewis,1971]. Althoughthe analyratesof up to 5.57 + 0.69%/100 kyr occur.Acrossthe coastal sis of active folding is often difficult owing to the continuous nature of deformation and the absence of suitable markrangesthe averagerate of shorteningis 0.8 + 0.4%/100 kyr, ers,it mustbe recognizedthat folding may accountfor a sigwhich correspondswith an absoluteshorteningrate of 1.4 + nificant componentof the total strain. In this context the 0.6 m/kyr and representsonly a small proportionof the predictedplate motion vector in this region. Uplift rates range analysisof active folding is extremelyimportantif rates of from 0-1.83 m/kyr for a late last glacial fluvial terrace and deformationandpotentialseismichazardareto be adequately alsosuggestthat fundamental from 1.36-2.16 m/kyr for three marine terraces.Fluvial and characterized.Our observations marineterraceuplift ratesvary in accordwith the geometries relationshipsexist betweenlandscapedevelopmentand the distribution of folds in areas of active deformation. of the folds in bedrock,and the spatialpattern of uplift diIn an attemptto characterizeactive folding in the Waipara rectly reflectsfold growth. The structurecontourpattern of area of North Canterbury,New Zealand(Figure 1) we have infolded surfacesprovidesa first approximationto the spatial tegrated the analysisof bedrockstructure,Quaternarystratigpatternof uplift. Differential uplift due to folding accounts and pedology.Data have been colfor up to approximately55-75% of the total uplift and has raphy,geomo•10hology, lected from three different localities across the Waipara producedfolds with structuralrelief of about 1300 m (i.e., amplitudesof 600-700 m). Thesefolds have formed over the Syncline,nearthe townshipof Waipara(Figure 1). Fold geometrydata,principallyderivedfrom altitudinal surveying, include disruptedcover bed stratigraphyand deformedfluvial terracesurfaces.Geometricdataare complementedby age I Nowat EarthSciences Department, University of Liverpool,determinations providedby theradiometrically datedand laterally extensiveAokautereAsh, a radiocarbondate and detailed analysisof soil profile morphologies.The studyhas al- Liverpool,England. lowed conclusionsto be drawn about the rates of shortening anduplift associated with folding,the ageof coverbeds,flu- Copyright1994by theAmericanGeophysical Union. vial terrace surfaces and their deformation, and the relation- Papernumber94TC01502. ships of active folding to landscapedevelopmentin the 0278-7407/94/94TC-01502510.00 coastalrangesof North Canterbury. 1327 1328 NICOL I • ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY I • •o • "• o ; u I I I ß . .I , .' ' i / ß! ! I I ß ß i ß !:, ! ßi ß NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY 1329 peatedlymigratedacrossa floodplaindominatedby a mosaic of grassland-shrubland. These sedimentswere inferred by Structure Harristo correlatewith those depositedduring and since the last glacial maxima (approximately 12 - 24 kyr ago; [see North Canterburyis located on the southeasternmargin of Pillans et al., 1993] basedon the apparentabsenceof loess, the Marlborough Fault System (MFS), a portion of the obliquelyconvergentNew Zealandplate boundary dominated glacial, or periglacial deposits,the slight degreeof weathering, and lack of stream dissection.This estimate was supby right-lateral strike-slip faulting. The style of faulting at ported by a conventionalradiocarbonage of 10,550 + 150 the surfacein North Canterburyis dominatedby reversefaults and thruststhat mainly strike northeastand dip to the south- yearsB.P. obtainedfrom a Hyridella shell sample within an uppersilt unit, but suchshell samplescan be subjectto coneast. These faults are closely associatedwith a number of tamination,and we regard this date as a minimum. Although asymmetricmacroscopicfolds, whichare developedwithin an approximately1-kin thick sequenceof late Cretaceous-early the uppermostportion of the meanderstream sequencewas thoughtto representdepositionduring the last glacial maxPleistocenesedimentaryrocks. The folds are frequently charthe entiremeanderstreamsedimentarysuccession acterized bysteep northwest limbs (600 øtooverturned dips) ima (LGM),progressive infilling of a basinalong the hinge of and shallow southeastlimbs (10-30 dips), with the steep represents the WaiparaSynclineduringthe late Quatemary.For the purlimb often being faulted. Collectively, the faulting and folding have accommodatedapproximately 12-15% northwest- posesof this studythe late last glacial aggradationsurfacein the Omihi-Waiparavalley will subsequently be referredto as southeastregional shorteningbetween the Pacific coast and the "Omihi Surface"(seeFigure 1 for lateral extent). Hope Fault [Nicol, 1991], the southernmostelement of the The Oraibi aggradationsurfaceis underlain by up to apMFS. proximately 3 m of calcareous silts,sands,and gravels,which The topography is dominated by a series of northeast may containor overliea silicic tephra(Figure2) eruptedfrom trending valleys and ridges that reflect the influence of the underlyingstructures.The ridges are composedof indurated the TaupoVolcanic Zone, which is here correlatedto the apMesozoic graywacke and argillite basement (Torlesse proximately22.6-kyr-old AokautereAsh (see next section). Supergroup)and representthe exposedcoresof macroscopic The presenceof thistephrabelow the Oraibi Surfacesuggests that the terrace is necessarilyyounger than approximately anticlines,which are generally confined to the hanging walls 22.6 kyr. The maturenatureof the soil profiles(vertic melanic of the faults. The valleys are locatedon the footwalls of the soils,seeFigure5) suggestthat the surfaceis unlikely to be faults, coincident with the major synclinal structures.The Holocene in age.We infer that the terracesurfaceformeddurlargest of these valleys is the Culverden Basin, a structural ing late last glacial (approximately12 + 2 kyr ago) aggradadepressionthat, like many similar structures in North tion of Omihi Stream.The Canterburyand Omihi aggradation Canterbury,containsan unknown,but probably small (<200 surfacesappearto coalesceand gradeto the sameheightin the m) thicknessof Quaternary gravel deposits.Active faults generalvicinity of Waiparatownship(Figure 1). boundthe northwestside of the ridges and displaceboth geThe fourth geomorphicsurfaceis Weka Fan, characterized omorphic surfacesand Quaternary gravels [Wilson, 1963; by a series of narrow alluvial ridges that extend east and Gregg, 1964;Maxwell, 1964; Cowan, 1992a]. southeastfrom