Gendered Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament Workshop 1 21st February 2008 Paul Hirst Room, 10 Gower Street, Birkbeck College, University of London 10:30am – 5:00pm Minutes of Open Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions Attendees: Joni Lovenduski - Chair (JL), Shirin Rai (SR), Georgina Waylen (GW), Sarah Childs (SC), Kala Williams (KW), Bairavee Balasubramanian (BB), Faith Armitage (FA), Carole Spary (CS), Rosa Malley (RM), Surya Monro (SM), Victoria Hasson (VH) A re-ordering of the Agenda was agreed in order to ensure the full participation of group as follows: 2. Working Online (Blogs/ E-Portfolios/ Website/ Forums) KW discussed website features available (e-Portfolios, Blogs and the forum). SM and VH re-iterated the use of the forum as a private workspace for the group and highlighted the forum as a method to flag up access issues to certain materials. The challenges of using End Note were also discussed. 1 Agreed: e-Portfolios would be a more useful tool for the researchers and students. Ongoing security of the website was to be maintained with the group making use of other electronic communication methods where the website was not appropriate. Develop a working papers section on the website as research progressed with said papers being filtered through KW for publishing to the public. Expert guidance needed to be sought on how to best work across different sets of bibliographical data in End Note. 3. Advisory Board and Associates GW informed the group that Shireen Hassim had agreed to be a member of the Advisory Board. Agreed: Additional programme associates for the programme would be recruited as intellectual sources. Details of potential associates be sent through to the KW as soon as possible. 4. Research Designs and Planning It was decided that it was important for the Fellows to document the overlapping areas throughout the three research designs , highlighting any differences in approach. It was noted that it is important for the research to be narrowed down in focus in order to ensure thorough and more valuable output as time progressed with due recognition 2 given to the differences between the expected outcomes of the Fellows as opposed to the PhD students. Agreed: The Wroxton conference in July is an opportunity for conceptualising and defining Ceremony and Ritual. Working papers to be presented at the Wroxton would be delivered firstly at the GCRP June workshop by the Fellows. Working papers were to give significant bearing highlighting key content to generate ideas and solicit interest. The time line presented in the India design was to be mirrored by the other teams. 5. Planning of Workshop and Conference It was confirmed that the second workshop would take place on the 12th of June 2008 at Birkbeck College. Speakers to be invited: Emma Crewe, Meg Russell, Molly Andrews and Nirmal Puwar. October 2008 GCRP conference would span 1 ½ days with ½ day allocated to having an Advisory Board Meeting using the plenary or round table formats for delivery at the conference. Agreed: There would be three events per year throughout the programme with smaller workshops being held in February and June and a larger conference in October bearing in mind the expected Leverhulme Trust visit in October 2009 which could take a different format. 3 6. Any Other Business (including protocol for communication) The Protocol for Communication was approved. Business cards were requested by the researchers and students. KW agreed to circulate samples and process urgently. A record keeping and general procedures checklist for the project was requested for the Programme Leads. In response to the request for a book grant for the PhD students, KW informed the group that the budget made no allowances for such expenditures; additional funding applications were discussed as an option to meet these costs. 7. Closed Agenda (Minutes produced separately) 4 GCRP WORKSHOP 1 – ACTIONS ACTION Names of Programme Associates to be submitted to KW. Letters to be sent to agreed Associates ASAP. Names of October Conference panellists to be submitted to Programme Manager End Note support to be contacted to determine challenges presented by the group with feedback to be given accordingly. Central research method document to be designed and circulated highlighting overlapping domains, definitions of ceremony and rituals and identifying differences in theoretical approach. Working Papers Cover Sheet to be designed Working papers for the Wroxton Conference to be presented at the next workshop in June for feedback. Mock up of Business Cards should be circulated for feedback and printing. BY WHOM DATE FOR COMPLETION COMMENTS 13.03.08 KW All Programme Leads 14.03.08 14.03.08 KW CS, SM, FA 31.03.08 KW 10.06.08 12.06.08 CS, SM, FA KW ASAP 5