the mouth of Weka PassacrossState Highway Structuresin the Waipara area (Figure 1) constitutepart of 1 (Figure 1). Southeastof Weka Pass,the Weka Fan is clearly the North Canterburyfold and thrust (or reverse fault) belt. higher than the older Canterbury Surface, and lobes of alluLocal folds are characterizedby two anticline-synclinepairs that strikeapproximatelyNNE and vergewestward.The most vium overlie loess which was presumablyderived from the CanterburyGravels.A possiblecorrelative of this loess-mandominantof these structuresare the Waipara Syncline and tied surfaceoccursas a small, eastwarddipping remnantpreBlack Anticline, which are separatedto the northby the Omihi North Canterbury Geology Fault, a major range-bounding structure. Yousif [ 1987] showedthat folds immediately adjacentto the study area, includingthe Black Anticline, are currently active. Active folding extendswestwardacrossthe Waipara Syncline for at least 15 km [Campbelland Nicol, 1992]. Geomorphic Surfaces In the Waiparaarea,five groupsof geomorphicsurfacesare identified using soil morphology, elevation, and available age data. The oldest, named the Teviotdale Surface [Wilson, 1963], is of small areal extent and characterizedby isolated loess-mantledremnantspreservedto the south and southeast of the WaiparaRiver. This surfaceis not studiedhere. The next youngestand more extensivesurfacewas named "CanterburySurface" [Wilson, 1955], and the gravels that immediately underlie this surface were referred to as "Canterbury Gravels". Harris [1982] recognized that CanterburyGravelswithin the Waipara-Omihivalley were depositedby a slow flowing, meanderingriver channelthat re- servedon the easternside of the Mound (Figure 1). Below the Canterburyand Omihi Surfaces,flights of river terracesstepdown to the active floodplains.These surfaces are characteristicallystony, with rudimentary soil profiles that are predominantly<0.25 m in thickness(orthic brown soils,Figure 5) and are interpretedas degradationterraces.A radiocarbondate from charcoal sampled from beneath a degradationterracein LimestoneCreek (Figure 1) produceda conventional radiocarbon age of 1008 + 63 years B.P. (NZ7957). The sample is inferred to date ponding of Limestone Creek behind the secondhighest Waipara River terrace.This, togetherwith the immature soil profiles, suggeststhat degradationof the Waipara River from the second highestterraceto its presentlevel (approximately20 m), occurredduringthe late Holocene. Occurrence and Recognition of the Aokautere Ash The largestandmostwidespreadlate Pleistocenesilicic air fall tephra,AokautereAsh Member of the KawakawaTephra, 1330 NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY Site B Site A Omihi Limestone Stream Creek (N34/924935) (N34/915943) WekaFanalluvialgravels (dominantly Torlesse lithologies) well sorted medium sand laminated to weak X-bedded (mm-dcm) well sorted, calcareousfluvial silts and sands. •c c c cl '_•• c.5cm thick Fluvial gravels containingmixed •x x •2x• • •, SILICIC TEPHRA BED I•;,d• (distal correlative ofAokautere Ash •x..• ) • ["•'.• • Amuri laminated toweak •_ • Limestone andTorlesse lithologies X-bedded (mm-dcm) wellsorted, calcareous fluvial silts andsands with [...:?..•:_:'.•;..':• moderately sorted gravel interbedscontainingmixed Amuri Limestone and Torlesse SILICIC TEPHRA lithologies BED weaklylaminatedto massive fluvial silts and fine sands KEY Siltloam Sandy loam Fluvial gravels containingmixed Loamy sand Amuri .•-• •-• Sandy loamclay Clay loam Limestone andTorlesse lithologies 10 Clay !ccc] Free calcium carbonate Stones and/ or gravels KOWAI FORMATION Figure2. Stratigraphy enclosing theAokautere Ashcorrelative at siteA alongOmihiStreamand siteB along LimestoneCreek,Waipara(seeFigure1). NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLD1NG 1N WAIPARA was eruptedfrom the Lake Taupo area (see Figure 1 inset) at approximately22.6 kyr ago [Wilson et al., 1988; Froggatt and Lowe, 1990; Pillans et al., 1993]. This air fall tephra has proven to be extremely useful in regional studies becauseit defines an isochronoushorizon for correlation and age control of LGM loess,peat,and colluvial deposits,as well as geomorphic surfacesand associatedsoils. This air fall tephra is found extensively within central and southernNorth Island [Milne, 1973; Palmer, 1982], as well as northern South Island [Eden, 1983; Campbell, 1986]. Isolated occurrenceshave also been reported from western South Island [Mew et al., 1986]; however, in North Canterbury,AokautereAsh has only been previouslyreportedfrom one site just southeastof the study area, near the townshipof Amberley [Kohn, 1979]. Here the tephrawas fission track dated at 20,300 + 7100 years B.P. In other areas of central and southern South Island, where this tephra is absent,age determinationsof late Quaternary geomorphic surfacesand/or soils have been mostly restricted to AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY 1331 AokautereAsh is the only macroscopic silicic tephra extensivelypresentin late Quaternarystrata. Consequently,its thickness and stratigraphic position within LGM loess in most areasis usually distinctive enoughto permit its reliable identification.However, in the Waipara area the silicic tephra occursenclosedwithin late Quaternaryfluviatile deposits but has yet to be found as a discretelayer within LGM loessof the area; its identity as Aokautere Ash therefore required confirmation by glassshardchemistry. Glass shardsof samplesfrom two Waipara localities were analyzed for major elementsusing electronmicroprobe(EMP) analysis.The EMP analyses(Table 1) confirm that this silicic tephra cannot be differentiated from similar analyses of AokautereAsh obtainedfrom its type sectionand a number of distal localities. However, these analysesare clearly distinguishablefrom other widespread Pleistocenesilicic tephras erupted from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, as illustrated in the CaO-FeO-K•O ternarydiagram(Figure3). usingt4Candthicknesses of weathering rindsongraywacke sandstone clasts [e.g., Chinn, 1981; Knuepfer, 1988; Campbell and Nicol, 1992]. In this study, four new localitiesof a silicic tephra are identified and described in the vicinity of Waipara in North Canterbin3 r (Figure 1). Here this tephra occurstypically as an intermittently exposedapproximately<0.05-m thick horizon encapsulatedwithin fine-grained, calcareous fluviatile deposits (Figure 2). This tephra can be readily distinguished fromsimilarlythick,very palebrownto whiteCaCO3 layers on the basisof its characteristicpinkish color (SYR 7/3) and silt-grade,glassytexture. Evidence for Active Folding Fault Bank Locality This locality was first described by Harris [1982]. Here, approximately10-20 m of Quaternaryfluviatile bedsrest with angular unconformityon Plio-PleistoceneKowai Formation bedrock(Figure 4; see Figure 1 for location). These fluvial beds, characterizedby pebbly to clayey sedimentsderived principally from post-Torlesselithologies, are both faulted Table 1. AverageMajor ElementComposition of GlassShardsFrom AokautereAsh at Its Type Section ComparedWith Its Distal Correlatives Aokautere AshMember oftheKawakawa Tephra Formation TypeSection• SiO2 A1203 TiO2 79.01 ñ 0.38 12.15 ñ 0.30 0.13 ñ 0.03 Taranaki a 79.35 ñ 0.30 12.40 + 0.12 0.12 ñ 0.03 Amberleya 78.81 + 0.44 12.44 ñ 0.15 0.11 ñ 0.03 Waipara Waipara ThisStudy b, ThisStudy b, Site A Fault Bank 77.55 ñ 0.43 12.65 ñ 0.26 0.15 ñ 0.05 77.73 + 0.36 12.48 ñ 0.23 0.17 ñ 0.05 FeO 1.15 + 0.10 1.19 + 0.11 1.18 ñ 0.08 1.20 ñ 0.13 1.16 + 0.12 MgO 0.12 + 0.02 0.12 ñ 0.01 0.12 ñ 0.02 0.15 ñ 0.03 0.20 ñ 0.07 CaO 1.05 + 0.09 1.07 ñ 0.09 1.02 ñ 0.09 1.08 ñ 0.09 1.10 + 0.09 Na20 K20 3.31 + 0.21 3.07 + 0.25 2.47 + 0.37 3.08 + 0.10 3.35 + 0.22 2.96 + 0.37 3.87 ñ 0.19 3.12 + 0.17 3.87 + 0.26 3.07 + 0.15 0.23 + 0.03 0.22 + 0.06 6.10 + 1.04 5.48 + 1.26 C1 -- H20 n 5.65 + 1.62 0.18 + 0.02 7.14 + 0.98 74 15 -- 3.41 + 1.40 11 19 21 All majorelementdeterminations weremadeon a JEOL JXA-733 electronmicroprobehousedat Victoria Universityof Wellington.Analyseswere determinedusinga beamcurrentof 8 nA, beamdiameterof 20 mm, and3 x 10-speak counts(meaned).Valuesare in weight-percentoxide,recalculatedto 100% on a fluid-freebasis.H20 is by differencefrom 100%;total iron expressed asFeO; n is numberof analyses.The majorelementcomposition of internalglassstandards KN-18, VG-99, andVG-568 were routinelyanalyzedto checkandcorrectfor machinedrift. SeeFigure2 for SiteA andFigure3 for Fault Bank. a AnalystwasP. Froggatt. b Analyst wasD. Manning. 1332 NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY FeO v v v v CaO K20 ß Aokautere Ash distal correlative + (fromAtlowayetaL, 1994) Aokautere Ash distal correlative Waipara-- Fault Bank AokautereAsh from typesection-WhangamataRoad,CentralNorth Island • distalAokautereAsh- ß Rangitawa Tephra(350ka)typesection,southernNorth Island x PotakaTephra(1.05Ma) -typesection,southernNorth Island (fromAtlowayetal., 1993) [] Taranaki, western North Island (fromAltowayet al., 1994) A distalRotoehuTephra(55 ka) -Taranaki, western North Island Waipara -- Site A O v (fromAtlowayetal., 1993) distal Aokautere Ash -- Amberley,east-central SouthIsland Figure3. FeO-K20-CaO ternary plotshowing thecomposition ofAokautere Ashcompared withseveral other widespread Pleistocene tephraeruptedfromthe TaupoVolcanicZone. Ticks on the diagramare at 10% intervals. and tilted with intense local deformation adjacent to a mesoscalefault. Away from the fault the fluvial beds thicken and contain the approximately 22.6-kyr-old Aokautere Ash. Structurecontoursconstructedon the top of the 0.05-m thick ashhorizon indicate thatit dipsatapproximately 9ø(Table2) SSW but has a much reduced apparentdip in the bank exposureof Figure 4. Below the ash horizon the beds becomeincreasinglytilted, fi'om which we infer that the cover beds increasein age toward the unconformitysurfaceand that the onset of folding began well before cover bed deposition. To qualify theseage relationships,we have usedratesof shortening for the period sinceash depositionand dip data from the pre-ashbeds(seeTable 2 for furtherdetails). The fault exposedat the Fault Bank locality (Figure 4) is a mesoscalestructurethat strikessoutheastat an oblique angle to the main folds. Slickenside striationson the fault plane suggestthat it has accommodateddip-slip movement, while two gravel marker horizons,G1 and G2, have been displaced in a reversesenseby 3.8 and 5.7 m, respectively (Figure 4). The fault has accommodateda total of at least 5.7 m displacement during two or more eventssincethe deposition of the top of the G2 gravel bed. The top of the G2 gravel unit is eroded,so this figure is a minimum. Aokautere Ash perceptibly thins toward, and is apparently deformed adjacent to the fault, which suggeststhat the last fault movement postdates approximately22.6 kyr. Using the age derivedfor the top of the basal gravel bed (approximately 78 + 19 kyr, see Age Estimatessection), a minimum slip rate of 0.073 + 0.019 m/kyr is calculatedfor the fault. Shortening Calculations. The age and dip of the Aokautere Ash are used to calculate both the amount and rate of local fi- nite shortening for the period since ash deposition at the Fault Bank locality. These calculationsare basedon the following assumptions:(1) the ash horizon and all beds for which ageshave been calculatedwere approximatelyhorizontal prior to deformationand (2) the ash horizon and bed dips are indicative of folding achieved by bed rotation about a horizontal axis associatedwith constantrates of shortening. The first assumptionappearsto be reasonable,given that the ash horizon is containedwithin fluvial pebbly silts and sands, where present floodplain gradients øforOmihiStream and the Waipara River are generally <0.3 . The mechanicsof fold developmentare not addressedin detail here. However, given that the folds are developed in late Cretaceousand younger strata, which generally do not exceed 1.5 km in thickness,and that the active folding we are describingis now occurring at the ground surface, we conclude that the folds formed at shallow levels (<1.5 km) in responseto buckling. The absenceof abundantslickensidesand/or striated bedding surfacessuggeststhat at an outcrop scale, bedding plane slip NICOL ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY ! I'! ß o• 1333 1334 NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY Table 2. Age Estimatesfor Cover Beds, the Bedr•x:kStrathSurfaces,and the Onsetof Deformationat the Fault Bank Locality , Dated Feature Dip, deg,a Shortening, % Age, kyr 9.1 (SCD) 1.26 + 10.3 22.6 + 0.3 1.26 + 11 to <22.6 + 0.3 to 2.2 + 16.7 39.3 + 11.4 4.4 + 11.8 to 78.5 + 18.9 to 5.7+ 10.3 103.1 + 23.3 5.7 + 10.3 103.1 + 23.3 34.7+ 4.1 622.1+ 101.9 d 1, AokautereAsh 2, Fluvial sandsand silt unit (envelopes Aokautere Ash)b 3, Gravel unit (abovebedrock strath) 4, Bedrock strath <9.1 to 12.0 (SCD) (4c) 17.0 to 19.5 (2c) (4c) 19.5 (4•) 5, KowaiFormation 49.2 (5c) The agesare derivedusingthe orientationandageof the AokautereAsh to determinethe rate of shortening(5.57 + 0.69%/100 kyr) sinceashdeposition(approximately22.6 + 0.23 kyr). The total shortening,calculatedfrom the bed dips, is dividedby the rate of shorteningto estimatethe age of eachbeddedunit. Uncertaintiesin bed dip measurements andthe age of the ashare usedto derivethe errors.The locationof eachnumberedunit is markedon Figure 4 (circlednumbers). a Errorsare + 2ø. SCD is structurecontourderived,with error of + 1ø. bThisunitwaspreserved onlyontheSWsideofthefault(seeFigure4). c Valuesrepresentnumberof dip measurements usedto calculatethe averagedip values. dValuesareinferred topdatetheonsetof deformation, notdeposition of formation. is not significantin the study area, except adjacentto faults and within mudstonelithologies that dip at angles >60 . The folding is thereforemodeledby assumingthat departureof bedding dips from the horizontal representsa bed rotation which hastaken place abouta confined horizontal fold hinge zone, with little or no changein bed length. In the Waipara o area, foldhinges arecommonly subhorizontal (<15ø)andthe useof horizontalaxesof bed rotation appearsto be a reasonable approximation. In order to provide age estimates,we have also assumedthat folding reflects constantshortening. This assumptionof constant shortening representsa departure from previous studies [e.g., Wellman, 1971; Ghani, 1978], where constant rates of tilting have been inferred. However, there is almost no mechanism for accommodating constanttilting during fold growth, while it is at least possible that folding reflectsconstantshortening.Thereforefor the purposesof this study, invariant shortening is assumed,although over the entire period of late Cenozoic deformation, this is likely to representan oversimplification. Shortening is calculated for a given bed length using the equation S = 100(1- cos 0), where$ = shortening(in percent)and 0 = beddingdip. Using the AokautereAsh horizon data (Table 2, top row), both the amount and rate of incrementalshorteningare calculated for the period sinceashdeposition(approximately22.6 kyr B.P.). The rate of shortening (5.57 ñ 0.69%/100 kyr) is subse- quentlyextrapolatedback in time to derive age estimatesfor the variably dipping fluvial beds below the ash (Table 2). This extrapolationalso providesa first-orderestimatefor the ageof the onsetof deformation,which is observedin the underlying Kowai Formation bedrock (Table 2). Our age estimates for the fluvial depositsare supportedby independent data, while the inferred age for the onset of deformation shouldbe regardedas a crude estimate.These data are presented in Table 2. Age Estimates. Assuming constantshortening,all of the deformation observed within the fluvial beds can be accom- modated over a period of approximately 100 kyr. On the downthrown and northeast side of the fault (Figure 4), only basal parts of the fluvial stratigraphyare preservedand the Aokautere Ash is absent. To the southwest of the fault, local- ized hanging wall uplift has condensedthe sequence,and from the markedreductionin beddingdips acrossthe erosion surface(Figure4) we infer that most of the 39- to 78-kyr-old stratigraphyis not preserved.It is suggestedthat the fluvial beds between the ash horizon and the erosion surface below rangein age from approximately22.6 to 39 kyr, while the remainder of the beds date between approximately78 and approximately 103 kyr (Table 2). The age of the intervening, faulted, and unconformity-boundedgravel unit (G1, Figure 4) is somewherein the range of 39 to 78 kyr and can be correlated acrossthe fault where a gypsum-bearingcarbonaceous horizon is found to directly overlie the gravel unit (G1). On the basisof the identificationof a cold (full glacial) climate pollen spectrum (M.S. McGlone, personal communication, NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY 1335 1992) sampledfrom the carbonaceous horizon (Figure 4), and from 0 to 18.5 m. Assuming an estimatedage of approxiage constraintsalready calculatedfrom bracketing the sedi- mately 12 + 2 kyr for the Omihi Surface, uplift rates ranging from 0 to 1.54 m/kyr (-+-approximately20%) are calculatedfor ments on the southwest side of the fault it is suggestedthat the carbonaceoushorizon and underlyinggravel unit accumu- six pointson the terrace(Figure7). However,if the gradientof lated during an episode of cold (full glacial) climate that the aggradationsurfaceis extrapolatedto the hinge of the adbroadly correspondswith oxygen isotope 4 (approximately jacent anticline,then the calculateduplift rate would be 1.83 + 0.52 m/kyr. This figure is remarkablycloseto the uplift rate 70 kyr ago). (1.70 m/kyr)derived by Yousif[1987] for the same anticline A marked angular unconformityat the base of the fluvial hinge 0.5 km to the south in Yellow Rose Creek (Figure 7). beds on the southwest side of the fault signifies that the Kowai Formationbedrockis appreciablymore deformedthan Tilting of the Omihi Surface reflects shortening rates of 0.15%/100 kyr, considerably less than that calculated from the overlying Quaternarybeds. Accordingly, the age for the onsetof deformationof bedrockis inferredto be considerably the Fault Bank locality where the influenceof the Omihi Fault older than the calculated age of the bedrock strath is likely to be greater, but similar to the rates of shortening (approximately103 + 23 kyr). Using the rate of shortening that couldbe inferredfrom bed dips of 5 - 10ø formed in the last 500-700 kyr (see Timing and Strain Rates of Deformation derived from the Aokautere Ash, all of the observable deforsectionfor further discussionof strainrates). mation of the Kowai Formation at this locality could have In contrastto the Omihi Surface,the Waipara River degrabeen achieved in the last approximately500 to 700 kyr (for dation terrace profiles display considerably less departure further discussion, see Timing and Strain Rates of from the presentfloodplain gradient(Figure 5). This suggests Deformation section). that if the rate of deformation has remained approximately constant, then the degradation terraces are considerably Glenray Locality younger than the aggradationterrace. The radiocarbondate A flight of fluvial terraceson the north bank of the Waipara (1008 + 63 yearsB.P.), which is inferredto date the ponding River are variously tilted owing to folding associatedwith of LimestoneCreek duringthe formation of the secondhighthe developmentof the Waipara Syncline and adjacent antiest Waipara River degradationterrace, implies that those tercline structures(Figure 1). The terracesurfacesdisplay an inrace surfaces lower in elevation than the dated terrace are less creasingdeparturefrom the presentstreamgradientswith verthan 1000 years old. A secondradiometricdate derived from tical distanceabovethe Waipara River floodplain. The terrace wood also sampledfrom within "ponded"deposits,but in a gradientsare measuredfrom profiles surveyedby automatic streamimmediately adjacentto LimestoneCreek, produceda level, normalto the strike of folding (Figure 5). Sevenprinsimilar age of 1150 + 55 years B.P. (N34/f76 [Yousif, 1987]) cipal terracesare recognizedabove the presentfloodplain of and supportsthe late Holocene age assignedto the terraces. the Waipara River, five of which are displayed in Figure 5. Theseradiocarbondatesare further supportedby weatheringTheseterracesare divided into two groups (1) the uppermost rinddataand•4CdatesderivedfromWaiparaRiverterraces Omihi aggradationsurfaceand (2) a flight of Waipara River upstream[Campbell and Nicol, 1992] and require that the degradationsurfaces.The measurementerror associatedwith river at Waiparahas downcut approximately20 m during the surveying is conservatively estimatedat + 0.1 m, while local late Holocene. topographyon the terrace surfacesis of the order + 0.5 m. Consequently,consistentdeparturesof terrace surfaceelevations in excessof 0.6 m, which can be correlated with the locations and geometry of the underlying macroscopicfolds, are inferred to reflect differential uplift associatedwith folding. The most striking aspectof the terraceprofile data (Figure 5) is the marked eastwardclimb of the Omihi Surfacetoward the hinge of the adjacentanticline. To the west the surfacehas an elevationof 70.6 m abovemeansea level (amsl) and is approximatelyparallel to boththe degradationsurfacesand the Waipara River floodplain. Between 1.4 and 1.6 km from the anticline hinge the aggradationsurface begins to increasein elevation,reachinga maximum elevation of 85.2 m (amsl), at a distanceof 0.3 km from the hinge.This local differential uplift and the resulting tilt on the Omihi Surface appearsto directly reflectgrowth and developmentof the anticline immediately west of the surface(Figure 1). By assumingthat the Omihi Surfacewas initially horizontalin the plane of the profile, a reasonableassumptiongiven that the surfaceprobably developedowing to southwardaggradationand the profile is orientedeast-west,then it is possibleto calculate the amount of local uplift at any point along the surface.The amountsof uplift are calculatedrelative to the Waipara Syncline hinge (the lowestpoint in the structure),which is assumedto represent the point of zero local (or relative) uplift and to range Mound Locality The Mound locality is a loess-mantled remnant of TeviotdaleSurface[Wilson, 1963] which rises approximately 25 m above the younger and laterally extensive Canterbury Surfaceof late last glacial age (Figure 6a). The flanks and top of the Mound are characterizedby remnantsurfaces,which are tilted to the east.Below the CanterburySurface,Waipara River degradationhasresultedin the developmentof a seriesof terrace surfaces,which step down to a large (approximately 20 m) vertical river bank scarpabovethe present-day floodplain. Exposedin this scarp,immediatelybeneaththe Mound, is a sequenceof gravel units which displays increaseddeformation with age.Terraceheights and a sectiondiagram are plotted in Figure 6a, which is constructedalmostperpendicularto the strike of local folding. Figure6a clearly illustratesthe presenceof an asymmetric anticline, with westwardvergence, developed within the se- quenceof gravelsof presumed lateQuaternary age.This structure was identified by Wilson [1963] and appearsto be the northern continuationof a fold with a similar geometry imaged severalkilometers to the south in seismic line 1A of Kirkaldy and Thomas[1963]. The seismicallyimagedfold is 1336 NICOL ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY % i I I I I I i I (Ismem) UoT. le,Xai3 NICOL ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY o -8 -8 o 1337 1338 NICOL ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY closely associatedwith a reverse fault that displaces the steepestlimb of the asymmetricfold. We therefore infer that folding at the Mound Sectionreflects the presenceof a macroscopicreversefault at depth (crosssection,Figure 1). The post-Canterburyterrace surface(T3) with its thin veneer of degradationgravels appearsundeformed(Figure 6a). Its strath at the anticlinal hinge unconformably overlies severelyshearedpre-Canterburyweatheredgravels;whereas, immediatelyeither side of the anticline, the post-Canterbury gravel strath overlies Canterbury gravels paraconformably. Similarly, the Canterburyterracesurface(T2) acrossthe anticlinal structurealso appearsundeformed,but aggradational gravelsbeneaththis surfacethin perceptibly acrossthe hinge. Beneath the Canterbury gravels, two older gravel units are recognized and display variable dips in the vicinity of the anticlinal hinge but become increasingly parallel short dis- tances oneithersideof thehinge.Intense foldingandshort- ening areconfined toanarrow zone which extends upto 200- 300 moneither side ofthe anticline hinge. The disparityin dip betweenundeformed and deformed gravel unitsattheMound Section could result if therateof deformationhas remained relatively constantsince deposition and the age of eachdeformedgravel unit is markedly different from the age of gravelsassociatedwith undeformedterrace surfaces.The inference of late Quaternary deformation is supported by the geometry and inferred age of a preCanterburyterrace surface (T1, Figure 6a), located immediately east of the Mound, where its elevation relative to the underlying T2 terrace declines to the east until the two surfaces converge. East of this point, the T1 terrace is not preservedand appearsto have been buried by the youngerT2 and T3 terracedeposits(Figure 1). Tilting of T1 terrace is consistent with that of the underlying pre-Canterbury gravels, but T1 is coveredby at least one loess sheet (approximately 3 m thick), thepresence ofwhich implies anageofatleast 20-30 kyrold.This loess sheet canbetraced east from theanticline where itdips beneath the Canterbury gravel strath. Wetherefore concludethatthe sequenceof variouslydeformedgravel unitsareindeedsignificantly olderthantheundeformed terrace surfacesand their associatedgravels. The similarity in orientationof terracesT2 and T3 suggeststhat these two sur- facesarenotsignificantly different in age. Soils developedon the T2 terraceexhibit an unexpected range ofprofilemorphologies (Figure6b).Someprofiles exhibiteda highdegreeof development, as evidenced by sec- ondary clay redistribution (argillic pallic soils), whereas othersoilsareclearlylessdeveloped(younger)and indistinguishablefrom those of the uppermostdegradationterrace T3 (orthic brown soils). The variations in soil development suggest that the Waipara River was either aggrading during the late Holocene or maintained a similar grade and elevation, possibly throughout thelastglacial maxima andextending intothemid-Holocene. In either case theWaipara River formeda broadaggradational fan (Canterbury Surface)that wascharacterized bya series ofback-filled channels ofvarying age that are accordantin height. If this is the case, then age estimates fortheCanterbury aggradation surface may need toberevised downward. • •Oo NI½OL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY 1339 Uplift Rates synclineimmediatelyeastof the marineterracesis offshore andthe Waipara Syncline,which plungesgently to the SSW, is spatiallyremovedfrom the uplift data. For the proposesof The rates of uplift calculated on the Omihi Surface at Glenray must be regardedas relative or local values, which this work we have assumedthat the base of the fold-enveloping surfaceis approximatelyhorizontalbetweenWaipara and the coastlineand use a range of minimum structure contour valuesfrom-250 to -650 m. This range representsvalues in provideinformationaboutdeformationassociatedwith folding. To derivean estimatefor the total uplift, a componentof regionaluplift mustbe addedto theselocal values[cf. Ghani, 1978]. To relatethe Glenray datato the total uplift (i.e., to calculate the local and regional componentsof uplift), we have independentlyanalyzeduplifted marineterraces(M1 - M3) preservedat the Pacificcoasteastof the studyarea(Figure7). Marine terrace elevation and age data are from Yousif [1987]. The lowest marine terrace (M1) forming the coastal plain to the eastof the studyarea, thoughnot directly dated, wasassigned anageof approximately 60 ka (6•80,stage3). This age is based on the presenceof two overlying loess units,separated by a weak paleosol,andAokautereAsh within the upperloessunit [Kohn, 1979].The ageof theM1 terraceis consistentwith marine terrace data from Wanganui [Pillans, 1985, 1988] which similarly show the approximately 60-kyrold Rakaupiko marine terrace overlain by two loess units. While there is little direct evidencefor the age of the two re- mainingandmore elevatedmarineterraces(M2 and M3), ages of c. 80 and 100 kyrs, respectively,are inferred using the sea level data of Chappell and Shackleton [1986] and produce uplift valueswhich are consistentwith the fold structurecontour data, as well as M1 uplift rates (Figures 7 and 8). In Figure7 the locationsand inferredagesof the marine terraces are plottedon a structurecontourmap constructedon the base of the Pliocene(baseof the Kowai Formation),modified from Wilson [1963]. A positive relationshipexistsbetweenuplift ratesand structurecontourvalues. To quantify th',srelationship,the uplift rate is plotted againststructureccntourvalue for eachlocation(Figure8). The uplift ratesappearto be intimatelyrelated to the underlyingfold geometries(see also, Yousif [1987]). Wellman[1971], Ghani [1978] and $uggate [1987] have documentedsimilar relationshipselsewherein New Zealandand concluded that the spatial distribution of uplift wasrelatedto the positionof foldspreservedin the underlyingTertiarystrata.Similarly, the Waipara data also suggestthat the incrementalfold-relateduplift is in accordwith the total finite shortening,from which it is infen'edthat a significant componentof the measurablefolding developedduring the currentphaseof regionaldeformation(i.e., within the Pleistocene).We concludethat, locally, the pattern of uplift principallyreflectsgrowthof the underlyingfolds. If it is assumedthat the range of marine ten'aceuplift rates (1.36-2.16m/kyr) reflectsprincipallythe locationof the terracesrelativeto the folds, then the points of zero local uplift (i.e., macroscopicsynclinehinge zones)and maximum total uplift (i.e., macroscopic anticlinehinge zones)can be located and their values estimated.However, because not all structure contourshave been sampled,the linear relationship determinedin Figure8 (line b) mustbe extrapolated to the highest and lowest structurecontourvalues, assuminga constant line gradientto estimatethe completerange of uplift rates. The maximum structurecontour estimateis derived by sampling from the structurallyhighest point on the Cass Anticline (structurecontourapproximately 890 m), while determining the minimum structure contour value is more difficult, as the the WaiparaSynclineadjacentto the CassAnticlinemaxima and is usedto calculatethe estimatedminimum uplift. At the intersection of these structure contour estimates and the sta- tistical line of bestfit (Figure 8, line b), two uplift valuesare inferred,a minimumof 0.68-1.20 + 0.2 m/kyr and a maximum of 2.68 + 0.2 m/kyr.Theseuplift rate estimatesare an orderof magnitudelarger than thosederivedby Wellman[1979] for the sameregionbut are in broadagreementwith uplift rates calculatedimmediatelyto the north [Ota et al., 1984] and southwest[Cowan, 1992a]. The maximum value, 2.68 + 0.2 m/kyr, is inferredto approximatelyequalthe maximumuplift rate for the region betweenWaipara and the coast(i.e., the coastalranges).The minimum uplift rate is regardedas the lowestlocaluplift rate.At the locationof minimumuplift the local component of uplift is approximatelyzero and the total uplift is approximately equalto the regionalcomponent. The regionalcomponent of uplift at Waiparais thereforeinferred to be between0.68 and 1.20 m/kyr, and local uplift may accountfor up to approximately55-75% of the total. However, the component of local uplift in the total is expectedto decline significantlywestwardas the regionaluplift associated with theAlpine Fault and development of the SouthernAlps increases. A comparison of the uplift ratesfor the Omihi surfaceand marineterraces(Figure8, linesa and b) illustratesa disparity betweenthesetwo data setswith respectto the structurecon- tourvalues;wherefor a given rangeof structurecontourvalues,the OmihiSurfaceuplift ratesaregreaterthanthoseof the marineterraces.Sucha disparitywouldbe expectedif the uplift ratesof the Omihi Surfacewere high (relativeto the average rates of uplift for this part of the fold) during the Holocene.Locally high uplift ratescouldhavebeen induced by southwardpropagationof the Omihi Fault and a corre- spondingwestwardmigrationof the range front into the Waipara valley. The presentanalysisof uplift hastwo importantimplicationsfor improvingourunderstanding of the analysisand interpretationof uplift in areasof active folding.Previously, the analysisof uplift in New Zealandhas mainly been confinedto areaswheregeomorphicmarkersurfaces,suchas marine and fluvial terracesof known age, are present.Although extremelyuseful,this has obviouslimitationsbecausethese surfaces areusuallyof limitedextentandare rarelypreserved in areasof greatestuplift. We suggestthat the analysispresentedin Figure8 mayformthebasisof a techniquedesigned to produce upliftratecontourmapsin areaswherelimiteduplift dataare available.The accuracyof suchuplift mapswould dependon the errorsassociated with the uplift and structure contourestimates,the correlationcoefficientof the two vari- ables,andproximityof themapto the raw data.It is possible thatthesemapswill providea first approximation to uplift patterns ona regional scale(50-100km2),although in areas wheretemporalchanges in the uplift rateshaveoccurred the mapcouldrequiremodification. We mustalsoadda caution- 1340 NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE Estimated range ofstructure contour values -250 to-650 mN. /' /' Waiv•a .- •-. AREA OF NORTH <5,5//,,.O' ß/ 07• O•./ .' / •,'z z7 ./ •t• •.•' CANTERBURY •' • .••. 1.•, • .-• • ,'• • 170•-•'•",'• • • IN WAIPARA /' c)4•.•?'e• ZI./ /o7 /' A?, • /' /' 6 / •A•. _' FOLDING ß• '• Ss•ated struct•e '•--17501...... ..-' ..-'' __-2. . ,'/.',,, ,•.--- l•ut--... ... -.. ,,Yo•sff•./ ........ • .... ''' .--''' ..-''' 1.67 • ,' (198• •-'' •Ul ... ... • '. 2.14 . ,,,,.-,•. /,'z-.... ...._IE•'' '•4Z• UPLIFTEDFEATU • ,,,,',,t,','•" ......... 7_ ..... '--Z:? 1. /I[ .1.83 12+2 fluvial terrace ,,/: ,,.... 75-.... - ka ,•_,' ,' b'.' ,' .' TE•OTDALE •x / /up• rate (m/kyr) / • •,"',.' ,',,' •,.'',,' .__ •_ ••, •/ • kyr- UpPed ,'•,'/ ''. .... •w•CL•' •1.85c.M1 , .• •' .' •.'. t•KAIEA •*?•7• ' --q 8•/ •1.67 • marine "•"-' • •--'" • "•'• •1.93 c. 80 kyrterraces • / , . 1.67 1.50 1.43 •_. N • • •• -----•' • •, ß • ', ........ 0 I.. I • • . • '- -'' • , ,, • • '• ß • - - -. •1.58 • _• • M3 c.100kyr SY•OLS ''".1.3•'''/'• ._IC OCEAN ,•/" .Reverse Fold •al trace fa•t or th•st St•ct•econto• Figure 7. A comparisonof the spatial distributionof uplift rates, derived from both fluvial and marine terraces,and fold locationsas indicatedby structurecontourvalues. The structurecontoursare constructedon the baseof the Pliocene(baseof the Kowai Formation)and are modifiedfrom Wilson [1963]. Uplift ratesare indicatedin metersper kyr next to eachupliftedterracefeature.See text (Uplift Ratessection)for furtherexplanation. ary note concerninguplift rates derivedfrom areasof active folding,particularlywherethe ratesof regionaluplift are relatively small. It is quite clear that, locally, uplift rates vary considerably.In this study, uplift rates are inferred to range from 0.68 to 2.68 m/kyr acrossthe active folds in the coastal ranges.To derive a rate of uplift, locally, as would be the case for most marine or fluvial terrace data, and to use this value in a regional analysis of uplift could producemisleading resuits. Therefore extreme caution should be exercised when comparingratesof uplift spatially without an understanding of wherethe uplift estimateswere derivedrelative to the local fold structures. Timing and Strain Rates of Deformation Althoughthereis stratigraphicevidencefor tectonicactivity in North Canterburyduring the Miocene and Pliocene [e.g., Andrews, 1963; Wilson, 1963; McCulloch, 1981; BrowneandField, 1985], it appearsunlikely that measurable faulting and folding began prior to the early Pleistocene [Nicol, 1992; Cowan, 1992a, b]. This early Pleistoceneage representsthe upperage limit of the Kowai Formation,which based on outcrop scale observationsis everywhere conformablewith the underlying formations at similar locations with respectto the macroscopicfolds. It has been suggested thereforethat the onset of measurabledeformationpostdates deposition of much of the Kowai Formation [Nicol, 1992]. This formationis everywherepoorlydated,but upperparts of the unit are inferredby severalworkers[Wilson, 1963; Gregg, 1964; Browne and Field, 1985] to be Nukumaruan (approximately 1.4 o 2.4 m.y. old [see Pillans, 1990]). Conservatively,this would place the onset of deformationat an age youngerthan 2.4 m.y. Data collectedduringthis study suggestthat the development of faults and folds may be as young as approximately 0.5-0.8 m.y. Two independentsetsof data supportthis conclusion.Firstly, by using the rates of shorteningderived at the Fault Bank locality and extrapolatingtheseback in time (assuminga constantrate of shortening),all of the deformation observed within the Kowai Formation can be achieved in NICOL ET AL.' ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY 1341 u • 6 --L• o o o • o o ß o o LG LG i LG t",, i c) 1342 NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA approximately 0.62 + 0.10 m.y. (Table2). A secondestimateis derived from the 1340 + 250 m structural elevation difference betweenthe CassAnticline and Waipara Synclineand a differentialuplift rateof 1.74 + 0.5 m/kyr (2.68-0.94). By assuming that the rate of differential uplift acrossthe folds was constant for the duration of deformation, we estimate that folding was initiatedbetween0.5 and 1.3 m.y. ago. Althoughboth calculations require assumptionsthat are likely to representoversimplifications,we suggestthat, collectively,thesedata provide a basis for first approximationof the onsetof deformation. We favor a first-orderage of 0.8 + 0.4 m.y. for the onset of deformationin this part of North Canterbury.Similar ages have been inferred for the initiation of rapid uplift of the North Island axial ranges[e.g., Ghani, 1978; Beu et al., 1981] and the West Coast, SouthIsland [Nathan et al., 1986]. These agedatasuggestthat a dramaticincreasein the rates of shortening and uplift occurredalong much of the plate boundary in New Zealand within the last 1 m.y. Our age data are combined with shortening estimates (approximately6%), measuredalong the base of the Kowai Formation from the crosssectionin Figure 1 and structural contoursin Figure 7, to derive strain rates acrossthe coastal ranges.A shortening rate of approximately 0.8 + 0.4%/100 kyr is calculated,a value intermediatebetween the rates determined at the Fault Bank (5.57%/100 kyr) and Glenray (0.15%/100 kyr) localities. About 1 km of absoluteshortening has occurredacrossthe coastalrangesat Waipara over a distanceof 16-17 km, at an averagerate of approximately1.4 + 0.6 m/kyr. This rate representsonly a small proportion of the predictedplate motion vector of about 38 m/kyr [De Mets et al., 1990], as is to expectedon the edgeof the plate boundary zone. However, immediately to the north and west of Waipara, shortening of 10-20% is more common [Nicol, 1991], and assumingthat the deformationis not significantly older, ratesof shorteningof 3-5 m/kyr may be more representative. Influence of Deformation Stratigraphy on Cover Bed and Geomorphology Although folds appear locally to have developed in responseto faulting at depth, the predominanceof folds at the surface and the way in which deformation is laterally distributed by folding have a profound influence on surfaceprocesses.Active folding plays an integral part in establishing the distribution and morphology of both geomorphic surfaces and associatedcover beds of varying ages in North Canterbury. As tectonic uplift is closely related to folding, so, too, must the spatial distribution of erosion and sedimentationbe significantly influenced by folding. Throughout North Canterbury,anticline hingesare marked by eroding ranges or ridges, while synclinesare coincident with valleys or basins that contain late Pleistoceneaggradationgravels. These gravels often form angular discordancesof 2-30 ø with Tertiary bedrock(e.g., at the Fault Bank locality,Figure4), which suggeststhat the onsetof sedimentationpostdatedthe initiation of folding and shortening.Therefore the gravels are necessarily younger than 0.9 + 0.4 m.y.; at the Fault bank locality, AREA OF NORTH CANTERBURY sedimentationis inferredto postdatethe onsetof deformation by ab.out 0.5 m.y. Similarly,the coastalrangeseastof Waipara must be older than the oldestvalley fill, which from the Fault Bank locality appearsto be approximately 100 kyr. Where observedbedrock/late Pleistocene gravel contactsinvariably dip toward adjacent synclines, Quaternary cover beds are thickest above the active synclinal fold hinges and thin toward the anticlinal hinges.Evidencefor this is provided by the absenceof Quaternarydepositson or adjacentto the anticlines and by the absenceof bedrock along the banks of the WaiparaRiver within eachof the synclines.The height of the first terrace above the southbank of the Waipara River suggeststhat Quaternarygravel depositsreach a thicknessof at least20-30 m. By extrapolatingthe dip of the bedrockstrath surfaceto the syncline hinges it is estimated that, locally, gravel thicknessesmay reach maximum values of 80-140 m above synclinehinges(Figure 1, crosssection). Geomorphicsurfacesexaminedduringthis study appearto have formedwithin the last 100 kyr and are young relative to the ageof onsetof deformation.Owing to active folding, fluvial surfacesof >10 kyr are mostoften preservedon the flanks of anticlines. Local evidence for burial of fluvial sin'faces closeto synclinesis providedat the Mound Section,wherea loess-covered surfacepassesbeneatha degradationsurfaceof youngerage (Figure 6a). Conversely,late Pleistocenecover beds and fluvial terraces are currently being uplifted and erodedalong the Waipara rangefront. Below the Omihi aggradationsurface,flights of degradation terracesstepdownto the presentWaipara River floodplain. The degradationsurfacesare generallycharacterized by rudimentary stony soil profiles which strongly suggest late Holoceneage. Two radiocarbondates,eachof about1 kyr B. P. also suggestthat most of these degradationsurfacesare of late Holoceneage.At Waiparathe Waipara River has downcut approximately20 m in the last 1 kyr, which would requirean averagedowncuttingrate of 2 m/100 years over this period. The reasonfor this period of rapid downcuttingis not clear, althoughit may be that river incisionwas triggeredby uplift associatedwith the last fold growth event on the adjacentanticline. If this is so,thenthe questionremainsas to why there is little evidenceof previous Holocene downcuttingevents along this part of the Waipara River. Few data are presently availableto addressthisproblem,and we cannotdiscountthe possibility that close to the Waipara Synclinethe Waipara River hasexperiencedperiodsof bothaggradationand degradationduringthe Holocene.Rapid late Holocenedowncutting requires that despite continued deformationthe Waipara River remained at or close to the level of the late Pleistocene aggradationsurfacefor possiblyas long as 10 kyr. It is also reasonableto speculatethat rapid downcuttingof the Waipara River duringthe late Holocenemight havebeeninfluencedby two narrow, structurallycontrolled gorges that confine the river on either sideof the Waipara Syncline and control rates of sediment flux. Conclusions Rates of folding in the Waipara area during the late Quaternaryaremeasured using tilted and uplifted fluvial terraces, marine terraces,and cover beds. Our data suggest that NICOL ET AL.: ACTIVE FOLDING IN WAIPARA the spatial and temporal distribution of deformation is variable. The highest rates of deformation occur along the Waipara range front, where bedrockdeformation is most intense.Shorteningrates reach up to 5.57 + 0.69%/kyr and average 0.8 ñ 0.4 %/ 100kyr acrossthe coastalranges.This average is indicative of an absolute shorteningrate of 1.4 + 0.6 m/kyr, which representsonly a small proportion of the predictedplate motion vector in this region but may increaseto 3-5 m/kyr immediately to the north and west. Uplift rates rangefrom 0 to 1.83 m/kyr for a late last glacial fluvial terrace and from 1.36 to 2.16 m/kyr for three marine terraces. Both fluvial and marine terrace uplift rates vary in accordwith the geometriesof folds in the bedrock, and the spatial pattern of uplift directly reflects fold growth. In these circumstancesa first approximationto the spatialpattern of uplift may be derived from the structure contour pattern of beds across the folds. Fold-related differential uplift accounts for up to approximately 55-75% of the total uplift and has produced References Alloway,B. V., B. J.Pillans,A. S. Sandhu,and J. A. Westgate,Revision of the marine chronologyin the WanganuiBasin, New Zealand, based on the isothermalplateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons, Sediment.Geol., 82, 299-310, 1993. Alloway,B. V., D. J. Lowe,tL P. K. Chan,D. Eden,and P. C. 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